TAIltevlp iiiiiiiiéii CUSTOMER SERVICE Ulielv wanted TI help wanted Tl help wanted Part time Kitchen and Counter Helpn required MCDonaIds LJ outgoing person to contact their Barrie clients Car necessary WEDNESDAY Excellent starting salary plus IOAM Attention Students °°W°Ce F° °P pointment Interested in gaining financial independence McDonald Wlll hire 20to 35 parttime employees MR Benefits include above minimum wages free food uniforms sup plied scheduled pay raises shifts per week TF Contact manager on duty Monday thru Thursday 330 to pm Myi21416l7l9 Receptionist File Clerk Rquiirid tor lltttllt iil Itlllcl kpvrieni desirable hut not issintial whit hand written application indiciitinii CIiLnLe LtlUl ntioti rind siilaiy It quireniints to 8m IIIt It lltv lx aminei Read The Examiner to Buy Earn Extra Money WANTED help wanted DININII It tiitl PollVi with tin yixlr iIiIIiirI illlll IYittlltll vai lIJlltIIl Itllilll Apply II In Isiiii ltlllllllil it NIl Immune Iiiii tIy Nu Ailiciiiii Hill 33 Itiiini It siI leI RI ID yltIII litllri Ii Itiliti II ItIlIillty Itiiwy tit isliIi irriiiiil Li Ii iiiii iir tIi lltllll It ll WHOM It Iiile tinniltr til Itti iii iIIi riin itVIIl ii itllilltl in il Itll Iniltvrit ll lll IIIiyliili lltlltli iii Vu iii tIiiil ii iiv ii IIIIII tlllr tit iii1I COORINOTONNELSONAREA PERRYOUNLOR AREA COORINOTONEUOENIAAREA EUOENIATRERESA AREA EAIRVIEWSOUTRVIEWAREA ORENREATRERAREA MARSHALEMURRAY ARIA ALCUNA BEACH FAIRVIEW SDUTHVIEW ARIA THE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept l6 Bayï¬eld St Barrie or Phone 7266539 COUPLE WANTED Name Address Llefpmflgge4AgiE44J DOOR CRASHER BRAND NEW BED FRAMES WITH LOCKING WIDE CARPET WHEELS masier charge s9 SOME MERCHANDISE SIMILAR TO ILLUSTRATION STORE HOURS MON 95 TUES 99 WED 95 THURS 99 FRI 99 SAT 95 3PC BEDROOM SET DRESSER MIRROR HEADBOARD COMPLETE 7PC DINING ROOM TABLE CHAIRS BUFFET HUTCN llll lg OUEEN MATTRESS SET DOUBLE MATTRESS SET Mlsmatched TRADITIONAL 3PC LIVING TOWN AND COUNTRY SHOPS leader in ladies fashion Licensed Refrigeration Mechanic Experienced in commercial and industrial work Also must hold gas licence Union rate Telephone 7285722 for appointment Fox Limited xtiMHiNl iii 11559 tented REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCEDOSALES HELP Interviews to be held at the store MAY 18 I977 2PM Please apply in person no appointment necessary TO MRS MAJOROSI Myl7 Myl9 7i help wanted DOOR AI IE NUANT pint linn ri innt Silt llltlllli it It tltI Apply to It MU til llllltflily Inn Uh riltl Nifillllxl Al TlxAt tVI Iltiigtrrill Ittltlrltil ll Iliiy ll Winl it IX tlllylV Iiiwiitiii altar all Itiiy iJi Itil ltlll TIMI Wiirlri IIrkirs wantml ltiiiiii illlil ili In ilIvl PARI TIMI Tltllllt lltltlls ill TFII tiiip lltiytwlil Miill Millllit ITtiIIttIl illllilti JIIltlllTl lliuin trIll in HM Mil AAI iniii Iiiy IIi uiillllllwltl Ititllyill Hi my IIVHI Iiiiiiii lll IAIIIIIVVLII MI In itiriii itii IIlll lttI trtiirtliii Ii Illllt livli plant ii 72 sales helpagents PAY PROGRESS PERMANENCE PRESTIGE iiiw iitv iI In 3w iii iii It JIIAII YUIJNIIII it in it ll iiiIvtiittiiti1v Wt iiII llilflilnl Hunt Nari PM or IllIIlt NOIN llll irlltll llltI itv JIAA SEABROCMX 76 39 98 Oil IlHllv AL IIIIIIIIVi iii mini ii Myzi 17legel lieshstnéssemi examiner SALES representatives required by well established Barrie company Pasi tion involves selling building products to residential and industrial accounts Ex cellent potential and opportunity for ad vancenient Clearly detiried Simcoe County territory Product knowledrle supplied Please lorward