NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy Mc Donald sports editor Bill Curfan county editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Roseanne McCabe litestvle Roll Kraiker photographer REPORTERS John Bruce Paul Deleon Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern SUL Routliilc BUSINESS Marian Gouqh iccountiint Betty Armor Dorothy Bowland Wendy Bowser Gail McFarland ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager SALESMEN ian MacMurrhy Dan Gavnor WEEKLY by carrier Lyall Johnson 90mm Barb BOWO YEARLY by carrier Dana Graham 54420 CIRCULATION BY MAIL Barrie Jon Butler mriiinocr $4680 David Jenkins asst manager SIMCOE COUNTY Andy Hnughton $3650 Judy Hickey MOTOR THROWOFF Alva LoPlnnti Wayear DanniPorter ELSEWHERE lN CANADA Mari Slt iirll 539506 year Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays Subscriptions The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau at Circula tions ABC Only The Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer The Barrie Examinerclaims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 2038I5 register 61 the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Tuesday May 17 1977 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited National advertising oitices 65 Queen St Toronto 1710 640 Cathcart st 16 Baylield Street Barrie Ontario Montreal The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable ior damages arising out oi errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability tor noninsertion oi any advertisement beyond the amount paid ior such advertisement CLASSIFIED Ruth Biais supervisor Virqinia Klos Elio Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 CIRCULATION 7266539 BUSINESS 7266537 Freda Shinner Queens park Need to update representation Now that 1977 budgets and levies are settled Simcoe County council should be giving early attention to pro posals to update and streamline its administration Although overall spending for the current year is ex pected to be up to record $11056394 an increase of 59 per cent over last year the tax levies against property are expected to be the same as in 1976 This unusual record for this inflationary era was made possible largely through increased assessments due to new construction and is generally considered an achievement As pointed out by Mara Reeve Peter Forbes and Depu ty Reeve Muir Dack it was vastly better record than in neighboring Durham and other regional government areas The Mara members were particularly pleased because they felt it justified their decision of few years ago to join Simcoe in preference to Durham region County records show the council has rejected pro posals for regional government in this area at various times in recent years But there is no good reason why reasonable reforms shouldnt be considered to update representation more in line with population and taxes paid The 1977 tax requistion figures clearly show the need For instance Innisfil township with two members and four votes out of 78 pays levy of $41691 while eight villages which collectively pay less county taxes have eight members and eight votes glance over the current countys tax table of statistics reveals other comparisons which show representation is out of line Overall the county has 53 members repicsenting 33 Just talking politically By DON OIIEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO With Stephen Lewis New Democratic Party leader when you have followed him and studied him for along time the prime question you ask yourself is how much can believe or trust this man Lewis is clever man there is no question of that But is it cleverness that is centred on superifcialitytrite one might sayrather than on sound base And above all beyond his cleverness is be capable particularly is he capable of run ning government USES FIGURES There are two facets which must make you suspicious of the NDP leader One of these is his practice of proving case from one of its selected parts prime example is his current attack in the election on forest regeneration He claims that the government has been replacing only 15 per cent of the annual tim ber cut by planting replacement trees And he plays the 15 per cent to the hilt But he completely ignores the fact that in standard forest practice much rqflaoement depends on natural regeneration and forest management Planting of new trees is smaller part of the usual regeneration program municipalities Further changes in qualification for deputy reeves could be start toward reducing this number to more realistic level As pointed out at different times the prescnt county administrative system is unfair in that the principle of representation by population is flouted