showbirk Hairy fit One of televisions most beautiful young actresses is havmg fit because her long and beautiful locks are falling out by the handful Ina state of ain state of panic shes een running around town seeing several of our leading dermatologists but unfortunately no one can help her someone doesnt come to her aid shortly Im afraid she is gomg to look more like he than she Never before Over coffee strong enough to send El Exigente up the Amazon for good Tony Randall told me about his traumatic ex perience on his wedding night Tony locked himself in the bathroom violently ill while his wife pounded on the door Tony was sufferin from ptomaine poisoning at advice would ive to bride groom on his we ding night dont eat beforesexl telev nrwnum i2 BIIFFALO TORONTO HAMILTON hielnr at that time didnt 600 IFEducaflm Mike 00 knou who was ihtrl ha w°ddmgs 2474122News MCMamS 22Mary Hartman Llli or ho helon ted to uncovpcrfle 3Moe pea Wave 79Tattletales 45 ml is 52 Hours 800 News then to make matters Bruce 9Deilnition 23 333 Black grog Ugh worse lm llalian and lore all l9Polka Dot Door 52591 IéRencmhes types of taltcililll lt aliall food 25Nouvlls MCWYESSW News Wh°s Who 20 pit di liAll and tha 630 nGrlmy Adams 35V9News ll Illlltl ilU lilt lnlo llll llltllil mcmg Show lvIssues 30 iolsollulllslalll tiratltualloll 479 79Movle Godd And lur lllt zillll ll ll Lpanxgfm Neighbor Sam 23°°e sexes ByJAMES MEAPE was all klnd lt trio ltIiixii l9Readalong 25A Communiquer cm Copley News SerVice zsLactuel 830 Mm The was OLLYWOOD in 1693 Sliver and AfryHanma Hollywood it is said they make 700 399° mpany PM Lam smway deals first and motion pictures 22Odd Couple l9Communique Sfcondnpmtgucers gamut rhe greatest entertainment Since 2Bowling For Dollars 900 7pm Game ory en ey see rs 4Concentration 1135 whose names and box ofï¬ce 5Muppet Show 7To Tell The Truth BARRIF BIIFFALO ision gujge rrrrnrrrnnmnri Cami Burnett has roughly BUFFALO TORONTO I2 PETFRBOROIIOII BARRIFCABLF 22 GLOBAL TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING 22Caught In The Act 2Police Woman +MASH 590 Minutes Live 25Propos ei Con calculated that she has answered 2300 questions from her studio audience during the many years of her show And the most popular question of all is still Will you let us hear your Tarzan yell Games at home Now Ive heard everything Game show producer Bob Stewart who ave us the $10000 Pyrami wants to make you at home part of the show Hes esently working on an idea re the home viewer will be able to participate ac tively by punching out series of coded numbers on device which will be attached to his TV set at home Redford draw presumably assure movie investors 40 with 9Bobby Vinton ilAudubon Wildlife rilElght Is Enough dances DOes the idea always work We °°° Dam me °° are 50 examples Chamber mu5lc tonlght at the Barrie library IDMovie Dark Waters l9Judy La Marsh 930 2Movie All In Nights Work 1976 Marlon Brando and Jack Nicholson teamed in The An evening of chamber music at the Barrie Public Library Bitk flute The ellilli ls lM lllsolrll in the library hill the 3M 25l62e mervemeux 22Sports Probe ngliealggï¬frni Missouri Breaks which gross is set tonight at the Mulcaster Streetlocation The program assistanti of the Georgian ital iiilnonni liIliil slrm de Disney 4One Day atATlme Chell ed $63 million It was loser which starts at features the ialllard Ensemble FROM and theutrearli lintarill program of ill lllliiill oi vulture 795 Smart 9David sreinberg 7swaT primarily because the stars got LEFT Douglas Perry viola Erica Goodman harp Robert and recreation 713° Wnsde million dollars plus up front 22Baa Baa Black 1000 llMerv Griffin and percentage 79PTL Cl Syiiauppe Show fl° 1205 Liza Minnelli Burt Reynolds 3335 inï¬rm atle flagrant