the examiner Saturday April 23 1977 extra El Salvador crisis seen worsening SAN SALVADOR AP President Arturo Armando Mo lina faced deepening crisis today as Communists backed the kidnapping of tlte foreign minister while Roman Catholic Church leaders accused the government of El Salvador of torturing priests The Communist party considers this action the kidnap ping of Foreign Minister Mauricio Borgonovo as just de fence of human rights stepped on in our country by the mili tary dictatorship party statement said The Communist party of El Salvador supports without reserve this action Borgonovo 37 member of one of the countrys wealthiest families became the second topranking official to be abducted this year when group of armed men broke into his home and seized him Tuesday Tourism Minister Roberto Poma was kidnapped Jan 27 and the government released several prisoners to obtain his release However he was found dead month later Excommissioner pleads guilty HAMILTON CPI Kenneth Elliott former Hamilton harbor commissioner pleaded guilty in county court Friday to three charges of conspiring with others to suppress taxable income of more than $300000 from 1970 to 1973 and to evading tax on income of $22600 in 1970 Elliott 44 was sentenced in July 1975 to sixyear prison term for fraud conspiracy and uttering forged documents He will be sentenced on the current charges May Charges were laid in connection with suppressed income from payoffs and kickbacks received for harbor projects Evidence showed total of $274569 was received by Elliott in 1971 and 1972 and that figure included payoff of 15 cents cubic yard for $12 million dredging contract awarded by Elliott Transactions involving false invoices and fictitious consulting fees were also part of the conspiracy To replace stamp portrait OTTAWA CPl pic ture of the Parliament Buildings will replace the Queens portrait on the 12 cent firstltclass postage stamp to be released May Post office spokesman John Blenkiron said Friday it is the first time the Queen has not been on the definitive stamp He said he could give no particular reason for the change The post office issues two types of stamps in various denominations Definitives are regular issue stamps used to prepay firstclass let ters Commemorative stain ps feature personalities or events anti are available in limitedquantities QUEEN LIZABETII Says smokes tax retroactive OTTAWA CPI An Ottawa cigar store owner com plained Friday that the Ontario government is levying retroactive tax on cigarettes and tobacco Mike Comerford said the provincial government wants him and other merchants to increase taxes on cigarettes and tobacco that they had in stock before Tuesdays budget speech In its speech the government announced that the tax on package of 20 cigarettes would increase by five cents and the tax on cigars and cuttobacco was doubled The store prcpaid its tobacco taxes at the prebudgct rate to its wholesalers Comerford said Now the govern merit wants him to mark up the stock again to cover the new taxes Jury urges firearms warning SARNIA Ont CPI coroners jury recommended on Friday that publicity about the dangers of firearms be di rected toward children as well as adults The jury investigating the shooting death last Jan 11 of Charlene Shelly Boyle 12 of Mooretown Ont ruled that the girl was accidentally shot in the head by an 11yearold who thought he was using an unloaded rifle in game of cops and robders The jury also recommended that parents with small children in their homes should take special precautions when storing firearms and ammunition Mooretown is about 20 miles south of here Funeral service for Cardinal ARMAGH Northern Ireland Reuteri Cardinal William Conway head of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland sin ce 1965 was buried here Friday at service surrounded by tight security precautions The 6+yearold cardinal died last Sunday after long illness Black has seventeen reasons why you should prepare your income tax return Reason Number Seven at Block has offices open all year long Preparing income tax returns is their business and that requires being available to help whatever time of year that help is needed You can know that Black will be there H8R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 15 Dunlop St Open pm weekdays 95 Sat Phone 7263012 OPEN TONITE N0 APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Georgian Mnll DURING