Contact with people restricted Rural policing By SUE ROUTLIFFE Examiner Staff Examiner Tom Patterson doesnt have the advantages of city policeman Contact with people in his patrol zone is restricted by time and distance The area he covers in one eighthour shift involves an en tire township with backmads that have to be covered in addi tion to answering calls Constable Patterson has spent his eight years in policing at the Barrie Ontario Provin cial Police detachment His job is rural policing Its one many people dont understand he says And was one of them until Checking his patrol cars trunk for equipment shovel and axe emergency aid blankets for spent an am to pm shift with him ended up with dust in my hair dust in my mouth and dust on my notepad from patrols down dirt roads looking possible fires and concealed stolen goods watched Constable Patter son follow up on report of possible theft And walked through more and crowbar is the first duty of onstable Tom Pattersons day shift with the Barrie OPP Police check the working condition of their car each shift and report problems before returning the car Examiner Photo Music film shown here The comparatively recent ap pearance of modern music styles particularly those ap lauded by todays youth have en looked upon with varying dimensions of acceptance and disapproval by contemporary adults Say It With Music 4i minute motion picture filmed in the Colorado Rockies takes look at the changing modes of melody and endeavors to help both youth and adults better understand the impact of such music on the church communi ty The film will be shown at The Salvation Army 60 Collier St Sunday May 29 at pm Ralph Carmichael one of Americas foremost musico logists coordinates the il lustrative misic segments of the film helping viewers to analyze and thus better unders tand the various types of music heard in church circles today as well as in the past The film also features testimonials front contemporary writers and per formers Produced in cooperation with Christian Artists Corpora tion of Thousand Oaks Califor nia Say it With Music was filmed at the organizations an nual conclave in the Colorado Rockies Most of the production occurred outdoors with Rocky Mountain scenery as backdrop Everyone is welcome COLOR IIANUIIS Garnet the birthstone for January ranges in color from purplishred found in India Ceylon and the lnited States to green in Russia anginaI When You Shop Itdllllll Willi During the month of May mounds of wrecked cars then believed existed looking for possible stolen car We handle everything we get said Contabie Patterson at the start of the shift We patrol roads to let the people know were there If we see motorist pulled over to the side of road we stop to see if we can help Its mater of general en forCement he said Barrie OPP have divided their coverage area into three zones for ro Essa and Vespra townships and they have in stituted system of detach ment planning says Yonstalbe Patterson We have detachment platin ing meetings each month where the staff has chance to discuss their problems he said The force has four platoons that switch shifts together to maintain continuity says Cori stable Patterson Platoon lcaders are ap pointed and its up to tlicrii to report problems their men en counter on patrol he says We try to pinpoint the iron ble spots he explained The system has worked says Constable Patterson We were having real pro BOlePld Mall will give you Booty Erihu equwalent to the dollars you spend at any store in the Mall riurmg Muy Saturday May 28th at pm on Au tOli will be held and it llty ttntr ltcve Will be sold Only Bonus Bucks tYiJy be used to not at the item iiirm auctioned You get your ollrrral Bonus Bucks by presenting yGtH Boytrnld Mall srii slips to out Bonus Bucks kiosk located or limit ol Mtimtn Email Mort Din miss the excrtement Bucks today VlSll WITH US AT SIMCOE COUNTY LARGEST lNDOOR SHOPPING MALL WIIH CLIMATE CONTROLLED COMFORT Know and understand this gifted dedicated young man Taylor cores He has served Simcoe Centre over years including United Appeal Director OYMIYWCA Director Campaign Chairman Canadian Cancer Society School Trustee Olow Reform Land speculation capacity to serve On June 9th keep Simcoe Centre Secure Return Progressive Conservative Government mcr GEORGE TAYLOR Barrie 72887 Stroud 4362401 Bradford 7753882 Ponotonguislione 5498535 Landlord tducation Arts Administration of Justice Recognized for proven tenant bld on out great prizes OVER 60 STORES TO SERVE YOU What motives prompt George Taylor to seek the provincial seat for Simcoe Centre Riding start Sflytllq Aru Irwl MALL MOUTH own to 30 Du MO to SAY or run PAHIIN blems with Bayfield Street in the winter time he said With detachment planning we ap pointed constant patrol there and have cut down the ac cidents considerably QUIET PATROL Our patrol was quiet one We spent the morning check ing one report of stolen bat tery Constable Patterson checked and doublechecked facts with the man who reported the theft Its important in an in vestigation to get back to the people to reassure them said