opening of the airport because the new Jays Leafs lose It was hard weekend for baseball and hockey fans in Tronto Blue Jays found themselves on the wrong end of 42 game with the Chicago White Sox Sunday and the Maple Leafs lost their second straight game in overtime to the Philadelphia Flyers The National Hockey League quater final series is now tied at 22 Details of Leafs Blue Jays games on Page 10 Jets tourney better Oro Jets didnt win any trophies at their fifth annual womens hockey tournament on the weekend but they did notice much improved calibre of play among the 24 teams entered Jets were knocked out by penalty shots in the final game of the Division Sunday Photo and stories on Page Two holesinone Two Angus golfers started the season off on the right foot Sunday with holesinone at the Green Acres Golf Centre Angus Doug Ferguson used seveniron to sink 130yard ace on the third hole while Ed Schultz notched his holeinone on the short fourth hole It was the second career holeinone for Schultz Baseball records NEW YORK AP Attendance at the 26 home openers for major league baseball teams this year averaged record 39595 figures released by the office of the baseball commissioner showed Sunday Last years average attendance for 24 home openers was 37075 Seattle Mariners and Toronto Blue Jays where there was sellout crowd of more than 44000 are the additions to major league baseball this season Total attendance for 26 home openers was 1029476 compared to last years 889796 for 24 games 11000 in protest NARITA Japan AP Police and students armed with bamboo spears clash ed Sunday as more than 11000 demonstrators marched to protest the open ing of new international airport in this town 45 miles east of Tokyo Twentyfour police and an undetermined number of students were injured Seven demonstrators who hurled rocks and charg ed police lines with their spears were ar rested About 5000 riot police were called in for the demonstration The protesters rallied at the site of two towers one 200 feet high which they had built at the end of the runway to prevent airplanes from landing Many local residents have opposed the facility requires the laying of fuel pipeline from nearby seaport Area farmers whose land was seized for the building of the air port joined the protests Attem pted urder TORONTO CP Two men have been charged with attempted murder of police officer following an incident Saturday in parking lot of liquor store Police said Constable Armand Iempesta on duty at city store of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario was confronted by man who was armed with sawedoff shotgun and threatened to shoot at the officers head The 24yearold constable disarmcd the man in scuffle suffering minor head in juries The gun fired during the scuffle police spokesman said The spokesman said second man was ar rested in nearby restaurant Joseph Roger Anderson 39 of no fixed ad dress and Francis Xavier Cooper 48 of Toronto were both charged with attempted murder and conspiracy to rob liquor store and hardware store Cardinal Conway dies ARMAGH Northern Ireland Iteuteri Cardinal William Conway 64 spiritual leader of Irelands 35 million Itoman Catholics died at his home here Sunday The cardinal Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland since 1963 was forceful campaigner for peace in Northern Ireland He repeatedly spoke out against Protes tant and Catholic killers Those who take life for life are spitting in the face of Christ he said The cardinal died following relapse while he was recovering from gall bladder surgery in January Legion eyes youth CORNWALL Ont CPi The Itoyal Canadian Legion should involve younger people in its organization to assure its future its Ontario vicepresident said Sun da Tames Forbes of Windsor said the Legion requires respected and effective leadership which we have today but what about 15 years from now He said young people do not have the same feeling as war veterans for Remem brance Day services but that the Legion is fortunate to have younger better educated and more flexiblethinking generation to continue its work in the future Forbes was speaking to about 580 delegates representing 68 eastern Ontario branches at weekend conference Packaging extension OTTAWA CP Supermarkets and other outlets that retail fresh meats poultry and fish have been given oneyear exten sion to show packaging dates and durable life of these products Charles Sheppard chief of food division of the federal consumer and corporate affairs department said Saturday that retailers Rugby club loses Barrie City Rugby Football Club was beaten 159 by Peterborough in exhibition play at Barrie Central Collegiate Satur day Bob Lambs pair of penalty goals and John Butchers drop kick goal paced the Barrie scoring The city club has two games slated for Saturday against York County beginning at pm at Central Examiner Photo Team Canada loses PRAGUE CP Czechoslovakia defeated Team Canada 72 Saturday in warmup for the world hockey champion ships which begin in Vienna on Thursday The two teams meet again today Marian Stastny beat goalie Tony Esposito for two firstperiod goals to lead the Czechs to 31 lead after 20 minutes Eric Vail got the lone Canadian goal in the first period and after scoreless second period Pierre Larouche narrowed the margin with the se cond Team Canada goal Liverpoo looking good LONDON CP Liverpools hopes of capturing soccers triple crownthe English League championship the FA Cup and European Cupheightened Saturday with 20 victory over Arsenal while rival Ipswich was losing 21 to Leeds