vvr 20 the oxamlner Saturday May 21 1977 7282414 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm WORDADS pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMiDISPLAY 48 haurs prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until om CLASSIFIED ADS accommodations to share 26 births cottages to rent 27 farm machinery 64 houses to rent 17 lost found 70 opportunity tor men women74 property tor sale or rent 03 snowmobiles 38 adoptions 82 boots motors 4i cottages tor sole 28 iarm machinery wanted 65 houses wanted to rent 19 lots tar sale 04 pasture for sale 61 property management 08 space for rent 24 opts to rent 16 business opportunities 07 cottages wanted 29 teed seed grain 60 in memoriams 87 market basket 66 posture to rent 62 property wanted 02 stamps and coins 45 opts wanted to rent t8 camping equipment 56 deaths 85 financial it instructions 69 marriages 84 pasture wanted 63 public notices 80 summer properties tor sale articles tor sale 40 cord of thanks 36 dogs pets 44 05515 39 insurance 10 mobile homes trailers 14 personals 68 resorts 30 swaps 46 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 employment wanted 76 truits and vegetables 67 landscaping 53 money to loan 13 photography 49 room and board 21 teachers wanted 73 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 engagements 83 garages 25 leasing 39 mortgages 12 plants and bulbs 52 rooms l9 20 tenders 78 auction sales 79 coming events 88 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 legal 77 motorcycles 37 poultry and chicks 59 rooms wanted 22 trade SChools 75 auto accessones 36 commercial sale or rent 09 terms for rent 06 help wanted 71 livestock for sale 57 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 sales help agents 72 trees and Shrubs 31 auto service and repairs 35 construction machinery 55 iorms tor sole 05 home improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 atlice stores tor rent 23 property tor sole 01 service and repairs 54 trucks and trailers 34 01 property for sole 01 property for solo Lot Model Exterior Interior parkside irregular shaped different sizes 01 property for sole 01 property for sole DETACHED HOMES Pr99ertv stile I01 property for sole All Models S51390000 $1 950°° Down Payment To One Mortgage Mortgage with AHOP Baytield Homes will build your ideal house for you in Letitia Heights and give you your choice at close to school bungalow sidesplit backsplit tull basements bedrooms trim colour tile flooring JOHNSON CAPNEY two ft in colour counter tops brick type and colour Iict COMMUNITY OF AFFORDABLE HOME IN BARRIE Phone if PoPefttItglele 01 property for sole I01 property for sole liegth 73731 50 Daily ll Weekends 11 My2l WILLso LIST BUY OR SELL WITH The $5000 Is TZatIIs hnaw mac oIt Iran thisII4 Real Estate LEON Royal Irust Pizéifti wihti xtrre REAL ESTATELIMITED lOfeSSIOHaIS SlnCC 00mm dogggfggifï¬ogjeaï¬m°k ARRICK 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 364 6636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL CLOSE TO BEACH You wouldnt have to light trrillir to have swim it you owriml this bedroom split entry bungalow and as bonus viriw ol KIN REAL ESTATE LTD 357 BAYFIELD ST BARth 7288800 TOR LINE 881 4l74 chen with walkout to deck walkout tram tamin room 90 by 150 lot $59900 GEORGIAN BAY $19000 building lot 120 200 it in exclusive Phone BARELY ATTACHED 5ch Immaculate lama Iiomr with Mme C°VMwe Fetchesbeéchï¬min walkto Boysurrounded nybeoutitUhomesS Mm bedrooms washrooms and completely fenced yard Good linon VILLAGE LIVING min to Collingwood 10 min to Ski Hills Ralph Williams 7288800 Res We cing Cundlesareo Call Bob March 7261938 or 728 8444 No 1mg 15 storey sturrn home on duep lot in quiet villiigii nriar store 4283432G7OOSL 217 YONGE ST STROUD Charming older hoiriu miily 535 C°M 77 7375 BARRIE RESIDENTIAL s5ooo down 3Ibedroom executive newly Ienovmed In very good IOIIIOI bedIOOIIISI IIIMIIII WOW IIIII COUNYRY VINO decorated roughedin fireplace immediate passessron Harry Sam TOTTEN HAM AREA basement Lot size 65 165 Asking prirr $45 500 Coil Itllln Jackson 7261938 or 7263780 MLS 1386 DAVIES BUILT years in better than new urirtitiuri Iwi storey centre hall plan has separate dining room Milt main ilrmi tamin room with fireplace Sport Kyok pool With rIer and all iqiiip linux and groan lawns surround this hudrooin alum nIdliIg bungalow all tor $44900 Cull Vorno Mulllti 728 2875 HOT SUMMER AHEAD It VIlIl bu pleasure to Wlt this bedroom storey home on large lot VlItII an liigruuiid pool Call Verna Mullln 728 2875 JUST REDUCED TO $42500 bedroom brick bungalow at Minesing nowly dororotod broadloom $4500 down$376 monthly NEWLY LISTED Midhurst village near Forest Hill School bedroom son 7288800 Res 7269412 87290M JUST REDUCED $26500 remodelled bedroom with Hollywood kitchen new cupboards