Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1977, p. 19

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mortgages IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Tst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home Improvements anyworthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds tree advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 DUNLOP ST EAST Call Anytime 347 BAY STREET BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO ONT 7260981 Phone Service 363342 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 12 inortgages SECOND MORTGAGES 149 on amounts over $8000 FAST SERVICE No bonus brokerage or finders tees Household Realty Come on in or call the nearest office of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Services 25 Dunlop Street East BARRIE 7266534 TThSJu24fl 14 mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF tRAVELMATE 25 Motor home sleeps rental or sale lully equipped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Baylield St 726 6438 FOR SALE or rent 12 60 3bedroom mobile home furnished permanently installed on large acreage near Angus 5250 monthly Phone 424 0213 between and 18 FOOT HOUSE trailer Glendette In good condition Iully eclliipped Telephone 726 6035 anytime 16 opts to rent Wellington Place Apartments 135 Wellington Street West and bedroom colored appliances year lease Adults Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults TF MODERN luxury very large bedroom apartment lor lease Quiet adult buil ding No pets Relerences For informa tion call 728 9682 90 Holgatrn Apartment 102 AND BEDROOM apartments available immediately $175 up Central location Deposilreqmred 776 9418 NEWLY DECORATED Iltrnishtd hachelettesBarrie Also bedroom ants in Barrie and Angus 726 6771 alter TWO BEDROOM Apartments one available immediately and one May Relerences No pets $230 monthly pliis hyrlro First and last months rent 728 10350r 737 1771 BEDROOM apartment tor rent in triplex Heated Parking refrigerator and stove laundry lactlities lrrshly decorated Available May 5770 mon thly 726 OBSalterop iANb BEDROOM Apartment avail able May and bedroom June Stove lridge parking laundry Ia ciltties Close to dewntown on bus route First and last months rent No pets 726 6725 alter BEDROOM Apartment in triplex Heat stove and retrigIrator parking washing lactlities suppliid Queen and 51 Vincent arta May Box T100 The Examiner MISSISSAUGA COURT bedroom apartments Colored tip pliancesdrapessupllitdnrxttoSimcoe Plaza 7371877 SUBLET bedroom apartment adults only $270 InlIIdIS all utilities disrount at $50 on first month Available April 15 7267228 TWO BEDROOM apartment on Penetang Street Available May 1st 5220 month telephone 487 2412 Oro ONE AND two bedroom apartments Close to downtown Rent $130 to $155 Call9a to9p 7263257 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment all conveniences paid Allandali area s195 monthly Telephone 726 3761 alter ADULI BUILDING bedroom apart ment 17 baths tar ing the bay $306 72 All utilities inrluderl iV cable sauna sunroom and sun dick Tellphone 728 5463 BACHELORS AND one bedroom Aprts downtown Barrie arra Irttlgr and stow parking included 778 47764 LARGE FURNISHED and bedroom apartments suit adults no pets close to all conveniences Tellphone 728 0755 SINGLE bedroom apt large and small with private entrances available May 1977 Central Barrie dose to transportation Stove rrrlriqerator utilities and parking lnlUltel Largo $170 monthly small 3150 monthly Aurora 416 727 3830 alter pm All day weekends AVAILABLE MAY 1st 2hrdroom apart mirnt $715 monthly Telephone 726 9900 ONE BEDROOM