Ilimited Only $879 per person your home with Wrought Iron mthlnvrv vv gt lir PAINTINGIPAPER HANGINCV experienced free estimates Jack Richardson 7262OI2 or IIAII mechanics license and Class equivalent Class BOY ANT élRL carriers required in Barrie to distribute coupons tlyers and ALUMINUM Siding Helper with or equipment on new cab and WWW Periemel Wlh V7 Wk chassis NOTE Cab and chassis ll 17568874 IPWFES am mm and 55mm van Equipment supplied Wages to be double occupancy REYNOLDS ALUMINUM DO yourself or SI nd provtnclaldnvers license Segmgï¬lsFlgArumangrdgpfrrgnga 231 arrangqupfldgnybgflfltmng If Without box MyI3H Sldlng ormlw ows remove Preference to applicants who Iyto Box UglorcoThIeFEAanminerL 72sales helpagents specifications and tender en OSOfflI Fascia PIOfessmnally and eaned have had gasoline and diesel r13322906ErrfIthjislNGSSenerï¬etic persons eprNDING CANADIAN Company velopes may be obtained at the Eavestrough General lawn care dean truck mechanical experience natural oeadlyazï¬il galls cglrllllaladleS 9965 depmdabe 99 Wh° can W0 City Clerks Office City Hall 84 seamless ducts Ca an asseI For without supervision Earn $14000 per UP and sprng lerllzmg Medtcalexamlnatlon requrred pIeaséIeIephonen 26 ma year plus bonus Contact customers Collier Street Barrie Ontario FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP For Free Estimate Garages and basements Tamblyn PEng MBA room Desi alert reoolrea $2éï¬ndpffsegomwgglgnwggï¬og Tl MM 415 FREE ESTIMATES call cleaned DRIVEWAYS City Administrator perienced Own transportation BranltptonIémILï¬T 2J6I mm The lowes or any under no Will take Y0U Pelels CALI 7269769 PARKING LOTS 80 400 n3322flll39lil339553243 appom necessarily accepted rGulf Towers Motel for one Re Use remOVed CONCRETE WORK BarrieOnt ERVICEPERSON REQUIRED Mug STRAUGHA week including air hotel car LAM 4T5 have1 mechanical experience with gas xIILJEKEWIIeggzréflliebspeépnvlt3 MC ean all Brislow travel 59m 29 mason stems Inc ALLWORKGUARANTEED Mm anAfltfzsl ezggzgï¬gonfaggggï¬ yards Available now Telephone AM CTC Iowen Barrie 7370340 FREE ESTIMATES ï¬rwmmw required tor IV days per week at ex 78 89343 View Mew Cly Clerk TRACTOR OWNER operators required give downtown shop Ca da RESIDENTIAL LAWN cutting desired Ontario MY II to haul loads in Ontario andor east 356 by Pensioner From $375 and up Alcott stdngSoftrtTrprg MW III II coast of United States Telephone c1353 IIIécIIénric IeduIreédwIo Telephone 7282069 after 430 pm MY973 DoonVlindowsAwn llgs 14163601506 PP MINI HOLIDAY IN THE SUN HOME IMPROYFMENTS Manlerl PaVIIIg Lid SALES representatives required by ï¬fagiilllgm line rhlltlttslsquprrrflggllzg EXPERENCED WOMAN WI 537 50 INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens we establlshed Barrie Companv POSi servicemanager 0W ome Allandale Heights 49 Write Clover Motel Apts 212 coect room Conunmsv 436368 IIHIIIMO IIIIII erlvewayS Parking Lots tlan lnvotvesselling building productsto districtTeIephone 726 8351 1s AVaIlablew en Dacmg II II 77 rcquLntiai and industrial accounts Ex EXPERIENCED RECEPTIONIST Res eso abe Tennts