Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1977, p. 7

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snaszooxnosli Open house at Timothy Christian Parents and the general public got chance to see how students at Timothy Christian School on Ferris Lane go about their activities The school held an open house this week as part of Education Week and opened its doors to display routine activities Andre Kistemaker raises his hand to answer question while his classmate Albert Schaly gives the problem serious consideration in the Grade math class Examiner Photo Cabbie says he saw sewer rats officials say theyre muskrats Barrie cab driver has spot ted four or five sew rats on Lakeshore Road near one of Barries major watercourses according to Allandale Taxi dispatcher Fred DAmbrosio NEIL FOX people checking Barries United Appeal But getting the proper of ficials to believe the story and do something about it isnt easy he says The animals were seen Mon day at noon crossing the pave ment from an open pond to the city marina said DAmbrosio He says he made calls to city hall the Simcoe County Public Health Unit and the Ontaro Humane Society calls he doesnt think got much done Neil Fox public works superintendent is one of the of ficials DAmbrosio called He said he suspects the animals were muskrats Ive never heard of sewer rats in the area he said Fox said there are number of muskrats in city water courses however muskrat lives in watercourse and bur rows in the banks of streams he said He says DAmbrosio did call him Monday but says it is the only report he has had PEOPLE CHECKING Ive got people checking 111 to the report he said City employees are looking at four watercourses that come out in the Lakeshore Road for any animals he added Fox says he would have to see one of the animals himself before making any moves Until we determine what it is he saw there isnt much we can do he said Cecil Hanson of the Humane Society says he didnt receive call from DAmbrosio although DAmbrosio says someone at the shelter on Pat terson Road did Henson says the animals would be under his jurisdiction and said if the animals were muskrats they would either return to the watercourse or be taken to the Minesing Swamp The Barrie shelter had one complaint of sewer rat April 15 caught it and turned it loose in the Minesing Swaymp says Hanson second call was received about lead sewer rat an animal Hanson says is large as muskrat The difference between the two animals lies in their tails says Hanson The muskrats tail is fiat while the rats is round WICRIINT SIRIC DAmbrosio says he was told by shelter officials they have never run into problem with sewer rats and werent sure whose problem it is They directed him to city hall Public health officials told him they wouldnt become Ill volved unless the animals were rabid he says services pest control operation has had no other complaints of sewer rats than DAmbrosios officials said Tuesday Ilc says one official he talked to Monday told him sighting of that many sewer rats Would indicate their population in the area is high Dambrosio says it was sewer rats and he wants something done about them My driver knows the lily fereiice betwccn muskrat and sewer rat he said Hes quite familiar with both types of animals and he says what he saw was gronpof scwcr rats DAinbrosio wants officials to investigate the incident as safety mcasurc Before you know it one of thosc rats could bite the face of kid or some one swimming in the area he said Third in series Woodstock smaller than Barrie yet raises more in fund drive This series on the United Appeal is being published to focus attention on the pro hleins of the lnitcd Appeal possible solutions for the pro blems and to give Barrie residents an insight into what the Lnited Appeal is In this article Ben Dickson at the success of thc Lnited Appeal campaign in Woodstock By BEN IIKSON Which city in Canada ran the most successful United Way finance campaign in 1976 Was it Barrie Woodstock is claiming this achievement We raised 621 per cent of our $163000 objective for total of $103762 Woodstock set target of $198000 and raised $205998 They went over the top by 37 per cent They have been con siderably more successful over the past few years FLNDSRAISEI Barrie Woodstock 1974 124277 171104 1975 94038 173854 1976 103702 205998 chose to visit George Nutt executive director of the Woodstock United Appeal Association because of the comparative sizes of Barrie and Woodstock Population of Barne Woodstock 1972 28410 25098 1973 29071 25019 1974 31 380 25379 1975 33 399 26137 1976 34050 26323 While Barrie now has significant edge in size and growth factor our United Way contributions are not in parallel with this factor In 1976 Woodstocks per capita givings were $782 while Barries was only $305 Con sidering that our United Way is for Barrie and District the per capita contribution is actually smaller NUMBER OF FACTORS Why was Woodstock able to increase total givings by $30000 from 1975 to 1976 There are number of factors that might contributeto this More publicity about the United Way More continuity from cam paigntocampaign Paid professional help to organize the volunteers Let us look at Woodstocks organization in some depth They have five committees some of which function throughout the year Persons other than Board of Trustees are encouraged to sit on these committees In 1975 the entire