10 the examiner Monday May 18 1977 The Blue Jays 0111110 111 tirillia Salurda to spcnll couple hours ill1 coaches and pl110rs alikc in 11 00 1h1111nstraliou clinic Assisting the clinic hich 1111 Hr111111s ick t0n of liarrir catching for Paul Sullh an hitting practici They came out to pick up some free pointers lhotoi Jays chirp weakly against the Twins 11111111311N11i11X 3111111 3hn110s11111 loan 11111 111110 hasthalls happiest 11111111011 111111 00rtainly 11111111ctl1111t1si1st 111111 about that asked T1111 1111121110101 1111 110011011 11111 11111011111111s1110111111111s 111111111 111 111 1111 gttlllli 11s1110 s11111k111u 1111s 11010111011 lo 11111111111111l11s T1 511111111yi1111 1111110 1101115011 1111111 111 11110 11111111111 1111111111110s111011150111 11111111111111111 1111111 11 111gt1Q13 011111111 111111111111011s121111111111111 111111 111 1111 Imus 1111f11 1111121 1111111111 111111 1111 1111111115 111101 1121 1111 001 111 11101111s 111 l1111 111114 1111 111s iliiil 1111 11111111 1111111 1111k 11 inst 11 Iillill111 s11 gt11111L 1111 11 11011 1111 111111111 1511 13 flu1 11 111110111 Still111 111111113 11111 1111111111 1111111110 11 1011 11111111 1111 111110 111 111111 1110 runs 11111111 11 1i11l11 11111111111s 111 1110111111111101tl10l111sl11111011 11111110s 1011111 01111111111111 11011115011 111s11t 14111111 111 last 11111101 s11i11111111113111111111111011111111 l1n 1111111 ss10111 111111 1l 111101 11 1111 111111111s 111 1110 0p111s11111 111111 11st 1111 1110 Tenn 1110 1111 11111011151 1011111 l101ii gt111111 ltllll 311 II II 111111 1511111 11111 11111 lus11k 1111111111111111111111011121111111111s111 1110 111s 1111101 11 111 lmns 3131111111 311 101111 11111 311111 1l1i11s1111111 11 1111111111 111 1111 s11111111 11k1 1111 11111 101 111 111112111 1110 11110 l11s 1111111 11111 1011 111111111111101 1111s1111L £1111 lidlilimlillti 111111w1 11 101111111 11111111111 111i II11gt 11111 ituxsml 11311 11111111 111111 111111 1211 1111111 31111 111l11111111111L111 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1111 11111111111111111111111 11111113 1113111111111111011111111111 sl1111011 Atlanta fights back for win llllf SSttt llll llilISS 1110 s11111111s1 1111110 3111111111 liraws 111111111g11 l110 iristol 11111110 11s11111 11111111111 11111k0 Yon know 11111111t 11111011 1111 11111111 s1l11110 1111 111111 111 1h1 01111111 111sl11l saivl 1010111111 111 111111110 li111rj 111111 111ll 111111 sl11 11111 111111 stralrg 101111 is 4111111011 staywt 111 1111 cann 111111 siasl111l 11 1211111111 111111 11111 singh 111 0111110 111 1111 011411111 111111011 811111111 111s11111111 110111111101111111K1101111111111s11 17111 311111111111 10111010 Victory 1101 St Louis0111111111111 111111 111 1110 11111111 1111111011 1110111 1111110 10 111111 sign 1110011 11011011111111111111111111111151111 monss 111110 with 11111 111011 1111 1111s0 St Louis took 11 11117111111111 11111110111111111111111111111111101111 la0 ltadtrs1111111111101101 111r111111100 inciu11111gtl1r00111111 1110s But Atlanta fought back lllll 1111001uns 1111110111111liV1 in 1110 sixth 111111 sis 111 1110 141411111 Losinu 111101101 1l ll1111111sk 11 10110101 wl111111111n111 11111111011 A111111111111unn It g111111s s1n10 111771 s11111 311111 11u s11110 12 runs and low 11s 111st sonn 1111111 111111 isnt 111 1111111111 IIXll LUSIQ ll 111 1111101 gunns Sunday 7111 0111111 tubs sun111 11 1111111110 1101111011101111111 311111110111 411111 1110111101101 111111 12 in 111011114111 cap 111111111011111111 lhilli1s 110 l011I111 San ingo P1111101 111 111s Ana010s 1111111101s 1111111011 111 York 3101 11 111 lL 111 1111113 1110111111111 111111st1111p111 San 11111111s111 hauls 1111 and Pittsburgh l111110s 11110111011 ll1111s11111sli11s111 U11 51111111111 111s 1110l0s 110111 1111 1111 111101100 111 10111011 311111110111 lliila 11011111111 11111111111 511111 11101111 1111 11111111s011gwl 1110 111ls 81 Lows 110111 3111111111 711111111 1110 11111105111010111111 Houston 11 tak0 3101111110 111111 1011 3111111111110y 111111101011 1111 St Louis 1111 811111111 11111 1011 11111 roughs 1111 11 11111 r1111 111111101 and Gary 311111110x1s11111l111 11 141111111 slam to pull 1110 lr110s 1111s1 111011 0111110 t111 111111111111 rail in 1110011111111 1011 311111111s