Rescue squad holds benefit proposed l4storey apart ment on Edgehill Drive provok ed lively comments from neighbors at public meeting Wednesday but decision on the project by planning board will have to await more formal comments from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment The building proposed by develo Jack Stollar would lie wit in 800 feet of Highway 400 and thus requires report from the ministry on the effects of highway noise on the project No report had been received at City Hall by Wednesday so planning board deferred action on the proposal until the report comes in The most vehement opponent of the building at Wednesdays meeting was James Hobbs who lives across the street Hobbs said he did not want highrise apartment building in his front yard He par ticularly objected to planning staffs proposal that the building be placed 40 feet from the road under site plan agreement rather than 70 feet as required under the citys zoning bylaw just want to make sure that building is 70 feet away or 500 feet if possible he said 12yearold Barrie boy charged with seconddegree murder In the shooting deat of Barrie woman Feb 19 has been remanded for third month of psychiatric tests he boys lawyer appeared in family court in the Barrie courthouse Thursday morning No return date has been set for his appearance in court The boy has been charged in connection with the death of Geraldine Leona Cummings 46 of 166 Wellington St He was arrested by police Feb 20 in Bradford Missing city boy found An eightyearold Donald Street boy missing since Thurs day afternoon has been found Barrie city police said today Glenn William Gould was found at 840 am today after nightlong search He was reported missing at 1110 pm The Hillcrest Public School student spent the night in the underground parking lot at Woolworths say police He is reported in good condition Open house is Wednesday The Education Week open house at Barrie Central Col legiate Will be Wednesday from am to pm not Thurs day as reported in The Examiner this week The Simcoe County Rescue Squad is holding benefit hockeybroomball night April 22 to raise funds hockey game between the Oro fire and OPP departments will start at pm at the 0m Township Arena in Guthrie followed by womens broomball game at pm Admission is $1 for adults and 50 cents for those aged 12 to 16 years JV The Jaws of Life hydraulic machine the squad will use in its rescue calls will be on dispay during the games Assault trial on at court Nottawasaga Township woman is on trial for assault causing bodily harm today in county court in Barrie jury was chosen Thursday in county court for the trial Pro secutor is assistant Crown attorney Tom Cleary Margaret Gertrude Barrett is charged in connection with stabbing incident Sept Hobby show on Saturday The annual hobby show sponsored by the Kem District Guides Brownies Scouts Cubs and Beavers will be held at North Collegiate Saturday from to 330 pm Three to four hundred entries are expected These will be judged in the morning and prizes will be given at 330 pm The craft entries are result of this years work on such things as baking sewing woodcraft collections and art entral Collegiate Rezoning bylaw approved City council approved rezoning bylaw Tuesday to permit Mark Summers student mayor Mark Summers an 18yearold Grade 13 student at Hastyicw Secondary School is Barries new student mayor ot the week He succetxls Patricia Bolechowsky of Barrie penfelt construction of 107 rental townhouses on an Bigacre parcel on thc southeast cornerof Hayvicw Avenueand Little Road Two works programs submitted Simcoc ounty Roman Catholic Separate School Board will submit two summer work projects for approval by the mimst of education under the Experience 77 program The projects are development of playground at Sacred Heart School Midland at an estimated cost of 36554 and com munity insight program at Our Lady of Grace School Angus expected to cost 86321 The Angus project will in clude activites for children assistance to senior citizens in the form of lawn care and gardening and design and if development of an activity playground It will employ seven students the Midland project six 125 years in 1978 Happy birthday Barrie Barrie will be 125 years old next year and city council is looking for volunteers to serve on commit tee to suggest ways of celebrating the event City clerk Ben Straughan has placed newspaper adver tisements asking for volunteers and is also contacting the chamber of commerce service clubs and other organizations PARLOURS Mon to Fri am to 1130 pm Sat Sun 10 om to 1130 pm 94 Dunlop St Barrio Hwy 27 South Thornton volunteers wanted Deadline for volunteers is Wednesday Barrie was separated from Vespra Township and in corporated as village in 1853 with population of around 800 The village became town in 1871 and was united in 1897 with the village of Allandale incorporated 1891 from Innisfil Township The enlarged municipality became city in 1959 However planning board member Roger Oatley told Hobbs building the apartments under the zoning bylaw would probably mean he would end up facing the building broadside rather than endwise as propos ed under the site plan No decision on apartments The property is already designated for highdensity dwelling units under the District amendment to the ci tys official plan Other residents expressed concern over the slope of the property and over excavations st tar has already done on the Paul Schulz who owns va cant lot two lots away from Stollars land said the site looks like the white cliffs of Dover To say it doesnt affect the neighbors is ridiculous he said noting however that he supports Stollars building pro posal Stellar said the excavations were to provide fit for another construction project and Were perfectly legal City planner Rick Jones agreed the excava tions