Sports corner By RANDY McDONALD Examiner Sports Editor The bike in rental rates for the two city arenas will force users to increase their registration fees next season City coiuicils general committee voted Monday to in ciease most arena rental rates by 20 All that is needed is the final stamp of approval from city council Tuesday to bring the new rates into affect It passed there will be number of sports forced to up their registration fees and to consider raising admission prices to help offset the increase in operating costs The Home and Eastview arenas ran cembined deficit of $151327 last year The revised rental rates as recommended by the general committee is seen as way of cutting operating costs And theres little the arena users can do about it Theyre over barrel when it comes to renting ice time for example Sure they can squawk about the increases but theyll pay it in the end What other choice do they have There are just too many other groups willing to pay the ex tra just toget ice time The Barrie Minor Hockey A5sociation BMHA is one organization which has had it It has reached the saturation point The BMHA is at another crucial period of develop ment The BMllA needs elbow room and is in the process of put ting together steering committee to look into the possibili ty of an additional ice surface for Barrie Eugene Walden president of the BMHA said the idea of steering committee came out of the associations annual meeting earlier this week He says the BMHA will be hard pressed for ice time next season So much so that the organization is actually con sidering dropping one team to create little breathing room The BMHA is being squeezed out of the Lefroy Arena The hours it was able to pick up there this past season took some pressure off the hockey group Walden said the steering committee would have to take very careful look at the idea of another ice surface One thing is certain however the BMHA the Barrie Legion Minor Hockey League and Knights of Columbus Hockey League are nearing this saturation point if not already at it The present facilities just cant cope with the demand The BMHA is back at that point some six years ago when it found it had outgrown the Barrie Arena and went looking for new pasture There is already task force looking into another artificial ice surface for Barrielhis task force came as result of the Barrie Community Recreation Conference last year lhe minor hockey organization is either unaware of its existence or unhappy with the progress being made Ice rental takes the biggest chunk of minor hockey organimtions yearly budget The BMHA paid close to $25000 for ice rental alone last season The Barrie Legion Minor Hockey league lost its battle against rising costs and has for the first time in two years been forced to raise its registration fee This will probably be true for the Knights of Columbus Hockey League Just how much or in what form is not known at this time but Ron Kempling chairman of the Legion Hockey League said that it 2001 increase in rental rates would definitely have an impact on the league Each year it gets harder for the minor sports groups to make ends meet Its safe bet to assume that both the Legion and Knights of Columbus organizations have trouble making budget They have the bank roll of their sponsors to draw from The Knights of Columbus paid somewhere between $2800 to $3000 on ice rentals this past season This is ball park figure said Kcmpling but still represents big bite of the budget Kempling hinted that the Legion league might go to Win tario for assistance next season Barrie Flyers of the Ontario Hockey Association Senior League paid in excess of $11000 for ice time this season This figure included their regular scheduled games prac tices and playoff games said Jack Graves the clubs treasurer The Barrie Minor Lacrosse Association BMLA has budgeted just over $4000 for floor rental this season said Frank Fraser president The BMLA has already collected its registration fees for this season but Fraser said the league would have to con sider an increase for next year Lacrosse pays the least for arena rental on an hourly basis than the other groups in effect now is $925 cost although the BMLA is paying $18 an hour to use the Stroud Arena this month One reason is because the BMLA staffs the arenas for its home games with its mm people The BMLA is hoping their proposed outdoor lacrosse box will help cut the