Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1977, p. 11

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motorcycle training course designed to reduce the number of injuries and ac cidents among novice riders is being offered through the Georgian College Summer School of the Arts in Barrie Orillia Huntsville Parry Sound Owen Sound and the MidlandPenetanguishene area The first nationwide stan dardized training course for novice motorcyclists in North America the course was developed by the Canada Safe ty Council and comprises balanced blend of both class room and riding instruction in small groups under controlled conditions All instruction will be provid ed by fully qualified instructors trained through the Canada Safety Council and the Ontario Safety Lague The course includes 18 hours of instruction the builk of which is actual riding ex perience and costs $45 Motor cycles will be provided by the college In most areas the course is being offered in May so par ticipants may benefit from the York Fine Art Gallery is now exhibiting paintings by Count Alex van Svoboda until May Alexander von Svoboda resident of King Township was born in Vienna Austria and studied in the academies of Paris Rome and Vienna He immigrated to Canada in 1950 and maintains studios out side of Toronto and in Florence Italy He is known worldwide for his Ecclasiastical art and design and is one of only very few artists who execute mosaic on large scale In 1970 he completed The Quest one of the largest sculptures of modern times carved out of one 200ton block of marble This he executed for GeorgiaPacific world head quarters For Canadas Centennial pro ject von Svoboda executed one Who are these stars and the Dirtwater Fox By PAUL DELEAN What is it about the Canadian experience that lends itself so well to folk music Virtuzdly all forms of music are alive and blossoming in this country today but folk music remains head and shoulders above all others in quality and maturity It got its head start in the 1960s when people around the world began to take an interest in the folk styles being ex pounded by lan and Sylvia Buf fy Ste Marie Joni Mitchell and Gordon Lightfoot It hasnt looked back since Mitchell and Lightfoot have grown ever more prominent and major new talents Bruce Cockburn Valdy Dan Ilill Murray McLauchlan Ron Nigrinii have emerged On the basis of recently released debut albums there are two more names to add to that impressive listIavid Bradstreet and Ronncy Abram son David Bradstreet and 9026 and Abramsons Stow away CBS True North 27 are simply smashing records ON THE IRUIT The fact that they are first ef forts makes them all ihe more remarkable although the ma turity of their sound shouldnt Motorcycle training course set training during months of stim mer riding On completion of the course students may take Depart ment of Transport test using college equipment It is recom mended that learner licence be obtained prior to the start of the course Twelve lessons on primary topics ranging from balancing and braking to survival in hazardous situations are covered The course arose following study of statistics by the Canada Safety Council which showed that large majority of motorcycle accidents and in juries occurred during the first few months of riding If novice rider survived the first six months it appeared that his chances of accident fell greatly These facts pointed up the lack of formal training available to novice motor cyclist His training and experience had to be gained for the most part on public roads and highways Svoboda paintings at York gallery of the largest fountains in North America at Vancouver BC Von Svobodas many interests include breeding and raising champion quarter horses The paintings in this exhibi tion are the artists personal impressions of people and places that have captured his attention during his travels From the heat of the deserts to the realism of the Arctic seeing and feeling the move ment of the ocean the brilliant light of Texas the hominess of Ontario Alex von Svoboda ex presses the realities beyond the surface that nature erveals to him York Fine Art Gallery can be reached off Highway 11 two andahalf miles west of Aurora on Wellington Street or off Highway 100 at the Aurora sideroad at Snowball movie trivia If you can identify both and the movie in which they ap peared you could win two passes to the Imperial Theatre Edward Zaba of Box 400 Angus won last weeks contest by identifying Goldie IIawn and George Segal in The Duchess Remember that the movie trivia contest runs every Thursday and the draw for the winner is made Wednesday afternoon from all correct answers submitted Send your answer to this one to Movie trivia The Ex aminer Box 370 Barrie Ont LtM tTti Deleon