Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1977, p. 20

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Iii rg the axsilmlnsir Saturday Aprll18 1971 51 garden supplies FERTILIZER manure grass seed Get ready for spring Brnys Garden Centre 26 Femdale Dr 7262951 CHOICE TOPSOIL Excellent for lawns gardens etc Evening and Saturday de livery Call 7263928 or 7261117 ASP RAGUS Viking year old plants l2lor $150 Telephone 7286030 RASPBERRY CANES and Strawberry Plants Now is the time to plant Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Drive 7262951 SAVE MONEY and grow your own garden rich fertile marsh garden plots Ior rent Tile drained ploughed Ready to plant Phone 705 4562545 Sltrees and shrubs MAKE YOUR property more valuable and beautiful Plant whlte spruce ft high Free delivery 7289404 THOUSANDS OF nursery treestedar pine spruce toe ft high Maple Weep ing willow white birch black walnut and others 10 ft and higher Guaranteed Highway 27 and County Road 31 MacLeod 7269295 WHITEachHciurnpé abdut in high SBeach Free delivery 721124041 Sitlandscaping LARGE AMOUNT OF clean fill Free for the taking at Sherbrooke Farm 13 concession Innisfil Telephone Dick heme S7951 9951 ssconstructio machinery WHEEL LOADER Allix Chalmers yard power steering cab good condi tion 1969 Ford 850 477 air power steer ing maxis 9F18R Ideal float tractor PD°D9356552 FRONT END loader for sale H66 Allis Chalmers yard and bucket and float 7267638 Sbcamping equipment 1971 NIMROD Birchwood il hardtop tent trailer sleeps burner gas stove gas bottle ice box stainless steel sink spare tire Excellent condition Lots of storage $1200 726 7226 MINI MOTOR HOME Ford super van with fibreglass top stove sink running water propane fridge and table 52200 Telephone 7281217 TENT TRAILER for sale $495 Sleeps adults In good condition Telephone 424 0939 13 GLENELLETraVéIIEafiér for are sleeps burner stove and new fridge Excellent condition Phone 7283356 was SHASTA Travel Trailer 17 ii located in trailer park Seasons fee paid $2350 Phone 436 3677 57livestock for sale CHAMPION MORGAN stallion at stud Liver chestnut 15 hands beautiful head and conformation Lauralee Morgan Farm835 3205 HUNTER MARE half thoroughbred halt standardbred sire choice mink spund good conformation 153 HH $1200 737 0700 2HORSES and western saddles Special 47 Suitable for young or female rider 728 9542 HORSE TRAILER for sale single in ex rallent condition new tires wheels Telephone 726 S277 HORSE BOARDING studs welcome $55 and up also Arab stud service 575 crave $150 for registered 4357895 AIIISIOII ESHOEING Hot cold correc HORS snow plate Rick Sziiarto gst Harrier135 6808lAllistonl 597jpgultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown vzaq DUUOtS available April Oand June 13 Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud4361811 60feedseedgrain Greenlands Gross Seed and Lawn Mixtures Pioneer Corn also Canadian Agricultural Minerals For further information and or dering apply KEITH LEES RR No lShonty Boy 7266846 TThSMy7 00 BUSHEL Herta barley and 200 llushrgl Concluest malt barley Cleaned and treated 100 bushel seed oats Also Funxsseed corn 436 2603or 436 4220 FEED BARLEY for sale by the ton Yvlephone 728 9547 HAY FOR Sale PnélostOn Minésing arca Firstcut Phone 322 2557 PRIDE SEED corn and king grain have Pride 107 2550 heat units 3x1 seed corn In stock An excelent choice for grain Also R121 3x and 110 2x Telephone Wilfred Peacock 726 2679 HERTA SEED Barley Registered NO 97 per crnt germination Also Red Clover Seen Telephone Wilfred Peacock 726 2679 BALED HAY for sale mixed Alfalfa and Timothy first and second cut and straw Close to Barrie Telephonr 728 5848 HAY Alfalfa and Broom large bales good quality 7ch Telephone 322 1057 62fpasture to rent 45 acres With stream on Bayfield Street hUhest Offvl over $600 to include maintenance of fences now In 900 shape Phone487 3213 64farm machinery FRONT END loadrr for small Ford or Furquson tractor Also small propane to re for fish hut Telephmn 458 9007 CORN PLANTER John Deere 494A r0 levelling fingers rubber packer whetIs and insertimdi attachment In JOOICUHGIIIOFI Telephone 3131 93 DAVID BROWN tractor with front end loader John Deere 44 manure spreader sotof 10ft heavy choin har row manure loader for mini hitth