cost of floor rental for team practices The 10 rate hike in lune of last year did little in the way of helping the Barrie Figure Skating lub keep its costs down Higher rental rates will hit users hard Vl4i54 Up went the cost for each skater Theres all the reason to believe that hike in rental rates of 20 would only serve to force the club to increase its registration fees again this year And in the case of the seniors that would drive the cost over the $100 mark The Barrie Figure Skating Club paid out close to $8500 for ice rental this year The figure is for 2trweek period Figure skaters by their special needs are hardest hit when it comes to dishing out money at the start of the season For example preschoolers for one hour week over the 26 weekperiod with instruction cost skater $36 57 year old skaters for 112 hours week also 89 year olds paid $50 novice skaters for 212 hours plus instruction start at $80 with the senior skaters without instructors thats extra pay $96 and $100 for wig3 hours of ice time depending which group theyre in There are exceptions to the revised rental rates The general committee appears hesitant to raise summer rental fees at the risk of scaring off bookings Such moneymaking events as circuses concerts and wrestling matches will escape the pinch of increased arena rental fees this summer should council okay the general committees recommendation Tuesday Public skating is another progam which will not have its hourly rental rate increased GLANCING AROUND the general committee recom mended Crystaplex Plastits Ltd of Mississauga for the pur pose of completely enclosing the hockey boards at Eastview Arena with seethrough protective plexiglass screening at an estimated quote of $3128 The junior mens Itometer hurdle events was the closest of the zone finals Tuess day at Fastiiiw Secondary School Ron Green centre of Stayner ollegiatc iii stitute on the event and qualified for the Georgian Bay Secondary School Hurdles launch finals of zone competition Rob Green and Ann Mc Eachern were the only hurdlers to snap the string of Harrie vie tories Tuesday at the zone finals at IIastvicw Secondary School Green student at Stayner Collegiate lntitutc won the junior mens 1104nctre hurdles to earn spot in the Georgian Bay Secondary School Associa tion GBSSAi finals next week in Parry Sound The hurdles waJ the only event Tuesday in the twoday zone finals the remaining events arc todaj at tariic North follegion flair had thi inajority of mine in the huidlc as run nets cornpctul aganrt time in an effort to tritiltl lll HESi standard Mcllacbcin of Jolliiigwood won the midget gii no incti hurdle with lllll of 141 Seconds ll fiist placc automatically qualifictl licr to the G1 but to be urc uh xlipsed the qualifying time of 144 seconds Jennifer lrvine of Barrie Cen tral was second in 144 seconds with Dawn Elrick of Harrie North and Sue Flegel of Central tying for third in 153 seconds Kim Holden of Eastview nip ped Michelle lithicr of Barrie North to win the junior girls event Hoth finished with times of 130 secnits which put them in thiGHSSA lat Kerr of Stayner and Cheryl lcblanc of Barrie North were next with time of 156 seconds The GISSSA standard for the junior girls event is 142 seconds Nicky Emms of Fastvicw won the senior girls loometres hurdlms with time of 176 seconds Second place was taken by another Eastview en try licbbic Chappcl with Mar tha lioncr of Stayncr third liUYSlllRlilJZS The Georgian ltay standard for midget boys is 105 seconds Brent McMillan just missed the mark with ii 16 in the 100 metres event His first place finish however civcs him spot in the finals Jay Frcethy of Stayner was second with Terry ltiirkcr of ollingwood third Brian Levenick and Mike Reid finished second and third in the junior mens ioomitics hurdles with time of Hill seconds This event was one of the closest races of the day as Green just nipped the tWo other runners at the wire in time of 18 seconds flat Junior GHSSA standard is 175 seconds Mikc Forgrave lole through the senior boys event untoucb ed he was the only coiii petiloi Scott Johnson of Harrie North won the 4tioimetrc hurdles in 604 seconds Second place went to Peter Campbell of Alliston with Mark Kostandoff third in the threeman event Red Sox to open in Orillia still looking for umpires Its getting to be habit the Barrie Red Sox meeting Orillia Majors in the opcncr of the South Simcoe Baseball League Barrie