Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Apr 1977, p. 27

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81 births SWITZE Ron and Sylvia are pleased to announce the birth of their twins Laurie Ann and Robert Allen born on April 16 1977 Brother and sister for Danny and grandson and grand daughter tor Mr and Mrs Leslie Switler Barrie 85 deaths STROZYK Mary At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Saturday April 23 1977 Mary Strozyk in her 83rd year beloved wife of the late Adam Strozyk loving mother of Martha Mrs Wade of RR No Thornton Freida Mrs Walat of Chicago Henry of Toronto and John of Encinitas Califor nia Dear grandmother of grand children and greatgrandchild Dear sister at Julia of Poland Martha 01 Ger man John and Emil both at Germany Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford 5t Barrie Visitation from Monday at 230 pm Service in the chapel on Tuesday April 26 at 11 am in terment Woodland Cemetery Hamilton at approximately pm 87 in memoriams LAROUE In loving memory at dear father and grandfather Leo Laroue who passed away April 271976 We wont forget the way you smiled And the things you used to say The many things you did tor us In your kind and loving way The thoughts we have trom day to day Nolengtholtimecan take away For in our hearts you are always near Still loved and missed and very dear Sady missed and lovingly remembered by Paula and Walt Strasser and family 77 BULMER in loving memory of dear husband Melville who passed away April 27 1970 Fondly loved and deeply mourned Heartol my heart miss you so Often my dear my tears will flow Dimming your picture whereer go Tissad buttrue will abide Until some day well be side by side $adly missed and always remembered by wife Jean 88 coming events New firms created dissolved SUDBURY Ont CP You wont find them listed on the Vancouver Stock Exchange but the lowpriced stocks ped dled by Junior Achievements Sudbury Ltd have traded well in the Sudbury area despite the shortlived nature of the com panies it operates Now in its fifth year of oper ation the Junior Achievement program established here through the efforts of thc Sud bury and District Chamber of Commerce creates new com panies each fall dissolves them ARNOLD the following spring and 41 repeats the process the Funeral Home8 Chapel NEARLY NEW SALE followmg year Ma and Students are coached by 127 BAYFIELD ST 728 2530 to pm prOfessmnal busmess people in the areas of manufacturing Friendly Courteous Service TRINITY PARSH HALL sales accounting ad MWFTF Articles received and tagged 86 card of thanks DORION Grateful to doctors DeKen Monday May 7261582 7265486 ministrative and personal workareas that would con front business managcrs in the da toda erations of their nedy Curtis Henry and Green nurses Auspices Trinity ACW cozcern yn pex klde Dave and staff on 6th floor Royal Victoria A20 27 28 29 30 Hospital thanks for prayers visits distance calls card Qctavs Down NOTICE deadline for classified FRIDAY APRIL 29 1977 AT 800 PM Mantle the chambers representative on the Junior Achievement Sudbury board of directors 1n the five years since the word ads program was introdiiced 18 IRISH SCOTTISH DANCE companies have been formed Femurng me McMonus with corporate members rang DTEVIOUS daV Bmmes ing from 14 to 19 years of age noon Saturday ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 1M0 19 auction sales SAT APRIL 30 AUCTION SALE OF FARM MACHINERY ST VINCENT ST Door Prizes Include Ist side of beef 2nd clock radio $500 PER PERSON This year seven area high schools are involved in 1110 pro gram through thc participation of 42 of their students They are supported by team of 71 local business sponsors working behind the scenes Inc 1020 McD tractor ap A29 This school 3111le0 coin Pr°X 1929 Fordson tractor Electric CO rS coming To Town piInICSiIICllipioduclltm 1929 Case tractor VA model hp Int gas engine hp Fairbanks Morse engine hp Fairbanks Morse gas engine etc drag saw tools household items etc 1973 Chev ton wheel drive truck For Norm Beamish in the village of BINde Over $800 in Prizes Knights of Columbus Every Thursday Night EMBASSY HALL Early Bird starts 730 pm Thrcc clcctric powcrcd urban curs hum down hicagos State Strcct for opening of Iii tcrniitional Electric chiclc Exposition