High and low bills Wonder why your electrical bill is so much higher than your neighbors who has the same size family and similar house Ted Johnson Ontario Hydro public rela tions officer explains the things that mean the difference between high and low bills on todays Homes page All about perennials Larry Sherk chief horticulturist for Sheridan Nurseries spoke to the Barrie Hor ticultural Society recently about what kind of perennials to purchase Jean Gable of the horticultural society megorts on his recommendations on Page to av Wins photo contest Ingar Packard of Shanty Bay Road is the winner of the My Favorite Photo contest this week lfis color photo of moody lakefront caught the eye of thejudges at The Kamera Shop The photo is reproduced oti todays Page Readers are invited to submit their favorite photos to the contest and be eligible to win free roll of Kodacolor film and pro cessing from The Kamera Shop Official plan query CAYUGA iit tCPi Haldimand Norfolk regional council has hired team of consultants to investigate its planning department and to decide whether regional planning consultants or combination of both should finish preparing the regions zoning bylaw and official plan Regional coucil was told Thursday that the firm of Maclaren Ltd of London Ont will complete its study by July 16 at cost of 830500 Grits choose candidate COLDWATER Staff Eleanor Bingham was chosen the candidate in the June provincial election by East Simcoe Liberals at meeting in the Legion hall here Thursday night Wife of an rillia lawyer Mrs Bingham will be making her second bid for election In the last provincial voting in 1973 she ran third behind NDP candidate Roger Pretty and winner Gordon Smith the Conser vative candiate In her acceptance speech Mrs Bingham criticized the government for failure to cope with increasing unemployment higher tax ation and environment problems She also urged better housing and planning for senior citizens John Aitkcns MPP for Victoria Halibuiton rapped government tax spen ding and increases in public debt We feel we have much better chance this time said Bill McGill immediate past president of the riding Liberals after the meeting We were pleased Mrs Bing ham decided to stand again Mrs Bingham was the unanimous choice of the delegates which included reprcsm tativcs from rillia Midland Oro ledonte and other parts of the riding as well as old water Predicts big war TOKYO IAPi hinese Defence Minister Ych Chienying predicts big war soon between the United States and the Soviet Lnion and says China must race against time to build up industry in the in terior before it happens In speech in Peking on May St to na tional industrial conference Yeh said the PS and the Soviet Union are locked in an increasingly fierce struggle for hegemony and war will break out some day Wintano numbers on Page Teteatete for Pierre PARIS CPI After an almost twoday wait Prime Minister Trudeau visited the Elysee Palace today for formal luncheon and teteatctc with President Valery Giscard dEstaing that was scheduled to last about 40minutes Dressed in tan cordoroy suit Trudeau entered the palace after driving past Zo man guard of honor The luncheon drew about ttipersons from various walks of life Recently laude Morin minister of in tergovemmental affairs for the separatist Quebec govemment spent 55 minutis with Giscard dEstaing in private conversation Observers at the time said the Quebec minister received red carpet treatment Hitches britches Dolly Parton the Queen of ountry hit ches up her britches Thursday afternoon as she rehearsed at the Bottom Line in New York She was preparing for her opening later that evening in the Green wich Village section night spot AP Photo Expansion plan friend got Ossie and Jean Earle iii terested in developing mobile home park in valley in Essa Township Now almost 20 years later the Earles hau embarked upon new expansion program of 20 lots They have seen the image of mobile home parks change over the years For look at the Iloe Doc alley operation see today Homes page Examiner Photo Ed ornics senior planner with thc firm said an appraisal is necessary because of turmoil and cxztsixration at all levels of government with the type of plann ing you have iii llaldimandNorfolk Hes welcome About soon swarming honeybees flew into downtown Windsor one day this week searching fora new home They formed cloud of flying insects feet hign and 10 feet across local bcckceper Nicholas Roy waited for them to settle in the branches of trcc before knocking the mass into an empty hivc Even though llt wore no mask or gloves he as not stung Pliotot Rowbotham sentenced BRAMPTON Ont itlr ltobcrt Rowbotham as was sentenced to it years in penitentiary Thursday for conspiracy to smuggle ton of hashish valuwl at about $13 million into tanada Judge Stephen lioriiis passed the sentence minutes after Rowbothiun scllrconlessed marijuana dcaler made to llllfllllt speech before the judge In his speech Itowbotham called rc habilitation in ixrnitentiary hypocrisy still strongly support marijuana illltl hashish to change men and check ciil Rowbotham told the judge stepped beyond the law and HI do it again The judge referred to the statement in sentencingand said would be remiss it didnt make it clear that laws are to be upheld and not broken The judge rcjccted submission from federal