opens the 1977 season in Orillia Sunday at pm against on the defending league champions for the second straight season Red Sox wont shake the rillia bug until May 31 when the ollingwood 7a veinen come to town in the meantime Har rie will have to be content with home game Thursday May 20 against the Orillia juniors and return match May 29 LACROSSE tjuvenilei ROLLER SKATING TRACK AND FIELD sports calendar pm Elmvalc Harrie Graham Auctioneer vs Midland 730pm Eastview Arena general adinissioni at Barrie North Collegiate nine finals tall day The Soul in Simcoe league lost four teams this season Ncwmarkct llccton Midland and rccmorc did not enter this year Orillia juniors rcap cared on the scene after an hence of one swson The other clubs in the league include lvy Leafs loftenham Bears and Allistoii Canucks Red Sox are in need of ma pircs for the fast approaching home season The door is open to anyone wanting to um the home games which wi be played Tuesday Thursday and sonic Sundays Red Sox are using the lliiiric Fair Grounds as home park this Season Anyone iiitcristcd in umpiring is asked to contact lod Laycock at 72800215 Leafs to open at home lvy Leafs open at home against Collingwood Sunday at pm as the 77 South Simcoe Baseball League schedule gets underway this weekend Leafs are rumored to be plan ning grand citing ceremony which will inc ude number of oldtime ball players leafs will be at Alliston the following Tuesday May 24 then back home Friday to com plete the homeandhome series with the Canucks Association finals in Parry Sound next week Iirian chcnick of Harrie North left as second with Mikc Reid of lIastview far right placing third tli aminer Photo Rolf Kraikcr Over 60 golfers open Springwater lltltl of over tio golfcis turned out to help Springwiitcr Golf toursc opcii new season on the weekend The weatherman co opcratml as well for the mixed two half round lilll Massey and Jean Adams were the low gross wiiincrs Hlll Ray tatton and Mary Lou Wiittoii placing second lhird was ltalpb Male and iirol lliiics Taking the low not prize were orby Adams and Glenna Massey Sam Taylor and Linda Young placed sccond with Joe iilhoiin and Betty Adams third orby Adams was the winner of the longest drive for men with rol llincs taking the ladies event Jean and Glen Adams of Adams Meats sponsored the an nual event and drew it round of applause from the entrants llic Mcns lwilight play begins at the Springwatcr club lhursday Aiiyonc lllltltSlHl in joining this sociable com petition is encouraged to come out to the course between 31 in lhurd2iy for tcc off Additional information is available by contactingt Sandy filllllilllfl at 728 4717 Conplos holding open practice iiiipliis oi the Harrie ity Fastball Leagues recreation dwisioii has scheduled an open practice tonight at MacMor rison litlk All positions are open reports coach John flax lbc prac tice is slated to begin at 830 pm The recreation division is looking to open its first season in the ity League lltXl weck Rugby club looking for players The ltiirric Rugby Football lub is still seeking new play my and social incmbcrs Aiiyonc iiitiiistul in joining should go to Sunnidale Field llilnsday iil tizltti pm llic chili won the Toronto Saracers Spring Rugby lourna iiieiit last weekend by beating the Toronto Buccaneers in the final game cht game for the club is Saturday when tiic Harrie Firsts pliiy shaw iii entral olltgiiitc starting at pm Hamilton real estate beaten 102 ORANGlIVlLLlC llamiltoii Real Estate opened the lluronia Minor Lacrosse season on the wmng foot Tuesday with ii 10 loss to rangcvillc Wayne llolines led the Orangeville tykes with four goals Derek Lee replied with both Harrie goals Next game for Hamilton is at the lIastview Arena lucs lay against Orillia ProColor whips Orillia novices ProColor whipped Orillia 93 to win its third straight game in novice lacrosse action Tuesday at Ea st View Arena Nolan Keogh had three goals for Barrie with Richie Webster and Willie Miller each scoring two Scott Metcalfc and Adam Wobel had one goal Webster Keogh Miller and Peter Daniels had two assists in the game which featured the goaltending of liarries Mark DAmbrosio Next game for Harrie is in Huntsville Saturday sports Of World Chom pionships Barrie bowlers in final The mid Five Pin Bowling Championships are being held in Niagara Falls this weekend and the lluronia Bowling Associa tion KllliAi will be represented by its