Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1977, p. 8

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wnw the examiner Frlday April 22 19 entertainment Says manager made threats LOS ANGELES Router private detective said in court Wednesday that Groucho Marxs managercompanion Erin Fleming tlneatcnul to kill him and an associate Tuesday The two detectives are in volved in court battle over ad BUFFALO TORONTO 11 HAMILTON BARRIE CABLE ieievisisn guide BARRIE BUFFALO ministering the BGyearold co medians estate Norman Perle told Superior Court hearing that Miss Flem ing stepped out of the darkness with two companions in Beverly Hills on Tuesday night and in the course of an argument told him Im going to kill you BUFFALO TORONTO 12 PETERBOROUGH 22 GLOBAL FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 00 Emergency One 1130 ii 22 News Danny and Marie Johnny Carson Movie Steep My 11 In Concert NBA Ptayott Logg 197 Fall of Eagles Ir Movie House 01 5724 Hours 22 Code Frankenstein 9m Definition 797 rMove iThe Shop on 117 Larry solway 19 polka Do Door Main Street 197 Nightinusic 257Nouveiles 8130 22 Opposite Opposite 79CTy Show 235C111CO and Sexes 630 the Man 79 Money Game 2ze Gong Show 25Le Pour Le 24 News Centre 90 Minutes Live 117 Party Game 900 1200 19mReadalong Rocktord Files 377 Mowe Dr 75LAcmei Sr Ann Margret Strangelove 645 Nashvulte 99 Movtc in Name On 19Maqee and Company FUTUH COD W1 700 11 MOVH The War Bot 11 Movie The Love 227 Odd Couple Ween the Tatest Machine Bowling tor Dollars HOillOn 47Conccntration 37 Blue Knight 19 Atteritnagc 22 MovietQUick rTvtos Company Belore To Tell The Truth 930 It Meltsl Love Me Loves Me 15 Comiiiuiiitioui 79 Name 01 the Game Not 1000 100 Show Bi Qurncy Midnight Special is Zorros Fighting Starskv and Hon ti 105 Legion Huntcr Mowe iMrs Parts vvrostiina pOTILL Story inqtont ABC Nviwr Clasvuo 25 Cinema 730 Sex For Sale 1130 BUBWO L005 i9 Htltn Mowe iTnt Night 0t WW Game PM 22 News mt Followuig Dav 313 503m 25 Scienci Realitw 200 5595 10230 Moii0 The Glass MN 25 NOUyettns Sptmxi Fetlin 1100 210 351 19 580k 22 Mary Hartman 11 Mirv Grittin Starion to 231579 ii News 315 15 pOSd 19 Niqtitmusir Movie Tttt Killers Ecucation ct Aike 79 City Lan 400 vtrManus 1105 Movm Notorious 800 25 Co itd Gentleman Sanford and Son 1120 500 15 Man Tyler Moore Now tronsiilt SATURDAY MORNING VIEWING Clue Cl ll 35 Misha La Bout 555 swan svmev 79 111ilktrrVNOrlt Focus Fimtsioviw 1020 600 Pontpwr ration iv Tel Mn Starr Cartoons it lt er il 10 30 117 Hilarious Hou Dot war Nioriitvi citiuiii Ftiutttnnstvin Amour Monro ix Bitttlat 6130 Krott LLupiruhow 7HBetter Aii Kitstut 645 17 Quiz Barn Farm Report John 11111gtUl1 0355 920 77 Porky and News Niririmitir Bullwinkle 700 mi in rm 1100 Farm News Bow Bonn List withinr10 Call Its Acaaemw Ponnhr Iipiitv intents 777 Agriculture Professor Kitzwi ll Specml Placi 797 Ukrainian Show 73 2Mat Nimin Sunrise Strmtiklwr Bugs Bonn Friend Professor Kitim itfl Frankenstein Friend oi Man Stniiam tsis iitiirda iyoinint titiuri at Otltll tirr to WM iiiritio 30 iidt John Little ltill 79SDJHISLTL8111 Ur Amertrim Show 11 idiom 800 urivri itiitf Woer Whom xv Sylvester in it rliir ii Kornir Tweetr Iv Ciitarriol ll Harrigan to award 25 us 100 Train ir ttjpt C9 1145 tour 17 17ift1 iitit 79 Sounds it East 1155 lr wt111i Tour Croszroni lit1w 12355 in Pink Pannier ll Hm tin SATURDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 rm noiy ii luliuititi Land of thw cost ha It 11010 Rotlcr Derby itltl ii 7H Tu tiiiiitlati Fat Albwrt wit 330 Soul imin 130 int ml Arts Oddball nunlv Into itii Di Hi10 Star trik ittv to intici 11 Hilarioiitttmali nait wig ll ttftt trapflma FrthIIITIyIViri phobia it i1rlvllli 15 Heron rii Gaiiwrii or ti it 23 um iiii 79 Housing 77 rhinovi 4100 12 AIi Vi ialiii iii iptirt t9 Lis 100 tours rt ittl lidi lwirtt inort our ii mtg5 17 oration in 1225 iy ttriur 19 Autour Du Monrli who itiutl par Lt Contw 17 in ii taiii 111114111 31 1230 ttiimii iiii 4330 00th iiriiiin 11111 