ï¬lmed rec 00 OW es paresand Fpaire Deaire uc 10 was no Fhvcgffsan Jack FNWS How so lucky at the box of fice 9B0nc Woman 1030 They It grossed $12 million 7Price Is Right l9lssues Run for an expenSive movle au ilCouniry Way 25Nouvelles 79iPTL Club Newman starred in Buffalo WEDNESDAY MORNING VIEWING Bill and the Indians which grossed $900000 On the other side of the star Ii ll IlilCIiH he ls illsilialcelt rm the airarriifler Tugsday AprIl19 197 cannie Stevens former fatty By CHARLES DOWNEY oplly News Servici National Enquirer llYW urvaceous Connie Stevens szlys she spent her teenage years as miserable102pollndfatty When was about or it weighed iii pounds which is lot of weight for my small foot 2inch frame the lovely blond singer said was already singer Twas fat singer Stevens now its and petite ll4 pounds lllalnid lill teen age weight problem on enu tionnl conflicts and lll itit ot ritll liMKI started to gain ltlLlll when Wits about 13 folli said ill illl interview had lot of enloiiollnl pro but bread and butter peanut butter and banana sandwiches cream and other things hi calories Stevens said she missed out on lot of fun as tecnager because of her weight She said she never wore ten his shoes or Bathing suits because she was so fat and add ed that she spent lot of time at home brooding over being fat Wle BEAUTY CONTEST Miss Black America of 1976 was iwanna Kilgore of Wash ington lC DlSC JOCKEY 555 3Enloy Being 1015 li 9Focus aeauiilul 25Vginie package coin was Robert Red opll ltt this ltl til illIlll illlfl in 600 830 1020 ford and Dustin Hoffman in lill Willi lot ltlllt elmu it to ow ins til tail to 697l5miversity of the Air iTimte For You 19Adventuresin Math All the presidents Men Vic laybalk was silnll lil stud illllonllllnl FF 025600 0W5 T030 wmch grossedsamlmon witslit liltogr lhtl lptlltl 5pm till 11 lt lnlwl to in arm ep°r our FHOIVWW Squares fl With his role of Mel lllt iati I1gtllill illlitlllillil lltlllltlllitl 625 79lananissmo 35Mr Dressup ACCOr mg to oxo lce owner on the tttlllltl til it it lilldel lei ll lill ANews 845 Fiance ls ngm magazme and the Motion biasindow on the World I3Frienaiy Giant 9First impressions Picture Product Digest film soups Allel lliltllllltlllll lIllllii ln N01 For women only ail52w Becker 19ltvalness To Yester exhibition trade journals Red mu ill ls ll llt ll llit nan an at lo en 1m lltll lw li Ill 4smrse semeger FNews 255 Mammns gotdhls litRamp box 9H1 Star joys going to tll ill lhl liltllll oll ll lf llm tit Ill ll ill 9Cartoon Playhouse 9300 79German Show 01 et Eonsfxuuveyearg nEni°Y Being FDinahl Boostlng hlm Into this pOSl llll llil till II ll= IIIl nillil llillllIIIJ Beautiful JMon Ami 22Ed Allen Time tion are The Sting $72 Sllnvgiis llnlllin lill 6155 4Hode Dwdy 2WheeIOi Fortune million The way we were llie tlllan Nllll ill llre laj Illiilll in to 2MISS°n employment sub To Sssesame SM $25 million and Jeremiah relnldilll llMll lll 7EmploymentFile iaiing or Dollars 7Edge Oi Night 700 9Toronto Today 9Kareens Yoga Johnson $215 million lgul llNll ll lllll All ll 2Today 915 llCelebrity Revue Jack Nicholson is second an ill ll lit lH ll flilll Yull 4CBS News 3Ontario Schools 19Les100Toors both polls despite The Wia lilt loll it Iil in it toll in ma AM l9R tM 7g2dlaoming 92oepor etrlc uBlesiï¬gogg canada Missouri Breaks on the alkali ll tn iIItJJl lll llllt lll America l9Readalong IHITY Show Strength 3525 mmlon for kl ll thin liq 12 in it it It It llPaul Bernard 930 1115 One Flew Over the Cuckoos Lu 13 Wink Psychiatrist ATametales 19Jongeries Nest Mint does hedo xllll in li lill likl int rllill rll ttvll ml 11 7721200nds oi the East tgzgpg Room Iggathematiques Because the polls begin to dif £113 trw Hm 13 it TEN 3D 79c fer on the runnersup the rank not int