Carriage house to Village Inn via their decor By PAT GUERGIS Examiner Staff Writer The Village Inn at Thornton is remodelling in order to add another dining room and double its seating capacity What they are doing should be of interest to home owners The owners of the Inn Don and Muriel Hiles say the decor of the new area at the rear will be similar to that of the front part which has been in use now for seven years Complete with an open wood burning fireplace and cher rywood stairway the new area will feature balcony designed for intimate tables for two Huge wood beams removed from the nearby Cunningham farm have been added to the ceiling giving the room rustic appearance We intend to keep everything old Muriel said Although it wont be all original materials from here it will all be very antique WAS CARRIAGE IIOISE Built in 1858 the Inn was originally carriage house It was stage coach stop Don said Mrs Cunningham has picture of this place showing stage coach out front and wedding party coming out the door There was horse stable out back The lliles go to great deal of trouble to get the things they want for the Inn We have been looking for six months for cherry stairway The addition wont open until we get it We have leads from six demolition contractors now in Kitchener Toronto and Lon don If we get one soon we will open in six weeks but we will not open until we get what we are looking for Muriel has been collecting gas shades for 10 years She has 60 all polished and hanging in the basement ready for use Don said Each one is worth at least $200 They will be hanging from the ceiling by By DONALD RRANN When winter snow begins to melt and tender green shoots of grass start poking their heads into the warm sunshine it may be sign of spring to some folks but its kite time to youngsters Spring winds provide ideal kite flying weather and every brighteyed lad will be off to high adventure test flying this Bermuda Design Kitealmost 50 high 24 in width its unique construc tion permits flying to great heights Kite Time offers sport everybody can enjoy hen the warm trade winds blow brass chains or mounted on the walls with brass wall brackets The fireplace is unique also One side is round and the other is square Its just terrific Don said The smell is wonderful We asked Vic Watson to build it but he said it couldnt be done We told him that was what we wanted and wouldnt settle for anything else Once he was convinced to give it try we worked with him for three weeks and got it done He did beautiful job on it One side is made out of pine and the other is marble The at mosphere created by the fire and the smell of the buming wood added to its appearance is terrific Don said his regular customers keep coming in to see how the addition is coming along They seem to like the quiet relaxed atmosphere have four or five tables which have standing onceawmk reservation The new area will increase the seating capacity of the Inn by tfrï¬double what it is now think we will have to double our staff also Don said at the pre sent time there are 2o part time and six fulltime employees VICTORIAN STYLC All the furniture which will be used will be the old Victorian style We are trying to get everything 1830 or before Hiles said Queen Anne chairs with tapestry walnut and cherry tables are what we will be using most of The wallpaper will have definite antique design The Ax minster carpets ordered from England are ltiincli strips sewn together as they were in the old days Don has been busy in the last few days removing an old tin ceiling from the and Restaurant on Dunlop Street in Barrie across colorful Bermuda kite flying becomes such popular sport aircraft receive special warnings There youngsters have be come so proficient in making When the false ceiling was removed there was this beautiful tin ceiling It has the flowered pattern in the squares and think it will go in here bet ween the wooden beams Stereo music will be filtered into the new room We like to keep it quiet Don said think this is what people are looking for today Our business has been terrific success and that is why Its quiet place were people can relax think if we went modern eople would just forget about us Our waitresses are dressed and will continue to dress in oldfashioned long dresses The new part will be the same gas fireplace at the back of the room will be removed in order to place the cherry stair case to get to the balcony which is expected to seat 16 WINDOWS ANTIQIE Don says they have stair case now which came from Norris Dairy We will use it if we absolutely have to but Im hoping one of the other leads will work out All the windows which have been added are antique Two large windows have been put in the lower level and three smaller ones on the balcony wall We purchased those win dows at least 10 years ago Don said We were in Texaco garage in Barrie before we bought this place seven years ago and we planned to put an addition on the garage to sell ant iqucs from lexaco wouldnt go for it so we moved otit btit that is what these windows were originally purchased for The llilcs who live upstairs above the restaurant have been purchasing antiques for about years he said No definite date has been set for completion