tuasday hforflu coumv Choice of three Voters in East Simcoe riding will have choice of three candidates iii the provincial election on June The riding member Gordon Smith MPP seeking reelection for the Conser vativts had his campaign given boost yesterday by the visit of Premier William Davis to Orillia The premier was accorded an en thusiastic reception at the Lake Couchiching city The riding extends to Midland and also to Barries borders with Dro Roger Pretty NDP candidate and Eleanor Bingham Liberal also have been stepping up their campaigning For further details see story oti page Canadiana opening COLDWATER tStaff Preparations have been made for summer programs at the Canadiana pioneer home which is to be opened for the 1977 season on Saturday May 21 Annual spring picnic on the grounds beside the Coldwater river is planned for Satutday June 11 Historical tours arrang ed for Wednesday July 20 and thrlnesday August 17 are among other summer highlights The pioneer home which was once the Woodrow family farm also will be the scene of an antique market on Saturday July 16 During the summer vacation season Canadiana will be kept open daily Chicken dinners will be held on Saturday and Sun day Sept 10 and 11 to mark the closing of the regular season but the place will be open on weekends until Thanksgiving Waterworks request WABALSHENE IStafti lay township council has requested the Untario govern ment to take over administration of this communitys watenvorks system Premier William Davis has been giving Simcoe ounty particular attention during the current provincial election campaign visitor to Barrie last week when he spoke on behalf of Siiiicoe entre cati didate George Taylor Premier Davis shown above was given enthusiastic receptions by supporters at Midland and rillia yesterday Mll for SiiiicoeJIast Gordon Smith accompanied the premier during his tours lufferinSiiiicoc caii didate ieoige Mctague also attended his Barrie tour The council headed by Reeve Charles Rawson made the request following discus sions with representatives of the Ontario ministry of environment and members of the local public utilities commission at special meeting Nottawasaga levy DUNTROON Stafti Notice has been received by Nottawasaga township council that the first instalment of its I977 Simcoc County leyy amounts to 5142044 and is due for payment by June to Reeve Don lleiincssy and colleagues reviewed other tax tigurcs which showed the levy for township ptllpttSOS to amotutt to 579925 general Shittxlt for roads and Sl2titttt for county The latter was tip by $3783 over last year dlin Dealers to stand trial KINGSTON nt tCPt Six tintario deadstocl dealers were committed by provincial judge on Monday to stand trial on charge of conspiracy to defraud the public by selling meat unfit for human con sumption Judge Ronald Delisles decision followed preliminary hearing held over the last 14 months Committed for trial were William Barrett 32 of Peterborough Richard ollins 15 of Norwood John Megens 41 of Woodville Arthur Lorenz 52 of Durham Nicholas Montague 46 ot trillia and Gor don Elson 44 of Jasper Two othersRussell Coupland 60 of Pembroke and Hans Rhul 15 of Vankleck Hill were discharng when Delisle found insufficient evidence for committal to stand trial An investigation into the alleged con spiracy began after testimony at Quebec inquiry into organized crime indicated some tiitario dintlstock dealers knowingly had supplied meat fit only for pet food to Quebec interests for resale in Ontario and Quebec ban was imposed oti publication of evidence presented at the preliminary hearing No late has been set for the deal ers trial Hair catches in wheel RllllA Ont tlt Sharon tampbcll 23 of Urillia has had part of her scalp sewn back on after it was torn off when her long hair was caught in gorcart mechanism at track at iamcbiidgc tnt Sunday llospital officials said Monday shc was resting comfortably in satisfactory con dition Children stabbed ltht tNTt Pr Toronto woman was charged with two counts of attcmpttd mur der after her two daughters were found stabbed Monday in Qutcns Park the grounds of the Ontario legislative buildings Yolanda Ltipoi 33 is charged with stabbing her daughters Maria Annunziata to and Marianna 12 Police said thc girls arc in hospital with multiple stab wounds to thc upper body Wagefreeze signed lthtJNlt tIi Local ttiit Laborers international Lnion has signcd an agreement that providts no wagc ltttttltSA with the Metropolitan loronto lltHllt itiildcrs Association says union spokesman The workers signed the wagcfreczr