COUHS HOUSECLEANING DONE expertly 108th Av Treasure an lyplstrequlreatorlaw offlceTele hone cellent po ennal and opportunlty for ad Order be Dre May SI Baffle MED MORE living space rec room extra mconcree work vvonne Matmews 726 3004 and lcenlly weele bass by com Tl Petersburg Florida bedroom playroom laundryolllce storage CgflhTrlflrrilorya ProdeCleknoevllgcTg RESPONSIBLE Virs ï¬t peter persons Relerences supplied have vacancies from May on BARRIE 7265609 space Also oonlo walloooolmg Mono FREE ESTIMATES IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIMIIIWIIIIIISIIIIIIIIIBOI IIIIIIIIISIIIIIMIIII BIowprdag ngng Tasmaniannsta at ward efficiency units from $75 week for people Phone 728 7264702 edit 728 8906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complain basement Written Guarantee U26co xaminer Allandale Call 728 7732 EX PE Rl ENCEDBAYCARE mi to pm Toddlers to years Constant VL rtd no 71hel wanted SUDEVISIOI Fencw Yam Children to 3136 for information Eï¬cdnghrtiaesslutgt2l plheonlunstxTtlm rr wanted Rï¬erences requmd Phone CONTRACT 77l2 WThFAUl7 BunDING SPEYCIALIZING IN Tuck pollltlng chimneys senmg smcoe county 71 TENDER FOR waterproofing brick and stone raulktngwtll IOI I7Y80IS dows and expansion latrtts Work guararl teed 458 9346 PICTURE FRAMING IN THE MATTER OF THE Sealed tenders will be received or lllt CONSTRUCHON lloorong loony BANKRUPTCY or TOM ADAM by the undersi ns iltrls on OAKS 82 nl sl In an er Sdï¬g Eavestrough 23925032417 chaff Ph Iplflnllng olagyotypasu stock Tnany usm SON MECHANICAL CON envelopes provided up to 200 Low cos 783 0505 S° Wlndws Galvanized and Vinyl ENSVQTIOMI MISSEms duo blank and 373 cm III was Toronto Hamllton Northern Ontarlo TRACTING LIMITED COM PM on THURSDAY MAY I9TH rt In min Int ti ml Aher hoursb383559 3339 Awacig Installed exTcrloIY gouolglilrfsltpuworï¬nonzlfo 23 Fast wrww Low low pm We are expanding our sales force and requtre ex Bag DTUHLII sxï¬ngnglag 9I7glpmh1r7ldtzl 0ian ll 2346073 HWWQ or suppy 3l993lt2h0fil Sireel Addition5Roofing FREE ECSXILTATES CUSIOMdaIulLolNG Hdosse llltlngj founda pARIY PREPARAHONS pegilnce Sales perIsonnel the Toronto Hamllton PROVINCE OF ONTARIO and placement of required fen tl am nI titans tit or 7wa sule 06 °r°m° Mym Porch EnclosuresStonework VignuFoxCTIUOIlrg one I7IO 74ch SANDWICHES lol showers cheese on on em mono areas HAVlNG ITS HEAD OFFICE AND cmg vanous park locallons TELECARE in Why fight your problem For free estimate 7287829 NORTHERN CARPENTRY Dorks rm roortls and rackr trays also other prepared Salary bonus and incentive earnings based on sales PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS throughout the city ly illt rt It II cu mums PENCESC chAIioEctis and hm rono Lilsezli fzlggzyslil7722w7w Gum OSJPLTJMHBING MOSl benehs fUlly pald All eXpenses pald Excellent ngilRFORlE AND EOCh lender mus be ac rlen 772n7t9226litytime eecare 7166907 tions Free estimates Jenklns Funcl MACE ENTERPRISES Lotilracluls l0l VW IMIIIIWW II car arrangerens and opporunny for advancement companled by camhed ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 