on discs Folk hasnt looked back RONNEY ABRAMSON be all that surprising both performers spent almost decade on the coffee house cir cuit prior to being recorded first saw Bradstreet in 1970 at college pub in Toronto His expressive voice managed to subdue threequarters of large and unruly student au dience no small achievement MasseyFergusons big red white and blue balloon will be in Stayncr Friday and Saturday Scheduled to appear across anada this SIllIillltl the balloon is ill feet high and 33 feet in diameter and flits it an alt iiiidc of con to tittti icit for about to miles You may get an opportunity to fly by balloon at Stayner colorful balloon will soon by flying over Stayiicr Owned by MasseyuFerguson the farm machinery manufac turer it will be main atlrac tion at an Open House being held by Bellamy Equipment on Friday and Saturday And depending on weather conditions some visitors may have chance to go up in it with Craig Sevdc licensed pilot with more than four ycais ex pericncc The balloon being used by MasscyFcrguson for special events in anada this summer flies at an altitude of zoo to Hot ft for about to milcs although it has flown record ittizi inilcs andashighasttuiooft highcr thanthcbigjctsfly Its til it high and 33 ft in diameter and holds 3331pm it of hot air when filled The air is heated by propane biiriicrs suspended above tlic flight baskcl lcinjxraturc in side thc balloon must bc 41 degrees clcius tlltt Ft liottcr than thc oiitsidc iir litlttlt lllt balloon willrisc It lSiOlllltIllItl by siinplying iuriiinit tlic burncrsonor oil with tlnoitlc valvc llic piissciigcr bustmt made of iiliiiniiniiii lllltlllL covcrcd with wickcr tlltl ls cquippcd with lligtgtllllllltlil tliiit iiidicatc tllltlltlt Ill ltlli tltllllltlllMtltllitlgtilltttili iiitl litlttil llSttlll and lltitlll toiitiary to cvpcctntion tlic balloon docs not tnlw olt Slltlltllll Ill tilltl Sittil lllltt spaci Black powder action Sunday BOLTON The popular precision team of Upper Canada Rifles will begin new season of providing dcinonstia tions of oldtime musket use and hand gun drill work on Sun day at the Cold Creek OliSle vation Area The deirionstrations which begin at 1030 am and con for an unknown alone with an acoustic guitar His voice is just as affecting seven years on Bradsticcts iiir telligent delivery further benefits from superb ac companiinent throughout the 12 eonirxisitions with guitarists Bob Mann and Lance Quinn especially effect ivc Renaissance song so right for Valdy twlio popularized it is Bradstreet original and is included on the album Good as it is Renaissance is far from the best on this ex cellent work One Way Or Another Distant Fields Long Long Road and From Here See are standouts Theres no hope for the Top 40 format it programmers cant find room on their playlists for one or more ofthesc select ions The same applies for the lit compositions on Stowaway Abra mson simply has one of the most delicate voices around and it imbues her material with feminine sensitive quality SIIIIUCTIVE Ilcr relaxing sound is the musical equivalent of well being It seduces the listener iii to being at peace with the world Alirainson herself an ac complished guitarist is assisted by excellent session tinue to pin will include the crowds favorite Buffalo Shoot In this action unit members balance their rifles on crossed st icks and fire the muzzle loader at targct 1th yards away lll addition to this Sunday the Upper Canada Rifles will pro Ii VII BRA SIR ICICI musicians who ably fill out the sound without detracting from itsintiniacy Bruce Tockbiirn Moc Koff man and the aforcmciitioiicd Bob Mann are among the con tributors Coproducers Mat thew McCauley and Fred Molliii kept the package mellow and understated Iop tunes include Never Seem to Get Along Without You Long Lonely Winter and Baby Brown Eyes SirO llcase and Your Love lets Me Around the first singlet have commercial possibilities iilil llltl ltlIlOllSllltllOllr it May vidc trcck Sunday Sunday liinc llt old rcck opciuilcd by llic Metropolitan Toronto and ltcgion onscrvalion lllliOlll is located midway liclwccn Bolton and Noblcton on Olitcs sion Road 11 tlircc miles north ot the King Sidcroad The oinniodorcs arc riding hot streak The band has put together string of hits in Shotgun chct Love Just to Be losc to You and Fancy lianccr Ihc latest album toni niodorcs Motown ttttlSl shows the group still very much in the groove soulful tunc called IIasy or perky Lincc number Shes At Brick llolisc would be welcome additions to thcloptltt The groups sound is of thc rhythm and blues variety popularizcd by Itlarth Wind and Fire There are also siin ilarities to the Average White Band Strong horn and guitar work complement soulful vocials It adds up to nicclyrtcxturcd sound