apartment upper central location lor mature coupli Abs tiliners Available approximately May lst Write to Box U7 The Exammer BEDROOM Apartment on Fuel Streit Fridge and stove heat and parking in cluded $200 monthly Available im mediater Call 726 2910 BEDROOM Apartment married coil pie preterreu no children $220 monthly First and last months rent required Laundry and parking tdcuities Available May telephone 726 4966 MODERN 1w0 ballroom apartment refrigerator stove hrat included $725 monthly Relerencrs No pets Availahli May 1737 1130alter6p IHREE BEDROOM apartment avail able Dunlop and Mapli Isl at May posseSSion Telephone 726 3442 ONE BEDROOM apartment tor rent Living roomkitctien and brtthroorn5175 monthly pay own hyoro rcnotang Street Telephone 726 3056 after ONE BEDROOM Apartments 1051 to hospital $175 per month lirst and last required Nopets Telephone 7269418 mortgages TF 16 opts to rent FURNISHED ONE bedroom basement apartment close to transportation and plaza garage available Suit gentleman 726 5067 BACHELOR APARTMENT available immediately in Shanty Bay Large pan nelled bed sitting room full bathroom and kitchen enclosed porch stove tridge and utilities included Telephone 726 5653 ONE BEDROOM apartment Queen Street location $200 monthly refrig erator stoveheat Cable TV car park ing Available May Telephone 728 8189 BACHELOR Apartment in basement Heat and hydro included No pets Cen tral location Available April 22 Tele phone 726 5713 alter pm FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988wcekdays TWO BEDROOM Apartment With fridge stove and washing facilities am pie parking Available May Ist Tele phone 737 1638 BEDROOM Apartment in triplex Heat stove and refrigerator parking washing lacilites supplied Queen and St Vincent area May SEEDmonthly 7263596 AVAILABLE Immediately bedroom apartment in apartment building Cert tral location $240 monthly includes lrig stove water heat and parking Phone 737 3647 t7houses to rent PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood Relerencvs 275 Blake For in Iormation call from to 726 2361 Evenings 728 9682 LARGE OLDER Home bedrooms tridge and stove Central location $300 monthly Deposit required 716 9418 two Bedroom houses centrally loca ted on bus route One needs painting and some repairs qoocl for handyman and larqetamily Phone 726 2551 or 737 2699 SELECT bedroom house lor rent garage central location Relerences Available July Telephone 728 7290 alterSpm FARM HOUSE on highway 27 south miles from Barrii tor rint Call 726 4301 ALLANDALE large bedroom house mace and stove Available May 151 Telephone 737 009 PRIVATE bedroom house and garage broailloomid 1051 to beach and Schools large yaril 3275 per month Relerencus Telephone 716 7712 AVAILABLE JUNE 1st bedroom bungalow oroadloOiti throughout rlou 1111 car garage $300 monthly Telephone 737 0325 BEDROOM unturnishetl tarmhouse minimal rent plus assistance With pro perty maintenanie Responsible couple miles west at Cruemori tnIiphone 466 2302 ACROSS FROM Georgian Collidi 46 Bivrrtiilfm DVIVt ilerlrmnth baths irtroe klthln stparati lining room SDdCIOIIS tvmu room With tiay WnilOW Telephooe 416 749 8666 BEDROOM year rntlnl tiomt innislil Township Alrona Heath area 5265 montth oliis utilities Call Davul Wais Real Estate L111 16 4651 i9houses wanted to rent YOUNG COUPLE want housi iri Merlontv or surrounding area Needed by mid May TiIitptiont 76 077 days or IVlnanS 815 5774 URGENTLY NEEDED abletopay $150 to $200 monthly Telephone 3266005 Orillii 20room to let FURNISHED near tartories on bus route quiet atmospheri 522 weekly Phoniivrninrts 726 9859 FURNISHED ROOMS trig kIIlltn prIVllt1i