trarlor 16ft wheel trailer furrow Acc bottom Iraq plow 13 run Massey Harris seed drill Telephone after or Saturday 728 1097 6541NTE RNAT IONAL hydaustatlc frat tor row crop in good condition Tel phone 426 2601M 416 4270 DA lID BROWN 990 diesel tractor WIIII Ford whetI dISI and all hydraulics in mi ellent shapi Phon41726 8526 iNTERNATIONAL 230 SP Swather 12 cut with hay conditioner International 103353 combine lOcutwnh pickup and riels 1967 Dodge 0600 truck With 16 stiel platform rattle racks and 10 ton hoist lcrrliIIrd Phoni Elmvalo 122 2499 ONE 1978 MINNEAPOLIS tractor on runner Domr takeoff belt pulley in ex tellifll OnUITIOn Tnlephonl 4667426 iftwr or 67lru it svegeta bles APPLE Apply Rome and Son Con issiori Oro 726 1907 7le 848 Closed Quniln ys Your containers DrATFi GOOD quality KennibIc also somesrnallseud willdrliver No Tnlrpnon 2il 917nm 72ft 767 APPLES Frlsll out of storage Spies and Marin IUJI Sum ll on Spies $6 llushvl In 1101 it Poo Shoppe of arilllll St Saturday riftirnorln and ill day Sunday limes Willonurovi Orchards RR larkSlAJQ bitpersonals Tl LECAPE Why light your problem alone Lil frIind help Call Talcrare 716 7972atlyllmi ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS I28 6581Il ilrink thiiIS your DUiInCgtS Il you wanttoquittliritsours Cnllanytimi JiWANIED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved din ttrenrhuk Crrtifiid Electroloqlst 737 7611 RIDING INSTRUCTION lndoor arena Horsis boardivt Barrie five minutes windy Haugh Form 726 0192 57 livgstecll for saleL PUBLIC AUCTION SADDLES BRIDLES Property of and sales $25000 inventory Monday April 25 pm sharp of Sfouffville stockyord 50 new English and Western saddles oll name brands 300 holters 100 bridles 100 pair of English show equipment lumping sod dles silver show saddles etc ntc etc Com lete tock shop In ventory Call for information 14166404198 Sell and wholesale lots Everyone welcome EVERYTHING MUST BE breaches saddle pods blankets 71 help wanted 71 help wanted 71 lIeIP 104 I°P MUCh emotion lENJOY SEWING Pfaff Sewintl TELEPHONE SALES 68 personals HOLIDAY IN THE SUN Write Clover Motel Apts 212 108th Av Treasure Island St Petersburg Florida 33706 We have vacancies for Aprll at $110 week for people and from May onward efficiency units from $75 week Phone 728 3136 for information WThFAu17 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses Relief now Is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec tive results medicated pad that really does the lob Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all drugglsts FREE INSPECTION Of insurers éxi haust and shocks The Muffler Shop 180 Innisfll st Barrie 7262282 MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Day and evenings Mon through Friday Phone 7288868 TAX RETURNS prepared personal or small business also accountingpayroll for small businesses or contractors 7261888 WOUTLD ANYunsatisIIEd Volare owners please contact 7264002 or 4246904 ONE CAR garage wanted tostore car in Please telephone 7371554after pm GENERAL Meeting of Parents Without Partners April 20th at pm at the Grace United Church Grove and Cook 515 Two representatives of the Big Sister Organisation will be atten ding Everyone welcome For further in formation 7284549 RIDERS WANTED Leaving aging 645 am to Yonge and St Clair Avenue leaving Toront04 30 pm 726 3570 69instructions ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well schooled horses lndoor arena minutes from Barrie 7260192 71 help wanted SPARE TIME If you wont to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age poss medical Then we wont YOU Coll Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 TF JOB OPPORTUNITIES available in the Barrie area for full and parttime work Please call Mr Murphy 7371903 A1516 LOCAL MANAGEMENT TRAINEE We offer training salary plus commission and bonus Rapid and continuous advancement with on established over 25 years Motorists Association that is expanding Can you offer neat appearance ambition and be able to start at once Cor required but no overnight travel Contact Mr Ayers Box 474 Barrie Give phone number as you will be interviewed locally A29162330 AVON All it takes is phone call Learn how you can earn money as on AVON Representative by selling world famous products right in