naoada Government promises offensive in June Ne against brucellosis in Cattle herds From the OTTAWA BUREAU OF THE EXAMINER The federal government will be embarking on new offen sive against brucellosis next month Rynard PC Simcoe North learned lucs day Jim Fleming parliamentary secretary to envirnoment minister Romeo Leblanc ex plained that the MPs proposal for renewed emphasis on the calf vaccination program will be considered at June meeting inWinnipeg when government and indstury representatives will examine the increasing incidence of brucellosis But he said in the House of ommons brucellosis will from the countrys cattle population from the use of vaccination alone The vaccine he told Dr Rynard is only effective in about 65 per cent of the animals innoculated and can mask an infected herd The goverment is continuing to provide the vaccine free of charge to veterinarians Flem toward erradication is now in process in the Simcoe region Dr Itynard complained in cidence of the disease in cattle has been on the increase since 373 when 48 herds were remov The figure grew to 337 in 1974 In the first few months of this year another 50 newlyinfected herds were discovered began in 1956 when brucellosis was rampant the MP explain ed but the program was aban doned in 1965 when the disease appeared to be under control Brucellosis causes abortions amongst cattle and undulant fever among humans Herds in Ontario and British Columbia have been most severly af the examiner Friday May 20 1977 school not needed board says after study The Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board has determined that new school between Barrie and Bradford is not war ranted at this time board committee recent ly concluded study of the student population in Innisfil and West Gwillimbury Town ships The committee considered ween the ltlth concession of West Gwillimbury to the sixth concession of Innisfil It is the finding of the committee that the present numbers do not warrant the establishment of school said chairman Ross Saun ders who added that the board should keep close watch on the area because neverbecompleieiy eliminated ing said and full thrust Compulsory vaccination fected aband of territory lying bet itsvcryfastgrowing Stop NDP says Eagleson Alan Eagleson warned Conservative supporteis in Bradford Thursday night they must work to prevent an NDP govern ment in Ontario Eagleson spoke in support of Simcoe en Ire Progressive onseivatiye candidate George Taylor at the rally tExaminer Photo town country Students going to Ottawa Ottawa is the destination for 48 Codrington Public School students on field trip May 31 to June They mll visit the Parliament buildings aeronautical museum at Rockcliffc lt Force Base and the museum of science and technology Conversion possibility checked The Simcoe ounty Roman atholic Separate School Board has tomied committee to look into the possibility of converting classroom atSt Marys School in Barrie into change rixim and storage area for physical education Cost of the project is estimated at Slit315000 SHOP SATURDAY MAY let DNlY ANll SAVE lli l1 Ii li1l STEEL STORAGE BUILDING An anrachve out door storage area for bikes garden ing tools etc Sturdy Steel con structiori Assent bleslo approx Floor not in cluded EAsiIEIANDLIRNG LAWN RAKE OR GARDEN SPADE RAKE has 24 Wide painted springs and 54 handle SPADE wrth 27 long Dnandleandapprox 12 blade Cliowe Ea 50 GARDEN llllSE llll llSBlllAIINE SPRINKLER Garden hose has tough Nylon reinforced core covered by transparent green iackel with White stripes Oscnlal ing sprinkler adjusts to different watering posrtions and reaches up to 34 65 lawn DAoust heads committee Trustee Don IAoust will be chairman of threomemixr committee that will evaluate the oral French program in schools ol the Simcoe County Roman atholic Separate School Board The committee nll guagi the program in relation to incentives posed by the ministry hr Hilts lytty Negotiations progressing Trustee John Brennan reports that negotiations are still piogiching after Six meetings between representatives ol llit Simcoe County ltoman atholic Separate School Board and its teachers toward rcsolution of contract to take ef fect in September Six meetings haw already been held and it looks like there will be few more meetings before we break for the summer Our target seems to be way in the distance Brennan said at Wednesdays board meeting marl Price Bill Porter heads engineers The Simcoe County chapter of the Assoctation of Profis sional Engineers of tlnlario elected Bill ioitcr of Barrie as chairman at the annual meeting Vtxlnesday at the oiitinrn tal lmi Also on the executive arc Don Kirkpatrick of Barrie tyico chairman Ken Mitchell of Base Borden tsicretaiy truce ï¬rereton of Barrie ttrrasureri and Vern llodgins of iiaiTie lilitSlCllalllllilll Oliver presented by school it Best School in Shanty Bay will present llS pltitlllt tion of tiliver May 31 and June at pin in the gymnasium at itilllllt Public School Oro gets planning grant tlro Township is one of tour Ontario iiiiiiiiiipalities to receive community planning study grants totalling $31898 from the Ontario Ministry of lloiising Ulf gets 822230 of the total while lnnisfil Township has also been granted 84275 The grants arrdesigned to hpr municipalitits and plann ing boards prepare or update official plans and zoning bylaws INDUSTRIA UTILITY SHELVING Sturdy liveshelt unit to tt YOUR CHOICE ECONOMY PACK OF FLOWERS VEGETABLES Green Thumbs delight Economy pack of six different flowers and vegetables Variety includes Tomatoes Peppers MUMS FOR YOUR GARDEN3V2 IN Pick the plant with personality Beautiful potted Chrysan themums are alwa favourite in flower gardens hoose from store and organize tools and other heavy eqmp ment Grey Asseniblesto approx 36 x70 l6 mart Price Socreds trying iiig Gervais Untario leader of the Social Credit party is go ing to try and make it race for the luftciinSimcoe riding in the provincial election He starts his campaign for votes in tirangvillr Monday mainsticeting in the town The following Monday May 50 trrvais will be in Allistoii again mainstrceting tin June he will be at the gates of Tollingwood Shipyards to meet workers He will also be on an open lini program on TKtTB the foil ingwood radiostationthal day The Socrerls who did not elect member to the Leg islature in the last provincial election are seeking cari didate for Simcoe entre We are anxious to hear from anyone seriously wishing to be candidate says Bruce Ar nold of Wasaga Butch who is assistant to Gervais Anyone interested in running is asked to contact Arnold at Box 345 Wasaga Beach Cabbage Begonias Snap Dra variety of vivid colours all32 gons Zinnias PanSIes etc pots in this world theres always room for one more tlltl Windham Lvn FAVOURITE BLOOMERS Pack of four garden plants in wide selection including Sweet Alysuums Petunia Dwarf Marigolds and many more COLOURFUL GERANIUMS favourite for Window boxes lanters or garden beds atted eraniums comeinacharmingvariety of shades 3iipots POPULAR DRACENA Get growlng on this beautiful buy Potted Dracena plants are sure star in any garden Jiz pots AERO GREEN FERTILIZER Acin Green 7ICftlll10l for all your lawn il garden needs Economical 40 lb tgtiri 55 niarl prict ELECTRIC LAWN MOWER Dependable Power Plus electric lawnmower with 20 more power to handle the big jobs like they were small Features durable steel deck folding Chrome handle with cord storage smoothridin tires and position tieeggdï¬es StuandBEDSPBEADS total Decorator and Coordinating Services FA FARD cu Ft cu cu mart Price mart Price mart Price Choose from an outstanding selection of excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest Agreat gardeningaidl Fte Ea Call your Welcome Wagon Hostess now Phone 2W Gives Satisfaction Always vouii SATISFACTION GUARANTEED on YOUR MONEYCHEEREULLY BEFU suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking and installation as required Phone iois Hoorain or drop in to the Studio RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill tains moisture and helps loosen soil to make it more workable Three handy sizes available Only Miles North of Barrie