at 54 service and repair 54 service and repairs 7i help wanted help wanted help wanted 45 the examlner Wednesday May 25 1977 31 CLASS mechanic required for lS dealership In Alliston Telephone HYDRO LINES TELEPHONE LINES 4354371 from am to 530 pm eskfor Es DRAINAGE DITCHES service manager Wm SPECIALNOTlcsisucoitflï¬eiï¬Ã©l st 15 may g°g° l9 CgUICh Wardens 92 artful aptgicant mtgst hgvefla banking or trulst comiéallYnflccfuglng oath Notlcos Engagements Births $550 ree arrte groun wit roe ve years exper once xce on ary hï¬hrï¬ imum 40 words additional words to cents per ward TR SALES HELP Ewerlenced me and benefits max posltlon for qualified applicant Apply In Card of thahks 40 words $550 ING AND BACKFILLING ï¬llso 20pm mgrrriqggllissï¬azlgvsvevllgar All applicants should apply Additional words to cents per word TRENCH EPTHS BaY°9ï¬l7s In Memoriam no verse $550 LONDON Ont Cp Four tized and the livers removed UP To ILaEgGeAltw SITESlg ekltitllefgedflh Mr Del Reed Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line monthold Patti the pig is the from The one to be trans ml osstotoi Apply Smith McLean 20 Sterling Trust Company Coming Events $322 per column inch longest living recipient of planted is washed cooled and en ree WWh 7Vv 09 up on urne liver transplant among the transplanted Ito the reorient 20 KENNET AVE PHONE 7260719 CERTIFIED Mechanic reqUIred im 4o ha The new liver is pumping PAINSWICK ONT anLagely7i3rnar of7Anne and Dun Midland Ont bin exa iner cg donglgsliyeriscdur an within an hour of removal 919 if 5263768 from the other QITEREQIJEEESTpllgglregwm MY25 T°Fflï¬Â°Â° llllsegtetllrlnélrlflgiift umvemty Of member ol gthe team said lm limry help mm Eggirqï¬gbmï¬ Kpjaiymiétyg wfdngdiys ChlfdlsfSIIQtilfewcge She received her liver in that Patti would probably and AND 35 Bayshore Motor lfotel Telephone DORE Col re Thursdaytcmld hesfartogo transplant performed about up in some local farmer pig ow PARKER REQUIRES Basses to ana $3335 glrgcgcgmggviggl seven weeks ago and shes pen before long because shes Form 0°er EQUPme Lame operaors 5513eï¬5afl5rlaglids rggggggslg living pretty normal said Dr John getting too big for us to han SALesirovgthICE BeautifulGeorgion Bay area encodesirablegutnotessentialAPDTY in 331 agilitithat is born on the Sub Du chief 9f surgery at Uni dlen comply no ooi Owen sound MTESLIQPLLflflï¬ï¬‚$590193 Pg Box 5001 Isfair and wise and good and gay Vfrtillyt HWPIFA and member Farm Equipment and Supplies Attractive wages and benefits cï¬degfliahyzaxggtaingagycï¬zlgmgl Printed Pattern earn 21 toctorslimiolved ha 519 3766082 People who are Willing to work We are 60 North BayOntarlo the 1e him he Kee mis 8mm laIISp all pro Barrle Holly Hwy 27 Te ep wee da 7260338 or 7284 My27 3333382Lges°lï¬Â°Â£Ã©tgnd 4075 ANo p18 8K9 and other important information for gam MWFTF Some parttime work is also available cm llle EXamlner WI Within year the knowledge Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month The c°°g° ram and year of birth the weight and other teacher and Lab vital information printed message Technologist for its air can become permanent record in crafts programs Please call Mr Black 7374903 between lOamand5pmï¬p WE REQUIRE people to fill iob open ings in our Barrie branch Full and part time work available For interview 9959 991 °W 737 I294 MANAGER FOR milk store No ex perience necessary will supply train ing Must enioy meeting the public Rep LYIB 3094 REVISEHWQEI LEGAL SECRETARY required for months Minimum of years experience ov r2l rsofa in commercial and corporate law Telephone Yvonne Matthews 7263004 gained from pigs like Patti will provide doctors with enough technical data to pave the way for the first human liver trans plant in the city Several hundred human liver transplants already have been performed in major centres such as Houston lex and