Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1977, p. 4

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at anus 31 tv NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS Publlahoddailytflcwt ftief xamlnerlsa member at The Canadian PressCP and Audit BureauotCircula Dave rtenshaw managing editor Len Sevick manager Marian GOUOh accountant Sunday and lions ABC Only The Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspapor Sean Finlay City editor SALE SMEN Betty Armer statutory MlldflYl credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local Randy McDonald SDOFS editor tan MacMurchy DorothY BOWland Subscrlpllm new stories published in The Examiner sir guréanxounty editor Dan Gaynor gel BPOWISLrd WEEKLYbyflrn The Barrie Examiner claims cop rght II arlanewire editor Lyall Johnson ai ar an 90cents news wsdnesday May 18 1977 serVIng barns and Slmcoe COUMY Roseanne McCabc litestyle Barb ammo YEAR Ly by carrier created by its employees and published in this newspaper giggiéigajiiaeégphotographer Dana Graham $4420 Copyright registration number masts register bi CIRCULAYION av MAIL Barr Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limite John Bruce Jon Bum manager Mo National advertising oltices 65 Queen si Toronto 964 mo 640 Cathcart 5t 16 BoyfieId Street Barrie Ontario Paul Delean David Jenkinsasst manager SiMCOE COUNTY MOMOM Richard Dunstan cursstsieo Andy Haughton $3650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shalt not be liable tor damages arising out Eho Agostmlpubhsher 550Jiealsili5ns Blaalts°ssuperlisor flay amino MOTquTryRGEXV OFF ot errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied Sheila McGovern rglnl EVone Pom ELSEWHERE CANADA by that portion ot the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error NEWSROOM CIRCULATION ADVERTSING Sue Rowme Freda Shinner Maarg Star so Year is dule to the negligence at its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non nser ono an adve tisem nt 7282414 eyond he amoun paid tor such advertisement Joe Clark calls for tax cutbacks fivepoint program outlined by national Progressive Conservative leader Joe Clark calling for fundamental change in federal priorities fully merits serious atten tion The program reflects deep concern for Canadian tax payers generally and should help solve the unemploy ment and inflation problems In urging practical steps to put Canadas economic house in order Clark began by pressing for the elimina tion of duplicating and overlapping of federalprovincial programs which add much to the cost and little to public SeIVlCG Reform of current Parliamentary procedures to en sure that Parliament can again exercise its most basic prerogative to control the public purse was also stressed Action to provide for periodical reviews of all govern ment spending programs was another point well ta ken An agency by agency review of Crown corporations to eliminate those that are obsolete and transfer some back to the private sector makes sense full review of universality as it applies to welfare programs was fifth point Heavilyburdened taxpayers also are liker to agree with his assertion There are still politicians who believe the answer to every problem is more and biggcr government despite decade of expciicncc that should convince all of us that big government is not the answer Encouraging of the free enterprise system to hclp business and industrial cxpansron will not only solvc unemployment but bc real boost tor the mnomy generally Reducing the strangling tax burdens will go long way toward this worthwhile goal Tree bylaw Dear Sir rcad with great intcrcst thc city liar ries cxtcnsivc bcautitication program by thi way of planting ticcs on residential strccts moved into small subdivision somc 17 houses in tictobcr To in March of this ycar called thc depaitiiicnt conccrncd inquiring about having trccs plantcd on lhc strict which is might add complete in cvcry respect only five homes remain vacant was informed that until the city assumcs the strect they will not plant trecs Is thcrc any doubt that they will assume the strect