eus 18 the examiner Tuesday Aprll19 1917 17 houses to rent ACROSS FROM Georgian College 46 Bernick Drive bedrooms baths large kitchen separate dining room Spacious living room with bay window Telephone 4162498666 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent or for sale on Bluemound Drive Available imme diately First and last months rent in ad vance at $375 monthly For appointment telephone 7372614 after pm SMALL HOUSE for rent bedrooms Big Bay Point location $200 monthly immediate possession Telephone 416 7753832 Bradford alter 10am AVAILABLE lmmediately Two bedroom detached homes brand new fully broadloomed Call Harry Magill Rep Lou Goedemondt Real Estate 7284067 or 7263864 BEDROOM Townhouse garage ap pliances broadloom $300 month Ist and last months rent References Call after 6pm 4167554307 NORTH BARRIE Large bedroom semi detached back split car garage close to shopping schools etc $325 month Available immediately 7373170 BEDROOM Townhouse available May 1st Rent $275 per month Apply to North St Unit or phone 7284325 or 14162214163 19fhouses wantedto rent URGENTLY NEEDEDabIetopaySl$0 to $200 monthly Telephone 3266005 Orillia REQUIRED on or before May or bedroom house in Barrie or Angus area by working couple with lots of fur niture Phone 7288485after 20rooms to let FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere $22 weekly Phone evenings 7269859 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park ing kitchen privileges lounge linen supplied weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 7267186 CLEAN furnished rooms central kit chen and living room Downtown Bus stopatdoor728 331 FURNISHED OOMS downtown loca tion clean bright modern rooms cen tral kitchen bath and living room park ing Immediate occupancy Apply Ham ilton Real Estate 72 Maple Ave 737 1000 IDEAL ACCOMMODATION for the businessperson age 2030 large new fur nished home central air all conve niences of home Call 7265303 or 737I223 LARGE FURNISHED rooms lull kit chen and rec room area available im mediately Central 7266392 BACHELOR APARTMENT furnished suit girl nopets Telephone 7280755 TWO LARGE furnished rooms close to downtown fully broadloomed complete Iy redecorated Telephone 7371786 DOWNTOWN Furnished room newly broadloomed and panelled kitchen la cilities Phone 728 4263 daytime or 7280810after6 AW ALLANDALE Furnished room cook ing facilities available gentleman preferred Phone 7284268 daytime or 7280810after6 NEWLY Redecorated rooms 515 535 weekly Singles and doubles 76 Worsley St Completely furnished Shared kit chenbathandliving room 7373315 ROOM FOR RENT in apartment share bathroom kitchen facilities Young working gentleman preferred Allandale area Parking Call 7372756 evenings FURNISHED Housekeeping room own prvate entrance broadioom through out own kitchen utilities parking TV included Allandale area 726 3611 ROOM FOR RENT S20 weekly Central location linen supplied weekly Parking available 30 Mary Street Telephone 28 7142 2iroom and board FURNISHED ROOM and board meals available if necessary In Lefroy Tele phone 456 73937 23Offices st0res for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc IUDanCY short or long term 7263400 Angeloff OFFICE SPACES for rent downtown Barrie 2nd floor Ideal for dentist or other professionals Parking and heat in cluded Available immediately Call Mrs Robinson7263338 OFFICE SPACE 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking waterfront and mu nicipal parking modern decorating Call 8111 Sakeris National Trust Co 7289201 COMMERCIAL SPACE available ap proximately 340 square feet includes neat hydro 2piece washroom and air conditioning Ideal for small office Telephone7370641 DOWNTOWN STORE 27 Dunlop Street West available immediately Moving to new location $350 monthly plus utilities Telephone 7288085 days 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq ft fully Sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 ft clear part of large expanding industrial mall 7267130 FOR LEASE industrial Essaysrta warehouse Telephone 7263400 ADS199 VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlop St West with large fenced in property Phone 7287044 Or 416 6350637 WOTSO FT cGTttrnérEIai space bn Highway 11 south Available May Ist Telephone 7371238 32 cars for sale 1974 DART SPORT fold down seat 318 motor sharp car automatic 51000 miles best offer will be accepted 7282631 STOCK CAR 1969 Cevelle raced last year at Sunset and Saubei Beach speed ways 283 V8 completely balanced 300 horsepower heads scatter shield 411 rear end sell car with or without power train Best