real dream inside Owners have bought Wayne Ward 7288800 17210M ALLANDALE YR STOREYVoue priced at $56900 this Semi custom 1500 square toot country lioim aifl lot with magniï¬cent view Call builrtcr 416 282 787 PRIVATE New bedroom with tirepiacr tull base mvnt plus cold cellar huge doublv garage Telephone Thornton 458 9258 merit only yrs old Beautllully land rpiii it and HOBBY 5pm on bungalow thedro caning walkou deep ravine lot bedttoom WO balhsi Dble POIed dnvei Large morlgcgp throughout Many extras Coll Jane Young 716 limit or Ill All In tIm lmurl oi Burivm Vallriy 28 acres with small applu orchard moqu mm SC $64 900 carries tar $379 PlT Wayne Ward 7288800 87244M PRIVATE If I200 st gt large bedrooms imiili huinl gaiaga ands bedroom storey iHSUI hiirk home Call BARRIE EASI END ISI Rodney SI bedroom brIck bUIIgaIOWI BARRIE CHOICE I10 Custom burltI srdeIsplit spacrous baIIIrwIIYIzI IUIIIIII IIIDIIICOI out TRADE IN City living for country living ham HVIII1II in Hip VM I78 784 hon Owl decorated com ete Wih $8 conmined baseman bdrms large cozy dlnlng family Im With IIIOPIOCG bar garage 46 Pmmck Lane Please call Township where the builder wrli trade I01 IIOHII in town lttu Mini ï¬nished rumpus rmI Immoculoe pony born with yenced paddock 726 698610 ilSOVVl sliowmu $67500 Pr1rri5iiiriiluriti BIIIMCHVOY 728 I805 556900 STOREY trick house Old and mortgage bedrooms full basement and large lot IHIHIIHIIUII Ii 778 2875 MkesorwChUk 72888mll7228MI sound 70 no tool lot rival schools ru II 7261938 726 5407 NEAR BARRIE COUNTRY CLUB2loo storey brICk arena ark and buses or bedroom poricy on ouse or MYI liliil buy 716 6904 Judy Prmriutl 737 I264 bedroom bum car garage family room overlooks romng hms BUILDERS CUSTOM HOMEexceptiona brick split entry on large lI baths large kitchen Firebox barn rr tlskihi ill ilnlsiii Lee Benhom 4245033 Mary Morrison CRA 7289933 CUL In HI 11 WOY 737 and Willow Creek brand new June 15 occupancy Choose your own 59de Io 89 Bay 090 baseman Iomdy Wlh $33 Askyslgsmkrl pglltrltcivlto p051 as WIIma BIdwe 726I9I35 Jack Madmen 7284950 it iKmii im to 48 um Jorli Slussm 7266280 LolorsI pom and broodloom 596500 irreplace below cast Bill More 7288800 B714OM Ie Sggtgggglllb II II CarlDoran 7287805 Ion Rouse 7265407 ORO STATION near lake bedroom sidesplit built for your VENDOR HAS VACA II Ind WIII sacrifice hls gorge 05 ï¬replace oaraocfmbasrrgxxta 53 Lou Dull 4241356 Rim scandre 7234865 familys comfom coppenone appliancesI broadloom mmeyully new storey model hoe wrth main floor laundry family rm With $ncnII60IEast end $55000 Call 726 9005 Bob March 7288444 Peter Switzer 7286435 0y VI El onto decorated you see it you will own it $74900 WOIkOUl HUTY Bl 7283800 5757MI 26 Elaine Jackson 7263780 WiIchleau 4246358 LAKE SIMCOE WATERFROthm oroI year round bedroom brick LOOKINGI LOOKINGIryaur search is over it you act fast PRIVATE SALE Maurm Moe 728679 Jone Young 7284717 bungalow 0th iiepuce sauna boar booihouseI he rooms panelled tam rm new furnace you can move into this Imgï¬gggoml efrï¬mfï¬z so TF $3331 IiIIstinIlIxmiEIIUIIIIIIWEWqu name as you would expecl lor 3791300volueIIND II WW h°m° °m°°w 0° 7288300 300 Mm agzmlggmgg 533 ggzgcnla BRAND NEW tt iwo tll garage levels $40900 33101337300 Ill IMP lvptTE ISALIE 21thEtrlyjhkkiiirtn267500 EIIIiIIII how nitoly landscaped lot LEON SESSICXICTORA DA WEEK ca anylme 77dsltchotrtnw£ij tauIII acres Imam Darrysimclaxsrr72Y713t123lwl rcriltll barn and shed OIHIIIIUI CAIOSvIIO 37221ISIIIPK In my II 04 one start an approx acre lot in Bonn Ttiiplililii 728 i892 BAR if 01y bedroom bungalow Witti lull IJRAHtCiiI liaraqiw largo milirslic rmipllv tricr on Na int Only $47000 Call 428 5111 Cliiytrin Hogu Real slain Ltd Unigrouplnc Broker MlDHUtIST LARGE untinishiit tiririi house $39000 Also lots $5000 inirn 9612745 10rontuevenings Sale or Trade Nowmnrkel $52000 bedroom brick bungalow on mature treca corner tat partly ï¬nished basement Paved driveway Phone 416 895 951 tor ap pointment LOW DOWN PAYMENT $3000 lawn and you can own this bedroom home utility room workshop attached garage and lawn lot on aiiiot dead end street in town Call Al Bearmk at 726 7949 rep Unigroup lnr Brokir JOAN GARRICK 7263827 or 7288345 CHRIS GARRICK MURIEL MONTEITH 4872310 My2i SAVE $2200 $2500 DOWN bedrooms large master bedroom at tiictied garage lull basement sliding doors tram living room walking dis tance to all plants For turther intorma tioqcnll 726 5938 DONi LEI this summer 90 by without swimming pool at your own lm mediate possession on this house with heated swimming pool Asking oriiy $45500 Call Ash Jain rep Taurus Real Estate 737 3000 Burkes Falls area Write Box U37 Bar rle Examiner BEDROOM brick and aluminium house in Painswick double garage fully broadloorned $53500 Juiv tot posses slorr For more intormotlori call 7370735 alter pm