flue examiner Saturday Aprll 12 1977 town country Angus Lions Club elects Don Simms ANGUSDon Sims has been elected 197778 president of the Angus Lions Club Joining Sims on the new club executive are past presi dent Jasper Boyd first vicepresident Frank Adamson se cond vicepresident Brian Metcalfe and third vice president Leo Doucette Secretary is Ron Madore Jerry Popiuk was chosen treasurer and the recording secretary is Jim Burns John Binns Eric Binns and Art Thiessen were elected one year directors and Gord McEdwards Earle Williams and Dale Johnson will serve as twoyear directors The clubs former Baby Lion Dave Blacquiere was elected Tail Twister and Hap Hanson was chosen as Lion Tamer The new executive will be installed in June Chuck 1aFIeur was named Lion of the Year for 1976 The award goes to the club member who contributes the most toward furthering the objectives of Lions International each vear Buchanan to visit Judd Buchanan minister of public works will be in Barrie Tuesday to officially open the new federal building on Owen Street The $14 million building houses the Unemployment Iii surance ommission and the Department of Manpower and Immigration Those offices were previously located in leas ed space The new building was built after studies showed it was not feasible to add to the post office building next door IImcry onstruction Ltd of Barrie built the 25000 square foot building using structural steel masonry and brick The structure has special faclit ics for the liandiczippcd There is also tiTAcar parking lot and an access road to Trinity Anglican Church The grottnds are landscaped and the front of the building is decorated with lamcs lillcs 512001 sculpture Abrasis Tilt No Thc opening ill be held at pm Hurt near Lafontaine ltty carold Toronto man was treated for minor injuries at Penctanguislicnc iciicral Ilospital early today after bc ing involva iii singlecar accident say Midland ll lolicc sa Raymond olc was passenger in 19th Dodge driven by stcphcn towcn also lti of Toronto when the acci dcnt occurred towcn was southlxiund on ounty Road 26 near tonces sion to of Tiny Iownship near Iafontainc say police when an oncoming cars high beams dist racch him He lost control of thc car and went into ditch hitting tree Cheque forging tine of tiye pcoplc charged in connection with the opera tion oi Barrios first body rub parlor appeared in Barrie court Friday on other charges Sharron l5 llyram appeared in provincial criminal court to plead guilty to charge of forging cheque She plcadcd not guilty to failing to appear charge and third oi posscsstoti of marijuana asdroppcd Judgc Norman Nadeau found her guilty of forging the cheque and ordered her to pay restitution for thc Slitl of ring she bought with it Shc was also sentenced to 13 days for failing to appear Judge Nadcau took into account the fact she has scrvcd 92 days for that and other charges He also scntcnccd her to years probation ltyrain is also facing charges in Brampton casc and will appear again in llarrjc courts May ti for joint trial on charges stemming rom thi body rub parlor Mans World Stolen credit cards liycar old loronto woman has been fined $931 on three counts of using stolcn credit card Ill Barrie storcs Agnis Mario tlcnicnts was in criminal court in Barrie Friday to plead not guilty and lost her case The mother of tour was charged with using stolen credit card after buying battery at Irench Motors watch at lD Murphys and tics at Mel Brass Clothing in the Bayficld Mall Dec The woman said she was given the card by May woman she met in Toronto bowling alley She said May who she ncvcr saw again asked her to buv sortie things for her in liariic with the card The card belonged to It Virllcr and had been missing since 1973 purchases had been iriadc on it until Mrs lciiicnts iisul it Dec 21 ludgi Norman Nadcau gave her three months to pay the fine Help is on the way The llarrie YIYWf as part ol its fitness program cri coiiragcs jogging The has loo inili club for joggcrs who hope to jog too milcs or more In ycar tut thc may no have to start new jogging group for those who do iooo miles or morc in year This because of Willard Kinic wcllrknown Barrie businessman completing 1031 miles in 1976 at the Iéariic Willard iisually jogs live to six miles day on an average of four or ll day wcck lhc ttsttlts of this jogging arc ob vious as in rcicnt physical litiiiss test the Til yearold Mr Kinic ratiil in the category of pcrson in the twenties Willi the upcoming opening of the new faclitics at the Ban ric which includes suspcndcd ceiling indoor jogging track thcrc is likcly to bc few more moo milcrs at the Barrie Intil lhcn Willard kccps jogging daily to kccp in sliapclor mountain climbing he says lIQUID wiisrr REMOVAL Industrial Commercial Waste Removal in Service Station and Commercial Pump Outs DISPOSAL Chemical Petra Waste Disposal ltd mm 