Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1977, p. 6

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tho examiner Frlday May 271911 The new executive of the Simcoe entre Woiiien Institute was installed at the 75th annual meeting held at Knox Presbyterian Church trossland Front row left Mary Kitsemetry secretaryvtreasurer Bernice Drinkill prtsi dent Muriel lacobs board director of district Id of the Situ coe ounty Womens Institute Back roszva Tuck past president Marion Iute second vicepresident Nora Knuff first vicepresident and Alice French public rela tions Examiner Photo Understanding been lacking in Canadas past teacher English and French speaking Candians dont try to understand one another and understanding is the only way to waid off separation says Keith Rossel head of the history department at Elmvale District Iligh school The threat of separation is one of series of events which has been building up for long time he said Tuesday in an interview In all the crises in anadas past the common problem has been lack of our derstanding Rossel was invited to speak to the 75th annual meeting of Simcoe entre District Womens Institute at Ino Presbyterian hurch trossland More than 81 represen tatives of 13 branches in the district attended He said in the interview that Canadians are divided into three groups those who say let them go those who oppose separation and those who dont care Lets just hope the last group isnt the majority he said Rossel says he opposes separation because anada could not retain its identity with the American influence as strong as it is TAKING PlE Understanding french and Englishspeaking cultures in Canada is taking place with younger people now mainly through programs such as student exchanges The best way to limit prejudice is to expose people to different cultures and that is what is happening he said Ilope for tanada surviving as whole is with the young people he said He said since the Quebec election the threat of separation has been topic of concern in history classes at school think the students realize the significance of the problems trossland VI was host of the meeting Simcoc ounty dairy priir ess Brenda Simpson from Oro Township spoke about her visits to schools and how she explains the dairy business to them Mrs Sam Allen celebrated tltt years with New llo Womens Institutc May has she Ll cn on years totlieWI It offers variety of in terest ing net it ics to women shc said She grew up in New Flos and Joined the Voiiicns Inr stitutcin May litltt IUItlittl HHK The was doing loi of good work overseas during the war she said Shc has bwn life member folflltyctirs Womens institute offers Conveners and auditors were chosen for projects of the Sini coe entrc Womens Institute at the annual meeting held in rossland Front row left Verona lsher auditor Mae Tuck conventr of education and culture Esther Johnston curator of Twecdsmuir History Mrs Sam Allen coinencr lot to young women today because of the variety of ac tivitics she said For Home and otintry is the motto of the organiation formed in 1897 by itlilllt Iloodless The first was formed in Saltfleet Township Vcn tworth ounty and is now known as Stoiiey rcck Womens Institute Illucating women is its prime aim lrs lloodless made it the first priority when her son died after drinking impure milk lomcu wcrc then taught how to sterilic milk says Mrs Iit IVLIck ltitl president IroJects of tlic Voiiicns Institutes now iiicltidc education culture and current ev cut INST lIS lIXlCtl Il If lane Sills liouic economist for the ministry of agriculture and tood or Nor tli Simone tiisnlicd Ylic nvt executive itlllltt KEITH ROSSEL guest speaker fairs Esther Johnston curator of History Mrs convcncr of family Itrtnkili president replacing liya luck Mary Kitsciiictitt is StCItllllylltflllltl luricl Jacobs is board illt1tll for Sam Allan affairs Erma ox district it of Simcoc toiiit world affairs iracc Mar Womens Institute Marion cclltis assistant iiiratoi liitcscciindncipztwiilct sliirlcv ltolnilmri iliditoi Nora Knuft lllsl Icc liflleltl filliltft assistnn picsidiiit lc licic iiirtoi ot lwccdsintiii publicrelationsotfmci History lgirw Sagi Vcioiia lslni auditor tttltllttltH of ILllttlltlllt Mac Tuck education and ttlinlltl ot rcprcwntattw and cultural at Hall ItStdlllltilh of consumer and family affairs Back row Erma coit yencr of citizenship and world affairs trace Marcellus assistant curator Shirley Robertson auditor Margaret Ritchie assistant curator of Tweedsinuir llistory Marie Sage federation of agriculture representative udrey Ilall resolutions Examiner Photo ltfllllllll consumer and