III II II II WIWTIIVVTWFIesW ynwiwwvvwrvivv1w rprvvwTv 10 the Oxamner Friday May 1977 32 cars for sale 37 oars for sale 332 cars for sale trucks and trailers 40 articles for sale so article for sale 42 mm mm PUBLICIIIOTICE KRAZY KELLYS Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 COLOR TVS ALL CASH for old furniture pictures chairs etc etc 4875389 DEW WORMS Bait distributor wishes to purchase dew worms minimum plckAUp 1000 705 3253357 between and pm gt 1974CORVETTE 454Aicondillon new 7334100ka010wtcamperiap 16 opts to rent 17 hous to rent MichelinT radiates sleather interior g$IILllIudgmeIoglglnal grilles stereo ele one 3114 Moonstone UrnaCe WIIY OTsngRéallflleeéï¬cghgueilgmairgsrilï¬ daysor15269653Mld1and evenings ma °C Wm 59 separately 7267173 after pm per month Coutts and Co Real Asktor Mr Ferguson e7282485Home7262815 19 FORD salute In runnlng conu 1976 FORD Pickup with cap 20000 Barries Finest BEDROOM side spilt East end Ioca Lï¬fjéz 93 Teepmne $23 excellem mndmm 3750 tion $400 DEF month Coulls and Co Real Estate oilice 7282485 Home 1966 FORD for sale automatic cer 197 QHEV V7 510m 90 load 7269580 7264991 72 tilled Tent trailer sleeps Telephone with 36 mlnl camper and slideIn NA 7538 only $14000 miles Telephone Adults ORILLIA Lovely storey room brick 7288658 home broadloom appliances tlre 76 25° CUSTOMZED Fm Vm HWY dul so 7777T7W 77 IaceI bedrooms bthsI sho In pens on mag wheels reclining serVIce and re 11s gaming In cinI samtmonmlyI Tgfonfo swivel captain seats radio tape deck paTh THE MAYFAIR 4162662073 or weekends Orillia °°A Hm90 LICENSED MECHANC dang new 3259461 FOR SALE 69 cnevene SI repairs Any lob considered Call ANTIQUE CLOTHES including shoes purses hats that were worn in the early 1900s by adults and children Call 3222379 ENGLISH SADDLE 17 inch English bridle wanted Must be In good condition at reasonable price Preferred R811 knee Telephone 3222041 p5 mom II MIcrTooChJ3rwnseTcrsniia Barnes newest building AVAmggLEï¬ï¬ï¬eamjw bedroom PB brl card Speed AI condition approximately 8x10 or 6x10 One and two bedroom apart home $225 monthly plus utilities Call certified $1950 or best otter Phone 37moorcyces SUPERB VALUES BSEEOEEEILEEPEM+ Ih 73740437aiter5pm 4534301 WEDDING DRESS wIth headpiece and men WI nice View EAICEEEE gm 1967 CHEV IMPALAtor parts 350 170 125cc BENNELLI Panther Enduro on V9 519 Needed Juner WI bur features bungalow you mayo appuancesI cos Phone 4361824 Iy 75TmIltez street legal $650 or best 01 CHOOSE FROM Iflepl9°Z°°7999T 1293717 970 BARRACUDA convemb er eep one 4589505 alter6pm Mone 7370027 7EVL°53R° wsoaosg posltrack rear end 318 dEYtQErICaLU 26 ELECTROHOME NOW $299 44dogsandptfls MWFTF Telephone 4169640292 We have huge amount of tradeins an new 0c engine Uncennw 900 hes 197F650 Yamaha Guam 700 color WEEKLY BARRE POODLE SalonIShampwmg HOUSE FOR RENT in Barrie we need he space and we want your busing EEPPSSZZ£EPP TJIPIIZ°9 99L9456i23 5999 and clipping of all breeds Sophia LOVELY umishw apamenI good bedroom deyached home tamny room 1976 THUNDERBIRD low mileage SUZUKI Motocross bikes very good 26 RCA XL00 Now $995 Street East 726 4141 5519 close to all convenience baths exceptionally clean Inside and loaded glass moon Irool etc Call condition0ne1976RM100AboUghtnew POWODLE TRIMTWINE pFDteEsiSnal Avanable immediateyI Suit adults no out centrally located available mld 7253310 VIEWJomlrmuorlake over September I976 VeIY 35 3675 I976 French ProvincialWas $1 200 $l000WEEKLY grooming all breeds pickup and de peis Telephone7280755 III212167 33Must have references Call 52 LC gy7I54Abou9hIIIne1310ctIï¬géperieclior livery 7268798 PetStudio iII AIIIII iaAIWI 1974 CADILLAC Eldoradotull loaded yearo 425 Wi selboth tor SIEETlelllrgghng schLTe BEAUTIFUL modern townhouse Ford Wmdow Van gIIalmgIIet top low mileage Tyelephone ggogggrm if sold before this weekend 20Id RCA XII 00 ngslclwiggz KIAIEIscIIlngggLaEId ZAORIILIIDIRQ 3203 with same Close to sho ing and bus b6dr9°m51 appliances broadloomr WWVM AD StateMo of bl mule Telephone 72 00 7269319 FerrIls Lane$325monthlyAvailableim I19 with standard shift Sliding door fuIy fitted camper Conversion CHRYSLER New Yorker YAMAHA OI drop Dam gleam RC 95 999h°°7£9mi anersp medlately CaIlDanny 13141667777582 cDc 1le 59 ï¬nk Md trailer hitch and wlrlltg radio lll tBIroiIlghanl door hardtop air condl SlarlIchglIllaggcgnIditiIiInnngvyagtaain and 20 Iowa Agï¬Ã©riï¬rlfrasixfgtsflegggbg QUEENS PARK reaI aso é6aa do lIon ng poner seats AMFM radio 39 eel 010 Waller bedroom apt balgtébrlylU prgrkiftrg hovuses waned to ren hd Ml lnoohd mm Vinyl rool tllt wheel power steering and 5Pm Chromacolor WEEKLY pnces Evenings and weekends Edge brakes radials certified excellent con dition$3 500 72673103 hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 7260094 DOBERMAN PINSCHER pups mos old black and tan registered with papers tails ears dew claws clipped With DHP shots 4364124 PUREBRED BEAGLE pups reg istered six weeks old shots wormed and tattooed Telephone 4452180 Coll ingwood GOOD HOME tor BouVIeFDes Fishers years old