rm 4o articles for sale 60 feed seed grain 69 instructions help wanted 1t help wanted 78 tenders exam May rain mg Eastgï¬fsevgyï¬fgkï¬g ragga Prï¬ii53137hs5od 219 ugllltsax EclfoGongguorggIINSOOIngIlMI$2 MECeiéArtlmzegggéppagaggdnggmtg flea coum IWï¬I T°ep°° Hm °°s $13 glgomgnï¬izagcgugfl$353 from Barrie726ot92 Barrie Call Peter 3221654 of mucnrlou Pornograp LF CLUBS mens left hand 135 Sgods 2PW Irons bag and cart Ex Teeph°e WEEw ll0lp wanted help wanted REQUIRES FOR SePme ll oellent condition 5125 complete or sell farm machinery separately 4364764 PITNEI BOWES 77 being dumped BROWN AND BELL 4m mm Servce Represemmwe ATTENDANCICOUNSILLOI SPECIAL NOTICES BATES Form 00er qupmenf to provide counselling services CANOES DELAVAL Who is interested in building rewarding career servicing office mm and hoe Dooth Notices Engagementtpum truckload of dif SALES AND SERVCE eWleenl With W9 950bll5h9d and PTOQWSSWO C°mPaY Pa maximum 40 words additional words cents per word he as and COINS Complete Line oi Dali Appncam mu have not appearance Grade ducanon good staff in cooperation wit com Card of Thanks 25 words $500 VANCOUVER CP harem Hm Equipmen °d supph knowledge of basic electronics and be mechanically oriented munlty agencies Additional words cents per word Glenn McDonald head of of fibreglass and umlnum games ilolly Hwy 27 5mm solo $6900 momh wnh morons company benemsI Advanced Mud and ex ln Memorlam no verse $500 Vancouver police vice uad canoes 7260333 7236766 Verse per count line extra 21 cents line says there is growmg 83 Reliable emssaryi rience in social work and p9 SPORTIIAVEN MARINE MWFTF Apply in person Po Corning Events 33 22 par column inch Leap of hardcpre corn tile mile 5° B°me 67fruitsvegetables Wednesday May counselling wou asses lng 1981315 aum on Shanty Bay Rd Salary rang present is from Ia an IS gomg ge Iorse 26 100 RASPBERRY Canes freshly dug on ImP5°ni because of the great profits to Aug farm Telephone 4363642 Unit slopes per year to $19890 per lilrtlls 88 coming event be made fiepersonals 4Alliance Blvd Yea MondaysChildisfalrofface no ed behi chiidi it etc NEARLY NEW SALE rgamz crimp is BOAT SALE DIVORCE Barrie Ont nmemd Persons MM FOR THE SUPPLY OF wï¬ngsyclysChlfd lsiuiloiavige and this sort of thing McDonald iFibregass or My to apply in writing stating ex prflresggycslllfgllglgelsrléafslglfznn 10 PImI sagéoks could be producéd for 33hp Evinrude wtrailer $1195 Perienc q°°°°s °= limit mm WM or TRINITY PARISH HALL about 35 cents each and retail Sealed lenders Plainly marked And child that is born on the Sub 14 Fbre loss The superl°d°l th 03 Articles received and tagged for abOUl $3 for comicsi on to 55 hp Eviarude $l495 Low chofl 78305053 of Educational Services yrs 33 gaff ilalr add wise and wood and flay Monday May $14 or $18 for something led Aft 638355 hi l4 Fibreglass 31933 Street The Simcoe County Street Wasaga Beach Ontario Clï¬lldhdarfxsrlresigggtloEigsgihlégggggf 7261582 7265486 gelstaanï¬phcn pictures of 40hp Evinrude $l 695 suite 206I Toronto Board of Education LOL 2P0 Pot 3° 500 1aineowiftehefvBlsrtipieorfant informationp fol Auspices Trinity ACW Reports iven at Las Vegas Pb MY20 ave mlereshng posmon for Person wlh 99 Ferris Lane pm Monday May To 1977 for your childs future An Examiner Birth A20 27 28 29 30MY2 police c0 erence on Vice in ash wnmiler $2395 ambition and imagination Successful applicant Will the supply of one cutaway type xSfï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ng 32 3ï¬gfllggï¬ï¬‚nfl dicate organized crime is mov so haVe lYPllTQi dllVerS licence and ability to converse Barreommo UM 2Y2 vehicle or equivalent GVw and year of birth the weight and other ing out of drugs and into