coiivciici of tltltllnlllll and iidrcy First grads invited to anniversary ceremony This year will mark the tenth time that students of Georgian College will assemble to re ceive certificates and diplomas when more than 500 fulltime day students will be honored at formal convocation ceremonies to beheld in Barrie Orillia and Owen Sound On Saturday students of the Applied Arts Business and Iechnology Divisions of the Barrie Campus will be grad uated during two separate ceremonies to be held in the College Theatre At am students of the pplied Arts Division will be honored and at pm second convocation will be held for Business arid graduates As special highlight this Technology year the first graduates of the College have been invited to at tend the ceremonies as guests of honor The original seven who graduated from the Medical Secretarial Program at the col leges first convocation in 1968 have been invited to attend the pm Business and Technology Convocation The seven are Elaine Anne Wismer Burton of Sherwood Park Alta and formerly of Bradford Carol Anne McLay Cameron of Lions Head Ruth Ann Hunking Hunter of Richmond Hill and formerly of Hornings Mills Barbara Ann Isbester Bourgeois of Aylmer Quebec and formerly of Wiarton Janice Elinor Machan of Toronto and formerly of Barrie Madeleine Andree Segond of Orillia and Sharon Blanche Weeks of Orillia In Orillia at pm on Satur day June convocation ceremonies will be held in the Twin Lakes Secondary School for all Ilealth Sciences graduates except Diploma Nurses In Owen Sound at pm on Friday June 10 diplomas and certificates will be presented to graduates of the Applied Arts Business and Technology Divi sions At 230 pm July 24 Diploma Nursing graduates from Bar rie Orillia and Owen Sound will assemble at ceremonies being held in the Barrie Campus Theatre Traditional Polish dancing The young people of the HarrieAngus Branch of the Polish Alliance of faiiiidii demonstrated traditional Polish dancing for their parents and friends attending With illlv iiiyersary celebration Saturday at the IIiiiliassy all More than 334 guests attended Ied Sryperski was master of ceremonies Examiner Photo Jaycees receive awards at central region convention The iillltt Jaycees and layccttes received several awards it the recent central region ltittVtIlllOIl held in trillia lhc layccttcs woii tlic liltic liip top award for unit tiititttigttiittit growth iiid Olll munity involvement They also earned flll in publications and certificate of merit for hristianSiiiith lhc liltt took the mens ltluc hip and added to it first in award of excellence for unit involvement tllSt in public relations it first in membership and extension seconds If community dcvclop mcnt fund raising and mom mic affairs ill honorablc Illtli lion Ill ptlltlltiitltll and ll titlr outstanding unit in the rcgioi lreg Menu of tlic iariic Jaycees was namcd sparkpliic of the year and outstanding uni preisdiiet Don Vyvill of Harrie is elected rcgional director The central regiona convci tion asstiiiblcd Ll units people and places Arrival of baby La Lechc League of Ilariic north and south an organia tioii devoted to helping mothers nurse their babies will hold meeting June at it lit III at the home of hcryl Sheppard larric Topic will be Arrival of the baby the fainin in relation to the breastfed baby For information call Tit ttTlT or 72tivtttt7gtl Flea market The liaxtcr Womens ssociation will hold Flea Market and bazaar Satiir Folk singers front trade and ti at Sunnybrae School journeyed to the Masonit Lodge in Stmud this week to entertain group of senior citizens with Victoria Day program Among those to enjoy the musical stylings of the Sunny brae crew were Mrs Jessie Campbell center and Allan Todd president aml vicepresident Sunnybrae students entertain Lodge residents nspectively of Stroud senior citilens group 2X2 The entertainers were back row from left teacher Lynn Jones Beverly lust Judy Janiieson Nancy llrubaclier llilda Ilushey Louisa Mulliss Darlene Anstey and Karen Green cond row from left heryl Neely rystal Bryant Kristine Newman Melissa Martin Sara iiran Laurie Kuelini and Debbie Riselwough IIxaiiiiner Photo day from It iii to 54 at the iiaxtcr rangc llall Household goods furniturc clothing and great variety of tliothcr items will be for sale Anyone wishing to rent space please contact Mrs Fox at lllfrtutilft or Mrs Ecclcstonc at tit i338 anytime There will be refreshment booth and ad mission is free Anyone Wishing to donate articles to the association for the Itiiid raising table may contact lllt ili Flower show Vespra Horticultural Assixiation is having spring flower show Monday