maple treed close to lake and park good investment op accommodations to share 26 births 81 adoptions 82 boots motors 41 opts to rent 16 business opportunities O7 apts wanted to rent 18 camping equipment 56 articles for sale 40 articles to rent 43 articles wanted 42 auction sales 79 auto accessories 36 auto service and repairs 35 card of thanks 86 cars for sale 32 cars wanted 33 coming events 88 commercial sale or rent 09 construction machinery 55 01 property for sale 01 property for sole Quality Construction BthBy Lesaga Investments name you can depend on in Barrie imUXIHQY cottages to rent 27 cottages for sale 28 cottages wanted 29 deaths 85 dogs pets 44 employment wanted 76 engagements 83 exchange 48 forms for rent 06 forms for sale 05 01 property for sale Parklike Setting Across From St Vincent Park And Lake Simcoe CONDOMEVI UM HOMES These homes are expertly designed to suit person who appreciates quality construction spociousness proximity to boating swim ming shopping and quiet parkland Afew features include Large kitchens with sliding doors to balcony overlooking courtyard Separate dining room and separate living room bathrooms Garages with paved parking into and throughout courtyard acre parkland in rear suitable for future tennis court or pool Located at 17 St Vincent St near the bottom of Blake St and St Vincent Park Turn off Hwy 400 at Duckworth St south to bottom of St Vincent St ORTELLMmm 7R mullrm 112 HATFIELD ST BARRIE 7280674 TORONTO M6 889 0545 Unique California style home gardeners delight an IV acres breathtaking view overlooking Little Lake and surrounding coun tryside immediate possession 100 ft lakefront custom built home features huge master bedroom fireplaces guest apartment boat house marine railway located in prestige area Ora Priced to sell at $138500 was previously listed at$182500 To view by appointment only Professional space for lease Bayfield and Wellington St buildings under restoration to retain unique concept Interior to be designed to tenants specifications Base rent per sq ft at $485 net net Office and or professional space for lease prime ground floor area air conditioned building immediate occupancy in various sized units from 500 to 5000 sq ft as required leasing price $5 per sq ft net net LALL BRIAN MORTELL 7372064 My27 Real Estate Auction of Large Treed Lot in Resort Area SATURDAY JUNE 11 1977 at 200 pm for MRS MARGO LUCHKIW RR No Barrie in the Big Boy Point Area south of Barrie on Hwy No 11 to Palnswick and east on Con 13 lnnisfil Twp to Big Bay Point Rd and north V1 mile to Guest Rd then right at Edward Watch for sale signs parcel of land 210 frontage 175 depth suitable to be divided well drained portunlty Moderate reserve bid Terms $2000 deposit cash or cer tlfied cheque day of sale balance on closing 30 days For further In formation contact owner at 4361292 or 4363810 ALLEN HORNER AUCTION SERVICE 7054584589 SCL No My27Ju3IO $1 995 Down VTB luxury townhomes newly decorated over 1800 sq ft bedrooms finished rec room large kitchen with attached laun dry room baths 10 financing on full price $38900 235237 Steel Street Call 7371672 Juli Prices startfrom $49900 AND UP 7283030 Barrie 4166331215 Toronto Call collect anytime 01 propertyfor sale Ina£5 llMIllU iiiAllth Ave 3159311 OIIIM PIONEER HOME Log cabin house bedrms living rm kitchen plus stable hayloft 30 acres 15 acres bush 10 pasture acres gar den 1100 ft on serviced road Asking $38500 Call now for more information LOOKING FOR RETIREMENT HOME Here it is Located halfway bet ween Barrie Orillia bedr ms large living rm kitchen full finished basement Ex cellent gardening Call Wm Marsh for complete details Priced at $59900 COUNTRY LIVING On 16 acres beautifully treed close to golfing skiing on Horseshoe Valley Road bedrm chalet with sauna in ground pool double garage many extras For complete in formation call Mrs Bierkardt TWO WINTERIZED COTTAGES Each has livingrm kitchen bedrms pc bath All fur niture appliances included In purchase price Access to Lake Simcoe 100 yards Full price $36900 Call Bill Leatherdale HOBBY FARM Approx 93 acres of well wooded land on year round road Good trails for horseback riding snowmobiling