Stanley Cup colorful past 15 By ED HARPER Chay The Stanley Cup emblematic of the Worlds profes sional championship wi soon be determined lot of hockey has been played since Lord Stanley gave $50 gift which was used to buy cup that was named after him The facts involving the donation of the cup and the ex traordinary shift in the ownership of hockeys most prized possession are as follows Lord Kilcoursie later Lord Craven Field Marshall in the British Army during World War was in Canada in 1890 and became interested in hockey When he had gained enough knowledge of the game to play with fair bit of finess the members of the Rebels Hockey Club in the On tario Hockey Association had him join their team Leaniing that the brave lads had previously been con testing for nothing more than the honor and glory associated with winning Lord Kilcoursie communicated with his friend Lord Stanley and in response the $50 was donated and the trophy was bought trophy that was to become the most prized possession in all of hockey At first the Stanley Cup was emblematic of the amateur worlds championship but late in the 90s some of the star amateur hockey players who were desired by opposition teams were offered money to jump This actually made them professionals Through the late 90s and until about 1908 teams presum ed to be purely amateur outfits actually had anywhere from one to four professionals in the lineup But no one fussed about it The had no simon pure scruples in hockey in that era Along in 1908 the organization that is now the National Hockey League NHL was formed and became profes sional circuit In 1911 there was created the Pacific oast League another professional unit which started play with the 191112seasoii At the end of the year the Pacific Toast championship team challenged the National Hockey League winner for championsip game to decide possession of the Stanley Cup The trustees of the cup objected at once claiming that the cup was for amateur competition only The pro leagues retaliated by minting out that for many years the different clubs which won the cup had been at least partly profes sional and that to ban wholly professional teams from comlt petition was hypocrisy The trustees finally yielded to the logic of he situation The pros played for the cup got it and it has been pro fessional trophy ever since Second in importance only to the Stanley Cup in annual competition is the Allan Cup donated for amateur competi tion in the senior class The trophy was gift of Sir Montagu Allan of Montreal The first teams to win the trophy were ttawa liffsides in 1908 and Queens University in 1909 It is interesting to note that ice hockey as played in Canada and the USA had its European debut in Belgium and France in 1907 31 The following year the Lige lnternat ionale de Hockey sur Glace was formed in Paris for the purpose of developing the sport throughout Europe Representatives from France Belgium England Switzerland and Bohemia later zechoslovakiai attended and these countries became charter members Other nations affiliated with this amateur hockey group were Germany 9091 and Russia i1911i But hockey in Europe did not gain its real impetus until anada and the USA sent teams to compete in the Olympics at Antwerp in 1920 The progress of the European teams since then has been splendid and it seems that it will only be short time until the European teams come into the NHL and maybe thc old Stanley up will add yet more history by travelling to Europe Zone gymnastics title is won by Barrie Central ALllSTNBarrie Central Collegiate dominated the girls zone gymnastic competition at Banting Memorial High School Wednesday Central won the overall