Family farm growi ng by two by two by How do you keep three sets of twin calves still to get their picture taken The Norris Pro sser family of New Lowell had quite time getting this unwilling group of calves to stand still or just to stay in one spot All born within three weeks of each other and all healthy the six calves are part of the Prossers iiihead herd Dave lit tforegroundl had the secret for keeping his set of calves still just stick your hand in their mouth and the ll stick on them and stand still It doesnt work with the threecekolds as Betty lrosscr found out she got bite Examiner Photot face sentencing in hotel beatings Two Collingwood men were remanded in custody for sentencing May after their conviction in County Court Thursday on charges arising out of Jan 23 fight in hotel parkinglot Richard King 20 manager of the Dorchester Hotel was con victed on two counts of assault causing bodily harm while Michael Ward 25 waiter was convicted on one count each of assault causing bodily harm and wilful damage King was acquitted of third count of assault causing bodily harm and of wilful damage while Ward was acquitted of City workers clean up oil City public works officials were called to clean up an oil spill in stream near Kem penfelt Bay lhursday Public works SUpOlllIltlKlttll Neil Fox said someone ap parently dumped 30 to Stt gallons of what appears to be used motor oil into the watcr course immediately upstream of Lakcshorc Drive culvert across from the cit marina itv workers had to block thc culvert to contain the spill and absorb the oil with an in sulationlike substance Sonic soil will also have to be rcitiovcd and cleanup efforts were expected to continue today We were fortunate that it was spot where we could coir tain it Fox said He said the cit has no clues as to who dum ped the oil but whoever it was will get bill for cleanup ex penses if officials learn his identity two counts of assault causing bodily harm The jury took about two hours to reach verdict Assistant Crown attorney John Madden told the jury Thursday King and Ward went to the hotel parking lot with the intention of assaulting three teenagers for ringing fire alarm He said they beat one of the three unconscious King testified earlier that he had faced the three youths alone and had been attacked by them Two of Kings friends said they came to his aid part way through the fight DENIES PARTICIPATING Ward said he took no part in the fight and was inside the hotel at the tiincof the fight Gary Palmer Kings lawyer said Thursday the evidence did not support the Crowns description of the fight as virtual bloodbath or the con tention that one of the youths had received severe beating He said the victims suffered on ly cuts and bruises Palmer also said police iii vestigation of the incident ap pcared to be minimal with arl rests coming only 13 minutes after the victims were sent to hospital fortrcatment Peter llowdcn Wards lawyer said Ward had lengthy criminal record and always pleaded guilty when he knew he was guilty but pleaded not guilty on this occasion because he was not even at the scene of the fight llowdcn said the tccnagcrs were covering up to avoid pro sccution for pulling the fire alarm and underage drinking Madden asked the jury to consider why King and Ward did not tell their story to police at the time of arrest why they refused to sign statements and why lctcncc witnesses did not come forward thc night of thc fight About 4000 students seek iob information An estimated Lotto Barrie and area high school students took to the Barrie rmoury Iliursday in search ofjob information job information market organized by the aiiada Man NHHI cntrc and lluionia Rotary lub assembled communi ty rcprescntath es in tt Ttt professions who spoke informally Respect for Law Week to the students about their careers From left Susan Iroper and Diana Pcekhaus of Eastview and Sandra Snow and Deena Williams of Barrie North discuss possibilities in fashion and design with Linda Adriaans from Simmons of Barrie Ex aminer Photo Optimists honor police The ptimist tliib ol Harrie and citrcn ol the year The liic has tltsigiiitrrl the week oi lattcr sclcction will be based on city high schools lunior and timist Club says the objective individual society that May if to Rtspch for Law chk Plans for tlic ttth llttll is also lolicc chkt llltltltlt selection ot policeman of thc best tliciiictortlicwcck ltoth will be honored at May ltitlittiicr contributions to reflect the senior grades are invited to write on the subject Respect For Law with the top two essays in each division earning cash prizes of $23 and 320 respectively May is the of the week is to promote good citizenship by encouraging recognition and appreciation of the systcm we have devised to protect our civil rights and per sonal security which we loosely ycar from the ranks of thc lhc ttptimist lub has also deadline for em ries term lhc law town country Council considers following walkout tenders for park lnnisfil Township council will likely approve two tenders for concessions at Lakeside Park when it meets this chncs day The tenders were opened during committee of the whole this week Ken lhonis bid of 83500 to operate the food concession was recommended for approval over Lorraine iravelles bid of $210 Winston Dermott received the wood conccs sion tlc submitted theonly tender Farm safety clubs organized Two +11 Farm Safety lubs have been organized in South Simcoc lohn Ruticn will act as leader of the Alliston tlub while Robert Walker will be leader of the Stayner Iub Both clubs have the support of the South Simcoc Farm Safe ty Specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Allistoii Photocopies of paper available Photocopies of an English translation of the Quebec whitc paper on language policy are to be made avaiaahlc on loan at Barrie Public Library the Georgian Bay Regional Library System has announced The icorgian Ray system which keeps track of newsworthy publications has also an nounced that the federal budget and the accompanying budget speech are both available free from the Distribution Office Department of Finance Place Bell Tanada ttawa KIA 00 Rescue Squad at Guthrie The Simcoe County Rescue Squad is holding broomball hockey night at the Uro arena in Guthrie Friday night to raise funds