your own neigh borhood Call now 7285809 om to pm or write PO Box 485 Barrie FSA16 TOWNSHIP OF ESSA REQUIRES Adult School Crossing Guard for Hwy 90 at Cecil Street in Angus Applications in writing will be accepted by the undersigned until pm Wednesday April 27 I977 ARTHUR ROTH ClerkTreasurer PO Box IO Angus Ontario A20 International Corporation gt requires Credit Trainee We are looking for well spoken aggressive individual who is looking for career in the collection industry Ap plicant must be bondoble and able to meet people at all levels We offer complete training ex cellent company and ad voncement benefits For appt call Mr Smith of 7373542 A19 AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE SETTER Required Permanent position for qualified man preferably with Davenport experience Telephone 3266361 or write Box 485 Orillia A22 EXPERIENCED HOUSEHOLD mods packers to work on commission basis of filclive May Vehiili and materials supplied Call 776 6555 EX PE ENCED COOK required for to shill wuekly at the Brookdali Inn Must bI Iran and reliable Apply in per 5071 WAITRESSES AND WAITERS needed soon in downtown Bnitw Telephone Mr Miirshnll for InlferIW 728 3865 QUALlFIED BAKER rcquuhd for part time baking twmv wrnkly Apply 728 5528 57 livestocITfor sale RIDING EQUIPMENT ing piece by piece OLD 01151621 2223 N5ty2f¢ ¢Fiil Pm Machine Company requires persons part and lull time sales representatives Complete training given Sales ex perlence preferred Hourly wage plus car allowance plus commission Car essential Telephone Mary Fusedale 726327 BARRIE AND SURROUNDING area Company has three parttime and full time openings for ambitious persons with car for days or evenings Can earn up to $600 or more an hour Phone 4168956532 Full and parttime for super restaurant promotion Start Immedlately 7264342 im making of Chagall OTTAWA CP When Ca nadian filmmaker Harry Rasky was making Tennessee Williams South he became so MANSFIELDDENMAN GENERAL COMPANY LIMITED JOHN STREET BARRIE 7265520 72sales helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train erte Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 Productlon Control Scheduler mgoyggngégggg L°9el1$¥flh°e SE LLLG ggfifNNg mm gieupiggecsviifimg Mlnmum Grade educanon melodan mmhemoncs and loo VveehfieghaanfrégfimIgpéthMflsfalfgv Experienced salesperson with good acial zatuisesmand mamer years expediting or production control experience Excellent fringe benefits shift weekly rotation system Shift premium 10 cents per hour pm to 12 mIanght and 25 cents per hour 12 midnight to om Hourly per hour cost of living allowance Application forms available at the security office or by writing to the Employment Supervisor Order taking department in our downtown office No experience required all you need is pleasant telephone voice For interview coll MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY QUALIFICATIONS Cleon appearance mental and physical alertness sellmotivated self confident ability to communicate and lead students Desire to succeed WE OFFER $10000 after months training paid training poid OHIP Life Dental iob security Apply in person to TEMGO INCORPORATED following new calling on stores office and apartment buildings restaurants motels hotels churches schools banks hospitals businesses factories Institu tions etc to sell guaranteed longerlife nationally advertised lighting products Sideline fulltime or career age no barrier Car necessary Highest com mission pald promptly every Tuesday Technical knowledge unnecessary Bar rie and district to be filled immediately Write Daytron Box 420 Hamilton On tarlo 76employmentwanteg ANY WORK that can be done at my home ie stuffing envelopes serving assembling fixtures making small ar tlcles etc Will work for low rates Call 7267972anytlme SEMIRETIRED Accountant wishes parttime work up to five hours daily Solid background of experience through to monthly financial statement Apply Box U2 The Examiner RENOVATIONS REC ROOMS etc General handyman includes electrical wiring Free estimate Telephone 7267444 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS Experienced woman will babysit in her own home Phone 72678351 GET YOUR lawn cleaned for Spring and keep it looking good all summer For lawn maintenance at its best call