Large dog good with children and excellent watch dog 726 9043 after 530 PEKINESE PUPS Sable registered With shots weeks old $175 Telephone 737 1743 DOBERMAN PUPS tor sale weeks available August 1977 $235 monthly Adults only no pets 728 2253 business hours UPPER DUPLEX modern spacious bedroom private drive and yard Available July 1977 $265 monthly adults only no pets 728 2253 business hours ONE bedroom apts $150 each one bachelor apt $130 monthly Call Mr Kennedy alter 728 2785 LARGE UNFURNISHED one bedroom apartl Tent at 244 Bradlord St $175 mon thly includes appliances utilities Reliable party wittl steady employment only Apply Saturday He m104pm FURNISHED BACHELOR apt this super lovt price Lic KZA 35836595 $0250 TWO OR TH RE bedroom hDUSe or cotA tage wanted to rent within 10 mile radius of Barrie Relerences available $200 price range Telephone 7264880 20rooms to let 1972 ca 350 HONDA as is with 77 plates 7372765 1975 KAWASAKI 400 excellent condi tlonI850 or best olfer 728 6407 40 articles for sale 1966 CADILLAC sedan power steering brakes windows seats immaculate condition phone 835 2692 alter 530 $1500 1974 CHEV Impala door air conditioned rear delogger power steer lng and brakes snowtires certitiea 46000 miles $2800 Telephone 728 7334 I939 PLYMOUTHsedan good condition needs some work new motor and rebuilt transmission $1500 lirm Telephone 436 5878 1972 NOVA cylinder speed Stan dard doors vinyl root custom interior and exterior one owner like new $1999 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENTS TIL JULY 77 19QUASARCOLOR 8383 Reupholstering $450wsckiv 20GESOLIDSTATE 12 DOLLARS FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere 322 weekly Phone evenings 72699859 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park ing kitchen privileges lounge linen supplied weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 726 7186 LARGE FURNISHED rooms run kit chen and rec room area available im mediately Central 726 6392 FURNISHED ROOM kitchen iotirioe 1976 Volare Custome Coupe door This one with air V3 automatic 95 in superb Ight groan aitli low loitt titles Price is new $5050 Lic LKV 53085395 Telephone 723 no old ready to go from registered yialIflsCgreltLenéfikR97331329925225 zarï¬mfi mm 33° weekly Ford COUTIBT llglll pICkUp 1975 GRAN TORINO wagon excellent necover it 20 Gxloo Now $759 ZSETISG mi papers 25 eaCh Tans en ra ocation EC awed737O261anytime 726 1231 shape$3200 Phone 737 3035 Latest 1977 color 650 WEEKLY SUNNIDALE RD area now shimmer NEWLY redecorated rooms $35 cylinder speed the quick economical one Tan black trim Superb Yourself WHITE FEMALE poodIeI purebred MUST SELL lady owned 1973 LTD Brougham door vinyl hardtop power steering brakes very good condition many options 728 0655 weekly Singles and doubles 76 Worslev Street Completely lurnished Shared kitchen bath and living room 7373315I ALLAN DALEW Furnished room cook order and priced for Immediate sale Lic H40042 $3305 $3150 one bedroom fridge stove and utilities included 5011 contained mature Single person prelorred $200 monthly 726 2596 months old shots last 01 litter good With children no papers $60 Telephone 73773556123$pringdae Drive TOSHIBACOLORS $290WEEKLY Wide selection of discount fabrics evenings POODLE PUPS weeks Old smat I970 VOLKSWAGEN low mileage Foam cushions ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments mg Laclmes avaIable 9°eae mechanically good 3400 or best offer as mlmamns one ma emae $50 one terred 728 4268 daytime or 728 0810 oTools boyh amageura Silver male S75 Telephone 72875774 rom 5160 monthly Central location evenings IS Telephone 737 1686alter6pm $5 OOWEEKLY BEAUTIFUL It IIIIILI First andlast required Appliances and 1972 DODGE Dart Demon 340 PIO essiana CW omemmans hal Included Telephone no 9410 alter ROOMS FOR RENT downtown Iota tor sale weeks male and female ohm ttonIIIgtvIrttght parking $60 to $80 per van €3252Efï¬ggégneglfglynai16drag ONeodles threadsfl twines black white and orange Can be reg TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apart 9990009773561 standard Slim BTIOII WW Nil NI we CHEV Belair II door good bod OBUttons made to order Works moo $5 45WEEKLY SleedTeep°97759392 menl tor rent Stove and relrigerator WASAGA BEACH We genlema SM ric 0A rower IIIIIIIIdcd Locm III Angus enable Mm drive licence Dryerde small rpp ngedsptransmtssmn $100 or best otter compete ineo upholstery sogarden supplies €BS$J° °°° Lic T711943 $3250 12702873175733 0° supplies 26 GXIOO $1095 choiceiapsotrams BEDROOM East end on bus route ardens etc Evening and Saturday de IIIIIIIgII and IIIIIIIIeS IncIudedI 5m AII ROOM FOR RENT In om pmme mm 1971 MARQUIS door hardtop power 1006 Solid State $1000WEEKLY steering power brakes power seats good condition Telephone John 728 7515 1972 FORD Galaxio 500 door gold with brown vinyl root 351 engine pow downtown location kitchen and bath shared parking available telephone 726 7317 between 10am andopm COMFORTABLE BEDROOM in quiet stainhrs non smokers Phone 728 2318 HILLSDALE Charming bedroom un lurnislled duplex