Liverpool on goals by Phil Neal and Kevin Keegan took onepoint lead over Ipswich in the First Division standings It also holds one game in hand Three of Liver pools remaining six games are at home in cluding crucial confrontation with Ipswich Greatest years Howard Diamond of the ldfcliows Greater Years Social Iloiiic appears delighted with the program for thc Kiwanis lub of Barrics annual ircatcr Years Social Evening May Ill at ciilral Collegiate IIc rccciicd the program which is also complimentary pass from event chairman Iiiii Paul The program is free of charge to senior tilitllS but thc do require pass Refreshments will be served and free bus scriicc is being organized For more on the cicniiig Il Page Examiner Ihoto Spassky leads match REYKJAVIK Iceland Ali Boris Spassky of the Soviet Inion bcal Vlaslimil Ilort of zcchoslovakia on Sunday in the quarterfinals of the World hcss hanr pionship when IIort exceeded the time liiiiil after 35 moves Spassky now leads in the two gatin playoff match The second game is scheduled to be played here Tuesday when Spassky needs only to draw to be declared winner But if Hort wins the match the players then will have one point each Both have agreed that in that case the winner would be decided by thetoss of coin Against separatism MONTREAIACP The Quebec nnada Movement emerged from closed door meeting here on the weekend with new president and vow to recruit members from other profederalist groups to form common front against separatism Claude Nolin 54yearold Montreal lawyer and former president of the Quebec branch of the Progressive Conservative party was chosen president replacing Michel Gratton Games bid in trouble SAN JUAN Puerto Rico CP 11a milton has run into problems in its bid for the 1983 Pan American Games Delegates who arrived during the weekend for the Pan American Sports Organization conference that begins Wednesday say late bid for the games by Venezuela has caused situation that the organizations rules do not cover Homer OTTAWA CD Jack Homer says the national Pr sive Conservative party is threatening withhold $47000 it owes his Alberta riding of Crowfoot if he crosses the Commons floor to join the Liberals Horner MP for Crowfoot said Sunday on W5a nationallybroadcast CTV Television Network public affairs programthat the money came from two roasts in Edmonton and in Calgary two months ago The roasts were held to help Horner recover some of the expenses incurred when Police comb Springwoter Body of child in remote area of pork Police are combing the Springwater Park area today looking for some clue to the identi ty of child whose skeletal remains were found in the park Sunday The body was found about pm by children playing in remote area of the park located on Highway 20 north of Barrie llct Sgt Paddy ain of the Barrie Ontario Provincial Iolicc detachment said today the clothing worn by the child does not appear to match that worn by scvenyearold Cheryl Ann Hanson of riurora who disappeared in 1071 despite speculation to that effect in loronlo newspapers Wc hau no idea who it is right now Oct Sgt am said He said the general descrip tion ol the clothing appeared to match but close check lll co operation with York Regional Police showed apparent dil lcrcticcs Ily RICHARDIHNSTAN IIxainincr Staff Report cr Sunny weather syrup crafts and enter tainnicnt filled IIlmvalcs main street to bursting Saturday for the villages annual maple syrup fcst iv al Festival chairman Ilon Thompson said to day policc cstiinatcd the crowd at stagger ing 20000 roughly double last years turn out It was jtlSl like people carpet he said this morning The event grossed more than $7000 and should show profit of $3000 to $4000 Thompson said The festival committee has already pio mistd $2000 for renovation of the villages community hall one of numerous com munity projects the festival has helped sup port since it began in 1000 ItltlllllllNUlT lhough the turnout for the main street mall was outstanding Ihompson said bus trips to see syrup made in the bush did not draw as well as in the past This was partly due to poor syrup conditions this year he said and he ran for the national leadership of the par ty eventually won by Joe Clark He said the national party took $15000 it was entitled to from the roasts but also was holding back the $47000 owed him and the Crowfoot riding association for their leader ship expenses He said this was one consideration stop ing him from movmg on to the Liberal side of the Commons Interviewed in Montreal Clark told W5 he had no knowledge of the decision by the party national executive Monday Aprll 1977 didnt realiZe there was that much money involved Clark said Still have made pomt to keep clear of such matters Horner said he had hoped to make an an nouncement about crossing party lines earlier than this but that the $47000 and other considerations were holding him back Still he said he remained convinced he could serve better as Liberal in government than as Conservative in opposition He said he thought his constituents would support him as long as he was an effective 15° Par Copy Carrier Home Dollvory 85° Weekly The child was found wearing light brown corduroy pants and brown longvslecved pullover shirt with Vncck The body is to be sent today or lucsdav to the Centre of Forensic Science in Toronto for determination of sex and other informal ion xmslablc Martin dc Silguv said todav police will check records of missing persons in the area once test results are in He said the body had apparently been in the area for considerable period of time Iet Sgt uin