Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1977, p. 19

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By SUE ROUTIJ FEE Examiner Staff Reporter court services has been established to look into Morton organizing committee he says talk about he said fortalkhesaid We have to roll up sleeves and get to work Judge Morton was guiding force behind Bigelow $3 It was created to look at developing more resources for handling juvenile and Siincoe Countys family court now offers onthespot counselling says Malcolm Aid Society family court says counsell ing is available Monday and Thursday mornings taiiiily legal and counselling says Summeis does the coun selling now he says although proposed reforms would require permanent director of support services He took the job because of an interest in court as it af fects his counselling Sum mers said after the session have some interest in the things happening in court he said and in what ost shouldnt come before care in group homes says Ron Griflen of the John Bosco Home in Barrie Children and parents have difficulty finding good care because of costs he said at the Friends of the Court seminar Obviously funding is one of the difficulties we face he said during panel discus sion Instead of looking direct ly at the needs of the child he said we look around to find money for funding homeforthechild An added problem has been recent successful ap peal by municipality against judges order that the municipality pay childsmaintenancc costs John Bosco residents now receive about 816 day from the city of Barrie pro bat ion officer led Bigclow That would disappear if municipalities continue to win ap alshe says Grif en hopes courts wont be intimidated by the success of the appeal hope courts will proceed with the same attitude of looking at the child and not considering the cost he said IS IMPORTANT The issue is important to municipalities he says and group home representatives shold talk with them to settle the problem Weve talked to council members and weve wamed them not to be rash in their judgment hesaid Funding now comes from federal and provincial governments well as municipalities for group homes and other institutions says Ioe McReynolds proba tion officer in Barrie The average annual cost per child ranges from $4500 to $23000 year he says It depends on the program taken The most expensive is for Blaming students under 10 who want to leave school is waste of time says Russ rearcr school counsellor But two members of his disucssion panel on early school leaving at the Friends of the Court seminar didiit agree John McCullough Simcoc County Board of education trustee and John Walton committee on family recommendations made at twoday Friends of the Court seminar held in Barrie April 28 and 29 says Judge Its future is uncertain he says and its membership will be that of the seminars But its purpose is concrete Weve heard each others problems he said at the seminars end and un fortunately weve had several years of problems to But weve come to point where there is no more time our the the seminar says organizer Ted Summers of the Childrens Summers speaking at the Friends of the Coum seminar on law reforms proposed for fitarted in January the system is an attempt to bring services under one roof he family problems and to bring people uptodate on the latest govemment develop ments Attendance was by in vitation and it included representatives from Morton House the city of Bairie welfare department the ministry of community and social services and ministeiial association INTENSIVE DAYS The group spent an in tensive two days at the Blue Flame Room of the Con sumers Gas building looking into group homes assessment services diver sion early school leaving volunteers and family conir selling and reconciliation major concern expressed at the end of the twoday seminar was what would happen to the recom mendations It was nice tWo days and it was an expensive two days said one represen tative of Browndale llomes who wanted to know if anything would cpme of the seminar Its vital that some group Onthes is available not only to pco pie but to the court system He says the response has been good lawyer was able to say to me after one ase that it was nice to have someone in the field of social services around the court he said Siunmers says some reoon ciliations have taken place through counselling Weve had some success he said ounselling in the family court offices is part of pro posed family law reform Judge Morton hopes will be working in Simcoe County soon Amendments stalled in Queens Park set the