lounge linen supplitd mikly Ialinrlry Iarilities respon illl trtiilt 726 7186 R006 OP room and board railitbln Painswu area Please telephoni 7281637torlirthrrinlormation CLEAN itirriihrl rooms central kit rhen and living room Downtown Bus stopatdortr 77873t1 FURNISHED ROOMS downtown loca tion illan bright inrxtirn rooms rrn tritl kitihtinblth inrl Iiiincl room park Central Park ing lmlllrltfiUIirlrli Apply Ham ilton Real Estate Maple Ave 737 1000 IDEAL ACCOMNIODATION tor 1hr tiusinrsspnrson ant10 10 largeniwlur nishirl home rintral air all convr flllni at home Call 7265303 or 737 I223 LARGE FURNISHED rooms IUIi kit Chen and FIC rririni ilrld available up mrrliately Cirntral 726 6197 BACHELOR APAR TME NI lilrnlshirl ruit girl no pit Telerihonr 728 0755 FURNISHED ROOM In privati homi on bus route for gentlemiri only and parking available 1iIIphonL778 8758 ONE IJRNltHED rnriin tor gentlrirnan Wist Plaza area near downtown and fat trtriis 520 weekly Phone 776 6670 LOVELY CLEAN home large bright turnitlil biilroOm Wittt sink rooms cleaned llIllIlFl1iIT1QIll lllkl kitrtiiri ltCilitit trlt parking jintral irl tieman prilirred 718 0598 TWO LARGE furnished rooms clnsr to downtown lulty broadloomeil complete Iy rerleroratid lintphone 717 I786 DOWNTOWN Furnishrit room riiwly broadlnometl inrl pantlIid kitchen la CilitIC Phonii 784768 Urlyllfil or 778 0810 tiller ALLANDALF turninleil room cook ing IiICllitltfi iyailibli gentleman prilirrnd Phone 728 4268 rliiytimii or 728 0810 tiltir NEWLY Rirticorittid rooms $15 $35 wetkly Singles and doubles 76 Worsley St Completely lurnistirrl Shared kit I11lnlfll1fllllVll1l0Tn 737 3315 ROOM FOR RENT in apartment share bathroom kitchrn lacilities Young working tintIiman prilirrrrl Allandalr arc1 Parking Call 73 7756ivinings FURNISH Housekeeping room own privati iritriinyt tiroaillorirn through out uwn kttihiii utilitiir parking Iv Inf littlil Allitldtli rlrlrt 776 3611 ROOM FOPIltfl41iirightilran room in iluiit home for respir talilt idiills Avail ahli immirliatily Tellphone 73 3923 21room and board FURNISHED ROOM rlnd board meals dVfillytblE il nrressitry In Lelroy Tilr phoni 456 7193 22rooms wanted ROOM WITH kitrhrin lacilities required tor an older working man Nrar Gear gian Mall Phoni Rm 726 6107 23ollices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE ipitU tor lease small or large SIIIIPt immediate or iupancy short or long term 726 3400 Andiloll OFFICE SPACES lnr rint downtown Barrie 2nd lloor ldlal tor dentist or Olhll prolessionals Parking and heat in clurled Available immerliatolY Call Mrs Robinson 726 3338 COMMERCIAL SPACE available ap proximately 140 square leit includes titat tiyilro picre washroom and air conditioning Ideal for small olliri Telephone 73 064l WAS10A BEACH Mall area stores for rent iry your 0er summer busmnss take out restaurant lully equipped pit to or submarine parlor and other stores suitable lur clothing souvenirs etc etc Accommodation availabil 705 428 3012 or 705 429 5011 DOWNIOWN STORE 17 Dunlop Street West available immediately Moving to new location $350 monthly plus utilities Telephone 728 8085diiys WANT ADS 7282414 24 space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 it clear part at large expanding industrial mall 7267110 34 trucks and trailers 1969 horsepower cat 13 speed transmission 38000 pound tandem rears In excellent condition Priced reasonable tor quick sale For lnlormation contact 4662431 wiooo Ford tractor 270 FOR LEASE inausFlai space End 1970 FORD 0000 tandem dump will certlty good condition Phone 4362569 warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angelofi alter prn VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlap St West with large lenced in property Phone 7287044 or 416 6350637 1100 SQUARE leet oI space tor rent on Highway 11 Available May Tst Telephone 7371238 29cottages wantedw RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wish to rent waterfront cottage near Barrie tor 4or months commencing June tst Tele phone 7280555 alter pm 32 cars for sale 1972 GRAN Torino door hardtop top shape automatic power brakes and steering and radio Telephone 7269678 atter6pm 1959 METERO 46000 miles new paint good interior good engine $975 lirm 7954293917 1974 DART SPORT lold down Seat318 motor sharp car automatic 51000 miles best otter will be accepted 7282631 1964 M68 Best Telephone 7280816 otter accepted 1971t0RD Custom 500 HT good running order no Illness certilicate 5200 Telephone 7264597 alter 6pm 1976 BUICK Century wagon lull power radio stereo tape deck Asking price $5500 or best otter Telephone 7282097 1976TORINO Certified One owneronly 21000 miles Power steering power brakes radio rustprooled Asking $3300 Telephone8355559alter6pm 1963 SUNBEAM Alpine sports car iibreglas hardtop new rebuilt engine and exhaust system 5795 Dune buggy homemade 1600 cc rebuilt engine radio and heater with adiustable snowplow $550 487 3430 alter MUST SELL ONE 1969 Ambassador door hardtop 390 engine automatic power brakes tilt and power steering cruise command tinted glass reclining seats Michelin tires air conditioned approximately 60000 miles 1972 Austin Marina automatic door tires nearly new bucket seats Must be seen to be ap preciated Make an alter 71 Glenridge Rdor call 778 8662 STOCK CAR 1969 Cevelle raced last year at Sunset and Saubel Beach speed ways 283 V8 completely balanced 300 horsepower heads scatter shield 411 rear end sell car with or without power train Best after 429 5372 Wasaga Beach 1968 FORD CUSTOM cylinder automatic body in good condition 5450 will certily Phone 436 2815 anytime 1970 MUSTANG MACH 351C engine speed condition many extras Must beseen Phone 728 4577 1973 GREML IN Automatic air condi tionlng 40000 miles Phone 778 2048 1968 VW station wagon good condition reconditioned engine and new brakes 3600 Telephone 728 2374 1969 CHRYSLER door V8 automatic radio console unrerlilied $195 Telephone 728 6238 MGB 1971 rebunt motor new clutch brakes Some rust Tonncau cover In C400d condition Best oller accepted Telephone 737 3049 CONVERTIBLE 1968 Firebird in ex cellent condition new exhaust system new brakes and lines mags fully or tilted Best cash otter 728 8819 or 726 5390 1973 DODGE Custom Sportsman B200 Van passenger automatic power steering and brakes many other extras $37000r make an otter Call 428 2269 1975 PINTO certilied standard transmisSion only 13600 miles icon dition iust olt warranty radial tires radio block heater Asking $2800 445 5841 alter sor weekends 1972 TOYOTA Celica speed stan dard new radial tires rear Window trlogger in goorlrunninq condition Cir lifiabli 31200 or best oItir Phoni 728 5496 1972 DATSUN 1200 cr IUTOmr11l one ownvr good iondition iasily trtlllld 43000 miles Asking $795 Phoni 7260162 1971 CATALINA door hardtop 400 V8 automatit powur SCrrlflg power brakes vinyl top Best otter Phone 726 5386 itttir I975 CHRYSLER Niwport custom door air ionditiuning AM FM stereo radio cruise control Like new corlili tion 53 800 Contartd66 7431 CADILLAC OF the AMC Pacers still lindlr warranty Reason tor soiling InaVinc ther nuntr tlljpthl 436 1490 1967 Men ury Park Lane 410 door ix 91llf11 onclitton tour new tires radio Telephone 776 5653 1972 Datsun 1200 cc automatic one owner good condition rasily certilind 43000 miles Asking 5795 