were not in violation of zoning bylaws However Aid Janice Laking said in planning board discus sion of the project that she has heard the excavations have cut 38 feet into neighboring pro perty The rear half of the 27acre parcel rises sharply from Street level requiring considerable excavation for construction and parking and retaining walls are expected to be necessary to prevent the landscaped rear portion of the lot or neighbor ing properties from sliding The board asked for further in formation on how Stollar plans to deal with the problem Animals are crying even in Barrie The sight of dogs and cats be ing administered fatal injec tion is not pleasant one It was even more disturbing for the 30 persons at the Barrie Public Library Wednesday all animal lovers They were attending the first in series of open meetings planned by the Barrie Humane Society The film The Animals Are Crying was Screened and it showed the more tragic aspect of the pet boom in North Americaunwanted animals thrown from moving cars or stuffed into garbage con tainers pets picking through trash for food dogs and cats lyv ing neglected or dead in city streets It even showed pets being put to sleep at one shclter Statistics quoted in the film in dicated that most of the animals had to be disposed of in this manner but Cecil Henson supervisor of the Barrie shelter had more encouraging figures to report from the local standpoint The Barrie shelter had Itii animals up for adoption in March and managed to place almost twothirds of them The th rec pets which have appeared in The Examiners new weekly feature The Adoptablcs have all found homes Henson said The placement figures for March and also for early April are encouraging said the supervisor The Barrie Society placed about 30 per cent of its animals last year The shelter nonetheless had to destroy 55 dogs and cats in March total which one woman in the audience discrib ed as shameful reflection on Barrie Henson agreed Too many pet owners he said dont bother getting their animals spayed and neutered The film showed some of the flimsy reasons owners use to justify getting rid of their petseï¬he just got too big he was so cute as puppy just had the apartment redone hes more of problem than thought hed be The Barrie shelter may even tually include small hospital which could serve as neuter ing and spaying clinic Humane Society president Edith Madigan added however that the hospital was long way down the road since the trust fund set up for donations to it contains only about $1000 so far Leprosy fight gets backing TEHHAN tltcutcrt Em press larah of Iran has given strong backing to govcrmncnt campaign to combat leprosy and rehabilitate cured Icpcrs In recent message to Ira nian scientists she told them to step up research into the diag nosis of leprosy Thc empress visitcd lepro sarium in labriz northwest lran last summer where she shook hands with patient who had gone blind from leprosy anothcr occasion shc spent three hours chatting and having tea with inhabitants of Itaji Itchkadch village for cured lcpcis in the northeast city of Khorassan This close contact with lcpcrs shocked Iranians who generally regard leper as zen dch bcgur the living dcad The royal attitude is therefore psychologically valuablc to the government campaign against lcprosy vs vv wuu P3 CENTRAL BAND CUT The 85piecc Barrie Central Collegiate Ba nd left Thursday moming for Quebec and three day exchange visit with members of the Montreal West High School band Hand director Morley Calvert and student Trevor Owen look on as Susan Kaye places the last instrument into the bus luggage compartment The trip to Quebecis the first in 10 years for the entral band which performed at Expo 67 Examiner Photo Guilty verdict fOr Orillia man in By SUE ROUTLIFFE Exa miner Staff Reporter jury rejected Robert illowes story about stolen jewelry in County Court in Bar rie this week and found him guilty of possession of stolen goods and break enter and theft The panel of eight men and four women took an hour to reach the decision Wednesday after hearing two days of evidence Blowc pleaded not guilty to break enter and theft in con nection with an incident Sept 22 although he pleaded guilty to possession of stolen goods Judge Clare sentenced Blowe to two years in prison Hlowc was charged by poliCc after in Bradford Il constable caught him and another man with $5000 to $10000 worth of jewelry taken from an Orillia home Blowc is already serving 15 months in Guelph ltcformatory for obstructing police officer in connection with scuffle when he was stopped by police Blowc took the stand chncs lay and said while he was found with stolen property he had not been involved in breakrin at Betty Buckleys rillia home He said he acccptcd ridc to Toronto from friend Jcan Valots and noticed jewelry box in the front scat of Valois car After dropping off third per son in Harrie said Blowc Lavois otfcrcd to sell llllll sotnc of the jewelry or Ititll£lll and Mexican moncy in the box He said he took some Mex ican coins and tried on ring Hiowc said it was not until Constable Grant llouslcy pulled thc car Valois was driving ovcr that hc learned the jcwclry was stolen SI Slllt Hill IIIIIIT llc said however suspcctcd it was hot Htowc said Tonstahlc llouslcys testimony that lilowc thrcw jewelry and money out of his pockcts whilc trying to escape on the side of Highway 400 near Highway 88 was wrong He said all he had was some American money was pretty scared at that time he said was trying to get away from the officer because wanted to let Valois get away Blowe said he tried to delay Constable Housley by running and then scuffling with him to let Valois escape Assistant Crown attorney John Madden introduced Blowcs criminal record and statement Blowe made to police the night he was ar rested Madden said Blowe first told