Wr r7 TrgtV Wessenger on campaign trail The race for the Simcoe Centre seat in the next Legislature has begun All three local can didates have their campaigns rolling although slowly with organization details still being worked out However Paul Wessenger New Democratic Party candidate second from left didnt waste any time getting to the people Wessenger has been campaigning at plant gates and this morning stopped at MansfieldIlenman to shake hands with workers Ex aminer Photo RobsonLang strikers want back to work Striking workers at Barries RobsonLang Leathers Ltd plant want to go back to work and are waiting for their union to make move back to the bargaining table says Thomas Martin local president Martin said the 96 members of the Amalgamated Meatcutters and Butcher Workmen of America never wanted to go on strike in the first place The Barrie local negotiates in unison with three other RobsonLang plants in Ontario Kitchener obourg and Oshawa The Barrie local voted against striking but went along with the other three locals Martin said The strike at the Barrie plant has been peaceful and orderly and the relationship between the company and union here have always been good he said This is likely the last time the Barrie local Tandy Leather not on strike picture of striking workers from Rairies Robsonlang Leathers Ltd has some customers of Tandy leather and traft Sup plies confused The picture showing the striking workeis in front of the Tandy Leather retail outlet on Ellen St was published in The Examiner Tuesday John McNivcn Tandy viccvpresident says the picture has some people believing workers at Tandy Leather are on strike People have been saying they are reluctant to shop at the Tandy retail outlet which sells Tandy craft supplies says McNivcn The Tandy Leather plant is beside the RobsonLang plant The picketing workers are on strikeegainst RobsoiiLang not Tan dv will negotiate jointly with other locals he ad led Martin said he hopes to hear from his unions head office today The meatcuttcrs union is an affiliate of the Canadian Food and Allied lorkeis Workers at the Barrie plant walked off their jobs Monday afternoon The other three plants went on strike Monday morning The union has been without contract since midnight Ilec ill Negotiations began in early December Both sides agree the major area of dispute is contract language and nonrmonctary items Workers at the Barrie plant are involved in processing raw materials into leather PM apologizes for language TIW CPI Prime Minister Trudeau apologized Widnesday for losing his temper earlier in the day in the ommons and telling New Democratic Party Mls to shut up for Christs sake Trudeau rising just as the onimons was to adjourn for the day said he had meant to mutter under my breath but it reachui the sensitive cans of member and more im portantly the llansard reporter He said he wanth to withdraw his words However Ray llnatyshyn tlt Saskatoon Biggar said he would continue to press Commons motion condemning the prime ministers language Speaker Jamis Jerome said he would rule today Trudeaus comments came after llt was questionid by NDI Leader Ed Broailheiit who said that IS authorities are attempting to blackmail Canadians into approving nor thern pipeline 113th yourNo 105 Thursday May 1977 5° Per Copy Carrlor Home Delivery 85 Weekly 22 Pages the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Davis coming to Barrie in campaign kickoff Hockey star is injured PHILADELPHIA tAP Rick MacLeish 49goal scorer for Philadelphia Flyers of the National Hockey League was injured when his van went out of control Wednesday and overturned on rainvslicked road in New Jer sey Police said MacLeish native of Lindsay Ont who lives in Cherry Hill NJ was trav elling east on Coopers Folly Road in Camden County shortly before 530 pm when the van skidded out of control ran off the pavement hit guardrail and overturned The 27yearold forward was taken to West Jersey Hospital in Berlin NJ where spokesman said he had suffered cuts bruises and possible spinal injuries He was transferred to Pennsylvania Hospital where he underwent xrays and was examined by neurosurgeon nursing super visor Mary tlebele said MacLeish is in satisfactory condition after sleeping through the night Mrs Uebele said today She added that he did not appear to be paralysed He could move all his ex tremitics Ha looks older inside local 35131517 sports lifestyle entertainment comics homes Ontario Premier William Davis is coming to Barrie next week for what Progressive Conservative campaign officials are billing as his campaign kickoff speech The premier will be at Barrie North ol legiate at 730 pm Thuisday with onsen vativc candidates George Taylor tSimcoe Centret George Mcague tluffcriir Siincoei and lordon Smith tSimcoe IIast Campaign officials say the premier will make major policy speech but no informa tion was available on the topic of the address Though the spcwch will not be the premiers first of the campaign officials in Barrie and Toronto campaign offices say it will be his first to major rally and is considered the campaign kickoff spokesman for the Toronto campaign of fice said the local race was one of the reasons Barrie was chosen for the kickoff He said the party hopes to give boost to Taylor new candidate who is opposing New Democrat Paul Wessenger two years after Wessenger came within 2000 votes of toppling longtime Conservative MPP Arthur Evans Jim Yorneau is the Liberal candidate in the riding Other factors affecting the choice of Barrie were desire to start the campaign outside Toronto the need for good news media coverage and traditional Conservative strength in the area The premier will be accompanied by his wife Kathleen Felt little bad about it in drowning of children RIO DE JANEIRO itlt We felt little bad about it but the pastor said ind ordered it said Dario Lima de Jesus member of