Phone 7260162 1972 TOYOTA CtIicil All options in cludino speed radials AMFM radio and 1Ull1 seats Cirtilied 51500 Telephone 728 6807 1976 CORVETTE $8200 Power steer ing and brilkrs air rear Window do lrostir AMFM stereo radio 350 cubic inch Low millage Certified Days 728 5694 evenings 436 3537 73 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 442 350 automatir powrr steering Dower brakes low mileage tttSlottlT 137 2517 I971 FIREBIRD Esprit red condi tion tir onditioning AM FM radio and snow ler on rims Telephone 776 7303 1974 MUSTANG ll YllndtV spend lrttlttk mag wheels qorxt condition Asking 52500 Phone 726 0337 1968 CAMARO 127 speed ustom imilt engine srierdpro iIdbmi crani holly iagli hurit blazk Intlflt and out $7250 rash sillii Telephone 726 4873 1973 FORD LTD Wagon etcrillent condi tion 400 power steiring powir brakes radial tiris many extras Cer tilied $2300 Telephone1361006 1970 FORD FrllrlflntU10mllel motor With 81 tunes hrornri mags nrw shill kit ixyillint shape $16001irin Must bi cin Phone 728 7378 1969 DODGE Monaco door hardtop Vinyl runl grioil tires new brakes small V8 powvr stillring and brakes 6I000 rnilis riliilhoily Crrtilird 737 0266 197 CHEV BiI Air Station Wagon 13000 tttllt litll power Xelllnl inndition Certilioil $4700 Plight474 I720 SAVE APPROXIMATE S700 on 1977 aniirm under 4000 miles lull Warranty Must grill $41785 Also 1971 Toyota Crown good condition 3750 Best otter 176 77711 33ca rs wantedto buy TOP PRICE tor ton rars Toke Motors Ltd 11911raillordSt Bitrrii728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day piikup Holt Auto Wreckers 726811 TRACY WANTS rars and trucks tor wretkino and parts top prices paid Frio pickup Telephone26 848 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid Irrii immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted lor wrol king Fast pickup Days 435 6372 Alter 61 424 5949 WAN TED lian IISld cars Barrie Hon la Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing ltrrdl metal cars bought over scales BISIDFIIL paid 436 3677 34trucks and trailers LATE 1975 Forrl van power steering poww brakes automatic insulated radio captains chairs chateau glamor paint carpit tires 737 1295 1976 FORD 150 super cab loaded with options Phone 435 6562 1976 FORD ton Explorer Camper special auto power steeringbrakes all gauges many more extras low mileage Phone 728 4577 1977 DODGE Club Cab wheel drive JA ton 400 vs automatic power steering power brakes radio custom interior 4000 miles Al $6900 Call124 0384 even inq DELUXE FORD camp with tinted glass sliding side windows with screens sliding lront window Veal and light with Jensen speakers with volume control Pttom 424 6326 I972 CHLVRO $2750 ertilied or custom cat ton automatic 350 rarto 40000 miles 51895 Also Ski loo Alpine S75 Telephone 716 5056 194 FORD Inn 360 motor power steering power brakes automatic transmission in good condition Call 728 7700 altrlr 5pm 728 I289 1973 FORD 14 ton truck and lull sizi camper 29000 original miles Excellent condition Certilied Truck and camper tlfl fully loaded and ready to go $6200 firm or will negotiate truck separately Call 726 7173alter and weekends 1968 GMC all aluminum step van newly painted 62 high 66 Wide 16 interior length ton chassis dual wheels makeidiralcampor $2195 728 7871 T975 FORD ton iiiooomiies recto good condition Asking 82800 Phone 7285491 1975 GMC V2 ton pickup truck box tar sale lull size box no rust Can be seen at 294 Little Avenue Barrie 1974 FORD VAN E300 automatic Certltied $2800 Phone after 6pm 4364034 cap power steering power brakes au tomatic certllied 4872724 condition extra parts included Tele 40 