Cambridge England Even with oneyear sur vival rate of about 39 per cent P0 No 35956 Forklifts 75 used from as is to rebuilt Best buys ever Days call 6677 5020 evenings 4168934627 67f ru ts ve geta bles BARRIES FARMERS market has been refurbished Special farmers market as part of downtown mall on June Why sell your produce For information 7264843 68personals mi HOLIDAY IN THE SUN SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence Perfectly rational MONTREAL CP Every body has perfectly rational tendency to hold on to things says Dr Zalman Amit Mon treal psychologist who treats Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Blrth Notice is only 5550 maximum 40 words Addi tionel words 10 cents per word PHONE 72824l4 WOLFENDEN Verna and Greg are pleased to announce the birth of their son William Bradley lbs 015 on Friday May 20 W77 brother for Tracy Jen nifer KLEINSTEIBER Diane and eooroe To teach aircraft elec tical electronics in struments navigation automatic flight contr to munications systems AVIUNICS TEACHER pass medical Then we want You EXPERIENCED FULL time shart order cooks are needed for our cafeteria are happy to announce the birth of 50m amon aï¬ents who would people who hoard things Write Clover Motel Apts 212 C°kg5 im 225iLsltiedaIiaiRISSIIéieAIEiLIAZPSSI gaglxlclggl gpglcsyggskgnmlgegdgg omenRs have died rapidly Some do it for nostalgia rea mm Treaéure SIOnd ro ers highway oobewemundam 755 5m 9°C ng friend Dr RobertLewis from diseased livers more sons and others because they PeeSbmg F°d° 33706 we SCh°°I Bus Lines RfoZERJIEZCEeEIJofLpieï¬féé thsf 9° ERIFFITHsï¬ th sndSFlaron of Bar research is needed think old things will one day have vacancies from May on average wage 40 his mm work of student plOIGCls and rle are pleased to announce the sale ar KEY PROBLEM REJECTION have some value he said word efï¬ciency unis from $75 Teiephon 436 1378 shop rival of their lb or daughter Jen training in nifer Ann on May 16 1977 at 630 pm modern College based Rejection the natural defen Proud grand mothers are Mrs Leal week for people Phone 728 TE LOST ORANGE male cat wearing while But there are others he said per flea collar Ross and Mary st area IA ce mechamsm put up by who are obsesse com ulswes 3I36for Illlormallon Reward Call Tuesday and Wednesday arcfall 170an Wh son against foreign Invaders of ple who cannot beag to are WThFAU17 gitarafzggs gérglzanytlmc Thursday and OCIIITYQLOIITIOTAIAOHES 35 dg¢th the body including organs from wpeimn as much asan egg Shelf Wanted ADULTS WANTED to other people remains the stum TELECARE Wh ht bl pic worms All amne Let riendYngllp £331 ï¬ggcgg assume responsibimy for appllcants must be prepared to work lull category or blmg block to greater guyViva tails attentvwho 367°22inyme marketing efforts in Barrie and miSRQSVngfailZgr$12332523 Funeral Homes Chapel among transplant patients thin he hyde ery 3053kaï¬55NSfIQSS$féS7S35 surrounding communities Must tact Jay Brothers Ball 135 Fernaale Rd dorsemm P°°°d I27 BAYFIELD 51 or some unexplained gt Sal news Barrie or telephone no 4851 after 5pm and minimum of live reason have not nearly as Papers smelled everyWhel in want to qultihai sourSLCallanytlme havedlrect sales experience PERSON WANTED do housework in ears ex erience 7282530 many riggegction problems when the apartment and everytime UNWANTED HAIR removed Safely This Is new company Ex home In Palnswick area Thursday or dl 559rvice he ed WmanenllYl medlcallr approved LY Friday oleachweek ApplicatIOnS stating 9° livers are transplanted as they an egg on 27ec Cmmed Ee°°9i5 ce em groun °°r OP MANAGER NEEDED Ior busy sntck qualifications ex MWFTF do with kidneys heart and skin the egg Shells portunity MDWG NSTRUCTION Indoor arena bar Apply In writing stating expcrlencr perience and other per tinent information should be forwarded to the Personnel