Simcoe yesteryear Ilic roighursl image was selling gas for 25 cents an gallon when this picture was taken lill in lftzi In the photo un lairc Bcll Icft proprietor Roy Slack and daughter Irene and Hollis Itcudmnn lltitlil courtesy of is Lorne Soininirst Your business NIII EGAN Business and onsumir lfuirs Analyst Thomson News Service oming cvcnfs its often sziid cast tbcir shadows before For many years now thc British economy hzis been casting shadow long enough to reach to unzidu and to lorctill ourcconomic future We have faithfully followed the British load in such matters as expansion of the bureau crucy and the embracing of inflation thn from time to iimc our political lczidirs decide that its time to do something to reduce inflation they do iXiK tly who the British did couple of years earlier right down to using prcciscly the some tcmis for example Attack On In flatioiii and with cquully little success Its still not too late for Canadians to learn from the economic mistakes the British have made our lCtlSItmrlllilktrS would do well to listen for cxziinplc to it Briton named William ltccsMogg the editor of The Times of London and man with extensive background in Illt study and observation of COIIOIIIICS In anudn recently to participate in an open economic conference sponsored by the we want your opinion Letters submitted for publication must be signed by the writer Please include your street address and telephone number although they will not be published Letters which cannot be authenticated cannot be published For the sake of space public in terest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays on Page British economy lesson for us Progressive onscrvnlivc Party of uniidii he was as poliic guest unwilling to challenge nnudus cconomic policies But he offered his views on four mislzikes that llt believes hich contribufml to he Wtilh $5 of the British economy and which minty imodiuns could easily apply to this countryseconomy LABOR IOIINANII Irzidc unions llith doininnied society Iiics Mogg contends Illill most British irudc union lenders are sensible puirioiic imd iioi its bad us they hove often been pziinicd Nevertheless lli sziys lIiiy irc misliikcn in their basic attitude toward wolk and toward Illt lilItliSISOl their own iiicmbcrs Ii cim Iilki six months to two years of negotiation before you iIIl gci incn lo lIlSliIll machine llini going to make them richer lic Sillil In some instances unions put on of solute ban on the iniroducfion of new machinery on iiiiy terms The result IS lllill Illt investment in new plant lllll cquipnnnt is logging liccullsc in duslry bilicvis Illill ii illlllOl gii optimum productivilyout of ii The Worst icoliolllic sfiiiislic in Britain is the liVcl of invesiiiicni in plnni Ind iniichiir ery which is nohiglicr Illilll it was in lttiii Ihc British govrrninent has bill on ur my of bureaucrats This is portly the result of vast expansion of social scrv iccs undertaken lwlorc Win was found to pay the cost and partly because of massive nutionnlimiion of private industry The Labor iovvrinncnt continues to nationalize although stoleowned industries soon become characterized by tophciivy bureaucracies und llClllllllIJ productivity Referring to the stoicowned Gill manufucturing industry ltccerogg said productivity per worker is about 75 per cent lower than in the Japanese motor industry OVERTAXATION Iaxation has destroyed the incentive to work British rates of tax reach per cent an earned income and 98 per cent on investment income Parliament hill By SIEBI IIcEOI ttzniai Bnrenu lhomson News Service Quebec Ircnncr Iiino lcvesquc one of the worlds great television performers sccmcd picture of siiiccrc innocence us he ilIISil fediriil cabinet ministers of stretching Illt truth ibout economic conditions in lllS provin He couldnt seem to understood why anyone would stoop to that level Some minisicis including lriinc Minister lrudcziu were acting like ii gang of still fours and little tciTorisfs hc ltlllplillllttl He even compared some lecrnl sfiifcniints to iliilcrsfylc propaganda He mentioned the loci lllill Iiigioiizil lit The world today By JOHN IIIIBIION Foreign Affairs Anal st Ilionison News Service Its called the Francophone Front Sillilll liniguzigcrighls party in the nniltipnrty scheme of things in the country where if demands grcntcr power for the cnpitnl cit The country is Belgium The city is of cour sc Brusscls and this party which won at small lilscnis III Belgiums clcciion last April lTis microcosm of where wc in ainiidn might be heading iinfioiiiil suicide ovcr language and racial differences Belgians lhill is Frenclrnnd Flemish spcnking citizens have come to blows rioted and inflamed each other