articles tor sole cylinder 1975 FORD XLT Ranger with déiiixé 1966 GMC74 TON excellentmechanlcal phone1873591 WW7 fitsservice and repairs British Car Owners Youre Not Stranded We have factory Trained English Mechanics Kitchen Motors 178 Essa load 7282287 A23 36auto accessories 41 boots motors Try before you buy PRINGLES HOBIE CAT MARINE Orlllla 7053251713 HOBIE CAT CATAMARANS TThSMy3 MacDONALDS MARINE LTD 73 Yonge Street Barrie on Fantastic savings to after 1976 boats and motors 318 MOTOR AND Transmission can Fffdi95°1161965 Ca 7282940 37motorcycles Open days weekly 1973 YAMAHA 350 cc very good Condi A18 tion loot bars back rest $875 or best of lerLHas been checked over 707574283012 LIKE NEW 1976 80cc Yamaha Endur trail bike 600 miles street legal $550 1671 UlTlInUID 7284564 1972 HONDA 175 lor sale electric start Boat $325 In good condition Telephone 1976 model 728 6699 1965 GMC Curb Van can be used for Reg £7995 gamper Runs well good tires needs SPRING SPECIAL ody work as is $200 or offer Phone 487 6241 I400 1974 YAMAHA 500 lots at chrome new WITH CANOPY paint 6000 miles must be seen to be ap preciated Certilied $1400 Phone 72B 1264 after 30 MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE1972 Honda save 20 on any new CD 350 in excellent condition Certilied Chrysler motor pur Asking $825 Telephone 466 2733 Cree more 1975 ROAD 250 Yamahaexcellent condi tion iuSt like new 7300 miles 5900 or bestolfer Telephone 726 6024cvenings 38snowmobiles 1975 YAMAHA GPX338 453 original miles never been raced moving must Sell $650 726 7742 40 articles for SOTO SWIMMING POOL Sacrilice Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor Ilas aluminum pools 11 over irorn 1976 season price Guaranteed installation and terms Call collect days or evemngs 416 221 4840 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler must dispose at 1976 all aluminum pools in stock Sacritice price lor desperately needed tactory warehouse space Brand new sWimming pools include lllll walk round deck ICIKI and warranty SIII IS 27 It $1355iash or terms Call Perc collort days or evenings 1416 481 8802 INDOOR SHOWROOM lltll silorl pools on displa Come in today or all 776 4606 lor tree 32 page booklet ol inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymiirt Plaza SWIMMING POOLS to rent W111 lease and install tor homeowners lamily sire aluminum sWImming pool With patio Choiir of Stylis meeting all lencing regulations on one two or three yiiar rental basin with option to own Try belore you boy Call LolIrrt anytimi 416 663 9508 SWIMMING POOLS 1977 models slight ly scratthiid in transport Fully war rantid complete With pump motor Illltl Iiini ing walkway and tllk Suggested retail price $2795 Available at we season $004 It 01 51 2118 all not tor early installation Call cnlleit anytime 416 663 9508 ELECTRIC Simt Aroustii Guitar and Ampliliir approx 6monthsolil Both in excellent condition Asking 5550 726 3435 SCUBA GEAR Wit suit llargil UUOyarit Vtl hood gloves boots regulator qaiidi livers tool wmqhts and belt 3125lirin Telephone 835 3411 CEDAR POSTS all itilis anchors and nraris Rosacomb bantamn int and hens also diirks 778 1637 DARK SOL ID iyriritl ntarly new Spanish bedroom suiti Nril ornate ix gangs 0mm Em rm cellint inhdilion Itllphone 478 I415 Slavntlerslm 22 F001 STARCRAFT I974 rumor 140 horsrpower McrcrUistr in DRUMS WM Imamoutward lull camper top galIiy someniw 5400 idiom7371116 CB AIMFM Memo DA Sympm manv APE CO PHOTO ODIN Idiiill lor ollici extras Excellent Innditiun low hours letter and ltqtl si1i paper 3175 Ham mortrt pipe organ like new incllitlinq Lisltv spiaker $995 Telephone 778 6100 SHOWCASE