starting date for the reform back to September he says The reforms would bring family matters under one court and there are jurisdicr tional problems involved says Judge Morton he the M4 sit down and discuss whats going on hi this field said Malcolm Summers of the Childrens Aid Society In doing that all the areas weve discussed will be discussed further Judge Morton says he does not want to see the two days of work lost in bureaucratic shuffle He said judges need the help of an amalgamated group of social service agen cies to maketheir decisions Some judges may think theyre God but were not he said We need your help NOW IS TH TIME He said now is the time to organize social services because of legislation bringing services under one govemment organization Weve got eveiything coming together for juveniles and we need some sort of group to set up how well work things he said Its essential to do something to prepare Most of those at the seminar felt their time had not been wasted Ill be going back to our administrative people to ad vise them what is happening in other hospitals said Dr Larry Radko social worker in the psychiatric wards of Barries Royal Victoria Hospital Well continue the dialogue to stablish more effective liaison with other groups he said Radko says hearing about other groups is the only way the hospital is made aware of programs It gives us bet ter idai of whats happening so that we can plug into various programs he said Both Dr Radko and Bart Richards director of the volunteer group ftNlAlexpressed disap pointment no one from the public showed up at the two day seminar ALWAYS $l Its always good to haye the public informed said Dr Radko There shouldnt be any secrecy Mis Richards said the seminar was very woiw thwhile despite the fact the public didnt come of counsell Divorce which is now handled by county court judges is federal legal matter over which provincial judges dont have jurdisdic tion lnder the reform Judge Morton would gain that power from count court judges The reforms would havo tamily counselling providid at each court cciitrc says Summers It should be thc first tcsoit for counselling for in formation and for prevention of problems he said in his seminar prcscntat ion Then we could ilctnic the problem and select the right body to gie the required assistance he addwl We could refer thc family to the court or another rcsourcc thcrc HANDLE ELSE HEle IiflllLlltllll counselling 14 Margaret Sheppard tlcfti and Ilcnc ulvcr of ontact tccn tre volunteer organization discussed group and training homes with Eileen Iioii of the Siiiicoc oniity liildreiis children suffering mental or emotional disorders These are covered under the Childrens Mental Health Act Operating costs are paid in full by the ministry of health for residential and non residential services says McRcynolds api cost are paid in full by tb govcrir meiit if the pro aiii was created on its initiative he said If not handles bills Training schools cost S2lti0tt per child under the Training Schools act and are completely supported by the government The cost of group homes under the Juvenile Iclin quents Act ltioiii is 87400 child says McReynolds liunds come on contract for service basis of $17 to the government twothirds of the probation officer in tiiillia are both members of early school leaving committees They handle requests by students between and 1t backed by their parents who want to leave school The two wrangled over whose restxnisibility the pro blem is school boards or government agencies Mcfullough says schools $110 day for optrating costs and $700 bed for capital costs iEINOIIIINIi Group homes under the thildrcns Boarding Homes Act cost Sloiioo ii child iroup hoincs gct nothing from the government lnder thc thild Welfare Act group honiis cost Stirlth child for thildrcns Aid Society residential services says McRcynolds Eighty per cent is funded provincially while 20 per cent comes from the inn iiicipality iritfcn says group homes are needed for children and youths who doiit get along with inst itutioii regulations Institutions tend to take away trcedoin atid degree of respect he said They arc told when to do something and what to do cant be expected to solve everyonesproblems School is not everyone he said llut lhave the distinct im pression number of people have the feeling its cure for all ills he said He says there are students disatisfied with schools who are salvagable Sudburybasld program for would still be handled elsewhere he says tounsclhng would be con ciliatory he said We would hope to bring about scttlc inciit out of court hcsaid