the l5 Silverline with the public Applications will be received up 8400 lbs minimum 23 Jééglnflmrnoefmghwdrggfï¬ï¬ lucrative field of obscene 5°hP J°hns°n $2895 to and including May 10 I977 019 of 1969 HandNa Babys Book or Family Albums John Vianney Hall books movies and sex aids Mc to June lath you can go to Sales experience preferred Theralelwa Examm We Donald said 16 Fibreglass My4 must be allowed and can be in Is only $500 maximum 40 words Addl EVERY TUESDAY 85 hp Merc $2395 CLEARWATER on 600 fl Please telephoneI LEN SEVICK speced he Fire Ha on tionalwords9 cents perword Many BC newsstands and beautiful beach ilite lovely PHONE 7282414 $200 Jackpot corner stores obtain magazines 15 Catamaran how conï¬nema breakfom Advertlsmg Director 7266537 gecfnfi 5°° W°5°9° 39°C and paperbacks under contract sailboat Th °° erlgagemerits nners lus car for xomlner BEING AN rom istributors ven or l2 Petrel weelk Sat departures ONLY 16 defield St AVON REPRESENTATIVE Specillgnllonbs and Jenfder for MTR ANDleESEï¬ Ross cownn of mudst displaxgall lgatlelfial Ste sailboat 795 $259 per person per week Barrie Om ms beautifully into yo may taine rom allwoo EII diR IIOigand Mi un er conSI run it or 18 Wood llAYS TRAVEL TF schedule You work your own PUbiC W°rk5 Department Of ldgmgoad Boarrlie argrdliasedtosgrl weeks and Whatever ct 501d Dunk ho interest fice PO Box 110 Second nounce the engagement of their chili can be returned doyCrUIser $350 3° 99 dren Deborah and Brian The Wedding nyLDED To pRESSURE Mn and make extra money for all Street Wasaga Beach Ontario ya wace St Thomas Anglican 2i Glastron 7241 he hings You need can 728I LOL 2poI Church Shanty Bay on Saturday June rln ern Recentl booksellers dl Overnighter $10500 9652 AVON 41977 ix 56 covered scene literature In l977 146Fibr glass wl977 Required in Barrie 435 borrwnoent ox LOWEST OR ANY TENT NOT 5d°l their consignments or re NECESSARILY ACCEPTE In at least one case the ven Johnson 35 wiop $2599 RESPONSIBILITIES AS FOLLOWS MTjj RI KENWELL aï¬gngHgspgfgngnMgfgdgpomp dor decided not to display the SPORTIIAVEN MARINE SHAZA l977 Leona Watson in her 77th WI material and Immediately re Mile East of Barrie Drver employment comro FIRE CHEF Beloved wife of the late FrederickYWal turned it on Shanty Bay Rd For the under thirties or feel Fleet maintenance pros A3°iMY7 mgazigtawcégggï¬ggxgmm The distributor told him he 726400 under 30 one week CRLHSE eStock Warehouse supervmlon You want to work five grandchildren Resting at the Jen had to display all the material We buy and sell new and aboard the fun ship flite to send resume opproximately3 hrs daily 32hwenslllicflgheffgfnagtflï¬bdairï¬i for the twoweek perlOdi 01 lose used boats and motors ship and return meals ac 5dayso week pm Service and committal complete in the contract That would have Apply to BOX No U2l the chapel on Monday May at pm Interment Thornton Union Cemetery pUt the vendor out Of busmess Ju3 tivities galore cocktail parties no Saturdays or Holidays 22 FT SHEPHERD ports only four Shozam The Examiner holda valid drivers licence puauc TENDER Donations to the Gideon Bible Society SOhe displélyed everything the agony cat 19 would be appreciated The llce are certam the double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard Departures FROM $4 All replies treated With strict confidence over 2i yrs of age BulLDlNG DEMOLITION éxï¬ï¬Eï¬mbï¬ï¬ aï¬he R0 We p0 mgzogï¬orQIascfzrldgitaiarei £35533 $2500 HAYS TRAVEL M3 pass medical PROPERTY SALE L03059 toria Hospital Barrie on Saharas sï¬EpHEEBETY cruiserI 25 yoofggm 7234700 Then we want YOU 2storey frame house with 7Yggrlggiovggmxbgrfgglyhglg States 33395th cassettes CoUrdinalor Parent Trainer