COOLER lor meats It almost new Also metal stirlying set tion Dost otter acreptm Call 776 4612 OIDAV av sail my hp mom Vlnmii Excellent londlllon 31900 KROEHLER LOVE SEAT posdion 7286367 arms rustir tonis SW5 Viking 17 var uum cleaner $30 Westinghouse col Iet perrolator ss plnnl 726 489110 ELECTRIC BASS ind 41mplltllt $100 Ricorrl pllyrr in excellent tunditlon 575 Telephone 728 7018 tltir 5p ONE MEA1 saw and also gallons ol Ithllfllat hardinrr an be used for body attdlendir work 726 7742 I7 STORM WINDOWS tor sale wooden lrames Tilephone717 251 BELL PIANO ttlsl tuned il new ivory iIictrtc ord organ matching AND 74 equipped for cruising lying pressbrtrk hairs Olhtr trtii Its at Big Bay Pomt Marina 511 900Daysl 487 5389 4161638 77216vening 4161449 0484 LADYS more pant suit never worn 16 FT SILVERLINE Outboard in good separati slacks rtivtr worn gold condition convertible top and wind vinyl trick all Wiiathir coat only worn shitId with trailer And 75 Johnson couple at times Silo TrIephoni Stinger motor still under warranty 73 1514 $3400 Telephone 728 4981 SOFA CHAIRcnd tables collie table SILVERLINF 15 It liberglass lamps studint desk metal utility stird runabout with 50 Johnson sleeper portable stereo With stririil All in very siats lull convertible top 10 gallon good condition Telephone 726 5128 good ondilion 5150 the pair Telephone MVm 1910911000 728 583 726 2522ivuning MACHINE SHOP T0018 10 014111 FETERBOROUGH 8011 16 table saw With it blades motor on steel stand $150 radial irm saw With stand hand plantr commercial titty carry inq caso sharpening attachment RUCKWIII electrir screw tor drywall commirciitl rIuIy Skill belt sander rommtrrial du ty Assortment ol hand wood rhisiIs and and 111 Dr Walt blades steel linishv 726 0065 reclinrr green suitable tor cottage or rer room 5150 or best otter Phone 726 lll GIRLS 24 inctl standard CCM llYtl In good condition $45 Telephone 4569779 ONE COUCH one bed clieslerield one 19inih Emerson color television All in POODLE Iairconrlition Telephone 726 9931 WRINGER WASHER Simplirity years old like new in good running con MAYS dition Only $75 telephone 436 2022 mert ury bianl Full ALBACORE SAILBOAT Iy equipped to sail away Camis with trailer TelephonrI 7260557 or 7261715 chased with boat OBRIENS SPORTS El MARINE LTD RR No Oro Station 487221 AlbH TOUGH INFLATABLE BOAT The boat that fits in your trunk 10 to 17ft 10 hp toBOhp PRINGLES MARINE BOX 2106 leLLlA ONT 7053251713 Iully equipped 61 while hill OVII F001 aluminum ciirtop 75 hp motor cars SLOOP il iutty l6i0lirm 705 424 0354 1961 MFG libirulaSs 16 boat elertrit generator Asking 5500 Phone 726 5093 CHRYSLE anrider With 170h outboard with power tilt and trailer tattlr 40hp1 and trailer 7F1 Onvtrltll top 4100 166 Musknka iIiphono 375 7365 teak Road 26 4975alter 6p rn F001 BOAT ale TTTOIDY 36 I597 nrt trailiir With many or 00pm FOOT BOAT motor orsrpower Chrysler 74 1883 Iter6p all 776 7270 5250 Mikita portable eleitric 423rices waned 728 8234 reetEast726 4141 TR IMMING IOODLE PAR LOR CHEST FREEZER and complete sil Tcwmwnb 0° of toll handed golf clubs Campbell pow TROPICAL FISH er mated approx years 0111487 2724 almost new reasonable Phone 737 0938 TELEVISION Westinghouse 76inch col $350M host otter Telephone 726 4057 41boats and motors FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat Telephone 435 4245 alter 430p THEEXA SIMCUE COUNTY Comet Milk Hwy 2627 Midhurst Milk Hwy 26 Midhurst General Store Phelpston Store IGA Elmvale Buds Billiards Elmvale Beckers Elmvale Petries Esso Orr Lake 40 articles for sole MINER AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE MERCHANTS 27 Silver Maple