1373411 Licensed by the Ministry of Environment Girl saw her father stabbed dad says he slipped into knife 14yearold Collingwood girl told county court jury Friday she saw Margaret Bar rett stab her father Ute Schreck said Mrs Bar rett who is on trial for assault causing bodily harm stabbed Hans Schreck in the chest with kitchen knife during violent argument The girls testiomony came Friday afternoon in the first lay of the Barrett trial Mrs Barrett is charged in Math games galore good mathematical back ground would have come in handy if you wanted to play games at Allandale lleiglits School this week The school held its annual math fair Wednesday and there were math games galore to keep the pupils parling About zoo pupils from irades anti ll participated each presenting his own math pro jch lcacher arol Ilcnderson thc math lair coordinator said the students had the options of using gamcs ctirvc stitchcry charts and graphs or models and sltapcs to dcmonstratc mathcmatical concept Dana Wardcmann iradc pupil produced game with smiling and frowning faces If your roll of the dice landed you on smiling tacc the price to lic paid was math problem such as live the missing denominator lliic over ten Hpials livc over You have lo seconds wrong answer meant losing spaces on the game board llic objcct was to get through or past tliosc tituiclicrous smiling laccs Dana gavc you smiling laci st ickcr it you did so lriis wcri awardcd the top exhibits lll each catcgory with plaquc going to thc outstan tllllL proicct in cacli of thc tlircc lllilflts llaqiic iccipicnts wcrc lisc iriiolLs Grade games Suc Dick iradc Ti lLilllltS and Laura Millci tirade ciirvc Silltlltlj tltlici winncrs Modcls till Falls iradc in Linda rnistrong firadcfi Ioiigrihic firadctli liarls and graphs Sheila fliakialiiiiti itilllflt in Run lilloid tiradi tii layiiii lcarcc tirailiul liirvc stitchiiy llcalhir liflflifill ifiradc Ii Lisa Jackson iiadc 3i fiarncs Martha llick ifiradc tit connection with an incident in volving Schreck her common Iaw husband Sept near Coll ingwood The girl said fights between the two were common and Schreck testified he and Mrs Barrett had been involved in four or five previous physical fights Two sent her to hospital Miss Schreck told the jury her father and Mrs Barrett were arguing when they return cd from day at the Dorchester Hotel and said they began hit ting each other during an argu ment about the girls Early in the fight she said Mrs Barrett grabbed an axe which Schreck wresth from her He then held the base of the axe at her throat said the girl until Mrs liarrctl said number of times she was choke ing The girls also saw her father bang Mrs Barretts head against the wall of staircase repeatedly The stabbing took place in the kitchen she said Miss Schreck testified Mrs Barrett grabbed the knife and her father tried to defend himself with broom which he then dropped She came toward him and he moved back toward the corv ner lof the kitchen said Miss Schreck Then she put the knifcinliisarni She later said she wasnt sure where Schreck was stabbed but said Mrs Iiarrctt jerked her arm back leaving the knilc in him KNIFE lllM The knife was left in him she said and he slid down the wallto the floor The girl said she ran to get dressed and get help from neighbors but Mrs Barrett grabbed her by the hair and pushed her to the ground when she came down the stairs from dressing She testified her wounded father started to pull himself over to them when Mrs Barrett got up and called the police The girl ran to neighbor who had already called police Under questioning she said Mrs Barrett called Schreck pig and Nazi and said she wished he would die once Schreck was taken away by ambulance The girl and Mrs Barretts two sons lived with the couple at the time she said but she was the only one to witness the fight She now lives with Iostei parents The girls evidence con tradicted that of her father who testified Friday morning llans Schreck said both won at fault in the fight and said Mrs Barrett was taken tc hospital after him for bad bruises lllISlJlllIl He testified he slipped into the knife when swinging broom to knock the knife our of her band saying she did not plunge it into him He said the injury would not have occurred if he had not slip pcd Schreck had said at prc limiiiary hearing in thvtlel that botli he and Mrs Barrctt had lost control of themselves SHIP WITH US BY BUS Phone Drillia Barrie Toronto We now offer pickup and delivery ser vice days per week from your place of business or home in the cities of Orillia and Barrie for only 75 per call TRY THIS FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE DRILLIA 3267377 BARBIE know it was quite lot my fault he said The two have known each other almost three years he testified and have had four or five violent fights In one skin behind his car was split open Schreck said