offer 4295372 Wasaga Beach 1970 MUSTANG MACH 1351C engine speed Ai condition many extras Must beseen Phone 7284577 1973 DODGE Custom Sportsman 13200 Van passenger V8 automatic power steering and brakes many other extras $3700 or make an offer Call 4282269 CADILLAC OF the AMC Pacers still under warranty Reason for selling leaving the country Telephone 4361490 1972 TOYOTA Celica All options in cluding speed radials AMFM radio and bucket seats Certified $1500 Telephone7286807 1976 CORVETTE $8200 Power steer ing and brakes air rear window de froster AMFM stereo radio 350 cubic inch Low mileage Certified Days 7285694 evenings 4363537 1974 MUSTANG ll cylinder speed fastback mag wheels good condition Asking $2500 Phone 726 0337 1975 CHEV Bel Air Station Wagon13000 miles lull power excellent condition Certified $4200 Phone 4241720 SAVE APPROXIMATELY $700 on 1977 Volare under 4000 miles lull warranty Must sell $4785 Also 1971 Toyota Crown good condition 3750 Best offer 7267270 BUYING CARPWhy not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 18 C01 Iler St 7285191 1975 HONDA Citric Automatic bucket seats good on gas Certilied Telephone 72114390 1969 PEUGEOT good running condition needs some body work Asking $500 Con tact John Charles 728 1951 ext 216 alter 10am 1976 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit Deluxe ex cellent condition throughout AM radio Pioneer cassette stereo custom wheel covers radials block heater 40 mpg Call 7372695 1973 Mercury Brougham door com pletely equipped including air and power seats Excellent condition One owner By appointment only 7284700 Price33150 1968 CUTLASS for sale in good condi tion 350 power steering power brakes Asking $450 Telephoner458 9182 1974 MONOCO Brougham 24000 miles power steering power brakes door hardtop asking $3000 Telephone 7266286alter6pm 1974 MARQUIS needs nothing 7266714 1971 MAVERICK new snow tires and rad Asking $325 Phone 4240279 alter pm 1969 CHEV Belair door power steer Ing and brakes In good running condi tion Certified $400 Telephone 728 7435 evenings excellent condition going cheap Phone EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 32 cars for sale 1975 TORINO 20000 miles power steering power brakes undercoated very good condition 1974 Renault 33000 miles AMFM radio new paint Both automatic have radial tireswlll certify 4245902 1969 PONTIAC Laurentlan door V8 automatic excellent motor and trans mission S350 or best offer Phone 7265614 ask for Gwen 1976 TORINO one owner only 21000 miles power steering and brakes radio Rustprooflng Asking $3300 certified Telephone 7263603 alter pm 1972 COUGAR with 70000 miles new paint iob interior A1 Asking 51900 or best offer Phone 4361920 1974 MERCURY MONTEGO power steering power brakes radio excellent condition Telephone 7263103 1973 DODGE ton window maxi van automatic power steering power brakes radio rugged and finished In terior 50000 miles good condition 705 4665280evenings iris FORD 500 352 uncertified S150 Phone 7237359 or 7269684 1973 TOYOTACamila 1200 for sale ver good condition one owner asking 3800 Telephone 7372129 between and pm 1972 DATSUN 510certlf1ed standard transmission AI condition newly painted new tires rear window defog ger reliable transportation Asking $1000firm 4455841 alter Sor weekends 1975 PINTO bought new in 1976 cer tified standard 13800 miles Ai condi tion radials radio body and motor good cgndigion Asking $2600 lirm 14455841 ter 1973 DATSUN 2402 AMFM radio track stereo radials full instrumenta tion Very good condition Asking $2500 Phone 4245059 197516120 1156 f011 51166566116 steering and brakes excellent condition 28000 miles 7281063 33ca rs wantedto buy TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119Bradford St Barrie 7208111 JUNKCARSWANTEIS Hiatiestorices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto 103913 7é1 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid 5°995°RT¢SPB°19 77165487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid free immediate pickup anytime 4392909 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 4356322 After pm 4245949 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon 91 AUF°5°517G990 SI 7266489 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales BESIRTIF°SPeid43€137 34trucks and trailers LATE 1975 Ford van power steering power brakes automatic insulated radio captains chairs chateau glamor paint carpet tires 7371295 1976 FORD 34 ton ExplorerCamper special auto power steeringbrakes all gauges many more extras low mileage Phone 7284577 1977 DODGE Club Cab wheel drive ton 400 