15 the examiner Friday May 21 1977 ataglance Marla Bentley 13yearold Grade student at Allandale Heights hool who was sworn in this week as Barries student mayor of the week gets some advice on gavelhandling from two experienced mayors incumbent Ross Archer left and her father Bob Bentley who instituted the mayoroftheweek program during his time in office 196869 Maria is described by school officials as good student and is interested in reading art and sports Examiner Photo assusages attention getter since it became the neighbor of Trinity Church foreground dedicated in IHTti and sharply changed the Boston skyline the controversial John Hancock Tower has now been singled out as an example of design excellence The libstory design by Henry obb of Pei and Partners is the recipient of 1977 American Institute of rcliitects Ilonor Award praising it as perhaps the most handsome reflective glass building The threestory lobby right features polished stainless steel columns and the worlds largest reproduction of the Declaration of Independence wrought in gold leaf on polished steel background skimasked roller skater who would only identify himself as llasan li Super jog hangs on the tail of New York ity bus Ilis costume included red ski mask black cape and part ofa black warmup suit AI PHOTO This asphalt repair truck in Prondence Rhode Island may be parked here little longer than the driver expected The vehicle broke through the floor ofa parking garage Driver of the truck and his companion escaped Injury In the mishap AP Photo he doctor says Weight loss likely the By GC THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Our area has several doctors who are giving HCG injections to help one lose weight It is an eightweek program costing more than $200 In cluded are the HCG injections given five days week vitamin injections given once week and rigid diet understand that HCG is hormone and that weight loss is side effect of the drug This is all the information can get believe we all need to be better informed as to how and why this works know several people who have taken these in jections and lost 20 to 30 pounds in two or three months Since have thought of taking the in jections would appreciate any information you can give me Mrs P1t Ill tell you what know about this and you make up your own mind HCG stands for human cho rionic gonadotropin No need to untangle that phrase except to note that it isra hormone ob tained from the urine of preg nant women That of course doesnt mean its bad to take Its chief uses up to now have been in treating infertility in both sexes and for undescendcd testicles in boys In 1954 Dr Simeon of Italy proclaimed its use for weight reduction The injections are accompanied by low Stxrca lorie diet Despite reports on the ineffectiveness of the drug it does continue to be used for the purpose of weight loss There is no convincing proof that HCG works directly on fat cells which understand is the claim for it One of the most extensive studies involved 200 patients re cciving the HCG and another group simultaneously taking harmless placebo placebo is dummy medicine product that does not affect the body in any way After the trial period neither group showed any dif ference in weight loss Skin fold measurement tests showed no differences between the groups This study was published in No vember last year diet The weight loss your friends reported was probably due to their stringent diet not to the injections So there you are There will be friends who will urge you to go on the program Some folks become positively evangelistic about things theyve gotten in to Make your own decision based on the facts of the mat ter You didnt tell me just how great your weight problem was With determination you should lose weight on conventional lowcalorie diet Dear Dr Thosteson Can bad teeth affect hearingMrs WD Yes they can Dr Norton Canfield in book on hearing cites the close physical relationship between the jaw joint and the ear Some folks notice clicking sound when the jaw is opened This can be symptom of malocclusion where the jaw joint is not properly aligned An irritation here can cause swelling and pain around the ear Hearing sometimes can be aided by correction of teeth and jaw problems such as these Dear Dr Thosteson Please explain the meaning of hypochromic anemiaMrs IEM There are many types of anemia One text lists more than hundred of them Hy pochrornic anemia is caused by iron deficiency and it usually results from excessive men struation or some other chronic bleeding as from peptic ulcer or hemorrhoids Iron supplements usually correct it Dear Dr Thosteson My grandson has an odor from his hair He perspires lot about the head and his hair gets soak ing wet His mother shampoos his hair on Sunday an by Tuesday his hair smells again What could cause thisMI The odor is caused by bac teria acting on the scalp sweat and oils in the hair If hes old enough have him shampoo him self every day or every other day This will keep bacteria at minimum Try germicidal shampoo Bluff holds best percentage NORTH EAST AK1072 V54 QKIOB $8742 SOUTHIDI OQ VAKQJ976 ¢A854 JIA Both vulnerable West North East South Pass Pass 25 59 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 77 By Oswald