prosecutor Patrick Duffy that Rowbotham was the leader of in intcrnn tioiial drug smuggling ring The judge said that in finding ltowbotham not guilty of conspiracy to traffic and coir spiracy to possess the one ton of hashish for the purpose of trafficking the jury took the view that ltowbotham urged and encourag ed David ripps Ito of Mississauga serving sevenyear term to smuggle tlic hitshish Meanwhile it was lcarnwl from lttMP that they would probably not proceed with charge of trafficking laid against ltowotham in Barrie and another one of conspiracy to traffic marijuana laid in Van couvcr Quake city hit again PliKthl iltcutcrl hinn confirinml to day that another earthquake had struck the devastated northern city of fangshiin where about Turooo persons din last ycar in the worst natural disaster of modern times An official spokesman said an earthquake measuring tit on the open ended ftichtcr scale strong enough to cause damagc oc curred Thursday and was centred on the town of Ningho Teeth help offered TORONIU tPi Several oitliodonlists offered free help fhursday to an eightyear old girl who desperately needs her teeth st raightcncd Following publication of newspaper story Wednesday describing the girls plight the Ontario Dental Association said it arranng for Lillian Jones to see loronto orthodontist Dr Neil Munro Lillians mother lives on $391 month mothers allowance and cannot afford the $1500 it will cost to fit her daughter Wllll braces Mainly sunny today and Saturday lfigh both days into 22 Low tonight lilo ti Only once year sometimes Today is thc oiily ltiday the filth scheduled for lttTI and somebody sceins to haw thought it good time to get II his bad luck seven years worth out of the ny at once Friday the filth combining the traditional unlucky nuinbcr with what Olllt believe to be lll years most unllicky day comes at least oncc in wet yoni Hut alcli out in this tlquniner Photo by ltollc lvrtiikci gt World affairs is Nixon topic WrSllthilON Ali ltltIXtIl Richard Nixon says he initiated overtures to thina faced the lttissians down in thc 1071 Middlc lInsl war and rcsiiicd lIgyptinn President Anwnr Sadat from coiipor worst In taped interview with iritish tclcvision personality David Frost Nixon said be over came the reservations of Henry Kissinger to maintain military operations in out bodia in mm despite students demon st rations at universities And again over lvissitigcrs warnings of possible political and diplomatic iin plications Nixon said he ordered the Pen tagon to send everything that flies to help lsracl snap back from the 1973 Yom Klplilll attack by llgypt and Syria The television interview lhursdny night over an informal network of 133 television stations was the second of live programs cs pcctcd to bring Nixon about $1 million Nixon appeared as confident discussing world affairs in the taped interview lhutsday as he had appeared uneasy in dealing with his Watergate downfall in similar interview last ISSIID llCDlIIS on the only man to resign the presidency assessed the world leaders he met whilc president and called Kissingcr who became both state secretary and national security chief genius who had to have things his way til the world leaders he met Nixon said the late liauinan Mao lsc tung of hina had devilish sense of humor and lived vciy Sllll iili He said the late Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was both brilliant and boorish with ltlllll inferiority complex Klitlleichevs successor Leonid Brezhnev is not as quick intellectually thcrcll be two of them seams If Hey Isnt that the same guy that was on last week ET wa lite acidic are local lifestyle entertainment homes sports comics classified 14 15 16 17 Carter helped in summit PARIS ttlt Prime Minister llllfllvitll says it is good for anada to have President aitci as neighbor but he dots not believe Carter was solely responsible for the success of the seven count rysuinmit in London wouldnt be so modest as to think that President Carter was alone responsible Trudeau told an interviewer lhursday RY SlE ROlTLIFFIC Evamincr Staff ltcporter Ontario will becoiiic an economic backwater ll the NDP wins the elect ion says Ontario Premier William Davis Davis speaking Thursday night at Pro grcssnc onscrvativc rally at flame North tollcgizitc said Stephen Lewis the NDP leadcr would provide fewer jobs and discourage industry from growth This piovincc would bcconie an iiidiist rial backwater he told crowd of about Moo ind lr Lewis doesnt like that lxcathc he knowsit struc ltl siud an NDP govcrnnicnt would in tltttt goycrnincnt burcaucricy pciialilc lillhllltttlltl llitltitl£tt hat tltlt that do to our HUtitititlt posi lion llfilkltl lr Lcwisdocsnt ltitllt wehaveto coin pctc internationally In industry and business hesaid crc not going to be able to do that if wc inhibit industries from growth lltll ttltl frcc cnlciprisc minimal gowrmncnt intcrfcrcncc in business and thc willingntss to take risk are lllt keys to lflllltlllllSllll You cant do it any other way hc said ndthit li Lcwis cant understand lll iys Levy is government would rclcgatc Northcrn Ontario to the role of zissal of southern Ontario frustrating ct forts toestalilisli it northern ctoiioniic bnsc llc also acciLscd Lewis of using scare tac lit in sqiyini tntnio is dc cloping shortage of agricultural land lliirc is no shortage of pure food