REGUlAI STORE NOUIS AlSO IN CANADA TRUST IT APPOINTMENT DUNlOP ST Its National Secretaries Week Mayor Ross Archer officially declares this week National Sccntarics Wink in liarril With Mary Morris president of the ionic and District chapter of the National Ncrctaries Association The association was formed to hpr secretaries sharc ideas and skills flux aiiiiiicr photo joinCanada preposal reiecfed OTTAWA Pi The omr mons in effect rejected pri vale members bill Friday that would have required parliar mentary committcc to dccidc whether some sunny aribbcan islands should bc joined to anA ada The motion proposed by Prince Edward Island oii servative Heath Macquarric Hillslxnouglil never came to vote in the hour set aside for debate on it It is unlikely to be debated again in this session of Parliament Libcral Maurice Foster IAI gomat said if Turks and aicos Islands with combincd popu lation of 7000 wcrc joined to Canada neighboring islands would clamour for the same new standard of living Tanada could not afford Io meet the do mand Turks and aicos are two of 10 islands in the West Indies Five of thcm arc Britiin associe atc statcs and five arc frowii colonies Ridiculous Michael Forrestall flC Iart motitb Halifax East said of Fosters argumcnt rallicr selfish vcry narrow point to view to takc Foircstall emphasized that Macquarrics motion would merely require committcc of MPs and senators to dccidc whctlici anada should liavc closcr economic and political relations with islands in the West liidics country lmng to the high cost of home ownership from IllilillWlIll Beautifully built homes in clean quiet country atmosphereond very affordable Wed like to show you our variety of homes and lots Write or Call collect Toke mm of Barrie and turn loft on lino Oro ml Near Ion lotto nip OYAGEUR utvuou BOYS 912 enjoy an individualized program in set ting of unsurpassed natural beauty They learn swimming canoeing sailing woodslore and trip ping in the friendly environment of small camp near Algonquin Park Maximum 35 boys BOYS 1318 experience the challenge of long distance wilderness canoe travel counselled and guided by experts in groups of 10 with staff The boys develop and practice the skills needed for life long enioyment of the outofdoors Call 7266274 Write Voyageur Camps ltd Box 996 BARRIE Ontario SMMMNG PO 0L3 543 12etggacgtï¬q =3 7280 Big Cedar Estates is unique community of spooous modular homes created to give you free and easy country lifestyle Within minutes of great shop ping entertainment schools and churches and the famous Huronia winter and summer recreation areas pamper yourself While you enjoy the recreation centre walk to the take put tering in the community vegetable garden or your own golfing fishing skiing well do the work Well cut the grass collect the garbage plow the snow and look after your home if you go South in the winter totxggmr Bar rie me2 gt 34 die in Pakistan clashes Four cties under martial law ISLAMABAI AP The ar my under orders to shoot cur few violators on si ht enforced martial law in Pa istans four largest cities today after one of the bloodiest days in the six weeks of political violence As many as 34 persons died Friday most in clashes be twoen army troops or police and demonstrators demanding the resignation of Prime Minis ter Zulfikar Ali Bhutto The opposition Pakistan Na tional Alliance llNAl has laun chcd campaign of protest marches and general strike to press Bhutto to call new elec tions Bhuttos Pakistan Peoples party won nearly IWo thirds of the National Assembly seats in March balloting which the INA says was rigged The Worst incident Friday was in Karachi whcrc prolcst ers took advaiitagc of break in the iiltUlllIlltrflk curfcw anti staged march Army troops met them at Tiridgc and opened fire aftcr issuing warning to lispcrsc Unofficial reports said 22 per sons were kilch and 200 woutr dcd The government said livc persons were killed and 13 in jurcd MAltilAl LAW IMIOSIJI Seven million of tlic nations 66 million pcoplc were living Best Side Beautify your home with weatherproof aluminum siding ORKSIMCOE Painswick Ont Call 7262017 ii busy 7286892 Residential and Commercial Fencing Specialiling in custom fence systems IT ONLY Ni lyii Il ytill under martial law They live in the cities of Karachi and Hy derabad in the south and La hore and Lyallpur in the north The general strike was ob served in many cities Friday and protest marches were