police he and Valois had stolen the jewelry from hitchhiker they picked upinOrillia Blowc said in cross cxamination that what he wrot in his statement was tic He said he was trying to pro tect Valois NOTEVIDENCE Defcnsc counsel Greg Evans said Madden failed to produce any direct evidence Blowe was involved in break and enter Madden said it was not up to the Crown to prove forced entry of the Buckley home and said evidence Biowes fingerprints were not found in the home didnt mean much He said Blowes actions when he was stopped by police show cd his guilt He was backing away becausc he didnt want to be found with anything that could link him to the crime Madden said that Blowcs ex tensive criminal record which dates back to 1004 and includes repeated charges of break and enter in addition to other of fences makes his credibility questionable He claimed Hlowc was the pushing force in thc brcakin and said Blowc was on bail on other charges in Orillia when the incident occurred Iudgc Tlarc told the jury in his charge that Blowc didnt make good witness But youve got to consider the whole man hc said say The Barrie Civitun Club would like to thank the following for their con tributions and support in the 1977 SnoDo 100 The project would not have been successful without all the riders and their sponsors thunkyou Bombardier Ltd DeVilbiss Canada Ltd Sport Haven Marine Rushs Sport Centre QGVOUIAQNl Canadian Tire Store Pratt Motor Supply Bell Telephone Firestone Stores addd 001th MacDonalds Marine Ltd Canadian General Electric Cooper Tools Group Ltd OBriens Sport and Marine Dunlops of Moonstone Barrie Moto Cross Centre McKerlieMillen Automotive Towers Department Stores Ltd 17 I8 l9 20 2T 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Uniroyal Centre Boy Tire Harper Tire Sales and Service Ltd Justin MotorsJohn Deere Ltd The Examiner The Barrie Banner CKBB Radio CKVR Television Cable The BIC Radio Club The Sno Vovaguers Jim Mould Fuels Ltd McDonalds Restaurant Barrie Radio Shock Cooke Cartage $5000 iewelry theft ing Blowe could be honestly telling what happened and was just awkward on the stand He told them to ignore evidence of Blowcs record It would be the height of in justice to convict man now because of something he did in the past he said DRINKitllllllICIICititiK LONDON Tlt Wine im porter Jacques Strasbourg found name for his new range of French wines iobblcdc gook thn he first came to Britain his English was poor and his friends told him he spoke gobblcdcgook PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Barrie will be up pointing an Advisory Com mittee to make mendations to Council for the celebration of the l25tlt an niversary of Benin in l978 In terested citizens wishing to be appointed to serve on this committee are invited to sub mil letter of application to the City Cletk before April 20 I977 Stroughon AMCT CMC City Clerk 84 Collier Street Box 400 BARRIE Ontario LAM 4T5 Vuw w4uvuwvuuuwnsvav the examiner Frlday Aprll15 1977 Two Oro projects get federal grants Canada Works grants totall ing $32142 have been awarded for two projects in Cm Tovmship Canada Works grant of $21325 was approved Thursday for renovations and landscap ing work at the ro Community Centre in Oro Station Don Elliston member of the group which applied for grant said this morning that five people will be hired for 28 weeks starting April 25 to redecorate the interior of the centre former school and cleanup and landscape the grounds The entire Canada Works grant will be used to pay the workers Elliston said adding that the group will conduct fundraising drive to pay for materials The first fundraising event will be fireworks display to be held May 23 at the centre For the $1 admission charge he said those attending will get ticket on lucky draw Elliston also said his group hopes the centre will be in con tinuous use after renovations are completed The building will be available to all local groups including 4H Clubs euchre games and senior Under second grant six unemployed township residents will be hired for three months beginning May for cleanup work at the Guthrie arena The Canada Works grant of $10817 will be used to pay the project workers All materials costs must be covered by funds from other sources Coun Paul Kitchen member of the arena board said this morning that the arena interior including the superstructure will be re painted and the grounds around the building will be tidied upa bit Let culture decide OTTAWA CP If you live in rowhousing community chances are your cultural back ground has something to do with the design of your house Englishand Frenchspeaking Canadians have different re quirements because of the way they perceive and mix with their neighbors suggests Cen tral Mortgage and Housing Corp study and housing should be designed by members of the recom The man who says he will give the Barrie public fair chance buying car wants to see you Randy Markham said he would help the Barrie public get fair chance when buying cor Examiner article Feb 77 and Cable consumer show April and thats promise he means to keep Randy knows cars and anything he thinks is not up to his standards he will not sell If you are looking for car that you can really rely on see Randy first and you can be sure that what he shows you will be mechanically sound and in all cases well above the government mechanical fitness standards TOKE MOTORS H9 Bradford St 728811 citizens culture expected to live there rune TRAINING Coliingwood Air Training Back in Full Operation lrivate Commercial Instrument Twin GATI Flight Simulator Audiovisual training aids Intensive ground school course April 21 and 24 April 30 and May Improve your skills with Night Ianorsement Instrument Time FLYEROR NON FLYER COME AND SAY HELLO Sightseeing rides day or night COLLINGWOOD AIR 4451 616 sï¬ 3995 MONTEGOW 998 DEAL no