V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio custom interior 4000 miles A1 $6900 Call 4240384 even ings 1975 FORD ton 23000 miles radio good condition Asking 52800 Phone 7285491 1975 GMC 12 ton pickup truck box for sale fullsize boxnorustCanbe seen at 294 Little Avenue Barrie 1974 FORD VAN E300 cylinder automatic Certified $2800 Phone after 6pm 436 4034 1975 FORD XLT Ranger with deluxe cap power steering power brakes au tomaticcertified4872724 1966 GMC TON excellent mechanical condition extra parts included Tele phone 4873591 1974 VAN FORD 14 ton E200 power steering and brakes good condition sliding side door 46000 miles Call 7268892 1976 DODGE ton pickup short box 318 V8 speed overdrive custom in terior radio step bumper asking $4000 Phone 456 3837 1977 HEAVY duty Ford 150 wheel drive remainder of new warranty Many extras 7000 miles Phone 4241926 1967 CHEVIton Iowtruck in excellent condition Phone Orillia 689 5445 after ET 35service and repairs British Cur Owners Youre Not Stranded We have factory Trained Engsh Mechanics Kitchen Motors 178 Else Road 7282287 A23 37motorcycles 1974 YAMAHA 500 lots of chrome new paint 6000 miles must be seen to be ap preciated Certified 31400 Phone 7281264 alters 30 MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE 1972 Honda CB 350 in excellent condition Certified Asking $825 Telephone 466 2733 Cree more 1975 ROAD 250 Yamaha excellent condi tion iust like new 7300 miles S900 or bestoffer Telephone 726 6024 evenings 37 motorcycles 3971 HONDA SL100 $275 or best offer Phone 7268338 1976 HONDA 400 Super sport red Cer tilled helmets Bell Star and Schoey full coverage cover 2100 miles 7373776 1973 350 HONDA CB for sale In ex cellent condition 6000 miles Includes back rest Telephone 7267976 after pm 1975 400 YAMAHA Enduro 3000 miles extra clean $1000ffrm Phone 7285122 40 articles for sole KRAZY KELLYS NewUsedOne Onlys liquidation ALTERATIONS LADIES AND gentlemans ollorotlons 26 Mary St Tolop one 71373432 or residence 7288446 wkrem 9s all we 95 94 eriwrT ALL THE HELP YOUNEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link cunlom wood fcncos Improve your property 737 Sale RENT OR BUY Ask about our rentalpurchase plan 19 inch General Electric or pay $425 weekly ALUMINUM GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Alcun siding Softit Trough Doors Windows Awnings 10 DISCOUNT Available when placing order before April 301h 26 inch Elec oh°me $393 BARBIE 72656119 or pay $490 weekly 2331 25 inc 11 Panasonic 100 PRODUCTS solid state or pay weekly Siding Eavestrough 20 inch Zenith SOffit Windows Ch ocolor walnut Focio Doors grgionrzd cabins Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresSonework or pay $490 weekly 18 inch RCA XL Forfree estimate 100 Super color por Cull PIIIL SPURLING fable 7266907 or Pay $450 weele Aï¬iifin1i3 ALUINU DOSd ld Sff inch sony Foul arm VfltrjughN all 0361690 02 Trinitron amazing guararggoA4216ngv performancg Un NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Sollit believablepIce 599 GREGSGBGIMfirff or pay $475 weekly APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Conodu le authorized solos and service 18 Alliance 8vd 26 inch RCA XL 100 color Spanish or pay $540 weekly 25 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Sarv 17 Mary St 7265441 inch Quasar console automatic tuning works in BIRD HOUSE dwwe PURPLE MARTIN Houses foIr 116 Apply c1192 M41er69 Ave flame or to up one 7285283 or pay $475 weekly BOOKKEEPING 20 inch General EXP BOOKKEEPING for all business Ac curacy assured Your office or ours 7286428 Electric 100 solid $448 51018 01 570070r weekends or pay $450 weekly Mi Ask about our rentol pur chase plan Patios sidewalks Steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed Unusuo trade allowances BUY HEREPAY HERE Rental payments based On 12 months Shorter term slightly she FREE ESTIMATES NO MONEY DOWN 7260081 NO PAYMENTS CARPENTRY TILL JULY 77 AND Gonorul Contractor Kltchon rot rooms reno Olons additions fIroplocas Phone tonight £9991991 73711507 Delivery CARPENTER SpOCIOIizmg In rec rooms ferior rompdollmg trim etc Please call 7788864 offer CABINET MAKER Europedrt tromodr Kit chens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domoshc Commercial 726 2948 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom horn cottages renovations repairs Salisfocllon KRAZY KELLYS Edrvgnfeed fl and Construcllon 7267461 Borne ShoppIng CARPENTER will do roc rooms renovations Paza romodo1ng etc NO lob to small 7261271 CONSTRUCTION licenced cdrpontots for renovations additions homes collages Free estimates 4354995 