Wots that no tagging the examflai FrldayAprll151911 news roundug French rights members stymie unity attempt TORONTO ttlt Three indsoi tlll hllls who op xise mandatory construction of French language hiin si tool have stymied attempts to have the Iegislatiiie present united front on French rights Education Minister Thomas ells IttllÂ¥illll lull lhiiis day that would force the Essex County board of education to build the 750stiident schml He said in the house he hoped Ills would give the hill rapid and unanimous consent as eiidence of our united commitment to the rights ot French Sikdhlllyxlllitl$ lint Hui Riiri iNlll indsir Rnersniek llick liiistoti t1 Essex Noifli and lienio ldllillll tl lissm Soiith said later they would not support the llll under any cir ciimstanees FEAR lll IitiI The tlirix said in seturatc interi ieu they believed in llll ngiialisni but felt that Fsstw iourity had been lilataiitly and unfairly singled out The dissenteis said they might hair stippoitni the lull it its intention had been to pro itie French language lIlv struetion tor certain percentage of Ontario students Burr iiso said he had in itISIiIl to compulsory legisl win and felt that French speaking pmple lll his eon stitiiency iereiio discriiniiiattsi against US forces In Korea cut SllltiIil tReuter The Army has confirmed moves that might ililt Anieiicar armed forces lll South Korea to the low est level since before the Korean War An ariiiy spokesman said Thursday that 1200 man Nikerllereules antiaircraft missile battalion Ill be tran sferroi to the South Korean army and ifwtiiiaii force of ob solcte Sergeant nuclear missiles will be disbanded forces in Korea now number 30100 men and the re duction wili bring the force le e1 below 38000 men for the first time since before the 1930 Korean conflict The presence dwindled to iti01ltiiien in 1074 fterthe Communist victory in South Vietnam April 1975 tIie Lnited States quietly raised this to 42000 Wedding guests taken ill WINDSOR Ont tli spate of apparent food poison ing that struck about 30 people after weekend wedding reception was tentatively identified Thursday as salmonella Dr Don ElnaDonald assistant medical officer of health for Essex County said the first lab tests on theorganism are not conclusive but salmonella poisoning is the prime suspect At least lopersoiis required hospital attention and another 40 became ill after the wedding reception Saturday Salmonella bacteria com motin found In poultry is usu ally killed by cooking The infection is treated with antibiotics and the symptoms are cramps nausea headaches fever and diarrhea No power on reinstatement TORONTO Pi Health Minister Dennis Timbrell said Thursday he has no power to order the rein statement of Toronto male nurse who says he was fired for talking to reporters about healthcare conditions Replying to questions in the legislature Timbrell said he feels Wayne Honsberger 31 has sufficient recourse through his collective agreement to protest his dismissal from Etobicoke General Hospital have no authority to or dcr the reinstatement of Mr Honsberger the minister said Timbrcll said the nurse was not an employee of the health ministry and that the ministry has no power to change the terms of em ployment set by individual hospital boards IIIISTIIBIHltIII niale iiiirse issue Five injured in blaze MONIREAI ffPi Five persons were seriously burned and one fireman slightly injured in IIIIflitliIIdIl fire that broke out early today at downtown discotlieque police said About 100 firemen were battling to bring the flames under control and had prevented them from spreading to neigh boring buildings fire department official said An eyewitness said about 30 people were inside the two storcy building when the fire started at 300am EST Police said they had been unable to detemiine whether everyone was able to escape LONDON The entire Entertainer Dianne Stapley receives her ACTRA award from Phyllis Marshall in Toronto Thursday night after being named the best variety performer in television Miss Stapley won over other nominees Julie Aniato and the Irish Rovers Photo CBC nominees sweep annual ACTRA awards TORONTO CPI The Cana dian Broadcasting C0rps na tional televising of the sixth an nual ACTRA awards Thursday night proved to be showcase for the publiclyowned net works own artists and broad casters It was no surprise that the Bt with about 100 nominees iii the programs 16 award catc gories virtually walked away with the show taking 13 trophies for top achievement in the broadcasting industry This years presentation of the awards by the Association of Canadian Ielevision and Ra dio Artists was interspersed with several live performances notably satiric newscast by comedian Dave Broadfoot YeaCanada musical number by Toni Knecbone and Dinah Christie and songs by Bob Ru zicka Gloria Kaye and Claude Leveillc The cast of the Royal Cana dian Air FarcerBroadfoot Don Ferguson John Morgan Luba toy and Roger Ab bottAidelighted the audience with their antics when they stepped up to receive the award for the best radio variety per formance The twohour awards show televised from the Hotel T0 ronto ballroom was cohostcd by Pierre Berton Barbara Friiiii and Gordon Pinsent Among the presenters were ac tors Barry Morse Sean Miil cahy and Al Waxman ac tresses Jayne Eastwood Toby Tarnow and Jane