11 the examiner Monday April 18 1977 notebook Itonight OCancer Capers will be held at Banting Memorial High School at 8pm $2 for adults and $1 for students OThe Barrie Public Library will have dis lay of books on Early Childhood Education and other subjects at the apopgian Mall as part of its participation in Education ee OArt Drysdale will speak on landscaping at meeting of the Oro Horticultural Society at pm in the Oro Town Hall Area societies and the public are welcome OThe 4H Garden Club will be holding their meetings in New Lowell beginning the end of April Anyone interested may contact Mrs Ann Ivits at 4240307 or Mrs Florence Thomas at 4241338 Ages are from 1226 tuesday OThe annual Goldwater and district school music festival will open today and continue for four days Morning sessions are from to noon with afternoon sessions from to 330 pm OThe Wasaga Beach Town Council will hold its regular monthly meeting headed by Mayor Clair Robertson OThe monthly meeting of the Simcoe County Childrens Aid Society board of directors will be held at pm in the societys offices at the County Administration Centre Midhurst OChamber music will be provided at the Barrie Public Library by the Galliard Ensemble at pm Light refreshments will be served oThree members of parliament and three cabinet ministers will be at the Continental Inn for Town Hall meeting attlpni OTickets are sold out for the concert at Collier Street United Church by Tocatas and Flourishes There will be no tickets available at the door Olhe Federal Cabinet Minister of Consumer and Cor porate Affairs Anthony Abbott will address the combined meetings of the Kiwanis and Lions Clubs of Barrie at 615 at the Holiday Inn OEntertaining With Ease will be the topic of demonstrationat the Consumers Gas Building at 730 pm The Marigold Jolly Elders of Oro St at ion hold pot luck luncheon thethird Tuesday ofeach month at the centre Ontario Onward Kiwanis Travelogue will be shown at 8pm at Central Collegiate oThe Snodoyagciirs Club Inc will hold general meeting at 8pm at Grenfel Hall The public is invitedto at tend OThe general meeting of the Alcona Community Pro graniming Group will be held in the resource centre of Goodfellow public school at 730 pm to discuss recreation in Innisfil township Bob Baker executive director of the Greater Huronia Sports Council will be the guest speaker OThe Angus Horticultural Society will meet at the home of Mrs Watson 125 Raglan St at 730 pm New members are welcome 0A special evening nature walk for spring will be held beginning at 7pm at the Wye Marsh Highway 12 Midland The walkisfree andopentothe public OThe Happyplace pre Kindergarten will hold an open house from 915 to 1115 am at the Nlinesing Anglican Church OMike Seniscal of the Salvation Army will speak on the Red Shield Appeal at noon at the BarrieHuronia Rotary Club meeting to be held at the Continental Inn wednesday An allday meeting and evening banquet will take place today as part of the District 16 Convention of 25 horticultural societies from Muskoka Parry Sound and Simcoe The con vention will be held in Orillia at St James Anglican Church Hall OThe Court Kempcnfeldt 1337 of the Independent Order of Foresters will hold its general meeting at pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Berczy Street 0A course in making stuffed animals will be held today at the Parkview Centre for Senior Citizens from 130 to 330 pm The cost for the session which is to be taought by Dian Williams is$2 OAn open house will be held by Timothy Christian School on Ferris liaiiefrom to 1230 pm The public is welcome OEneigy Development will be the topic of free forum in the Georgian College theatre at pm Robertson from Chalk River and Dr Fred Knelman an outspoken opponent of nuclear energy will be on the panel oToday is the deadline for volunteers to contact Ben Straughan if they wish toassist with Barries 125th birthday celebrations OIhe Angus Union Cemetery Plot Owners will hold their annual mectingal 8pm at the Simcoe Street School OAwards night for the annual swimathon of the Barrie YMYWCA will be held at 7pm at the on Grove Street Figures on the total money raised and distance completed will be released thursday Ill cooperation with Manpowers Job Mart the Barrie Public Library will have sampling of books on careers and an occupational consultant at the Barrie Armoury today from 10 to noon and from to 330 pm Barrie area cooperative nursery schools are sponsoring display today Friday and Saturday at the Georgian Mail for education week Trcalivc materials books and records will be available for children to use Over Spain Disaster in air was second away LONDON ltcutcri Brit ish Airways pilot survived two nearmisses over Spain within 10 minutes of each other last week he told reporters during the weekend Captain Derek ltiikcr had 82 passengers on board his Iridcnt jet airliner travclling from Ileathrow Airport near London to Valencia on Thursday when the incidents occurrcd He said the passengers were not aware of what had happened although at one stage thc plane came within second of crain with an El Al jumboch airliner Baker addcd that thc iii cidents occurrth while he was under the instructions of ltarcc loiia air traffic control Ilc said leaned down sideways in my seat to reach thc landing Ill struction book and so an El Al Boeing 