on it Hill on BY 66 mac 22 Universny 0i Toron conmnle tlll no it 730 945 ings of the Product Digest Will llOntario Schools 295530mes Dela Rive 2Shoot For The Stars be used since it does not rate Hull le in ml sums Tomomlom 333me FOR My 79Portugal Today 4Young And the men and women separately IN Wedlhuriot Zggommum MBA 955 Hoffman rated third shared 100 910 We 7HBDDY 0515 and ill llltlll1l one llill llltl ln lltliltl it hits Hullx 800 FDOUOIE Dare FPMS Md P5 All the presdem Men wnh from the movie llllt ilt ll vll gt End mg ACaptain Kangaroo 5omario Schools l9European Collection Redford H8 3150 has scored Anmmmro win we EilverSireail iItzlionkAgiri tihil Dznotlue At The National withPapillon at $225 million Illi llHll Ill lr ll lllll 31 °c °° G°eY and Little Big Man at $15 as gt il tax tar ll l1 11 an 2i Warmer m° 97 7121le 815 25YOU H0 45 Chm EaStw No is the illlklil him It lllt Hll it i= it 771 5Friendly Giant 79Ii Canzoniere l9AII About You mOSL CONSISLenL moneymaker of all His third Dirty Harry if iIQIHL little Atoll suitor lilt rt wlllj vtlllll ui WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING movie The Enforcer llltrlilllllsltltawlItoI Hi ll lint ll shoot lidll ll iii ltm it tl It lIl 1200 135 i9Education of Mike alregdy at nearly $8 Honl IS 1iivliiek lullil Ilill lll ll 12News l9Inside om McManus bidding to top the first two Il 2Name That Tune 25Femme dau 400 Dirty Harry $171 million uh 37Lilagxt To Beaver sgiurdhm 2gIlolgilpeRgsfearlsbn and itMagnUm Force $20 lit 11l1n Illlllll lt byi Irili lll trlt ilt lot iillli Ill wires llt will million SCrown Court l9Readalong cobra 9Uncle Bobby Show 155 3Moira Hunt Mel Brooks No 5i l5 an dll will1HllhlllpiI Imy hf in ilMidday SNews AMerv Griiiin unusual chalce Since he is not l9Mr Rogers 220 5Its Your Choice usually regarded as superstar VIC Toyback he happy now llllliliilll uil mitt no lll ll its vigil it 25Sklppy 72 DDOSI axes 9Star Trek nor does he appear in his ll ill tr rtmt ll illli ill 79Gee Tay 5A The I1Young and The movies Vlt lllilltl the ln liln llll ii liitl ion ot til it tltill Bazaar 7S20000 pyramd Resless the Korean ltlillllil iti tour will 1230 97Alan Hamel l9Oum Le Dauphin But his Silent MOVie $20 In PMagazine 19For The Record 25Bobino million Youn Frankenstein WM 3leAewEFarm aazgoctors Diary 797Love American $30 million an Blazing Sad kSlercTi SFor Tomor iNews Tiles ales $35 million are big Wln fl raw 2330 i9Jongleries nerson mOdeSl bildgelsr Vt 57Ryans Hope 422Guidin9 Light Mathematiques Burt Reynolds in Sixth place 13 0th 9FInl50065 2D°C°5 4130 was saddled With Lucky ROME All Film director scs for longrangc candid shots i9rCommunique 25Les Coqueluches 1245 JMovie Joan of 35Edge 0i Night TilOne Life to Live l9Guess What 25Le temps de vivre 22Gilligans island 35Zoorn Captain Nemo 7Aiterschool Special llDinah Lady but he did well at $21 million for the inexpensive Gator which he also Pasquale Squilieri actress Claudia Cardinalcs constant companion was charged with when cighl bullets wliistled around them The photogmphcrs fled ill Peri Zï¬gagisraes CW 9Elecc Company direaefjgflis inleiduaI be at illegal possession of firearm their car but Squilieri 3E and gt RESgee and C°mpany g°mario 25Le Grenier $22 mlllion is The Longest today after shots were fired at several men pursued them in ladJ 22c3nadian Cavalcade 300 7593 Douglas Yard two photographers outside her taster car and forced them to faifoqgj 2Gong Show 22Bonnie Prudden QLDWS Day Seventh Plaï¬e went to Al home the curb As the two photogra gt 4AllThaGllle5 YVAnolherwmd 3Lucy Show Pacfov Whose D98Day Aft Police said the two young pliers took refuge in restau ICLeil iznalkeTage 555 0° $2 mnlon Eacmo freelance photographers were rant Squitieri or one of his we racy FEmergemy