Cari Mrs Sim °$ j3d9° Eightsextractablethat Laws regarding obscene ma instrumentation etc Reasonable offers Family supper and reIief program syock Brofhers as and brother of Cecil Barrett of game terial usually provide only for 3253 gagirtraigtgilldglggvard Tollendale ho SLI Concesston on the east Agrées Duan 3nd Mel Barrett both seizure of the material and secstï¬i elmm In ceaSe si fh ALBACORE sail boat ibreglasl The flame and District Association for the mentally retarded is es srdeof Highway No 27 lm grunge Homejyï¬riiey seiSBerlliiy fines usuallylessmansliooo Elvstrom mast and boom kept in good Wei mke you over initiating family support program With handicapped children and mediately north of Highway 88 Funeral Mass at St Marys Church Bar The federal government is icfflgifldjiQEI€BDQQE 29249 ENGLAND SCOTLAND and their families in Bond Head Former gfï¬gayisé waiting for recommendations SAILBOAT loloot custom designed and ETEFIY bum We ï¬berglass mine WALES Show You he highli Duties include Organization and implementation teaching flW 30d9Y Pr°FY BLACK Violette AI at the Royal vic Tom the Law Reform C°mm°f ELIraggaSwsrwcgpliggnanigvrfgigggifir by deluxe motor coach escor behavioral modification techniaues providing parent relief and oflAWASAGA ALSO g3 agl°ffbio glrzgllgggxr 510 before updating th cnml EIELBEBJEétgfllalgzgflygssi ed by Hay5 Travel consulmm education excellent communication skills and community liason my 89 lino PIROPERTY SALE Lr0007l ed of me We Wilmm Back in nal Code Interpretations of 18 FT i975 Starcrall Holidaylraierr your airfare hotels tours required SalorY to $4000 5l°°Y lmmel dad 69 Year Dear m°he° PFQlmmary commsswn repor has openingsfor MW Engls A5°i Wilson and LS Indicate there may be some cellent condition 140 lO low hours aluminum hull and 15 year guar AM 105 meals for ONLY 5799 radio compass elect WW fire ex per person léDAYS tinguisher bombers life iackets pad steel house with concrete foundation this house is im mediately north of the above Qualifications BA with psychology community college MR Paul both oi Stroud and Gail pre graduate with behavior modification experience or equivalent DNNG ROOM deceased Grandmother of grand children sister of Hilda Mrs Archie relaxation of laws dealing with socalled victimless crimes such ores and anchor included$5995 726 1345 C0 educoion and exPerience INTERWAITRESS ed th xchglbb i315 FDora Mrs CH as Obscenity TE men ion ouse an is an on erris both re 339991 HAYS TRAVEl Please apply in writing before May II to COCKTAIL WAITRESS WAl ormerM Pro deceased Raving me Secpley 1°76 i5 FOOT Siamal breglass 7284700 tAssoc PARTTIME BARTENDER P6 Funeral Home so worsiey St Barrie boat for sale Cylinder l0 full canvas orre rc The houses be open for in after pm Monday Complete Service to ower trm about 50 hours runnn lull piristrurrllentation Top SpeedI 32 for the Mentany Retarded EXPenenced persons need only spedon and Tender Forms mheigllgagdordgiggliméyllf fuller mph New price $9900 Will sell for 93 Dunlop Street East OPPIY in Person will be available on the site on flowers memorial donations may be $69007leirpanrHengeisgfllggogoiflfl made to Canadian Cancer Society 16 FOOT INBOARDoutboardcutter 120 AND BAHAMAS Barre onmro Telephmelm nervew wednesday Moy 1977 HARniMAN R0 Gordon horsepower Mercruiser engine in ex LAM IA7 435550l from 300 °m 230° Pm Royal Victoria hospital Barriae cellent condition With trailer $3900 A29I 30 My Local Time Saturday April 30 W77 Roy Gordon firm Telephone737375or 728V2s Esconed wih Lorne Ben Hay Harriman in his 55th Year Beloved hus NOTE If Tendering on both houses separate Tender Forms must be completed and submitted band oi Joan Logan Dear