Officer Canadore College of Telephone home office at 4162362334 My25 TRACTOR OWNER operators required to haul loads in Ontario andor east Humans must be given potent antisuppressant drugs which weaken their bodys immune system so they can retain their newly transplanted organs and qualifications to Box Ud co Ex amincr MATURE EXPERIENCED handy per son for outdoor work around home One day weekly Own transportation Picnsc write Box 280 RR No Oro Ontario 86 card of thanks GEORGE rWe want to express our warmcst apprcCIation to all friends neighbours and relatVIcs for their many kindnesses to us following the loss our Amit said The guy wouldnt even allow his wife to vacuum the carpet because he was afraid the vacuum would suck something in Something he Horses boarded Barrie five minutes wIndy Haugh Farm 726 0192 WHY SUFFER agony with CDrnsrand Callouses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec dear husband and fathcr Ron Gcorgc eSUllS mwlcalw 95 real We 99d wane Welresses MUS AA BOX 500T Your beautiful floral tributes mcmnritil M0St or that héve COUId does me iob Com Caps or Caucus Caps claalstuglsogm ed 95 99 one l8 yrs of age fullor part time Call River Ontario donations visits food gifts CflrOS our dled the unlvelSlly progdm The extreme Amt now available at Cusdens Shoppers Gardens Teleohnncné IOWaVlVllrhe 08ng ay prayers and your love strengthened us have succumbed to form of 1d thcsell Drug Marts and alldrquisls ï¬n more than you know Special thanks to Sal 0h In em INTERNATmNAL INVESTIGATION 7T help wanted ltelpwatlted MY2425 Jan Black Edna Theodorc the Rev Ray Stress Ulcer the StomaCh Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and confidential 737 2972 MONECA psychicrana card reading counselling Day and evenings Mon rette butts or daily newspapers for perhaps five years The egg shell man only Waldock all our First Baptist lrlonds and the Steckley Funeral Homr staff God bless you all Vi Iris Donna SylVIa and Lloyd and families EYERSr The family of the late William which may be related to their response to surgery But the doctors said that pigs are known to have higher in Mary Browns Fried Chicken opening on Bayfield St Z722 SIZES lO2182 help wanted 79 auction sales de cided to come to therapy when through Friday Phenom 3868 CUSTOMER AUCTION SALE 5123 ï¬ggfwï¬gymmgzsoEfï¬gy cidence of such ulcers in their his wife threatened to leave SOLO VCdLUBd medlfdyou eire siraigle In Une For thoughtfulness anlt sympathy floral normal livesl himH he said She just iiwoduleo Ill 33 ooconvig loyal33 in HELP WANTED George Culver Wï¬ngw Dr Dqu said only certain couldn tstand the congestion MI 5006 club ca 726 0877 Lot l3 Con ll King Twp 88coming events tYPeS Ol Pallenls WOUId be ell mom Experience preferred butwdl from he Cow CreekConservoï¬on Arm gible or liver transplant FAN THEM AWAY NOTICE Welcome to our New Loca on Dunlap 585 near Queens Hm JOIn the best legs in town team Amit tries two approaches BIII Flsner Sid Jeffcls Thank You REPRESENTATIVE Area midway between Bolton Iheir condition must be diag For sheer allure float this Mary Brown Canada Ltd BINGO nosed as terminal with compulsive hoarders one are fig KLZUSSU2S33 23 Jun Telephone 27062 collect eqUleS OlmClVe and miles Over $800 In Prizes between liver transplant in mm TEEN DISCO at The Embassy Blake outgoing person to contact their chiffon and crepe for resort the other to satiate them 25 pig and one in human The Street Barriestartlng May 2773ODm 26 Barrie Clienls cor necessary on nghl coumbgs wegllllljlléldnellaizlglcll$723 Half anatomy Similar With the We Started Off by training 3612 52 per person comma snakc Excellent starting salary plus salurdcy May 28 Every urSdOY Nth 5185 101 1217 1412 lei7 same number of blood vessels the man to get rid of perhaps 69insrucï¬ons car allowance For ap 100 EMBASSY HALL 18I2 319 