team championship with Banting placing second and Barrie North third Seventyfive competitors from five schools competed Barrie North won the team ti tle in the junior division with Karen Kerr claiming the all around individual award An drea Collegair of Banting was close second Banting did win the in termediate division with Joanne Ronan taking the overall title Mary Lynn Madill of Central was second The senior title went to Bar rie Central with Joanne Smith placing first Heidi Scott another Central student was second JOANNE SMIIH The top four competitors in each division qualify for the Georgian Bay Secondary Winners flhr 3355A final School Associuim iGBSSA earn berth in the alltlntario championships be held finals April 30 at the University Central of Waterloo Raceway entries Saturday post time 7J3 piii FIRST rlllJZ Sfioli fir LADYGRAIJY tr GYPSY IIILL NIKKI Fr STIJAIHlAINlIIR sncrii llttil iiii mu rr IJARNIJIM EYlttllAL DUNSHUMIIER 3m 27 Dashing till Brown ti trowv Lee It Davies Anncrud it Jimmy Van Moir Ike Mm Im Nanny Iliiiiovcr Mctllirc Haiclton ltyroii pm mm 11 fnï¬lx It tt Eastwood liudlcy tilt Rowe WNW SEVENTHlMEllLE no it Sabanerollanovcr Syoka IIAthlttttK HLMIIS ti WIIIC HIILIJI FLY HYII With It Scraiiiiagc Lockhart ltutlcdgi SEX UNI IAt IL MILE ltititt Ir rlLIJW FLIGHT Iorgcnson FrHIIZYGHURGE Harris DIN mm filmKth IA Nlw it Miss Shadow Suc Kennedy 277 Iarbolton Harold Jones Mm Ind 55 Itaphiic Herbert Down Stableiiiatc Jackson rpxpumm Hymn MK YW liltillllllMlIllll183oti QUI158 ARMlHttiNEWllli trowc WW ltEVItNAllAlttlE Moir tHUV txmrllfb Imam ti SlNliAYtlttlltilll niwus Aimiittomn Hughes gnmnmw Sr NOBEL PRIZE Antltrlltl p1 Mm Hms Armin Yfm It Doc Lindsay Nicholts hum Mb Honcst Wavcrlv lllrich tr Randy Woostci Liness Jm mm Bolarolag Jclfries Deac Worthy McClure VINIH IAtld MIIJI $7th FOIHTII PUIJMIIJC Iltttt SIIIIVAN Il liutlcr MISS WATtHtilll 17 SlIJADY AtlJ fr NEWELLA 3rltan1igllanuvw 4W Arachat Sea It Scrannagc Er Tess Diamond Fuller 77 Bumpy Wave Kennedy FIFTH IMlI MILE I700 12 77 GRANTS ROYAL WAVE Sriaiiiiagc Field It Iiian ltutlcdgc II Macltoiiald ttLtlI SUN FIIARLICSS IARKIIR thiibbys Delight Sir Marv iii Hity Iridc laidas Skoitir Naval liiiicc NIH IMI HM 3500 It Scraniiagi Jackson Kennedy tass ti frowt It Scraiiniigc Nicholls w¢£ï¬â‚¬Â£Ã© Lincss PLEASANIIIRUCE Lincss Hughcs IASTIMERHTH Kennedy HASIKItNtmLI Iorgcnsoii Ioners lridc Andy Hutch twigs The Gold Handit It Keadys Delight Midnight Dinct ti Soot tarry Harris Reynolds Ktlilllli Trowc Iclc lutncy lullir Worthy Riipido thaiiip Valliy It Scraniiiigc ti Iturbaiio Myron Hughes sports calendar lltltKIIY at ro Arena Ladies Hockey Iournamcnt ti pniNewtonbrook vs Scarborough FD ll Kennedy 10 the oxamlner Frlday April 15 1977 tlro Rockets ncedcd two goals in special sliootoff to snap 11 tie with the Newtoiibrook Ionys Ihursday in the of the fifth annual tro Icts opener Ladies Hockey Iouriianiciit Patty tiutticrrl of Newtonbrook carries the puck into the Uro end with Sue IleJons in pursuit The tournament resumes tonight allday Saturday and Sunday thvaniiiici lhoto Rockets win tournament opener with pair of goals in shootoft 0R0 iStuftI It wasnt thc traditional way for hockc toumamcnt to start but thcii it isnt your usual hockey tour naincnt The fifth animal ttro lcts Ladics hockcy toiiriiaiiicnt kicked off lliursday with one game at the tin lowiiship oniiiiunity ciitrc Newtonlirimk Tonys and thc ttro Rockcts gave the tournu iiiciit which runs through to Sunday rousing start by tak ing the first game into tlttl timc lcnzilt shots were llttilttl before the Rockets could tlilllll it win For the lonys not cvcn llltll plcgaiiic sing along could prompt win Ihcrc was lot