agreement proposed by the buildcrs group in the hope that it will tottttibulc to increased housing construction and jobs The union represents about Stilt laborers employed by persons who constmct apart ment buildings and othcr forms of rcsidcn tial units The hourly rate for laborers enir ployed by the builders is $725 an hour and with friiigc benefits the package is worth $870 The locals membership voted 71 per cent in favor of accepting the twoycar agreement which provides for reopening of the contract in the second year for wage ntgottations John Stefanini business manager of local nut said the residential industry is in deprtssed state and needs st im ulat ion Gotcha kid Eighteenmotithold Robert Allen watches closely as Police adet George Mulliii takes his fingerprints at Toronto shopp ing centre Monday Robert as visiting police display at the centre set up as part of anadiaii Police Week ttP Photo Family outing smiling Pierre and Margaret li udcau accompanied by their children lustin tceutrct Sacha Ilcftt and lichtl lright stand together in croth aftcr SINttlI by the piiinc minister oii lailiaiiitnt llill iii Uttawa Monday This was the couples first public ipptarnnct togcther since rumors of possible today trii separa lion appeared in the iitws media following Margaret lrudtaus tittlltntlsidl trips to Toronto and New York tity last month tl lholot Bigtoot lures curious MISSION l5 itlt Sightstcrstuinwl out by the hundreds Monday to starc in giant footprints in thc sand altcr sighting was rcporttd of the legendary crcntinc Sasquatch Bus drivcr lat lindquist and tom of his passciigcrs said they saw it Sasquatch ros tht highway Sunday near llll liasci tlllt community Il3t11lltS cast of antouvcr Lindquist said ht chased llic crcaturc down crock bctl but lost sight of it Ill tht bush lty Monday morning only onc footprint was visible lhc others had been wiptd out by the stomping tch of sightstcrs lhty arc lfiinchcs long by scvcn it lllt tot and four at thc hccl Sltltl chc liahin den vttcraii Sasquatch huntti lhc stridcs wcrc 33 inches from htcl to hch Thats long stridt thom tiatks wcrc like those of natural toot loliii lrccn author of lllltt Sasquatch books said lts about as wcll authenticated sighting as you could get it would bc llllpttSSlltlt to fakc RobsonLang settlement ttilttilRti hit itli litrt Sttvciis provincial labor ministry mediator said Monday settlement was reached Friday Ill thc Robson liang litd ltathtr workcrs strtkc He said about 21 changcs in contract language the main source of disagrctintiit bctwceii labor and management ttt ac ceptcd by the company and the thitaiio touncil of Leather Workers llltttilllS of thc anadian Food and Allied woikii Workers at Robson Langs tolxiurg and Kitchcncr plants had been on strike days when the scttlciiicnt was reached Harrie plant workers also will be covvrml by tho contract although they went back to work last week The new contract includes an across lllt board wage increase of 13 cents an hour retroactive to Jan 1977 when the old con tract expired Stevens said Blackout for Florida MlAMl tAlt taulty $50 relay switch that shortcircuited on Monday JIIISOtl blackout affecting almost three million people over 3000 square miles in south Florida weather Sunny and warm today lotidy with sun ny periods and cooler Wtdnesday with few showers or thunderstorms lligh today 3t to 30 Low tonight to II lligh cdncsday ttt to21 the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Arena rental rate hike favored by committee 113th yearNo 15 in move aimed at cutting operating losses at city arenas city councils general commit tec voted Monday to increase most arena rcn to rates by 2t per cent City staff had recoiiimendtd an average in crease of about 13 per cent Ichcptions to the increases are public skating tccs and rentals for such cvtnts as circuscs concerts and wrestling matches iary Stoiicr city recreation dircctoi said the buildings are already hard to ltlll Ioi Sllttlltttl tttllS like concerts and pine in Tuesday May 17 1977 crcasc would make it harder st ill Also unchanged is the Stnioi playoff 01 la fee which Stoutr said pays for itself The citys two arenas ran UltllHlltfl dcticitotSl31t7lastytai lAading the battle for the higher increase to cut but not eliminate the deficit were aldctincn lanicc linking and Ron liyiich while Ald Ross Sttphcns list the opposit ion lts too titticli in onc your ld Stephens said All Lynch said council chitt duty was to 15° Per Copy Carrier Home Dellvory 90° Weekly 44 Pages the taxpayer though he agreed taxpayers are willing to subsidize