When we coin pletc the purchases of the materials we want to finish it well put them in and open it but not until we get what were looking for carpentry corner kites and have had so much success flying them to new records its imperative to warn aircraft away full size pattern simplifies building this kite lion and Muriel Hines are doing what almost every owner of historical building would like to toremoch in traditional cin The only difference is that the Hines have turned their caniage house into dining establishment with their own living quarters above Their ideas on expanding their business can be adapted for those interested in remodelling job Examiner Photo colorful include noisemaker that sets up steady drumbcat easily heard from even long way up This motor stimulates childs imagination Unlike most kites this one is design ed to take advantage of even the slightest breeze IATIERNS Pattern NoZl1i Bermuda Kite $225 Please add 25 cents for each item ordered for postage and handling On tario residents add per cent ntario Sales Tax Send cheque or money order to Carpentry Corner The Examiner Barrie PO Box woo Station Toronto Ontario MSW 1M being cat urcs Besides special examiner home oftheweek 45 amrw is KIT iifjlg NOOK II LX III III Main tloor Living area 827 sq ft Family area 242 sq Utility area 141 sq ft Plait No 76193 This weeks feature is func tional but low cost four bedroom side split suitable for all areas in Canada Individual tastes and budgets dictate different home types But overall the split level home offers maximum living area because the entire house can be utilized without constant use of log stairs The width of todays home of the week is 45 feet overall allowing it to fit on com paratively small lot typical of todays subdivisions in urban centres It is basically important however to inquire about street set back side and rear yard allowances at your local building department before dccidingupon anydesign The exterior of this home is quite unique in that it breaks from the usual frontal ap pearance and offers tudor motif while still maintaining the brick veneer cladding If siding or stucco is preferred in stead of brick this can be achieved with no difficulty whatsoever One is given the impression of spaciousness created by the side split in the foyer The entry ocan be made extremely im pressive by use of carefully selected lighting fixtures The large coat closet in the entry has mirrored eightfoot doors which besides being func tional are also most attractive GARAGE 426 yppcr tloor Area 723 sq ft PLAN N9 761939 WIDTH= 45 ft The living room and formal dining room are combined and again we have the awareness of expanse brought upon by the high ceilings The formal din ing room is designed in such manner as to accommtxlatc largedining room suite The kitchen is well laid out in Ushapc incorporating ample cabinet space and easy ac cessibility to all appliances Corner cabinet areas are well utilized by means of lazy susans REAR PATIO For informal dining space is provided in the eating nook which overlooks the cosy fami ly room and fireplace six foot sliding patio door leads from the flimin room to rear patio which is ideally suited to indooroutdoor summer living Access to the house is also achieved by means of door from the double garagc and utility room where the washer dryer and downstairs DOWtIOl room are located roomy basement below liv gig lining and kitchen areas gives excellent storage fur nacc area and potential games room or other additional rooms on the upper floor there are four bedrooms ideally suited to the larger family The master bedroom is complimented by walkin closet and twopiece en suite The additional vanity and sink in the dressing room is also an important attribute Three goodsized bedrooms compete the sleeping area Construction costs in this design are minimized by the fact that the house is almost square with few corners which always end to escalate costs Plans for design No 761939 may be obtained at cost of$70 for the first set and $9 for each additional set plus $350 for postage and handling Please include per cent sales tax Available for $225 $175 plus 50 cents post age anti handling To order these items please send cheque or money order payable to the Home of the Week Address to Home of the Week co The Examiner Ban me 382 West Broadway Van couverBCV5Y1R2 for $90000 OTTAWA John Lurtz has proved that an old aban doned warehouse can be put to better use than standing as neglected monument to the nadiaii streetcar era The 80yearold warehouse which once housed streetcars now stands as an elegant 9t unit apartment building across the Ottawa River in Ayimer Que Together the land and the old limestone structure cost Lurtz about $90000 and five years hard work Lurtz Romanian who im migrated to Canada after being held here as prisoner in the Second World War is carpcir ter by trade He said the most difficult part of the renovation project was getting mortgage Warehouseapartment years money because the idea of turn ing an old dirty warehouse into an apartment building was un conventional Someone spent much time putting the old buildings to gether said Lurtz and his af fection for heritage is reflected in the kind of apartments he