Monday At top is oppcr lcvclopmciit Associiitcs lown iirz ccntrc is Fiat IClcctric in ur and below is ilobc lnion lnc four passcngcr Endiirzi rll ziri Iisign vchiclcs and styling cxcrciscs AP Photo Phone special books Can Do is engaged in the manufacturing and salcs of wmdzindpeg gzimc based upon thc popular tictactoc rzifls manufactures and sells pasta picturcs Each is dcscribcd as on original dc signed by lhc work tcam and Waiting patiently for tests WWW the examlner Wednesday Aprll 21 1977 27 Some of tho 50 test dummies at the General Motors proving grounds in Milford Mich are restrained by shouldcr belts whilc being stoer on whcclcarts The dummics cost bctween crcatcd from spaghetti muczi $10001 and $12000 and are made to govcrnmcnt spccs by private contractor Thc model in Minesmg Regulorazoo pm roiii and other lVfIlliIldO lypcs foreground is slatcd for Zillmilcpcrhour barricr crash tcst and will wear lap belt in an Graham Allen Auctioneer 7C $1 50 of pasta airbagcquippcd vchiclc The Department of Iransportatiou will conduct hcaring in SCL N° 57 EverygtesAelcome Both arc houscd in SpilCL Washington today on Occupant rcstraint systcms 7265055 or 7372491 A2729 72 sales help agents WTF THE LEADING COMPANY in the marketing of new home subdivisions throughout southern Ontario has limited number of openings for Licensed Real Estate Agents and special openings for those with management ex perience CHECK THESE ADVANTAGES Locotions throaghout south western Ontario High volume sales situations Generous financial benefits Continuous openings of new subdivi5ions to main tairtain volume Maximum advertising and promotion °Proven management support OProfitable resale referral system Benefit fron the experience and knowledge of the most uptodate progressive real estate company in the marketing of new homes For confidential interview MRS HEATON 4162705809 ROSS LLOYD MARTIN ENTERPRISES LTD A27H 78 tenders ford be in attendance on these dates or from Public Tenders Office Telephone 416 9651 152 9654770 successful bidders Ontario 78 tendeis Ontario Governmentzfender SALE OF PROPERTY Tenders are invited for the purchase of threebedroom bungalow with full basement and attached garage situated on lot 50 by 168 and located at 99 Thornton Avenue Brad This property may be viewed from 1030 am to 830 pm Monday May 16 1977 and Tuesday May 17 1977 when representative of the Ministry of Government Services will Tender documents may be obtained from the representative Ministry of Government Services Room M143A Macdonald Block Queens Park Toronto Ontario NOTE For further information please contact Mr Davis Ministry of Government Servicns Toronto Telephone 416 bid deposit of ten percent which must be submitted with the tender documents will be promptly returned to un Sealed tenders will be received until 300 pm Friday May Ministry of Government Services Heating and Ventilation Installation Wasaga Beach Provincial Park TENDER No PKS777 aid OTIAWA II For Hob Beach the tclcphonc and lot of rcfcrcncc books arc kcy lll grcdicnts in thc buttlc against pollution compulcr liclps too Btiltll is liczid of thc national cnvironincnt cmcrgcncy ccntic of thc fcdcriil cnviromncnl dc partmcnt llint mcims hc trics to kccp track of any il1llll across thc country which couscs pollution 11c docs it from ii small officc ncur thc top of 11 skyscrupcr in which lic has it tclcplionc iiciir his clbo and lot of rcfcrcncc books including lhosc on thc propcrtics of industrial mctiils and cliciniczils Its noisy olficc with lilc phonc calls and constant visits from coorkirs in othci Stt tions of lhc IImironmcnt lror tch ion Scrvicc lJlSi lhc compulcr can spill out Iitails on availability and loca tion of cquipmcnl to bc put to use in any cnvironmcnlal cincr gcncy lhc lclcphonc is thc main link bclwccn thc ccntic and Iii cnvironmcnt officcs across thc country which rcport to it as soon as thcy learn of spills TIIIIRilINlISlllIll lhc tclcphonc also puts thc ccntrc in touch with officials of thc military cozist guard and lhc dcpzirtmcnts of transport fishcrics cncrgy and Indian and northcm affairs lhc MP and municipal policc and officials oi various provincial dcpartmcnts hiivc also bccn cnlislcd in thc rcporting of ucci dciils Ihilc many of thc iccidcnls such IS tunkcrtruck spills