Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1977, p. 6

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the examiner Monday May 1977 50 attend Barrie school Montessori stresses independence Disciplined freedom and joy in learning By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter The word revolution may be little strong but Italian doctor Maria Montessori did in deed broaden the scope of education at the turn of the century with her redefinition of the classroom environment Dr Montessori biologist and scientist founded her ap proach to teaching on the belief that children are capable of learning serious subjects like mathematics and of acquiring the skills of reading and writing at young age given op portunity and help impelled not by adult pressure but by an innate desire to learn The Montessori method has spread throughout the world and today special schools devoted to it can be found in many Canadian communities The Brrie Montessori School has been in existence three years founded by group of citizens that included Dr Peter se and Dr Sheila Nazarelli There are morning and after noon sessions daily during the week in the basement class room at Grace United Church About 50 children ated 212 to follow the program co ordinated by teachers Barbara Storey and Meg Firello and assistant Nancy McEachern Miss Storey 22 started at the Barrie school in September after completion of training program at the Montessori Iii stitute in Toronto INDEPENDEI CE We want the kinds to be in dependent which will then help them adapt to society she says They are given lot of freedom in class but its Teacher Barbara Storey illustrates point with the help of Todd ainpbcll during class this week at the Barrie Montessori School at Grace lnited hurch Ihe Montessori method of teaching stresses independence and selfdiscipline for the child Examiner lhoto disciplined freedom There are rules The children for exam Ie spend the first hour and aIf of the class doing what they want with the accessories available to them at the school Miss Storey noted the self discipline involved in children taking things off the shelves working with them finishing the project and replacing the object The Montessori method foc uses on the childs joy in learn ing and ability to concentrate The emphasis is not on com petition or production but on mutual cooperation and the fullest possible development of each child according to his own capabilities The teacher is responsible for helping each child move forward at the pace bestsuitedtohim In class where the virtues of character are as highly priz ed as academic achievement children grow not only in self confidence but also in sense of responsibility Intellect physical pwoers and moral insight must all be developed if child is to be prepared to meet the demands of life Montessori brochure explains The traditions of fixed place for each child and lessons learned by rote or lecture as though the children were little adults are avoided During the work period theyre all doing different things Storey said The props used during work period are distinctive The founder of the method deter mined that during the sen sitive periods of childhood knowledge is gained to great extent through the senses Stimulation of the senses was thus made inherent in the car ning tools For example col ored beads and sandpaper lct ters and numbers are used to hpr child dcvclop clcar ini pressions and muscular coorr dination and at the same time experience the joy that ac companies the right use of faculty Miss Storey agrecs that the Montessori method is not for every child Yes anieroii Taylor and laii Michael are sticking out their tongue at the teacher but no offense is iiol intended The youngsters were merely participating in class exercise at the Barrie Montessori School in Grace liiiled liiirclL About 30 youngsters aged to ti attend the pri ate school leaniinir lhoto It depends on the child she sayd lot of children cant handle freedom because their upbringing is very strict Among the benefits she lists the way it helps them to make choices the stimulation to lifestyle Hey wanna 90 for all By PAT GlliltGlS Examiner Staff Writer If someone asked you to go for balloon ridew would you Some of you will answer Yes and others will say No way Lntil recent Friday would have been among the lat ter was sitting at my desk trying to wake up when someone asked if was afraid of heights No said won dering if the voice was talking to me Youre sure heights dont bother you the voice came again No answered again Me whos afraid to step on the bathroom scales because like my feet solidly on the ground Every time someone even mcn tions the CN Tower cringe and my knees turn to water Good youre going for balloon ride Must be joke thought going back to my typing Ten minutes later my assign ment sheet for the day hit my desk Sure enough was to go to Stayner for the Open House at Bellamy Equipment and take pictures of the Massey Ferguson balloon and Stayner from theair Well went to Stayner found Bellamy Equipment but no balloon When asked Mr Bellamy the owner where it was he said right there Right there turned out to be an eight foot high by five foot wide thing covered with red canvas bag What relict tclt when was told by the pilot Craig chde that the weather fog and rain was too bad to take it up thought might as well get an interview with the pilot while was there so we found an empty office and began talking Twenty minutes later ac tually wanted to go for ride in the balloon It was as simple as that THE VANISHED He seemed so confident en thusiastic and sure of the safety of balloon flying that somehow my fears seemed to vanish The weather remained foggy and rainy on Friday so retur ned to Stayner on Saturday with my daughter Kelly Craig had already taken solo flight right down the main street of Stayner and had just got back to Bellamy Equipment when we arrived He agreed to go out again and take me fora flight It was