also was central ï¬gure the approaching the act rcsss sull companions smashed the win 7llAII My Children 19Olympic Proiiie 19Episodes and issues in Canadian History i9$esame Street 25Sur Ia cote fabulour $86 million for The Godfather and $289 million urban villa with telephoto lcn lows of the abandoned cal Box 2060 OrilliaDntario 7053257100 130 79Peope in Conflict Du Paciiique 22s For The Money 315 530 for the The Godfather Part 2riiDays Oi Our Lives 7Commander Tom 27Ad3mn TI His Serpico did $146 AAs The World Turns litageneral Hospital igznzouple million IM IM 7th GREAT WEEK 7Famiiy Feud Showtime 5Room Tatum Neal is rated eighth 9J 22l wwnzae 35Igzbril3ym°ks lï¬algdrso Beaver on the strength of $19 million 2nd 905 gm SHOWTIME 705 910 PM 25Nouvelles 79CITY Lights 479Match Game 25 LHeure De Poinie WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 2174172News llFace The Music 19Education of Mike 1030 2Sirotas Court for The Bad News Bears and $165 for Paper Moon Woody Allen placed ninth had no 1976 film but has averag ed well with inexpensive com edies His figures are ALL NEW BIGGER MORE EXCITING THAN AIRPORT 1975 His whole life luv ii million Ill rillil Ilill serviceiilitli McManus 195 lendidD WZTV GOTfSro 7913nleMes FNZWQN Sleeper $78 million Love blem 800 1100 and Death $68 million and 524 Hours 220000 Pythons 22Mary Hartman Play It Again Sam $57 9°°° PM circus 73579N°W million Motherlug andSpoed 115 2Flower Out Of Place Tile Duchess and the iiiIsland Exodus I9Polka Do Door Charles Bronson No 10 is 35Science Magazine 79CITV Lights 25Nouvelles can Show News iMyslerles or 1105 steady rather than spectacular pm 915 wassou Cl 630 GreathramId ï¬gslleis dun pays His big Winners include The 22Gona Show Valachi Pa rs $95 million wear 1323 tam its33 Death While $9 million and DOUBLE FEATURE Tm Breakout at $72 million rilulli 23 BRASNES lll Till llillllluni TRIANGLE l9 Readalong 22 Opposite Sexes 25Lactuei llHawali Fiveo 2Johnny arson Woody Allen was rated eighth 645 l9Clnema 4Movle Commandos last year and this is Mel 179330699e and many gianfmfw 7MGY Mm Brooks first year on the list ov us IlLarry Solway 2250 Couple Man 7km Game Comedians generally have not 2Bowling for Dollars 830 1135 appeared on the list since kcmcemnnon 22Tackllng Taxes 590 Minutes Live decade ago when one of the at 5Kinda Country JsRotten 1200 boasts of Jerry Lewis was he 509 7vTo Tell The Truth 25le Travail La 22Movle Lovely To never made movie that lost PASSENGERS Slill ALIVHMPPED 9Good Times Chaine Look At money UNDERWATER llsehlnd the Scene 900 3Movie Married nCPO Sharkey Monster From Outer Tatum ONeals appearance with Jonathan mm zliPresldent Space based on two films is the first i9Movle Dark Waters Carters Enuerav 7Rookes by child performer in 30 Adi rlronside years mu ress llM Grim 253333 Boone nln concen l9Cvinuniqune Shirley Temple who was on Mllfliilllill 79Get Smart 25Rue Des Plonons isClnema the list during 193439 and 730 930 79PTL Club finished first 1935 through 1938 nsmmoo Question 2273 1300 is the child star champ Jane ill$02300 Name That lip63 60 mcgmwwgh mm Withers was on the To 10 list in iï¬ï¬mlfluu 193738 and Mar aret Brie 3Reach For The Top fizzhgrslye Jam 194546 llllllllLlnllllIlllvll llmmlll 4Strikes Spares Misses SBlllfi 7Gong Show 9Brody Bunch Man Faces tCBS News Special 110 TitCharlies Angels 9Nashville 99 iiiPile Et Face nNows surprising omission is Bar bra Streisand but her 1976 movie Star Is Born did not open until late in the year 7Mysteryoi the Week The Black Box Murders ltllttitli tilt in til lltll ill tritium BRENDAVAgtiiilcifiEETTioCrillTEN ouvnuellllvulllllo illtllllllllltlll llllllllil illlilillwl In AND THE DARREN MCGAVIN CHRISTOPHER lEE GEORGE KENNEDY JAMES STEWART as Pnlllln Slum DIBIWAPER r0