small pipclinc brcziks and olhcr problcms tillllll12111lllili lhc local or rcgional lcvcl with lit tlc if any involvcmcnl of thc ccnlrc it docs kccp track of such incidcnts to scc if it can dclccl any iiol iccublc lrcnds ltul through thc compulcrs national cmcrgcncy cquipmcnl locutor syslcm unyonc iii yolvcd in clczming up spill can gcl information on cquipmcnl availablcforlhctusk liczich said hc ciimc to lllt ccntrc in its infancy fivc yciirs ago bccziusc of his spicizilly in otxrzitions lcarncd as formci flyboy and naval officcr flc cnlistcd thc computcr to sct up syslcin for thc collcc tion sloragc and Itllltll of in formation on spills and dis covcrcd thc lclcphonc to bc thc bcst way to organizc in alcrt ing and rcport ing nct work lhc rcfcrcncc books tlt lo Ilfililt cciilrc stuff to lcll clcunup crows lhc bcst way to hundlc various pollut tints In major accidcnls Beachs olticc can bc turncd iiilo coin llliillil licadquzirtcrs whcrc 11 group of cxpcrls from various dcportmcnls illl ilSStlTlll to plot ii cleanup and deploy cquipmcnl Mining company seeks workers for project coming events NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING Barrie Community Credit Union at BLUE FLAME ROOM ConsumersGas Building THURS APRIL 28 1977 01730 pm Discussion will include reports from the Board of Directors and various committees election of officers bylaw amendments anddividends Under the auspices of BEAVER REBEKAH LODGE ON MAY 4th From to pm 155 Ferris Lane Barrie A2730 oesscnr um APRIL 30 1977 Ipm 104 pm Bazaar table homemade baking ST THOMAS HALL Ellti CPi Syn crudc anzidzi lld diic to begin Athabasca oilszmd mining pro liiction in May of ncxt year is bchind in ruruitmcnt says It Simonds thc companys manpower and rccruilmcnl manugci Wc nccd about lllti heavy duty opcrutors and 1011 mechan ics right away said Simonds llicsi arc salaried pcr mzincnt positions worth $181itta month cxcluding ovcrtimc and shift diflircntizil llc said coustytwcousl drivc lxginning in British nccd unothcr 15111 inch by latc 1978 Wanch iiio ziilministrzitivc profcssionul lcchnicul and hourlypaid workcrs Ihcy in cludc minc munugcrs cngi nccrs accountants mechanics instrumcnl tcchniciaiis mil lwriglils and ficld and plant op criilors Many of tho pcoplc nccdcd to start up lhc $2+lillion plant arc in ii scllcrs markct with thcir skills in demand from nu pollution battle Ilclp is also available from tho oil industry which is ticd in to thc syst cm and soon Bcacb hopcs from clicmiczil manufac lurcrs and thc pulp and pupcr industry Also conncctcd to thc EMS is group of cnginccrs that stud ics ill proposcd ncw dcviccs and tcchniqucs for clczining up spills lhcrc is grcat varicly Itciich said but most arc lim itcd lo usc in ccrlziin particular circumslzmccs lozmcd by ILilcoiibridgc Nickcl Mincsldd flow chart on thc wall dc picts booming busincss lhcrc was pcriod of modcrzitc growth at thc outsct followcd by stccp curvc rcflccling sulcs suitc1974 liy fltl tlic most successful product to bc mzirkctcd was ii lXtltilll lightci dcsigncd for usc in rccrcnlion rooms and coltzigcs Itrcwcrs ltclziil couldnt gct ovcr it wlicn 10011141013 st ruck upon thc novcl approach which indircclly rcsultcd in thc rccycling of uscd bccr contain crssziidf1inllc Its ultimate beauty spot llllTKEl ISLAND Thailand iAli Hero is perhaps Thaiv Izmds ultimate beauty spot milcs of barcly touclicd tropical bcuchcs jziggcrl limcstonc clif fs rising out of tlic sczi lush mungrovcs giant sca turtles and tilill gzirdcns lhc wild scascapcs scrvcd as backdrops for James Bond movic tlirillcr lhc Man with tho Goldcn fun Tourist bro churcs urgc lovers of thc un The Prince and the schoolgirls spoilcd and thc sccludcd to scc it now Four hundrcd milcs away 1105 Ialtziya skylinc of highrisc inlcrnalionzil holcls bcuch pollutcd by oil slicks droppings and colony of young hustlcrs picying on sun starved Europczm tourists Ia laya is billcd as Southcast Asias compch sca rcsort Sonic tourist officials and on vironiiicntalists vicw fattziya as classic cxzimplc of un bridch tourist dcvclopmcnl and Ihukcl as 2i lcst cusc of whclhcr cvcn lhc worlds most thrilling paradiscs can bc at lcasl partially prcscrvcd from buildcrs travcl zigcnts and govcrnmcnts cugcr for tourist rcvcnuc CONTROLSPLANNED lhcrc is talk