hunting etc Asking price only $20000 Call ivan Card ONEWW TEL 7269933 ACREAGES Small acreage with good building site good hunting and fishing minutes from Barrie Asking $15900 053 Acres corner property in parklike condition with maples pines and creek Asking $44500 with terms Call Ron Jones 7269933 or 726 8997 MY27 SHANTY BAY WATERFRONT Private sale New custom built IV storey bedroom house an treed lot 220 225 in prestige area of permanent homes Cape Cod style brick house features beamed family room 18 24 with fireplace large kitchen dining area spacious entrance hall with circular staircase and many other extras Telephone 7282759 alter pm FSTF the examlner Frlday May 27 sen 17 77827414 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm WORD ADS pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMIDISPLAY 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am farm machinery 64 houses to rent lost found 70 opportunity for men women74 property for sole or rent 08 snowmobiles 38 farm machinery wanted 65 houses wanted to rent 19 lots for sale 04 pasture for sale 61 property management 08 space for rent 24 feed seed groin 60 in memoriams 87 market basket 66 posture to rent 62 property wanted 02 stamps and coins 45 financial 11 instructions 69 marriages 84 pasmre wanted 63 public notices 80 summer properties for sale 31 florist 39 insurance 10 mobile homes trailers 14 personals 68 resorts 30 swaps 46 fruits and vegetables 67 landscaping 53 money to loan 13 photography 49 room and board 21 teachers wanted 73 gorages 25 leasing 39 mortgages 12 plants and bulbs 52 rooms to ei 20 tenders 78 garden supplies 50 legal 77 motorcycles 37 poultry and chicks 59 rooms wanted 22 trade schools 75 help wanted 7t livestock for sole 57 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 sales help agents 72 trees and shrubs 51 home improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 office stores far rent 23 property for sale 01 service and repairs 54 trucks and trailers 34 01 propertyfor sale 01 property for sale 91 property for sale 01 property for sale illiillliilllililiiililiiillllllli LEPAGE iiIijirmiiinIrirrinjmilll LTOR 01 property for sale 91 property for sole IBEAUTIFUL RAISED BUNGALOW Finished rec room with fireplace 32 10 bedrooms walkout from kitchen garage Call Vicki 4872501 toll free DOUBLE CAR GARAGE Panelled rec room cross corner fireplace bedrooms with double clothes closets immaculate home Vicki 4872501 toll free INCOME DUPLEX $36500 completely separate bedroom apts Needs decorating but you can live in one apt very cheaply let the other pay your mortgage Call Muriel Jeffery 7266383 HILLSDALE $49500 Terrific bedroom family home baths laundry room dining room barn large garden Muriel Jeffery phone 7266383 STARTER HOME $33500 MINETS POlNT Beautiful bdrm bungalow broadloom cushion floor pc modern bath Only yrs old Simply super Call Muriel Jeffery 7266383 THORNTON $57900 Better Homes Garden Bungalow Very picturesque bedrm brick with dble garage fireplace Owner put only the best in this home Is transferred anxious to sell Call Muriel Jeffery for appt to view 7266383 Canada Trust Realtor 91 DUNLOP STREET EAST 7263261 ONTAR COUNTRY ESTATE acre lovely wooded property close to Nottawasaga River Home has double apts pc baths double fireplace double garage on all weather road with school buses at door Bill McCreary phone 7281865 FAMILY HOME $56500 Beautifully landscaped lot spotlesst clean double garage large family rec room plus living and dining room Bill McCreary phone 7281865 COUNTRY LIVING Large lot home has BRs large kitchen living room and dining room on main level with family room bar walkout to patio fireplace bedroom bath fireplace on lower level also double garage Bill McCreary phone 7281865 FAMILY HOME Located on bus route BRs large kitchen with dinette and large living room also pc bath living area with separate entrance Could be rented on lower level $49400 Bill McCreary phone 728 1865 $34200 HOME 3BR townhouse condominium with 12 baths single garage in ex clusive North St area close to downtown hospital and churches Bill McCreary phone 7281865 RAISE THE FAMILY ON THE FARM 50 acres with