in ways which have not yet dcvclopwl in iiiizidii But the Belgian experience which sndly cannot be culled il model insieiid is ll ning to us culturally its Britiiins continued doclinc offers similar warning ccononiiczilly In the last Bclginn notional clcction ilie lolliillilltl Social Christian Inrfy under Prime Minister Ico Iiiideimms who has ii Flemish nnmc won his election under the intricate Belgian system Its complicated process of pioimrfioiizil rcprcscnlution illSO mcniis Belgians can vote for individual candidates instead of thc piirty lists In spite of its name which suggests left wing connotation the Social hristinns arc ii moderate rightofccnlrc party In Belgium it is the Liberals who are the right wingers with Socialists us the second largest party in the new Belgian Parliament Smaller in seat numbers but from the coir tending linguistic regions of Belgium Frcn citspeaking Walloons and Flemishspeaking Flanders have two aggressive and competing languagerights political parties These are the Volskunie which wants total IKIIIMHII llilviii lirril lissiiil hud ic lllll flii Qiiiliii ltIIIllltlll of dilnynig lhc signing of llt illtliillllltlll ilILIIiIIIUIIIS My cyv lilllllill lillllt And lli illillll llkt ihosi sluicincnts by In duslry llllllil liitll ihriiicn llliII Qucbccs Iilllliitllil liiiiuiii hill might prevent the dciiiitrolliiion oi fcilirnl scrums into the provinces lhi Illlf the Quebec picnnci Sttllliil lo lilil vilid point whin lic said ihni ilmpnc ll IZiiLlish educational 11lllllilllillill wr llll lrnnsfcircd info Qiiilni no Illll lii iskiil ilioui Frcnch schools for Illllllll il iiif lKlIlL transferred in llllllt lldwnrif lsliiid SABOIAI II ll Hi liiii gemLilly lcwsqiilt illlllilIS most Belgium split over language itiilliilllli llllltlllllllllil for Ilundirs wiilnii iill lllil liiiy Belgium ind the French illoon linllf who llMi iiif rcgionul iulonomy lo ililil lo Befgiinn linguistic differences Brussch llll lilllllill lllll is inoic Frcnch Illilll lltllllll lliillilllti happens to sit in thc lllltltlli of llli llcmish iiiirt of this llilltl prcsscil IIuropinn kingdom Iiiiilciiiiiiis illil lill1ll lo tililkc Wily lol 11 new gmcrininni of which he might bc the bend option The Social hrisliiins Socialists and llltltl together lliin 172 sciiis com pilllil with meagre lifi for thc Francophone ï¬oni Volskuiiie ind Walloon Front Bill the majority pnriics are just iiill of the pitltllllillll of Belgium spliffing isnndcr over lnnguugcdifferences lhcsc now curried to IXIIIIIHS we con iioi ycl isunlii Ill iunaulii For example Flemish war veterans illltl icsisinncc lenders have llilil rallies of ltlllimlltldllti in which thcy say more Flemish dicd or were cxcculcd than ticccssnry because their Frcnch spcnking officers were tiIIOltSS Frciiclrsixnkiiig Belgians on the other hand reincinlxr lllill if was in Flanders with its language iIlIl traditions closer to lcrniiin thiin French where the Mills ciisily raised up im antiCommunist legion to fight on the Russian Front ilongsidc the icrinzin Army Add llliSi hiilcr iIIlil what should be buried memories to present economic dispuritics and you have the stuff of separation Wallonia that is Henchspeaking Belgium is presently in slump until its coal and steel industries can become compel ilivc again Hunders on Illt other hand is where rich foreign illlllllllillliillillS prefer to set up shop and fiictory in Belgium According to The Economist lhill in come in Flanders IS lTpcr cent higher than in Wolloniii iinndiuns illl tzikc notice Exaggerations are coming out in Quebec separation move concerned about continuing federal talk of economic uncertainty due to the existence of SlpillilIlSl govcrnmcnt in Quebec This sabotage campaign is tearing down the province while it is still part of Canada he said suppose if any of us were in Levesqucs position we would fccl the some way As he and his ministers go about ihc difficult task of encouraging risk capital into the province it must be infuriating to hour federal ministcis say that investments are drying up in the face of separatist government and that company head offices are lining up to leave the prov incc Without knowing anything about the response Icvcsqucs complaints may generate in Qucbcc he is not likely to be inune diitcd with sympathy cards from English speaking aniidzi What we llt watching now is propaganda war and if Levesque can use cuiy argument to convince the people of Quebec they should leave Canada then it is difficult to dcny the federal government the some privileges as it tries to hold the country together Obviously there are going to be ex agcriifions If is worth noting that the first major volley in thc battle was fired by the