created large ones with coun trysized kitchens limestone walls and aged yellow pine beams Lurtz collected the remains of other old buildings to renovate his own The gargoylcs and pillars in the lob by oncc adorned an Ottawa building the doublc front doors came from church hall and the elevators oncc took civil servants to their jobs at the Unemployment Insurance Commission the examlner Frlday Aprll 221977 homes Wood works For some home is refuge complete escape from anything associated with the workaday routine For others it is very per sonal showcase of the best that the days occupation has to cf fer The home of furniture designer and woodworking in structor David Zelman is an ex cellent example of the latter with handsome samples of his own furniture in evidence everywhere Enthused about his craft and fascinated by the infinite variety and natural beauty of hardwoods he surrounds him self with it at work and at home The sparsely furnished un cluttered look he favors in his home environment provides an excellent background for two of his favorite pieces coffee table and dining table Both are solid hardwood oneofa kind pieces designed and hand crafted by Zelinan in his studio For the coffee table Zelman chose Padauk one of the more costly hardwoods To achieve the gentle curving flow of the wood as it bends to form the legs be laminated thin strips of wood together It would have been impossible to bend solid board to create the inverted shape his design called for The simplicity of the design belies the many hours of work that chman spent in executing hisdesign The grain of the the wood provides its own design motif and the table is set off han dsomely by two offwhite couches on cit her side Placed on small oriental rug in room where the rest of the hardwood floor is left bare the table becomes the focal point of the entire room An abundance of plants provide the perfect accent in this no fussnomuss setting The dining table combines practicality with abstract art The top is solid piece of ash left in its natural light color This is bordered with darker redder hardwotxt called Bcngc Its all very practical It was in the design for the base that Zelman let his imagination flow freely Using odds and ends scraps from the vastebarrcl at his studio he created collageof wood an abstract design that shows the infinite variety of color grain pattern density and texture of hardwood never work in anything but hardwotxl And feel as an in structor its part of my job to make sure the students do the same anyone to put hours of work into piece that just isnt going to last says Zelman He finds it amazing that he has to sell his students on hardwood when the advantages are so obvious tohim Through the years he has devised an effective demonr stration to get his point across At the beginning of each new session he has an assortment of hardwoods on the work bench First Aid for Ailing Homes By ROGER WHITMAN CONCRETE FLOOR IlSTY What will stop new con crete basement floor from get ting so dusty In spite of nearly daily sweepings the kids track dust upstairs on to the wallto wall carpeting Apply couple of treat ments with liquid masonry sea ler following label directions Considerany cheaper is or dinary waterglass silicate of soda usuall sold by whole my fav salers of poultry supplies Mix smooth applied two coats of one part to four parts of water good wood finish It looks great Slosh over the floor After But still in one or two places couple of hours mop up any there are spotsthat arcturning puddles and let dry week rough again as though needing Then repeat However if you some kind of sealer What could plan to paint the floor later wa use ferglass isnt so good paint No magic dabon sorry to vont stick well Use the sealer say Youll have to remove your RESTORINC TABLE finish at these spots get it We picked up beautiful smooth again then seal with mahogany dropleaf which had been table couple of coats of pure fresh terribly white shellac Then do your abused We stripped this tired best to spotrefinish inconspic old wreck sanded it glass ously orite photo This weeks reader photo was submitted by iarry Zito of Alliston It was taken in field alongside the Nottawasaga River As this weeks winner he will receive free roll of Kodacolor film including processing from The Kamera Shop Bayficld Mall Quarterly winners will waive gift certificate worth 350 Readers are invited to stibiiiit their photos judged by The Kainera Shop to this contest Sharp clear color photos are suitable along with black and whites Remember to rite your name address and phone nunihcr on the back Send your entry to Reader Photo The Examiner Itox 370 Rarrie Ont IAM tlti Its crime to allow Garden notes Slsfkydeui 23 $43 Planning the garden is important Home gardens money savers By Allan and Sheila chnson Gardens are sprouting everywhere As food prices climb more families like yours have decid ed to grow their own food or part of it anyway You can save dollars and eat better Community gardens are growing too Even if you dont have the land to garden you can rent lease or borrow plots to grow IOIS of good eating Towns and city govemments business firms and unions are helping people obtain the growing room they want Even small 