fine buildings In an excellent location only miles from Stroud and miles from Lake Simcoe For information contact Jack Slessor 7370011 or 7266280 ATTENTION HORSE LOVERS Going concern boarding stable well located on 50 rolling acres near highway No 400 Two storey early vintage house with panoramic view barns containing 35 box stalls Excellent water supply acres hardwood bush Asking $135000 Owner would con sider small house as part payment Jack Slessor phone 7370011 or 7266280 EXECQUALITY BUILT HOME bedroom brick bungalow in prestige area dream kitchen with builtins and walkout finished family room with fireplace attached double garage Cali Verna Mullin 7282875 HOBBY FARM Thinking of retiring See this 28 acre hobby farm in Beaver Valley bedroom storey insul brick home bank barn implement shed and hen house Call Verna Mullin 7282875 0s JUST REDUCED $4000 bedroom backsplit in Oro large eatin kitchen LR DR com bination high basement 15 blocks high on lot almost acre Now only $43900 Verna Mullin phone 7282875 SHANTY BAY $94900 HOME LANDSCAPING POOL BUSINESS Older restored brick home with fireplace pool income apart ment or can be large one family home Nearly an acre of Ian dscaped grounds Too many extras to tell Call for further in formation Muriel Jeffery 7266383 IOOACRE FARM Sunnidale Twp fronting on Hwy 26 House and born in reasonable condition Asking price $89000 Coll Jim Cancilla 7371597 or 737 X311 LAKE SIMCOE OF BARRIE 100 143 well treed lot Family sized bedroom cottage with pc both large living room with huge cutstone fireplace closed in par ch front ond back Safe beach for children Only $63000 My27 Peter Bracalente 726 3916 Bill McCreary 72B1865 STARTER HOME Jim Cancrllo 7371597 Verna Mullin 7282875 bedroom alum Sldlng bung close to beach on lot 75 200 well Enid Day 726 6904 Judy Pennett 7371264 decorated and maintained priced to sell at $44900 Call Verna Muriel Jeffery 7266383 Wayne Pennett 7371264 Mullin 7282875 Vicki Kent no toll 487 2501 Jack Slessor 7266280 COUNTRY LIVING bedroom brick veneer bungalow with self contained bedroom apt and attached double garage on beautiful acres of well treed land Call Verna Mullin 7282875 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Bayfield St BARRIE Ontario 7370011 LEA ROAD INNISFIL Lovely bedroom home with LR Hollywood style kitchen full basement attached garage an lot 73 232 Estate sale NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 gicgye EAST mm 1771 Tor Line 3608808 REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN Extremely well constructed and maintained Oro Waterfront home on 175 foot professionally landscaped lot on Lake Simcoe Many extras are included in the purchase of this property Call David Shelswell 4872389 ORO WATERFRONT Very attractive and well maintained property newly renovated Features large LR FP picture windows overlooking Lake Sim coe and double garage Very private Call David Shelswell 487 2389 $55900 NORTH END OF BARRIE Immaculate storey bedroom home featuring large treed lot baths professionally finished rec room with brick fireplace large cedar deck and double garage Call David Shelswell 4872389 My27 ATTENTION 1ST TIME BUYERS Start on the right foot live in the downstairs apt and collect the rent from the upstairs Both are bedrooms selfcontained Priced to sell at $39900 Call John Crawford BEDROOM storey family room and laundry room on the main floor Well worth viewing Call John Crawford 2900 SQ FOOT restored farm home on 65 acres in Oro Township This home has been finished with the best of materials from the basement up Call John to view this truly lovely home NEW HOMES ON LOVELY WOODE 7th and 8th conc just off the Lake mid $400005 Call John Crawford Mortgages Appraisals Consulting WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS SUPER STARTER $3400 dwril Detached bungalow eatin kitchen formal dining main floor laundry breezeway attached garage large lot workshop paved drive Super decorating Asking $34900 ORO FARM HOUSE $5000 dwn BDR century charm country sized kitchen LR stone FP parlor stone FP privacy plus Apple orchard huge lot 238 ISOI PRETTY AS PICTURE Only $50700 Enjoy this summer in your own room