father of Bradley Karen and Stephen son oi the late Samuel and Alice Harriman brother of the late Norman Marguerite and Eleanor Harriman Resting at the l7 SMALL CABIN cruiserï¬motorand trailersleeps4with accessories Phone Sept lol7th Grand 424 6977 Bahamas Hotel Deluxe rooms SAlLeOATWlaiiiioerolés sniororige most meo5 airline many ex sailboat wrtll trailer in good condition LONDON Ont CP Min iaturebottle enthusiast Greg Munn has collected 1574 bottles required for Service Center in Barrie 511300 T9977ï¬7°9 Pllerpm aslimned sp°cemease ca The successful Tenderer will EatrcrlleeyF323315333riflrfgftixisgh ofnlleqlbostll hqueurs and wmes 42articles wanted Izzy Excellent Salary and Working be required submit per Tuesday Mlay al7pm followed by Tshe current record in the cremation ri lieu lowers memorial CASH FOR old furniture books dishes Conditions formance bonds to ensure that donations may be made Io Onlar Boo fW Re or oécgooitciureibgtggaks odds and ends Pre My246H Has an opening for the following pOSitionS 5d°y week me work done Ministry Foundation or the iuhercuiosis Zand gsufggefï¬e 13225 cgï¬lecuoï¬ of mlggsieioiaio iurniioiéfoiaargs ELECARE Why Igm your pmmem full time cashiers evenlng work Can MR HCHARDSON satisfaction 5mm Dseasemqflmn 747M 44am unduplicae miniames is ShllrfflzgglpABJ 5J9 alone Let friend help Call Telecare Porftime waitresseswaiters 7264205 glosmg dale far recewn Ten 1131 held by GH Whlle Of 726 7922 DEW WORMS rrcoHSJéEiuowms Janme drivers must be 2i Years or Wei Y7 if 23o if °°i Fe° We CW wmshre El WOW is 00 LOCO 127 BAYFIELD $1 GET lUMPlNG the holiday wanlSlO brea 1L Bait distributor wishes to purchase dew you drink thats your business If you Apply at Mothers Pizza Parlor 312 Boyfield Street worms minimum pickup 1000 wantto quitthatsours Callanytime Time Wednesday May 18th season is just weeks away Zip The NearOld baChEIOI and lE9253357PEIIVSSOé9299801 uNWAtnEohAiR removed ssioiy MY SALES I977 Hiendly7gfugggss 58M up this softcowlneckline style land conveyancer for local ntl 44 nannies signssnhtmzematlases SECRETARY Further my be no liilseiilindiiilé Eli fiiimgerelnéfllqioielis obtained by contacting Ministry of Transportation and Communications Property Section PO Box 6338 London Ontario N5V 2Zl Telephone 5l9681l44l Ext 160 Any Tender not necessarily accepted BARRIE POODLE SalonShampooing 737 EN 5097 Clipping b03995 509 RIDING lNSTRUCTlON indoor arena f3elEasli76ilI Horses boarded Barrie five minutes PQODLE TRIMMING professional Windy HaughFarszoOln grooming breedsr PICK UP and d9 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and IVeY7Z°37PSwill Callouses Relief now is yours from MAYS POODLE PARLOR Profes England Carnation Corn Caps have Sional Clipping and grooming reasonr been sold for over century with eiiec able rates Telephone 726006l live results medicated pad that really ThopléAL Ffsg BEST seyecï¬on in does the lab Corn Caps or Callous Caps town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable 0W aValabe 050 Shoppers prices Evenings and weekends Edge PIVQMWS andaldriggs hill Aquaria 143Ardagh Road 726 0094 WOULD ANY unsatisfied Valare owners EEOFENING RIPADA Kennels l5 p°a9c°mac77°007047630 Ferndale DriveApril29Wereanxious FREE INSPECTION of mufflers ex Looking for job with challenge An electronic com pany now located in Don Mills will soon be establishing its Canadian head office in Barrie We require an experienced sales secretary to handle ASSISTANT TO THE ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER wmmers mums and ode Applications for the position of Assistant to the Animal Control Of ficer will be received by the undersigned until 500 pm Thursday May 12th I977 not