Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1977, p. 4

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veeWwwmfwwfimWw1 NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS Publlstted dailyexcept The Examinerisa memberol The Canadian PressiCP and Audit Bureauol circula Dave Henshaw managing editor Len Sevick manager Marian Gough accountant Sunday 8M1 tions ABC Only The Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper Sean Finlaycity editor SALESMEN aeny Arm statutory holidays creamed to cpl The Associaed press Remus or Agence France Presse and ocal Randy McDonald sports editor tan MacMurchy Dorothy Bowland Eélkbsgrtgtionsrl news stories published in The Examiner Bill Curran county editor Dan Gaynor Wendy Bowser ycarr er Bill McFarlane wire editor Lya Johnson Gait Mcpanand 90 Ms Trhe Bzrgiefsxarmner claimds coglyrrigztgg original news and advertising material seerng baffle and Simcoe COUMY Roseanne McCabe litestvle Barb amnion YEAR LY by carrier ea vi emp oyees an pu IS Is newspapers Thundayn May 19 1977 R0 Kraikor phoographp Dana Graham Mintflg Copyright registration number 2038B register it BY arrie Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 52535 Sgsggtfiriroanmg mm Wm advemsmg Wm 65 Queen Tmm mo Came 16 Baylield Street Barrie Ontario Paul Deiean David Jenkinsasst manager SIMCOE COUNTY Montreal Richard Dunstan CLASSWIED Andy Hangman $3650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out Pat Guefgis Ruth Blais supervisor Judy Hickey MOTOR THROW OFF oi errors In advertisements beyond the amount paid tar the space actually occupied Ello Agosnnpub or 5C0 552 Virginia KIDS Alva LaPlantt ELSEWHEEBEYIEANADAI by that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error Sheila overn Elatnl Porter is due to the negligence oi its servants or otherwiso and there shall be no liability for NEWSROOM CIRCULATION ADVERTISING Sue Routlille Freda Shinner Marg Srartt 850 Year non insertion at any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement 7266537 7266539 7266537 Ihe kids to park for arena fOSS City counCIl wants to cut operating costs at its two arenas So guess whos going to be given the privilege of cut at tltghghfiiggsts CF ICS The voters of Barrie elected one tough council last ByloflolERN December Queen Park Burcau Thomson Ncws Scrvict bone of your sentimentalityup there at the top of TORONTO The last time minority Mulcaster Not bleeding heart in Sight government wont to the polls iiapntario in 1945 the official opposition the operative ifotlsildtiizttle be ars want to us the rinks then make Commweh Femal CCF med em pa gg makeit scandal election They claimed that Premier George Drew Hike therates for the public usmg public faculties had had betn operating his personal Keep the rates the same for private profitmaking gestapgg organizations WlShillg to use public facilities mfgxgighggl is dy can And you know who uses the rinks in Barrie the most But then Drew put damper on it He an Voungs ers nounccd the appointment of royal commis Wcll they cant vote anyway so why not increase the sion This announcement gained him public foes confidcncc and the heat was off PUItLIAEII luesday night counCII has chance to reconSIder its premier William Davis wason the verge of dGCISIonto increase arena rental fees having to fight scandal issue in this cam ounCll Should reconsider paign when the Globe and Mail broke story And council should increase the fee for private profit abopi saggpgtionaéioinsg paryin making ventures such as concerts Circuses and wrest Torontomummy company mg matches It lookcd bad and the premier stepped in And keep the rates the same for the recreation groups immediately in the city Ihc of the story he announccd public inqu1ry Into the matter In doing so he left some questions to which there probany will never he answers First of