lhc reforms have worked in an expcrimcntal program done it Hamilton says Sum tncrs co ordinatcd service optrated 30 hours wwk Ill counselling and liandlcd people rcfcrrcd to it by iiidgcs and lawyers ltcr period ot opera tions says Siiiiinicrs the ty rcttininicndalion is to mntinuctlicprocct lcoplc in iarric irc already lttlltllillllL lrnin part ol thc suggcstcd ltliillll with family counselling Summers says pcoplc coll ing in for help arc given in iipjmintinciit through IIlt court oltice no more time for tolk When people hear about what happened here theyre not going to let the ideas die Russ Crearer school coun sellor says he hopes feed back gathered through evaluation sheets each per son filled out will give the organizing committee some idea of where to go from here dont know specifically though where to go from here said Crearer one of the seniinars organizers Im not sure how the in formation will be disseminated he said Crearer and Bigelow will be joined by Don Jackson and Malcolm Summers of the Childrens Aid Society Mrs Richards Roy Blair of Canada Manpower probation officer Joe McReynolds Ron lriflen of the John Rosco Iloine in Barrie and probation officer Jean llarris It is up to them to meet with Judge Morton and determine whether anything will come of the two days He says the ongoing pro cess of counselling in litllll Iy court helps him provido all the necessary scrvices family counselling and Hllilltll ion and reconciliation niairiagccounselling Marriage forms an iiiipor tant part oftlie reforms says lawyer icrry Noriiiiiii aiio thcr scininar speaker Thc main aspects of the proposed rclorins arc co ownership ol the mat rinionial home and when the inairiage breaks down thc concept of family asstls will be used he said The present law is very harsh lll dotirniining lltllltl Hlt gcis support dcpcnding on her conduct lltlltl oiniiin saw the govctn llltlll tni scis llll as lllllltll lhi rctornis would give ivcs continucd right ol po t=liillu say oriiiin Costs shouldnt be first id Society during seminar the Friends of the ourt seminar litId in Ifarric The twoday seminar was an at and counselling services illllllltl Ihotot tempt to bring lorces together to pro itlc better family collt1 Ilc says group homes cant replacethctaiiiily unit hit it comes pretty close he said They pro vide consistcncy they iiwd They have regular way of operating and thats iin portant for many kids who comes bctorc the courts he said They never know wlizitncoinmgnext llc says keeping children in the community through group homes is import ant You keep him iii the coin inunity he knows and you help to guide him along IIIRUIGII IEERS They need an awtul lot of understanding to re establish themselves and they gain it mainly through their pwr group hesaid Running group home is 24 hour involvement in car mg says iriflcii Its not just gettinng in the morning going to bed at The idea of leaving school draws panel disagreement called SIAY handles stu dents lll special cnviioi nicnt of alternative school iiig says Mctullotigh Work chwricnceisinvolvod DRUI IN IflIKEI Its just drop in the bucket though he added They can only handle 40 students at time Walton says cases of truan cy in rillia are on the rise night and sending them to school during the day said Relations between children and their families arc dilr ficiilt says iriffeii and Mrs gt31 lJilccn IItlll who is involv ed with thicc honics lll Sim cotounty You have to decide on tinic for lamin visit caiitully said Mrs Dixon AS worker Sonic group home parents differ in their feelings toward the natural family Sonic resent the family being involved at the outset when theyre trying to work witlitliccliild shcsaid Whether natural faniilit can visit at all dependsoii the child slic says It depends on the situa tion when the child goes into the group home she said There could be lot of trauma and doesnt agree with prinr cipals who turn to the government tor hpr lrincipals are suggcst ing more should be charged with truancy and they are saying mrrtxtional people should help them he said But the principals are put ting the blame in the wrong place The fault lies at the feet of educators Slimmer is almost here llic time when cooks wish they Wtlt anywhere but ma hot kit chcii tool it lliiuk lemon says Susan llordcii honic economist tot tonstniicrs liilS No ncod to spend the summer sweating ovcr hot stovc Rut theres no need to indulge in an icccrcain dict cithcr lcts lacc it ice cream is about the bot dessert durinL thc summer but tlicrc arc just as many liuit desserts you can whip up for hot day fliuck thc Iltcp