minor hockey and similar programs up to point The incrciises must be approved by city council Sample fees under the increase rounded to the nearest dollar would bc Barrie Minor llockcy Association $263 an hour Monday to Saturday 52 Sunday Figurt skating $21 Monday to Saturday 5122 Sunday lacrossc $1 an hour Platforms aired at allcandidates meeting Conservative George Toylor expands on point Slllll IctitH IIR iiiiinti Stall Reportii llltitltltl likc Sitncot and ltl iiiioii acic to main JtlltIS of qtit Honing loi day nigtit lll lttllllrlitlt iiicttnig tot llltt aspirants to lllt iiiictit tcntic wait in thc 11iloiurt tin tlltxittitt iibcinl hn toiiicui mid lic rot cd tln ts ut inst and that l1iiitc islirti toi too much Lind llc sitltl hi Innidci Stunt wtnitli hir itlltill condttnncil tbt trttittttliilu is Ill illl rt tlltl til lilitillWl toiistiyitivi tamin liioi od lmiiic ikiiig lot too lltlt ltftl oid itttisnd lllt litinociotic litt oi pluytttu with llLllltS it thc ttlttlL iu hc population lllitlttlilllllltilltl lilot again tllHtlttl lltllltttldltt liiy tlltlltlitlt litil tscittct lIIl tilli lttlitlllitlltll ylni iwwu ii ildii it os cigci letlll ltltllttl hc 1lllt mt lttcti sllttl luitd on the l3 oIItpopiiliition Illltt bc PoorIymanaged rich province Liberal liiii toriitati libcitl party titlttlltldlt lll Suncotttiitrt caiiiidhispartysproiiiistot bitlaiictd lilltlitl to thc liwani tlub ill 4itttlltllll lllttllllt londay lll tht ytars littoic thc illiim liyis gmctnintnt tttitatio had no tltllttllllt dcticit hc said but in thc past stvtii ytais thc zitlicit llil itch to St billion The llilVlS govcinmtnt has not nititly bttn outsptndini its lttllllts it has botn outsundmi thccconoiny torntuittsuid lhc tltlttttl inttrcst on the llttllttlll tltlttll inorc than S1 billioti ytai tltl tllllttrl Slinilhonaduy litsaid torncuu said Sttphcn lAIS ltttltl of lllt lgtl would hate the govcrniiicnt pitk tip thc tub tor tytiytliinz hort oi Illilltl Stt ttt toiiicnti ltidtord llllllllllilll SIltl lllltlllllttllltlll running at tigltt pii com and thr noyciinntnt only tlttlttl hitt tlc iob ll isslttitio ttl lttlll ytqu llc aid libtrtl goiciinintn would dcvclop tltl tot mull busnic ltitll iliowun llltlll tocitnitctolis in hi tltixllttl iciiinils tointitt said ttn titio lit ttltn llltt tho pooil lltitttttt ttl llit ltbttil p1ity hc said ltltltStlllS thc pcoplt llllt lltt ltl rcpicstiit ltll union and toiistthitiyc itprtstiit bti iocitiiiiittt andllncorporation Vt wont put your iiitcrtst lttllllltl that ol llltltll lios lit tltl Old rhetoric wont work in new world Wessenger Socicly is cntcring new world lll which old rhctoric doesnt work and pcoplc want govtrnnicnt that can solve problciiis says laul Wcsstiigct New tittiiociatic larty tllll didatcinSiincotttnlit tssciigci told people attending thc Kiwanis tlub of tarrics allcaudidalcs intcling Monday llltlt has never bccn Chopper down five killed NEW YURR 1AP The hcliport atop the Pan American building was turned into gory mess Monday after an idling helicopter kccled over and sent its whirling rotary bladts slashing through passengers and onto the sidewalk Tittsttiries below liyc pcisons were killed including woman hit by falling debris block away from the skyscraper that straddles irand tcntral tcriniiial in midtown Manhattan At least eight others were injured lhict waiting passengers were literally III to pieces as the blades hit the landing pad and spun off fourth man also tllttl on the root of stiiottsiujurits hie blade sailed over the liiltiiiorc Hotel to land on Madison Avenue striking Annc ltainccott 29 of the Bronx in the lllSllvlttllll pedestrian traffic She lied instantly Another blade boomcianng into window of thc lan Am buildup govtiniiitnt iiioic distant or niori out ol tottch than the William Iti ltttllllittlll The government docs not know or lllltltl stand what the proinins are lit said and It doesnt know how tosolc lllllll dont prttcnd wc can solvc ill the pro bltms SStllfltl snid but we can don litt itljtili lll thc area of Job citut ion hc rcptted pro vincinl trcasiircr lltttcy lclcoughs asscr tion that ill per cent ttiictiiployiiitnt rcp icscntstull cmployiiicnt inttntniio Across thc board ti cuts dont work in solving tincmploy llltltl llt snt csscngcr ltarric lawycr proposed lllltt point program for lttllltlllt uncniploy llltlll IIllcctivc lob creation This he said would involve funding lllllllltlpdlllle for labor protects riithcr than the current tob creation projects by thc provincial govern tiicnt It would involyc loss bureaucracy hc explained Wessenger said