allowed But when he was eight years old he saw bar stocked with miniatures at friends home and was fasci nated On his first visit to New York he bought 13 miniature bottles and has been buying ever since He never opens the bottles for fear of losing his chance at breaking the world record He Printed Pattern 4790 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 Size 12 bust 34 takes yards 60inch fabric $100 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Ont residents add 7d sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dent 87 in memoriarns CARON In loving memory of dear son and brother Albert Caron who passed away May I975Always re membcred by histamin andlrlends WHICH DAY processing good telephone manner and typing accuracy are My57 5°ic5°m5 Again77 123 Tgoufgnï¬gï¬l 22351533125 MUle 509 9558mm Mlnisi of seals them with clear nail P01 oisffsighgghlecrhglees séikefeliuï¬iï¬ INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION l°rm°° °5 5°°Y dules respmsbmes °PF°° Id red nay and The Barrie Examiner 60 ish to stop evaporation Champion bloodlines shots and trained Services Civil criminal divorce forms may be OblanEd from lhe bYlW enforcemem Officer Mr App Icon IS cu spa ranSpO Progress Avenue Scar To get his bottles he has $l5okea£rlTelieEh0ner436105 surveillance Discreet and confidential Roy Bridge at the Municipal Office in stroud 4363710 to work In Toronto until the Communications borough Ontario M1P4l travelled five times to Britain SCOTTISH TERRIER male years 7374971 in RI Groh moveis made this summer Omano and has been to France and old AKC registered great watch dog THE FOLLOWING Will be sold for bills 150 styles lots of 00le good with adultsAsking 575726 0102 oweing if not paid by owner on or before ClerkAdministrator For confidential interview Easi in our NEW FALL reece IdméNTti OLD Siamese male WY 777 Ch LBW PM MunicipalOffiCe n7 es declawed neutered has had needles mOWFf OdeN07MOISPW0714 peose 5° resumes 79aucflon sales WINTER PATTERN CATALOG 5°t33i° inwvnimd WEDNESDAY iumvsuiis roost rants vus psychic an card rea ing FREE PUPS 9°°d We OSW Don Mills0ntario pUBUc CAR AUCTION Total Wardrobe patterns Free counselling Day and evenings Mon mansion m0 Teepmn throughFridathoInena 8868 50garden2Suppliesmr FERTILIZER manure grass seed Get ready for spring Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 295i CHOICE TOPSOIL Excellent for lawns gardens etc Evening and Saturday as livery Call 726 3928 or 726 i117 RASPBERRY CANES and Strawberry Plants Now is the time to plant Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Drive 776 2951 TREES SHRUBS Fertilizer Seeds All your gardening needs Crown Garden Centre Hwy 93 mile north of Hwy ll NUMBER Shredded top sorl for sale Telephone 726 6837 Sltrees and shrubs MAKE YOUR property more valuable and beautiful Plant white spruce It high Free delivery 728 9404 attern coupon 75c nstant Sewing Book $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Instant Monev Cralls $100 Instant Fashion Book 5100 Helps premier THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and My7 WAYFARE RESTAURANT requires people rKitchon supervisor and short order cook excellent company benoiits Apply in person Cookslown Highway Amanda EXTRA INCOME low hours spent in friendly demonstra lion showing nomemakcrs nationally known products can provide you extra income Phone 726 I441 HAIR STYLIST years experience day week Must know latest technique in blow drying cutting and regular gets S250 weekly Phone 458 9753 ask it Frank ATTENTION Ambitious Persons Com pany requires several part time and on iullrtlme person in your locality wor day or evening Car necessary Telc phone 4l6 895 