Nominating and Constitutional Committee was from outside the board The other commit tees are Executive Budget Public Relations and Labor Relations Obviously the purpose of the Public Relations Committee is to keep the image of the United Way before the public It at tempts to do this by ensuring there is media attention focuss ed on the campaign Each agency is written up and presented in The Woodstock SentinelReview one or two ap pearing each week prior to and duringthe campaign The Board of Trustees meet monthly and any contributor to NcwIiIcstylc Country Estate Homes Box 2000 rllllillliill1 Croat the United Way is invited to at tend and participate At each meeting one agency gives presentation of the function and achievements of that service agency SUCCESSFIL The Labor Relations Tomv mittee was considered very successful innovation In sentence its commitment was to meet with labor organiza tions to bring to them the meaning of the United Way and to get their support Since form ing this committee the involve ment of labor has greatly in creased as is evident by the substantial increase in givings to the Unich Way by employees What of the campaign itself The message that get was started early so that the cam paign is well organized before kickoff day The campaign chairman and vicechairman for the September 77 drive have been appoint ed These are both prominent names in Woodstock The budget committee is at work now Each of the 13 agen cies have been requested to submit 1978 budgets Most of these have been received by the Executive Director Each agen cy then goes over its budget with two or three budget coin mittce members to establish the amount that the Board will attempt to raise Much of the success of the 1976 campaign is being given to the campaign coordinator This public relations person was hired for five month period to prepare slide and talk presentations which this person would give at as many group meetings as could be arranged Forty of the 92 industries ap proaclied by the campaign committee made time available so that the campaign coordinator could deliver the presentation to the employees The campaign was wrapped up with housetohousc blitz This netted $12329 Recogniz ing that many people would have donated through their places of employment each donor was given door sticker Ihcse houses were not canvass ed For this blitz the city was divided into 24 divisions each under the leadership of cape tain Each volunteer can vasser which the captain was able to attract from within his district attempted to get two or three additional canvassers This process resulted in ap proximately 300 volunteers be ingon thisone night blitz We the Board of Trustees for the United Way in Barrie have received unanimous mandate from the 12 agencies to cont inue onceayear fall funds drive Hopefully with the ideas we can get from other successful communities and with everyone getting behind the United Way campaign with time and dollars we can meet our object ivc in 1977 Bill Leslie writes about the Brantford and Brant ounty United Way campaign in next weeks article Readers comments about this article or any article in the series are invited Address comments to the United Appeal Box titt Bar rie custunmnr DBAPEBIES and BEDSPBEADS Total ilecorator and Coordinating Services Choose from an outstanding selection of excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas finesr suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking and installation as required Phone tots nonrmson or drop in to the Studio IRE1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hlil Only Miles North of Barrie the oxamlner Friday Aprll 22 1971 No easy answers to question of nuclear energy production Toocostly says opponent we need it says proponent By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter There are no easy answers to the nuclear energy question fact made evident once again Wednesday night at Georgian College Members of the panel and au dience at public forum on energy development present and future couldnt agree on the desirability of steppedup atomic energy production in Canada Fred Knelman professor of science and human affairs at Concordia University said that further development of nuclear energy in Canada would be unacceptably costly in its social environmental and economical repercussions We have no technology for managing waste far into the future he stated United States president Carter has had the imagination to pro pose moratorium on the plutioniumrccycling method of nuclear generation yet in Canada were planning to enter right into that NOSAFEGLARDS Its totally unacceptable brentwood by Mrs Schell 4246728 Mrs William Schell ac ompanied Mrs Justine Mc Bride to Toronto last week and visited with Mrs Maude Am brose Mrs Minnie Davidson visited Mrs Millie Plant at Etobicokc Hospital at Toronto Sunday Mr and Mrs Bob Blakcly and Lisa Angus Mr and Mrs flare Murdy and Steven Alliston Mariette Karen and Tammy England Everett visited Mr and Mrs Ilarry Cousins and Boboii Saturday Mr and Mrs Bob Brennan Toronto Mr and Mrs Fred Ipro station Bessie Crawford 4873921 Watler lies was honored last Thursday night by the directors of the ro Station ommunity At the boards regular meeting lles was presented with an inscribed beer stein in recognition of his service to the centre as president of the board of directors last year The directors also discussed the