Den nis at 7370696 RESPONSIBLE Mother would like to care for preschooler in my home Fenc ed yard hot lunches and good care pro vided Downtown arca Phone 737 0753 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING own transportatiori724a644 lt isms This total commitment may be one of the reasons why Raskys films which include Travels through Life with Lea cock and Next Year in Jerusa lem are so effective Raskys latest film Homage to Chagall The Colors of Love required more from him than any other project to date Aired on CBCTV March 30 the film was an emotional experience and the culmination of lot of artistic achievement Rasky said in an interview He said it took numerous ap roaches including pleading etter from the mayor of Je rusalem before the worldfa mous artist would meet him At their first meeting Chagall viewed Next Year in Jerusalem and at the end of the 90minute production he said This film will help me live longer not less but doing film on Jerusalem was easier than doing one on me LIFE REVIEWED Homage to Chagall is mov ing tribute to the painter the dialogue and imagery floating effortlessly throughout the MATURE RESPONSIBLE person want ed for night work In childrens home Telephone 7288737 FULLTIME and parttime gas bar at tendants wanted Apply in person only to Don McFadden Peacock Petroleum 448 Dunlop Streeyllest WAY FARE RESTAURANT requires peopleIltltchen supervisor and short order cook excellent company benefits Apply In personCookstown Highway 400 and 59 MW EXPERIENCED parttime grocery cashiers required Apply in person to Fudas Food HIQLIWiYIJ Posnfims OPEN For club In Barrie Chief Bar Steward experienced In stock control work schedule plus some shift work Also parttime bookkeeper Apply in writing not later than April 21 1977 to Post Office Box 206 Barrie Ontario WE ARE wishing to remove root from barn which we are demolishing Ex perlence preferred Phone 4361811 Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud WANTED Ambulance driver attendant to commence duties April 20 Applicant must have minimum of Grade 12 educa tion and fundamentals of casualty care Preference to experienced applicant having completed college program in ambulance and emergency care Apply in writing to Mr Beacock Beacock Ambulance Supervisor Meaford General Hospital Mealordontarlofl MATURE NANNY wanted for occa sional duties for CI children Must have references and be nonsmoker Please call 728 6935 EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE IuIland partvtime Three wanted NOW Please call Mr Caster at 737 i903 BOY AND girl carriers required in Bar rie for distribution of coupons flyers and rate in training $462 experlenced rote $497 plus 26 cents A16 PARTTIME EVENINGS MONTHURS 530 930 SAT 100 530 pm MR MOSINDY 7255110 After 1000 om MONDAY APRIL 18 1977 A16 catalogue Routes available close to Meltzonal your hon After school and Saturday film Us deliveries Must be dependable Paid DIRECT pHUNE The viewerisawareofim promptly Reply to Box V6 The Ex p0 aminr 7282414 tant dates In Chagall life of PART TIME door to door checkers re quired for Barrio must have car Duties include checking on completed Ilyer catalogue distribution Hourly rate plus car mileage Ideal for housewife Reply to Box V6 The Examiner FULL TIME Sous Chef and cooks ex perience preferred all company bene fits Apply in person to the chef at the Holiday Inn Barrie DENTAL ASSISTANT required must be fully qualified Send resume to Box U8 The Examiner INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER deal ership requires person to apprentice as farm equipment mechanic Must have or be able to acquire own hand tools For details call Murray Richards at 728 5530 COMPANION WANTED for elderly lady Abstainor light housework on his early life in Russia and of political events that helped to shape his art and character Through the artists work and words we see the full range of Chagalls intense religious feel ing and his adoration of the Bible Rasky took great care in put ting this film together and the color reproduction of Chagalls art Is excellent The closeups of the paintings mosaics and stained glass works increase the intimacy between the Classilied advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $5 00 Additional words9 cts