slltllill iiiiiiriiiittttiilii rieiigIESSIllit2li the examlnar Friday May 1977 God considers man and woman equal but the church through the ages hasnt given that impression says Jean Raddon of Christian Womens Conventions Inter national The church has given the image that women should be subordinate to the man But the Bible says God sees the two roles as complementary Yes he has put man in charge Although man may be the head the woman is the neck that turns the head she said in an interview Wednesday Miss Raddon led the all day workshop held by Women Alive at the Blue Flame Room at Consumers Gas About 60 women from church groups Christian Womens Club and Women Alive took part in the workshop The workshop was held to promote effective Christian leadership Miss Raddon born in England is wellknown speaker at conferences throughout the world She also worked for 18 years in Nepal She went to Nepal in 1952 with five other women as nurse She is author of Life on The Roof book relating her experiences in Nepal MEN TH REATENIII Miss Raddon said as con ference leader speaker she feels men are threatened by her leadership role Men are afraid of women being more professionally successful she said Its mans world theres no doubt about that and its men who feel the pressure to besuccessful Should women be ordain ed think dont they God preached equality workshop leader says should she said God has put the man in charge But that does not limit women she says In fact find could not do the work Im doing now if was ordained she sa would have to stic with one denomination My work encompasses the whole of Godbased religions The womans role in mar riage Youll find the marriages with trouble are those who arent clear about each others roles Biblicalybased couples see each role through Christs standards and therefore they complement each other Competitiveness in society has pushed Christian stan dards aside she said That is one of the bad in fluences western civi lizatioon has had on the third world Presentations and skits highlight achievement day Presentations of exhibits and skits started off the Banie 4ll Achievement Day at Trinity Anglican Church Four clubs from Dalston ro Station Warniinstcr and Craighwst gave the audietice of about 125 some ideas for par tits table manners flower ar ranging aiid creative cen trepieces Jane Sills home ecomonist to North Simcoc was masterof ceremonies for the afternoon and presented some of the girls with awards County honor awards went to Beverley Moore Clowes and Darlene Woodward Craighurst Provincial honor awards went to Dorothy Morris lowes Jackie Ferguson and Lynn Mctuaig of luthri Mrs Betty Barr traighurst received her fiveyear cerv tificate Cooking for outdoors was presented by Jackie Ferguson and Lynn Mitiaig of Guthrie All the members of entre Vespra participated in skit Your Manners are Showing table set for two was presented by Marie Quinlan of town Hill The members of the Clowes HI participated in display on art rocedures Po gOOtl as lICI VIL lovely way to make her day On Mothers Day more than any other time she deserves to sit back and be treated like queenat someone elscs house Someone who can put together dinner almost as So come on over to our house Come on over to Pondcrosa for very special dinner on very special day for the Cherry Blossi purchase BLO $0M PONDEROSA STEAK HOUSE Bayfield Street North of Hwy 400 Barrie Ontario RV Cl Vhilc the supply lasts children up to lo who visit Ionderosa on Mothers Day will get Lowncys kids up Treat with any FREE cherry special treat Jean Raddon discusses equality Holly Womens Institute selects three delegates Anne Huitema Orma Leigh ton and Marjorie Carr will be delegatts representing the Hol ly Womens Institute May 31 at the district annual meeting in Hawkestone This was announced at meeting held at the home of Mrs Arthur Carr The Holly institute attended the 80th birthday family night of the Simcoe West district held in reemore Anne lluitema received five year certificate as leader in 4II at the Cotton Review rina Leighton is chairman of the 24th anniversary dinner bus trip will be held Aug 13 itllld Olive Blaker is arranging is Marjorie Carr discussed the motto if you wish to be thinner diminish your dinner The new slate of officers was presented by Mary Hallahan and installed by past president rma Leighton The executive includes Marie Graham president 0r nia Leighton past president Florence Downing secretary Gladys Fisher treasurer Anne Huitema district director and Orma Leighton alternate Directors are Hazel Camp bell Irene Brown and Orma Leighton In charge of gifts and cards is Marjorie Carr Conveners are Lil Srigley Iweedsmuir cur ator Olive Blakely education and cultural activities Anne Huitema family and consumer affairs Gladys Fisher agriculture and Canadian in dustrics Erna Bullee resolu tions Liz Hammers citizen ship and world affairs Orma Leighton and Marjorie Little are auditors Marjoie Little is pianist Marjorie Carr introduced Mrs Ken Fraser of Barrie president of the rug hookers guild and daughter of member Jean Grant She displayed her work and explained her technique The May meeting will be held at the home of Vivian Iloskins and will include tour of Shan ty Bay Ceramics lifestyle Mental HealthWeek Group to stop myths Stop the myths about mental illness that isoncol lltttllllh this year of Mental lltllll Week Many people think mental illness is an inhcritul condi tion says luih larkiq vici president of the home lcnti llealth Asswtation and publici ty chairman ot Mcntal Health Week We know dittirintl now she says asc histories and restarch by the anadian Mcntil