at it at Minesing Station oinmiinity Hall New executive ireg llenn was elected presi dent of the Barrie oncert Association at the annual meeting Tuesday night at the IIastview Secondary School He replaces Larry Labadic With him on the exccuti ve are Ierry Ilesser and Myrna Ihonipson vice presidents Jane Russell secretary Vern Stewait treasurer Iack Illll lips mncut chairman Ilrucc Owen artist selection chair man Eleanor Honey publici ty Lois Vellsman campaign chairman Edith Iircnch social Limited Tickets There are limited tickets available for the organ concert Sunday at 8pm featuring John Hart and lara Ilurmaster at Georgian theatre Tickets are being sold at Sam The Record Man and Dunlops ltll cntrc inthc Itnyticld Mall tttth Anniversary Mr and Mrs harlie Mills of Letitia St Harrie celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary May 24 Bottle Drive The boy scouts who will at tend the anadiaii Itoy Scouts Jamboree tlll summer in lrince Edward Island will hold bottle drivc Saturday to raise money for their trip The drive aill beheld iti all areas of tar rie Birth control and the media LONDON ilfttlltl It can be used III Iiiitaiii to sell cars beer and cigarcttts why cant it be used to sell con tiaccptives The question is asked by at angry young woman III tit booklet Advertising and on tiaceptivcs which Siiic llayman tlllltl tllc media for apparent priidcry lit the face of changing opinions in the rest of lllt world In society where seven out of to teenage brides irc prcg Hunt and where each year 2o ootttceii agcrs havi illegitiiiintc babies and approxunatcly tfio ooocliildrm are born unplannid iiid often unwanted have we the right to be eiiibairassed about continiccplion she asks Speaks on Iroquois On May lit National Film Board film was shown of the Iroquois Indians on the Six Nation Reserve at Brantford sponsored by the Bahai of Bar rie Ian Dowdell was the speaker at this public event held at the Municipal Savings ommunity room wen and Dtinlop Streets The film showed the people living on the reserve who are still observing the Indian religion and traditional prac tices Dowdell spoke on the life style of the IIOIIUOIS during the tfititis to lootis and the development of their religion uniting the Indian nations into the Iroquois onlederation which became very strong Uiroughout large portion of North Ameiica prior to the European influence Refreshments illltl lISttISiIOIl on the topic followed Ann Lander MYOB advice to Concerned Dear Ann Landers My brother and his girlfriend have seen going together for more than seven years Mary Ann is devout Catholic and Mark is Jewish but not very devout They are both in their late 205 and Mark is well off finan ially The problem is how they will raise their children It isnt hat Mark is so dedicated to the Jewish faith he just says he ioesnt want his children to be raised as gentiles Mary Ann feels this is very unfair under the circumstances Please dont tell me to MYOB Mark and Mary Ann are as eager for solution as amConcerned Dear Con Sorry but am going to tell you to MYOB This is not your problem If Mary Ann and Mark are in erested in my opinion they can write to me and get it If you were to go to them with Ann Landers said it would be considered interference by at least one of the par ties and he or she would be right Dear Ann Landers smoke and intend to continue Within reason The problem is that some people forget this is free country belong to bridge club One woman who also is longtime member gets on my nerves The minute cigarette comes into sight she says Dont smoke It hurts my throat If it hurts her throat why doesnt she drop out of the club Whenever there is problem the smoker is always expected to bow to the nonsmoker think this is terribly unfair Will you do all of us smokers big favor and comment pleaseNY Smoker Dear NY Why is the smoker always expected to bow to the nonvsmoker Because it IS free country The air be longs to everyone No one has the right to pollute it If an individual wishes to smoke he should be permitted to do so but only insofar as he does not interfere with the rights of others Laboratory tests have produced evidence that nonsmokers who bruith the air polluted by smokers for extended periods of time meetings card parties cocktail bashes etc are adversely affected by it urge all my readers to summon the courage when someone lights cigarette and asks Do you mind if smoke to say Yes DO mind Do as both favor and put it out Dear Ann Landers Ive asked this question of several people and have got several different answers No one seems to know for sure Please consult with your authorities and