mil it ï¬bé7é9gP35j°Z9 Umsone Ttaa thng and outirlor llonu you drink thats your business It you want to quit thats ours call any tlme Local Family Business ALUMINUM WtNooWS doors rlrrlN FENCE C61 pointing Telapilorle 737 0384 GENERAL REPAIRS IBIDUIIUII carpentry NEW WORK and repairs drum and Lower Inonlng complete kllrhmt and imlhloom within the company Cheque payable to the City of Barrie in the amount of 10 of Innovations ovulrw tilt Bllolta UNWANTED HAIR removed saleI Fascia and trough all colours eai vumbmg lNrlml Ellflrlol lrltmlul 59 4233 Phone Toronlo Mr JOhn Andrews 416743 Nonce hereby gweIn lhm Tom the tender amount permanemIVI medium approved Ly wammeevnwon polllllttg ReltrllshlltglurrtlIuro 7260038 RENTALS am to pm Or write giving full particularSI Adamson IMechanlcaI Cpn Th dia Hrenchuk CCTIISICO Electrologlsl ï¬ï¬rpgaï¬ï¬umum 5dggssgt 160 BRADFORD STREET aoroo cann Lid wt ermvhwIIIIA trachng LmnedI mechonml owes or any en er not 737 267i RIon Sidmgv Iough calm GUIIII gspgery ull carpentry iroo rsIlltuius HANY PARTY RENTAL replies confidentla comfocmrsI the CIIY of necessarily accepted RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena gthEadeQYoolngfogiI II BARRIE Barrie in the Province of On STRAUGHAN Horses boarded Barrle two minutes Everything For Entertaining Windy ltauan Farm760192 APPLIANCES Quallty chaln link fence °°v led 599 CIY Clerk Tables chairs dishes glasses WHY SUFFER agony Wlth Corns and ST 1922 dOY OI Aprlll I977 and BARRIE Ont supp les ower prices op mtm an arlo Callouses Reltet now is Yours tram ELECTROLUXICanadaLtdauthorlxedsales IIIOI Ihe my mums OI MW I3 igasgï¬d Igfgï¬goa cecIfIIIï¬yï¬jï¬ em 92 9Vlt° 993 339 Do It yourself or we lnstall eMmor Repons We Deliver Reserve Now Onforlo Any lob considered Call 1246463 alter okrSsMArlue 7264187 or 7284812 and Roolllq Ntw Asphalt slllrlglus II III II Creditors will be held on the 255355fcflfï¬Ã©ioeéoï¬aé352291 AUTO REPAIRS Fortree estimates call °Docks Installed 737I388 My 20th day ot May I977 at 100 or loI sdWsdWWI 339 37ISLSIG IlldCrl522tri Shoppch WE REPAIR BIIIIIh EIIIIIIIIIIIII and JIIPIIIIIIIII Cottage work speCIaIty 248 TrffIn 51 Rome chock Flirt13 on of Mr cars Coronatlan Auto Serv I7 Mary St ersne iCiO eceiver FREE INSPECTION oi mufflers ex ree stlmates III naust and shocks The Muttler Stop pgfiliflwr in ROOFING at the Brookdole InnI 150 Ie 180 lnnislil Street Barrie LICENCED Mechom domg goneal me To T391 WWI in Dunlap Street West in the City INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Ropalr guarmltuitd quality work SerVICeS Clvil crlminal divorce 29 DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AOUINO unyTlme Paulatalllo 895 7513mm fl Imme In lhe Provmce Of on oboggï¬o surveillance Dlscreet and contoentlal Specializing In pantsuits gowns and allow AND it ItoorlNc New arrt old chnllr Ex erience in commercia On in ustria WOI SO 737 2972 0157 f2Eugenta SI Phone 7266qx7 Ftoo ulllnates 322 I897 alter 6p in MONECA osrchlc and card reading counselllnu Day and evenings Mon through Friday Phone 728 Base PINE GROVE