141 bust 37 my to suture and the same kind of five newspapers day and then 77 pointment TI °° h°°5° °d Early Bird starts 730pm 73 yds 45 pants 33 bloodclottingfeatures increased 010 andsoon ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well future plne mapley oak schooled horses Indoor arena minutes from Barric 726 0192 70Iost and found LOST DIARY I977 at Glance Telephone 728 2985 Reward SIAMESE CAT lost Blake and Puqet area Cream colored chocolate paint female year old wearing white plastic collar Name Tanya Reward 737 2147 help wanted Accommodotion available Variety of assignments HCS Upjohn now for further details Tel 416 4455262 WE NEED YOUR SKILLS We have immediate openings for RNs to provide nursing care in the patients home nursing homes and hospitals in Toronto Choice of shift Arrange your own days Off if you are interested in coming to Toronto for the summer coll CALL MR SMITH 7373542 TF flan PchlSI wrlln Box 280 RR Nu Cr00lllrlrl0 76em ploy ment wanted XPERIESNCED CLEANING person re wired flrll fay wollkly Own lransporlrl Regular 800 pm Cards Si 50 Everyone Welcome wicker elec Opp the sale con sisting mostly of antiques and primitives and collectables in cl cranberry carnival milk and bristol glass bottles jars lugs crocks china silver brass cop per ironware oil lamps lon terns mantle and wall clocks BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY SPRING $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for IIISI class mail and handling om residents add 9d sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Liver disease is common cause of death among humans because of cirrhosis associated with excessive drinking But becausc of the type of damage done in alcoholicinduced cir rhosis these patients arent al ways suitable for transplants But for patients who develop Another woman Amit said had towel problem She must have had hun dreds of towels he said So we told her she had to keep them in her own room The room looked like towel store after while and wk canes books many unique pm 55 Avenue Scar she just couldnt stand it Then HEALTH My25 ERPEladerLCrE DtrEJAJYCyï¬SrE 55171333 pces 1964 Ford Foirlane CW boroéligh Ontario Mlllll Shfetï¬eallzfd She had to get rid suprrvision Fcnrod yard Children to auto asis POFtIOIIISl ODIY em Upjohn silgynlnégth ReferencIs ifrcctutrtd Phone TERMSz Cash day of sale ANSWER inflation vol sew and Shelwer transplants are sun Amjt said he first break for Qualified required for Health Care Services comm BU5manaqw cheques widentification save dramatic dollars Send for COMMUNITY CENTRE ENTRIES RECEIVED to pm most hoardersthe time they In the dmmq exPenmen realize they must actually part generalized program in Burks carried out under rules of the FallsParry ftICrlSth automotive nxprrlmicc norXS full time employment In Biirrle area NEW SPRINGSUMMER PATTERN nothing to be removed until set by their Solicitors ME SSRS DONATIONS WELCOME AT 74 WORD MINIMUM blems that existed three or four Sound area Suprrvlsml romplpln dealership Ex ed for EVENING SPEAKER George sgggraiggporlflgogsljr Council Of Animal Cier of Can SomethingEa Allowance for degree in nursing giggfrvlcnvcds écallzaynï¬m 3uyrl9 systems ACCIDENTS Nelther the owner 805 dlesse 13 nd 75 ada both animals are ancsthe That first time can be very and usual benefits Apply to 0r lhe AUCL Will be TGSPOW SHOW OPENS7230 pm layeves gl 31 on anxietyprovoking for hoar Director of Nurses Muskoko 77legal sible for accidents for property MEETINGB pm 8113 Kenvit gaokoo 25 ders he said It really hurts Parry Sound Health Unit Box MCBOHQIGS loss Convener cLARA ORROCK Instant Money Crafts $100 And from What weve been able 1019 Bmcebrid 91 OM P03 NOTICE To CREDITORS Ernie Severn Auci to determine there is no known 7256326 Instant Fashion Book St00 CQ IN THE ESTATE OF RR AIlIston Mfls cause for any of