wrv 12 the examiner Friday Aprll 1c 1911 Rink of skip liorccn Denny at left Lillian Fralic lat lilack and leslie Walters won the playoff championship of the Tuesday Ladies Division of the Stroud urling lub Eleven rinks took part iii the regular schedule with the top five rinks making the championship round of the playoffs and the other six playing off in the consolation playoffs Examiner Photoi Rilllfl The doctor says Most food has potassium By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Can you tell me what potassium does to the bodyif there is too much or too little have been taking diuretic for my high blood pressure also take potas sium supplement If dont get enough my heart skips and my body feels like it is going to sleep cant understand why my potassium can be normal one day and not the nextMrs CGJ Sounds like typical potas siumwaterpill yoyo Theres usually no need for your potassium level to be un stable The water pills make you urinate and thus can cause too much potassium loss The supplements restore potassium to your body but in doing so may create surplus Too much or too little potas sium can cause muscle paral ysis and heart disturbances Its difficult to say which is the problem with you Most food contains potassium especially meats and orange juice Potassium is an elec trolyte which is important in how muscles work including those of the heart Just the right balance is needed and your medications obviously are not achieving that dont know how you can tell from one day to the next just what the state of your potassium is certainly not from symptoms and not without appropriate tests Return to your doctor report your symptoms and he may suggest changes in dosage of ei ther the water pill or the potas sium supplement Dear Dr Thosteson Two weeks before my menstrual pe riod my breasts swell and are sensitivealmost to the point of pain This lasts two weeks Please suggest ways to relieve thisMrs LA The cause is usually liquid retention resulting from ex cessive estrogen hormone production at this time There are things you can do that have helped other women Wear snug bra Reduce table salt and such salty foods such as pickles and prepared meats Salt can add to the co estion problem Try taking Vitamin complex preparation Vitamin is thought to help in using up estrogen in the body If necessary your physician may see fit to rescribe diu retic water pil to promote re lease of liquid That should be used only for the two weeks prior to your period Dear Dr Thosteson At the age of 45 was quite gray and liked it Im 61 now and not so gray an more have coronary artery isease and take medi cine for it plus blood pressure pills and thyroid ill had my thyroid remov years ago Could all this medicine be came ing my hair to change color BL think you are the first per son to complain to me about the hair turning dark from grey can on attribute this to some quirk nature probably in the hair follicles doubt very much that your medication is causing this suppose some ar gument could be made con cerning the effects of the thy roid medication because the thyroid gland is involved to some extent in hair quality But that would be sheer speculation Fortunately for you there are cosmetic productions on the market to return the greyness you prize so much Dear Dr Thosteson Will you please tell me what doc tor means when he tells you you have squeaky valves in the heart am 72 and have high blood pressure and hardening of the arteriesMrs lll presume he means heart murmurs You may have had this for long time or it could be recent fect of your blood pressure and hardening Either can cause irregular pumping sounds Squeaky valves unlike squeaky wheels dont always need immediate attention but you can ask your doctor how significant your squeaksare For Saturday April 10 1977 ARIES March 21 Aprll 19 You may be more charming with casual acquaintances than with close pals Strive to treat all equally to avoid mlfflng friends TAURUS April 20May 20 Rather than requesting others to do things for you today try to ex tend helping hand to them Youll all be happier GEMINI May 21Juno 20 if youre at social function today dont wear out your welcome Have sense enough to leave before others tire of you CANCER Juno 21July 22 In important career matters today its mandatory to get the lump on BAllRlE PLAZA Barrio murmur us on BUGS BUNNY MY DlSCORDS ARE STUPENDOUS BUGS Complete Office outfitters DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS mans Whitï¬eld OFFICE OUTFITTERS can turn bore room into completely decorated and furnished office Coll i37o201 to consult in Professional Office Planner 7370201 the opposition As long as you stay ahead youll attain your ends LEO July 23Aug 22 You have sound ideas today but they could be challenged Have the facts ready In case they are VIRGO Aug 2380pt 22 Be certain youre carrying your share of