rcccntlyapprovul Canada Works Program grant to fix up the centre Ruth Church with the Job Creation branch of the federal department of Man future for which there are no safeguards he affirmed In the face of growing worldwide concern about the method Canadas nuclear establish ment is maintaining bland panacea public relations posture which barely acknowledges the danger he said Archie Robertson assistant to the vicepresident at Atomic Energy of Canda Ltd referred to the Flowers Commission and its suggestion that nuclear power has in some ways become the whipping boy for technological development as whole According to Robertson relatively few eloquent critics are the only real op position to nuclear power He cited as example last years US elections where about 10 per cent of the population voted in state relerenda on nuclear power supporting nuclear by about twotoone Much of the public concern on nuclear issues for example disposal of radioactive wastes or fear of radiation has been Holman Willowdale were Sun day visitors with Mrs Budd Mrs Maurie Ambrose Toron to is spending few days visiting Mr and Mrs William Schell Visitors at the McGillvray farm Sunday were Mr and Mrs John Lemmon and Daniel Crecmore and Mr and Mrs Roger McGillvray Stayncr Mr and Mrs Don Derby and family Barrie Mrs Bonnie Prentice and Marie loronto Mrs Lorraine Irott Avcning Mr Bob Schell Everett Mr Dave Munnoch and lohn Loret to visited Mr and Mrs William Schell over the weekend Mr and Mrs MacAloncy spent weekend recently with Mr and Mrs Walter Patterson at leterborough power and Immigration at tended thc meeting to explain the grant and was given tour through the centre The rummage sale held on April 31 was also discussed Eric Marling who recently moved to tiro Station was Ill jurcd last week in wclding ac cident lie is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Bill Bragg returned home last week following surgery in Toronto Rev le Qucttcville of thc llawkestonciuthrie pastoral charge held an open house at the Manse in ro Station which was attenderl by several members of his congregation generated largely because the facts are not known or understood he stated SERIUSPROBLEM With the depletion of con ventional oil and gas Canada with the rest of the world is fac ing serious energy problem It is not question of renewable versus nonrenewable energy sources of conservation versus nuclear power All must con tribute where they can and as economically as possible if we are to avoid serious disruptions to our economy our en vironment and our society he said Robertson added that nuclear energy which provides about 15 per cent of Ontarios elec tricity now through Candu reactors should be able to pro vide half of Canadas total sup ply by the end of the century Third panelist Morison said that Ontario Hydro sees coal and uranium as the cor nerstones to electric generation in this province in the years to come Morison director of Hydros design and develop ment division said the utility FRED KNELMAN costly feels nuclear power is safe and clean and certainly economical in comparison with other fossil fuels SELFRELIANT It can also make Ontario self reliant in its electrical energy needs which Morison sees as an important factor as coun tries having other energy resources raise prices even ARCHIE ROBERTSON whipping boy more and perhaps not sell to us The forum attended by about 200 persons was cosponsored by the Simooe County Chapter of the Association of Profes sional Engineers of Ontario and Georgian College There was to be four panelists but Sean Casey co ordinator of Energy Probe was unable to attend Fast cars the thing at Eastview program The halls of Eastview Secon dary School were buzzing after school last week literally Sources of the buzz were model cars powered by model airplane motors which students from the schools mechanical drafting program were testing forspeed Research and design model car as team project supplying all documentation and model of the project was the way technical assistant Bob Crossan had outlined the assignment to his Grade 11 students in January The 28 students were divided into seven grou of four all of which produce 12 to 20inch model One of the cars was clocked at over 60 mph in hall time trial The cars were hooked up to piece of twine running the length of the hall and they camme to an abrupt halt at the end of the line upon making contact with garbage bag ser ving as parachute All gave them was an engine four wheels and one Poaching Annual cadet inspection Charges planned for next month against 42 The 2919 Grey and Simcoe Foresters Army Cadet Corps will hold their fourth annual in spection of the Barrie Armoury Ma 12at8pm he inspection will be open to the public and cadets will demonstrate the knowledge and skills learned over the past year The inspecting officer will be Ltol Fuller CO Com manding Officer of the Grey and Simcoe Foresters Regi ment Music will be provided by the Navy Cadet Band of the RC Sea 53Barrie Seven major awards will be presented to cadets for their ac complishments over the past year For cadet the climax of the training year is to be selected to attend one of the summer camps where up to 800 army cadets attean courses from two to six weeks duration Junior cadets in their first year may go to Ipperwash Ont for tWo weeks After the first year they may attend sixweek adct Leader course adet Leader Instructor driver