necessarv to takethc balloon which rides on trailer similar to snowmobile trailer pulled by white and red van to farm just outside Stayner where an open field would allow enough room for takeoff In the field Craig his crew chief Mike Garland and Howard Platter an employee of Bellamy Equipment took the balloon and the basket off thetrailcr The til fcct high by 55efect wide balloon was spread out on the ground raig started the propane burners which are located in the top of four aluminum brackets which join it to the basket The balloon is held on with several nylon cor ds Mike and Howard held the bottom of the balloon open while large fan blew air into it Once it was about quarter inflated raig began blasting hot air from the propane bun ncrs to heat the air inside the balloon Unfortunately gust of wind blew section of the nylon material into the path of the sixfoot long flame burning hole about two feet wide in the side of the balloon SECOND THOLGIITS Now Ill have to admit that at this point definitely had second thoughts But Sraig kept blasting the heat into the balloon and it kept getting bigger Ilc must be going anyway thought ran back to the van to say another goodbye to my daughter Will it be alright she ask ed Sure answered It was about then noticed the first quivers in my hands Back out in the field the balloon was really getting big Where is she heard Craig shout mon get in he yelled Now if you can picture this There is the balloon taking off across the field with the three men trying to hold it back The basket is dragging along on its side Traig is running in the centre of the brackets yelling for me get in have space about two feet wide right next to the ground to try and get through and into the basket Im not sure how fast the balloon and the basket were moving by then but somehow managed to get in sprawled in the bottom of the basket ball sitting and half lying hanging on for dear life Craigs feet at this point were still on the ground and he was firing heat into the top trying to get it to lift off In the meantime we were get ting closcr and closer to the line of trees on the other side of the field We arent going to make it thought Well have to go back and start again Ai LAST Suddenly the balloon titted and we started to go up Not soon enough All could see was pine bran ches trying to join us in the basket Craig reached out and began pushing the basket away much as he could The next thing knew we on ride raig Sevde centre blasts fire into the Massey Ferguson balloon which was in Stayner recently to promote the open house at Bellamy qullpllltlll Sevde and his crew chief Mile Garland left are both from Dcinoin lo and fly the balloon yearround both in aiiada and the Inited States lloward Platter right an employee of Hllltllll litllllltllltlll assisted the two in preparing the balloon for takeoff Examiner llioto were clear of the trees and up in the air You can get up now Traig said Somehow did get to my feet The first thought that occurred to me was to ensure Kelly that was okay turned around to wave and thcrc was this little red van which looked to be about two inches long way back intheficld There was no feeling of fear up there was nervous but not afraid The air was so quiet and still Sounds from the ground were very easy to hear Blasts of heat from the bur ners are necessary to keep the air inside the balloon heated to the necessary lit degrees hot ter than the air outside This was the only sound which disturbed the piaccfulness of theflight Wildlife can be seen very easily from up there saw rabbit and fraig said he has seen herds of deer some fox and other wild animals Mike followed the balloon by sight from the chase vehicle While we were in the air could see the white van moving slowly along country roads keepingusinsight Were going to land over there in that football field fraig told me was busy trying to take all the pictures could while we were still high enough to do so The football field came and went changed film and we kept going BY ll TOO guess well try for the cor ner of that field over there he said The field also came and went Now was beginning to won dcr should be asking him all kin ds of very meaningful im portant questionsl thought How high are we was the best could come up with He told me we were flying about fit to lot feet and had been up as high as 300 feet when we first took off The wind was very steady at about seven miles per hour The basket didnt sway as had ex pected but then Traig had told me it wouldnt The balloon simply follows the wind currents In other wor ds you go where it takes you When saw two rows of hydro wires coming closer wanted to say Are we high enough to get over those wires but inougnt it was little too high to be thrown out of balloon basket Were going to land in that com field over there he said We did Stay at the back the basket is about five feet long and three feet wide with two tanks of propane gas taking up half the floor space when we land there will be slight bump so face forward he said Where is the back won dered figured Id play it by car There didnt seem to be any sensation of coming downjust the knowledge that the ground was getting closer UP AND DOWN Bang We were down But we went up again Bang down again The wind carried us for about 50 feet through the field The basket was on its side again and was hanging on for dearlifc again Dont try to get out until tellyouraig shouted Finally it stopped and he got the balloon deflated to point where the wind wasnt going to grab it again mid we both got out Sure enough there was the chase vehicle sitting in the driveway of the farm where we landed The family of Paul Fisher like Stayner was there also Vic sure Werent expecting to See balloon land here Mrs llSlltl told inc She said they had seen it go over earlier in the day Mikc drove the van into the field to retrieve the balloon and basket and got stuck rcally stuck Leonard lirillinger farmer from across the road brought his