the load in any iolnt ven ture aimed at material gain to day If not you could blow the deal LIBRA Supt 23Oct 23 Pace yourself today Youre in good spirits so long as youre not tired It you become fatigued you might be difficult to get along with SHOULD INVITE ME IN FOR FREE REPAST TAKE ME TO YOUR THEDA AstraGraph Borrlloe Bade Ospl SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Unless theres something urgent work on projects YOU want to do Shelve unnecessary chores until another day SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Surround yourself with friends you know well today Youll feel much more comfor table with them than you will with strangers CAPRICORN Doc 22Jon 19 Theres matter of importance you may have to handle today Make sure its concluded before you leave it AQUARIUS Jan 20Fob 19 Youre gregarious today when youre airing your views with kin MEET MY NEW WAlTEiZ dred spirits Conversely youll be very irritable if someonef challenges you PISCES Fob 20Morch 20 Be generous today to those who are truly deserving But you must be able to reject people not worthy of your kindness April 18 1977 Dont hesitate this year to take on more management responv sibillties of projects youre ln volved in With you at the helm success is assured Trick one spoils slam tsltbywwmarot Al Top rink of the regular schedule of the Stroud nrlina tiuh tutt that at ggp hub swanp 10 NORTH 15 gcfybfrjgzgthwxgtlhlgr bgrSlllloet at us Donna ltouutnu tireskip lrette tlctiraw second and 1mm iuurrwn llltl was absent that ï¬nrse succeeded uhen the photo has taken IXaminer lhotot llxglgt Unforthately for South West got his hand on the three WANTA BEN LlNiNG THE of diamonds South played TALKINGv vbIHPATS LEARN TO TALK BéETgM 0F THECAGE WITH WEST EAST dummys eight and East GOING am LIKE THAT THE ROLUNé QTONE covered with the king not the WEIHm HEAVY 10 COMING ourMW Ii 10 Had East played the 10 53 4373 South would have no way to StlTHfUt come to 12 tricks without try ing the spade finesse but that finesse would have worked for 10 mm BU wlnemmp After hast played the king South won with the ace and West North East South eventually had 10 decide between spade finesse and pass Pass lead to dummys jacknine of Buc pdsï¬ pass pass diamonds He finally decided mung loud that West had led from queen By Oswald James Jacoby Norths four notrump bid was not Blackwood but mere ly an invitation to South to bid slam with maximum notrump South with 17 high card points plus two 10 spots accepts the imitation Against any lead but dia mond South would have time to take safe spade finesse 10 of diamonds tried the dia mond play and was set Ks Missouri reader asks the score for making three notrump redoubled with three overtricks Both sides are vulnerable The score is 2150 400 below the line plus 50 for making the contract plus 1200 for the three overtricks plus 500 for FRANK AND ERNEST News also mnenfliwes The finesse would be safe the rubber daily crossword WHEN wE REACH ACROSS 41 Lushton Answer to Prewous Puzzle Investigate Mountain slyly pass In lndta 45 Drinking Acattlres vessel Crew member 46 Actress West 12 One Gert 49 Dlvmg bird IT Es 13 To be Fr 50 Musky 14 Actress 53 Through NO Farrow 54 Golden 15 Amuse 55 Has Not exaclly death defying Ellisdo 56 ClIY In but still lllllll feat for two Reggae 53 57 atlahomal THAVES 44$ feathered ltNltltlllo of lam 19 Beyond the snrnnaanbe in in plltll tiardeus 1mm 58 when family unidentified lillplt takes fiw in the harm spring still at 20 Miquetoas 21 Olympc 39 Fomboy tltt foot of thr slatue honoring former prime Illllllltl Si 22 rggee DOWN board abbr 41 Mosem liltrid Laurieron littauas Parliament Hill if lhotor 23 cows0w Horse £33 lawyer llOU WSTICAUH wowD 24E 42 NY 13 221$ 33 UNDERWSW CW ONIFWOU 0W BEHAVES HEMP 27 English Poker stake 25 wud mm 43 Felt sorry MRJHORNAPPLE IM 31 forlnpraser Golf gadget 27 Cookmg about re an Arise wds 32 sowed State Fri 28 utensrls 44 Vegetable 33 T59 Three prefix 31ng Fs sperm m9 Capable of Prepares lawn 34 out horse fealin 29 Wagla 47 of 35 Card game Mesdames 30 Domes ister pt tabby 32 Main Idea 36 Encucled 10 Affected 35 Eam 509 prac 37 Cunning manner 35 ACQUIesce bemg 39 Makes coffee it Not one 38 Compass 51 Expire 40 Negatlon 16 tity In italy pomt 52 Fish eggs lllllr tllll Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service diulario ticket distributor ltay lints left presents chiqui for $llilt to liriau llycrs assistant manager of Midway Variety as employee Karl leumtt watches Ihe cheque is the stores commission on recent 8liitltlli ticket sold lllllI Four other Ilarrie outlctsBetty and Jims Snack liar the Queens Hotel Driftwood offee Shop and Municipal Sa rings and loan sold 0000 winners in recent Weeks and got Slim for their ef forts Harrie setms lobe very fortunate Bots said thvatuinir lhotot NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373880