Tennis Club Sunnldale Rd corner Can vesora The courts CARPENTRY PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at Melrose Avie479707VBI artelephone 772875283 DRYWALI BILOTTA DRVWALL and taping rostdontlal and commercial no lob too big or small ILehoce Seem INCOME TAX lutulns prepaer Atlgu Bal named 35 up Dobwn 424 5910 alter and weekends INCOME TAX returns prepared fut small ROOFING AND odd lofts wolk guaranteed 424 032i noro nitric Tutu estllnales must hold gas licence Union rate Telephone 7285722 for appointment Dated at Toronto this 2nd day of May 1977 Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned in tender envelopes provided up to 200 pm Wednesday May 18 I977 an ar pu¢Wltla I¢no 01 Vvln whivv ltVri4 It If lnrr rd vlvs strVr the no 93 Friday May 13 1977 help wanted help wanted 71 help wanted 78 tenders ALES PERSON required Must be able JOb opportunhes tb do extensivel traveliéna Own car In oF 54¢ asset Good 38 dry an expenses pa AVOIIObee fhed 30 New and used car sales people Must haveB neat0 appeiaraoncp ISend arr or area or an par required for soon to be opened °°° TO LEARN IcaI trade Ex it ALI time work 50rd dealership In Barrie ILyou $522 prefgaredébourno necessary ï¬ï¬ dad Pl esire to earn an ove AgeIY 25 MOR 03¢ 9053 Call Mr Green at EXPERIENCED MUFFLER installer to 737 I90 average mm required tor Orlllta shop Call 3254436 missions and bonus Incentives From6pmto9pmCallB332774 CONTRACTn Escorted from Barrie 15 days My9InI12I13 and want to work with an EMIPIIIOYAQENTAQIQIOLVAIBILEI lull anï¬ III par me wan ease ce Sea en ers rec Sept 925 I977 Includese days °99°SSV° 50 °d Caster 7371904 an bet in Landowsome meas4°urs managemem team please send pg me °° by the undersigned in tender deluxe motor coach return air or resume in confidence to Box MATIJRIE nationslama person re OWGIOP POVlde uP 200 flightprofessional tour direc Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers U33 The Examiner 23me gmlegeï¬ncolfvfl Dazzuresrï¬gtlyzlwm s°i5h dime l°lkl°r° llsted are experts In their field and Will assure you of the III Myla PleasetelenhonenéZMO 24st 77 Ior III sugpIy II 222gssizaerlor hotels llnest lob posslble 33 EgMPfoYIII EXPANolNe AND has Receptionist of hefonowlng Md era par me an one me posI Clerk tlon CALL HAY TRAVEL Paoévg to noun £25533ï¬JJgLflï¬ï¬‚ Required tor medical office Experience 77 lA 7284700 pearance For Barrie and surrounding desIltzable bUIflolIfï¬entlaclII ham1 one new lWCk mlnlmum Myl3H Phï¬niilttï¬tï¬n ca GVW 24 500 lbs with chassis Iw perence education and salary re gmgIIESISICJSIIsvwgfggaï¬o sumfnlgr quirernents to Box U35 co The Ex and cab complete with removal work 8a rte Ph 416595 STEEL ALTERATIONS CUSTOM FENCING NANOTMAN PAINTING CLExmï¬Ã©ggngnereauIraesggré INEILDEIR recIuIrced or gm magma fadzxisgztgimotgtlrliprizznto tap Na daysaweek in UtopiaAt least Io ears unng Dam 0° Slown Applcanls It K3559Arilloiiallï¬liisiag3°IZIJonZl yccwluorlprgptrtlu7lg lleErltlIlSiflerigllNWark aggrantxglussltigblisll Applications giving full details experiencefgll728I429 pmeï¬iénléivinieltirfl