2200 Ht Kim from Mimi sch mm Div tii um In ilt11l4 lt 1r iwi toiiiiiiiii Ark It mm drtllll 5100 Building llll ii iiitiir it piiit Futuri it IMrlt liiw iiaiop 77 Not ytt Robin 79 Gtnc Tittor itilll it to than HJIl Bazaar ii 2pm viii lltltmivttl 12240 ittlllttt iziiiiirii ipiiw IIW En eatHan li Mom Nivtv wrile ot iiiurti M0 215 It Ivttllvlll 100 mm iiiiii wwwi Huict 77 Entertainers 230 75 IIl Take ooh Am iooitu wiitvi WWW Wrestling itiillt11yilttrtti 5230 Ctidrtravri dt lilttl ilillttl Wmt loll rm Festval 300 11 Ctiiilttnqt 97 wrt11111 15 Wit Mind Over Mtti A1 vlflllttli111147d IllH t10 tililtto Last 01 1111 Wild lllfltfltl With llllllt SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 800 1130 Ncwswccr Norm Saturday Mom Mowt 11It MawH ttapii Hitu MilJo Out Mar lrlii Mwt Mowi 145 News Paid 71111 iiiiitiil 11 MttVIt Spurtshiriit Mom 77 Moiir 11 Forest Hanut II IVVlt 75 Nouvvlti 19 Polka Dot Door hanoc Iltl World 79 Laurel and Hardy 75 llnLFS en tith Cintvtna Ctamit 79 FBI 77 Toronto ltir mod 1150 30 30 Muvtc Caatio Inquiry ll Hob NtvylttlTI Royalpt Ncw 79 Itt or ltl Mova Watson 900 1200 11 MRMS 17 timuo MAt Cinitna 19 Dont Ask Mt All ii 111 ilHllI Mm Drumt at 75 Nouvcltc I1 Starsk and Huti Mutdct 635 930 1240 25 Partnut arol tiuriutt Lintma 700 All 100 17 Sports Probe 50 Don Kwatmcrs Rat Hoe Haw MW Wm lrt innmm 120 Its Academir tiallwnnma nia Antiii Ihthrntk Rogers Report 1000 140 Kirkland and on Carol Burntti Illliltlltlt party oo amt at 145 Paul nItiDtlr11 11 Most thltltll MUJIIliillir1lh tl Friendsot Man trawr let 1ltiptir1 mt ship 19 Stories Around 111 oininumiiuw 240 World Contait Movic 1iIIIi11411 25 Cosmos rm 1030 It luliu Wm 79 Boogic Wrcstlinu 330 730 1100 MUilt timiiitot Treasuri Hunt ll Nivwn Shvtwootl urnst Andy 1105 430 Dolly ll Vlt Franklyn Mowc heat 11 Grtat Dcoatc 1115 Mllflltrttl 19 Rutldnit Wicunri pith1114 ml flilxttl 52 00 thllvtilfflt 1120 toiiwti 27 Wildlitc incina New LA arl Duggan principal of the Western ouscrvatory of Music in London dimd with members of the Barrie branch of the Ontario Itcgisicrcd 1usic lcachcrs Association at the Bayshorc hm Wednesday He met with 111 teachers to discuss the couscrvzitorys new syllabus 11c makes point with loycc Laugtord president of the Barrie branch 1Cy amincr lhntot Cites exam requirements of Western Conservatory By MLRIEI LEEIER Sixteen members of the tin tario Registered Music Teachers Association attended luncheon at Brookdale hm on Tuesday to listen to Carl Dug gan principal of the Western Ontario onsciyatory of Music Canadianborn arl Duggan recently completed tenyear stay in England where he com plctcd his degree in music specializing in keyboard har mouy and composition Whilc in England hc was very activc and in demand as vocalist World of Music llis address in Barrie was to clarify the examination quitcmcnts of the Western tnr tario ousciyatory and to ex plaiii details of thc changcs in the 11 updatcd syllabus Mr huggau pointed out that the Western ouscrvatory and the Royal onscrvatory do not cumpctc but rathcr cnls lalxuatc with each other set ting standards lot thcir ck animations that txpcct thc samc lcvcl ot cumpctcncc from thcstudcnt Eat it conservatory howcyci re Change doesnt faze rocks Fleetwood Mac By lttllilV 11 111115 oplcy iws scri Itt HULLYWHHII Stiltlt tiitk groups have bccn shattciid when kcy inciiibcis drop out but changc has Itttll thi liir mula ot success tor hitctwood Mac Drummer Mick iitt1ttttti bassist loliti AliVic and guitarist Iclcr ilttlt got it starlcd ttt ycars ago ll Britain with thc turmation ot it group callcd lctct ilccns Hcctwood 3121c tut irccn musician ot im mcnsc potciitial iallcd it quits lcw ycars liitcr and ritrcatcd lllltistnllllUII mcditation lInttr hristiiic lcrtwt on the scitit grcat blues singci and kcyliuaid artist shi had donc stilltt rctiiaikablc albums bcliirc iiiiiriying bassist lcii and scttliiiil in with llwtwood lzic lhc band was touring thi lmtid Stans when lcrciiiy Spcncct droppcd out shayid his hcad and