relationship Official party at district Rotary conference opening The official opening of the 1977 District 701 Rotary on ference took place Friday morning at the ontinental inn Welcoming the more than 500 Rotari ans who came from as far away as Kapuskasing were FROM LEFT George On the library shelf Harper president of the Barrie lluronia Rotary Club District Govenor Peter Dean Ron Lynch district con ference chairman studnet mayoroftheweck Jackie Coulson Barrie Mayor Ross Archer and lame Power president of the Rotary lub of Barrie Examiner Photo Two books about the life in prisons from authors with different views Prison Doctor by Dr iuy Rich mond The Notebooks of Sologdin by Dimitri Panin These two books are about life in various prisons seen by the authors from widely dif ferent points 01 view cir cumstances and in different societies Dr Richmond spent forty years of his lifes work as prison doctor He began in Englands big Dartmoor Prison moved for while to Borstal an institution where offenders between 15 and 21 may be sent for detention and vocational training served as doctor with the British forces during the Second World War then from 1952 to 1969 was Senior Medical Officer of the Corrections Branch of the Government stationed at Oakalla It is evident that Dr Rich mond got into prison because he is kindly idealistic man capable of great tolerance and basically refomier His strongly expressed opinion and his reason for writing this book is that the present method of dealing with comicted criminals in Canada at least can do little but in tensity their personal problems their antisocial feelings and feed their desire to get even with what they regard as hostile society AS VICTIMS Dr Richmond belongs to the school of criminologists and others that see the majority of criminals as victims of their early environment and especially of bad childparent an expression which covers stupid or neglect ful or cruel parents He believes that were it not for poor beginning in life the average criminal is as normal as the noncriminal and that given the right treatment could inmost casesberchabilitated And he therefore tends to blame society as represented by governments because it tolerates poverty He believes that the state should do more to abolish what he call the ghettos and have more control over the way in which all children are brought up Since he does not go into the danger usually inherent in in tervention of the state into private life we must assume that he believes the benefits would outweigh the disad vantages There is no doubt about his belief that the great cost to the taxpayer of his suggestions for rehabilitating offenders would in the long term be outweighed by the reduction in crime and the cost to society of criminal activity PAN NS BOOK Dimitri Panin like Dr Rich mond was man caught up in the violence and general criminality of other people Unlike the doctor he lid not get into it voluntarily An engineer by profession he was arrested as political dissident in 1940 when he was 28 years old and spent the next 16 years in Soviet prisons and prison labour camps He calls some of these death camps and is convinced that Stalin used them as means of putting an end to many people whose political ideas were thought to be threat to the Communist regime The killing was achieved by subjecting the prisoners to long Work day on starvation diet exposure to the hard winters and through inadequate treatment of diseases According to Panin deaths were so frequent that the word Goner was commonly and casually used to describe anyone who obvioust was goingtodie Thus The Notebooks of Sologdin confirm all that Solzhenitsyn has said in his fic ti0nfact books on life in these labour camps Ianin uses the name Sologdin because he claims to be the prototype of the man Solzhenitsyn calls by that name in his book The First Circle We read of the same kind of bestiality of the ever present informers of betrayal and of everything else that can go with the effort to survive It seems to be record of the wor st of evils at the worst of tunes The political prisoners were thrown together with what the author calls the regular criminals the naturally lawless violent people the professional thieves and other malefactors and gives some startling accounts of his ex periences with some of them He names one man who could kill another on whim and says that he spent several days and nights with this man in tiny special detention room That iauin survived his long ordeal he attributes to his usefulness as an engineer but more so to strong religious faith he developed in the cani ps his release he went into the Roman Catholic Church Dimitri Panin unlike Dr Richmond has nothing but con tempt for the rcgular criminals lle brings certain statements of Dostoefsky to witness in declaring that such people are not the victims of their early environment that they are in fact evil amoral and worthless Among the many opinions vigorously expressed by Panin is his belief that ever since the revolution of 1917 the majority We invite you to see our complete line of WEDDING INVITATIONS of the