James Jacoby An unkind reader sent us the North and South hands and asked us the best percentage play to make six hearts Our reply was that we would try to get some diamond dis cards from our opponents by simply leading out six trumps while chucking three diamonds from dummy Somewhere there may be couple of players who wont fall for this swindle but it sure looks good to us Just suppose we run off those six hearts while discarding spade club and then all four diamonds from dummy Maybe the defender with three diamonds will hold all of them If he has we are likely to go down to defeat and will look mighty silly if simple attack in diamonds would succeed due to the presence of the king in the West hand We have set up EastWest holdings that will defeat the contract against any line of play Of course if South draws trumps leads the queen of spades and lets it ride East must refuse to win the trick But anything is possible when you see all the cards Missouri reader wants to know if it is your legal right to pass your partners forcing bid It certainly is perfectly proper in legal sense It is rather dangerous if your partner is apt to get really mad at you for doing it daily crossword ACROSS 46 One Ger 48 In manner of English derby Fr 10W 49 Exercrses Long poems 53 Wickedly 11 Room to move 55 Tint knotted 13 Church fabric C3 57 Ct 14 Outburlding 58 Algzlnn exas WW 59 001 1° my 60 Razor 16 Put up stake aha ener 17 Press for payment DOWN 19 Sea lettuce 20 Performs not mom Songstress L07 23 Himalayan ox gan 24 Indefinite in Hammer Dan owe Booth 27 or clay Had 29 Escapes Interweave 3i Blfd of prey Conger 35 Artists Breadwmner eqmpmem Frlgidly 36 Darker Cuban dance 37 Massachu 10 Lurk setts city 12 Uiulates 40 Pipe fitting 13 Comedian 41 Depression lni Kaye trals 18 National 44 Sudden pain monogram Answer to Previous Puzzie 21 Animal of the 38 Swmgs cat family 39 sesame mam 22 Preparing golf 41 Reqmres shot 24 BY birth grsagonlst 25 New Deal womanrs prolect abbr Del 26 Auxiliary verb 47 She Fri 28 Edible tuber 50 Stench 30 Socral bud St Stable devrce 32 Universal time 52 Leak out abbr 33 Southern 54 One racrng Circuit general 34 Sooner than 55 Those in 36 Contribute office For Saturday May 29 1911 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 One toone relationships take on greater Importance than usual today Fortunately youre very lucky where partners are con cerned TAURUS April 20May 20 Your material prospects as well as conditions relating to your work or career are quite promising today Anything is possible GEMINI May 21Juno 20 The Impression you make on people you meet today will be lasting one You neednt worry Youll be big hit CANCER Juno 21July 22 This is good day to try to conclude matters of importance Stay on top of situations until theyre neatly wrapped up LEO July 23Aug 22 Dont be stayathome today and deprive yourself of fun Theres something exciting waiting for you out where the action is VIRGO Aug 2380pt 22 Op portunity for gain could unex pectedly rear its lovely head for you today It could come through an affluent contact LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Youre both imaginative and lucky to day so dont back off from challenges Somehow youll figure things out to your advan tage SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Play out your hunches regarding STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and adjust from only $1100 Free estimates Call us now Whitfield WINTH HOP WHAT DID THE MARTIAN EBAY 129 IHE QDNGREIOJAL COMAA TTEE Ti THE WIZABng ID THINlt YOULL LIKE THF serL TODAY TCH IM LAZY DEV THE FOOTBALL MATC IF DONT GETOUT OF THIS BED NORTH ERN STATIONE 29 Dunlop St 7373860 BEANERY IM GOIN TO BE LATE of OFFICE OUTFITTERS 1310201 627 INVITE ME IN MOMENTARILV TO STOP THIS DISCORDANT CACOPHONVJ HOW DO 140 WANT liOUR PIZZA 6L16517lki FOUR IL RY TAKE ME TO YOUR IT WILL MAKE YOU THINK OF THE OLD weer AND THE WIPE OPEN AstridG raph Bernice Bede cast ways you sense you can add to your resources today You may be on the track to something good SAGITIARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 The larger the group you mix with today the better it is likely to be for you Somewhere In the crowd Is valuable new contact CAPHICORN Doc 22Jnn 19 Conditions are developing to where you will reap harvest from ambitious seeds youve sown Some sprouts may appear today AQUARIUS Jan 20Fob 19 When it comes to managing dif ficult situations youre tough one to equal today You make everything look so easy BARRIE PLAZA Mflrq rotsmu PISCES Fob 20March 20 Something may occur today where youll willingly offer your services Strangely enough however you could be the one to derive the greatest benefits YOUR BIRTHDAY May 28 1977 Romantic bonds will bl strengthened this year with the one you love It Cupid has elud ed you thus far dont despair He has someone special in mind for you LJHOH HE BEï¬lNNINGr PLAY THAT LAST NUMBER THE VEKGE OF CONSUMING DELICIOUS FlSH DINNER qu DAY MY EMPLOYEES PENNED ME Tb RALPH NADER GIRL FRIEND GAVE MY NAME To GERMAINE GREEK AND MY DOG TURNED ME IN Io DR DOOLIITLE Qlill OHI DONT KNOWFOUR bUESSIM NOT REALLV AGAIN LIKE TH 519 91 no no 5w TOO HUIIbRW vitegt mire Qraysu Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service