Pillil Quebccois government which claimed that Ottawa look $43 billion from Quebec during 15year period The figures were produced to indicate that the province actually lost moncy by being in conftdcriition FEDERAL RESPONSE few days later hrcticn replied with another set of figures which showed that Quebec indeed gained great deal of fi nancial benefit from confederation But Quebec Industry Minister Rodrigue Trem blny who produced the onginal PQ figures was not interested This propaganda com mittee with mission which is entirely political has no competence and no respon sibility in the matter of national accounting But later studies indicated the original PQ figures were not entirely free of propaganda Prime Minister Trudeau refused to discuss the $43 billion figum on the grounds that it has already been discredited Meanwhile Ontario Treasurer Darcy McKcough produced figures to indicate that Quebec has reaped bumper finanfiiil cm from confederation including $6 billion wort of equalization payments during the last 10 years Levesque termed these figures pure propu inidn No oubt there is an element of propaganda in all the figures now being thrown about in this respect but the Levesque government must have realiwd there would be strong reaction to any suggtstion thzit Quebec was at financial loser for bciiig in confidcrniion If Quebec is loser you might ask what province could ossiny be winner Since Tru cau culch Levesque an enemy suppose its okay for the Quebec premier to call the prime minister terrorist But dont think there should be any complaints about pmpzigimdn thats what the current cinnpuign is IIll nbout Then there is the example of the lewis ap proach to the target figure of 53 per cent for unemployment announced in the budget The INDP leader knows that thougi this figure maybe bit high it is essentially right under todays conditions But he puts this knowledge aside and in steady barrage maintains that the govem ment is reconciled to permanent army of 200000 unemployed Just playing the game of politics You might take this position But you lose bit of taste for it when Lewis accuses the govern ment of distortion and bullying when he is the greatest distorter and bully of all IMAGE AISE Then there is his public presence The transformation in this now Is well known Lewis came into the legislature in 196 bitter and cynical young man of 25 He eventually took over the party leader ship and was still the bitter man Then few years ago there was sudden change The man who had been so indignant mellowed To the public be presented an image of sweet reason calm unruffled and apparently somewhat phlegmatic man But is this really calculated pose Is the old cynicism still not the same dominant characteristic but working behind new mask lias there really been mellowness or is it unctuousness There is good reason to believe that it is It is good mask mind you if it is mask at all It almost completely convinces most of the press for instance But when you weigh him and reflect on him there still is the prime question how much can believe or trust this man Canadas story Kept Grits concentrated By BOB BOWMAN The founh session of Canadas fourth Parliament ended May 17 1882 It was known as the long session although it only lasted few months In the final weeks Prime Minister Sir John Macdonald was able to get new Retre scntation Bill through Parliament It was made necessary by census showing that On tario Should have four more members and Manitoba one Representation was based on provision in the British North America Act BNA Act that each province was to have seats in the House of Commons in proportion to Quebecs 65 seats as the population warranted The bill gave Macdonald an opportunity to redistribute constituencies and he maria ed to get Liberal voters concentrated in as ew ridings as possible This gave the Con servatives better chance of winning the general election that was due June 20 His plan was called hiving the Grits It was successful because the Con servatives won 139 seats to the Liberals 71 Mucdonald had represented Victoria 80 since 1878 what he was defeated in Kingston This time be avoided Kingston but ran in Let nox where he had lived as boy His first campaign speech was in nearby Napanee Although Matdonald represented Victoria from Ithtl82 he had never seen the capital of British nlumbia and did not go there until 1886 What the CPR had been completed bible thought For ind hath not given it the splrlt of fear but of powor and of love and of sound mind Timothy 11 Iho average person is apt to spend more Iiinc with his nrs than dos with NI iiiitli Futhcr banish the tormentln fears Illill come upon is by the ppwer of Holy Spirit in Jesus name Amen