7l7 at the same height 33000 feet as ourstlvcs When realich it was going to hit us pulled out the automatic pilot and just had time to fly upward We had to shoot up about 200 fch to hop over the back of the jumbo At the nearest point we were no more than 300 yards apart which is one second in flying time The collision was averted by what was described in reports the time as precautionary action by the British pilot Exactly 10 minutes later Baker was told by Spanish air traffic control to descend to 000 feet Use hard bed TORONTO III An rpm medical rcsciirchcr says per sons with back pioblcins should sleep on hard bid iii ciirlcd fetal position to let spinal joints rclax from the prcssuic of hold ing thc body upright Dr Micharl MatConant who has been studying huniaii joints for 47 years uscd iiialliciiiiitiis to prove his trcalincnt luring ii lecturc last wuk to the Ontario Physiotherapy Association and the continuing education department of thc llnivcrsity of Toronto ance Administration Canadians paying too high price for our petroleum TORONTO CP Bruce Wilson chairman of the Com mittee for an Independent Can ada said Saturday that Cana dians are paying high prices for cheaplyproduced petroleum fuel while governments and iii dustry reap excessive prof its Speaking at conference of the Public Petroleum Associ ation of Canada Wilson said there would be many advan tages for Canada if oil and gas prices were based on the cost of production He said such prices might iii clude an excise tax and the pro ceeds might be used to finance new Canadianowned energy supply projects The petroleum association is Guerrilla publicinterest group that ad vocates national oil policy for the country Wilson criticized exports of Canadian oil to the United States saying they are not helping America significantly but they surely are harming Canada Canadas future would be brighter if the National Energy Board and the federal govern ment protected energy supplies in Canada he said Natural gas now goingtoex rt could have been used as asis for attracting energy starvcd US manufacturers to Canada thereby assisting in providing jobs for many of our unemployed Wilson said warfare threat in Panama NEW YORK Router Pari amanian President Omar Tor rijos has indicated that airti American guerrilla warfare may erupt in his country unless new treaty is reached soon on the Panama canal Newsweek magazine reports In its current issue the weekly magazine quotes Gen Torrijos as saying the situation in Panama is tense because the United States has lied to us for so long Some leaders in Panama say we cant decolonize our selvesjust by screaming he is quoted as saying They say the route of late North Viet namese leader Ho Chi Minh has always been the best Gen Torrijos also says that the main stumbling block to an agreement is US insistence on having the right to guarantee the neutrality of the waterway have told the United States that if it will gradually phase out large part of its military presence in the next five years we would be willing to discuss formulas to guarantee neutral ity he says What we also want is phaseout within five years of US private enterprise now in the zone But we will allow the United States to keep an abso lute minimum of bases until the year 2000 Gen Iorrijos is quoted as saying he believes the primary concern of US negotiators is the maintenance of commercial interests and not the strategic importantcol the canal Through certain postures US negotiators have takcn they leave no doubt that it is not the strategic passage that is so important it is the Panama anziI We are talking about 1000 private enterprises in the mile he says US police officials take hostage training WASHINGTON AP The government is training hun dreds of police officials from across the United States to usc the tactics of waiting and talk ing in efforts to free hostages held by terrorists The Law Enforcement Assist Ll2AA said Sunday that more than 600 police commanders and admin istrators will be trained this year in hostage negotiation lac tics in lfrday seminars LEAA is financing the train ing at the Illinois State lolicc Academy in Springfield with ii grant of $297000 Dr Harvey Schlossbcrg 2i pioneer in the field of hostage negotiations llld rccognixcd authority the subject is cori ducting the training IIc is di rector of psychological scrviccs for the New York City Illtt department Schlosshcrg trains the of ficcrs to play for tiinc and use careful psychological planning in dealing with terrorists tic LEAA said Wcvc got forever if wc nccd it Schlossticrg said We cant give ii pvrson back his Iifc oncc hes been shot Peel education talks are at an impasse MISSISSAUGA int Tli Negotiations between thc Iccl board of cductiton and its 1700 secondary school tcachcrs havc reached an irnpzissc thc board said in statement Saturday The statement said talks broke down early Saturday all tcr negotiators for the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation SSIIi rcjcclcd 2i board offer that included con ccssion to mch teacher staffing demands The board said the offcr on would have maintained the present SIIHIIIIIlillll ratio of lt7rtorl fornt IilSllIy1llS Due to growth in Iccl stu dent enrolment this staffing formula would create 83 more teaching jobs than existed in 1070 thcslaitcmcnl said board spokesman said