was 1111 11111 int star 111 both gauns as 171110111411 sw1pt 1111111111111111101 1111111 311111110111 Morahs 111111 11 two run1111111110i11tl11lirs111111110111111 72114721 149A Dunlop St 11111k11111 11111 11111 11111110111 1110 nighttap ll11 11l1 who sw1111 t110 four 11111110 w00k01111 s0r10s with 311111110111 111110 111111 111111 th011 last it 111111101 1111111 1111 lpros hawlost ix 11111 row IVUUIII Iltll 111111111 l111 l1111l1 1111110 111 1111 111100 l1111111al runs 111 1111 first gami 111111 11 1111111110 111 th1 s00111111 111111 11 11111110 11111 in 111001131111 I11ry 3iarli11 si1111111101i 11 11111110 11111111111 11 singl0t111111v1 in two runs 11111 king 81011 arl t1111s MVP 1111 1111011111g11s lhila 110111111111111111011$11111 11101111 81110 tiarwys111r11111nlol1n ll11l0s s111gl0 in th0 12111111111111 to 1110 111s Angihs its Victory ov0r Ncw York 1110 was 11110 1111111114 1111011111111101 and 1101011s1v1 r1pl11001n011t altir th0 lo11g01s 111111 t11k0n 11 lead on 111111 tys lwurun ho11101 his 12111 1111110 s0ason BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC ECOLELLADT gt Complete Denture Servrce Barrie Mogul Denturist Society of Ontario WV Colborn pitcher for loronlo Also at th0 clinic as I1I scout Jim Ridlcy The lhrtisonic 0111 ovcr such arms as fitIding catching and hitting as thc lilu1 Jays hostcil number of similar clinics across southcrn Ontario Examiner first nohitter It llllC Ul lll lllllSS l0x11s shuns1 111110 1111111111 11111 pronnswi 111 101 111s1 1t 011101101111111011 11111111111 lownig 311 1111l 4111111 ins101111 1111111111 111111111111011 01x 3111111111111111111111111111l1t0 111111 0111111Ll 1111 111 1111 3111111 111101115 1111111111 1110 1111111101 111111 110s1g11111111 1111101 111111011 l111111111111111 11111111111111 11111 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5111311111 l1011s0 11111 1111111 1121111011101111101111 Im too lltlttll 1111k s11111p111 up 1110 112111 11111 11111111011 1111 111111 hin1s1ll 1111111 111111111111111111s1111hitt01a 11 111111 1111 l111s11sll1111 111 111011131111111111011111111 1111111 1111101 11101101111 101111111 11011111 511111111151111111g11hi1 p011 l11101111111 1111 3li11n0sota 11111111 l1111111111 13111 littroll 01101 31111111111100 12 1211111111111lil111k0111111111111111I111 12110111111110111011S0111tl0111111111 111ik1111111tlitllltillliil ll 111111101 llthlIll 11111111 1111111 111 111101111111 111110 111111111s11111111Ll 11011 110 11111111111 11111 111111101 11 11111 11111 1211111 1111t 01111101 4311 1111 1111111111011101111110110111 2111 11111111 1111 toyals 511111111111 11ltlgtllll 1111 s11131111 111111111 Wills 11111 11011111011311111101111111 11111111111 11111111111s11111 111111 111111111 11110111111110111111 1011 11112101011 N11 l1111l 111111 jv11i 111s1111110011111111 11 1111s 11111101 0101 to 11111101111111111s1111111111110 11111 1s Novice marathoners lead capital event tlll 3111 1111 11111111111111 111111 1111s11 111111111111011111111111111i11 11111111111111111111111111l11 11111011111111111111 112 1si1111111 1110111111111 11111111111 111111101 1111 11111101 11111 111 111s 111s 11111111111111 11110 110 11111 ROYAL 11111111 11111111 111111 11111 1111 111111111111111101111 11111111 1111110 1111111111111111111111k11l 1111 11111111101 311111 1111111 111111 11111111V111111llltlltllltlllllbll x1i 111100 151111 111ll1ur 11111 1111511011 00111111 w1111 11 111111 111 1111111111113 ills sm 111111111111111111111 DOWNS GOLF TENNIS CLUB 1811111921111170ClCvXl11111 111111111R1111llawson C611lliml 1111111 1111111111111 01111111111111 piwritr 11 1110112011 Fully 1111111111011 1111 111 11111111111111td Wtrtgtk1111y1M1111 111111 11111111l111slup 041111111111 Cllp 1111 1111 1111119111 lrm 111111111111 qoll vulul 111Mriy 13197 Call 4240241 or 4240246 on the Essa 7th Line ANNOUNCEMENT 01 Doug Harris Paul Sadlon President of Paul Sudlon Motors inc is pleased to announce that Doug Harris of RR Barrio has joined our staff Doug is lifelong resident oi the on and has ten years of Automotive expmionro to 11101 to 1111 niotoring public Doug would enjoy secing1111previouscustomers and friends at his new location The Chevrolet Family will benefit liom Dougs wide knowledge and experience in both 01s and It ucks and OK