all Immediately Icft himself open to cliaigcof coverup ncc niattcr comes undcr public inquiry it is out of thc arena of public discussion And the question is will this not leave the public with doubb In YEARS IN TOWN School board hopes to have building The my WW no lmwmm why lltt lZxamitter May 19 1967 Ka completed by September Alan haycapubllcinqmry It It th VIII this not be to thv publzc at lea an in Muiilock cmd Ernie Miller are co aSSOCla OI ImC Ilcmls you Itll ItInI oils Itll Itim iIIoI Imgmct runIng is Iorv mamMSWWWW nonortd by students and staff of agricultural representative starts Tnflnmxm lhtlilt District entral Collegiate today as full representative with Davis probany wit the his Slcp oper as hcad girl and head boy Lt retirement of Stewart Page who hm tndr It It Whetmore Royal spent til years with department of Hc Ill Iool to teas nnaditm Navy expresses con gratulations to members of the Bar II Navy League and Sea Cadet orps at annual inspection at Barrie rinoury Navy League Cadet of the Year is Ill Campbcll Chief Petty Hificcrs award in Sea Cadet section wont to POI Marsdcn Ald Les lolliftc extends bon voyage from thc city as 20 school safety patiollcrs leave for annual safety jamborcc in Ottawa Approx imately 100 Simcoe County Grade pupils wiitc annual county scholar ship cxuminations City council will bc asked to approve 3420000 dcbenturc issue for construction of XIIandaIc Heights Public School lltlillll iltllt will lit holding Its important that such an iiSNKIiilltlYE Ip onscious cfloit to ccusc buying out Itlt lllttllilfl ltIth Illl month with LUJlllliltlll INJHHI Itilsl HUlilllt witle Innnnucnitnl and unions In which In III III gt IIt IIIVIC Itll llt Your And this Is coupled with inothtr ncw ttlil cytryont to buy QtItbic products littttlht So for Iflcisoinc Initial clonrusirig paign cnconiutging QIIithcis to lti tvtcli tiint you buy oinclliing troni littt you lion Inost ohci pltlllitgt htt shot down in Sness homc this suInIntr itiitl spcnd Illtll Iitllgtll ittl It Job soincwhtIc lItci thc cunt Idcn of tiny post scpariition association nd mugt LL Iy ENT Eli lusinflss IIItl onsilnicr flairs naly st Thomson cws Stry ici ti unprtccdcitttd cncrgj shortagc isnt 7imtt any rnorc It iitmdly ccrtainty Its timing can be IgichiItnt with Illt liiitcd Stntcs Canada pirdicid fairly closely Hill thc form that It SlJmLFS HHS 1M5 mlmt umme 50 will tnkcis still unclear But it has done littlc or nothing about tho Mk liqulwk cmnmmn no fools stor Muwmmn mmmnmnal Studygmuphas problem supply Tm Umhmmm 85y pcihtips with justification that after Just ClintlUdHIIilall1dmantlffyrfyllilex reach sources of oil and gas in anada arc trlffl tht availablt supply bctwccn 1985 and um but pcrhaps ascarly as 1981 IIIing this catastrophe thc studys tiiitiil says that all of the pieces of zmchiitcry that dcpcnd upon oil wont bt ablc Iti Li II tn adds IIot Carroll Wilson of the Massachusetts Institute of Icchnology there will be such titrcc bidding for available sup plic that shortages will be intcnsilicd lhc study group Included busmcss txctutIvts government officials and attltllllgt iroin 13 Countries Canadas Icprcscnlativcs on it naturally wcrc all from govtrnmcnt It contllttlHl that coal and nuclear energy olftrtd thc bcst prospccts as alternative cncrgy sources tut thc st ndy group also urged drastic con scrvation Incttsutcs Nilllllllil tanadns rcprcscntutivcs howcvcr rcinaincd quuisitcly noncommittal ein phasixnig that tlic govcrnmcnt the National IIncigy board and Ictrotanada tthc crown we want your opinion Letters submitted for publication must be signed by the writer Please include your street address and telephone number although they will not be published Letters which cannot be authenticated cannot be published For the sake of space public in terest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays on Page agriculture Kcmpview Bowl Monday Mens league bowlers honored Ken Hicks wins high single trophy Ross Simpson high triple and George chear high average Tuesday major league also at Kempvicw honored Fred IIickcy high average Stcvc Wiggins high triple and Art Lovc high single IEITISEIICNIS Adams Fur niturc features thiecroom groups for as low at $49995 Thorn Mobile Feeds Ltd of Stroud has 14 per cent dairy ration for $69 per ton in bulk Dangerfield Motors is sclling used 1966 Pontiac convertible loaded for $3295 chocuf Jewellers has dia mond rings on sale from $100 ahead in energy owncd oil company arent Ciliiiiillllwi to any of the findings of the study group In that respcct thc Trudian goycinincnt is at least bcing consistent For the last scvtritl ycais it has bccn treating the cncrgy problcm simply as good cxcusc to imposc big incrcascs III royalties and titxcs on con running out and our supplies can only be maintained by tapping the frontier artas Faced with applications for permission to build pipelines that would bring gas and oil from the fronticrs to the markctplacc however Trudeau and company abdicalcd thcir decisionmaking rcsimnsibility Instead they appointed royal com mission Justice Thomas Iiirgci to study the environmental and social ctfccts of it pipeline The first volume ofhis report lSSUOd rcctn tly finds that thosc effects might bc Idvcrsc and recommends tilycar delay FITTING OFF Thatsthe kind of copout that is so familiar to Canadians If Canadas primc conccrn is that thcrc be no changc in thc North thcn logic would dictatc pctmancnt ban on energy development instcad of post poncmcnt Thc Iicrgci report rcjccts as inadcquatc environmental safeguards proposed by the pipelineconstructIon group such as its iron clad commitment to build only in the wintcr It would be nice to bc ablc to dcvclop an energy source while leaving naturc un touched Ihats impossiblc but it should bi possible to build distribution tacilitics in way that protects the cnvironmcnt whilc meeting human nccds for fuel We probably wont have chance to find out howcvcr Ihc anticncrgy groups arc pro claiming the Berger report victory for thcm and the Trudcau govcrnmcnt after giving them the Bcrgcr inquiry is hardly likely to risk taking that victory away from them by approving construction of pipeline Without IlitiISIXllitliliil system industry has no incentive to continuc lhc highrisk cx plornlion of the front icrs The same arguments for the purity of the nvironmcnt and of lifestyles will bc used are bring used by zealots to block thc development of coal dcposits and nuclear mergy Its only mattcr ot few years then until Canada loses its scllsufticicncy in energy and is thrown into fierce international com petition for essential supplies from abroad Parliament hill By SIIIIII MiIIIJIUI tittawzi Burttin Iliotnson cw Sciy ici 0n thc onc hund IIcIIiIII Itcnc llStIIIth Iarti QIIchcois govcinincnt kccps talking about thc Ilicvitiibillty of an ccoiioinic association with thc rcst of anttdzt Ifttr separation and on the olhcr hand lhcic itil activc It campaign to kccp all lltlilt dollars within thc provinct Itsa curious combination It thc Quebcc govcrntncnt is its It claims sciking thc undcrstttnding illtl support ot othcr provinccs particularly liilldlllt IlltIi must be mort ctfcctivc vclnclt tliitn tlic curicnt Iiuy ucbcc cuinpztign now litinc launchtd In ucbcc ttty lIl tlit long run in tario would bc thc Ioscr II Qucbcccis Innkc dollars in thc Inspc the Laurcntiuns or othti rcsorl artts In this cusc Ntw York Stutt and thc cw Ianlund artus would bc tht bit lUStI but tintniio and thc Maritime would also futl Iilt tflttls Ironically this is occurring wliilt lillltlllti The world today By JOHN ARIIIHIN Forcign Affairs Analyst Thomson Ncws Scrvicc Canadas grctit North Amcricnn cvtnt lht Stiatford