zahrstoglasllaghaprlyeht °q°lPIm°m new cab and mlsué rv 5975M 939L122273726909L Of education and experienceI URGENTEY REQUIRED mature per person at conatr Canada LdII RR QI chassis Garages cleaned WAYNE FOLEY PIOIossiono Paw son to assst Income for elderly invalid Cookstown Hwy 400 and 89 or phone ALUMINUM Trash hauled away hIIIII and IIIIIIIOII PI IIIIIIIIIII WOIII WI recelve un IadyLIveoin Reterences please For ap 4584363 77413 The beautiful Sheraton Fisher JUST GIVE US 9°9°°4l791793 Lcs der59°d MJY 24 for the flégg$lflsfifliï¬ws LICENSE CTeuss Bnauto body repair One new truck minimum DON SIESLING aintln In 00 mg or ex ra money Are person required tor Orllla area Ex man wharf San Francisco for PMNSWICK YOUR CASTOHS MIMI mm pagrazzfsggizwomawmk srhlo of Fire Fighter You InIeIesIedInmn andIasmon II SOII peIIenced III coIIIsIOII repaIIs H2577 GVw 8000 lbs with chassis days then on to islands for Is ALUMINUM °Chaln Llnk Gal or Vlnyl ISGHIMGIO guammn¢ 7266808 glee am With the Barrie Fire tigyeegsupeJ opportunny tor lnIlmeoiate pays tggJggssvenlngs and cab complete wrth removal éifrilolirAiNtho oorolnjf Spurtment 933 Y° EXPERIENCED farm worker tem existin ui ment from days Escorted lrom Borne Lor OWNER OPERATED Reguallon Pom ance 126 Peltcad 90 05022 5005 Applicants must have Grade I2 3mol33rionéc2lalv3335533533 mm work miles soum °l Barrie ndgnsetgllcftion of this 93 39W HY 95mm Feb Wood Of Metal Privacy 53 to 15 Im guaranteed Asenos we Phone 7282079 call at noon arbpm 27 1978 Book and space PROTECT and BEAUTIFY Fox Limited with the vmyl surface Membership tor bum tom and no Mmhalt soot BEATINFLATION plotiloguldutl entoman SamueIB Rose CA for the purchase of the I977 SmgIes 37S COUDIeS or fem SIZO Lrgzczï¬ï¬‚nEonggaczongltilhzgiozx keeping SevKU 726 2973 55 OOand up Telephone 728 9367 MYI9 Trustee IoIIowIng For registration no 7o31 gums all GARDEN R010 TIlLING Free oslnnolot 9°°°d737 507 GRAHAM EAVESIROUGHING pm pm SOLO CLUB lt separated Widowed divorced age 10to you are Single Eavar coRose8 ose business latm Reasonable Call 728 4634 lwtwablr PMd C0 or 728 Plan II2 Pt Pk Lot 13 Steel CARPENTER Specializing ln rec rooms In troughlrtrginstallred Call728 6628 Emmott Chartered Accountants St ES Fronta 60 De th 160 terror remodelling trim etc Please call 55 would llke Io become involved in SUPERIOR EAVESIROUGHING Specialists 7w77 ï¬4 non proilt sooal Club call 716 817 or lzqeaiaifllflée Rooltng and rootlng repairs Free estlmalos SI IBIS Bloor Slreel Eastl 207 Cook Street Zoned R3 Op 726 024 CRABINET MAKE Eylopean tatnadt Klt CaIIMortln Verstraten nurse New Lowell sutte701I proved for singge family ans VOIItIIeS the urmture renovations lglm qrgyffnnls alterations Domestic Commerclal 776A Toronto onlorlo M4W dwellng consrUCIlon 29 replies answered Please wrlte Bur U34 The Exam notr Bdrm 69IIISIIUCfl0nS announces the opening of NEW GRAVEL PIT on the 7TH CONC OF ORO TWP PETER GAMBLE Electric Commerclol Residential industrial Installations and sat vice LlEENCéo CARPENTERS Custom nono cottages renovanons repairs Sahslactlon guaranteed Rand COHIVUCTVIOVTL7267rrli