forthcircquipmcnt The first game ladies broomball match will start at ti pm hockey game between the no Fire Department and local PP officers starts at pm Squad members will have one of their piece of rescue equipment the hydraulic Jaws on display during the games Tickets are $1 for adults 50 cents for students and free for those 12 years of age and under Pony club will hold meet The Tri County Pony Club held dinner meeting at the Driftwood Restaurant Oro The draft club will once again hold meet with the commercial pony club at ro liair ground Sunday June 26 at 11am Everyone is welcome Plans were finalized for participation in Hoof Beat 77 to be held May 29 at Molsons Park Use of Alcona centre discussed Representatives of the Alcona Beach senior citizens group will meet with lnnisfil Townships recreation dcpartv mcnt to discuss the possibility of seniors taking control of the centre Wednesday Scott Parker told council the group would assume the costs of heat hydro and maintenance and would allow other groups to use the centre Reeve Bill Gibbins said he is concerned that the centre is not used enough and suggested the meet ing College begins driving course An introduction to defensive driving will be held Monday at noon in theGcorgian College Theatre The introduction will consist of film and discussion and is free of charge It is being conducted by Ron Darbyshire of llawkcstone Man dies of iniuries CULLINGWOOIL Iorrenco Moore 74 of Collingwood died in hospital Wednesday of in juries sufferer earlier in the day when he slipped under the wheels of halfton truck while directing the truck as it backed intohis driveway POPULATEI HY KIDS In 1975 almost 50 per cent of the population of Africa was un der the age of 15 the Population Reference Bureau says Most campers from Ontario In an article on the Canadian Family Camping Federation tCltCF printed March 26 in The Examiner Bob Wilkinson was quoted as saying while the organization is national 0n tario is the focus of operations Wilkinson says the CFC is national operation giving people equal cance to par ticipate across Canada The largest number of mem bers came from Ontario wheic the organization originated Workers on the ob at CGE plant here Workers were on the job as usual this morning at anadian iencral Electric in the wake of walkout which had an estimated 350 employees of from lencsday afternoon to St am lhursrlay iiioiiiing tnion and management of licials are scheduled to inch Tuesday following manage ment investigation of Seniority problems which provoked the walkout liff Machayden cmploycc relations manager for the firm said today the company plans no disciplinary action against thccmployccs Workers went out lllltlll the consent of union leaders in pro test against proposed layofls they say would violate Stlllttll ty At issue is the ability of some senior employees to per form jobs the union says they be given lll preference to ltlltil employees lwo workers involle lll the dispute are bciiig given cliaiicc to prove they can do the jobs and Macbaydcii said to day one of the two has already provcn his ability to thc satisfactionolinanagement About St workers are schedul ed to be laid off partly due to decreased consumer demand and partly due to llli curl ol lawnmowerproduction meeting ol liiited lClcc tiical Workers Local 31 is scheduled for Tuesday evening to discuss the outcome ot liics days umonmanagcmciit talks The walkout came two months after the union and the company agreed to new one year contract Cadets may participate in Arctic training trip Five Barrie residents could spend their summer learning how to survive in the Arctic Licut Pctcr Luster cadet lieutenants David Schuctt and Mike Racdts and adct MW Roger amcron and adct Wt lohn Racdts have applied to participate in the Arctic ln doctiiiiation toursc for Arym inlets Licut Litster who took part in the 1974 course will leave Barrie July to assist in thc iiiv itial planning and preparation forthccoursc lhc cadets it accepted will report to ltl letawawa luly ll for two weeks of rigorous training which includes 27rniilc mute marches carrying all the equipment they will need in the Arctic liicut Litstcr and the cadets will fly to ltcsolutc July 32 for five days of training and ad justingtothcnorthcrnclimate tin luly Jtt they will fly to litlttkil on lllt edge of the Polar ice cap about tith miles south of the North Pole lrom llurcka they will par ticipate in liveday long range patrol over the tundra lhc patrol will require the cadets to take part in long non stop marches sleep on shale and moss and wash in thc frigid Arctic water Liciit Litstcr and the cadets will return to ltl lctawawa in August to turn in their equip niciit and join cultural tours of the Ottawa area TRAINING Collingwood Air Training Back in Full Operation rlrivatc Commercial Instrument lwin All Flight Simulator Audiovisual training aids Intensive ground school course April 23 and 24 April Itttand May Improve your skills with Night Endorsement Instrument Time FLYER 0R NON FLYER COME ANDSAY HELLO Sightseeing rides day or night COLLINGWOOD AIR 4451 Harrie tity lolicc Department Trustee brings tree to lnnisfil Central school Sinicoe ouuty Board of Education tilrstcc Irs udrcy rot tcr travelled to liiiiisfil ciitial School lhuisday to plant silier niaplc on the property She had donach tree to each Masseu oi gained an essay contest for of the liinisfil Township schools Studnet Jack Ilciiry and teacher Mike Uli cr are among the interested spectators ho also gaic Mrs lrottci hand with the planting tIIxaniiiicr Ihotot OUT FINAL WEK CLOSING APRIL 30 1977 PullOn Pants Tailored Pants SWIMWEAR SHORTS TOPS DRESSES 0BL0USES All MERCHANDISE AT WHOLESALE PRICES Sherry Ladies 125 Dunlap St SWEATERS $500 $700 VVear 7372082 Michael Adams from the 0p It is felt that attention to Respect for Law Week can go sonic distance towards of fsctting the increasing strains system on our legal RENT NEW TRUCK Tons Panels 012 Vans 018 Vans Power Tailgates Commercial rates footwan OMC truck TIEDEN RENT TRUCK 341 BAYFIELD ST Hayï¬eld SUNOCU Car Washl St lco SI ing means great deal Great strength Great beauty Great colours StElCO smflng In tact great package Improve your home the smart way Manufactured trom Call now for atree estimatetrom Steel Paroducts gtde 436a775 7370800