CARPENTER WILL do any small job Remodell ing renovations and sundocks Phone Blll Jo nstOn 72687m Ortyliine DON FLEMING Licenced carpentry Con fracllrlg ronovuftoris obmets roc rooms Phone 705 327 2806 for sllmufc CARPENTRY all types vac rooms renova tions No lob to small Reasonable Sallslac lion guaranteed Al 7281897 CAPENTRY shingles rec rooms We 7371 182 Open daily 10OO9OO Closed Wed MTThFTF 37 motorcycles welcome small jobs work guaranteed 37 motorcycles Phone Sieve 7267255 or Kenny 4245690 goes the distance Look Street Riders Dirt Riders New 76 and 77 RM 80 RM 100 RM 125 RM 250 GS 400 GS 550 Mention this ad for these prices Barrie Cycle Centre 220 Bayview7267991 40 articles for sale THE EXAMINER AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE SIMCOE COUNTY MERCHANTS In Barrie BETTY El JIMSANNE ST SHOPPERS DRUG MARTGEORGIAN MALL BROOKDALE lNNDUNLOP ST PARKSIDE VARIETYPARKSIDE ST BAYFIELD MALL SMOKE El GIFT SHOP HAFlPERS PHARMACYPENETANG ST SHOPPERS DRUG MARTBARBIE PLAZA SIMCOE PHARMACYBLAKE ST EAST END VARIETYBLAKE ST Cabinet Mokor speciuluing in builtin fur nifure ond fmtshmg work Work guaranteed Reasonable prices Geoff 7372194 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR sprIng cleaning todoy Revitalize your carpets with AI carpet steam cl hing77266371 cARPET SHAMPOOING for It 3115616 coll day or evening Don 7370875197 CARPET CLEANING and shampootngT Free estimates Telephone MNM Cloonors law76 CARPET INSTALLATION WALL TO WALL Installation carpet and vinyl fully guaranteed reasonable rota 4157844732 CERAMICS WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling 524 995 7796363 cusrom FENCING FENCE 0Chain Link Gal or Vinyl OHegulation P001 Fence WOOd 0r Metal Privacy Wrought Iron 00 It yourself or Professionally installed For Free Estimate coll Peel Fence Systems Inc 465 DAVIS DR NEWMARREI 8981361 Collect Barrio 7264702 40 articles for solo SWIMMING POOL Sarrilice Leadlng Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools leftover Irom 1976 season 72 price Guaranteed Installation and terms Call collectdaysor evenings 1416 2214840 SWIMMING POOLS to rent will lease and install for homeowners family slit aluminum swimming pool with patio Choice of styles meeting all fencian regulations on one two or three year rental basis with optlon to own Try before you buy Call collect anytime 1416 663 9508 CEDAR POSIS aII sins anchors and braces Rosrcornb brInlamS cocks and hensalsoducks 728 1637 Look $599 899 1099 1349 1449 2099 40 articles for sole 1507 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST doslgn art work layout etc Plan col collect 416 9362631 DISC JOCKEY Music By BRIAN HILlZ Disc Jockey Country 10 Disco Weddings Dances Banquets Special prices MonFri 7283808 DRESSMAIIING DRESSES FIT if mode by JOSIE AOUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and Oltoro flons 4351113101 St Phone 7266000 ALTERATIONS AND custom IowlngiApply Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest job possible NOME IMPROVEMENTS mRTHERN CARPENTRY Dockl rec rooms renovations xlonsfanl etc etc Guar glnlood work 7262609 or 7269002 MACE ENTERPRISES contractors for Unlslonc Tree Cutting and exterior house WH INCOME TAX INCOME TAX refurm prepared Angus Bur rln area 55 up Dobson 4245 10 offer and weekends CENTRALTTATA PROCESSING Complete Accounting And Bookkeeping Services YeOr and Financial Statements T4s lncome Tax returns For an appointment at your convenience PHONE 4364952 INCOME TAX returns prepared for small buslnou form and home Mitchells Book keeping Service 7262972 TAX RETURNS prepared personal small Mrs Wrightmon 235 Tiffln Telephone hulnus form Reasonable Call 7284634 or 7266769 4589172 onyfimo PERSONAL INCOME TAX returns ropclrld ntttVIALL all BILOTTA DRYWALL and lupin residential and commercial no job too ig or small Telephone 4584233 EAVESTItouctIING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughlng installed Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Spociollsts It and snow removal from roofs only Free esti mates Call 4241956 New Lowell ELECT RICAI PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Rosdentiol Industrial Installations and ur vico 72649967 SIMCOE ELECTRIC IndustriOI Residentiol Lighting design Electricol consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 111 PARRY ELECTRICAL lndusfrial Farm Commercio Forms Commerciol Residentiol Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof Deicing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic Systems trenching loader work gravel 436 1558 436 1257 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Bockhoe