this My26 JOHN JOSEPH ONEILL Tel7054357467 wmEEErEmï¬ DECEASED MY25 All claims against the Estate of TTWT com Stomp Show OPP CHARITY AUCTION SALE Sat May 28 i977 Jo JoepO eloeo by says QUALIFICATIONS Clean appearance mental and physical olert Ciy Of Borrie loimerly 18 SOT May ORILUA SQUARE Bessie CraVVford EXTRA SPRINGTIME EARNINGS ness selfmotivated ability to communicate and lead students Ws he C°Y 10 sump Display and Sale DIRECT PHONE can get you the summer desire to succeed Of smFoe Rural Mol Come go of coins stamps 728 2414 OTTAWA CpThe govern 4873921 vacation YOU thought YOU WE OFFER $10000 salary after month trainin eriod Paid Who we on or abou the 25m ll bl ld do of Jamar 977 SflEBA SHRINE CENTRE on co ecfa es men 011 ecreasmg VISltors at the home of Mr couldnt afford No experience training Paid OHIP life dental disability insurance bonuses and mus ri 25 Cusslmd ld°5°° °d rather than increasing qualify and Mrs Howard Crawf rd th necessary Cu 7239652 or opponunnyw odmncahb secumy Ed Wllh unde5gned hY °9°b°°°d 39 ing standards for unemploy weekend OdM ls wrie Box 485 beiore he Bh day of June of may ï¬n nlqmgl furniture preceding publication wttli the exceptionof an rs pp In person to Temgo Inc 359 Boyfleld St Sune 20L Berna in ClossIltod Display advertisements which menl Insurance benefits In Roy Lanvm and Tammy and Barrie Ont Ont Telephone 1977 aller WhCh dale The any or or must be III by pm two days prior to areas there unem lo ment ig WThTF Estate will be distributed having everyone GARAGE SALES pUbllrnlloli es eciany high $8 lvational R411 as LarsWm 0f Midland regard only to the claims of GRANAM ALLEN SAT MAY 28 moot 200 Mfmxzzishgggimgï¬cis AIlliPoverty Organization anrdsLoriGaenlinï¬rsaggcmgrtlf and the yndersigned shall Auctioneer 40words355o NAPOsgid Tuesdahy dell of Satnia en ave no Ice 65055 73724 Additionalwordslotltporword In rie to Commons Kevin Gelinas and Jeff Adam DATED at Barrie Ontario this MY25127 lOCATIONSI CARD or IHANKS words 3550 Addl Labor committee Marjorie visited with Mr and Mrs Doug day May All 1977 lopARKERCOURr lIonalwotdsOcts porword Harumg NAPO execuuve Crawford PAUL DANIEL ONEILL and BROWNS DEBRA CRESCENT mxfxffl 331535924732 tiff director Said pFQPQSed bill to Birthday celebrations were EUZABEIHJUUA ONEILL 135SHANTY BAY RD COMINGEVENTS Increase the qualifying period held for Ian who was nine Exewwrsl ANTIQUEVAUCTlgN 4i DAVIES CRESCENT mopsmlomnrnch for UIC benefits may cure pro years old May 21 Duntroon itage CONDER SUGG 24 Hwy south of Collingwood ABOVE LOCATIONS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cosh Discount years ago but ignores the pro BIGELOW This Saturday May 28 ON MAY 27th TELEPHONE 728 mt opplygyftd vitalan ï¬zzr3 oTrhlwo blems that exist now at4pm °4 The bill proposes to Increase MILLER KENNY REED 4895 consecutive Insertions cents per word in ROI Box 66 23 Owen stree Viewing from pm No CLOTHING PLEASE sertioil total $648 Six consecutive insor Current requlemenl 0f tlons per word par Insertion total Elght weeks worked to orrle fltOllO 4Xl A30 My25 $224 Multiple illisertictns may be ordered minimum laweek period mmï¬T tf 25 QUOTA crop of BARRIE 257 °°2 2ii Manpower Munster Bud 32645813 MY25 than 24 words count as 74 words Each initial Cullen announced month PTBSQDIS abbrevlatlon set of numbers etc count as NOTICE TO CREDITORS mu and Win Prizes THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM DOUGLAS KELL DECEASED THE MIRACLE WORKER the early life of Helen Keller NOTICE separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS the government would in troduce amendments to the Unemployment Insurance The Rugby Womens Institute will be entertaining members of the 4H club Thursday at Starring Anne Bancroft 3153237l33333f73g Commission Act increasing the pm in the Rugby Community All claims against the Estate of