per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words $500 Addi lionol words cfs per word lN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $500 With verse per count line 21 cents per line COMING EVENTS 5322 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Disability insurance bonuses and opportunity to advance 359 Boyfield St North Suite 201 BARRIE Ont Cosh Discount Phone 7263772 WW and NW room Week Rules apply il paid within days One or two Viewer and the artist TF glgsamgoom boa Telephon insertions per word insertion Three con Chagall hasnt seen the film secutive insertions 8V We pliconts for the following positions BACKHOE OPERATORS LOADER OPERATOR SMALL DOZER OPERATOR SURVEYOR Salary $600 to $800 per hour based on experience Please Write or phone 14167757298 Hulst Town Constructing Ltd DENTAL ASSISTANT required im midlately must br non smoker Please send resume to Dr Stauflurl 256 Shan iy Bay Rd Barrie NEW DISTRIBUTORS Opportunities for extra income distributing nationally known products For intirvirw phone 7261441 MATURE RELIABLE person to can for school age children in my home Maple Grove School Area Monday through Friday 45am toSprn Call In 9303 iitir 5p SARAH COVENTRY nationally advhr listd wally company announces ex pansion program in the Barrie area lm mediate opportunitrs for full or part timi No investment or deliveries Frei training available For interview call C0lll11416 729 3189 Mrs Erickson BUILDING BLOCKS Nursrry School Midtlurst requires fully qualified Teacher for parent cooperative program mmmIm inq Sipt 1977 mornings per wool For further information please phone 778 8678 or 728 0526 cenll per word insertion total $612 Six con secutiva Insertions per word pet Inset tlon Iolol $1152 Multiple insertions may be adored subiacl to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words yet and Rasky said he is ner vous about showing it to him Its very hard to make perfect thing and if youve achieved that youre filled with kind of terror are presently seeking experienced op 71 help wanted 1T hailliaing Box 1528 Bradford Ontario A16 POSITION ManagerInstaller of Insulation Company who MechanicalTechnical andor sales abilities must Knowledge of construction home improvements in suloti TOWNSHIP OF ESSA COMQAJSLSGQIQMSQLES requires EICIIIIII potential for high commis ROAD FOREMAN The Township of Esso invites applications for the position of Road Foreman for the Township of Essa Rood Department Solory com mensurate with qualifications and experience Applications In writing together with personal r95ume stating previous experience and other pertinent information will be ac cepted by the undersigned until pm Friday Moy 1977 ARTHUR IOTll sions in the homi insulation industry Cliatl conscientious propli required for in and around Barrio Leads supplird car nervssnry Please call sales manager 72ft 6232 9a to RELIABLE BABYSITTER required im medialer in my home Slotl and Blake area Telephone 737 1526 WANTEDlMMEDIATELYpersonwdh mechanical ability IS dralcrinstallcr for Cintril Vurilum Systems in your OWNER TOMORROW desires independents and takes initiative on or consumer sales an asset but not im run piirl limo Poply Box U11 The Ex perafive lmirlIr TINIIIII MATURE Salesperson Is required for 0110 Salary plUS profit sharing today ffltlll salvs This position InVOlVTS np muslomlm Ownership through your own success as soon as you want INVESTMENT few days of your time training in Toronto COMPANY Installer of residential wall and attic in sulation throughout Ontario Send proximately hours per week and in lulle somi ivIninq work minimum of CI yrars retail sales experience is nlleSSOf We are looking for respon sibln person who Is capable familiar Willi rifnil selling and able to converse with the publir starting salary com miniuriifn With uxpiriencr Send full risumv to Box U12 The xaminer MAINTENANCE Person for rental nqonry To clean ind deliver cars and truths Chauffeur licenci reqwred Apply 43 Essa Rd or 726 6474 SlCRl TARY Riiptionist required Im midintiI for harlvrhd arcountanls of fire Some experience preferred but not fSAnlIrll Please mail resume to Ward and Pmtnvrs 89 Dunlop St Suite 201 Hilrrir A161820232730 resume in confidence to MANAGEROWNER SNOWSHOE INSULATION LTD PO BOX 305 DOWNSVIEW