iomcd religious scct lliitti thc lhlldrcn ol ind iwhich itt still liclongs tot lhcn Danny Kuwait and tub Wclch tailcd away Now down to thc two lcics and Mick Iittlyttitttl lilt band scoutcd around and cami up with two young Californians landscy Buckingham and lllit gillhillgtlSltltNltki Thats thc tiiial liiiciip that two years ago took America by storm with thc Fltctwood Mac album that has now pilcd up saltsol tnoic than it million As hristinc pitt it Wc could tcll by thc tirst conccrt over did that it was going to bc good That lirst show wcnt down complcti storm lhcri was somcthmg about thc com hination of pcoplc on the stiigc that was vcry special With two lcnialc lcad voiccs backcd by malt trio with crisp harmonics IIlt rock band now stands at thc musical sum mit lts long iwaitcd ltiimours album now has lltttl rclcascil by Warncr ltcprisc with Lind scys volatilc rockcr to Your CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot to dollvory Free on orders over $700 In Barrio 10 Discount on PickUp Orders over 3700 Phone 728881 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE ltwn iy cbaiguig ahiad on thc siiiglcs liit palatit llltllt ltilltlI liii Santana cxt iolimi tiiltttitlK tti Schon and iich Itolic lttad this last rising rock group which was totiiicd only Ullttit ot yczirs ago retains its individuality and strcsscs its own pointolrvicw as it looks at musical ac complishmcnts tnc of thc diltcrcnccs in thc two systems is that Wcstcrn tint Conservatory from iradc Vlll Icvcl permits studciits to try their examinations in two sections within the samc ycar The principal said that because studcnts arc so busy with many activitics and bccausc many adults who arc also busy wish to obtain thcir diplomas this policy has bcctt adoptcd discussion pctiod following thc addrcss was ilti and brought out many points oi con trovcrsy lhc music itittlltls who ltitlil piiyiitcly also pointcd out that thc timc has ritlttt tor Joycrnnicnt ll1tlltt tor aciidcmiis of music in small cuuimuiiitics may truth iiictiopohtim ccn trc lhiy fill that both tcachtts and students would itttltlll from constant association with lhciicoilcagitcs Iicsidciit ol thc iarrii itiltlltll Ill thc Hit 11 loyci Langtord thankcd 11 luggan tor his comprchcnsiic and intcrcstlng iddicss But still greedy 15yearold Billy Bunter is 69 this year WIMBLEDON England CP Billy Bunter the in destructible fat boy of Greyfriars School is 69 this year Billy was born in penny boys paper called The Magnet in March 1908 and has ap peared in one form or another in books and on television and radio ever since He remains greedy and un truthful lfryearold person ifying many of the worst char acteristics of the human race He is backward student in class called the Remove or Lower Fourth under the steely blue eye of Horatio Quelch MA Quelchs study now contains television set as well as the stout cane he continues to apply to the posteriors of offending schoolboys such as Hunter who continues to raid the hampers of his schoolmates for jam tarts and mince pies STORIES REISSUEI The inhabitants of Greyfriars were the brainchildren of scholarly gentleman named Frank Richards who ham mered out Bunter stories until he died at the age of 92 in King sgate Kent Nine years ago the Remove was removed to the Howard Baker Press located in stately doublefronted house near the famed Wimbledon ten nis courts Baker lively 51ltyearold AngloIrishman has been cash Small audience enioys Ensemble By What pity that the Barrie Public Library was not more careful in choosing date for present ing the iatliard Ensom blc hc free public concert held in the intimacy of the downstairs salon was line setting for thc hambcr Music of an artistic trio ltobcrt Rick tlutc Erica ioodman harp and Douglas lcrry viola Siucc it was also the cvcning of thc linal concert of the Bar ric onccrts Scrics the crowd was small However siucc thc program began at 800 pm was able to in tend the first half It Would havc bicn loss to have missed