Excov Trenchin9 Horizontol Augering 7289833 riiIEPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER NENSTRA 7372871 STONEWORK and flTOplOCOISTOA specialter VIC Watson fprfreoVoslimctdsr7281599 FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR lnslollalion and rafirmhmg old and new guaranteed not to Chip or pool 3258341 HANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled owoy JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 In and 530 pm SPRING CLEANUP Storm windows removed and Cleaned General lawn care clean up ond spring fertilizing Garages and basements cleaned Refuse removed BARRIE 4362387 NAIILAGE PICKUP and driver for hire Any 1gb con Eldorod hone 4246463 llOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens roc rooms Coll Russ 4363681 after 630 pm Rafe nces ovoilpbh NEED MORE living spocroi room extra bedroom ploy room laundry office storage space Also pointing wollpaporln Murro Boll 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating prlvocy scream and pant olumInum door The number for gllyour needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING iN Tuck Bo ting chlmnoyl waterproofing brick and Stone coulklng wln dows and expansion loints Work guaran lud 4589346 CONSTRUCTION House rolling foun dations ronovotlonl additions Phono £64955 or 4364175 after RENOVATIONS BASEMENTS dug block and brick ldylng fireplaces painting Interior otorlor Guaranteed workmonlhlp 44 BUST BUILDING Nous llfllng foundat flom and bolemonfs addition and renova llons FoxVConlriacillnfl 710 40 articles for sole LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools In stock Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space Brand new swimming pools Include filter walk round deck fence and warranty sin 15 27 ft $1355 cash or terms Call Ferr collerl days or evenings 1416 481 8802 SWIMMING POOLS 1977 models slight Iy scratched in transport Fully war ranted complete with pump motor filter fencing walkway and deck Suggested retail price $2295 Available at pro Season special of 51288 Call not for early installation Call collect anytime 416 663 9508 Fort and accurate service Shonstono 737110873 after andwookonds INCOME TAX roturnl from your hOmI Per sonal small business Prompt pick up and 1111ch Phono Smith 4364828 LANDSCAPING Blue Turf Landscaping Sodding It Planting Londscope design Controct lawn care Includes fertilizing oirifying rolling weed spraying 55 Main Street Sandy Cove Acres RR Stroud 4364538 TThSMy10 IOTTING PROPERTY Service cleanups pruning lawn and lononco landscaping estimates 7264536 rdOn main so ding GREAVES LANDSCAPING AND TREE SERVICE RR BARRIE TREE REMOVAL GROUNDS MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE DESIGN 7289369 4873401 Lawn Care Garden Preparation Roto filling Everygreens Cedor Hedges Fertilizing Mowing And Patio Repair FREE ESTIMATES TELEPHONE 7265666 LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge and shrub trimmiing Also rough mowing VLCVTrIomLIrVOA72769427 MASONRY MASONRY block and brick fireplaces No job foo small Reasonable roles 72173357 STAN KNICELY MASONRY in blixh and stone work Fireplaces specialty Frporosflmoll 705 4245158 MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Amono Litton Panasonic Hitachi Toshiba Sonyo Soles Amano Sonyo 100 year warranty on Amano Save up to 75 on Hydro 7264177 days MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who like to dance Good rote PIANISTAVAILAOLE roRWEDDINGSfRECEP TIONS DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 oftr 6pm MUSICINSTRIICTIONSH GUITAR LESSONS Cfosucol and popular 1°EE219111915139493 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced months trial inllrumonl formed for home practice Conodion Aco ésnydeis litevlhé 779179 PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING Drld docorotln In terior exterior Work guaranteed Esta llsh 0d 30 years 7262225 72690m WAYNE FOLEY Profouionul pOInlars EC torIor and Interior Free estimates Work Enrontoed 72673879 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior 01 turlor wollpoporlng Custom textured walls and colllnflTnlophono 705 8355218 local PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced fro Ostlmotis Jock Richardson 7262012 17568874 DON Professional pOIhfIng In torior exterior popr hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266808 ROY DOIRON Inferior exterior polnflng and paper hanging Customers satisfaction guaranteed 4363691 PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior ox forlor 10 years experience Estimates PhD 50r7286168 