Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1977, p. 4

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NEWSROOM onERTsNG BusmESS publisheddaiyexcept The Examiner isamemberot The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau olCircula Dave Henshaw managing editor Len Sevick manager Marian Gough accountant Sunday and tlons ABC only The Canadian Press may rcpubllsh news stories in this newspaper Sean Finlay my editor SALESMEN Betty Armer statutory holidays credited to CP The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local gfirgv McDonald 5983s edllol lan MacMurcln aoroghy Bowland Subscriptions news stories published in The xamlner urranc un or McFarlage who editor Ecgncfoxrggn 63 kiwier WEEK ksYcetnngarle The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material Apr 1977 serv ng arrle and ShTlCOG COUDIY Roseanne McCabe Illestyle Barb Bounon YEARLY by carrier created by its employees and published in this newspaper Id 22 Roll Kralker photographer Dana Graham $4420 Copyright registration number 2038l5 register oi POR TE RS Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited John Emgthflffitager avsnfifl 558 National advertising offices as Queen 51 Toronto taumo 640 Cathcart 5r Boyfield Sifee Barrie Ontario Paul Delean Dawd Jenkins asst manager SIMCOE COUNTY Montreal sicng Dunstan CLAssF ED Andy Haughton 034 year The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out Eu nN ublisher 995 Ruth Biais Supervisor Judy Hickey THROWOFF or errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied 605 aaLHailggiem Virginia Klos Alva La Plante 39 Year by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error NEWSROOM CIRCUIAnoN DVEHBNG CLASSIHEDS IuSINEss Sue Rounmo éoazstggnstone Elaine Porter ELSEWHEEEANADN Is one to the negligence ot its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for re inner Marg Scar noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement 7266537 7266539 7266537 7266537 7282414 Just plain talk or silly talk Eugene Whelan as minister of agriculture has earned reputation for plain talk Plain talki though has tendency to become just plain silly talk As Whelan said The Canadian Press the CBC and The Financial Post harm Canadian unity through negative and sometimes inaccurate reporting News reports have emphasized negative events said the minster have published and broadcast perish the thought criticism of government policy and have even noblesse oblige published and broadcast stories about Whelans use of government aircraft Then Whelan added his stinger Anything that causes distrust of the federal system to me causes disunity Every news organization at some point is taken to task by politicians for inaccurate reporting But negative reporting Is reporting about events negative about Canadian uni ty is reporting of criticism of the government the new original Canadian sin Has Whelan decided free press is only useful when it parrots the line from Ottawa The whole discussion about Quebec and the future of Canada is based on one single fact the federal system has not done what it was supposed to it has not made this country unified Is this discussion only to be carried on on the premise that the federal system is to be trusted and has been working Canadians cannot have discussion about the Quebec Canada problem if it is forbidden to discuss the basic cause of the problem Whelans plain talk was we hope merely posturing by good ole country boy for the service clubs We fear it wasnt We fear it was repeat of Spiro Agnews strategy of the 605 to blame the media for everything We fear it was throwback to McCarthy in the 505 when to criticise the government was in itself subersive act We have said it before and we say it again This government has nice contempt for civil liberties We dont trust this government Neither should you down memory lane 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner April 22 1967 After 90 years of continuous use Cookstowns Canadian Nation al Railway station is officially clos ed today James Arnold station master sends out last dispatchers messageThe first of Barries On tario Housing Corporation low rental housing units has been oc cupied for one month and 19 more families will soon be moving into other OHC homes in the cityNor man Hesketh president of Lions Club and Dr Alex Bolechowsky chairman pleased with club ball at Embassy HallSgt Charles Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service People who are accustomed to the simple unspoiled life of the city may have no idea of the complexities of the taming business One city dweller who does appreciate those complexities is McKie tax practitioner with Torontobased chartered bank He is the author of Tax Savings