the program cutircly For the Debussy Souatc for Flute Viola and Harp was given very fine interpretation The three iti st rumcnt wiic integrated and muted in such way that no solo scimed to intrudc Rather the niclodics flowed rosc and tell from flute to harp lo viola in swmingly cndlcss linc of bciiut lhc thrcc momcmcnts lastoralc lntcrludc and Final bccamc series of impressions from the rclrcshiug charm ot thc country to quict meditation and finally to more brilliant danccrhkc rhythms lhc audicutc which grew to about titt people was ap picciativc of thc fine work and brought the artists back with enthusiasm The upcniug work sonata by liocchcrini was changed to sonata by thc early composcr llassc This was charming pciiiid piccc and an cxccllcnt prcludc to thzi llcbussy Sonatc ltic of thc intcrcstitlg cliccts ttl thc ttllttlt was the intcrcst shown by students who had conic to thc library tor books ltlllltllltti by thc music they camc 411111 listencd llic barricr oi thc lormal cunccrtrhall was non tIthslttti and thus lilt con ccit bccamc morcappcaling In Compliance With The Ontario Government Amusement Tax Exemption We Are Reducing Admission Prices Where Applicable NET ORK BEST IAYE ACADEMY AWARDS BESTACTRESS FAVE nuniiiiitiii BESTACTOR PETER Fltttttl BEST SUPPORTING Acrnsss BEATRIIIE STRAIGHT SBBEEIIPLAY METROGOLDWYNMAYER presents PADDY CHAYEFSKY WILLIAM PETER ROBERT DUNAWAY HOLDEN IINEH DIJVALLin NETWORK By PADDY EHAYEFSHY Directed by SIDNEY LUMEI Produced by HOWARD OOTTERIEO NOW PLAYING QROXY OGDUNLOPSTW 72874681 COMPLETE SHOW DAILY AT 700 915 PM Holtmaid Itiiii ADMIIIANLI 1t fllStiNI II VIAIS A1 WI 3le However the disturbance caused by the technicians from Cable although necessary was inexcusable and certainly trying for the artists In the future if Cable wishes to televise such concert in such small room it would be ad visable that they make provi sions by erecting some sort of sound barrier between the crew and the audience To hear the sounds of people talking during particularly pianissimo and atmospheric passage of music is disturbing for both the listener and for the performer and can cause musical disasters too Fortunately the artists were able to play above the disturbance maintaining their concentration and holdin the impressions they wishcr to create Nevertheless it is no compliment to visiting artist that such disturbance was permitted IlfioititluCDP tioccmc recommended 01 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ii ing in on the nostalgia of gener ations of Hunter fans around the world by having the original stories lithographed put be tween hard covers and pub lished as single volumes con taining some six issues At three guineas $9 copy the books are out of the price range of most contemporary Lounge Hwy 400 at Essa Rd ALLIED ARTISTS presents STEIIE NclIUEEII DUSTIN HOFFMAN in FRANKLIN SCHAFFNER titm PAPILLIIII to stain VlCTOR JORY DON GORDON ANTHONY ZERBE TED RICHMOND ROBERT DORFMANN it FRANKLIN SCHAFFNER DALTON TRUMBO 111590 tit but LORENZO SEMPLE Jr HENRI CHARRIERE JERRY GOLDSMITH FRANKLIN SCHAFFNER PANAVISION TECHNICOLOR iiALLlED ARTISTSneiWw Mummy THE YEARS FIRST INEQUIVOCAL HIT thcent Canby New York Times The nicest movie youll ever see about murder and blackmail ART CARNEYM LILY TOMLIN THE LATE SHOW BILL MACY EUGENE ROCHE itiiii ROBERT ALTMAN iiiiiit ROBERT BENTON ilii iii Itlt For dining and entertamment at its best Enjoy our Saturday night Hot Beef Buffet $675 per person reservations recommended Then be en tertained and dance afterward in the Caboose This week in the CABOOSE LOUNGE SUN JAMMERS Versatile and entertaining dance music it11ltl1i NIttMli schoolboys but lively market has sprung up among middle aged and elderly readers who had been deprived of the Greyf riars chronicles since Magnet and its sister publications Gem and Popular were wiped out by rationing in the Second World War 7286191 WKIND LS m1 ERIE IIIEII Streennlay by DtTCLLEc Dy

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