get me the correct information It means lot to me for reasons wont go into Is it possible for darksskinned tCaucasiani browneyed couple to have fairskinned blueeyed child7Need to Know Dca Need checked with Nobel Prizewinning geneticist His answer was It happens all the time So theres your answer right from the topof Mt Olympus Roseanne Mcggbg Cleaning up for big move Value is in the eye of the Junk collector And Junk collector have many valuables began packing the other day to move literally found my past ma bottom drawer Some of fill has to go IdHlfiHl Theres only one way to handle till you silt and separate When finished sifting had in the throwout pile two state bars of soap reply card RSVP before Jan three Re Shin booklets and various pairs of underwear that could not longer be worn even in an emergency The next step go through the piletokeep and again sift and separate This was painful and nostalgic When came to Barrie little more than year ago brought all my belongings including some little tokens had saved since was about 12 Sift sift sift came across an old pair of nylons Now these wereth Just any ordinary pair These were the old dark kind the kind girls used to wear with whitepolished running show FIRST llt II If RI The were in very firs pair of IL lotus wan runs The runs wcrv even more lglill lit The marked the time saved the gain for my Grade iastbal Iwas the best hnter and the fasfrsf runner Hi llpllti into slack one da after ghoul for mg game ll the girls wore slack over them nylons iher hey payed baseball stepped up to the plate My teammates cheered me or Feet braced apart liners bent lglamd at the pitcher garter snapped hit the firs pitch made to fllSi and second with no troubli lost another garter rounding third headed for home Slide slide hands slid into home plate Itylolh ind all And we won Those Sift cent souvcnirs were hard to throw out More garbage photographs Old test parkrs found trade math test marked it out of to retriemtxir my friends trying to Console me by saying you had to multiply that by into get the mark out of too OLD MONKEII ARDS Old Monkee cards Peter Paul and Mary song book for easy guitar all were meaningful btit space consuming Junk Value is in the eye of the Junk collector And as peered in at sonic shiny white glob on the botoni of the drawer sigh ed All that glitters is probalily some white iridescent nail poliin that lcaked Pollxs pointers Turpentine tackles spots DEAR POLLY would like to know how to remove some white paint from black Vinyl sofa JANICE DEAR JANICE Hardened specks of paint can be rather difficult to remove You might first try to see if some of them will come off with your fingernail rot ton tipped stick might also be dipped In turpentine and then applied to the specks After removing spots go over area With cotton dipped in clear water POLLY my teamrnnitrs called through cupped DEAR POLLY My Pet Ieeve is With the duty language we so often hear Why should well groomed man or Woman not be as proud of the words that come otit of his or Iier mouth as of their personal appearance Words mirror ones thoughts and thoughts shape that act that Will follow sooner oi later BESSIE DEAR POLLY Fran wanted to know how to remove crayon marks from wood paneling Iiad the same problem and my sisterinlaw suggested Just rubbing With dry cloth This Worked great for me and removes crayon marks from any surface that is SMOOTH and SHINY better than cleanser And theres no damage to the paneling LYDIA DEAR POLLY ampers or those With back yard swim ming pools often need dressing room simple one can be made by hanging large umbrella from tree branch and then booking plastic curtain to the tips of the umbrella ribs MELODY DEAR POLLY have arthritis in my knees so Wear oiin pants smts and slacks Instead of buying expensive tunics to go With them cut off some nice no longer worn dresses at hip length and then hem them They look nice with slacks for every day wear DEAR POLLY needed pair of einliroidei hoops htit had none so came up With an itlea of my own took the lid off round plastic margarine container and cut out the inner circle all the way to the outer edge and then cut off the hottolii of the dish so there was only piece left at the top that was about the Widtii of the cut off top rtln Put the tiiatertal over the bottom circli Snap the top one over it and have small hoops that work great MRS DEAR IOLLY When in cake recipe calls for chopped nut meats sprinkle pinch of flour through the nut meats or fruit and add to the batter last The nuts go through the cake and not to the bottom MRS El

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