Mortage and Housing Johnson streets zroy rest of the 1012acre property town country Vacancy rote low plans held off Barries rental vacancy rate is around one cent ac cording to statistics provided to planning boarrfeluesday by Charles Parsons senior appraiser with the local Central Corp Parsons said survey rtment buildings within the past two weeks found only 10 962 apartments vacant 0n the strength of the informa tion the board held off on approval of proposal to convert 28 rental townhouse units at 255 Dunlop St todominiums City policy permits such conversions only when the rental vacancy rate reaches five per cent Proposals to be reviewed ublic meeting is to be held May 17 to review proposals for evelopment of residential District north of Steel Street and east of Nelson Current plans call for 1503 units of ous ing 18 acres of parkland including public school and commercial area on the southwest corner of Grove and Proposal eliminates obiections An 89unit development proposal for land on the northwest corner of Bayview Drive and Little Avenue has eliminated the features which led to objections by neighbors to an earlier proposal city planner Rick Jones told planning board Tuesday The proposal by developer Louis Freiberg no longer involves extending Fitzroy Terrace through to Lit tle The proposal combines nine singlefamily homes on Fit with semidetached units and street townhouses on the Garbage disgrace Garbage on the parking lot at the Bayview DriveLittle Avenue plaza is disgrace to the city Ald Gord Mills charged Monday at city coun cil Rick Bates acting planning director told council property standards officer Lloyd Perason has already received complaint about the situation and has set up meeting with the plazas owner to resolve the problem Street ty police Police were called at ment missing through the Kitchen window made car on Highway 11 cess on of Oro Township is described only as slim Debbie Prosser schools safety patrol Medicine Stolen Cough medicine has been taken from two Barrie area drug stores in the last two nights say police Innisfil police are in vestigating breakin at Stroud Drug Mart on Highway 11 Mon day night in which two large bottles of cough medicine and some Wintario tickets were taken Police say they were called to the scene at 1130 pm and found window next to the front door smashed in Barrie city police say they found the front door of Simcoe Pharmacy on Blake Street smashedinat1206amtoday All that was missing was Two appointed to board Two new members were appointed to the Angus Cemetery Board at the annual meeting last week Mrs Winnie Waddell and Jack Brennan were appointed bythe plot owners to threeyear term Bill Gibbs will act as chairman for the next year Jasper Boyd will serve as secretary Vic McMaster and Margaret Mathers are other board members Jack Brennan is caretaker for the cemetery on Vernon July 27 Trial date set Two Barrie youths charged with possession of stolen goods will go to trial July 27 in provincial criminal court in Barrie Allan Eugene Bickmore 17 and Dean Allen Courtnay 18 appeared in court Tuesday to set the date The two are charged in connection with an incident March in the Woolworths parking lot on Maple Street Two homes broken into Two Ottaway Avenue homes were broken into late Tues day afternoon says Constable Tom Bookey of the Barrie ci pm to 62 Ottawa Ave where owner William Grant found some money and camera equip Constable Bookey says whoever entered the house camc second break and enter was reported at pm at 90 0t taway Ave sayd Constable Bookcy Someone forced open bathroom window and ransacked Ross Waddells house he says although nothing is missing Damage restricted in fire Barrie firefighters restricted damage to the basement of 92 Penetang Street building during fire Tuesday night says deputy fire chief Len Mills Firefighters were called to the scene at 844 pm when fire broke out in the basement area Deputy chief Mills said no damage estimates have been Two sought in robbery Barrie OPP are looking for two men in connection with robbery committed with violence early Saturday morning in Constable Gordon Fearon says Jack Hoy Donovan 33 of Hamilton was hit over the head and robbed by two men while he was sleeping in his car on the shoulder near Con Donovan left the scene and drove south until his car broke down near Highway on Highway 440 Donovan was held for observation at the York Central Hospital with suspected concussion