lltlllll Association rcvcal ltittital Ill ncss develops because ot tn vironmcnt inthccarly ymr Mentally ill pmpli Itlltll lacked love and lllltltlltlllltL in childhood years shi atlll Symptoms can be rm Itllliltll now and therefore treated Canmentalillncssbiwinwl The earlier symptom fluted die said ill Medal the easier It to arioi toiiir ol treatment are aiililvlc in lllwtltltth and clnni Alvin proplc nllll liavc inoriilist illiltl4lt toward mcnal ili oi lwlicic it is slgt ol unilat li tlarlic ld ll Illlil ll lcnl llltit no liiotc wltttm to oin ih itl disease ll lii liii 21iill leitwo lillt ltlni tlltll liiil tiw tll ltt ind skin tllsli rllltili ttlilttl ti iii rd mtml pto liltt Iviztile lilldlt iiiil Iic ntc two llllllttllitl Huit lt iwtii tl hi ntdlvo One out of six people re quires psychiatric care for mental illness at some time in his or her life she said Mental Health Week also aims to obtain volunteers and funds for research Mental illness is not just problem for psychiatrists she said Friends family and the community make the greatest contribution to rehabilitiating mentally ill people Those intcrested in volunteer ing should contact liarric Men tal llcalth Box 232 Barrie loan Morris president of liarric Mental Health and MII Art Evans attended meeting this week to discuss changes and improvements to the Men At Municipal we show more interest in your SEVIIIQS Join itliiiiit mill ion work very hard for your money And when there SitVlIltlx is some you deserve the best possible leftover for rcturn on your investment lliiit ll Municipal offers the highimt interest rates around the municipal savings loan corporation in llarrie tit Dunlop Street lI and ticoi gian Mall tli ho liiiiitli in rilliii Midland iravenhurst and ltlllllllu lleud liloiv ss Iliiiilop St Barrie nt tlll Qi gow tat said These charges affect rights of individuals treatment fa cilitits and rthabilitativc pro grams Ontario has 27 mental health branches The Barrie branch operates programs such as Focus discussion group on the roles and goals of women volunteer work at Royal Victoria Hospital and the Icnctanguishcnc Min tal Iltaltli entre Contact an agency providing and training volunteers in local institutions The branch also offers com munity awareness program in conjunction with KVR and runs the Christmas gift cam paign to provide gifts foi residents of homes for spicial care people places Garage sales The Royal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary will hold garage sale attour locations in Barrie simultaneously May it The sales which will be held from to to pm will be held at lo Iarkcr tourt It Debra rcs lit Shanty liay ltd and it Davies rtvs Donations are welcome at lllt above locations on May 17 No clothingI please lilol furthcr in formation call 72 lilo llixilth Act Mrs Clarke illlllllt visitors Mr and Mrs lxcith Sander son spent vcikcnd in Poll lcrry Mr and Mrs Mel Jamicsou visited with Mr and Mrs Ray llawkins in larry Sound Mr and Mrs George amp bell Mr and Mrs Ross amp bell of Downsvicw and Mr and Mrs Lloyd ampbell of it lowdalc attended banquet at tllt Skyllllt lloltl Ill ltittllllti The Toronto licstock If change were hosts for National Livestock Markets Association who were honoring lircd amp bell who has been manager of the Livestock Yards Toronto for 26 yea rs Mr and Mrs Newton Bessi attended the funeral of Mrs Gordon Jory of Dalston Mr and Mrs It Bertram Mr and Mrs icorgc amplxll Mr and Mrs Arthur Benham ot Shanty Bay took part in tour recently to alifornia losing barbeque The annual closing barbecue for the Theta ICpsilon thaptcr of Beta Sigma Phi sorority will beheld June to at the home of tinny Swain The regular meeting of the chapter was held at the home of Itlarlycne King of ookstown Plans were made for dinner meeting May 25 at the Village Inn Thornton Girls of the year awards were given to Janet Kidon and Deb bie French for contribution to the sorority New president Margaret larrett will be the new president of the business and Iroftssional Womens luli of Barrie With her on the executive will be Mabel liergusson recording and correswnding secretary Lillian Jones treasurer Laurie Jones and orra tte budget and finance committee llach aldwell and Dorothy Aycliffe programs and pro jects Nell lerstcgc telephone and sunshine committee Installation will take place May t7 Ga age sale garage sale will be held May from am to It pm at 29 Victoria St by the Business and Professional Womens lub Ann Landers in Silly shoes can cripple ii Dear Ann Landers Do you have the courage to print this letter in the face of all the money newspapers make on shoe advertising Well see Why in the world dont the designers and manufacturers of womens shoes have some regard for their customers Next question When are women going to get smart and simply refuse to buy the cripplers offered to them Do you have any idea what female must go through to look chic these days The new fiveinch heels are not only hazard to life and limb while going downstairs or even walking on an ordinary sidewalk but the corns fallen ar ches and backaches caused by these preposterous shoes are disgrace Today woman must either suffer or go barefoot Its an outrage and amFurious Dear Furious Women have another choice They can wear their old shoes do Dear Ann am very upset with your advice to Ashamed of Me How dare you encourage girls to lie to boys We deserve an honest answer when we ask girl out Id rather be told Im not the kind of guy she wants to go with than be kept in the dark until can figure out whether her excuses are valid or if shes just trying not to be cruel Its much more cruel to