thcrc is no way his party would increase the provincial debt tarty has already done that He said lllt Itl would re arrangi thc priorit ics Stimulati the manufacturing industry Wcsstttgct itotcd the auto parts industry had $2 billion deficit with thc tinttd States last year An Nltl government would try and stopthtticndlitsaid More iggrissiye support of small business tintario should be working with small businesses to create tolls he mitt not building industrial parks and then relying on laudc litniictt tiniiiistcr ot industry and touiistni to attract foreign llllSllltSS NDPs Paul Wessenger listens to one proposal in initid by the govtrnmciit llc hits Silltt found those llLllltS urt too high and tarrzt tltitS not iiiml as intich land ttii lgilu Sitticoc tstiigtt said tht tiitt lll tottiid ii likc Siiiicoc fish tppcuts to bc coming from airborne part iclcs but do itll uni stttlltt is not known their is high nitrcuiy rcadtng llt latti Sinicot pickcrci md it is not to lNtJltl lii othtr spot its should only bc coiisuiind oi oc casion Pollution in thc liikt is coming ttoiii lltlllltlll run ott in look lnty origitiniiig with tht llollaiid lirsh and supagc troin plic tanks lh SlILthdttl loss cxpciisivt and llltlllitlt torn ol scwaictrtitttnctit lnylor said mcrcury is new pioliltm gold the govcinmtnt has introduced it stiics ot ttsting pioitintiis llc pointed out the govcrii tttllll has tSSllttl it list ot lISll spctics lll cat lakcand wotciwm thtt cannot betutn toint tll snd thc pollution of Lakc Stunot l3 itinvc and will not lt liclpttl through Annexation big issue for candidates ltSllltliltitl iiid industiiul development iii this ttlttl lht litkc canno l1aiidlt major city status he said and bringing it largo population into tht area is signing dcnth certificate for LokiSimcoc tn thc power oi big lllllttl1S Taylor said his purty rcprcsciits ill sectors ot society and thc tonsciyutivc cournnnn has introduced good labor ltLlSiitllttl thut trics to ktcp both Sltlt inhalantc orncnu accused the tnitcd Auto Workers ot pricing ttnadini tilltl out of the market llltl shitting tobs to thc nitcd States llc Stltl unions such is thc arc the ma tortinantial ltultts of thc Wessenger said problems only ot ciir when thcrc arc weak unions hcn the union and company are strong such as with Mansfield ltcnman littlllSltltS tlll get along llt said llltlt tttlittlll till the public sec tot iiid llltlt should bc sonic tncthod of tying wages lll lllt public stttoi Ill with wages in thoprtyzitcstttot Cant buy their way out of recession Taylor goytrittiicttt cant buy its wiy out ol ttttSSltilt or incrcziscemployment by incrtas ing goycrntiicnt spending says ioorgc laylor lrogrcssivt toiisciyattvc candidatc inSimcoctcntrc lrcinicr William Davis is against incrciis ing 1ttlllltltlll spending he said llllt thc tw lltllltltltlllt larty would iiictcisc it local llfestyle entertainment county sports comics 16 classified to 20 Towers pages Sears pages dont know of socialist goytttitticitt that hasnt ovcispcnt laylois address to thc Kiwanis tlub all cnntlidutcs nitctmg consisted ininnly ot call for maturity tltntlllllltlll and ciiticisiii of NI caiididatc liul csscngcrs stand on annexation Taylor ltutrit lawyer said minority govtttitttcttts tl but arc unable to plan ahead lt majority government would mean ltiltltlSlllp cont ltltlltt and security he said noting the premier has already promised the uric artn would rccciyc more money in annexation he said the NDI is picking on small problcms ill well run province and using them to tile lllt pmplt up He said the townships ot tiny and lay and the town of Midland wcrc tlltlt to solve their mncvut ion problems but liarric is unable to lllllttlttl tSStllt11lltS il iiictiibcrot liarrtc council hcn nincxatioii was voted on lnylor told the meeting he can do the 1on of an Mll Resume search for boaters lwo police boats and foitr divers resumed tlic search today for two men whose boat capr Sllttl in Lake Sinicoc Saturday Missing arc lcrry Rowe of Malton anti Randy Millcr Litt of iravcnhurst Their 12 foot aluminum bout capsicd at about p111 Saturday on return trip from Snakc island to lnnistil Reach Sgt liiaiik Menard of the York Regional Police said police searched tor to hours ycstcrduy to no avail lteitlah lhtrdcn 30 ot St roiid and Kim tinrlaiid an Mutton were also in the boat at the tune of the accident They were discovered at about in Sunday clinging to the side of the craft after cottagcrs heard their cries for help Both were discharged from York ounty Hospital in Ncwmarkct Monday spokes vman said today