ipplc pn and brcnd JiltllllllLp laki id vantagcot fresh fruits lhcy rcqincl ind litttcryot incspensivc says Mrs Rordcn IKSlllv pcoplc dont ltlll to Ltl is hungry in thc suiiiincrlicat lroni dcinonstiiitions calls shi rwcivcs lroin con Sllllltl shes convinced the two most popular lcinoii recipes arc lcnion Surprise and llncrgy rlc lcinon syrup youcandilutitoliinonadc lIiicig rdc iiopiilar lccniisi people drink more in thcsuiiiiiicr shc says nd lltll youre having party not cveyonc drinks alcohol and not cwryonc Iikcs pop This recipe is for those who dont want an cllcrvcsccnt drinkshcsiid IIIIRI IiII orangcs thinly slivcrcd lenionsthinlyslivcrcd cups granulated sugar ounccscitric acid tonibinc all llltllttlltlllS in non nictal bowl tovcr and leic inircfrigcrattd for two days stirrini occassionally lonr oft the thick syrup bottle and rctrigcritc For re freshing drink combine part syruptolpurtswatcr Yield ficupssyriip lemon dessert and such as the examiner Wednesday May 11 1977 19 Lemon provides cool alternative to ice cream Susan has few ideas leiiioii Surprise rcally is just that saysMrs Borden It tastes great and thc surr prisc is it doesnt take long at alltoiiiokc lIIIt SI RIRISII pkil linos wliitccakc mix pkg low illlSlitlll lcmon pudding iiiix ciipcornoil cnpwatcr tggs toinbinc all the ingrcdicnts iii liirgc ininig bowl icat for Illillllllt or lllllll light Pour in to greased quart tube pan take in ilfio degru gas own for $0 to Ti minutcs tool for lllllllllt tlicn rciiioyc from pan Scrvisttto in SI IRICHIZ IIIltt il Zli ciipsngar tblsps cornstarch It ciipswatcr cuplcmonjuicc tlilsps grated lemon rind mpbiitteror margarine In quart saucepan comr binc sugar and comstarch Stir in gradually until smooth watcr lemon jtncc and food colr oiiiig ook stirring constant ly over medium gas flame until thickened Turn off gas flame Stir in lemon rind and butter Spoon the glac over the cake and let it dribble down the sides of the cake Arrange pieces of candied orange and lemon rind on top of cake while glow is still warm Serve re maining glaze as sauce with tli ca kc Mrs Borden runs an Enter taining with East denioiistia tion regularly popular feat tire for more and more peo plc who are looking for tips on how to enjoy company yct prepare good food asual entertaining thats the trend Thats why the demand for quick and easy recipes Mrs Borden said What about when company drops in unexpectedly lhrce Rcan Salad or liinialc lie are easy to make Ihrcc Bean Salad is good for when you dont have any fresh vegetables on hand to make tasty tossed salad Mrs Borden says IIIREE BEAN SALAD bottle i807 gtItalian saladdrissing tblsp worcestershire sauce can i13o7teut waxed beans drained can t15o7 tcut green bcans drained ii mpswect picklcrclish cupsliced rod onion quart of torn salad greens In large bowl combine salad dressing worcestershire sauce and beans Toss lightly to combine Refrigerate covered until well chilled tabout hours Just before Serving add pickle rclislt onion and greens Toss to combine Turn into salad bowl Makes about to servings Tamale Me is fast oven incal made with convenience foods she says IAMALIE IIE can 10oz condensed tomato soup tspsalt tsp pepper tsp chili powder cup chopped onion cup chopped celery topt ionali lb hamburg pkgrefrigcrated biscuits cup shredded cheddar cheese ombine tomato soup on keeping kitchen cool seasoning onion and celery Add hamburg and mix well Pour into greased 112 quart casserole Bake in 400 degree gas oven for 10 minutes Top with cheese and biscuits Bake 15 minutes longer Other quick and easy recipes PARTY BBLERS cup margarine tblsp worcwtershire sauce pkgltill salted peanuts can 13 hinese noodles cups assorted unswtctened bitersized cereals tsp salt tsp paprika Melt margarine in large pan over low gas flame Remove from heat and stir in worcestershire sauce peanuts noodles and cereals Sprinkle with salt and paprika and mix well Spread on pan and bake in 300 degree gas oven for one hour stirring every 15 minutes Store in sealed container Yield 6cups FlN TIME IlliiE cup butter or margarine pkg ll 01 chocolate pudding and pie mix il cup milk It cups sifted icing sugar tsp vanilla flavoring Melt butter or margarine over low gas flame Add pud ding and pie mix and stir until well blended Add milk Bring to boil over high gas flame stirring constantly Boil minute Remove from heat and add sugar Stir until well blend ed and smooth Add vanilla Pour quickly into buttered inch aluminum foil pie plate hill ut into squares to serve Fresh fruit inqxpensive and wholesome

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