ONT TOWNSHIP OF ESSA for Iati night after hours disco opininq requires an employee for the combined position of BUILDING INSPECTOR PLUMBING INSPECTOR AND BYLAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER This is fulltime position available Immediately Salary is negotiable Applications in writing together with personal resume stating previous experience and other per tinent information will be accepted by the un dersigned until 500 pm Friday April 29 1977 ARTHUR ROTH ClerkTreasurer PO Box 10 ANGUS Ontario and Win Prizes NAPIERBOWMAN AREA Emil MOUNTBATTENCUDRINGTON AREA THE EXAMINER VANCOUVERNAPIER AREA PARTTIME COUNTER KITC3HEhNhHELPrREQeUIRED HAS ROUTE OPENINGS spe we sr VINCENTGROVE AREA ATTENTION STUDENTS Interesting In gaining financial Independence McDonalds will hire 20 to 35 part time help due to expansion Benefits include above minimum wage free food uniforms supplied scheduled pay raises shifts per week Contact manager on duty Monday to Thur sday 330500 pm DUNLOP WPERRY AREA AMELIAEUGENlABERCZY AREA A1618192I Accounts Receivable Supervisor Barrle based molor corporation has responsible position available In the accounting department for person to supervise untlng octivltles pertolnlng to accounts recelvoble functions with on em phasis on credit and collections Requires minimum of to years experience In an accounts receivable Industrial accounting activity and preferably to years in recognized accounting program such as RIA or CGA Please fill out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie or Phone 7206539 Career growth opportunity offers commensurate compensation and complete benefit program Apply In confidence Mail summary of your background and em ployment experience to Box U9 the Examiner A16 Card of Thanks 25 words Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse ComingEyents 81 births Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdays Child Is full of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woe Thursdays Child has far to go Frldays Child Is loving and giving Saturdays Chlld works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day ls fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital Information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words Addi tional words9 cents per word PHONE 7282414 83 engagements MOULAND HILTZ Mr and Mrs Harold Mouland of Barrie are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter sessie Anne to Mr Bruce HiltI of Nova Scotia The wedding will take place at Burton Avenue United Church April 29 1977 at pm BRISTOW MITCHELL Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bristow 303 Letitia 51 Valley View Farm Barrie announce the forth coming marriage of their youngest daughter Catherine Maxine to Peter Donald son of Mr and Mrs Alvin Mit chell 54 Henry St Barrie The wedding will take place in St Georges Church Barrie on Saturday September 10th at pm 85 deaths CHURCH Charles Wesley suddenly at San Juan Puerto Rico on Wed April 13 1977 Charles Wesley Church of Bar rie in his 50th year Beloved husband of Isobel Fletcher dear father of John Wayne and Hugh all of Barrie Son of Victor and the late Retta Church of Bar rie brother of Russell of Barrie and Janet Mrs Warren Mackenzie of Alliston Friends may call at Steckiey Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after pm Saturday until 930 pm Sunday Service at Essa Road Pres byterian Church Barrie on Monday April 18 at pm Casket will remain closed at the church from pm Mon day Interment Barrie Union Cemetery In lieu of flowers donations to Ontario Heart Foundation or any charity would be appreciated McDONOUGH Verna Anna May At the Royal Victoria Hospital on Friday April 15 1977 Verna McDonough Belov ed wife of the late Thomas McDonough Loving mother of Joan Mrs Cromp ton and Donald both of Barrie and predeceased by Thomas Dear grand mother of Sherri Jody Greg Cindy Susan Tom and Donnie Resting at the Jonnett Funeral Home 152 Bradford Street Barrie Visitation from Saturday at pm Service in the chapel on Mon day April 18 at Interment Barrie Union Cemetery RAYCRAFT Margaret Mary At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Saturday April 16 1977 Margaret Mary Davis beloved wifeof William Raycraft in her Slst year Dear mother of Diane Mrs