ordinary people of Russia are silently opposed to Com munism that they are helplessly in the grip of bureaucracy they would over throw given the opportunity Panin sees himself as man with mission to try to arouse public opinion acr0$ the world to the end that the Soviet system will some day be over thrown lie now lives near Paris The Notebooks of Sologdin together with Prison Doctor have great deal of important reading about crime and punishment of cruelty life un der enormous stress of faith and idealism and very imlt portantly of what unopposed power can do to the human animal Reviewed for the Barrie Public Library by Thomas Smith MEIlUN DJ DENTURE THERAPIST Complete Denture Service Hours am pm Mon thru Sat 280 Dunlap St Barrie 7286810 Member Denturist Society swims0015 i3arrie72sioa2 INSULATION Just Arrived The FULLY FIREPROOF Materials Fibreglass Rockwool Insulate Now Free Estimates LIMITED SUPPLY Boss of the Heat Simcoe Economy Insulation Scott Muir Minesing 7281267 Furniture Ext4 Reg and Wm refer to Simpumn Sean It pILQS Scars New Custom Draperies Let Sears give your home that fashion look with unique styling in wide choice of fashion fabrics refreshing new Iook in your room Come in and consult Our experienced decorators Let them show you many wundow treatments prints solids sheers or casements Get whole new outlook Reupholstering available at Sears Call 7264451 SimpsonsSears Ltd Georgian M0 509 Bayfield St in choice of now Save $3000 Car sound centre Oil tilter wrench 146 handy tool for removing disposable typo spirron Oli ilIItJTS Save 50 Wiper refills pair Reg $299 Natural live rubber universal refills Easy to install 6998 Public Utilities Co the examiner Monday May 16 1977 mmission intervenor at energy hearings Recognizing that changes in the methods of costing and pricing of electricty could result in homeowners and other low electrical energy use customers being assessed greater portion of the costs the Barrie Public Utilities Com mission will be an intervenor at the Ontario Energy Board hearings into the costing and pricing of electricity through the Ontario Municipal Electric Association OMEA The hearing held in Toronto began today and is expected tolast several months The announcement was made today by Alexander chairman of the Barrie Public Utilities Commission The members of the commission believe that the group intervention is the most logical and effective method of ob taining the best represent at ion possible It does not add to already high costs by the duplication of effort and it does not prolong the time span of the hearings These represent additional costs that would ultimately be reflected through the electric bills of all of our clislomcrs explained Alexander Save $5 Charger $4798 Reg $598 tOamp 12ltvolt iiaftwo charger has chargrrni me of 45 hours Save $1on chamols 96951359 For your car Soil slrririq Chamors Approximate 15x16 Reg $19998 Tune in to this sound buy Super deluxe Dashmate AMFMFM stereo radio8track tape player Under dash and knob kits incl Features push buttons SimpsonsSears Ltd Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Baytield St 7264451 Quality multi ohm speakers 5in round and ohm speakers match any tape player or radio For doors or side panels Convertible and rear deck speakers also available Sound value months studying The EA has developed an intervention team comprised of legal counsel knowledgable in energy matters energy consultants commissioners and municipal managanent people who have been prparing for the hearing for many the 10volume report on the costing and pricing study that will form the basis of the hearing The objective of the intervention team is to obtain the costing and pricing system best suited to the needs of the municipal utilities and their residential commercial and in dustrial cistomers 1hcl11£A is the spokesman for more than 340 municipal utilities on Ontario the commissioners and councillors of Ontario Save Sears allseason 10 30 motor oil 99 Qt Reg 109 Our SAE tnowl motor oils meet or exitw all St triighest orl smelliml rm raftigs Also rr iruticturers and rniitar 3091 ififrrr tor new 3er Owl Save 40 Champion plugs $109 each Reg $149 IC taste starts and better gas outpace install fresh Ciiampion spark pluer iii Strinrtud Resistor 20 extra Save $1 Washbrush $3 Reg $439 Hardy wanrurzsh features stutot vullw and 9inch 9gair Various prices Charge it All Purpose am ENJOY it now Use your Save $1 Tune up testor kit which represent more than two million residential commer cial and industrial customers served by the municipal distribution systems They consume about twothirds of the electric power in Oil filter Easytoinstall oil filters remove particles trap sludge From $144 Ea Save $9 Car ramp $3595 Reg $4495 Easytoassemble ramp supports 2000 lbs Holds car or truck 10 off ground Save 70 Repair klt $349 Reg $419 ï¬breglass kit for boats 134 Reg $14998 Our lowest price ever Portable unit checks generators distributor dwell angle spark plugs cables carburetor point spacing coil resistance and condenser Store hours MON TUES SAT 930 am to 530 pm WED THURS FRI 930 am to 930 pm Account