For Canadian Farmers For the 1976 Tax Year Gage Publishing 79 pages $595 revision of his earlier collection of tax tips for people who operate farmsone of the most de manding of businesses Recordkeeping is as onerous in farming as in any other business with comparable dollar volume and is perhaps most important of all in the matter of calculating capital cost depreciation allowance for tax purposes McKie points out that farmers have choice of two ways to calculate this allowance on assets acquired for farming purposes prior to Jan 1972 when tax reform was in stituted and capital gains became income in the eyes of the tax collector WRITING IT OFI These are commonly referred to as Part XI we want your opinion Letters submitted for publication must be signed by the writer Please include your street address and telephone number although they will not be published Letters which cannot be authenticated cannot be published For the sake of space public in terest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays on Page Gorham member of the Ontario Provincial Police Barrie detach ment for 13 years is promoted to staff sergeant in charge of recruit orientation courses at OPP college Toronto North Collegiates year book under guidance of Marty Stollar editor and Grace Veenema associate editor is near comple tionMrs MaryJane Langmuir Shanty Bay received plaque from Stanley Randall minister of economics and development for serving on advisory commit teeMrs George Gardner is re elected president of the Barrie Business and Professional Womens Club Form income the tax traps and Part XVII allowances or as ircspcc tivcly diminishingbulzincc and st rnighiv line methods The authors conclusion is that thc Pant XVII method is generally bcttcr but at for mer who rents his farm is required to usc thc Part XI method in claiming the nllownncc on the tax rcturn Undcr thc lzirt XVII mcthod thc fnrmcr who plans to turn in old muchincry und cquip ment for now is wisc to wait until thc lost couplc of wccksof lhcycur You got ll months npitul cost illowuncc on the old mochinc und ll monlhs cupilnl ill lowuncc undcr Inri Xl for thc ncw onc although you huvv owncd it for only onc or two wccks says McKic doublc illowuu cc in cffcct Ihc author also outlincs somcwhnt analogous tux situation purcnl can claim an ullowancc for dcpcndcnt dnughlcr for it full ymr cvcn though shc murricd during thc your and her husband also claims it full years exemption for hcr as his spousc McKie has tip for any fnrmcr who is plan ning to get out of thc busincss Assets that arc being dcprccizitcd under Part XVII and that could probably bc sold for more than their undcprccintul capital cost should be sold before the operation is discontinued to avoid rccopturc of depreciation But if they would likely sell for loss thcu switch to Part XI and obtain terminal loss deduction PARTTIMERS Professional farmers aside what about those people who just do some forming According to the author puritimc furmcrs create more legal hassles than any other type of farmer and all because of the tax aspects In the case of most parttimers the farm operation doesnt quality as the chief source of income for tax purposes Parliament bill By STEWART InclIItI ttuwn Burcuu Thomson New Scrvicc Jock Horncr said hc had just come through the snddcst day of his life but he did magnificent job of hiding his sorrow as ho held prcss confcrcncc to announce his con vcrsion to Liberalism The 49yearold Crowfoot MI lsycur fighting fixturc within the Conservative palu ty gnvc cvcry indication he was having ball as he ficldcd questions about the exciting new chullcngcs ahcad Thcrc was cvcn hint he had sonic rchcorsnls bcforchond bccziusc he managed to sniilc warme as hc uttcrcd thc Words Prime Minister lrudcuu Things chnngc rapidly in politics Some of thc qucstions wcrcnt cosy for thc wellbuilt Iillltlltl llc wns rcmindcd for in st unccs that ho had earlier referred to The world today By JOHN IlAItltItON Forcign Affairs Analyst Thomson Ncws Scrvicc Ihc suvc Canada busting out all over Ihc impctus was thc Izirti Qucbccois vic tory of last Nov 15 apparently for good government but us for as the PO is coli ccrncd for chnncc ail scparnt ion By Christmas time worried wcllmczining citizcns were handing together to fortn thc likes of Survival Canada Commitment Canada Business Council on National Issues and last week an acadcmic group Committcc for the Constitution In terms of funds and big namcs perhaps the biggest is the Business Council on Nil tionnl Issues which rcprcscnting large in dust rics has no troublcs funding itsclf Convcrscly belong to the Canadian Inr stitutc on Public Affairs which has been analysing Canada for nearly 45 years and this sum or will