PAVING PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES BARBIE 7370179 40 articles for solo ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking 5550 7263435 APECO PHOTO coplor ideal for office letter and legal size paper 3175 Ham monrl pipe organ like new Including Leslie speaker S995 Telephone 7286100 BELL PIANO lust tuned new Ivory electric cord organ matching pressback chairs other articles 4875389 CEMENT MIXE scaffold with planks wheelbarrow and china cabinet love seat and other odd furniture Apply 29 Ross Street Spring Free 14431 11 71 PAVING Manieri Paving Ltd Drlvewoys Porklng Lots Tennls Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Simcoe County for 17 years PICTURE FRAMING Elna 7283270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages 7288633 evenings OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide selections Fast sorvlco Low low price PAIITt PREPARATIONS and cracker trays flckstOiillon time PLUMBING Everything For Entertaining Tables Chairs dishes glasses etc We DeliverReserve Now 7371388 248 Tiffin St Barrie ROOFING Ropoirs guaronlond quality Reasonable 141611957533 collect Frotesfirnotgs 3221897 Offer pint LAURIER SHEET METAL Flat roofing Tor Gravel New and Re airs Eavestroug ing Commercial Residential For estimates call 7263492 1010 TILING $500 and up leihono 367 GARDEN ROTO TILLING Er 65115368 roosononyjLicid Call Ray at 7287184 STAIRS BY professional stair builder Work oronfood Telephone726282B SEWING MACHINES SALES SERVICE SEWEASY CO SorvIco coll Spociolistt ropOIrI all makes and houso machines New from $5 industrial used sales SNGIIIPLthNG PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial roosonoblo mates coll Paul 72173064 rats RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exlorior stucco interior textured walls and collings WELL DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Machine dug wells Homes Collages Farms Industry Specializing In Concrete Tilo Stool reinforced concrete tile lengths for solo Diameter 2148 4364359 INELL DRILLEll Gilberts Witter Well Drilling Forms Homes Cottages FREE ESTIMATES 10 years experience ANGUS 4245657 S21 WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart ments Storu Nouns Foctorlo Reason able rotu Telephone 7281914 WINDOW CLEANING Prlvdll homo and stores aluminum windows Siding screens ouvoslrough Free estimates NOTICE deadline tor classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday 40 articles for solo GIRLS 24 inch standard CCM bicycle In good condltiDn 545 Telephone 4589279 ONE COUCH one bed Chesterield one 19inch Emerson color television All in fair condition Telephone 726 9931 WRINGER WASHER Simplicity years old like new in good running con dition Only $75 Telephone 436 2022 CHEST FREEZER and complete set of left handed golf clubs Campbell pow er mated approx yearsold 4872724 LARGE COLLECTION of old pop beer and assorted bottles Also old Coca Cola signs all for sale $200 takes all Telephone 7373753 FANCY SANDWICHES for showers choose also other prepared NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kllchon and bathroom renovations ceramic tile Bilolto Gngm RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL and Rooflng New Asphdll shingles work AND It ROOFING New and Old RESGE BEAT INFLATION plant garden ROIO tiling residential and free esti WRIGHTS SNowPLOWING Small Limrriér ciOl and rostdonfiol Reasonable rates 03901091177977 STUCCO Free estimates Dole Russell Midhunt telephone 40 articles far 110 TELEVISION Westinghouse 26 inch col or years old In excellent condition $350 or best offer Telephone 7264057 STEREO SYSTEM Realistic tape deck and speakers AMFM wide band In good condition S400 Telephone 7260330 after pm STAIRGLIDE FOR SALE electrically Operated excellent for heart patient Phone 7260032 evenln gs LOCAL SWIMMING Pool Dealer has limited number of steel lnground pools at greatly reduced prices 16 32 in ground $3495 Installed Other sizes comparably priced Call Polynesian Pools 18002616121 Ask for Operator 603 REFRIGERATOR frost free in very good condition 5100 or best offer TEISBPQUSSFPW RADIO Record Player and Track with speakers 5150 Phone 7285443 or 7287134 after pm STORE FIXTURESsteel waIihaTnd island shelving Card racks check out counter pen case cash register photo copiers desk and miscellaneous items Telephone for appointment 13266722 NORESCO AMFM Receiver 70 watts RMS $439 new will sell for 3200 Phone Marla 729176 7299 41boats and motors HOBIE CAT CATAMARANS Try before you buy PRINGLES HOBIE CAT MARINE Orillio 7053251713 TTflSMy3 