No What absolute rubbish thc adherencc to bylaw to the point of absoluu stupidity How long do zic wait spring after ictorc they the city dcpartrricn inxoivtri crow too loud and par car othcr of tho bark id likc to iriforrr hcm that for on part follec rtsrctit liill program no work inIl Nerd spring thi Kiah Jones Pans reviews Dear Sir it neon rcairrg solurrr rr your paper sorry 11 and fzr ou in couru wrLter Paul Driver H9 lili JUUI laou and lfi phoograpry bu his orc scorn to rinsicar readers ii lhi TIUp on Supcrrarrip lool tintrture Thi bard fir5ltf1 ha bcir our of all corrrpitcr musmtan in the busian world of wow rccordrrg llc mislcads rwdcrs in iiiironing the keyboard work xiircnt up to par ith recent albums risis What risis or rimi of the Century whilc in fact thcy were the samc chord structuris iri diffcrinl tiiriis and scales with minor changes They will play Juno and at Mapli Leaf Gard cns Not up to par now Oh yes the shoot music on thc front tarkit picturc is that of The American National Anthem it figures Also lr licicans writiup on March ro rt Triton Warrior coliccrt Herc lr llll£lli analyzation of thc band was thiy wcri taicntlcss incapablc of musical talints and outright st unk in fact the band has bcen in arrangenwnb with apilal ltccords dropping Columbia ilttAi bccausc its RNA mcn wcrc too lazy and dropping iiantasy Sound becausr lhc band had largcr more cxtravagcnt rccording systcms of thci own ilc also mcnlions thc iightshow as two rvolving dots Thcy were in fact two $2000 heliumneon lasers and one custommadc computer layvout delay designers Matrix giving hologram designs hovering above the band in multicolor iriton Warrior will embark to England this summer and arrangements for an American tour slatcd for latc summer Two band mcmbcrs arc from Barrie and their major lcaguc promotion rccord will be on the air and in the stands next month some zyntvr we want your opinion Letters submillcd for publication must be signed by the writer Please include your street address and telcphonc number although they will not be publislicd Letters which cannot bc authenticated cannot be published For the sake of space public iii terest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays on Page letters to the editor iic illy now you say iush and loxy arc from oiorito Yours truly iohii Itariiin Bami About placards DcarStr As your and citizcn who deplores tho wasti of our JFtLlOLb natural risourcis must protcst thc placards that are springing up in profusion at iVtr stric cornir and arc cluttering up thc landscapi Surely thi candidatis assumc that Iain lfl tclligcrt chough and ntoriirid enough to know whirh candidac llltfiLlgt to hilll par trus that after thi llillin the can didntirs will put ir action plan riiyilc their stakm saplrs and positrs How they rnwr hoard of Gov itorno and li féxllitiu lt3li might itiil Thank you ltos irndbiiry litiitstown Likes column hour 53 Ian 1ll2 faithful lltilfl of lhc r21 armrir in of al lniliil ifu now irriprcs til am 2l riw format or thi pap l0ikllllvt11llHrillllill4iilillij arr pitn iarrii firm was started lir tr oir My rrrah purpose tor writing ii it courugi toiitJivizitior of such ixrillint religious articli ur as liorotlij Kiib irri loir to lorxllr lhorc are it olurrrri of tin rintuii bi trig viritHr that hate to sm il Wl discori tirumi Maj 11 that Dorothy attcrids our rhurch and loud and pTlWl by all in that siic truly limo hrr inrthdaily Siriizlril Mr lllfl llllllitrtlalill lilrnvnlo No errors lxar Sir Finally dui to mail acrriii ilr hiring in rllltpl of thi Apr ll ratio of hi rixtiinincr v0 ili to quiilniy Wllll to ixpris our striviri appreciation lhi artii iv with iiiorriptiying pho tograph which oppiuirivl uridir lhi Liftstyli banner section of your paper was both in curate and lltlllllllu account of lit public moit int htlll iii iillidlili liavrng lost track of thc ladyi iitirrii who UllllllWl tho rooming on your paporr behalf We can only ask that out Thank You b4 passod along to for Not only did shit attend and thicn rcporl upon mooring but thi irlicii had no or rora Wc comminl upon