With garden $150 Suit quml girl or couple Rent reduced tor oc UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP livery Call 726 3920 or 7261117 RASPBERRY CANES and Strawberry Plants Now is the time to plant Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Drive 726 2951 ALL ABOVE PRICES WITH TRADE 1975 Ford F250 rwheel drive pickup FIFO IbélIbYSmml N0 119 private 090 liable WO9 White with super mags and tracker tires Ideal for hush camping or cat or 58 good radio needs engine work 539 WI 51 TREES SHRUBS FertTlizeriSEedSIAII nos 01 gentleman no smokers cenlIIal park quick Pd Nolrunninn who acts 777 915 your gardening needs Crown Garden ONE AND Two Bedroom AoakrtmelIlls a1 gavï¬ggï¬gi afggwmflgon 593110 WANTED Used set It benchrs tor Centre Hwy93 mile north Dway 11 MIIIIIUSI 510101 ng 98 i119 until block Ford 2119 or 309 NUMBER shredded 107775011 107 Sale ttryI tSIIIIlIQS7 aztIdrlIIasl months CLEANI newa deprTatecIt IIfurgishedd mIItSImaIIIII CIdeIIon TeIgzImI£ Barrle PlClZO Borrle Telephone 726 VI we lgglggd oCrEentrarï¬rOcarlon Avairlggle 96 Ph Delive BOX PLANTS hanging baskelsr eveiy NEWLY DECORATED furnished now please can 7371605 we 430 1974 CADILLAC Sedan do VIIIC lully one ry thing for yourqarden flower beds Wm bacheletlis Barre Also bedroorn pm oqllepLU lnw TIlPrIgt new brakes WThFTF dow boxes etc also asparagus T0015 apu in Barfll r3nd Angus 726 6271 alter 1110 0111111051 CXCIIIOTII condititln Will SPECIAL NOTICE Tonight 7371182 Tonight Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 LOVELY clean home large bright lurniShcd bedroom with sink rooms ROOM irtment available Im MULTIPLIER ONIONS Tlor ssie 3553 Releprltncus No pets $730 3233093ngpfgdgwaï¬gfï¬ï¬ We are presently stocking ten other pickups and vans All names and 1970 MERCURY Marquis mutter Telephone Mrs Evans4 9024 WI monthly plusI IIIIygIr IgSINiImd 65 lloman preferred 728 0593 years from 69 at $995 and up Your inspection invited Excellent finan Wm DOWL Svvrmu powvr bra kc milnths rent Or 51Itrees and shrubs CLEAN UTnlShEd rooms Centralr as terms avalalilo at 13V PA iiltth low donns and up to years to UH 95h °l 009e SUBLET bedroom apartment chen and living room Downtown Bus oIiSltlll willtorlity Bostntlcr 778 6107 MAKE YOUR propertyImore valuable adults only $771 includes all utilitlels Smomaoopngnu pay Sublactto banli approval IIII091 Dali cirtitnd RtdVInriblc MACINTOSH and beautiful Plant white spruce It mount 51330 on tirst month Avai ab Ab or 16 022 highI Free deliveryI 7239404I ocarsandvtagons Apr 76 rm 2IIOom and board FOR SAL 191 Vooa body 1an1 WHITE BIRCH Clum p5 about 511 high ONE AND lwr bedroom apartments ROOM AND BOARD lunches packed selected and prepared superior tradeins available for immediate Minnieunnpininiy SvtuplorVBtrtqmo Specualon Spies BABY CARRIAGE walker wink and 80x TRAILER SI Telephone saeachFreedeliverv7289404 close downluwn 1201113130 10 $155 and gm laundryIGemleman preerred ivory lllclUdl transmission and OTIVL lini $60 bugWI wake car seat car bed playpen Also 726 2933 DIG YOUR own SpruceI black walnut Call In to 726 3357 Muat 5011 5700 717 1016 alter wringer washer and lawn mower 718 9535after5 30 GARAGE SALE ma Ma maple buch mountain ash cedar BACHELORS and bedroom A015 22 DATSUN 7402 in 1000 01111111011 LOCO POP 910919 73 hedlngtnd etc Open weekends only drilï¬lllflflll Barrie area lrtdae and Stove r°°m5 an am 214 Yongo St Antiques hall tree Settee pressbnck rocker graniaptinlie dishes iewollery chicken coop chair plain kitchen chairs etc 13 It travel trailer 5650 also ton Chev CclTIlpfF van $200 part sheets plywood inch miscellaneous lumber and hardware SKILSAW Rotor and Wheelbarrow all in perlect condition Call 728 7044 CHILDRENS Swing Set swmgs and glider $10 Telephone 728 7074 41boats and motors BOAT SALE now nprlths rvbudl shocks Ctrtlltid any lxlvas 60 000 llIllC S2 575 Tlt lltllll 716 5497 9am lbtp In 1968 PONTIAC P1rtSIcilnl door hard up 78 iIUIIiIIInliI priWIr broken ptlwtr ltxrilig EchIlvllt condition $800 TPltlItIlmtt 767161 70 MAVERICK Tudnr cylinder Ulrliilnlr ratlui lull pritn S3115 Lit W1646 tiny Ity Motors 45 Brnctlmd 7151 7U 1967 MERCURY PARK LANE 410 our tIClIlUllT lititlltltin tour riiw Iirvs arlm $7011 or litSt hiltr Toluphunr 16 561 SlNGERS newest open arm zig zag sew ing machine only $229 See it at Goor Jinn Mall Barrie 778 7960 TELEVISION COLORl9lnch portable 12 years old Zenith in good working order $125 Telephono737 2746 RIFLES 303 Jungle vision 410 bolt ac tion shot gun 22 bolt action 4x scope 22 semi automatic 7x SCOpL All tor $120 complete Telephone 726 4253 CAR HEATERwarmer never used 850 watts S9 Also Emerson Pryne Stove ven tilalor or attic lan 516 Air conditioner 8000 BTU good condition 5165 or best on Baytield Street Saturday afternoons JONES WILLOW GROVE ORCHARD RR Clarksburg FTF Located miles south ol Barrie off Hwy 77 lirst on Simcoe County Road 31 Call alter 726 9295 SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees saleable or possbily so with pruning Willi or without land Write Ferg Brady Strathroy Ontario 