both he and Mrs Barrett drank relatively little beer at the Dorchester Hotel that day but his daughter said his walk wasnt steady could tell they had been drinking she said Defense lawyer William ltankin challenged Miss Schrecks statements about the stabbing saying she had earlier testified she lid not see the knife go in The girl testified in cross examination that while she rememlwrcd the question put to her in the preliminary hearing she couldnt remember saying that know saw the knife go in she testified Scheck testified he still lives with Mrs Barrett and both hope to get married once their Separate divorces are granted He said they had had no fights since Sept ti Assistant rown attorncy Tom Ieaiy llllltllltl the axe broom and kitchen kiiifc as ex hibits Friday in addition to doctors letter describing Schccks wound Dr William Mctiillvray wrote that the knife cut one or more significant blood vcsr scls and punctured his left lung Ilc said Schcck was in severe shock when lic was brought in oiirt will resume Monday at Ilam 72ll070l 2nd home yearround resort Community one of America 200 acre lake led by arteSian wells and nestled amid wooded mountains sandy beach for burlding championship calibre sand castles marina comprismg boathouse docks ramps serVice and rentals for sailboats and canoes ski slopes that descend the mountaunsude poma lifts and pony lifts snomaking equment nite lites cross country woodland trails and warming hut SWimming outdoor in Alpine Lake or indoor in the heated clubhouse Olympic Size pool golf course pro shop and putting green fishing all ponds and Alpine Lake stocked With rainbow and brook trout and bass from our own hatchery down bwlders finest re cMuu little bit of SWitzerland St Moritz Berri Geneva all in 2500 acre family playground acre fully serVIced lots hidden among the pines From $1100 an outstanding selection of alpine homes available from local exceptional property value Check off the features that appeal to your family If you have perfect creational developments tennis courts hard Surface all weather regulation COurtS playgrOunds the latest laCilities and equipment lorthe little people Icampgrounds and picnic areas complete With showers hookups and restrooms horseback riding snowmobiling hiking country club 30000 sq ft Vol magnificent dining and lounge faCilities security 24 hours day Where IS this wonderland7 Its at Terra Alta West Virginia approxrmatelya 825 car ride from Toronto apprOXImately 435 miles from Toronto score then go directly to your phone and call the Permanent Rick Bennett 705 726 5020 for further information on Alpine Lake Without any obligation excluswe representative the Permanent Canada Permanent Trust Compan Real Estate Broker 1901 Yonge Street Toronto ntario M48 1Y8 EprOre this tremendous opportunity to buy homesne in West Virginia representing Mountaintop Development Company developers of Alpine Lake Shop tonight till PM Monday AM to PM Monday only hurry in for these super special cash carry values Free Cash Bonus Coupons with every purchase Redeemable like cash on your next purchase at Bad Boy Shop early for the best selection Quantities are limited to supply on hand Advertised items will be available for picku Delivery can be arranged at small nominal extra charge Sale prices in of out till Monday PM or while supplies last Buy nowno payments till July on our deferred payment plan Enjoy all your favorite shows in glorious lifelike color and save money too with this famous name 14 100 Solid State color portable TV Features include pushbutton aiitiniiatit color control automatic fine tun ing frontmoiintod speaker Il ll dotonto timing for 73 lllll station selec tion Futuristic liigliiiiipai plastic cabinet with pedestal base contrasting trim and onvoiiicnl thriving liaiidlo Maniifaiztiircis varraiitvincluded Uiii reg piiii Sillll Monday sale price lash ii carry lay less money with lloiius Coupons Save $40 Save on Danbys 50 cu compact refrigerator with pushbutton automatic defrost Icaturcs thermostatic con trol laminated arborite tabletop acrosssthetop freezer section slideout shelves fullwidth meat kecpor upfront door space for cg is bottles etc 10 per on lroat for the fice bar cottage or trailer Manu facturers warranty in cluded Monday sale price lur rcg priic Sltlll lush carry lay less money with Bonus Coupons Fleetwoods 20 black and white portable TV great for the den or cottage Features ltltllli Solid State chassis ti clianiiol lll lllll llllltls slide con trols round icakcr III II dipole an tenna and Ill ll oop aiitciiiia llaiid some plastic cabinet Manufactnrcis warranty inizludod Monday sale price Our reg pricc $I7I lash ii carry luy less money itli lliiiiiislioiipoiis Total satisfamionwith lifetime service guarantee on furniture Highway 26 21 Barrie 7267053 EONVlNIlNI Better value prices selection service IUOGH IIRMS ARRANGED ciiAiuax