resume to Box U76 co Examiner 76em ploy ment wanted EXPERIENCED DAYCARE 7am too Toddlers to it years Constant supervision Fenced yard Children to play with References it rerIUIrecl Phone 7086 NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF John Clive Wilcox late ol the City of Barrie Retired Teacher deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of John Clive Wilcox late of the City Of Barrie in the County of Sirncoe who died on or about the 25th day of December I976 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned executors on OI before the 30th day of May l977 lull particulars of their claims Immediately after the said 30th day of May I977 the Estate Will he rIistrihutmI with regard Only to lltt claims of the then have which nlmll UlltltIilgiirIl notir r2 nnrl tlw Ull clersignml will not he lirihli to any person Ul wlirisi Iriiiii they shall not thwi lltlvi Iltll DATED AT Kingston Illtlllt this 29th lliy of April AD INI Niliiixririill Nillrit xiirutiiii 24KIIIrISt Kiriqstiiii Oritrilio NIle I7 74 80 public notices TOWNSHIP OI liix IURIIC NIH liilfi BAXII ORANGE IIAL li THURSDAY NIAI it iiil IIT II Itlp til lllt lri in leI lll iiIII Bimini it Ilii lttIyi lu Ill Ititltl It It Illl Uiliriil lrir it izrl virvrlIriiititiilriliitiii ti lttUI fl wIiliiI II rl lii riviiir lt ttii attiriy iiii ti rllI yiiiii tiliil iii vii tli lyrn Irirititl Irv IllIIYIH ltruri iIi IInril liItlir iiililrr IiIivl liytlivI Ill tiilltliii Iitiir IUl Iri mi ltlt PAIr JUST WEST OF THE BARRIE ARENA BEHIND THE WHITE HOUSE 7262900 4PC SPANISH BEDROOM SET DRESSER REFUSED MIRROR NIGHTSTAND HEADBOARD OTHERS SI 88 TO 5348 BRAND NEW BOSTON PLATFORM ROCKER SOFA HIGHBACK CHAIR FOOT STOOL OCK Al IN BEAUTIFUL HERCULON BRAND NEW COMPLETE WITH MATTRESS 29 sz ING SWIVEL yr =J Im MANY COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM NO REASONABLE OFFER patterns Bring In Spring Printed Pattern 4689 SIZE 818 tiring day In an YIn JIriOLIII tint lrrt Nllll MII liwii Altirrl ll 14 it Ii top lgrill $125 iliIHlfIl rw lisw new lllltI 10 war Ii frir IIRrIrllIrii residents add Yl In i8 itll Aitrt lll Ont QC sales tax Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept llli lirIii liIIlIIIltI tilt IIiiuii rIIIlIf Scar liltIIilLlt ltltlitlltl IlItIf ii I4 liliznl wit IIII 1i iilill li IAlli itll lrl Ill Iilii Mini 56 Instant Sewrrig Book $100 Stlw Kriitltooli Si 25 Instant Money Crafts 8100 Instant Fashion Book $100 INC AIME FREIGHT RIDICULOUS OFFERS CONSIDERED DROOM SET DRESSER MIRROR NIGHTSTAND HEADBOARD CONSOLE TO TIIE FLOOR 20 SANYO MONI HS EXTENDED WARRANTY FACTORY FRESH CARTONS NO MONEY DOWN the examiner Tuesday May 17 1977 19 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES cAsHRATEs Death Notices Engagements Births maximum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words IO cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column inch 81 births WEST Bot and Francine nee Fortinl are happy to announce the birth of their tirst child son Christopher Andrew on May Hospital Toronto KNOWLES Mr and Mrs Lorne Knowles are pleased to announce the birth at son Shelby Lawrence on Thursday May I977 weighing lbs ms brother tor Carley GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth at your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available tor Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your triends and relatives in those tar away places Place an announcement after llIIll Call The Examiner Classified 726 1414 EZEQEEENEWWW ABBOTT ETTER Mr Abbott at BIIFFII and Mrs Abbott 0t