tractor over and for small fee of $10 pulled the van out of the mud While the men were PaCklng theballoon overheard Craig telling Howard that that wasa hair takeoff lknew it llthought lwo hours from the time he had agreed to take me up Wl were all back in the field we took off from gave the trees dirty 00k climbed iii the van and began laughing really lid it said to KellyWI think delayed hysteria had set in Lets go home she said in supposed to meet my friend Do you realize how long youve been gone And Worried hought slicd be learn and the interaction be tween and ycaivolds The younger ones learn from thc older ones she says The Barrie Montessori school is privately operated Tuition is Stit month per child The school is currently accep ting registrations for the new school year For further iii formation call Kirsten Iarker at 72645037 or Iat Stinson at thtrtitttit or write the school at iox itiit Harrie Elmvale choral group spring concert May 67 ELMVALIC llic IZlmvalc and District horal Society will present its ltith annual spring concert May and Entitled linic tor Mtric the concert wtll begin at it lll in lluronia zntcnnial clemen tary school auditorium The rcation rock can tata is oiic of the selections to be performed by the group The llll is directed by alheiinc Richardson and accompanied by Mary Ritchie The program Hil tcatiirc as guest artists The TripleTs group of young singers from the Elmvalc area directed by Ililecn Rutherford The Jazzct tes from Peggy Doves IIlmvale School of Dance and the Barrie North Brass Quintet directed by Sharon Sibthorpc Sharon is the daughter of llilda Sibthorpc charter member of the choral society and her husband Hill Tickets are available from members of the choir or at the door Elmvole seniors club wins euchre tourney Winner of the lien Stccrs Trophy at the Senior ilicns lIuihrc loiiriiaiiicnt ot iti tens lltichrc loiiriiainciit of hapions was the lIlinvalc Sun shine Tub represented by Zaidi Drinkcll and ecil Kells They were presented till plates depicting the county ad ministration centre at Mid liurst by the oiinty of Sinicoc llccreatioii lcpirtinciit Ircntfour people took part III thctournaiiicnt There were 2t tables in the fifth invitational tournament lieinghcld at flitsame time Winners from this tourna niciit were Gladys Light hainplain Jessie anlpbcll Stroud lulic Parent Champlain larc Homer Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors liin Groves ree more rtlphc Light hamplain and William Mason lleeton onsolation Winners were Viola Lollinger Lisle and William Mason Hectoii Lone hands winners Ivy Bar ton Ilectoii and Jim Groves rccinorc Several people were recipient of door prizes Thc events were sponsored by Zone ll Senior itizciis Advisory ommittec and the ounty of Siincoc Recreation Department Horticulturisrs return District 16 officers lly IIIAN GARLIC convention of District to of the Ontario Horticultural Socie ty was held recently in St James Anglican hurch rillia The district is made up of 2t individual societies and 21 of these sent ltit delegates to the afternoon sessions and about 200 to the evening banquet An increase in membership was reported by the district director but problem is ocr curring in finding leaders for youth work Mrs Margaret Hell of ro Township gave the financial report which showed the district is sound financially Mrs Grace rser of Barrie convened the nominations and Herb Marklc first vice presi dent of the Ontario llorticul tural Association conducted elections which resulted in the entire slate of officers being returned for one more year Both ro Township Society and Thornton won trophiesfor their junior work and the pains wick society did very well also Huroiiia Society won the membership tray for 92 per cent increase The afternoon speaker was Lynn Dennis who is in charge of youth work for Royal Botannical Gardens RRG at Hamilton Ile gave the delegates sonic excclcnt ideas on promoting youth work The RllG has 150 youths with 35 acres of garden plots Ile illustrated his work with slides and am sure every delegate wished they could have such projects in their com munity DISTRICTWORKSHOP The delegates voted to have district workshop whenever it can be arranged Following turkey dinner the District lti trophy awarded each year to the person doing the most to contribute to hor ticulture iii Distrct 16 was awarded Mrs Kettle of Bracebridge who has long history of work in both hor ticulture and agriculture was the recipient Presentation was made by Jean Gable who succeeded her as district director at that time The 1976 award went to Dr Ray Ives of Stayner The evening speaker follow ing the banquet which was held at the Governors Inn was Herb Markle He is the OHA treasurer and is vicepresident He gave talk on Images and Awards Delegates from Barrie were Mr and Mrs George Pearsall Mrs Grace rser Mrs Clara Orrock Mrs Hazel Wood and MrsJeanGable There will be fall seminar in Bracebridge The 1978 convention will be held in Midland the third Wednesday in April and will be an all day session Dear Ann Landers have heard many times that Scor pio and Sagittarius should never marry never believed it ut do now Ive waited 50 years to tell the world Its too late for me but maybe it will prevent others from ruining theirlives Please comment as need to know why people who are born under conflicting signs have so much trouble You DO believe in astrology dont you Ann Sad And Sorry Dear and No do not but know many highly in telligent people who do Some of my friends wouldnt dare make significant or insignificant decision before con sulting their horoscope While am not knocking the True Believers neither am ready to join them The reason am skeptical is this In order for an astrologer to draw up truly accurate horoscope he must know theindividuals exact moment of birth He then charts the posmon of the sun the moon and the eight planets as they appear above his birthplace The placement and aggutlar relationships of these bodies