keep guy hanging on or to give him some phoney story like Ive got to pay more attention to my school work and do less socializing Whats he going to think when he sees her out with someone else Ive seen some pretty nice girls break guys heart by not having enough guts to let him off the hook at the beginning Tell the girls out here to be honest when one of us asks them out Thats what we want 77 Randy Dear Randy Do you really believe guy would rather be told Youre jerk and Id never go out with you so quit asking Sorry no sale dont consider it lying when you fudge little to save persons feelings Theres already too much pain in the world Id go out of my way if could to keep from adding to it Dear Ann Two weeks ago my husband came home from the office at 1030 pm lle is usually home by six Wait theres more He was plastered llis explanation man from the office went to celebrate the birth of son after five girls He lost track of time and ended up at roadside tavern with five othersone blon de secretary With whom he danced lot Yesterday he came home and handed me package gift wrapped He said The nutty blonde gave this to me Open it It was at Don Ho album of love songs with card that read Ihis could be as if you werent such coward handed him the note llc laughed and asked me to write her thankyou note from the family Do you think something is going on that Im too dumb to sec The Mrs Dear Mrs Nothing is going on Only man with crystalclcar conscience would hand his wife gift from woman and ask her to open it Write the thankyou note from the family Shell pull in her net pronto Roseanne Mcggbe My mother remembered Some time ago drovcto ambiidgc to visit my family pulled into the driveway and before got out of the car my mother was on the back vcrandah Didnt tell you not park the car too close to house That my mother Slitk live too two and has been mother too long to shakeold habit ouldnt you be the same attcr kids and 3t years of ac tivcdnty The 11 of us were it home for five years And to make things run smoothly each of us had our individual respon lllllfiltf Inc of ny main jolts we ironing lit brothers pants And lI llllf dcvelopwl my owi techniriuc fold the pants seam to unm and thin iron the side facing out so they looked good on thchangcr My mother did not agree She lizid kHn eye ltltl She could spot peanut butter and nniyoiinaisc sanin ich tutkid inside your pyjamas although shed new say anything unhws lic tound it in the wash the cauliflower you st titled in your pocket that night at supper She could tltlttl ii iiiakcshitt miniskirt easily The makeshift wa an ordinary skirt iolliri up at the waist llstlull win it by thosc girls whose parcnts wouldnt let them wear hc real tlznn We oldci clnllicn liainwt curly that mother would occa sionally tviiiig hoini lltlitgt Ant like groceries they were brought home 41 regularly it never occurrcd to its to ask whcrctlicy camtfroin lrcincmbcr my llltillltl attrmptiiig hcr first talk with me about the bird and lllt lit lhci minithing Id like it talk with you about she stint one day as she was hanging up tln clothes llcrc ll conns said to myself as tollowid her down the line will an at min of slitcts Your mother limiit licii littllllL well she began And Id llkt to opliii why Youre dragging the shwts on thc ground saw tlic doctor tln other day she pauscd looking rather pci pl iil by ilitlt only one pair of socks til the tli ttitytiltm Shi scnt inc tn tor inori ltlllitgt pin contained saw tln doctor tic other day and you mother is going tolitncanotlici baby lhats it askid Is that all you were going to tell inc lint shi nivver did tiniin Shi said sonieliing about runnv ingou of clothes line Pollys pointers Rust remover is best bet DICAR ltlll We have just moved into an old home in the country and the tub sink anti toilet bowl all have rust stains have used bleach household cleansers soap pads and three or four kinds of toilet bowl cleaners but none of them helped Would you or the readers have any suggestions SA DEAR SAM think your best bet is to get com mercial rust remover and follow directions explicitly Itll DlJAR ltll Stickers that are placed on mirrors can be So hard to remove but have discovered all one needs to do is apply good hand cleaner wait about 20 minutes and wipe it away with tissue Next clean your mirror with window cleaner LOU DEAR FULLY have an inexpensive way for record enthusiasts to store their records Get box that six 64ounce bottles of soda pop come in with diiider in the middle and find it Works great MARIE DEAR ltlLIA arpet your babys stroller to cut down on the latter anti prevent scuffed baby shoes Punch holes in the front and back of carpet sample and lace it to the stroller with long shoe lace The carpet piece is easy to wash and also keeps babys feet warmer Do not throw away that old toothbrush Keep one in the bathroom to use for cleaning grouting between ceramic tiles toothbrush kept in the kitchen will clean crumbs out of the toaster deeply engraved silver pieces or the burners on your gas range Spread glue with toothbrush and find it provides an ideal gripping surface toothbrush in the family shoe shine kit is handy and one is perfect for spot cleaning stubborn stains on clothing Put spices in metal tea ball and you can add flavor to pickles without adding the spices themselves Pour bottle of inexpensive nail polish remover into small empty cold cream jar and then half fill with little cotton balls put the lid on tight and shake When you want to remove nail polish open the jar take out ball and squeeze excess liquid on the other balls This saves both remover and time MRS When returned she