519 245 2311 pnrkdia included 728 1776 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom lpnrtlrwnts available Control Adults only 76 0988 weekdays NiTURE YOUNG person needed to ilrlrl lurmslwd bedroom Townhouses nulrally located Reasonable rent PI 1117 653 alter AVAILABLE JUNE Onc bedroom Ildlllelll clusw to lthTOrICS and bus IIO HIat and hydro lnClUdlfd 2170 iltlily Telephonv 728 979 ON BEDROOM apartment Stove vouo GENTLEMAN traoévérrea to 75 Mercury Montego $4150 Barrie is interested in room and board or board Helplul and courteous towards Brown V3 auto power SIB vinyl roof Llc 751 lovt the family and housework Telephone 778 8200 between and ask fluw 203Ylficesstorestorrent SQUlre Wagon MODERN OFFICE Spa Mesa SlvorV3autoPSPlandmuchmore10115571S4395 small or large SUIteS immediate 0c 215115°°°e6m 75 Mercury Comet $2750 DOWNTOWN LOCATION around lloor Green door nice family car cyl deluxe interior Lic 54service and repair SPRING CLEAN UP will DICK UP rub Dish etc Reasonable rates CAll Dons pick up Service 737 2565 HOUSEHOLD Services and Repairs N0 ioh too big of small Fast service SWIMMING POOL Satrtlicr Leading Canadian llranlrITTUll and UllTIIJUlUT tquitralIV ana heat supplied Pay own STQC Carlan $75 monthly TCIC JuwoIW this aluminum lill loll 0er lrnm 1977 Ca 77 9759 reasonable rates refuse removed Md pm and 161 mymmg rpm 3le Phone 718 6292lor lurther intormatton 47 INN PON IAC door 310 v8 $073311 prtu Gurlrrlriterd installation VIKING HUMIDIFIER Wick 194903900 14Fibreglass Telephone 737 3145 IITIII N0 children Telephone NEW INDUSTRIAL building for sale or Tutri rntlin llcW Ilris lliud Vlrlldllll and tfynl Call Itillnrtda ygrir hummus candition automatic humldlstal 33 hp Evinrude wtroiler $1295 14 Fibreglass 55 hp Evinrude $1495 73 BEDROOM ADI Available Mayl Cen ryllly located 710 monthly including lrdlll and 5mm Call 717 784 belore 5or railslillllrltitttt Ctrltlttl SlHltCII at nail 3181ylitilrlltiil 116 271 $1110 LEADING SWIMMING Pool WlllilPSleY lrtUSt disiiw Ill 1976 all aluminum pooh ill STIR Sat 1110 prirt tor lukpnrnlrly variable spotd motor $66 Dehumidiï¬er Coldspot removes 20 pints daily with de tcur like new $90 Also Furnace humiditlcr small Wall and SkUttle $5 10 ltase6o30 square leet excellent Ioca mm For more inlormation call Gary DAmorosin at 726 3122 Or 737 2043 White door V3 auto cloth seats radio power SIB llc representing Or DAmbrosio Realtor nubamf 55con structiIonI machinery JOHN DEERE 400 diesel tront end loader and backhoe 728 9497 33cars wantedto buy latest Call 728 9759 ttll 11 6camtn eutment ULEVLL 24 Space for rent lop IRBU LO 10 Wl11l1rllalglKlllysï¬lltï¬sfjl Billser MOTHERS DAY Sale lawn chairs and 14 Fibreglass Agegre£efl gt room apar men thI ritrt tint who 78 71 walk round dtlt lt ltlltl and walr tnly tablt cedar chests $144 chestcr 31 iTmiCCSIVIZETZVMmyQ IZCITSLdeSNS EOROIDAIEII ilDiflhlilfiitieiï¬ï¬mifggn 8888 or JUN ARS WANTl thorn1 WII wt 15 it in cast or ty on hold suitor no cm as pie 40hp Evmrude $1695 Inn 11 rt LIOII and mm Dark lode V4 power SIB alr low miles Superb condition pillI imvtt tiny Ivltkilp ltIilt iIIiIH WItIktr Itiltlll TRACY WANTS hrs and trUltk lilr bedroom suites $759 Panasonic TVS radios stereos Gibson or Speed Queen washers and dryers Window special II7 WIRIIIIVIImI rlr irtlltrt 1175 rlr thlTITlU 116 M18811 SWIMMING POOLS tli rrnt Will Itasc truck loading docks 18 it clear part 01 largo expanding industrial Lic TX 360 mall 776 7l30 14 Fibreglass 35 hp Johnson wtrailer $2395 1970 stock RELIABLE Tenants tor bedroom apartttont $195 monthly plus heal and Ionidl dining room table and chairs wrlrktllu and parts trip rlrlcivs piiitl anti llllrll lltr homeowners tmnlly silo hydro Apply 34 Grove Street East 0r FORh LEISEI II5a7 59 32 Dart CUSLUm runpump lollptIrItII7768HH aluminum swnnimnn poril Willi patio 95°5 28 Qfd slverlne SavIIIIS13111036000110 197705100085 telephone 416 97 3120 were 990 one 26 Ctiritro bl Styli meeting all lencinq ome nus nqs 6y 50hp Johnson Amt1011 50 VI Wont JD W10 Strutl 718 2013 styrtiltlii0PdIkland FURNISHED BiCIIEICR apartment no7 Pow s7 mde doll mnnor pm mmpdmty Writ op anytimp QUlatltlfli on 0th two or three year II l2 tvlilrs north n1 Barrie abstainers No éERY SNISIEIZ dIUSTal DUldng 076W 760 rtIllal ldll with Option to own Try MIOTIHEIIQSIDAY Ital SPECIINI WIT lb Fibreglass Hilldlllll campers gym referr wed rows phon Unlop est With large fenced In Inton yy lmyi Call collect anytimp gt or 110 lOlni argn assor mom Al 01 Properly Phone 728 7044 or 416 ICOLI BREJS Cur iInrt HUI kl waDntctt HM Myqu we DIJQUOSI only $6 pr panasomc 3571p Merc Plshrehralt Campers til wret inn is pic Up ly SPACIOUS bedroom with balcony and iiiSSOMMERCIAL IdI Brougham 6m mm II SW 5wMMNG pOOLS WU mos 5W WIIEIIIgwaIygIfxgnzulgflgr52 I93 pcrozlgsl commomn Highway 11 lIIunh rt nsa rox II Imp aY° Jénfflé 40x51 each Ideal for rllleclhgnic pspman Bronte air conditioning beauttfulcar lic JM0597 $2595 WANTED Citon urnrt ir Barrlt Hon ISflyulcngplrttjWlllfrpumllmlnxtdl Kiiihon Sets Spluce lrom s59 95 Sklar sailboat $1795 837mm EV 12876 Ermine replar Upholstery repair Zenea do Autusrilns lionwnn St 716 7488 IHW IHIIIIQ walkway an Ck swnvel rockers recliners and Wide 7370075 73 Ford F100 Pickup $2250 Were Mylo ï¬lthy de Inge rm8 and llfltrcllrlc Supplied Please Contact 57110 lVTtTrll can bought over 1110 nl prt Isl1501 spty tat ll $1288 Call 7101 mg sailboat Pi 86 Bitstprirtrwmul 46 1677 for enrly lllStrtllyiTlOll C1111 IIIPCI NEFD er boat or vacation UlIIITlS InClJdlU TIlrp1ione 737186 or ll COP llc 4105W GARAGE SALE MI nd rn Cal 391 100 SQ FT OF Commercial Space 101 In1914166617598 18 Wood Ioan See some Community Credit ABLE IMMEDIAT 3nr9XCï¬llentlocatIon Allutilitiespald URGENTLY REQUlRED ELECTRIC Stllll Acniistir GUltar rillll WY 59 905 day Cruiser $350 Union18COIler7285191 ELY SfITrtl 74 Hair drycr blender vacuum cleaner an bdmon am mo mommy plus Cplonc Unplllllr ripprtix omniitliwllt Btltll ill banks and mere 1973 SUNKAMPER qudgeI mmaceh or arrles ewes or ea er it to IIYIITDI Picador1 igsItImontns rent Cen 26accommodatlonsto Share led 350 auto shag seats llc 52514911495r HTS STEEL New doors new com EDImost $10 500 Sï¬gscgwgfébiggIgufgfglzï¬gg ra ucn 31 rn Two BEDROOM unturntshud apart WANTED TWO 86105 516 house CEDAR Roan all sins inrlnns ind limexllllnbglgrimltrlehagrdeAgggbgdm ca 72 095970 My tYTllll centrally located Onsecnnd lloor Comm lose Bare 0w GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL Cows mm 1977146 Fibreglass wl977 W7 VOLKSWAGEN camper parkqu 1an includpd To one bedrooms Telephone 726 7391 tllll alsrlditrks 7281617 GARAGE SALE Sal MBY 6106 woslpltatmy lolly eqUIDped exceuenr Irowri door hardtop 350 auto PSPI radio Llc AUTOMOBILES BKYUJ WES 9th Concessron Oro turn right at lake Johnson 35 wtop condmon 500 WI cermyI 27C°ages T0 renl le456 III 610 mile to Sign in lawn Drapes lur Tmophmw 705 726 um ONE BEDROOM apartment centrally ORV HARDY MOTORS one pm pm par swm niture etc 487 2606 Inczited lrltlgc Stovr all utilitiestnclud 0R0 Cottages by the Season May to Allir 5p hi all 726 011er 1971 MINI motor home Chevy vanr $4000 also 1972 trailer 17 lt $2200 Both in top condition Telephone 538 2310 HUD BRENTWOOD Tenl Trailer SleepS six with add room complete 5700 Tllcphonv 728 9837 I974 HARD TOP camper tor sale sleeps adults excellent condition 8800 Telephone 728 0578 PARkLAND CAMPER trailéhhardtop SltCpS UStd 50350115 propane STOVE sink Ice box $1500 Telephone 726 5216 I976 PROWLER 23 loot completely DQUIDDCII sleeps nine Asking $5250 Will accept hard top camper in trade Telephone 737 0495 21 1975 TON GMC camper special cr cab power brakes power steering conditioning also I9751ranklin camper I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF 34trucks and trailers WlNCHES new and used Warn 8000 lbs BJS ENTERPRISES 4168846036 Richmond Hill Mile East of Barrie on Shant Bay Rd 726 001 We buy and sell new and used boats and motors Ju3 rd gt165nwnnlhly Rclerencus Available Mrly 15 Call 77 Otillfrrim 30toil 10 TWO BEDROOM apaflllllnl lcir rent Stove relrtgurrltnr all Utilities cable rlITl parking CIIISt to Baylield Mall Ivallriblt immediately Telephone 1667115 ONE BEDROOM llvmg room kitchen bathroom Downtown Mary St Availa ble Inlmurlirilcly 487 741 Om ONE BEDROOM apt centrally located on bus mutt all utilities included Available May 15 $195 monthly Hit 71i4 CENTRAL PLEX 211edroorrl apl SICIInU 001 Clean iitld QUIel Stove tridqu hen parking Included $725 Inrlrilhl Adults only N0 pets First and 1151mnntlitrtrrltrequired Vacant June POOL TABLE 4x8 and ping pong table top Complete accessories Reasonably priced Call 726 791 anytime DAY BED Ouch $35 Ono colonial set ctiostctrlleld and rocking chair $45 set Collev table and end tables 530 set 7711 9676 WASHER AND DRYER automatic ex collonl condition Queen size mattress and boxspring like new reasonable Call 728 4805 anytime 10000 BARGAINS every day dont bnlieve it till you sot ll lurniture fabric lrnpvry chlldrons Shoes and clothing and drawer chests and dressers Adair Volume Sales 21 Mary St ORGAN Con Caprice Italian provin cial hardly used has VFM stage and strummer rhythm $3000 Telephone LACROSSI Fallimiltlil Siililt used Getirutnil Sports 74 MrlDll AVITTUI 72637011 SOCCER AND Baguiinll Shims SOlTlt bargains GNITgIrIlt Sports 74 Mrtlllt AVIIIU 716 I700 100 RAILROAD TIES $15 9l dCll 737 00116 miles north ll Barrio on Highway 11511IIVI111ty Restaurant AIR CONDITIONERS Got 11 DFISIRKHT lump on air condt tlitnillg All Stus home units up to 10000 BTU In Stock Some still nvnilabln at last year DTICIS CtlSll nntl tarry or terms available PTICIS Sltlll as low as $16600 wiltrc else Kraly Ktllys Barrlo Shop D1117Pl43ri3ll8 SOTOESJZORMLKZGZXZIS1333 71 PIIIIO $1150 jgfllgflym me Name 87 27 Velour door automatic vinyl roof radio lic FCIIIO M76 32 cars for sale Raï¬M Auto Sales DOUGLAS® Quality Used Cars LincolnMercury Sales ltd CANOES We have truckload of dil terent siles shapes and colors of fibreglass and aluminum canoes SPORTIIAVEN MARINE Mle Il7l FORD LT9000 Space 1111 DtlFOIT riillvonlitlllill talldtm lrnclrlr has