hunt in Ontaiio nor will thcrc lttil far into thctiitnrc as anyone can see Sitltl lttivis lhc llligtSllnlh made by Mr Lcwis for which iarric ind iica has served as lll liltl lttl irc pure and simple scare tac tics llc says lIl inconsistent in his economic tittlltlf tiying to please both sides it tllltl llc fill tor the creation of Jobs but he is opposed to ti arrangements that will n¢o e¢uo ntvv Svï¬t avis facilitate the expansion of industry said Davis lie is for the creation of new homes but he is against the use of land on which that new housing must be built lie is concemcd about energy shortages but opposes llydros plans toexpand Davis strongly criticied Lewis but didnt say much about Liberal leader Stuart Smith He described the Liberal economic policy as candy floss today debt tomorrow lot of Liberals are concerned he said briefly They sense where the real choice is Liberals have no real awareness of how government fnnct ions says Davis It is the NDP which poses the threat he says They want it igovcrnmenti and you peo plchadbcttcrrcalizcthat He says thc election has put Lewis on the defensive and shown the NDP does not have fully formulated plans to govern fhcyve never really had to explain what would they would do if they got into office hcsaid The Davis government intends to continue creating tax incentives reducing the biireacratic maze ind rcst raining spending hcsays Lower succession duties for farmers is one policy designed to help the economy says Davis We want to decrease the costs that make it virtually impossible for farmer to pass on his farm tohis son said Davis ontrols are an arca where Davis says Lcwis ill antagonize farmers llicy dont want local contmls of the marketplace he Sltlfl and we will not go that route He says howcvcr fnrnicrs need to be assured reasonable profit for what they flltflVH In othcr economic areas Davis promised about 430th jobs for students jobs he says arent make work projects They are legitimate programs that will makc them feel tlicy are use useful he said No influence on OMB in annexation issue By JOHN IllillJ laminer Staff ltcportcr Ontario Premier William Davis Ihursdny night said his government lllLs done nothing to influence the Ontario Municipal Board OMB decision on liarrics anncxtition pro postils Davis in Barrie Thursday night to address campaign rally for three area candidates at Barrie North tollcgiatc said the ttMlt will make the final decision The decision has not been made he said The board has the total flexibility to make any decision it feels is right The premier denied that provincial treasurer Darcy McKeough tried to influence the tiMlt decision when he wrote to board chairman William Shubb last December say ing in effect that tlic board must give the ci ty enough land to accommodate l2rtioo peov plc by 2011 Asked to explain his position in light of the contents of McKcoiighs letter Davis said He didnt tell the board to do anything It is still upto the board todecidc lhc prcmicr said his government by ac cepting the Simcoe Georgian Task Force report as policy has designated Barrie as potential growth area The population figure included in the McKmugh letter he said is project ion based on the information available when the study was made We would like the planning to go in now he said but we cant make decision based on exact sizes Premier Davis also denied that his govern ment engineered its defeat in the legislature two weeks ago to force an elect ion Asked why the government chose the rent review program as the election spark Dans replied We were defeated We told the other parties about two hours before that we would consider the vote mat ter of confidence he said The premier added that he felt two hours not ice of confidence vote was not unusal In fact Ive seen instances where the government waited until after the debate was over and then said it was matter of con fidencc Davis orders judicial probe into contribution claim TORONTO ttPt Premier William Davis ordered judicial inquiry Thuisday in the is sue of $35tlocontrihution received in 1974 by his Progressive onscrvat ive Party The premier accused the llobe and Mail which raised the matter of lxlowthelxlt journalism and denied that there was any connection between the donation by Dis osal Scrviccs Ltd and the subsequent awar of government landfill permit to Disposal Scrv ices Roth Opposition Leader Stephen Lewis and Liberal Leader Stuait Smith said Thursday they would not campaign on the issue Davis appointed Mr Justice Sam llughes of the Ontario Supreme ourt to begin the in quiry iinnmliately fle told news conference that the inquiry was needed to protect the reputation of loyal civil servants to protect the integrity of the fundraising process which sustains all political parties and quite frankly because will not tolerate any innuendo withrespect to my own integrity ONE SlTlI APPROVED The money was donated to the Con servatives by Disposal Seivices wholly owned subsidiary of Waste Management Inc of Oak Brook Ill The company had one landfill site ap plication approved and another is pending Lewis at news conference Thursday steered clear of condemning anyone over the contribution There was no election disclosure law at Mr Justice Hughes said through his secretry that it was premature to say when he might begin the inquiry and how long it would take L7