said today searchers arc go Ing through the woods on hands and knees and have found additional tccth find other items onstable lid Zilliotlo investigated the discoveryandlcl Inspector Ielcssaro of the lls criminal investigation bureau in Torontoisheadingllicinvcstigalioii Elmvale syrup festival draws estimated 20000 partly to the fact that many festivalgoers have seen and visited the sugar bush in past years and lid not bother going again Next year he said the committee hopes to have additional attractions in the bush This years activities included midwav an allday pancake breakfast mini parade and live entertainment The mail was devoted to crafts and other items for sale cvvry littlc inch was filled With coiiccssionaircs said lhompson and activities ranging from square dancing to log sawing contest among local politicians sec picture page TALENI SHOW Friday night talent show drew more than ztltlto IIlmvalc District High School Winners were age and under Sheila Storey with an acrobatic dance age 101 Tollccn Storey Sheilas sister with ballet solo age 12H Stephen Iracc with magic act age 1r1t1 group made up of Joyce and Linda Marchanl Lori McAulcv Laura Ilvcr and Darlene Lalond with monster intish skit and lance and open class Margaret and John Iott with guitar and vocal act ays PC party holding back MP and several brief interviews from his con stituency injected into the program tended to support this view Homer said he felt Prime Minister Trudeau had finally taken control of the Liberal party and that the Conservatives would have diffi cult beating them in the next election He said he thought Trudeau had shown bet ter leadership in the face of the Parti Quebecois election in Quebec Nov 15 than had Clark and suggested the next election would be won in Ontario rather than in Quebec Page lï¬aig We Maï¬a At the Barrie District Stomp Club show Little Ictcr Whytc agc It was one of many visitors of all ages who tluncd out Saturday to look at stamps and othcrcxliibits at the Barrie District Stamp Iubs ITIh annual exhibition at St Georges liurch Hall on Burton Ililll Examiner photot Organized crime probe would hurt us police TOItONIO Il Three lop police of ticials say public inquiry on organizctl crime would hinder their current secret fight against organized crime in Metropolitan Ioronto hicf Ilarold Adamson of Metro loronto police said Sunday that he thinks it would be premature to hold public inquiry Im not opposed to public inquiry hc said feel that in the filial analysis that may be the answer ommissioner Ilarold Graham of the On tario Provincial Police and assistant coiiiiuis sioncr Ilcnry Iadcson commander of the Division of the IttMl said they agreed with Chief Adamson Adamson said the thought of putting an organized crime figure in the witness box can be tempting bill public inquiry first should have the appropriate questions to ask Itoy McMurtry Ontario atlorncygcncrnl said in February that the three police forces have had secret investigation in Metro Toronto against organized crime since 1971 SAYS WORK llIIlTlCll In his statement McMurtry said he would not recommend public inquiry similar to the police commission inquiry in Quebec Robins wife fined $27000 TEL AVIV Iteuter Prime Minister Yit zhak Rabin has set next Friday as the date he will relinquish power after his wife was fined quarter of million Israeli pounds about $27200 for foreign currency offence An official communique said Rabin told the cabinet in Jerusalem on Sunday that he was taking leave of absence from April 22 the day after Israels 29111 anniversary celebrations Ile named Defence Minister Shitnon Peres because the current investigation by the three forces was doing better job in con victing organzicd criminals than any other police jurisdiction in North America The three police officials said the problem of organized crime in Ontario is becoming in creasingly serious and requires more men and resources to stall its growth ladcson said the joint operation aimed at specific organized crime figures began strect investigations few months ago The police officials said they agreed with the attorncygencral that informing the public in Ontario about the nature and extent of organized crime is problem McMurtry said the public should be iii formed so they can recognize organized crime and report it but he is uncertain about how to inform the public without offending civil libertarians ï¬nders Now let me soaGot your mains mab macmad til March 31 1978 to com with as acting premier Peres already has been Iggregfllation weaflor chosen by the ruling Labor party as its new The original deadline was March 31 1977 leader and the next premier if it winstlic May Ins d0 but some retailers have reported difficulties Cloudy with showers and chance of 17generu deem meetingithesaid thunderstorms is hhe forscast for the Barrie Leahg Rabin plezidgd gunty in To AV sports 91011 meantime retailers are welcome areaovemi ht an TUOS HY court tun ay to io ing ega savings ant be 01 alhvoluntary basis to show packaging High mmgrmw 13 low overnign near lTaliflltltltlSlll of Ilargi W130i as Walllace McConnell of levulc shows how to adjust an chequing accounts in Washington bank She muyh dates and durable feofthejr merchandise as onu pot IN or ng map sap Both oldfashioned and modern methods of was fined 2504100 Israeli pounds and offered making syrup were demonstrated for visitors to Elmvalcs annual maple syrup festival the alternative of year in jail but her 12 which drew an estimated $1000 to the village Examiner photo lawyer said she would pay the dfd 13 14 15