Dave iames Ron David and Gerry Survived also by four grand children two sisters and two brothers Resting at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after Sunday noon Service in the chapel on Tuesday April 19at 2pmfoiowed by cremation 87 in memoriams MITCHELL Eleanor Alberta In lov ing memory of my dear wife Eleanor who passed away into the Saviours presence April 16 1975 The rolling stream of life rolls on But stillthe vacantchair Recallsthe lovethe voicethe smile 0f the one who once sat there Inthy presence Fullness of Joy Lovingly remembered by husband Lex and son Murray HARVEY In loving memory of our friend Gary Harvey April 16 1976 Cradled in the arms Of God He is saved and Born again Missed and never forgotten Herman and Glenna JENSEN In loving memory of dear husband Clarence Jensen who passed away April 161961 Always smile instead of frown Always hand when one was down Alwaystrue thoughtful and kind Wonderful memories he left behind Sadly missed by loving wife Helen JENSE In loving memory of belov ed father and grandfather Clarence Jensen who passed away April 161961 Surrounded by friends we are lonesome In the midst of our ioys we are blue With smiles on our face weve heart ache Longing dear father for you Sadly missed by daughter Shirley son in law Bill and grandchildren public notices NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE MECHANICS LIEN ACT TAKE NOTICE that Glenn Sharp of 77 Victoria Street Barrie is Indebted to Centennial Plymouth Chrysler 1973 Ltd of Barrie Ontario in the county of Slmcoe in the amount of $661 27 for repairs and storage made upon 1970 Plymouth Duster 340 red serial number VS29HOBI41553 1976 licence FCN957 And in that the said amount has remained unpaid for more than months pur suant to Section 48 of the Mechanics Lien Act RSO 1960 Chapter 233 solesub iect to reserve bid of the said vehicle will be held on Wed nesday April 27 1977 at 10 om at 100 Bradford Street Barrie Ontario ARCHER COLWILL Auctioneer Dated at Barrie this 15th day of April Instant Sewing Book $100 77 lSew énltBogk 125 EXAMWER nstsnt oney II 100 WANT ADS Instant Fashion Book 8100 7282414 79 auction sales 79 auction sales fl AUCIIIINI RS IUHBII Estate Household and Form DIspersdl sales of all types Bryan Pacello Auctioneer Appraiser 7370879 SATURDAY MAY AT 1000 AM SHARP FOR MR CARL CASTANTE at the 0R0 COMMUNITY ARENA miles north of Barrie on Hwy No 11 Guthrie Ont 1900 Victorian Ioveseot 1860 splnet piano desk late model cars 10 23 channel CBs assorted AMFM clock radios 32 Unltrox TV video games 40 radial tires 60 mm telescope 50 sets tennis wear apparel Ladies and Gentlemen This sale will be well worth your attendlng as there are many valuables to be offered Partial list Watch for full llst Thursday May Terms Cosh Chorgex Mosterchorge Cheque with ID No reserve AUCTIONEERS 8i JOBBERS Auctioneer Bryon Pdcello Barrie Ont Phone 7057370879 Death Notices Engagemnts Birt Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line 88 coming events St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $506 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word 5500 $322 per column Inch NEW COLLINGWOOD FARMERS MARKET COMMENCING MAY 1977 For stall rental Call 4451376 A16 BINGO EVERY MONDAY 8pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch 147 CONSOLATION $100 STF ANNUAL MEETING of Plot Owners of ANGUS UNION CEMETERY WED APRIL 20 PM Simcoe St School Angus Ontario ATTIC SALE April 23 1977 9am to 11 am BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH A616 A16 For Stretch Its Printed Pattern 4971 Pull on one two three stretchknit Iabric tops quick as Whip them up in cotton polyester nylon prints dots new spring solids Printed Pattern 4971 Misses 511658 10 12 14 16 18 20 Size 12 bust 34 short sleeve 118de 60inchlabrlc $125 Ioi each pattern cash cheque or money Order Add 254 each pane to first class mail and handling om residents add 9t sales tax Flint plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scar borough Untarlo M1 41 ANSWER to inflation sew and save dramatic dollars Send for NEW SPRINGSUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Clip coupon for free pattern Separates iumpsuits dayevening dresses Send 75¢

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