home with at tached garage on an extra large lot This home has sunny family sized eatin kitchen family room separate living and dining rooms and baths Located in lovely area in Barrie NEW LEVEL $49900 $4900 dwn Executive quality BDR dining area kitchen to deck large family room area cw ri FP central vacuum ri attached garage large lot Excellent area BACKSPLIT $46900 $4500 dwn BDR yr old detached Hollywood kitchen separate dining 21 12 LR den family room pc and pc bath excellentconditionI CHOICE ORO LOT $12500 VTB 8°s 100 159 OVICTORIAN FARM HOUSE 146 acres south of Barrie TWO STOREY basement treed lot $34900 RETIREMENT BUNGALOW brick Barrie $44000 03 EUR BUNGALOW Brentwood $30900 2500 SQ FT Rancher pond stream Cookstown WATERFRONT TAVERN acres Lake Simcoe CALL 808 HOCKLEY AT 7371771 OR 4240905 FOR INFORMATION ON ANY OF THE ABOVE PROPERTIES Vq lots in Oro Twp between the shore road Priced in the low to ONLY $32900 This bdrm townhome features attractive decorating enhancing soft gold broadloom It has 200 My27 Pbich Ta pblics ft living area attached ara My27 and has appliances included Jo Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 David Shelswell 4872389 Jim Cross 7262159 Sheila Simpson INVITATION OF PROPOSALS SEALED PROPOSALS principals only for the leasing of the property listed below addressed to the Regional Manager Finance and Ad ministration Department of Public Works 25 St Clair Avenue East 6th Floor Toronto Ontario M4T 1M3 and endorsed with the Project Name and Number will be received until 1500 hours on the specified closing date Proposal documents can be seen or ob tained through the office of the Director General Department of Public Works Ontario Region Tendering Office 6th Floor 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto Ontario LEASING No 044624 Leased Post Office Accommodation Stroud Ontario Approximately 2000 square feet of Post Office space is required for lease by December 1977 CLOSING DATE THURSDAY JUNE 23 1977 Deposit Nil deposit in the form of certified bank cheque in the amount of of the proposed annual rental or as otherwise specified in proposal documents payable to the RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA must accompany each proposal the amount will be returned if the proposal is not accepted or will be forfeited by the Proposer if the proposal is accepted and the Proposer fails to enter into an agreement Enquiries 4169665687 7262263 Wiiisou REAL ESTATE LIMITED MARSHALL ST With sport Kyak pool and equipment Immaculate two storey centre hall plan with main floor family room Beautifully landscaped fully fenced broadloom tastefully decorated many extras Asking $77900 Terrific buy Call Jane Young 7261938 or 7284717 No 1200 BUSHY ST ANGUS bedroom bungalow family room living room all on same floor Large lot Call Wilf Vezeau 7261938 or 4246358 MLS 900 CLASSIC SEMI Listed at $49700 Approximately 1200 sq ft broadloomed full basement garage Features walk out aluminum 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL PM SEMIDETACHED $42900 This 1200 sq it home is joined to the neighbour with only 20 wall in the entrance hall It features bedrooms large eatIn kitchen LR DR fully broaldloomed Full basement with partitioned rec room and roughed in FF and entrance to attached garage ASK ABOUT OUR Low interest second mortgages 90 day interest free bridge financing purchasing your home INSTRUCTIONS Proposals must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Depart ment and com leted in acc0rdance with the conditions set forth in facio and soflit quality construction $36000 mortgage at 10 he proposed chumenjs through canado Trus Con ran Rouse 7261933 7265407 MLS 923 The high or any proposoj noj necessarin occapjed JOANNE THOMSON 7287177 OUTSTANDING FAMILY HOME $78900 just listed this char Warren GRAHAM HOLLOWAY 7295 ming bedroom split level brick home with car garage Living room overlooks the garden walkout from dining room Kitchen with separate breakfast area Family room with fireplace plus much more Call Rita Scandrett 7261938 or 7284865 No 1213 My27 Regional Manager Finance Administration Ontario Region May 26 1977 My27 Read The Examiner to Buy