said Fearon The two men took between $35 and $40 One is said to be about 25 years of age and heavyset with heard The other Debbie Prosser student mayor 13yearold Grade student at Assikinack Public School is Barries new student mayor of the week Debbie who succeeds Mark Summers of Eastview Secondary enjoys horses baseball volleyball track swim ming hockey and snowmobiling and is secretary of her of 15 GORD MILLS Fire confined to goroge Barrie firefighter hoses down the wall of garage at 65 Hayfield St Tuesday after fire broke out there Firefighters were able to confine the blaze to the garage owned by Harris Steele Examiner Photo Meeting planned on bus terminal The latest in series of at tempts to get Travelways Ltd out front between the devil of city zoning regulations and the deep blue sea of provincial bus licensing requirements will be aired at public meeting May 10 The firm currently operating terminal on upper Hayfield Street in violation of zoning regulations has asked that the citys zoning bylaw be amended to allow terminals in service commercial zonings The bus lines provincial icence for its rilliaBarric Toronto service rcquircs Hair rie terminal within half mile of Highway 400 but the zoning bylaw limits terminals to cen tral commercial zonings and no land within the halfltmilc limit carries such zoning The situation is complicated by the possibility that the newlygrainted licence will be revoked as the result of con troversy over the provinces earlicr decision to allow private firms like Travelways and Grcyhound to compete on routes scrvcd by the publicly owned Gray Coach Lines REJECIHI THREE City council has rcjcctcd thrcc rcqucsts including one by planning board to ignorc the zoning violation and action is underway to cnforcc the bylaw which carries maximum $1001 fine Planning boards zoning com mittcc has supported the pro posal to allow terminals 111 ser vice commercial Innings dc spitc expressing prcfcrcncc for more central location Planning board agrccd lucs day to schcdulc public mcct ing on thc issuc and also voch to inform the Ontario Ministry of lransportation and om munications that the licence requirement imposed on Travclways is contrary to thc zoning bylaw Tax evasion Donald Emery was fined $11000 on two charges of per sonal income tax evasion in Barrie provincial court Tues day Emery Contracting Co Ltd of Barrie was also fined $7500 for tax evasion for 197 when Emery owned the firm then known as Emery Engineering and Contracting Co Ltd Emery told Judge Norman Nadeau he would pay the Emery Contracting fine as well as his own fine Michael Steinberg Crown at torney told the court the In come Tax Act says the fine for evasion of taxes can be between minimum of 25 per cent of the amount evaded or maximum of twice the amount evaded The retired Barrie businessman was charged along with Donald Hanney of Donald Hanney of Barrie who was convicted Tuesday by Judge Don Inch and fined $8000 Federal investigator Bernard lkeda testified at Emerys trial Tuesday that the two men claimed personal expenses as business expenses Work on Hanneys house worth $784860 was paid for by LORNE POWER moves to NS Power resigns Lorne Power mcnibcr of Harrie llanning Hoard since January 1973 has rcsigncd from thc board to acccpt posir tion in his native Nova Scotia lchr 52 takcs ovcr July as manager of thc Scotian Gold otlpcrzitivc lll Kcntvillc His resignation houchr is cffcc tivc iiiimcdiatcly Marks of 94 given two choirs at Music Festival of Orillio By MLRIEI LEEPHR high mark of 91 was earned by two schools at Tuesdays competitions of thc Kiwanis Music Festival of rillia Couchiching Heights School and Hillcrest School both of Orillia were awarded the near perfect mark by adjudicator Lyn Harry Results from Tues day are School hoir Grade 378 SAB over 60 voices Innisfil Central School Dale Barrett Lefroy92 School Choir Grade 78SAB piano Accompanied Sunny brae School Clara Burmaster Stroud87 School ChoirGrade 8ltSAH piano Accompanied over voices Innisfil Central School Dale Barrett chroy 80 School Choir Grade 78 SATB Sunnybrae School Clara Burmaster Stroud 82 Kindergarten Choir and Rhythm Band Hillcrcst School LaureneHorne rillia 84 Cumberland Beach School Mary Mitchell 82 School Ensemblc Open Three Part SSAno conductor Touchiching Heights School Hughch Grillia 94 Innisfil entral School Dale Barrett Lefroy 86 School Ensemble open thrcc lart Innisfil cntral School Date Harrctt chroy 86 School