work BUY YOUR LAWN BOY MW lower mile East of Barrie lridgv stove air conditioning piece 77 1675 HWY CtrrliltcI TolOpllOllC 776 6416111 71 111 wlinrt laclnry trnttlorl ITIlllrltTlS wlll 36 on shony Bay Rd bath and awnings $90CK complete ONE BEDROOM apartment in NEW 1976 20 FOOT Prowler dual prt service it SPOR HAVEN 421 6747alter Painswmk privatL lntrrlncv lots at aMlleSSOUth Of Elmvale 87 Essa Road Baffle whenlcompletelyuquippodincludlrlq MARINE mile East 01 BARRIE on 726100l 1973 LIONEL hardtop camper lama prlrkllifl only 180 per month Call Strive Across from Jungle ZOO pmrn 1mm mny nxtms including hitch Shanty Bay Road 7261001 Sunday May 8111 10 to In AU3 pups XI excellem conditiooI 81114 01116 or Pub at 726 1881 and SW nnml by won by GOLF CLUBS monts It Ide clhudos hOUSCéIOld Igood ndIIlurnilure Telopnomqu gpgraneyspImI DOInIIIItIII RlilUiTNI DIICO $4160 woods PW Irons bag and art Ex 0V0 90U POO 00 110 OQUID TENT TRAILERI Sears BIslee ï¬ve l7h0USBS to rent 4700 coliclit condition $175 Otiiploto or 50 men 7A5malc COW Barre 737 7742 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat $600 phoneygé 3355 BANK RATE FlNANClNG II WWW 1976 FORD F100 Ion short box 302V8 nloltlr Spltd standard low mileage Asking $4000 Phonh 771178119 alter no In 76 CHEV 11x4 ton 400 V8 automatic P5 P13 radio post traction mag wheels 1200 ltrtrs very Sharp $6095 SUlloIoCar Wash 1971 DODGE van excellent shape ritw tires and carpeted inside You must see it to appreciate it $2000 lirln Phone bolwenn 9a in tip nt 7211 2756 1971 GMC 14 ton truck wheel drlvv powtr brakes and steering For more in lormnliun call 7211 1111 1972 DODGE FARGO ton pickup 318 cubic Inch power steeringbrakes $1800 Good condition could be er tilled Telephone 728 3643 alter 6pm 1972 FORD VAN Shag interior body excellent asking $1700 Phone 42410112 12 TRUCK CAMPER Contains toilet shower stove lridue lurnace pressure system sleeps tour immaculate condition Also available Model 250 Ford truck 460 engine air conditioning XLT Camper special plus all power Will sell separately Call Joc Dyson 728 44010r 726 2090 1974 FORD VAN 1elon E200 automatic power Steering and brakes radio very good condition certllled 46000 miles $7900 Telephone 726 8892 1968 CHEVROLET ton with dual rear wheels rebuilt V8 motor speed transmission power brakes spare tire and box ideal lor term use $9501irm 728 6298 separately 416 476 RESTAURANT TABLES and chairs lur salt All in QXll condition contact The Waylare Restaurant Highway 400 and Essa Road 728 3461 BEDS complete with boxspring and mattress night tablus NOW Vilns maplv colonial $700 Call 737 3363 pm 108p I11 TON Carrier air conditioner unit lur salt Like new $650 Call 7117 3363 pm tolip STOVE FRIDGE and dishwasher in candy apple 11 also heavy duty washer and dryer white like new Oriqitinl price $2400 asking $11695 737 1071 CARPORT SALE China odds and ends books Lollec tables etc etc 168 Wellington St Saturday M1y610aln105pm LEFTOVERS FROM garage sale dishes oil paintings household items etc No reasonable oflcr refused Buy one item or the whole lot Thurs and Fri 9pm 117 Springdale Drive Barrie GA AG SA GARAGE SALE 50 cc trail bike boys sports equipment antiques household items toys etc etc at 12 Harding Avenue oll Ferris Lane Saturday May VARIOUS HOUSEHOLD items in cluding Stove davonporl dresser rug drapes and girls bicycle For more details telephone 728 2689 evenings PIANO Mason and Fisch apartmetll Sire excellent condition 726 0560 BEDROOM SUITE brand new double bed box spring and mattress 12 12 rug persian blue mirror dresser bedside table mans Upright chest Must sell Make an alter Will sell May 7th 1977 211Agl105 $170810 01 Pool senaraclv 3694 between Grove and Rose Starts at MOPED for sale 47 miles Bombardier am Salt includts household articles in Punch like new condition Propane cludinglivlno room drapes barbecue With or Without tank Tele MYFORD suewwmng lama on phone 728 3072 alterSpm sturdy stand Drill press double grinder GARAGE SALE on Saturdal May I0 on stands vise mounted orl bench etc 11110 John Street Retrioeratqr Related equipmentexccllenl condition OIECITIC ranges wk and car 11795 728 7367 moped clothing ladies and children NEWFOUNDLAND produce 5a cod some antiques bar and bar stools and hard bread salt beet caplin cod many 0m ems tongues Seal etc at Goulds Groceleria BOX TRAILER 5125 each 9th Line and 25th Slutroad InniSlil made am plywood standard 14 Township Phone 436 04 tires Phone 790 6532 alter JOHN DEERE horsepower Rolo tiller double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor condition Asking $2500 Telephone 435 4245 alter 430 pm SAILBOAT 16 toot custom designed and built Totally liberglassed ovor marine plywood sails including new spinnaker and Geona Many extras 35 hp engine trailer Real bargain at $1200 726 7955 16 FOOT lNBOARDoutboard culte120 horsepower Mercruiser engine in ex Celltll condition with trailer $1900 lirm Telephone 737 3785 or 728 5525 17 SMALL CABIN cruiser motor and trailer Sleeps4wilh accessories Phone 424 6977 SAILBOAT 132 tiborglas Enterprise