mens team This is the first time since 1968 the championships have been held intintario lhc llltA 111 its fllSl year team consists of Mark Tolfo Tom tiitlir liivc laytoii Tom Locke Bob Gare Al Prevail and t1lll liill Griiiil tithir bowlers from Ontario competing are Lloyd merod of lliimilton and Joyce Waite of London in the singles competition lllfl il ladies team from Hamilton and mixed team from Scar boro ltritisli oliimbiir the North West Territories Alberta Siiskiitclicwaii Northern Ontario Quebec and the Armed Forces will also be competing in the weekend toumainent liltll will sec 2200f iinadas best bowlers in action Floor hockey team to compete in twoday provincial tourney lhi tiiitiiiio Floor Hockey lcauiii illlli for the mental retarded is holding provin tlill toiirniiiiicnt this weekend in lItobicokc and Harrie will be icprcscnlcil ltariic team Wtill the right to go to the tournament by win ning regional tournament at Harrie North Collegiate April 30 ltairiewcnt through the one day affair undefeated edging team from Midland 111 in the final game Lanny Toronto McDonald of the Maple Leafs is the The HA has approximately 1700 bowlers in its organization after breaking free of the York Simcoe Bowling Association last year to try it on its own The mens team won the right to compete in the final against other provincial representatives by winning the provincial championships in Hamilton The Barrie team bowls Friday at 230 pm and Saturday at am and 7pm if playoff is necessary it will take place Sunday at 330 pm Locke and Butler have both competed in the World Cham pionships in 1976 Gare also played well at the Ontario Cham pionships in leading the HHA team to first place finish The man to watch out for may be Tolfo He is former Youth Bowling ouncil champion who won the last teaching masters event earlier this month and also the teaching aggregate honorary chairman of the tour nament which is made up of 21 teams from cities around the province who won their various regional tournaments The objective of the OFHL is to provide an organized sport outlet for the mentally retarded intermediate division ready to step into new schedule llillliltlltlltlll at Queens lnik liicsday will send the in tciInodiiitc division of tlic liar tlt tity lnstliiill League recl nig into llt season lliirric to tip meets the liar llt ttptiiiiist lab in the in opener with Starr Electric and Mr lraiisiiiission going under the lights tl ttztop lll Fight teams are compel mi in lllt inop this season The lll ltlllltlllllt tlllltll itorincrly the minor ltltllt is onc of two in the Barrie City Fastball Lcagiic which was formed earlier in the spring The recreation diiision ifoinierly the Barrie Rtxiea tional Fastball Iciiguc is llic other halt of the lcagiic Harrie totlp and tliirkson ilotel are the only two returnees this season Other teams in the league include Starr Fltctric Mr Traiisinis sion Optimist Club Peter lteiiio Sports formerly and DriveInI onvertible Pools and liairiic Floor and Wall The interimdiate division will be playing the bulk of its schedule out of Queens Park with MacMoirison Park the other outlet The league has 10 slated for tlit first operation games week of in Ontario which will provide local regional and provincial play and organization CIOSe to 2000 people took part in the program this year but organizers are confident that number will be greatly increas ed for next year The OFllL is supported by the Ontario Association for the Mentally Retarded The Na tional Hockey League and large number of community based supporters and is funded through Wintario grant of 330000 and the Foster Founda tion The minimum age for par ticipants in the provincial tour nament is 12 but there is no up perlimit The teams will arrive Friday night with all day Saturday put aside for competition The final games will be played Sunday morning with exhibition and skill clinics taking place at the sametime Barrie will be competing in Division 2A for the 18 and over age group with lower skills Foote gets head of opponents liarlii Footc heads the ball out of danger during recent soccer game at Eastvicw Secondary School lioote is coli sistenl performer with the Barrie lty Soccer Hill which iii Division one contemler in the Newniurket and District Soc cer League lliirrie lty is in Orangevlile Saturday with the ity lilnes teiini involved in the preliminary round of the Richardson up Ilxiiniiiier llioto