communication rifle coach and athletic leadership courses Selected cadets may also par ticipate in an exchange program between French and Englishsrxakingcadets Englishspeaking cadets go to Valcarticr Quebec while Fren chvspcaking cadets go to Ip perwash hit This year more than 60 per cent of the eligible cadets have applied to attend summer training camps ranging from the twowcck course at Ipv pcrwash to sixwcck Arctic training and survival course WEAR ALL YEAR NEW YORK tCPi The four seasons have inspired many de signers to shape up those cotton pullons for yearround dress ing At Iric Trac Phyllis Keit len does her oversizcd cowl necked tunic in red cotton She drops the shoulders rolls the sleeves and the bottom is done in shirttail fashion 94 Dunlop St West OPENING TONIGHT Barries only late night Disco Open from 1000 pm till om Great Dancing Great Music COLLINGVVOOIL Rivers and streams in the ollingwood area are under constant sur veillance by conservation of ficers of the Ontario ministry of nat ural resources because of in creased poaching of rainbow trout The ministry office at Angus said Wednesday 42 charges against poachers have been laid since the trout started their heaviest spawning run in years IWO weeks ago It said the figure might be doubled before the trout season opens April 29 Last week poachers in the area paid fines totalling $3500 Fines for each offence avcrag ed between $200 and $250 ministry spokesman said thc number of poaching of fences this season has doubled compared with last years figures If youre NEW IN TOWN and dont know which way to turn call the Whitman LTD hostess at 7251454 7206331 Youll be glad you did no ooues eighth size man Crossan ex plained The designs the students opted for varied from Formula flatness to an almost triangular frame reminiscent ofa jeep The cars were designed primarily for speed The cost per model averagecd out to about $25 Were very pleased with the project It has taken lot of time but has generated lot of interest said Crossan Besides the actual model students were required to prepare sketches specifica tions and progress reports throughout the design period Crossan said the main value of the project was in its engineering approach the design teamwork testing Itsnotjustthecars CANADIAN CURTAINS Tiebacks and Tiers Polyester Cotton or Muslin For free brochure write Box 833 Barrie L4M 488 284 in Barrie L284 composed of ceSsion 14 and cession c284 composed of cession ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 14 of The Municipal Act RSO 1970 ond IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Corporation of the City of Barrie for annexation to the City of parts of the Townships of lnnisfil Oro and Vespra in the County of Simcoe as described in Bylaw 7645 of the applicant corporation NOTICE OF HEARING TAKE NOTICE that the Ontario Municipal Board will resume the hearing of the application of the Corporation of the City of Barrie to pnnex parts of the Townships of Innisfil Oro and Vespra as described in Bylaw 7645 on Monday the 2nd day of May 1977 at the hour of 1030 oclock in the forenoon at the Court House AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the resumed hearing the Ontario Municipal Board will consider the possibility of on Order annexing to the City of Barrie lands in the Townships of Innisfil and Vespra not included in the application of the Corporation of the City of Barrie which are described in Schedules and to this notice 0r part or parts thereof Friday May 6th 1977 at 1000 oclock am at the Court House in Barrie will be reserved for those members of the public who desire to be heard at that time with reference to the possible an nexation of the lands in Schedules and DATED at Toronto this 28th day of February 1977 Copies of Annexation Bylaw 7645 may be examined at the City Clerks Office at the City Hall during business hours ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 14 of The Municipal Act RSO 1970 and IN THE MATTER OF on application by the Corporation of the City of Barrie for annexation to the City of ports of the Townships of Innisfil Oro and Vaspro in the County of Simcoe as descfibed in Bylaw 7645 of the applicant corporation SCHEDULE to Notice of Hearing In the Township of Innisfil in the County of Simcoe and being Lots to inclusive in Concessions 10 to 13 inclusive North Half of Lots to inclusive Concession South Hall of Lotsl to inclusive Concession 14 North Half of Lot Part of North Half of Lots and Con South Half of Lots 16 and 17 and that Part of the South Half of Lot 18 lying West of the Canadian National Railways line in Con ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 14 of The Municipal Act 150 1970 and IN THE MATTER OF on application by the Corporation of the City of Barrie for annexation to the City of parts of the Townships of lnnisfil Oro and Vespro in the County of Simcoe as described in Bylaw 7645 of the applicant corporation SCHEDULE to Notice of Hearing In the Township of Vospra in the County of Simcoe and being The East Half of Lot 17 and Part of the East Half of Lot 18 Con The West Half of Lot of Lot 18 Concession The South Half of the East Half of Lot 18 Concession The West Half of Lot 18 Concession The West Half of Lots 21 and 22 Concession and all of the East Half of Lots 21 to 25 inclusive Concession M76103 ANDREWS Secretary M76103 M76103 YVU

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