sallboat with trailer in good condition $1300 Telephone 728 6700 alter pm 12 SAILING dinghy and trailer main sail and lib good beginners boat $600 Phone 7262917 1976 CALIFORNIA SLEEKCRAFT tun nel 20 lt ski boat 150 hp Morc out board complete Telephone 416 579 3970 15 CEDAR STRIP 25 hp Johnson trailer gas tank $250 Call 728 1593 alter 6pm ZUGVOGEL 19 Sailboat similar to Lightning complete with trailer top condition $1500 or best otter May be seen in Elmvale Days Toronto 416 675 5544 Weekends Elmvale 705 322 2687 ALBACORE Skene 5764 race equipped two suits ol sails trailer tarpaulili $2100 In excellent condition Telephone 325 9824 1968 281001 Lulirs llybridge sleeps four LARGE OLDER Home bedrooms truth and SIJVO Cttnlral location 5300 mmithly DupOSIt rclqmred 726 9418 LARGE btdromn house Willi lenced yirtI Downlown area available im Tlltdlalely Isl and last months $275 monthly Plerlsophonr737 3675 FARMHOUSE FOR rent or Imdrriotlls located on large lot on the Ellgl nl Barrie 3300 per month plus Ullltllci Call A1 Buacrlck representing Ulttqroup Rlél ESlrllL 717 1771 BEDROOM HOUSE double garage Contral 3350 monthly Vicw Sun only tr pm Call 7283122 or Toronto 1181 751 OLDER bedroom home with modern fllthTTILIICLS Orri Township 3150 man Ill Availalilt llTlTnCllrlTlY Telephone The Four Guys From Barrie Bargain Barnng 7519 SUBLE Allalldtilt bedroom lull basement 110V semi dolathcd house for ritII fVcllldblf May 15 $375 monthly Call 737 31616pI11108p CUSTOM BUILT bedroom executive home 1051 south Ol Btlrllt on one acre Six appllnnrcs Fully broodloomed $450 month Trilophiino 717 0559 alter ALLANDALE AREA Modern bidl10l11 townhouse Available June Slow and rclrtgeralor included No pets 726 0655 ovtnlngs Days 4241200 Ext 2589 ask for Gil THRE BEDROOM storey house near willinqlon Plaza nice lot and garden 8100 includes heat and cable Stove and Irirlgv optional Telephone 726 8727 57livestock for sale 1976 CHRYSLER Cordoba lully equip LN pod all power hlrtltlllul condition $4900 Call 436 21147 1951 PONTIAC blue excellent condi tion ccrtiiled Engine needs some work must Still no reasonable otter relused Phone Kim 726 4242911 2lldiiysonly I967 CHEV Bel Alru running 900d tor pnrtSS90 7281915altcr 5p 1976 PLYMOUTH Volare cyl speed asking $3500 21000 miles will cerlily New condition 474 5995 1975 0L D5 Royalu door vinyl hardtop climate air automatic cruise control lilt steering Special custom Interior and seals postl trac rear 610109 power win dows and locks 455 V8 dual exhaust luxury car Owner must sell 726 5969 1972 CAMARO rally sport 350 engine speed Sell asis Telephone 436 3512 alter 6pm I975 FIAT x19 while mid engine sports car removable hardtop tinted glass 23000 miles excellent condition $4000 or best oller Must sell Telephone 726 5386 1973 DODGE Polara large door with P5 PB and economical reconditioned 318 engine under warranty Quiet in terior includes radials radio rear delogger Value at $1795 Phone 726 0293 evenings 1975 GREMLIN cylinder automatic radio excellent condition 23000 miles Asking $2500 Telephone 436 1827 alter pm 1975 MAVERICK door deluxe cyl 1976 GMC Sierra ton pickup 1971 PONTlAC Laurentian Sedan lull price $1485 350 CID V8 auto power ch Standard wes €005 steering and brakes AM FM radio ra mirrors rear step bumper dial tires Lic DR 439 No down pay ment $2265 weekly over 18 months 391000 and IUST Re new 135 bank terms Bay city Motors 45 Certified Lic No H89132 369 519778 7770 $3395 BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 18 C01 1973 FORD Explorer Vs ton pick SlI 775 5m upI VIBI auto PSI rear 1975 HONDA Civic Automatic bucket Seats good on gas Cerlilied Telephone bumper radio wheel covers 7211 4390 and many other extras Be sure 1973 DATSUN 2402 AM FM radio track Stereo radials lull instrumenta and 599 beamy TOdOY cer lion Very good condition Asking $2500 titled Lic No H7so46 $2495 Phone 474 5059 1973 GR EMLIN 1970 Ford 1969 Monaco 1973 CHEV ton van Ve SIOn 1965 Buick and 1969 Ford 92 ton all cer tilled CAn be seen at 180A tnnlslil d°d lfd has be c° Phone 726 m9 daytime 720 6010 even pletely refinished and Is ready ingg 1090 Certified Lic No T69858 74 poTAC Grand prlx Hdtpd tun $2 595 price $3985 Lic HYF 578 Fully equip ped with air conditioning electric win 1973 VENTURA2 drII v8 auto dows SJ model bucket seats console dark brown linish Beautllul condition PS PB radio Real sharp car No down payment $3345 weekly lor 36 IUCINOIKZAJ47I months 135 bank terms Bay City Ce ed Motors45 Bradlord 51728 9220 1968 CEHVELLE Malibu In excellent condition rebuilt motor power steering 1972 GRAN TORNO squlm and power brakes Asking $095 Cer passenger station wagon V8 tiliedTelephone726 0162 auto P5 P8 PW radio and roof I973 GRAN TORINO white with blue vinyl root new tires tape deck radio rad perk famly car cer cylinder automatic $1500 Telephone HORSES and western saddles Special 1y SUilablo lor young or lemale rider 720 9547 SADDLE SALE Clearance 01 1976 English made saddles Robinson Hard ware 31 Dunlop 728 2431 HARNESS Parts Happies Blankets Treatments etc tor sale