Recorder Ensemble pen Alliston Union School Icarham Alliston 84 School Choir Grade 11 piano accompanied Couchiching Heights School Assclstinc rillia 86 Hillcrcst School Joan Dorian rillia 85 Innisfil Central School Jean Kell rillia 84 School Choir Grade 123 Piano accompanied over 60 voices Cumbcrland Beach School Grade Adam Thomson 80 Cumberland Beach School Grade Adam Thomson 78 School Choir Grade 67 SA Hillcrest School Dongelmans rillia 94 Or chard Park School Marion Todd rillia 92 Vocal Solo Low Voicc 14 years and under Leann PUBLIC MEETING Council for the Corporation of the City of Borrie will be holding Public Meeting to discuss the restoration and proposed use of the old fireholl as future cultural centre The meeting will be held on Friday April 29 McKtIvcy Alliston lki ioldic Walma rillui Andrea Milnc Parry Sound 81 Vocal Solo Low Voice it years and undcr Lynn Slatcr rillia tilt Stcphanic lritcs rillia 87 Gailyllulbit rillia 82 Vocal Solo Spccial lti ycars and undcr girls Gloria Fralick Orillia ttT Slicllcy Walters rillia 85 Glcndii Cunningham rillia itit Vocal Soltr Spccial 12 ycars and under girls lcrosa Jackson Parry Sound 85 Tammy Brecklcs rillia Ht Jody Maltbyrilliatl Vocal Solo Spccial 14 years amt under Hoys Matthcw BONELESS RUMP AND Miller ltass Lakc no Andrews rilliu ttt Vocal Solo Sacrcd 14 years and undcr girls Slicllcy Waltcrs UriIIia 84 Krista Att wcll rillia 82 iloriu Fralick llarvcy rillia and Kristina Taylor rillizz nticd ttl Vocal Solo Sacrcd 13 years and under boys Edward tioss oldwzittr Vocal SolorSucictilti years and undcr girls Lynn Slatcr rilliu 86 Stcphanic lritcs rillia 83 Linda Cox Midland til Vocal SoloSucrcdltt and under Girls Maureen Moloncy Parry Sound 851 Slicila Maclciin rillia til you rs ROUND STEAK ROASTS LEAN BEEF BARBECUE ROASTS FRESH MINCED BEEF SWEET PICKLED CORNED BEEF SLICED BABY BEEF 45 45 633 brings fine Emery Contracting Co Ltd in 1971 with Hanney later issuing promissory notes to Emery said Ikeda The work was invoiced as costs at large construction project he said Other acts included the pur chase of two Zenith color televi sion sets by Hanney for Emery said lkeda Hanney he said then told the supplier to provide an accommodating in voice In May 1971 testified Ikeda Emery purchased gas powered golf cart for $193725 Hanney then prepared an in voice for the rental of generator at the same cost Emery didnt pay $226549 on income in 1971 and evaded pay ing $426509 the next year said lkeda Financial records were seiz ed at the Emerys and Han neys homes after fouryear investigation he testified Hanney evaded paying $1026078 in 1971 and $143040 in 1972 The federal taxes evaded by Emcrys company were $455434 said Ikeda Crown Attorney Michael Steinbery told Judge Nadeau stiff fine should be imposed because the evasions were deliberate acts of fraud and not just gross negligence He said he would not ask for jail term though because of Emerys serious heart condi tion Judge Nadeau said Emerys health saved him from jail My initial view was that the offence required substantial iail term he said He called the evasions the esults of calculated pre irranged schemc nutritional guidance Let the experts take care of you with ï¬re examlner WOdnosday Aprll 27 1977 the adoptabes This weeks feature pet Pebbles adds new dimensions to the expression walk the dog The 3yearold spayed female is friendly and housetrained as well as talented Shes available for adoption at the Barrie Humane Society shelter on Patterson Road Examiner Photo FBARRIE mama clinic VECOLELLrADT Complete Denture Service 726472 149A Dunlop St Barrie Member Denturist Society of ontorio individualized programs and TRIM UP WITH THIS SPECIAL OFFER FROM THE BARRIE FITNESS CLUB 1977 at 730 pm in the Council Chambers of bottle of cough syrup May date City Hall and interested persons are invited mum One week guest pass to attend or write to ex ress their inion on for Rowbothom RINDLESS littlest Robert Rowbotham will up lhls mallet PHONE coupon valid till May 15th pear in provincial criminal court in Barrie May 17 to set date for preliminary hearing on charges of trafficking hashish oil The former Beeton resident is jointly charged with John Mepstead Acting Crown attorney John Burgar says Howbotham scheduled appearance in the Barrie court Tuesday was cancelled because his trial in Brampton is still continuing Stroughon AMCT CMC City Clerk Box 400 Barrie Ontario LAM 4T5 BARRIE FITNESSer 65 Collier St 7372231