religious cult police say is responsible for ritual drownings of eight lllltlltll in the nor the eastern city of Salvador De Jesus 2t year old father of three children whose ltKlIts washed up on Ipitanga beach said in tclcphonc intiixicw Wed nesday he was present on the bent when the children wcrc can iiitothcsca by tininlnirsof thc liiivcisal ssciiiby hurcli of thc Saints He and Ltiothci cult niciiibcrs arc bcing lltltl in picycntivc arrest at stati polici llttlthltfiltiir iii Salmdoi Iolicc spokcsnicii flttl no loinmi charco linvcbccn llltllttlill1gtl tht lIItlIlltI oi tlitii pastor Iosi Iitiiiiio tirdho tztrinci appliance salesman who founded the cult about two years ago Dc Jesus said he Iias been member of the cult for about year believe in lod and it was the will of God that the children be drowned he said Eight children ranging from eight months to five years old were hurled by their paren ts and other members of the sict into the sea to appease God in mass human sacrifice When some of the older children struggled back to shore they were lClXitlttll hurled back into the waves until they disappeared policcsaid Twenty one persons were arrested following the grisly ceremony held on beach near lllt city of Salvador 1000 miles iioitliof Itiochantiro Exposed to 2times more radon than considered safe iury told ltlIIIICIIIII Int IIt laii Mueller siiciitist with the llildllit labor ministrys occupational health lilItlltlw bran ch told coronch llltjllttsl mintvim tli ll Edward James Holloway wzi tllt tl to times more radon gas than is Itlll Iltlttl safe by federal taiidiiirl The exposure tittllllttl lilt tinllownt wgr living beside fl Iltltitlit si tlljlttttll lit at Ilcloro Ont till about Igtliillts noith oi lclletillt tin liltllltl nio lii illith hit been told The inqiicst wzr ordered by Iir It It tot nain Ontarios chicl iiiliilitl to tltliittllllt Wlltlllti txpttstllt to Ifltltil Li sisjigiit llttlll lllt slag waste ws factor in the lung cancer which led to Galloways death by pneumonia last July the inquest is llltttl to be anadas inst iiiqtiiry into possible litfllfllIllll£tltl death The live man coroners jury is expected to liuill It ittlltt ltt today MinHer said llt agich with the Galloway familys lawyer liffoitl Lax of Toronto when Lax stiggistid it was fair to conclude that Galloway was exposed to about It times Iliiilt radon gas than the maximum safe amount set the Atomic Energy oiitrol Hoard IIlii WILLIAM DAVIS kickoff speech Diplomats try to stop parade KINSIIASA Reuteri Four Western ani bassadors matte lastiminute diplomatic bids today to prevent the public parading of seven journalists dct iined by Zaircan authorities in the troubled southern province of Shaba reliable sources said The ambasadors of Ilritain France Spain and West Germany were making their efforts at the office of President Mohutu Scse Scko and the foreign ministry Zaire has hreatcned to display the jour nalists before diplomats and other correspoir dents within the next two days to determine whether they are spies The official news agency 7l said Wch nesday that the journalists one West Ger man four Spaniards liriton and Fren climan entered the country illegally from Angola and made secret contacts with oppo nentsof Mobutii AZAI quoted military spokesman in Shaba as saying the seven had boon acting in conjunction with the rebel force which Zaire says invaded the country from ngola two months ago The others arrested in Shatta were Colin Smith of the London Observer lieeis Itossu French employee ot Stern and four Spanish television journalists Nixon admits lying about Watergate but wont grovel WASHINGTON AP Richard Nixon con fessed he lied about Watergate that he made the wrong decisions and that he let the American people down But he vowed he would never grovel before his enemies In dramatic recitation of his mishandling of the Watergate scandal Nixon the only man to resign the presidency steadfastly maintained in 90minute televised interview that he was innocent of crime but guilty of Are selling well Subscriptions to the Gryphon Theatre are selling like hotcakes this season Dora Sutherland chairman of the subscription campaign for the citys profes sional summer theatre says that 11tltihavc already been sold and the campaign is one third ahead of last season Parks open house Open Ilouse at four Ontario Historical Parks sites in northwestern Simcoe ounty take place on May 15 Now is the time to plan visit to Ste Marie among the llurons the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre the Historic Naval and Military Establishments at Pene tanguishene and the Martyrs Shrine Opening day visitors to all of these establishments are admitted free For details see Page ii Lakefish danger The ministry of the environment has released the results of study that shows many of the larger fish caught in this area have high levels of mercury poly chlorinated biphenyls and Mirex For guide on what fish to keep and what fish to be wary of see Page 11 Their first musical Midlands lluronia Players are breaking new ground for the lfryearold group They are in the midst of rehearsals for theirfirst musical Paint Your Wagon It will be presented at Sacred Heart School auditorium Midland May to 28 blunders mistakes of the heart rather thanthehead let down my friends let down the coun try let down our system of government Nixon said Wednesday as he broke his silence on the scandal that drove him from office 33 months ago let the American people down and have to carry that burden with me for the rest of my life he said in the first of four television interviews expected to cam him as much as $1 million Viewers who expected frank admission of guilt from Nixon were disappointml Despite persistent questioning by British television personality David Frost Nixon refused to admit committing any offence for which he should have been impeached or