Festival is 25 ycars old this your multimillion dollar cntcr risc madc possibil by thc imagination and rive of it dispurntc small group of Canadians Americans llll onc important Irishman tlic lzitc Sir IyIonc lutliric Ihcrc Irc thrct Strtltfords if you didnt know the original on Englands Avon Itivcr whcrc thc grcat Bard IIvcd and wrote lilfl onc in onncct icut But the antidiiin onc rcmiiins uniquc in the way it began how it grew and what it has done as modcl for this kind of thctitic in olhcr dwindling citics and towns ot Inuda and tllc Unitcd States What Inadc it possiblc was tlic association initially coincidcntal betwccn an Ohio collcgc profcssor hicago tcnt man the latc and great Tyronc Iuthric and Tom Iattcrson an ideaorientated nttirio high school student gucss it all bcgttn with Tom Patterson who decided to stay in high school that your becausc thcrc wcrc Ito jobs in town his filthcrs factory was closed thc Canadian National railway had dccidcd to abandon the town and there was it Sliikt in progress In other words Stratttiid wits slowly dying Then the city council agrccd to spend thc nugc sum of $l25 on sonic ncwsptipci iltlr vcrtising of Ialtcrsons Idea of it Shakcspcarc Festival to save thc town BEGAN WITH AN AI An hio collcgc profcssor road it made on fact with Iattcison and introductd him to thc leaders of Iorontos still small theatrical world This meant Dora Muvor Moorc Ind hcr distinguished son Mavor Moore then trying to get Cll IV off the ground Ircmicr William lttl is apptttling to Illllilltlpttllill Ill his ploincc not to cn courztgc litlitt llIlIl to Inovc Into tintnrio Ioil In no way lloliltl tnt oniziic busincus in our IItI pioyiittt to inow oti lilWitilt It also occurring wlnlv thc tcdcinl LHHI nlncnt is promoting llllilt tItII Intl clmngi IIIIiillll bctwtcn Qticbtc and otltci pltHlIltth VIC NUIIS Its uIIIIktIy that thc Itgs lhiy hitbot cninpnign will lllt III iInIntduttt Illtlliililttl tllttl on othci Iillllll sntcc IIIIIIIIItl lcnd to look for thc litl bins IILJtltlll of origin lint it could lcnd In iililt unntttssury ilfllllilYiilltiIlv tilllll will bc brought to privntt lIltll through IdcItIsIIncnt IIlti Illtill coin Incicinls tonsiilcring Qucbccs tlllltlll tcononiic dit titIiltns suppost II it bit difficult for thc pictnici to bc llllllilllllllll toward otlicl saved Stratford Ihty pcrsundml tiiithIIc to ltliillltltill tlit old It in Inlidon which lIc wits having tloiiblm dirtcling tostttrt llll Stiitttord plnn Ittty Skip Minilcy thc thictigo tcnt illilll conic in to lift the big top biggcr and tIIckIcI than those of Ititincy and Iluilcy circus or tltc onc ht was rinsing tip in Maryland wltcn litclinictoStIntford Ihitt massive tcnl built by it lIicngo ltnt IIIiIkti who was also tltsigiiiiig tlit big oncs for thc likcs of Iill Ilobints would llil to do for SIVIIIII ycttrs until ttht wits cnough Inoncy around to construct thc pIIscnt nuigniticcnt complcx lhut Intant actors and Iudicnccs illlkt shivcicd through tlIc bud cvcnings whcn Inin poundcd thc tcnt or thc wcnthcr was too cold tor July and August The Stiattord Festival optIch III 1953 with Sir Alcc iuinncss tlhcn star of theatre and film playing Richard III Ihc money problems continued thcrc being no anudtI ouncil until uftcr HIT with its substnnt ial grants for thcntrcs symphony orchestras Worthy actors and wrilcrs Ilut most of the rcst now is familiar history of grcat success lhc Stratford Festival now is it multimillion dollar cntcrprisc with the 1977 summer scason more or less booked solid by anaditins and visiting Americans who must plan well ahead fol seats and accommodn tioiis in what now is pcrnmncnt tlIItatrc boom town Ntll lllltl lllll There is another thentrc natural callcd thc ilobc with rcpcrtoirc which ias long since cxpnndcd to includc modern iinadiiln and Amcricnn playwrights as well