this as unhappiiy thc opposite is morc olicn the mac we haw unhappily found these last fiw ycarsi but shc managed to take photograph which in its mood coiivcyod thi loci of migraine to your readers whither migrainious or not Following thc aptxearancc of the article we rccflvcd numerous calls and lotions from Barrie and area all of which has scrvcd to make us more determined than Vll that somehow wc shall find the whcriwithall to plan two events sym osiutn for health care professionals and pu licmecting for those who have inherited this debilitating condition both to bc held in Barrie hopefully in thc coming autumn or wintcr With repeated but sincere Thank you Yours truly Rosemary Dudley Executive vicepresident The Migraine Foundation Here comes another one of those 45 million Nixon Parliament hill Sli lll licllIUl Ottawa Urtitll lboiiisoti ivt Sort ici lMespiti tlic Izitisl public opitiion polls which show the Lilarat still gaining ground at thi ixpcnsi of thc Ionsirvzilivvs hopc lrirni Ministcr Trudian is abli to risist thc tiriiplnlion to cull iiiiiiial lllllltili ilc iiitoinly going to bc iiudgid toward il voti bf some of his inori ciiliiusiiislii brick mom hllitllfllhlh who always appinr iiill binl for lltflllill bill lits hopi lilh stubborn streak surfricis llLJllllxl thi prissuris Apart from lhc possibility of Nihiling llil Liberal party irio its difficult to imagini what on July iliilion could nccoiiiplish oii lMlIJtll of Mir country hayi vil lo lltill iiiwini iiggcl that in iliilion ciiiiipiiigii could makc llillillllllivl liiilillilllllill to national unity or iiiiiiai iinployiiiinl or chock thi rnli ol lllllitl ion The world today lty JOHN llrltllltltN Fortlg Affairs Amityit liioiiiiioii Niwu Scivicc Watching our priiiii iiiiiiisdii on ltllVliilili during his riciiil llllliiy trip to lllitlll rind llitlill for thc iconoiini illllllllll lhi NAIO moitings and his lltlilll Visit liiiii ltlllllllllll hc now is longcd ruling ltillll of any Wlflllll tllllllillJttV Ainiriian lllfilllllil Jimmy Carter ll wiiiskir iiiori than too days in lilllll Willi liii participation in lllillll living lll lllhl iivci was conforienci sinci iiicoining prisidcnl Britains Prime Miiiilii tnlltighiin and West tiriririnys ifhzinciIlor Schmidt llll truly ncw buy by ioiiipiirison Willi our liirri irudienii as lii liirliigiils quitl Prime Minister Kantii So too in Japans liiiiic Miniiilir lllklltlil clottied during ii major and still iiiiriiVililiig scandal involvuig Olll of hiii llllltltiililllii lth priiiic minister of Japan in France the priinc iiiiiniilir was lriiitid to curious two day delay in miltrig iircnch Prciiidient liiiiciird dllntiiiiig and then to ii sirnpluous public Iiiiiihioii when in llqillttllll private evening stippci Suriiy as lhc most senior of Mir Wlillllh ditmocrutic lciidirs it or no other riiiiion than common courlisy lriiilciiii Wllh cnlitlid to respect from the lironch piisiiicni FRENCH RUDE And then to hc insulted on French iiiiili television by an illlllVllWtl who thanked him for spcaking our language The French who still rimiinlicr Nripolcoii called England perfidiouii Albion iirc iiuii watchers th lhi subjict is bring talkcd about conr strintly lhc lllKlill havc thcir campaign riizichiniry ill placc and whilc cvcry official bcnils ovir backward to discount clcciion rur iiiors you know thisc dcniiils arc rcltilivcly iiiciiningliss ltcnying clcclion rumors tliriatcns to rcpliicc hockcy is anridas national sport liiit llttlt only our man who rcally knows and thats lriiiic Minislir lnidcriu llc has Sillll rcixutiilly that hc has no plans to go to thc piopo but thiri is always qualifying phrnsi lhmwti iii month ago hc said tilts ciin sci argumints on both sidcs ircgarding an curly Vttltil do iiol think would bc inclinctl to ilioosi ii dalc right now and say will hold thi clcclion thcii tigriiilliss iii lhc fair of thc iQuiliici illlltlllllllli That was just aftcr llic Libiriils had pulch ahiail of tho onsirvativcs again following Trade trip runs into obstacles ly the most pcrlidious nation in Wcslcrn lliiropc What llii lirinch