look at Canadian Directions Ant do we have trouble raising funds cor porntc or any other kind The blockbuster among them all is likely to bc the Conference on National Unity to bc hcld under the aegis of York University in Toronto but to be funded and organized by the Ontario government BIG ONE The plans for it arent known But it will begin with plenary conference in Toronto then dispersal of delegates to their many work and living places and return perhaps in movements are up wwwm ma MM tow mmwmiow mews Irudcnu as dictator and thc country should know how he now fccls about his ncw Icodcr Well said thc formcr Iory transport critic noonc is perfcct not cvcn Trudcuu liul you huvc to asscss who is in the best position to solvc thc problcms facing nnndn and West crn Canada Mr Trudcuu is still it vcry powcrful pcr hc rcmzirkcd And that got him off thc hook so far as lhc dictator Illllillk is coli ccrncd Mr lIorncrs rccurring lhcmc was that hc madc thc painful dccision to join thc libcrils ilIItI Mr Trudeau and othcr Libcrnls suggcstcd could mnkc grcntcr con tribution to anndn xnd to Wcstcrn zinzidn if lwcrc to assist thcm ithc Liberals hovc today dccidcd to acccpt that challcngc PQ action stirs drives for unity the full to bring back Illtll opinion and that ol thc community to nnothcr mccting about IIIECRISIS Quccns Park of coursc has reputation for organizing big confcrcnccs dculing with on fcdcrution Former prcmicr John Itobzirls will always bc rcmcmbcrui for his Con fcdcrzition of lomorrow onfcrcncc of thc mi 1960s dont know how much good all thcsc con ferences will really accom lish especially since they will be held outsit of Qucbcc and if the party in power thcrc making all the movesis listening My fec ing is that it isnt and wont Whilc we in Englishspenking Canada are gcoring up to do the liberal small thing that is engage in dinloguc thc pcquislcs urc moving from one confrontation IiiCIlt to unoihcr Iakc Qucbcc Iinuncc Minister Jacqucs Parizcuus twisted cstimntc of Quebecs ac count with Canada or thc lzilcr White Paper on Language few days latcr or the hard line speeches of Quebcc cahinct ministch here and in the Unitcd States It looks as though we arc still going down one road while the separatists now thc Quebec government in power are moving along lhcothcr and in thc op isitc dircction The reason for writing out all this in column on foreign affairs is to compare our present national status with that of the US and to recall how selfrighteous we were in the contentious Nixon years about our solid nationality Exciting challenges ahead for Liberal Jack Horner And within minutes of his announcement thc noholds barred MP was demonstrating that hc Would be as outspoken as Liberal as he has been during his long career as Con servative In fact he appeared to be almost contradicting Mr Trudeau who had earlier implied he had not discussed specifics such as possiblc cabinet appointment with the wavering MP Ihc new Libcrul maidc it clcur that thc suh jcct was indccd high on the agenda that Irudcou hud discusscd portfolios and that it was ngrccd lIorncr couldnt really be effec tivc on the backlwnchcs Furthermore be ad dcd if there wasnt cabinet appointmcnt forthcoming my stay in thc Liberal party might be shortcr than it was in the Con scrvntivcs llorncr thcn thought it would be okay for him to mcntion that the prime minister had suggcstcd thcrc would be major cabinet shufflc in July or August And if this happens to annoy thc primc minister just bit hc will no doubt be ap pcuscd by tho llorncr asscssmcnt that Trudcziu lookcd pretty good strong rcfrcshcd and confident when he spoke on national lclcvision fcw nights carlicr He didnt cvcn but an cyc when he said it Someonc wnntcd to know whether Homer Would rcscnt being called it turncoot Hock he didnt cvcn mind being called maverick while in thc Iory caucus Was he on power trip IIcck Ive had power all my life Was he an opportunist Anybody as far in dcbt us am bud bcltcrstnrt looking out EQIAI TRIIAIMIINI Ilow had he informed Conservative Leader Joc lark about his decision Well you see Clark had issued an ultimatum 48 hours earlier and Homer learned about it through the press Now he was returning the favor What did he think of Clark dont think its wise for me now to tell you what think of Joc Clark Joe Clark has enough problems on his plate right now dont think should give him any more Yes we got lhc message It wont on like this for nearly an hour hrcczy break in an otherwise dreary expanse of sombrc ttowa press conferences Just listening to Jack explain what his brother llugh an Alberta Conservative cabinet ministcr thought of his move was well worth the price ot admission Actually am still not sure what Hugh thought of