6532 SENioli ClTizéN to do housekeeping Sat May 7th at pm Exceptional opportunity to buy economical used cars in many model years Good selection good cars Advance bids ac cepted small deposit holds any car Now on display Financing available The Auction House on Hwy ll 15 miles north of Barrie Phone 705 4872044 QTOROtltiTO CPl list ueens ark office mi dle Satelhle aged man whose drivers li gene had been suspenged for run enness was pea ing to ospltals see PremierWilliam Davis must drive to earn liv ing he said lm good Con servative lifelong supporter Mr Davis will understand He was ushered into room and greeted by friendl smile ST JOHNS Nfld CPI An experiment in satellite commu nications is helping officials at four hospitals in farflung parts of Newfoundland receive help and instruction from Memorial CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WHTTE BIRCH Clumps abouisii high and help careolderwomanwhile amon DIRECT PHONE and an outstretched han Sacach Free delivery 728 9404 holidays or fUll lime if desired vor day is he be day °°d universltys medical SChOOl The bewildered driver began 96 YOURgm 59mm brad walnut Telephone no soul vertlse in The Examiner here to stammerlhe remiersname Hosptalsal Goose Bay and and the man hi was meeting Labrador City in the mainland replied uNo Im not Bi But section of the province as well would you believe Sammy as others at St Anthony across Dawson the Strait of Belle Isle from Classified Section Phone 7282414 ACCOUNTING CLERK preferrably to years experience on accounts re ceivable machine posting and some typ ing Call Fleming and Associates 725 3309 anytime CLASS licencedrmechanic preferable with scope analyser experience Good maple birch mountain ash cellar hedinging etc Open weekends only Located miles south of Barrieoii Hwy Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication 27 first on Simcoe County Road 3i Call alierrpszo 9295 54service andrrepair The mans real name is Urich AR ROUND working conditions and wages Apply ENGAGEMEN Labrador and at Stephenvrlle ryhglnlenance caiigSfiugnmayagaliolig NAPIERBOWMAN AREA $325383 Highway ll south Manaéflloum Mom on the west coast of Newfoun Ferdinand and his offimal title No tiBarne MOUNTBATTENCODRINNON AREA Pawn anordmm While every endeavor will be dland are involved in the ex IS executive aSSislant t0 the AMUSEMENT MACHINE services and MATURE RESPONI55LE DEFSOH re Additionolwofdl9cfsperword remter repaws Pinbans and iuke hopes quirediornighlworklnchlldrens home CARD OF MAN 25 mm 00 ML mode to forward replies f0 box perimen specially Foriniormation call7373445 3239096 Teiepmn 7767338 day momdempflwm number the advertise AkClOSCdCï¬rCUll audioVisual The 42yearold Sitcamping equipmem AREA SELFSEFIVE cashier required ior IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $500 $00 05 Possible we accept no $198 eco mqnlcatons uoumeshooter from Timid RAEEBEEQnggu WV downtown gas bar5226dg7vork week WilhflPONWMIMJlPWlW liability in respect Of loss or ermes links the sees hlmself as traffic or vaca on wan See Me Community creld S919f9939inlm30 coumosvmts damage wedged or ospltals to the universrty and manager controlling the flow union leCoiiror728 sun BAYFIELDGRUVE AREA 72sales helpagenï¬tinm $322percolumnlnch through who Hum or delay gfederal health offiCIals at Ot of paper and people seeking I973 SUNKAMPER fridge furnace 51 EXPANDWG CANADIAN 0Conf WOWMNMUM wa Davissaid stove chemical lorlel fully equrpped PARKSIDE ST needs dependable person who can $3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Calft Discount l°°dl9 PM The protect allows the medi l0 03 0W°9°9 WWW without supervision Earn 4000 per oii iipoly ll paidwllhln7daye0ne