for and Patty Duke the Closstlled Advertising Department re period L0 10week William Douglas Kell late of the TUES MAY 1977 quiresad advertisers to kindly rachocktheir minimum where the jobless The girls will put on pro Township of lnnisfil in the WWII ads 9dv°g°m °d°°ly °° rates exceeds nine per cent and gram based on their theme COURINGTUN cow of gimme Farmer who 92° R3°Td 2230123133312Jf°321123m to maximum I4week qualify The Club Girl Entertains PERRYDUNLUP AREA died on or about the 4th day of °STr73pr mug bf tortilla for loltwlqghdov ing perid where the unemploy Members of the lunch com pu KG I0 xamtner ni THE Ex IMINER CODRNGTUNEUGENA AREA IELYUIZZiugAZZ 52 2I°SJJIZ FreeAdmlsslon ILYl°tTactical milleriiiliï¬Ã©xriii$823 with bï¬lilihiTmiiéIlsy EUGENlATHERESA AREA he day June 1977 one day pTBVIOUS R°l°5hm°7dso portionholhog thatlTvolvsLho miliprlnyir rose to record high 0f 83 per Thomas and Mrs Bernal John rors lc no essan ya on HA hcll 19 Eslale be advertisement are not eligible for correcv cent In Apnl SHE other Rugb news Mr Art distributed havmg regard only WANT ADS tlons by make goods TheElaminer reserves from the he claims of which the Un 7282414 gerlghttoclossdyreviuorreioctanywant angman lS Ome AREA II in NL PH Nem Naflona centre hospital and feeling somewhat WELDUNNAP 32 aowbc mic pubc Mm LL better Mrs Lynn llllngworth ALCUNA BEACH SELLWE Please fill out Telgphone the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Hayfield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 qfl however otherwise DATED at Barrie Ontario this 5th day of May T977 DONNA JEAN KELL Administrafrix by her Solicitors MESSRS CONDER BIGELOW MILLER KENNY 8t REED 23 Owen Street PO Box 646 Barrie Ontario LAM 4V1 Myl Il825 5066 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage olledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies The Barrie Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting on Wed nesday May 25 T977 at 700 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss an application for rezoning of land located west of St Vincent Street and north of Cundles Road East This 65 acre site is presently zoned Residential RM3 for 69 con dominium townhouses and the request is for Residential RM and RM4 to permit I6 semidetached dwellings and approximately 58 street townhouse dwellings Interested persons can attend or write to express their opinions Bates Acting Director Planning and Development WHICTT DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow Is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad verfiee In The Examiner lClassified Section for quarantine to be Opened MONTREAL CP Health Minister Marc Lalonde says national quarantine centre will be established for ersons with exotic epidemicai diseases The federal minister told par tici nls on Sunday at an inter national virology conference at Mont Gabriel Que that the centre will have about six beds and will be used for persons in Canada as well as persons com ing here from abroad The centre will be attached to highsecurity laboratory for diagnosis and analysis the minister said and its location would be announced at the next federalprovincial health con ference of Preston is spending some time with her parents Mr and Mrs Langman ers Minnie Thomson of Orillia and Mr and Mrs Werner Hoeschele and sons of Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Bernal Johnston recently Mrs Harry Langman and Margaret were visited by Mrs Ron Broadfoot Christine and Don of Toronto and Miss Shirley Dunlop of Orillia Mr and Mrs Bryan Johnston and Jason attended the gradua tion of Mrs Johnstons sister Janet Neufeld at Centralia Col lege Friday near London They also attended yadua tion dinner at the home of Mrs Neufelds aparents Mr and Mrs Henry Neufeld of East Oro Mr and Mrs Bernal Jphn ston were also guests at the din ner