used vehicles Come in and say Hello Heavyweight title bout Ali returns to fight Fwy77 unknown Spanish boxer l1ANlVElt Md AP Muhammad Ali returns tonight fighting stranger in the night named Alfredo Evangelista You all said Whos Jimmy Young whos limmy Young Ali shouted It was reference to the now highlyregarded Young who was not name fighter when he gave Ali rough going before losing 15 round boxing decision at the fourth for White ltlltMlA ltaly 1111 Julie Wlllll of Brampton nt leaped height 11f 175 m0t10s Sunday to finish in fourth spot at an international high jump competition White who finished 10th at the Montreal lympics cleand the height on her first jump but failed three times at 180 met res Calling all ELECTROHOME Capital Centre on April 30 1970 But Young was not the un known quantity that Evange lista is going into tonights heavyweight title fight at the Capital Centre Evangelista is 22yearold Spanish citizen from Uruguay His record is 1311 and is ranked 10th by both the World Boxing Association and World Boxing Council He lost his last fight to Lo renzo Zanon on Feb and his knockout victims include Ur tain Lucien Rodriguez Iony Moore Rudi Lubhers and Lis soko Abibobelc His most prominent win was his fourround knockout of tori riguez the Frenchman who recently won the European title by beating JeanPierre Coop man an Ali victim on Feb 20 1976 T0 BETHLEVISEI This will be Alis fourth hometelevision appearance in his last five fights only his dis puted decision over Ken Norton last Sept 28 was not on home Air Conditioner Owners Save money Avoid the rush Bring in your Electrohome Air ConditionerNowfor its PreSeason Maintenance Carryin or Inhome Service CARRYIN SPECIAL It JuamM Fora cool trouble two air conrtltiomng srasori111ty111r A11 Conditiormr 1r1 shape now PICKUP AND DELIVERY WNW1 001 Cleaning Lubricationx New litter Labour Repaus to sealed system Cooling assembly checked and repaired 1977 comfort guarantee Refrigerants lot 063 ELECTROHOME CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE 49 Morrow Road Unit No Barrie Telephone 7265982 television The televised fights were his fiveround knockout of Coopman his decision over Young and his fiveround knockout of Richard Dunn on May 24 Ali is getting $27 million and Evangelista 385000 for the box ing tripleheader The other two lights will fea ture Roberto Duran of Panama the WBA lightweight cham pion and Alfredo Escalera of Puerto Rico the WBC junior lightweight champ Ali 35 plans this fight as part 1111111511111 171100 irurhs SALESSERVICE of two steps toward bigmoney fight with either Norton or Young He would like to see Norton and Young fight with the winner meeting him He also thinks Norton would beat Young Ali goes into this Don King promotion with 532 record with 37 knockouts The bout Will be his 2151 title fight and his ninth defence since he regained the championship by knocking out George Foreman in the eighth round in Zaire Oct 30 1974 TRUCK SALE Our Own Company Trucks 1974 DODGE 800s Heavyduty single or 2speed rear axle 900 20 tires regularly serviced and low mileage VANS or FLATBEDS PICKUPS and PANEL VANS SAVE 83883 on the Reg Smith Low Cost Life in sured Bank PLar WE LEASE TRUCKS l1 CARS Serving 0111113 81 Muskoka tor Over 25 years 95 COMMERCE RD ORILUA Phone 3268485 Orlï¬a 8352914 Barrie it Midland igh Performance ifetime uaranteed Super heavyduty ruggedness for maximum stability control 49 each Installed Extrarugged Extradependable You get superfirm ride control Large 1316 piston gives you more stability and bet ter control than standard finished hardened steel piston rod for firm action long wear dependability Lifetime guaranteed Heavy duty shocks not than original eouioment 1199 ea Installed shocks Micro shown Better specifications immmrmmzamzmmmn WARM Lifetime guarantee Shock absorbers when installed in private passenger cars are guaranteed to the original pur chaser against wearout as long as he owns the car on which they were originally installed WMMWMMWWWMMMMMWWWW WV 1L I1l1l11l111111 Installation available at Sears Tire and Auto Centre SimpsonsSears Ltd Sear Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Bayfield St 7264451 Store hours Mon Tues Sat 930 am 530 pm Wed Thurs Fri 930 am 930 pm