RENOVATIONS 4364899 Myl3 We have an interesting position for person with Tender °nvel°p°5 my be °b tained at the office of the City sc ambition and ENGLIIJH RIDING Inwwm WW QRPENIER do rooms mom SIMCOE ELECTRIC I0 benmsewe ourcusmmers magInatlon Successful applicant wrll Clerk 84 Colller Street Barrie MUM WWI IIIWIIIIMIIISIWHIIHII remodellingetc Nalobtosmall perm Blown Cellu ose Fibre 0R0 487 70 ave typlng driver licence and ability to converse Ontario lrom aarrle 776cm CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters Industrial Commercial FREE ESTIMATES with the public Sales experience preferred for renovallons aadltlans homes cottages Elsssétmtes 54995 DON FLEMING Deadline for classified Residentia 70Iost andtound Ieorms SILVER charm bracelet ORILLIA 3264711 The successful tenderer must LOST lrt Licenced rarpenlry VCan Lighllng dGSIQTI remove the on the SIO $5391232T Dal$23 ltlluajlurlg 3f78fo°l223425°° ESCC°IIIIIL9 SEWING MACHlNEs Please telephone LEN SEVICK by August I977 and construct HES flfliflnwofl WENT We at loam nova CWYMOSmfs LIC 138 LW Em Advertising Director 7266537 dwelling within one years 71hell wanted l33$$Â¥m°ll7233°° 679 221m °I The Examiner net We PW TT CEDAR PATIO DECKS sunporches fenCes 88 and Ilousu mlurtllhm New used sold nghes lor any ender no rt urnrrt rrl II th rrl Eglogyeyï¬tr2bqoeI Jo Complete Kitchen 737 I62l Barrie On necessarl accepted suggests canncummc lnduslrial Commercial Remodelling Services ilOOIl SBIUIdaY 55aughanIAMctICMcI Farm Residenio PAUL SNOWPLOWING rnsldorlllttl and Cerk 05 an START YOUR spring cleanlng today Hiltlrnttttlï¬lP rrIyrIu7lluth rates flee utl AVON REPRESENTATIVE Great °°° 1°UwWMleve stem eclCHW 84ColllerStreet clean 776637 Dryers Ranges WRICHIS SNOXtPlOIIVIN SlnollIrontmor BARRIE Ontario tme or earnln mone in IIII ml and re litn 0050an Your spare time sell AVYON Egrgsisttmï¬lgg ï¬llies R°°l D°C9 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Dwtlmlrloillo 72o 7757 MM 475 Jewelry and daily needs as EMc QUALITY SINCE I949 49 Morrow Rd Barrie IN My469l3 we as our worléllomous line Of 22quch 726986l RUSSLLL tExtuRr spitLy two TT Int rltr irtlr wulls ltd ralllll Fr iiighigï¬rlpogg ï¬dyouszmocvgg AurleItoloottl EXCAVATING whirls 1500 ggltééttsnDrfltfRussrrll AAJIKIIIUHI IrElztpltazz DEFENCEIISIICLchngSUCTION I9 95 CoumyIluymm you ROBERT aovceorr Excavating haulage l8 PROJECTS Re lace PI In Ill hols hln Call 7289652 or write 3vnl2llllnn Eglil 433357 loads IIIIHI rm rr and Fittings Plant No CFB AVON mixers wesronovs lltrlzssrrttla CBEUMMWFA mm°2°i23 PO Box 485 ChamphinMaintenanca CONSTRUCTION WOYdrgdo Orllt llaerQ762rTlourY BARRIE WI ld Backhoe ExcavI Lawn Care Garden Preparation es erVce FS TF ll 7737 Trenching Roto tilling Everygreens SHOP ON PREMISES lNDlIzISUAIL SEAILEDt LEdNDERSé CARP mar as ocon en resse mimosa H°z°m°Augerms Ced°r edges F9 Docksrde CUSTOMER 7376 728 9833 Mowmg And Pam Repu Electronics to edlJn ersl gt tiln so ECWCMWH receive not or an SERVICE cram INSTALLATION Impacts rm ESTIMATES 53 llwoll SI lll WUISItIy la Pm 5m WALLTOWALLinstnllatiancarpetandvirlyl