impartidly want from ap plying lhcsc small Iiiiniliil illorts to cliibtu tarts our pritiic tiiinislcr is it quid pro quo with iinnilii on mic and uranium Itolh llii lltlili and Wcst icrniiiiis arc running oiil of uranium supplies morc crucial to the lllllll since lhcy still maintain an inilcpiiidcnl nucliar military csltihiish iiiciil iintiilii has more than cnough uranium to 54 iind Would Mo to scli il ltul ncithcr Fran or Word icrnitiiiy say thiy will itcccpl our now tough control rcguluiions The potential buyirs must promisc to use urtiniuin solcly for pciiccful purimscs which Ill hilly dcsiribid lllill iii no time rcscll iriniidiriii uranium to othcr buyers not signature to Canadian rulcs SllICt lllllltt is not and ncvcr has been iiigniitor to the agrccmcnl restricting nuclear prolifcrution we would have to be tougher with her than almost any other European primpecl ln iexcliangc of couisc Canada wants to get her small markets for anadian finished goods abuvc thi iii pcr cent of our total ex ports to the Europcan Common Market coun trim The industry trade and commerce depart mint lii presently conducting an operation culled EllltlpllSP 77 which includes indepth iiitirvicws with Canadian manufacturers about foreign markets and foreign corn petition Trudeau evasive in talking about early Federal vote oncycar Tory honcyniixin with thc people And sincc thcn lhc Libcral popularity has cont inucd to incrcasc The last poll conductcd curly iii April shows thc libcrals now lcad lhc standings with 44 pcr cent of thc dccidcd vote while the onscrvativcs havc slipped to 34 pcr ccnt and thc Niw Democrats continue to fluctuate around iii per cent month carlier the Libcrals had 42 pcr ccnt and the Con scr vat ivcs 36 per ccnl Last August you might iccall thc Tories lcd tiic illlS by pcrccntagc scorc of 47 to 29 lhosc wcrc hcady days for onscrvativc lxadcr Joe Clark whosc frontbcnch mcm hcis wcrc alrcady beginning to talk about thc portfolios thcy would iiold in tiic ncxt govcrir iiiciil couplc of months make quite dif fcrcncc cspccially witch provincc clccls wparatist govcrnmcnt in thc incantimc Now its bcginning to look liki liitili all ovcr again as libcral stratcgists appear ltttllllllltd to display lrudcaii as tho onc man who can hold thc coiiiilry logcthcr This would result ill crackcrjack carn paign if hc wcrc fighting scparatists at the fcdcral lcvcl but whcn all parlics arc prcaching lhc virtues of fodcraiism its dif ficult to scc what campaign would acmm plish apart from confusing us if the Liberals had minority govcmmcnl thcrc would bc some justification for sccking ti majority to dcal with chc Livcsquc and lhc iarti Qucbccois But the fttltlill Liberals alrcady havc majority and thcrc is no doubt how majority of Canadians fccl about national unity Wiicn you wcigh all the arguments it could hc concludcd there will bc no clcctiun this yciir But the troublc with this rationale is that it doesnt makc ullowancc for thosc par ty officials whosc main goal in lifc is to acquire bigger majorilics And no worthwiiiic politician is blind to tllc possibility of com paigning on sonic ovcr riding issiic likc national unity and diverting attention from such mundane problcms as uncmploymcnl and inflation Thcrc is somclhing clsc that bolhcrs too Not long ago lhcrc front ivigc stories about how lrudciiu iicarly called snap cloc tion for July it whcnthori crc doubts about the Libcrals winning votc in thc Commons Jets votc anyway thc primc ministcr was reportcd to have whispcrod to lloiisc lcadcr Allan Macilachcn He added the suggestion that if wc losc wc will go to tho implc During 15 yours in Ottawa have ncycr beforc hoard inyonc quolc what lbc primc minister allcgcdly said to his hoiisc lcridcr in the oniinons Yet on this occasion Liberals were rcpcating thc glorious gossip with all lhc restraint of ii town cricr doiit know whclhcr it was an attempt to kccp thc opixisiliun on tciilcriiooks or witcthcr it was an cfforl to launch it lrial balloon iiut il clctirly iitdiiiilcs thc Libirals still tliltllllill clcclion thoughts hope lhcy go away Queens