The ommodorcs may be notch below Earth Wind and Fire for creativity but theyre certainly healthy cut abovc the average in giving thcir own definition to familiar stylc TWISIS lt INt One of the most difficult toiiguctwistcrs is The sixth sick sheiks sixth sheeps sick especially when spokin quickly ltiitlni it bit oil it lcw llltlll tilxiH tlic iitliiitl tlltl lllOVtS slowly tt tlltl iijtgi illi iiiglc tlcpciitbiiz oii lln pcctl of lllt wind llil tio llilttlllll oi litat iii lllt ltiiiltuil lljtltilllllltllltllllllltlllillllH coiitiollcd within tlic lllli1 of lllt wind 11 nrioic dtitiidcs blight can lic prcdclciiiiincd llll tiliililltlt llt iiiicy oncc llic pccl iiitl ilircctioti ol liic llitl aloit or known lll ltillllitlltill usually obtaiiicd llOllillltliitHlt£ill1tlOllltt in tlic tippci ltlt of tlic ligilltitililiIiiiilllttlllllllj1tlll which licp control tlic llttll in nltlt the top dcflation port which lltli illllttl by iiiyii dctldtt lllt balloon on lilitllllt clinun cliiclc iollows tlic biilloon to ictiicvc it on lniidiiiH and ictiirii it to thc laiinclisitc CI SlltISS llic balloon lS iiicdc of nylon tabric which IS ltl5lllll to heat and tcring llic design is natural share which spreads sires cyciily Nylon webbing scyy oiilo tlic scams absorb lllt wciglil ltifftl ol llic gondola from stccl cablc at tlic throat of the balloon The cables irc thcrc to provnlc lltill piotcction lioiii tlicbiiiiici ll ittltillt the examiner Thursday April 211977 11 leisure River Rat Race on this weekend This is the weekend for the annual Beaver River River Rat Race from Ileathcote near lhornbury west of Ioll ingWoixl It is traditional event of frivoliiv occurring every spr ing when the Beaver River waters are fastest highest and coldest Hardy folks young and old have been trying for years to see who can get down the river the fastest and the funniest It all started with young fellows celebrating the coming of Spring Now all kinds of per plc from all over Ontario enter the race and have become known over the years as River Rats The only rules are that the craft must be homemade and haveonesquaicend Theres no portaging cxccpt for llcndcnan Dam allowed even though there arc two fair sized dams to go over and quite bit of white water to navigate Naturally lifc jackets are niair datory but costumes are op tional Every year tlic sponsors takc cxtcnsivc safcty prccautions and have instituted well organized rescue and first aid crew There will be ijiicnccd scuba divers from the Rye nauts Scuba liib of Toronto and ollingwood Scuba Iiib at the most dangerous points on thcrivcr They also have nicn wearing rcd vcsts with ropes and safcty cquipincnt along the lltl IIach salcty crew has radio man with thcin lroin tlic cavcr allcy RS liib so we liavc contact along tlic lll throughout tbc racc Anyonc can cntcr in advance at thc Toronto lioiiiiiiion Bank in lhornbiiry or anytime after lllit in the day of tlic race at llcatlicotc ln lEtTti thc cvcnt had 12o cii trics consistingof oil drinns lll iicr tubes joiiicd togctlicr ik ing llljt in which laul Rim sitgirl did coiiiincrcizil tor tnrlings and was sccn all ovcr tanada during thc tanzidzi up Scrns IIUHI IlllIIl llIC lhc coinpctilion is kccn and sonicoftlicltttioddparticipants cntcr scriously and strictly to win Othcrsarcjust in it forth tun and to sw who can put on tlic most outlandish pci lorinancc Attii lllt liliitltl ciiiisc from lltilllttilt tlic niinicious dunk ings bcgiii in thc chilly killtlS below thc Slab lown liain ind iiiori occur at tlic tlniksbiiri liani All who finish bctorc in rcccivc ccrtilicntc for completing tlic race and thcrc iic piics lOl first sccoiid and npccinl pric for tlic most original entry The bcst places to watch arc all accessible by the Beaver illcv Road running south troin lliornbiiry which is Angus library has available film projector ANGIS oinnniiiity groups and patrons oi lllt lissa tciitcii ninl Library may now rent ltillilll film projccior through thc library at cost of $250 per day lhc projector has bccn ltitillr cd to tlic library by tlic lcorgian Bay Regional Library System ltinini filin catalogue is also availablc at tlic library for the purpose of ordcriiig tilins llicrc is no charge for this scr vicc The 2va rental fee for thc projector includes pickup the day before and return the lay aftir miles west of CollingWOod on Highway 26 The start is around pm from lleathcote and its amuse ing to see some of these strange boats launched for the first time Its also amusing to see some of the computors try to board them The Beaver Valley River Rat Race is family entertainment at its best and many people come with picnic hampers throughout the whole communi lawn chairs and everything for whole days outing The sponsors will be selling