Mallett news broadcaster Harvey Kirck and country star Gordie Tapp LOSES IN THREE Two prtsentations to Global Television and one to the On tario Education Commu nications Authority tOECAi station spoiled the CBCs per fect record Peter Desbarats of Globals Ottawa bureau took the trophy for best news broad caster and Patrick Watson won the best public affairs TV broadcaster award for the Global production The Last Nazi Judy IaMarsh won the Gore don Sinclair award for OEtAs The Economics of ulturc The Government We Deservei That award is presented for iii tegrity in the broadcasting of controversial subjects Robert Clothiers supporting role in The Beachcombers ear ned him the award for best per formance in continuing role in television program Series star Bruno Gerussi also was nominated in that category Named as television program of the year was Beaverbrmk Life and Times of Max Aiken produced and directed by John McGrecvy The award for the best radio program of the year presented Senator Keith Davey went to the BC production The As Margaret flies home after Boston visit BOSION AP Margaret Trudeau flew home to anada on Thursday after visit with her parents and sister at modest suburban apartment She declined to answer ques tions about reported marital problems with her husband Ta nadian Prime Minister Trudeau Mrs Trudeau apparently ar rived at Toronto International Airport late Thursday after noon but reporters there were not able to find her or learn of her plans There were rcxnrts that she had taken flig to Ottawa or one to Vancouver or had gone into the city of To rontonall unconfirmed Mrs Allen Ikiudrcau land lady of the apartment where Mrs Trudeau and her children spent much of their time said The family is not at all under any kind of strain They are just gettingtogcther April 14 Draw sassination of Christopher Mar lowe produced by Don Mowat Maureen Fitzgerald received the award for best radio per fonnancc for her Work in Touch of the Poet That produc tion was adapted for radio by John Bethune from his award winning stage play Other award winners were Petcr Pearson and Norman Hartley best TV dramatic writer The Insurance Man From Ingersoll Ernic Afaganis Foster Hewitt Award for sportscast ingi Brcnda Rabkin best radio documentary writer Adoles cent Suicide Dianc Stapley best TV va riety performance The Diane Stapley Showt Michacl Mercer best radio dramatic writer Frcydis of Greenland from the series Bush and Salon Sean Sullivan Earle Grey Award for best performance in television or nOIllttIllI film Of the Fields Lately Radio arts producer John Reeves John Drainie Award for distinguishe contribution to broadcast ingr Adrienne Iarkson aiid Brian McKenna best TV docu nieiitary writers The Olympic kinnection Fifth Estate I8 holes par 70 CPGA Professional Reed Lawson Showers Sounos shop NOW OPEN ROYAL DOWNS GULF AND TENNIS CLUB Green fees or membership Golf and Tennis Fully licensed LLBO Snack Bar fully stocked pro Call 424024 or 4240246 on the Em 7th line Says Soviets bombed hospital KINSHASA Zaire AP President Mobutu Sese Seko claims the Russians and not his air force bombed Protestant mission hospital and two vil lages in neighboring Zambia There was also an unconfirmed report of heavy fighting Thurs day after lull of nearly two weeks in the vestpocket war in southern Zaire The Russians themselves bombarded the Zambian vil lages to place us in difficulty with our Zambian friends in the hopes of deflecting the at tention of world opinion from their responsibility in the affair Chinese honor Maos writings PEKING Reuter The thunder of gongs and exploding firecrackers echoed across Pc king today as peo 1e celebrated the publication new collec tion of writings by the late Chairman Mao Tsctung Long earlymorning lines for med outside bookshops to buy the 500pagc bookwvolume five of Maos selected works It contains speeches and documents produced between 1949 and 1957 The earlier four volumes dealt with the period up to the Communist takeover China Pckings propaganda organs got into top gear to publicize the new tome edited under the personal control of Maos suc cessor Chairman Hua Kuo feng Rcdgarlandcd trucks of musicians clashing cymbals and banging drums toured the city In the main shopping street musical group played Praises US prison setup WOODSTOCK Ont CP US prisons are innovative and orderly while Canadas penal system is full of confusion Bruce Halliday Progressive Conservative member of Parliament for Oxford said Thursday Halliday member of par liamentary subcommittee in vestigating penal reform said in telephone interview that the system includes mixed prisons low staffprisoner ra tins and wardens who have au thority features lacking in Ca nadian prisons Subcommittee members recently returned from nine day tour of seven US prisons While US prisons average 200 to 500 prisoners Canadian prisons average 1000 to 2000 with one staff member for each prisoner Halliday said He also said Canadian prison directors are influenced by rt gional commissioners prison ers guards and Ottawa but American wardens arc autono mous accepting no nonsense from guards or prisoners The three principles they work on firmness fairness and consistency are not found in Canada on the sidewalk and todays edition of the Peoples Daily newspaper was entirely devoted to it Like