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor Ai condition Asking $2500 Telephone 435 4245 after 30 pm 14 FOOT aluminum cartop boat 51 beam 75 hp motor oars lifeiackets racks Only used twice complete pack age 3600 Phone 7260629 after pm 15 SLOOP 9120 ID centrébaara enclos ed cutly includes all gear and trailer $16001irm 705 424 0354 22 FOOT STARCRAFT1974 cabin cruiser 140 horsepower Mercruiser in boardoutboard full camper top galley CB AMFM stereo PA system many extras Excellent condition low hours 726 4975 after 6p 16 FOOT BOAT motor and trailer for sale In perfect condition Ready for the water perfect fishing boat Telephone 436 1592 17 foot small cabin cruiser boat motor and trailer with many accessories Telephone 424 6977 Monday to Friday altor5 00 pm SILVERLINE 15 ft fiberglass runabout With 50 hp Johnson Sleeper seats lull convertible top 10 gallon built in fuel tank electric fuel gauge fITL oxlingursher in very good condition $2500 firm Can be seen at Sport Haven Marine or telephone 728 5832 after PE TERBOROUGH Boat 16 cedar strip docp hull 35 Evinrude and trailer all in real good condition 3625 Call 726 7270 19 GREW Lapstrako with twin 70 hp Mercury Outboards and trailer $1400 CaI1726 9653 evenings SAILBOAT 12 foot Arrow has main sail and no Excellent condition Tele phone 737 1808afler 6p SAILBOAT Iolullylibreglassednceds handyman SSSODr bestotfer 7281063 42arficles wanted CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 Items 728 8234 ALL CASH for old furniture pictures hairsctc etc 487 5389 44dogs and pets BARRIE POODLE SalonShampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia StreetEaSt726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR Profes sional clipping and grooming reason able rates Telephone 726 0061 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prlces Evenings and weekends Edge hiII Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 7260094 SHETLAND SHEEPDOG miniature CDIIIe puppies CKC registered 5150 and up Telephone 435 7895 Alliston DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING Spring Classes startlng May For information please all Mrs Wolters at 458 9361 evenings and wrekcnds AME RICAN Cocker Spaniels 16 weeks old blondc females CKC registered Champion bloodlines shots and trained $150 each Call 436 1057 BOXER FEMALE brindle years registered Champion stock loves childrin 5150 Telephone 728 3630 GERMAN SHEPHERD year old full papers and all shots Good with chil TelephonL7371107 attor6p DOBERMAN PUPPIES 13 weeks old registered tattooed ears and tails done top champion bloodlines Sire Am and Crtn Ch SLhanTllClnS Vintage Year Gulmrl S250 Phone 458 9442 SOgarden supplies FERT IL IZER manure grass seed Get ready for spring Brays Garden Centre 26 Furndale Dr 726 2951 CHOICE TOPSOIL Excellent for lawns gardrns 11c Evening and Saturday de livery Call 726 3928 or 7261117 RASPBERRY CANES and Strawberry PIanls Now is the time to plant Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Drive 726 7951 SAVE MONEY and grow your own garden rich fertile marsh garden plots for rent The drained ploughed Ready to plant Phone 705 456 2545 Sitrees and shrubs MAKE YOUR property more valuable and beautiful Plant White spruce ft ltigh Freedvlivery 728 9404 THOUSANDS OF nursory trees Cedar pine SprUCI 2to6Il high MapleWoep ing willow white birch black walnut and others 10 ft and higher Guaranteed Highway 27 and County Road3lAC MacLeod7269295 WHIT BIRCH Clumps about ft high 38 each FTEI delivery 728 9404 CATAL PA TREES good shade Fast growers one at $5 ft some at 54 low at $3 Transplant now Creed 31 Drury Lane Barrie 728 3709 53Iandscaping scorr EGIIIIES Zgrftc Ni Maintenance Design Weed Confr018l Fertilizing OAC Grodute 7370410 A192022 Professional Landscape Contracting LARGE AMOUNT OF clean fill Free for the taking at Sherbrooke Farm 13 concession Innisfil Telephone Dick Hoffman 705 728 9573 55construction machinery FRONT END loader for sale HG6 Allis Chalmers yard and 34 bucket and float 726 7638 sbcamping equipment TENT TRAILER for sale $495 Sleeps adults In good condition Telephone 4240939 1963 SHASTA Travel Trailer 17 it located 1n trailer park Seasons fee paid $2350 Phone 43673677 NEED camper boat or vacation loan See Barrie Community Credit Union18Collier7285191 1973 SUNKAMPER fridge furnace stove chemical toilet fully equipped lots of extras Owner going out of camp Ing Call 7260148 after 5pm 17Foor TRAVEL trailer In mint condi tion Sleeps Stove refrigerator fur nace and toilet Telepltone 8352919 after electric fridge gas stove pump or runn lng water sleeps mint condition Ask