siilzi ries are still major itcin in dispute The latest Ixuirdoftcr which would increase annqu salaries to between $11700 and $25130 has Ill ljll fur rcnl salaries and teacher dc rounds were not zivziilablc New iltsl ylc Country Estate Homes Box 2000 Oriillia0nt£irio Orillia Barrie Toronto We now offer pickup and delivery ser vice days per week from your place of business or home in the cities of Orillia and Barrie for only 75 per call TRY THIS FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE Phone SHIP WITH US BY BUS DRILLIA 3267377 BARBIE 7280700 Concert opened education week Intermediate students of Iiinisfil entral and Sunnyhrac public schools got together in Stroud to rehearse for Sundays concert at Ilzirric entral olltgiatc The concert featur ing students from throughout Barrie and area marked the official opening of education week This ycars education weck theme is Growing With Dignity and the concert show ed the growth of music in the county Teacher Iara Ilurmastcr went through number with from left Kim Iainicson Dcrck Weistra Leslie Martin Sheryl Stilton Brian Ilarasymchuk Joanne Ilocbcn Kent Graham and Todd Sinclair Examiner Photo Invaders of Zaire said driven back KINSIIASA AIi Ircsidcnt Mobutu Scsc Sckos troops have driven the invaders ing supplies to thc Moroccans in Shaba have finished their work and returned home OTTAWA CP study commissioned by the Economic Council of Canada says Quebec gets little or no net benefit from the federal department of re gional economic expansion DREE program The independent study by two Carleton University econo mists also says Ontario is foot ing most of the bill in Ottawas attempts to fight regional eco nomic disparities and the At lantic provinces receive most of the benefits However the actual benefits received by the poorer prov inces are less than officiallyan nounced DREE figures says the 235page study by Irwin Gil lespie an economics professor and Richard Kerr doctoral student And the DREE program ben efits the rich more than the poor the study says Quebec seems to receive lit excellent quality materials and and installation as required Phone LOIS EROBERTSON Studio Total Decanter and Coordinating Services Choose from an outstanding selection of Ontario foots most of disparities bill tle or no net benefit from the DREE program it says And the Atlantic provinces are net beneficiaries to much lesser extent from the DREE program than it is commonly supposed The twoyear study examines the flow of about $16 billion in DREE money between 1969 and 1975 Official DREE figures show that 46 per cent of the money went to the Atlantic region 34 per cent to Quebec six per cent to Ontario 12 per cent to the Prairies and two per cent to British Columbia The study adds that the At lantic region had net gain of about 25 per cent from the DREE program Quebec anet loss of one per cent Ontario loss of 23 per cent the Prairies gain of one per cent and BC loss of two per cent CUSTOM MADE niiiirrnirs and Brnsriiuns patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking or drop in to the Studio RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hlll Only Miles North of Barrie in southern Ziiirc back 13 miles and checked their advance on Kolwczi thc copperiiiiiiing centre the govcrnincnt news In New York the Long island newsparwr Ncwsdny reported that the CIA is secretly support ing efforts by David Ilufkin of Kcrinan Calif to recruit scv cral hundred inciccnarics in agency AZAIsziys Ihc govcriinicnt rcport said Zaiiczin troops launched counteroffensive Saturday night and captured ziriiis nicdi cail supplics and onc woundcd prisoncr lhcrr was no confirmation of thegovcrnmciilsclaiin It was not known whclhcr any of thc 1300 Moroccan troops supporting the governincnt vcrc iiivolvctl iii the lighting but rcpoilcrs returning from the arch said 400 of the North African Arabs wcic sent to the village of Killlltlllt 23 miles the Unitcd States and Britain to for Mohulu fight northwest of Kolwczi vhcrc Zaircan troops wcrc con froiitingthcrchcls IKI II IIIIUS AZAI said thr govcrnincnt foiccs iccovcicd sonic of thc wcapoiis they lost when Ill csli muted 2000 Kiitziiigiiii cxilcs from iicighlioiiiig Angola crossed thc liordci on March it and ovcrrzin third of Shiihii province Shabn was Keitzingzi province whcii Zaire was the ongo and the invzidcis zirc lcd by vctcr 15 of the late Moisc Ishombcs unsucccssful attempt to scpa ratc the province and its Illlll crzil wealth from lhc rest of thc country in thc curly 10005 Mcinbcrs of thc Lurida tribc llll principal trin in thc region are believed to Iinvc joilicd lIlt invaders The French govtrniiicnt iii iioiiiiccd that the It Frcnch cargo planes that had hccii fly In In famous hair in the Wood fillIftpttmaIdttltt Its limo to call your Welcomi VVagon hostess 7zo1454 Phone Horseshoe Valley Resort Golf Season discount looikinto membership for 77 and save money on seasons play Fees include locker club storage and cleaning Our Pro Shop is always fully stocked and our cour se the most scenic in the area We have the latest in turf maintenance equipment The course is both challenge to men and women and afterward you can relax in our fully licensed lounge Dont forget we also have Complete facilities for weddings banquets and receptions and 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