for above TUESDAY Juno ES IEIIYBWFPEEW1°25°bf9£5EB STONEWORK and llveplocaso specany vi 726 5666 141977 Gum PING for above WEDNESDAY SBIVKHI Spllflg Thu 77 gtA Lor inIernononol com on WINTERICKSCERAMICS Floor and wall tiling human pmm CANT ATTORD lull tllno surrotary lry rquulres attractive pandI Wrï¬PWSZ26wi 7I78 Igggp9l gddmggnlz Kaufmvfm 72633 Plans specifications and tender es no at rrlrr tosn Irno consumlrt 0090lng Person contacttheir COMMERCIAL ART STUDENILANDSCAPERS wortorulotilllllu YP9I°Y l°V inns be ovmlable lor tnowin furttllrln Inuit atntln Ex cnll MARGARET 36 3M9 VIEWIng Of COHSIIUCTIOH Barrie clients Car necessary COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art Excellent starting salary plus ggéftoull 8s Pleas call collect 416 gwmwd 36 90 Im WELLPIOOINOWWW Associations at Toronto Barrle COT 0°W°e OP CONCRETE CONSERVE ENERGY AWN ARE WAlEtt wrus so mull thalIls tlIlIlu lot if EUGENlATHERESA AREA 31ch252333 pointment IIII Imine tolluge Ihtln Call lllltls We Ing 99 CA MR SMITH N°W°V°°b°mc°°d° rengwIlIowarnwavingmo 21289932I18192II HAS ROUTE OPENINGS FAIRVIEW IIIIIIIII documems IIIIIY FIREMATE an to trimrrtllng Also rough mowrig be obtained by Prime Con Laboratory tests show SIDE gain vS lamina 6007 TTHW ATPT IICICIOIS only from DCL Plans Paios SidevvalksI Inshpallouiputfrohm yaur freplace Glben WOTOI secionI oneon the address owCos lg qual unI my Slaps CUTbSl an MASONRY block and brick fireplaces we Dnllmg belOW d°P°5lI $2500 SPARE TIME 9mg °°5 that 95°33 FAIRVIEW SOUTHVIEW AREA Male to °°°° Work Guaranteed n4 STAN KNICEIV MASONRY Brick block com995 smclon llqsllllmnod or If YOU W0 work and plane work Fireplaces spatially set for each proiect For tender FIREPLACES Custom built and designed Freeestlmatn 70542475I58 documons ca Area cod 63 apprOXImatelyS hrsdaly Specializing In natural stone and anthue mI8587 5d°vs°we°kt 7260081 Itrlor2$l°° 5C Ltiflmmm Yem experence Please ï¬ll out the application below and return It to Sammy 39pm can In if TC TTTT TrHTATAT usic or no 421355311SLilCLiLJ carsrs noon rrrlmsmno 32332539333solot ANGUS 424 5657 THE EXAMINER to too Doom PtAlet AVAILABLE rott WEDDINGS racer rl0Ns DINNER PARTIES coil no 5m after 6pm DISC Unlimited for banquet wad over yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to chip arp al company tenders Mulock Secretary Defence Construction ERNIES CRISIS Circulation Dept 16 Bayï¬rl SL Barrie S2I I951 Custom Screen lmtgllen gingsarld partieslcall7264200 limited Call Mrs Sim Process Crests mï¬ï¬‚cmsf WINDOW CLEANING TF 225Metcalfo Street All floor wall mosaic tiles RUCTIONS SIOCk Brohers 095 G°rm°ms ALLEN enomcns Window Cleaning Apart OTTAWA Ontario Chenille Crests on ny as as as GUITAR FISSONIS Cl°lc°l °d Wpulo menu Stores Houses Factorial Rearon SChOOI BUS 95 dub Jackegs Work guaranteed year gsullzzgzguswlsmdlulmutt ableratusTalepltona778I9I4 My tartet ui EANING PTOCICIOO TITO Company Beginner anld advgnceallat T2slop9£ gfï¬lï¬omï¬mum wlnddwas 331 °°°° oo wa IIM II MwFJY1 $7 IUIdaXI726InII no trough Free as me as EXAMINER WANTADS II Teï¬phone momma24w