thc move but thats beside the point What did cmcrgc with absolute clarity was the fact that Ilorncr as Liberal cabinet minister will not bc lowering his vocal volume And there was also the suggestion that if he doesnt make it to cabinet he will certainly not be loworing his vocal volume But either way its going to be strange sccing him on the other side of the House Queens park New budget cuts deficit By DON OIIEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Was it an election budget This of course was the prime uestion reporters asked themselves when ey en tered the lockup room and had their first look at this years financial package And the first reaction was quick no For the budget had tax increases on tObac co motor vehicle licence fees and real whopger on beverage cans An it has been matter of writ that gover nments dont increase taxes particularly consumer taxes in an election year NOW RESTRAINT But second thought changed the picture Yes it very well could have been an elec tion budget For this election when it comes is going to be fought on grounds like no other we have known in the past Historically elections in Ontarioand in Canadahave been fought on spending The parties have vied with each other on how much they would spend and where But at least as far as the government is con cerned in our next vote it will be directly the opposite It will be going to the people with an appeal based on nonspending Its keynote will be restraint And this was the dominant emphasis in the budget as it has been in its preachings on fiscal policy over the last year Part of its problem in making this approach valid and successful is to convince the public or large sector of it that restraint is essen tial And whack in the pocketbook can be at least stimulant to force thinking in this direction STOP Election thoughts aside the budget really was commendable one Over the last half dozen years or so anyone who took long view of government had to be terribly worried with its crash course in spen ding and the frightening increase in debt And not only our government but all gover nments in Canada Spending was mounting much faster than the growth in production meaning that government was eating up bigger and bigger share of our resources and heading us towards disaster And the increases in debt were monumen tal Darcy McKeough has put stop to this His financing approach probably now is the most realistic of any treasurer in Canada His spending will increase this year But it wont increase as much as the Gross Provin cial Product which is the key point He hasnt been able to knock out the growth in debt But he has been able to cut down on it And he has fiveyear plan which hopefully will see the province with balan ced budget in 1981 In view of thc unwieldiness of government and the demands of the times and of the public this one probably was about as good as could be conceived Canada story First rail lines costly By BOB BOWMAN In 1850 there were 9000 miles of railway in the United States but only 66 miles in all the British North American colonies Then development was stimulated by governments guaranteeing the bonds of railway builders Fortunes were made quickly and even leading politicians who ha access to govern ment plans were able to get into the activity Sir Etienne Tachc who shared leadershi of the government with John Macdonalif had shares in the Grand Trunk Railway GIR George Cartier leader of the Con servatives in Quebec was the chief solicitor of the CTR Gait leading politician in Quebec made fortune George Brown thc Reform Liberal leader in Canada West now Ontario was also publisher of the Toronto Globe and used his newspaper to charge on April 22 1857 that The Grand Trunk Railway controls Canada at this present moment The ministry are mere puppets in its hands Gall was member of the Quebec Reform party and supporter of Brown but this made no difference to Brown He continued his attacks and Mocdonald could see that Gait was becoming increasingly indignant So Macdonald sent Galt note saying You call yourself rouge Thcrc may have been at one time reddish tingc about you but could observe it becoming by degrees fain tcr In fact oil are likc Byrons Dying Dolphin exhi iting series of colors the last still loveliest and that lost is truc blue being the color affect Seriously you would make decent Conservative so pray do become true blue at once It is it good stun ding color and boats washing bible thought Thc tliicf comcth not but for to stczil and to kill and to destroy um conic that they might huvc lifc and that thcy might huvc It morc abundantly John it It The life in Christ is dcsigncd for excitement not exclusion vc

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