as the classics of Old Europc and Greece hcrscif Iodny Struttord nl is thc Festival and the Festival Is Stiiitfoid but as it turned out dcfinittly Inoic than only Canadian succc$ story Levesques economic drive affects other provinces piovIncts cvcn If hc is swking their long tcrni cconomic coopcration Ilc is obviously lliliilI stvtrt thSUItS from groups within his own party to push thcsc ucbtctiist Illttttiil And as was pointcd out 2tilitl pcihaps thtrc Is sonic oliticnl advantngc in raising thc httcklts tmadas Iingltslisiwaking motorin trom timc to tiinc Howcvcr tht timingswnis bit stiztiigc at this momcn Ircinicr lccsquc has ill£t nod his lilr tlcpcndtncc campaign to sonic form of contimic tilltilltlll with thc remaining IIIilll and recent public opinion polls in lllilt that without such an ltiLltlIII trz owrwlitInnnu majority of Quclcccrs would oppocstpiittioli thcy huyc Itttthtl help from IIImc ilinistcr IIudcztu who wnrncd Loytsquc that the othcr IIItlillt would bc in no mood to bargain with an Indcpcndcnt Qiitbcc IIcinicr lhtvis hits suid chcsquc would be lltlhWll to think ttnltirio would enter Into tgiccincnts with nonvtanndiun Quchcc and tttc Sccicttuy John Itobcrts has said it would bt tragic if Qucbcccis were led to lillltl un ccononnc association would follow indtpciidcncc Ilt thought it more IIkcly thc remaining IIIHliltt would conic to some economic cinotions It allowed to cool that sonic economic iilllttllltlll would automatically be Icnclicd bctwccn In indcixndcnt Qucbcc and Niki pIthncis Irtngcmcnts that Innkc ccononnc stnsc lit usually finalized cvcn tunlly lint the otcrs obviously want stronger pioollluintlns Icllittps chcsqnc had no hopc of gutting pItictcrcndum colopcrution front other provinces lill but he has certainly not ittllilttl his own cause by appealing for ICIIinshtnnndns outwardlooking un dcistttntling whilc prcaching thc gospel of in wiird looking nationalism at homc ML WM4ML public as confich tha there wa r20 domg In his party But hc almmt cvramly wen gar the public coiifzdcizcr from 119 DTE did in 194 In the first place ir those days royal com mISSions and pubxtr inriyiir whcrcas tot Drews ac tint and 112 iF it tropis The lift drama cw one 77 What cnu 8xlSlLSIIUaIi0n wits that the int of the in company who its pimzrncn turtstlzvttivc wanted IIIIl£iitLltittllttldl tilih party In eplinii thlt to his superiors he would usc icnstr and mum they would un dcistttnd US quarrel over island By BOB BOWMAN Britain and the lnilcd Stittcs nearly went to war in ltltiti til and tinudzi would have bum thc biittlcground IlIc tillillltl wits oycr San Juan Island oft thc Pacific coast and thc shtxiting of pig brought It to it dangerous llllliix lhc Pacific coast boundary was suppuscd to be scttltd by tho tingon trinity III into but Sun llltill Island hnd bccn lctt In lll iltt biguous position It was tlllllll by thvgmr which tiicd to mlltvt lit tIoIn thc Hudsons litty to which btIl cittlc plus and slitvp Illtlt llicic also tll nninbci ot IIItIIcIII sci tlcts on lllt Island and onc tiny pig trqu the conIpnny tnrin stiitycd Into one at their gar dons lllltl shot wlIcIi It bcgnn digging up llitutocs Ihc Hudsons ltny ttt mod to Iillttl Sltlltldtlbnlts Ihc llltlllll tllltl soul pctition to tiiv tllltll iin lltllitt on the mainland and he lllSINlltlllIl on soldin to thc sccnc th nulth Itics tit Ictttiiti ltvnncd what had llilp pcncd llll IIIINII warships tl sent to Sun Jun lhcrc mnld hiIvc bccn fight but for tnnnlcly Admiral Ilayncs rcfuscd to goto war tor the shooting of it pig bible thought Jesus said onto her am the resurrection and the life he that hclItveth III me though he were dead yet shall he live John 25 Keep rmtcmlxting that lie is the giver of life and the master of death chause live shall live also inqacumya

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