Service Hwy 27 Best select town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edgi ER QUEEN vawm CLme hillAquaria143Ardagh Road 7260094 REGISTERED lrish Setter pups with or years old in excellent condition 70 FOOT FIBREGLASS sailboat slrep Nesbitts Marina Gillord Telephone 705 456 2792 CRICKET dork contoured hurket seats AM radio ski bar spotdo 85 horsenonli these are Ioaile trailer 514500rclosest after 487 3608 boat lilritilckets racks Only ilsid WICI Iompliti pat age 5600 Phone 726 0629 after pm 12011 Cintrrboarrl inrlos includes all gear and trailer ntetallla kl VINRUDE 18hr in mint condition hill and trailer lor In prrlict ondition Ready lor the wattr ptrfrrt lishing boat Telephone Phone 17 loot small cabin cruisq boat motor accessories Telephone 424 6977 Monday to Friday trailer In good running condition $475 Telephone 424 0336 or 15 complete biiiltin lurl tank electric luel gauge WASHER AND we sale mg liriixtingUtsherin very aoodcondition Citation matching pair Whltf both in $75001rm can 81 590 HrWNI alter cedar Hp strip rleip hull 35 hp Evinrudi alld trailer tll in real good condition 5625 CASH FOR old lurniture books dishes olrl pictures clocks odds and ends Pre l950items worm mm doom mm guns and ALL CASH lor old furniture pictures chairsetc etc 487 5389 CHESTERFIELD CHAIR brown and 01 STANDARD bCYCe Wamw Must be in excellent condition Pitasp telephone 726 3050 futdogs and pets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia professional grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 87911 Pot Studio Proles sional clipping and grooming reason and shots $125 Telephone 7281625alter5 30pm SHETLAND SHEEPDOG miniature Collie puppies CKC registered $150 and up Telephone 435 7895 Alliston double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard MINIATURE POODLE one blond male motor centurion Asking $7500 months old house trained and good with children Asking 850 Telephone 726 2056 LADIES AND 51 moto start Ill Ortllia ram 35 ion In ALTERATIONS ntlomons alterations 26 St Tele one 7373432 or residence ALUMINUM GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Alcon siding Soltlt Trough Doors Windows Awnings 10 DISCOUNT Available when placing order before April Sllth BARBIE 7265609 Mary gnusue GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eavestrough Soltit Windows Facio Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRooting Porch EnclosuresStonework For tree estimate Call PNIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Buslness ALUMINUM WINDOWS doors siding Satllt Fascia and trou It all colours 20 year guarantee 424 PAINSWICK ALUMINUM instEllnts oI siding Sollit Fasclo and eavestrough Various co ors Free estimates 7269769 WRTHERN ALUMINUM Products Sottit Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar 9W APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorixod soles to and service 18 Alliance Blvd 7283392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 7265441 BEAUTICIAN PALLISTERS BEAUTY SALON 50 Highcrolt 8d Allandale Heights Perms $1250 All your booutypjods lilllo nous PURPLE MARTIN Houses Iar sale Apply ot92 2291 NH 32219 belie 7295783 BOOKKEEPING EXP BOOKKEEPING lot 011 business Ac curacy assurod Your attic or ours 7286428 131 oVrSNDOVor weekends cnrttrttit AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions lireplacos guaranteed 17507 CARPENTER Specialitlng in rec root11s terior remodelling trim etc Please call AWL000va CABINET MAKER European trained Kit chens vanities Pine Iurnitura renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 776 2948 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