Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1977, p. 9

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neighborly news new Iowell by Beulah Tompkins 42410242 Mr and Mrs Walter Spicher of Angus and Mrs Frances Patton attended the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Harold Wood at Wasaga Beach on Saturday Mr and Mrs Bill Patton and Todd and Mrs Frances Patton spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Walter Spicher in Angus Mr and Mrs Roy Patton spent Sunday with Mrs Mary Stacey and family Mr and Mrs Don Carter and baby of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Lamers and Mr and Mrs Harry Presser Mr and Mrs Bill Tompkins spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gord McKenzie and family in Richmond Hill and joined in welcome home party for newphew Barry just return ed home from Japan Mr and Mrs Neil Mac Namara and Bobby of Willowdale spent couple of days with Mrs Bea Lockhart Mr and Mrs Reg Rowe of Iron Bridge spent couple of days with Mr and Mrs scar Rowe Mr and Mrs Charlie Canr bourne spent the weekend with Mr anf Mrs Elmer Hare in Cavan Mr and Mrs Ross Hiltz of Avening spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Larry Hiltz Mr and Mrs Arden Tinney of rillia spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Don Pilon and family Mr and Mrs Darby of Burford spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Blen Snow and family Mr and Mrs Harry Mansbridge spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Ron French in Stroud Arlecn Ayton and Cathy Parks of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Charlie McNabb and boys Mrs Collins of Barrie is visiting with Mr and Mrs Ted Loiigley and family Mr and Mrs Ron White of Ottawa spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ed White Glad to report that Mr Tom Herbert and Mathew Miller are both home from Barrie Hospital Mathew underwent surgery We wish both speedy recovery and continued good health The 4H Achievement Day will be held at the New Lowell Community entre on Saturday The topic Cotton Review and there will also be fashion parade of fashion Please plan to attend all are welcome hawkestone bv Muriel Hart 4872030 Members of the St Aidans ACW are making plans for their annual bazaar and bake sale tentatively set for July 19 Congratulations to Thomas Boucher who will celebratc his 94th birthday April 22 Sympathy is expressed to Mr and Mrs phic Leigh on the death of Mrs Leighs sister Mrs John Irwin of rillia Mrs Irwin died at Soldiers Memorial Hospital in Drillia April 16 after lengthy il lness Funeral service was con Funeral Home Monday April 18 Interment was at Bolsover Ccmetary Mr and Mrs Harold Dunn flew home from Florida April 16 after Harold became ill Several St Aidans residents attended the Open House at the United Church mass April 17 to welcome Rev and Mrs De Quetterille and family to the communi ty Mr and Mrs Bert McEvoy returned home after spen ding month with their daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Brian Duffy in Calgary Alta Mr and Mrs Victor Bell spent Easter with their son and his family Mr and Mrs Doug Bell of Willowdale Mr and Mrs Glen Gil christ spent Easter with Mr and Mrs Frank Bell of Toronto Mrs James Leigh spent Easter Week with Mr and Mrs Crawford Leigh of Willowdale She also visited other relatives thornton by Mrs Holt 4589298 Mary Selby and Afra Sjerps won the 5050 draw at the Thornton range hall at the final euchre of the winter Card winners were Roy Holt of Egbert Ross Chipchase and Ben Steers of Bradford while the ladies prizes went to Georgina Hutv chinsou of Stroud Alice Symons of Cookstown and Lila Marquis of Stroud Mr and Mrs George Holt Mr and Mrs Angus Camp bell attended the funeral of Jamie Robertson of St Pauls Sympathy is extend ed to his mother Ruby Mon rison Robertson Thornton Womens In stitute will hold election of officers at the annual meeting Thursday at the Lakcview Restaurant About 113 people attended the annual niciis supper at Trinity ITiiited Church obert Thompson of RR it ookstown was guest speaker Eight of the Trinity Lnitcd hurch Women attcndul tli Easter lhankoffering general meeting at St James Church Stroud Mrs Ken Gray of Stroud was guest speaker Mr and Mrs icorgc Lu cas of Toronto isitcd with Scott Sharp and Clarence Mtiiiro gilford by Mrs Sawyer 7753666 Spring luncheon The Gilford LTnited hurch Women held their Spring Luncheon in Giltord Hall on Thursday March 31 More than 1ttpcoplc attended The speaker was Lyn Cook who is an author of childrens books Barbara Kaasalaincn friend at liltord and LTCW nitiiibcr introduced Miss ook who was thanked by Jcan Kell ottoii Tailors The Gilford otton Tailors ended their spring Hi pro ject Cotton on Review on April It with