the earlier volumes number five is destined to find its way on to the bookshelves of homes throughout the country More than 200 million copies are to be printed and the party central committee already has announced the launching of mass movement to study it Since Maos death last Sep tember and the subsequent purge of leading radicals headed by his widow Chiang Ching the new administration of Hua has pursued generally more moderate policy line of Sheba said Zaires president in statement issued Thursday There was no comment from the Soviet Union But kes man for the Katangan regls in Shaba province claimed 50 French pilots were flying the Mirage fighterbombers Mobutu bought from France Earlier in the monthold war Mobutu accused the Russians Cubans and the Marxist regime in An 01a of supporting the ex iles crossed into their min eralrich native province known as Katanga when Zaire was the Congoon March from Angola All three denied the charge The Zambian government re ported earlier this week that on Saturday and Monday Zairean planes bombed two villages and the Kalene Hill mission in the northwest comer of Zambia ad jacent to the area now under control of the Katangan rebels Zambia said there were some casualties and damage and Mobutu sent delegation to Lu saka the Zambian capital to investigate The claim that French pilots were flying for Mobutu was made by spokesman in Paris for the Congo National Liber ation Front He said the infor Vigilcint press call by Sargent TORONTO Sargent CP tLGrcyBruce asked Thursday whether the Ontario government has the press in its pocket He said during debate on the speech frotn the throne that the press should be more vigil ant about uncovering and in vcstigatiiig what he called Pro gressive Conservative scan dais Sargent cited the example of Eddie Goodman adviser to pre mier William Davis and the lawyer who represented Ronto DevelopineLt forp on taxexlt cmption case Earlier Thursday the prov ince announctxl there will be judicial inquiry into the $660000 exemption granted to Ronto by the cabinet in April 1976 Sargent said that Goodman is involved so closely with Davis that he is using his position to engineer niiiltimillion dollar notified Were Not Magicians If we dont Wreckers 7168487 Highway 90 between Barrie and Angus WlfilAliIl Eddie Studio of Hair Design Ilnisex Styling 130 Ponetang SL Barrie One of the few who molly car deals for he and his friends his clients WHERE IS PRESS Now why does all this hap pen and where is the vigilant press in Ontario he asked Does the premier of this provincepr would say does the governmenthave the press in its pocket He said every newspaper man at Queens Park dreams of becoming government assistant at what Sargent said is salary of about $36000 year Or should we have legisla tion that would prevent news man taking job in govern ment until he has been removed from the press gallery for three years He also said that it is great opportunity for reporters to be allowed to accompany the pre mier on travels throughout the world FREE $5 BOOKS OF WINTARIO TICKETS PLAY WINTARIO SWEEPSTAKES Each week the word Wintnrio appears In several of the advertisements on this feature Read the ad carefully clip the advertisements in which WIntnrio appears and forward your entry to The Winterio EditOr The Barrie Examiner Each week draw will be made and winners Call and ask about our ENVIII Energy Saving HEAT PUMPS GLENBRAE ltd Heating Air Conditioning 133 Grovo WiNlARIU 72l9228 ANGELS REFINISHING FURNITURE REPAIRS mation came from soldier in the Zaire army who was cap tured by the rebels Wednesday French officials said the claim was idiotic They said there was permanent mission of about 60 French officers and men in Zaire training Mobutus forces to use French equipment sold before the invasion and 20 more helping with the airlift of 11 French cargo planes that is supplying the 1500 Moroccan troops sent to aid Mobutu Zaires air force has about 36 planes including 13 Mirage jets But there only about six trained Zairean pilots and some of the planes are groun ded because of shortage of parts sources in Kinshasa have said The Liberation Front spokes man in Paris claimed the Kata ngans inflicted heavy defeat Wednesday on Mobutus troops at Lupafa 15 miles west of the coppermining centre of K01 wezi where 1000 of the Moroc cans arrived last weekend The rebel spokesman said government forces lost an ar mored vehicle truck jeep four heavy machineguns and four radios It lost hmou aasltet III the Wand Its time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess Phone 726 454 7286331 SHINESE FOOD MQVIIMI IGIIII It TokerOut Delivery Fine selection of Oriental Giltwore 728l823 53 Collier St ICE CREAM UNLIMITED DONUTS $1 603nm noun Coffee 15 Coffee Donut 30 284 Dunlop 73709 BRENLAN CONSTRUCTION lTD British upper crust was rocked by the news that Rugby School is givmg up lagging The tradition of forcing Jun THE PROFESSIONAL Coll Ivan at WINIARII 7267425 WINTAIIIO my F3161 CARPET iors to run errands for Sixth your B°d°m5 or Form seniors has been an in Best Friend tRENOVATIONS tegral part of the Victorianage IADDITIONS public lSchool system along rva on ROOMS with co baths whackings and FREE ESTIMATES wy 90 windy Sunday sermons in the ultitï¬oiii it iv nutHH chapel 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