Constable Patterson You should keep them ad vised to certain extent as common decency he added You give them feedback after they have given your informa tion When we werent checking in formation on the theft we were driving on township roads And we were talking about the role of policeman Constable Patterson says communication is vital to give the public better understan ding of what police do If you walk by and see policeman on the corner you dont strip because you dont have anything in common he said CW 549 Boyfield St But policeman is no dif ferent from anyon else he said Hes just man with job to do Police work is not what television portrays it to be he says WE OFTEN JOK We often joke about how crimes are always solved in an hourlong television he said He says television and writ ten articles gave him false impression of the job Its bred into you by television that people hate police he said Thats not true People will be friendly with you if you are friendly with them He says those who dont trust policeman could be reached through educational programs like Police Week If they just wouldnt look at policemen as something to be afraid of wed be happier he said Were there to help Constable Patterson in troduced me one job few people realize the PP do we went up and down open country lattes looking for everything and anything People dont realize it he said but anyone could hide YOU CAN STlll BUY NW DATSUN FROM $2995 the recent better than frequency of repair Dotsun is dependability srueegm 7370254 l977 Auto issue the Dotsun B2l05 consistently rated better and much stolen car or bike behind bushes on these lanes and no one would see them EVIDENCE OF PEOPLE While we didnt find any stolen goods we did spot evidence people were there dcscarded bottles dead fires and junk scattered on the ground We switched form back lanes to wrecking yards with report car was missing and believed sitting in Barrie area scrapyard We went through the twisted wreckage of two area yeards before finding the car and han ding it over to Barrie city police whose case it was Xioperation between the two forces and the Barrie RCMP detachment is good says Con stable Patterson We tend to work together because it is closelyknit area he said Constable Patterson says he is still learning as policeman in the Barrie area and doesnt expect to stop When got into this job drove and drove through my zone and learned my way around gradually he said Thats the only way to do it DEALING WITH OTHERS He still picks up information Consumer Report April average in regard to the examiner Saturday May 21 1977 and techniques through dealing with others he says He became involved with police work because it in terrsted him says Constable Patterson But he says he didnt know what to expect had the same ideas about ORILLIA 93 COMMERCE RD 705 3266485 JERRY SMITH and its in your GEORGE TAYLOR the man for all Simcoe Centre TIEDEN RENTACAR AND TRUCK SERVICE RATES DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY FEATURING CHEVROLETS Its your future the job of Barrie OPP policemen that everyone else has he said found out some of them were wrong and some of them were accurate But never would have been any wiser today if hadnt join edlfup and found out for my se BARRIE 341 BAYFIELD ST 705 7370800 JIM RAWN teasswermwgï¬ It lass Fares to Amsterdam You lll no Ily rrt IIIlllill ll oil lridulrd Iliilrl it ptr ir Ion tllIltl lav Iiri ll need to II tlrirlrr utyrnort llLlt iit lllt ItliIllIillt oi tllcw nwyy ltllt You can leayc any lay il tlrr ttl on II or ll lllzlil rt tnsrtrrl illI llllllylllHIltlll lIIllIIlIIl il lrrrgtu rnporr lly ll ltlt ludy iirr rrIr tnroyirr1 yorld Itllllril lli departure You can depend on ll indt irs llltlll to ltlt llllIKI llllll lIl rnrn li lrttlltl lot it tlsh llll tlri Ilrvlrr lll llli tlltd lllltlltll lihhtllltll1l You can AIH tllllllllltlldlttlIllsilYLlYtnNHCltllllilllllll1llllllltlltll imputed to IIlltl rIr Ians lor lllllll llrrrt no lillll lli liI llllrlltll lilll and rrrrsold llltlllll ltltll lurinnro tllil rustrrdinr ill luly rould ir no li llll pr total oi Sllti tlllllillttl to llli lrrrrtr lillt lllltlllll lllllltl Illrl ltrt lllr wood lool it lllyt latex days tll IN days lE tlt 41 Call us Maple Ave llttrr luly II Au tltl lill Ill kl May in 29 Owen St Barrie Ont rnslirdarn rlnld nd The Best In Town But please book early tarrnt lllllllril so call lircl Agent in your area and make your in Illytlilillh soon KLM CPAirE BRISTOW TRAVEL SERVICE 1370340 or 7370341 HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 Dunlop St Johnson Travel 14 Dunlop Barrie 7266525 velwerld 7284700 Inuitr ll rrcs apply only to Ariistcrdarn rcirrrn lioolxini nirrst lit at least months prior to your departure date with Salt non ltlillltldllt deposit ull payment required 45 days prior to departure rlttr ylntli that Sill cancellation fee llit illildllitll oi your rrrp iii In or 2245 dayst cwlndcs lllt drry ol rnrdrui vri lrilltilltllll lr rrnay Sb per person not included lllrd on ritllllmllmtll bermen 50 or In dry cwursron return fare and charter rrlt protected Ior Inl llï¬