lng $2000 or best offer Telephone 7264294 evenings 56 camping equipment 1976 ROCKWOOD tent trailer fridge stove toilet sleeps used times As new $2400 Telephone 7371107 after DJ 1972 DELUXE Hardtop Camper with ac cessories and addaroom Sleeps In excellent condition Telephone 4241251 57livestock for sale CHAMPION MORGAN stallion at stud Liver chestnut 15 hands beautiful head and conformation Lauralee Morgan Farm 8353205 HORSES and western saddles Special ly suitable for young or female rider 7289542 HORSE BOARDING studs welcome $55 and up also Arab stud service 375 grave $150 for registered 4357895 Alliston HORSESHOEING Hot cold correE tive stock show plate Rickszilarto registered larrier 4356808 Alliston PUREBRED Hereford Bulls rising years old sired by Prince Beaumode Also International 400 manure spreader Phone 7287620 59poullrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown egg puliets available June 18 Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 4361811 60feedseedgrain Greenlands Grass Seed and Lawn Mixtures Pioneer Corn also Canadian Agricultural Minerals For further information and Or daring apply KEITH LEES RR No Shanty Boy 7266846 TThsMy7 PRIDE SEED corn and king grain have Pride RIo7 2550 heat units3x seed corn In stock An excelent choice for grain Also R121 3x and 110 2x Telephone Wilfred Peacock 7262679 HERTA SEED Barley Registered No 97 per cent germination Also Red Clover Seed Telephone Wilfred Peacock 7262679 Emmy INTERNATIONAL 230 SP Swather 12 cut with hay conditioner International 203 SP combine 10 cut with pickup and reels 1967 Dodge D600 truck with 16 steel platform cattle racks and 10 ton hoist certified Phone Elmvale 3222499 ONE 1938 MINNEAPOLIS tractor on rubber power takeoff belt pulley in ex cellent condition Telephone 4662426 after6pm SET OF FORD Double Disc 14 plate Agratic hay stooker star post holedig ger All used very little on 75 acre farm Phone 3222448Elmva1e after pm 67fruiIsvegelables POTATOES GOOD quality Kennebec also some small seed Will deliver No Telephone 7289378 or7287677 68personals TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 if you drink thats your business If you want to quit thatsours Call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologist 7372671 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm7260192 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec tive results medicated pad that really does the iob Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggISts FREE INSPECTION of mufflers ex haust and shocks The Muffler Shop 180 lnniinl St Barrie 7262282 MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Day and evenings Mon through Friday Phone 7288868 TAX RETURNS prepared personal or small business also accountingpayroll for small businesses or contractors 726 1888 WOULD ANY unsatisfied Volare owners please contact 7264002 or 4246904 GENERAL Meeting of Parents Without Partners April 20th at pm at the Grace United Church Grove and Cook Sts Two representatives of the Big Sister Organization will be atten ding Everyone welcome For further in formation 728 4549 97 15 99119115 ELL ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well schooled horses Indoor arena minute from Barrie 726 0192 70Iost andtound CAT LOST April 12 in Sophia Street area orange and black turtOise shell year old spayed female Answers to Pat ches 7287465 help wanted Direct Sales Opportunity COMMERCIAL LIGHTING PRODUCTS LTD Requires high calibre sales person for this area Excellent career potential for right in dividual Chosen can didate will be contacting industrial accounts and maior retail outlets No evening or weekend work involved Company will provide complete and thorough training program before sending you out on your own For an interview call toll free 8002610799 ext 48 A19 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Large international company requires attractive and outgoing person to contact their Barrie clients Cor necessary Excellent starting salary plus car allowance For up pointment CALL MR SMITN 7373542 A20 If you wont to work approximately hrs dolly days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age poss medical Then we wont YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Llnes 7285941 TF BARRIE AND SURROUNDING area Company has three part time and full time openings for ambitious persons with car for days or evenings Can earn up to $600 or more an hour Phone 9919933 LL WAITRESSES AND WAITENS needed for late night after hours disco opening soon In downtown Barrie Telephone Mr EisenhoweriOISIJMLZZLM 41 9r