make up the natal ar How many people know the exact moment when they were born See what mean Dear Ann Landers havent spoken to my brothers Wife in seven years It would take the whole newspaper to tell you me entire story so Ill just say she did me un believable dirt and have never been able to forgive her My daughter is getting married in few months and want the wedding to be happy occasion know my mother Wlll be sad if my brother and his wife are not present He refuses to come wtthout her even though he knows she was in thc wrong and has told me so My other two sisters say she the one who did me the dirt should apologize and then should invite her But the girl is as stubborn as Missouri mule Im sure shed die first What should do0pcn For Suggestions Dear Open Dont let the Missouri mule spoil beautiful day Go to her and say Lets forget the past want you to attend my daughters wedding and make it happy day for everyoneespecially Mother It takes big person to make the first move and mend rift when he or she has been wronged But can tell you for sure its the thing to do Dear Ann Landers have cousin who is exactly my SIZO We are both married to nice guys but Mabels husband has never made much money which is kind of too bad be cause she loves good clothes frequently let her borrow dresses coats and hats which she always returns promptly and in good condition But twice last week when was standing with my cousin someone said to me see YOU are wearing Mabels great looking dress tonight Both times Mabel heard the remark and didnt say word Am being petty to expect her to set the record straightA Little Annoyed Dear AlA This is problem am printing your let ter to give my readers an idea of what some peoples lives are like If this is the most annoying thing in your life youre plenty lucky lady CONFIDENTIAL to Made My Own Bed and Crying River Turn off the waterworks Toots youre wasting the natural resources Sometimes hard bed can be better for the spine than soft one Chalk this one up as learning ex perience and youll come out of it much wiser and stronger person Erma Bombecb CantL take care of this one One of the biggest problems confronting women who go outside of their homes to work is guilt There is no doubt in my mind that if gathered my children around my knee and said Dear hearts next Tuesday your mother will be sworn in as the first woman president of the United States This means will serve as chief of state make sure federal laws are enforced be com manderinchicf of our armed forces direct US foreign policy shape my partys stand on foreign issues urge Congress to act on my legislative proposals and preside over the 132room White House they would react as follows Son Does that mean youre not going to the store today Daughter Dont forget you got batontwirling car pool on Wednesday Husband What would you want with house that big You cant take care of the one you got The guilt is compounded by the frustration of not being able to complain about any part of your extracurricular ac tivity If you do you get You asked for it No one is asking you to work You can always quit your job have friend who is just going through the transition pe riod that everyone who works has been through The other night she came home to an open front door stove burner that had been on all day liquid butter on the breakfast table unmade beds the dog eating peanuts from an ashtray and 15 kids in the hall bath showing movies in the commode that throw them into liysterics every time they flushed She pounded on the bathroom door and said Doesnt anyone care that the dog is eating peanuts from an ashtray voice came out We told him hed ruin his supper but he wouldnt listen When she complained to her husband he retorted dont know why you have to work anyway Youve got everything here you need selfcleaning ovens pushbutton stoves ice makers electric brooms bleiiders steam irons and wallto wall conveniences Its regular Disneyland Ive noticed she said The kitchen is Adventureland the plumbing Frontierland the garage Tomorrowland the bedroom Fantasyland and the bathroom Main Street USA dont think Ill ever forget the day had written column lectured at luncheon come home made beds put in load of clothes and started dinner when my son said Why dont you make some lemonade Why dont you make it said Its yourjob he retaliated thought about that one for long time and decided what did it profit me to be an expert lemonade makerwwhen failed to raise child who respected me as person Ive never felt guilty since Pollxs pointers Eliminating leather smell New leather purse smells DEAR POLLY My new leather purse smells so strongly of leather cannot stand it and wondered if you or reader could suggest something could do to remedy this LORA DEAR LORA Try putting your purse in tightly closed box that you have filled with crushed newspaper Be sure to place tissue paper loosely around the purse so there is no danger of any newsprlnt coming off on the purse Leave couple of weeks am sure that any reader who has solved this problem another way will be kind enough to share it with us POLLY Ito tell world DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with those magazines that do not number EVERY page often find myself referr ing to page that is numbered and then having to count to the page desired Keeping small magnet in your sewing basket is most con venient when retrieving needles or pins that drop to the floor find that keeping cleaned celery in closed container of water in the refrigerator prolongs its freshness MRS WBM DEAR POLLY One day found myself out of that spray product so many of us use to remove stains before doing the laundry and needed it badly to remove spot from gar ment wet the spot added just couple of DROPS of dish washing detergent rubbed slightly and the garment came out beautifully have used this ever since as it works and is cheaper than having to buy the spray product MRS LJC

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