Achicvcmciit Day at the Churchill llall During the morning Giltord and four other clubs lroin around the arca met and had activities such as quixcs In the afternoon parents and friends arrived for the pro Cotton and its characteristics was shown Janet Jack or president and Noreen Hughes were the commentators Lynn Jack and Angela Hughes dec orated the black board with white construction paper and border of cotton patches black tablecloth set it off Each club also put on fashion show modelling the cotton garments they made Our theme was Sports and Cheerleading Barb Kell composed the lyrics and the commentators speech while Lynn Richards was the com ineiitator Nancy Jean Clubine and Linda Slingerland received certificates for the comple tion of their second project while Lynn Richard received her County Honors Award Many thanks to our leaders Mrs Roscwell and Mrs Hughes The Gilford 4H Garden club is commencing on Thursday April 21 at 730 pm at the Gilford United Church Euchre Party There was euchre party in Gilford Hall on Friday evening April 15 There were 14 tables of players Prizes went to Gladys Wright Mrs Donnell Wilda Cronan and Albert Wood Harold Cronan won the 5050 draw Lnited Church The United Church Women met at the home of Mrs Keith Kell on Thursday evenA iiig April 14 members in attendance President Mrs Bell con ducted the business meeting Mrs Russell and Mrs Thicsseii were in charge of the program chapter from the Study Book on Heart beats churchill by Mrs Saunter 7752470 IIIRCHILH Get well wishes to Bill lhoiiipson who is having an ciilorcod rest at Barrie hospital Iaul Dwayne son of Mr and Mrs Wayne Brown of Lefioy was baptised Sunday at the Anglican church by Reverend Walter Icc Several friends in Scottish attire attended the service The choir sang an anthem assisted by Bud Mallindiiic of Toronto liiiiieiiioiiam flowers wcrc placed by Mr and Mrs Charles Iclfrics andleorgcMimsliaw The interior of the com munity hall has bccii givcn fresh coat of paint by iill Akcrs much nccdcd im provcniciit Harry Sloan entertained his grandchildren from Bar iic on Good lirda by visitiiigarca farms Michael Julie lo and Darren were intrigucd with the baby animals cspcciiilly the lambs To Hawaii Betty Akcrs has enjoyed tworwccks vacation at Waikiki Beach Hawaii Shc dcscribcs the colorful flowers and scenery as iinbc litvcablc ictty enjoyed day in IIlt air touring the other seven islands in thc Hawaiian chain Auction Although April was cold and damp hi and ircta lhompsoii vcrc ploascd with thc rcsults of their iiiiplc ment and miscellaneous sale good crowd attcndcd Aii oblong buttcr bowl with Iadlc brought Slit with it the examiner Frlday April 22 1977 You dont have to be big By JOHN BRUCE Examiner Staff Reporter STAYNERStayner C01 legiate has only 550 fulltime students but in track and field competition it is more than match for schools with much larger student populations In 1975 and 1976 Stayner Col legiate finished third overall in the Georgian Bay Secondary School Association GBSSA track and field standings thirdplace finish might not seem too impressive but when one considers that Stayner competes against schools from Barrie Orillia Richmond Hill and Markham all with larger student populations to draw with larger student populations to draw from truer picture of the Stayner students achieve ment in track and field coma petition comes into focus led Petter head of the schools physical education department attributes that success to partnership bet ween the students and their coaches think mainly it is due to lot of ycarround dtxlication by the students and coaches he said Coaches Janet Hawlcy Liz Greer and Ernie Phin are very interested very keen and very dedicated individuals Pcttei said who spends literally hundreds of hours helping student athletes train and prepare for competition ilVil THEIR lTMUST With that kind of dedication from the coaches he said the students reciprocate by giving their utmost The result he said is Halls crowded at open house Crowded hails displays and demonstrations were featured at Stcelc Street Public School Tuesday evening when the school held an Open House as part of IIdiicatioii chk choir of if undci the I£ttItt ship of Kaicii Ihestoii pcifoiiii Visitors toured classiooiiis watching normal dziytiiiic ic tivitics taking place as HII as special projects planned tor tipcii House chcss challciigc iii Mr Iaylors Room Think Mctric workshop siipciviscd by Miss Dunn and Mr Spcaiiii an arithmetic spccd and ac curacy contest and workablc Scicncc Pair project ciicoiirag tlI participation from studciits visitorsandparciitsalikc Displays lIltItltIttI such things ii lthtoiyol Wool industrial ll work from Canadian thciiic tiaiisjmrtat ion and coin iiiiiiiicalioiis social stiidics and Stltlltt