12byltrfoot plot can yield abundantly Starting your own plants from seeds is the most economical way to begin You also have wider choice of the tastiest most prolific yielding varieites Seed firms ship seed display racks to stores with the varieites that do best in particular areas PLAN WELL Plan well to get the most from every square foot Map your garden on paper to determine spaces for rowes hills different crops Select varieities that mature early hybrids that resist common disease problems and are most productive Catalogs and seed packs provide these details Start seeds indoors four to six weeks before planting time outside after the last killing frost in spring heck you local garden centre for that date Use peat pellets peat pots for conveneicne Use steilized seed star ting mix and follow directions on seed packs Peat potted prestarted vegetable transplants cost slightly more However roots grow through the pots into soil aoviding transplanting setback That means earlier maturity and harvest When you directly seed outdoors thinning is vital too vcrcrowding causes smaller weaker plants Save your seed pack directions to space and thin properly Also save some seeds for later succession planting That way youll have seedlings to plant as early crops mature to keep every square foot producing Some vegetables like lettuce broccoli cabbage beans prefer cooler growing weather Plant early for spring crop in summer to get fall crop That doubles yields Prepare soil well by digging or tilling in manure or com post Mulch wherever possible with grass clippings compost old lcaves straw This smothers weeds saves time holds vital moisture in the soil too As organic mulch rots down it improves soil fertility structure and condition year after year IEEI THEM Feed your crops with balanced fertilizer Few soils can produce bountiful crops without your replacing the nutrients each years crops take out of the soil Fortunately new timed release fertilizers make this job easier than ever You apply them in the spring They release nutrients as plants grow but by bit right to harvest This worthwhile development saves time benefits plants and is backed by the companies long experience in proper plant nutrition good lawn is essential By JEAN GABLE Barrie Horticultural Society ne of the most important parts of the grounds of any home industry or public building is the lawn No matter how elegant the rest of the planting or how simple good lawn is essential Weather has been ideal for putting your lawn in shape If you didnt mow the grass and let grow six inches before winter came you might be better to cut it before raking If you dont you may pull up the roots with the long grass Use of leaf rake and give the soil good scratching If there are hollows or snow plow damage level with some good weedfree top soil Seed the bare spots with whatever type of grass seed the rest of the lawn is like to aereate my lawn evey spring it helps it to breath and allows the moisture to seep in After you have levelled and seeded it and applied weed and feed fertilizer give it light rolling Never pack the soil When you start mowing never cut more than third of the length of the grass blade If you do it weakens the grass Be sure the lawn mower blade is sharp It should be sharpened twice in year if you have lot of mowing to do CRARGRASS Be sure to use crabgrass preventive either in your fer tilizer or separate It is much easier to prevent crabgrass infestation than to cure it cheaper too in the Io run Some of the insect problems you may enco nter are Yhinch bugs ants slugs cutworms white grubs and Japanese beetles If you have these problems in your lawn use Chlordane as directed on container Dont use it unless you must If you have moles in your lawn it means that you also have white grubs which the moles are digging for Skunks also like these goodies If you sow new grass seed you must water it gently every day for at least seven days or until well established Keep off new grass and dont put weed killer on it There number of common diseases of grass brovm patch snow mould dollar spot toadstools fair rings etc and an allpurpose fungicide will take care of most of these Remember do not give your lawn brush cut just one third the length of the grass blade SOCIETY NEWS Fifty members will be attending Reeves Greenhouses special display on Saturday and taking in the London Paladium group from Barrie visited with Oro Township Society at their April 18 meeting with Art Drysdale Nine delegates attended District No 16 Convet ion in Orillia on Wednesday We are pleased to know only few tables are left to be sold for the Geranium Card Party on ril 27 in the Legion Hall The Legion Hall holds 80 tables an 20 are playing in homes It has been wonderful weather for getting the cleaning up done Do remember to place all rubbish in plastic bags or boxes for the garbage man The City will not pick up brush or leaves that are not in bags or boxes except those on the st reets If you have items like tv refrigerator or stove etc give this number call for free pickup 7264687 Next tour is May 11th to Centennial Greenhouses in Etobicoke and to see Liberace at OKeefe Centre We heard an excellent report on the houseplant meeting at the library