about trying to go back to stcp onc il latliiya by putting in controls most ugrcc should havc bccn thcrc whcn big piivzitc dcvclopcrs movcd in loss than 10 ycars ago and found quict fishing villagc and singlc modcrn hotcl on lovely curve of the Gulf of Siam As for Ihukct hc Tourist ganilal ion of Thailand Ilt T1 is trying to implcmcnt it inzistcr plan It calls for strict zoning in kccp C0111111tltlill cntcrpriscs from cncroaching on bcach zirczis forbidding hotcls tallcr than coconut palms and other mcasures dcsigncd to lcsscn the impact of anticipach mass tourism on thc cnvironincnt What makes lliukcl an cvcn sharpcr contcst of bcziuty ver sus profit is that thc 2TIyll milc island and its offshore areas form onc of thc richcst tin deposits in thc world con tributing about two pcr ccnt to Thailands gross national prod uct Ihc bczichcs in thc southcrn part of thc islzind are already pony irrevocably degraded said environmcntal engineer liar vcy Ludwig Even if the on shore tin mining stoppcd today its doubtful that nature could rcstorc them except over period of many decades WATER IIlllEl shorc miners punch out cyesorc craters which are rarely rcfillcd and dump silt in to slrcnms that flow into the sea ffshorc flouting dredgcs suck up cvcrylhing off the sea floor down to bedrock then dis gorgc all but tin concentrates back into thc water avcragcsizc drcdge can out up about 60011 cubic yards of scabcd day completely destroying thc existing marine ecology in thc area said Lud wig an Amcrican expert who wrotc an ll1t011111nlill report on Ihukcl for lhc lhai govern incnl last your more subtle destruction may comc froin the silt and mud wastcs which settle on coral fragile organism which nccds sunlight filtcrcd through clcnr watcr to livc Tourism in any real sense he gain hcrc about five years ago Growth has bccn slow largely bccausc of the islands distance from Bangkok21 good days drive and thc small airport which can currcntly handlc oiin small turbo jcts lhcrc are still just fcwv largc hotels Sonic bcachcs arc dotlcd with bungalows or local houses that takc in young trav cllcrs for the equivalent of 50 cents night thcr bcachcs havc no accommodation and can bc rczichcd only by dirt roads or paths But thc TOT estimates that by 1993 sonic 760000 tourists will flock to thc island com pared with lhc 2111100 that came in 1975 Enter aul Sadlons Yes enter Paul Sadlons exciting Tuneup can test NOW To qualify simply drop in to Paul Sadlon Motors for spring tuneup fill out ballot and you could be lucky winner of these prizes The deadline is May 31 1977 and the 271977Pleasequote File No 3051017Bradford6 A27 lilmhiir iS Mini launched to mariade findthcsc and otlicrmcn The highestor anytender will notnecessorily be accepted DESSERT TEA we 0an Smyth behind riiicc harlcs of Ianglzinil talks wnh IiiyearMds lltmtl Bottiug loft and Roscniary BAKE SALE in recruihmm Elmo of rowtliir siconil lift Monday afternoon when he opcncd the sports hall at chcnoaks rm School wliilc visiting Kcnt Fiona and Roscmiiry are two of only scvcn girl pupils among ibie Halogen A27My4 FANCY GOODS in antll Ms dui Htu spring said Simonds But we headlight set 300000 candlepower Valued to $94 GMC Home or Auto gan Prize v7 Sealed tenders will be received by the District Manager Ministry of Natural Resources Huronia District Office Midhurst Ontario until 1200 Noon on May l3th 1977 for the supply and installation of hot water heating and ventilation systems in the Ookview Recreation Complex draw will take place June Ist 1977 First Aid Kit Fire Extinguisher Valued to $58 SHANTY BAY incrous induslrics said Si Inonds C0ntract Documents and Drawings may be obtained at Wasaga Beach Provincial Park 22nd Street Wasaga Beach Ontario Air conditioning spring service special price til May 31 st Paul Sadlon 726181 233 Bradford St Barrie There will be returnable deposit of twentyfive dollars $2500 in the form of money order or certified cheque required for the Ten der Documents and Drawings For further information contact Mr Jim Dales at 705 4292516 LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED Hon Frank Miller Minister Dr Reynolds Deputy Minister A2728My45 You ca too Call 7372020 What you hear may change your life oIsh in

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