park Finds Smith inconsistent By DON OIIEARN Qucens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Dr Stuart Smith is an enigma You dont know just what to say about the Liberal leader At times he seems very much on the ball Then at other times he comes across as being on cloud nine Essentially he poses many of the right questions it was this faculty which really won him the leadership in his convention speech he talked of the need for completely new approach to labor relations for more efficient management of government and other and similar suceinct points But when it comis to answers he doesnt make out so well In fact his approach has been almost en tirely questions without answers Thcrc ha vc bcen two notable exceptions One was position paper on education which the party brought out last year And the sccond was paper on small busincss which was produced this winter Both were exccllcnt But when it comes to the rest of the spec trum of govcrnment there is little offered from either Smith or his party in the way of solutions STRATEG This could mean that in thc 12 years since he won his convention he and his followers havent been ablc to sort out just where they stand in it could be that they are intentionally holding back in support of the iattcr is that they have structured cicction plan The main rationale of this is that they should not pcak too soon and should work gradually towards pinnacle in the last stagcs of thc campaign ritics say that this is coverup and that thc party was simply caught off base by the election and wasnt ready But if it actually is planned strategy it probably is good one For in the fiveweek campaigns of thc past all parties have ten dcd to sag badly in thc middle and then have had to try fierccly to got their tone back And the way Smith has been fighting the campaign would appear to be according to plan He has bcen trying to build point at timc First he tried to establish that the party is our for all thc pcople unlike the New ixmocratic Party which he categorizes as dominated by labor and the Conservatives attachcd to big busincss Thcn he camc out for restraint with all in crcascs in taxcs and othcr imposts to be held down to actual incrcascs in incomes Perhaps beforc thc campaign is over he will show that hc docs have some con structivc approachis to the problems of the day But at lhc moment you have to categorize him as qucstion but not an answer man Change made by Loyalists it BUB lit WMAN Montrcal and Saint John NB share Canadas spotlight today Montreal was foun dcd by Maisonncuvc May 18 1642 while on this date in 17st about 7000 tnited Empire loyalists landed at Saint John which now calls itself Thc loyalist tity The founding of Montreal was described in this space on May 18 last year so the full spotlight is on Saint John today Thc arm 11 of thc inilcd Empire Loyalists changed the British North mcrican colonics espixiall Canada from being primarily French spcaking Thcy also made it noccsxiry for No Smtia to bc dmdcd into two colonies the sixrcgalui section being known first as New iriliind tbricflyi and then Now liiunswick lhc 7000 liilll who arrivin May 18 ostabhshnl thcmsclus at ioitland Point onc sidc of hich Ls called tarlcton and thc othcr lair Town Two oars lalir the two scl llimonls wore iinilcd is the city of Saint John which also bnamc taiiadas first in mipoiatcd city There worn number of Acadians hung at Portland Point and tho were induced to mm further up the lltl to St nncs Point which now is lidcriiton thc capital of New lirunsw ick Anothcr lingo group of loyalists landed at Sholbiimc which for time became larger than lliilifa Thousands of olhcr l0illil went to prosoni day Ontario and sitllod along the St lawixnic llnir lakc Ontario Niagara lcnmsiila and as far west as Windsor bible thought Thus they provoked hint to anger with Nick Iiiwiiitons and the plague brake In upon them liialm 329 Perhaps wc havc yet to sec the inai cost of many of our achievements and the misuse of the great knowlixlgc that God has entrusted us with

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