Anderleigh Stables Barrie Raceway REGISTEREunarIerhOrse5yearola gelding 9011110 15 hands $400 lirm Phone 322 1897 ONE REGISTERED quarter horse more good tor beginner one registered Appaloosa mare experienced riderI needed 458 4772 Becton area REGISTERED HOLSTEIN bull years old 101 brooding approx 1500 to 1600 lbs 35conls per pound 424 1327 alter HOLSTEINDAIRYHERDtorsaIeviilh 100000 pounds MSQ Telephone 4945219 GUINEA PIGS and dillart rabbits Tor sale Good breeding stock ll interested telephone 726 6865 GELDI No year old buckskinp8 Arab and quarter horse 152 hands high Phone 728 7813 59Ipoultry7chic ks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown e99 pullets available June 18 Also tarm lresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry lyearold$32sllrm Telephone 726 1157 50 am on him and up headI Farms SIrOUd436 1811 1359333 roeflsinsmow 23263591 ed Lc L705 77 0055 automatic kc new 105169 and 1960 CHEVROLET tan with dual rear LOCAL SWIMMING pool Beale has £37 32 Lgmgï¬gmég bag 87 $937100 Telephone 437 2001 or 437 1163 Tlllrprllr17107HB 5326betwegn8and 10p THIS WEEKS fgvgï¬gzlgdggg $35922 22932335 Jo ayzzérzmé Irgï¬iï¬usï¬ï¬wgowfl bflfg 59f limited number 01 steel in around pools Telephone 721 3174 1030 pound capacity boat trailer with 62pa sture to rent spee AM pare at grea reduced rcesI 321 ASISSPECIALS 11355909 0725230 radials 19000 miles $3000 Telephone and box Ideal tor larm use 5950 lirm wound £3495 n5ed mm 5125 REFRIGERATORS two suitable tor WW 6909 lt0 $700 CULTIVATIONLANDWrenmohch THORNTON AREA duplex larm hriusv spnCious living area modern dncor lawn and garden Ideal lor laml 1y No pets No appliances included Telephone 737 0933 and ask lor Bob 14 FOOT RUNABOUT 40 horsepower Johnson and trailer Asking $975 Telc phone 7289576 or alter 30 pm call 728 6298 1970 FORD F350 ton 3w vs automatic wooden platlorm summer mileage excellent condition Certilied apartment or cottage Both In good working order $20 and S30 Telephone 4241947anytme DINING ROOM Suite 9plcce solid oak 1969 DODGE polam Sumo 1969 METEOR door hardtop ingOOd condition Asking $550 72672431 w°9° Va °° P5 P3 d° 1976MAzDA 808 speed radio under and roof racks Good runner coated 38 miles per gallon at 70 miles an 728 8864 after pm i971 VOLKSWAGEN as Is Suitable lor parts or dune buggy Must sell Imme comparably priced Call Polynesian Pools toll free 18002616121 Ask tor Operator 603 Level miles south of Barrie Very reasonable rent Telephone 436 5630 PASTURE LAND lor horses with grain dialely Best oller TelephomJ 773 9554 7273739 Dave tor lead in Minesing area For lurther ï¬v32lloJngnï¬l Reï¬rccgzé 953 uncermed No 032456 hour 24000 miles excellent commuter alter 4pm Mnko tiller 73 379 ESTATE SALE 009 Pesmer Teephme 47 6099 AIR COOLED ombmrd Mom inlotlllntion telephone 728 1904 or 4161515 ï¬ve 0m T°°°° Barrie ASK 1967 FORD lor sale tor parts Good 390 I967 FORD TRUCK ton cylinder Entire contents or apartment Including FIREWOODIOTSGIGIMIXEUI16Ionflr9 ms by Eska used one season kg 726 9493 altor6pm AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ILETJ°5°737399 cu In motor andespeed transmission StandardtransmlsslonSuttablelorlarm colonial dining room suite bedroom be °° Pded up news290728 05121 PASTURE to rent Call Don McNabb at Telephone 726 0622 alter 30 pm 1972 DODGE SWINGERV cylinder 54000 miles Michelin tires new shocks excellent condition $1200 487 3625 eve nlngs I974 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE excellent condition AMFM radio certllled 7281921 use or part $65 Telephone 424 5089 1970 FORD 8000 tandem dump with PC will certily In good condition Telephone 436 2569 alter 5p 1974 CHEVROLET Impala Station wagon with mechanical littless certil lcate $1975 Telephone 726 1141 between 8am and suite occasional chairs colonial Tqadsmethenaflflg chustertield and chair lamps end 54 BOOKCASE BED springs and mat tables mirrors etc Telephone 726 8576 tress $30 Kitchen table $10 TV stand Everything must be sold 17 $2 Phone 728 6459 GARAGE SALE 138 Oren Blvd Satur GARAGE SALE 72 High Street cottage day May 10 to pm wide ND at end oldrlveway Fridaylrom variety oi usolul items at reasonable pm to Saturday lrom 10 am to prices 3pm bedroom detached home brand new lul ly broatlloomctd Call Harry Maglll representing Lou Goedemondt Real Estate 728 4067 or 726 3864 NORTH OF BARRIE bedroom bungalow $220 Possession June 2nd Telephone 32 I240 I969 CHEVELLE Station Wagon TBird mum c°ndm°m 436 I995 automatic airconditioning economical cyl 0010 PS power seat no rust good motor 57000 radio Dont miss this one Un musbeseeni omane 1974 CHRYSLER Newport Custom COTlllIOdi LIC N0 KXR074 95 climate control power doorlocks trunk Myb windows elc tinted glass radials 44000 miles Certilied $3200 487 2429 WANTED Low porpellor unit tor 1960 Johnson motor Call anytime 436 2295 42articles wanted CASH FOR old turniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7211 B234 65iarm machinerywanted WANTED Windrow pickup tor New Holland Model Super 717 Forage Har vesler Phone Charles Ellsmere 778 4956