prosecuted He admitted it was his fault the scandal For adult set An afterhours spot for the adult set in Barrie There is one Friends on Dunlop Street East above the Old Fashioned Ice ream Parlors It is operated by Greg Marshall who has spent some 570000 iii decor and sound system for this lliursdaytoSuinlaynight discotthue For story on the disco see todays leisure page Movie Trivia contest This weeks movie trivia contest appears today on the leisure page The Examiner has been averaging two dozen entries per week in this contest For details on how to enter see Page II Rapist gets life term TORONTO tlt The Ontario ourt of Appeal has increasid the sentence of 22 year old rapist to life in prison from 13 years Paul William Marwick was sentenced originally in provincial court in May 1070 The Crown appealed the sentence on the basis of psychiatric evidence We felt that in view of the nature of the offence and the psychiatric evidence presented lie should be detained longer There was evidence that he was very dangerous man but he was not insane said Trown Attorney II Dohcrty Maiwick is suffering from severe per sonality disorder that will remain iiii treatable until he reaches middle age Dohcrty said The case involvvd ttlycarold girl who was raped and tortured for several hours In Motorola talks TORONTO UP The Ontario industry and tourism ministry will miet with ex ecutives of Motorola Canada Ltd of Midland Ont on Friday to discuss ways of keeping the firm open Industry Minister Iaude Itennett said in statement Wednesday he has promin to get in touch with various companies about the possibility of finding contract work for the firm which announced recently it will close at the end of July The firm which employs 250 people makes automobile radios for Chrysler Corp of the United States Chrysler iiow intends to make its own radios in plant in Alabama Homecoming Week ORILLIA Orillia Collegiate Centennial Homecoming Week will be held at the col legiate May 16 to 22 Activities will be many and varied but the program has not yet been completed The committee would like list of all those who at any time and for any length of time attended DCVI and special forms have been prepared to fill out for placing names on the mailing list so that former students will be made aware of what activities are planned siiowballed but said People didnt think it was enough to admit mistakes fine It they want inc to get down and giovcl on lllt floor no Never SAYSJllNihllINlill In progiaiii distilled lIOlll three days of taping at private residence near Nixons San Clemente estate Nixon blamed his own bad judgment for the fall of his ad ministration but generally held to the saint defence of his actions heard before his Aug tt 1071 resignation from the White House brought myself down said Nixon gave cm sword And they stuck it in and they llSlttl it with relish And guess if Id been in their position Id done the same thing And llt said while technically did not commit crime an imjxachable offence these arelegalisins deadline LUDWlG lIlillAllll excliaiieelloi Erhard dies at 80 BONN AP Former chancellor Iud wig Erhard who lvtgtllltlllll West itl manys postwar economic recovery but was forced from office by recession died early today at the age of tit Erhard had been in declining health for months He was placed in hospital in March after an automobile accident in Due scldorf Remember Canada OIIA Ili One year ago Friday an earthquake shattered northeastern Italy killing almost thousand people and lcaw ing thousands homeless Today lloigesc aiiadese hamlets are being built in three of thetowns ravaged by the quake says an organizer of the cam paign that raised about $27 million in private lonat ions from Canadians liberal Senator Ictcr Ilosa of loronto who handled public relations for the relief committee saidinaii interviewWednesday that anada provided about $42 million in aid including $1 million contribution from the federal government and $500000 from the government of Ontario The money is being used to build llll houses in three towns Pinzano Forgaiie and enone In addition two 10bed senior citizens homes are to be built in the towns of Taipaiia and litlltlilllt Ilosa said the local people chose the name llorgese aiiadese for the housing developments now under coiist ruction They wanted to give the anadian iden lily Laughing at iustice TORONTO ttl DeputyChief Jack Ackroyd of IVIetropoIitan Toronto police says there is no deterrent in the courts for juvenile vandals and they are laughing at the criminal just ice system Ackroyd said Tuesday vandalism and other forms of crime are outstripping population gmwth by as much as Itlto The whole criminal justice system should be looked at he said think there would be decrease in vandalism if the system was working As far as the handling of this matter is concerned it was so botched up made so many had judgments Nixon trt admitted said things that were not true about the June IT 1072 break in at headquarters and subsequent coverup Democratic National Committee lie said he went right to the edge of the law reasonable person could call that coverup ldidiit think of it as covcrrup Whered it go Mike the Monk twoyearold eapiichin monkey seems to be getting ready to try some dental work on his master Ron Hamilton of Edmonton Alta Actually Mike is only attempting to get bit of Rons chewing gain to satisfy his packa day chewing gum habit Wirephoto Smythe 82 ailing TORONTO lt onn Sniytlie the man who built Maple Leaf iilltltllS was reported in fair and stable condition Wednesday in the intensive care unit at Wellesley Hospital He was transferred to the hospital Wednesday from Iecl Memorial Hospital in Brampton Ont Smythe 82 suffered heart attack two weeksago luvGather Showers and thiuiitersiorms developing this evening and ending late Friday High both days 17 to 11 except etiolei along lakeshores Low tonight to It