projects and art work Special features in thc gym ran continually from to it iii Primary music gymnastics deiiioiistrations choral iiiiisic and Home and School Assoc iatioii iiicctiiig highliglitcd by the installation of llt officers rcccivcd lIl intcrcst of great number of visitors throughout thccvcniiig Try Our Famous MIBAMAB successful track and field pro gram Weve always sent five or six students to the allOntario championships Petter said and we are always very com petitive in the GBSSA Track and field is traditional ly spring sport following hard on the heels of the high school basketball season But at Stayner Collegiate track and field training on tinues all year using school hallways and stairwells as training facilities Training for 12 months in stead of few weeks pays off when the track and field season gets underway They can be quite com petitive from the start Pctter said However track and field is not the only sport in which staff and students get deeply involv cd OACII Pettei said 17 of the 31 staff members either coach or act as assistant coaches for other sports such as basketball volleyball and hockey Principal John Freudeman also takes part he said acting as assistant coach for the track and hockey teams last year gt lMPERIAL CINEMA Ron Green left Dan Knccsliaw and Geoff Ilarris check their starting blocks while an unidentified student prepares to act as starter at practice for the Stayncr track team Examiner Ihoto Barrie 728 530 730 93 UNDAY SHO PM CINEMA THE FUNNIEST new COMEDY or THE YEAR Veinon Scott UNITED PRESS CAPTAIN is VRIER MIRACLRALY SATURDAY APRIL 23 730 PM John Le Vnev comes to us from Houston Texas After being given one year to live and after having 58 cobalt treatments plus an operation he attandod Kathryn Kuhlman meeting where he was completely hauled in February W71 He has served as the Captain of Police in Houston Texas for num bar oi years and since his healing has conducted services in over 1000 places where people have been saved and heaIad it HIWAY CHURC ANNE ST AT HWY 400 BARRIE ron 3RD THRILLINGEEK BIGGER more Excirimi TilAii Allilii PIIIII IIIEINIlMIN WARNINGl CONTAINS EXCESSIVE VIOLENCE COARSE LANGUAGE Theatres Goild Ont GEORGE ROY HILL FlLle RECOMMENDED 604PM ADULTNTERTAINMENT riitiiii 23 iiiiASiirs iii THE ammunitionair moonlit 1w PASSENGEBS snu mm ii ducted at the Doolittle gram An exhibit cntitlcd IIIWNBS M5 MUNICH arrives LEE GRANT SEEQNSEKVIIECEAIEON JOSEPH COTTEN tIi II of II iiiii ttktl IIvcrvo co dia grgus iii1ng Elli ii in 735fifitv OLIVIA de HAVILLANDDARREN MCGAVIN an li Hunt gts Vou somehow missed tliiI blitz BMW FacIIé omng mICHREL ONTKERN LINDSFlY CROUSE JENNIER WRRREN JERRY HOUSER and STROTHER mFlRTIN oWritten by NRNCY DOWDEdited by DEDE RLLEN music Supervision by ELmER BERNSTEIN Directed by GEORGE ROY HILL SCE check with thc ncarcst PRODICICI FLOORING iicighborhmd kid Liiiolcuni was first maniifac tured in 11173 by the American Banquet Linoleum Manufacturing Co Upcoming on April at is thc of Statcnlsland annual Browiiic Guide and Range plttiqtltl at the Lions Hall spiisorcd by thc local association catering by the Pondcrosa Steak House JAMES STEWARTas Phillip Stevens SPEECH Ty IIIIHIII SIIIIIII UIIIU SFIIIIIi Stun it CIIIIII and Wills IIIIIISIII WE 5i Jiltli IIEMS ittiltf it tliit ilMISii Pinticed ti Wiltltli litl lieiitiiipiiéiiei ilititiitlttj Serialiisuilttictsh llflllil WHtllUEt MIBAMAB EABDENS Licenced Tavern 41 Dunlap Sirw Barrie 4241 370 Simcoe Street School Its Education Week at Sim coc Street School Highlighting the week will be Spring Filllr tasy concert featuring the primary and junior classes tonight Students were out in full force selling hockey tickets on times of the winning goals in the final game of the Stanley Cup Winning goal time is 3500 first goal is 350 last goal is Sioo each additional goal is 5323 and Barrie Twin Drive In Theatre 487 2212 Parks Board rcmindcr that April 28 is the monthly schcdalcd Parks Board inccting at 730 hold at Simcoc Street School ADULT ENTERTAINMENT GEORGE SEGAL JANE FONDA FUN WITH DICKJANE VVIIII ED MCIVIAHON 94 Dunlop St West OPENING TONIGHT Barries onIy late night Fine Cuisine In CmmtryScttiiig Hwy of 27 CooksttMii tint Disco Open from 1000 pm till Great Dancing Great Music like Hitchcock at the top of his fom SURVIVAL OF THE FIERCEST AIID THE FUNNIEST IA00 FICIUIIIIHIIH Al Al II II SIWDY PIIIIIUCIIOI illnlt Bil REYNOLDS TIIE LOIIOEST YARD ewe Thelove story that will Rex Reed iuly NlW LUNCH 12 NOON 200 PM AFTERNOON TEA 200 PM 500 PM DINNER 500 PM 1000 PM CLOSED MONDAY FULLY LICENSED UNDER LLBO FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 458975l Recommended ntu vac new one filible Adult Entertainment scare the hell out of you

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