or two however otherwise cal school to provide three to He told the motorist court de 019333 7760 al°59m year plus bonus Contact Customers lneerllonl per word insertion Three con ed ClSionS could only be changed NEW CAMPER Savc$l800oo i2 all around Barrie We train Write tuuliv inuriloni ev Ve 095 caliollal Pm byacourt partyloyany Should fiberglass fully insulated Starlirc lli Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum cents per word insertion lolalSoJ Slx con gramming for the hospitals ev pick up cgmoc ozrruThifaier S1 burner Bramptonioiiv E917 mullve insertions Be our word poi ineer Lake Superlor ery second day lever result ln special priVi 0V9 0°95 Vflm lion tolul SlLsa Mulllple lneerflonl maybe ege 190° WWW mt C°9W°°° Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to °°Vmewae1 iii whim to mediation it medca 53 hemsplals rim MINI motorbome Chevy van MAruRE STUDENT needs work until lullelaclary moth obtained Method of can also consult with medical READY To HELP s4oooaisol972traier l7ll$220080lh SepemberI cmr years office ex Counting fewer than 24 word count as 24 ï¬sh warnlng school authorities through the think got through to him in topcundilion Telephone 538 23I0 peflenceI Full or partrlime daysI words Each lnliiai abbreviation eel of hooku in emer encies buto but ou could understand hit 57Iivestock for sale 39203951233351Lw Mr b°°P°°°d on evgry secoï¬d da of Beef confllsion he said in an interS éiioiIsEsono western Jiioo2i Clrcuanon Dam Bayï¬eld 81 Barns Sï¬ï¬ihiplfleiélfhiililidbe up EllRORSANDCORECTONS TQRONTQ CF Ther week view He asks to see the pre sunable Young or lama de vvrr+ All phone insertion orders are accept Vinelal emlronment ministry The miera ets 7789541 or convenience to the advertisers thmforo has issuedastalement advising xpeme mems ea SADDLE SALE Clearance of rm in Classified Advertising Department re that pregnant women women this spring wrll run on an ex Some people seem to doubt EWIer made swam Romnm HM 1F quireeodadverllserela klndlyrochecklhelr perimental basis for 12 weeks blaci man can help If you ware3l DunlopE718743l SST advertisement Immediately after llrelineef who may ecome regnanl after which the hos it want to see Mr Davis tell HARNESS Parts Hopples Blankets 93 me or Ca on In order that any error or omllllon may nursing mothers an children may Mmeng to We Andenmp be reported hior9am In order Ifioleame Should not eat ï¬sh caught in be inVIted to hook up to the Amk them maybe can arrange for SIahlesBarrie Raceway word not rectified for the followingkdsw Lake Superior near Marathon satellite on permanent you to look at him But if you lcatlan The Examiner is reopens of only on Ingenully printed Insertion of any Ont baSlS want prOblem selved The four hospitals are the hereto d0 whatlcan Whitefish white sucker and Jackman Memorial at Humor has always been lake trout from the harbornear Labrador City Melville major factor My aim he the community were found to Hospital at Goose Bay Grenfell joked on his appointment in De contain mercury above the ac Mission Hospital at St Anthony cember 1971 is to bring lit ceptable limit of 05 parts per and Sir Thomas Roddick tle color into the office of the million it said Hospital at Stepheifville Premler advertisement and then only to the extent of P°rllon of ad that Involves the mleprlni Er rors which do not leuen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for cotrec by make quads The Examiner reserves fight to classify revise or relecl any went 3pm dayprevious 293 Llegnoneoer nponSalUllaY DEKALB READY to lay pullels Brown egg pullcts available June it Also larin fresh as Crag Hrltr It Farmseslrourl4loll8llUl WWI Address PHONE noun