staged in Karachi Sargodha Lyallpur Multan Peshawar Bannu Nawabshah Sukkurjn Imirpur Rawalpindi Quetta and Dera Ghazi Khan In mar tiaIlaw areas such as Lahore some protesters shouted anti government slogans from their rooftops Five persons died in Daska an agricultural town in eastern Punjab 110 miles south of the capital in clash between sup porters and foes of the regime Two persons died in the com mercial centre of Sargodha in central Punjab after police fired on opposition agitators who set fire to railway station and ripped up the track One person died and four oth ers were wounded when police shot into crowd of demonstra tors in Peshawar If you are retired or planning to retire hortly Learn about Retirement in Florida chitiiilicr tliosc days when lillllllllttl would List toroviii wliiii you longed lot more hours to enjoy lilIIVllilffs like grill swimmiu or just soaking up lllt stiii show you how to lll like IIlltlll having to llt one Florida retirement starts as low as $22 lipli llili lisliiIis Is on Illf tllll iiiwilietl sunny lull sidi Illt oiisl llfittlll Sarasota Ilitt iiius adult Illflllllt home is ilcstiuid to III lioiiouis ltIlli illltl ilicgaiii propit itl1llltfltll livflii fiiiiiliiiis tll iniiid till mu lioiiiis ill with tivol litillilritillls lllt yt lioiuis illt lllll ipialin llicv till liivi spot it dining rooms and kill litus iaipitiwl si Iltllll port lics it appliaiii llllfl out llrl it Would ll ll iliililioiisi and sniliiiniii pi priili Ill at It lulu IH kitl lio ipiii lliislllliils IItwlilllr iiliiltwitili1iiiiiisit arcall out Ill siglit itlltl sound iirliooiiis all with two lully illl iouditionid Itiuiiitiliillv liindsi it itll on large priiati lots 1It With the ill cent on All lioiuis ilit equipped llll lltltlt modern tropii il loudsi ipiil park uitli plush voti wisliied that And those tiiiiies makre the most tiiiiiiis lisliing ill we can iiillioniiiro to your own facilities Iorno and sci and pitrk up al about retiring we will fly yot 9000 unspoiltd til iiridii along lid lorl Mvisrs lltll roviil pinis aliouud itllfl Illl liiutitc is sulitriipii ill llcrc wrvc criciitiid an elegant ioiiimunity that oil awards for fjiiiiii iiiil ltillll vliv Mapli lcal iistaties is prolmlilv llitI you arc looking for lliis MAP riiidiiiris with 24 foot wide wliolly cont ius living rooms many WIIll fully Ilfl llflltlii rooms lieiiiling iivolt coiiiriiiiiiitius ki to livi iii it ll htfl licsitlc Will lisli out till closc liyliut MLSRE our 14 Wednesday April 27 waAleitgl BAWil Ur 41 Maple Loaf listatos tliieros ovary facility to let you make the most of your time And you can of your money reasonable rental ovors lawn care cable TV home security roliiso mmoval and complete access iililiousi and all recreational our film on Maple Leaf Estates lillff inforiiiiitioii youll need to Ilorida If youre interested down for lon weekend Iirst liandilook fora nomiiiali irirgo Mr LII LEAP ESTATES Port Charlotte Florida rolled subsidiary of llayuicst loiisolidatid Holding Limitiediol Toronto lplr and builder of residential Represented in Barrie by AIIOP APPRAISAIS ovomi 88V ub 1H iuflviJk vli INFORMATIVE SEMINAR SHOWINGS 1977 230 PM 730 PM Holiday Inn Barrie POOL THATS BUILT TO LAST ltlll Clel It illlti Ititlt unlit haw tiiiiilit its ii lot BARRIE Indoor Sliowmoius North Barrie Plaza just north of the Pop Shoppe on Hwy 26 7264606 INE 0f PLEASE Small racecoevorflvoun Refreshments and colour film Adults only Vimzwm va and its only available from PlonEEB P0015 Pioneer Pools is respected lcadci iii Ontario The FantaSea Mark III is one ofthe best constructed pools available Its only fitting that Ontarios favorite pool and one of Ontarios loading pool companies get together to offer the best pool value on todays iiiaikct FROM COMPANY THATS PROVEN IT CAN Oidci yoiii laiita 31m lool today toi Itlll tllytlyflltlli all Summer long Take advantage of the special low reintroductoiy piitis titt titlly installation Swmi til the clean pure water of your very own FaniaSea FOOI right in your VIty iiw llitthllilltl litlilX by lI party by II barbecue by it have ball in ilaIISiimmer long Let us show you how easy II is to put you and your family into the fun life of owning your own Pioneer FantaSea TOP QUALITY ABOVE AND INGROUND POOLS 24 PAGE CATALOGUE OF POOLS PIONEER POOLS THE AWARD WINKRS NAME ADDRESS CITY POSTAL C00 QAKviLLE SHOWROOMS OPEN suuo SOUTH SERVICE RD EAST OF TRAFALGAR AT THE OEW