Pembroke are pleased to rtllllOUINC ttie trirtticnminq marriage of their daughter Karen at Pembroke in Mr Douglas Ettrr son at Mr Wick The WTKlUlIN is tn tnki pierc May 19 In Perribroke Ontario 19 eetdétiheeks BEATON We Wish to extend sincire ltiiinks to our relatives triends and IITILJIIINJTS tor llltlr lfljitUTlfUl floral lrllUT and nimilorml donations in the HIIIII Iris ril our tear brattnvr anrt an ID Wilbert Sixrial lliiink to Dr Dr ILntltdy and Dr Reiilon and 5A nutsvs at Many thanks to Rev Stewart and Illt filerkliy Funeral llillTTT Sisters Jennie and Ella nephews Llriyri Illd Riiy DONE would llkt to take this tip prirtunity tii thank my TrtIYlIl lrieriri inirl nrigtilirir trir IIIIIY reiiririi VVllll was Jalltlil in Hospital Niiriy thanks tr Dr Thompson Virirt Dr rity ttii natal iian staff on Rwy Print Morrow tor lltS Visits and prayers The many rnrris jill tInWirs IIIUIIr tallr and Vlilli Hrt ill TIitTl tITlKVT iiwt Thank you till Iiiiir ti Glads BUTlL 87 in memoriams NOPRENI In llIIII lilIUr ll iii in lyill iIid llllllltl Idi Mitt riasirt many May WM Ever Iit in urniv all 2in MrriirirIiit fl giiir my TIIIIUTJI illiillIl yriii rIVIIVIr lit at iill Hiramv liivij iilwii rtt It Intly iv try llUlJitlIl Jiliri iiilllllllrt Fur itltl kaltiiiv grin Rricim iitd sriii lll law PH kiw NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 DOUBLE MATTRESS SET Extra Flrm VJ 341 1977 at Womens College and Mrs Etter of New Bruns 88 coming events ANAE BINOOM Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot $300 must go every week Admission SI 00 for cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARPIE TTF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 728 24M Classified advertisement and IOli6gt let these pages must be receiynd by rn doy preceding Dublttuliufl wllll itie 01eplloll of Classified Display adyeriisuriievit must be in by Dirt publiratioii BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEA TH NOTICES 40 words 55 50 Additional wards lOrts pm ward CARD OF THANKS 40 words 35 50 Addr tional words ts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse SS 50 Wllll verse per count line 22 cents per line COAAING EVENTS $3 27 column inch WORLD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cast Discouitt Rates apply if paid i4illtli days Orie Oi two insertions per weid iiiceimn OTISCCLIIIWE tnSWFIIV pm NOVd tli senior total 48 Sir ornruir iisei lions 87 per wcird per insertion total SI 24 Multiple iiimam may be Ier when to caiirellatioi results obtained Method on than 24 words routit as 24 war abbreviation set of numbers separate words ERNOPSANDCOPRECIIONS All pimm manual mum are gimpmi as convenience to the adyertisers Therefart the Classrfied Aduntising Depart in Ir unites ad UjrifllIIY tr limit re check the advertiseivient iiniiiud ater frst inset lion iii order that rim war me he trpmnd bifire VII Ill arde that itatw may be rerhird ful the Iriiowmg dz publiraeinn Tltr mining wliiri two days pror tn Three cert wlie saislactory v9 luwe Tl iiiitio count at or on respruizitflig fri only 01m tliY1fly prHtud Ilimvtic of or adyeiiisenum and thin gll tr tut tlTlIlrl portior oi ad that Iiyglut3 TlH iiispiiiit Er tars wllLll do not csscv The value of IL 0dÂ¥illllllllT Ult Iiol Iigihrv lcr rower lll an tioii altr 0qu pr sOTII tilt Ilgli to rlnssly asz spur reiv qr wa PHONE 728 41 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 DOOR CRASHER BRAND NEW BABY HIGH CHAIRS 51883 NO MONEY DOWN LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS QUEEN MATTRESS SET Innerspring