souvenir buttons Proceeds will be used to en courage minor sports in the Beaver Valley and for the beneficial and charitable ef forts of the Rotary Club ty such as the Blue Mountain Crippled Childrens Camp at Craigleith did you know The spring cleanup of the various park sites throughout the city is progressing well Officials of the Department of Recreation have indicated that most sites have been cleared of any debris deposited over the winter General maintenance and repairs to the various park washrooms are continuing lhc annual fertilizing program in the 32 City parks starts shortly which should result in continued improvement to the turf in the park areas weekend notebook friday Nearly New Ruminagcsalc will be held at Grace United hurch at pin The sale sponsored by the Grace UCW will be at the church on Grove Street Olhcrc will be card party at it pm at the Midhmst Com munity llall Ollic llindcnburg starring George Scott and Anne Ban croft will bc shown at the Barrie Tountry Club at 830 pm larcntal discretion is advised due to subject matter Members and guests are invited Admission is free Olhc lluroiiia liop dance sixtnsored by the Barrie lluronia Rotary Club will be held at the Embassy Hall beginning at pin The music will be provided by the Stirl ings playing music from the 50s hot beef and ham dinner will bc served and thcrc will be an open bar Those attending may wear ltiiitis casual dress $16 per couple Alaundy Service will be held at the Grenfel United hurcli at 7itt pin for all three charges of the church rummage sale will be held at St Georges Church Bur ton Avc at in auspiccsof the St Georges ACW The amp Nottawasaga program committee for Parents Without Partners of Midland and Orillia will hold spring dance Friday from it to pm in the Angus Lions Hall saturday 33th wcdding anniversary Open House will be held for Ed and ions Mills and Hilton and Barbara Webb at the hiirchill oininunity Hall from to pm Olrozidway in Spring the second annual show of the Mellow Blends will be presented tonight at Barrie Central olligiatc Featured also are the Timbre Tone male quartet from Kitchener the Vibratoncs ladies quartet and the Barrie Mens horus Adults Silfio children and senior citizcns $2 30 ollie Barrie and District Square Dancers clubs is sponsor ing hosting dance at North Collegiate Proceeds from the dance which runs from to lttzittt pm will go to the VON and thc Siincoc ounty Rescue Squad olhe Silver Birch luidcs will hold their convention today and tomorrow at St Andrews Presbyterian Church and Col litr Strch liiitcd tlnircli oArca nursery schools will be presenting displays at the Georgian Mall Ihursday Friday and Saturday Creative materials books and records will be available for children iousc Olhc Angus l7nitcd hurch Women are holding tea and rummage sale at the church from 3ttto 330pm olhc Barrie Firc licpartincnts Ladies Auxiliary will hold charity ball at the Embassy Hall from to am Music will be provided by the invaders Tickets are $15 couple lhonc thrflltrl or RutHim for further information The Holly onimunit cntrc Board is SpOllSOllllg spring dance at pin Bud loolc will provide the music chicvcincnt liay will beheld by the HI girls club at the Mincsing ciitral School at 1pm Olhc Barrie Public Library will present ascrecning of the Walt Disney film The Hound That Thought He Was Rac coon lliis frcc showing will begin at pm Spring Rummage Sale ill beheld from to noon in the lniicd hurch auditorium sponsored by the entral United hiircli Women 0A lliankYou dancc will be held at the Minesing om iiiiinity Hall from it to am for the landowners who permit tcd the members of tlic Mincsing Swampridcrs Snowmobile lub and the Holly Track and Trail Snowmobile lub to use their property Tickets are So and are available by calling TJtirllllitl sunday Oliaylight savings time has arrived turn your clocks AlllIAlioncliour lhcrc will be an Open House at the Guthrie Initcd Church Manse for the new lilllllSltl and his wife Rcv and Mrs De Oiicttcvillcs from to pin 0A rcpcat iwrforinaiicc of An Afternoon of Ducts will tnkc place at 23 at St lauls United Church Oillia larticipating in the recital arc Susan Rickctts Bairic lillltlllll Rcid Orillin and accompianist liarles oixlrow Orillia The Mikado tonight at Codrington Street School Blushing biidc Acs but for whom Will it be Mike Billgar left playing the part of Roko or Andrew Leggctt right as Nankipoo Only Yum Yum Lori McMinn knows for sure The mystery will unrach tonight and Friday at odringtoii Street School as Grades and ti present the Gilbert and Sullivan operctta Ilic Mikado at 730 pin The production features string orchestra and large choir and involves about lltlsttidciits lIxaiiiincr Photo

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