of iinpioiiiptu chccring in bar monyi before the giimc on thc part of thc Tonys It was fiiclcil when Hcathcr Georgian otonnuol Lauric liiliydcn is going to icincnibcr hcr graduating car at ticorginn tolligc llic sccoiid yciir student of Iounialism was ItStlllttI with the tlicci Trophy as lcorgiiiifx Icmalc Athlctc of thc Yciu Ihursday at thc tllIIlllil Athletic Hanqtict MatFaydcn of Harrie was picked from three athlctcs to accept the annual award Russ Howard 21 of Midland drcw ii rousing round of up plaiisc for his selection as thc top Male Atlilctcof the Year Howard student in thc Resort and Hotel Management coutsc madc name for himself by skipping rink from ticorgian to the Ontario college curling championship last year Howard was also skip of the Midland rink which won the folts iirling championship last year Howard considers taking his rink into the British tonsols this year as one of the highlights of the season He Georgian tollcgc paid tribute to two athletes lliiirsday at its annual Athletic Banquet Lauric Machaydcn and Ross Howard were selected as tlic top male and female athletes of the year Miicliaydcii secondyear journalism student illlltl took advantagc of tlic oiin Icts pciialty in the first period to score lllt first goal of flitgiiiiic illltl llliltlt the most of £111 opportunity handcd licr alter the lonys had spcnt most of the period liciiimcd iii thcirown cnd Rockets did in tlic gziiiic in thc sccoiid pcriod with iicithcr club having found the riiiigc at thccndol regulation tinic fivc iiiiiiutc ovcrtinic pciiod was called for This too litllttl to snap the deadlock lIltI as icsiilt ii shootoft was cull Hi liil lackic lcikiii and liiiinc lctuziig scornd on thcir at tciiipts with ltockcts goal tcndcr Ingrid Andrews kttltllltl Vcwtonbrtnikoll llltttiltllttl inthcoiicoii oiicconfrontation Andrcws was tlic dilfcrcncc iii thc gziiiic limc iftcr timi she was callcd upon to iiizikc kc savcs on Tonys sliootcrs Shc was especially sharp in thc second and third periods Andrews made it clean stop on brcakaway by litty Iiltl ticrr just before thc ltlltltltlltlttl scctiiiil Ncwtonbrook conic within in clics of iiotching thc go obidd goal late in thc gamc whcii lt bound ended on thc stick oi Tonys playci in front of thc tronct ndrcws was hclplie on thc play down ziltcr making thc iii itizil stop Ihc shot went right iiiio thc pudding of thc IItlthtlk iictiiiindci lhcrc irc thicc tlllltillr in thc lit tcam loiiinaiiiint innits begin in tour tonight it Ill and coiitiiiuc throughout lllttlt honors athletes athletic banquet made the skeptics liclicvc with hissixllipliicclinish With Howard on thc collcgc iciiiii wcrc lctc Iyslin vicc Stcvc Knapp ob Whittakcr as lcad and Brent Rurgin as so cond Ihc sclcction for both lcnialc and male ithlctc was closc and difficult one noted Iicrb tlouticr director of athletics and studcnt scrviccs Hc told thosc attcnding the banquet that it took two hours for the panel of students staff and facility to decide on the malcathlctc Im only glad didnt have tochosc the winner hesaid It just grcat honor said Howard in accepting the tloutici up from Robert rawford prcsidcnt of lcor gian tollcgc Machaydcn paiticipatml this year in varsity tennis bad miiiton intramural basketball and table tennis She won the regional gold medal in badminton and went on to finish fifth in thc provinci lhi top athletes wcic picked for their participition in sports during school term cxpcitisc Iciidcrship dcsirc as wcll as spoitsiiiaiiship Iucladcii was onc of thrcc graduating imrgiiui students who rcccivcd thcir ithlctic lc tcr lhursday lhc atlilctic lcttcr is lltltlttl annually to stiidciits who has participated in at lciist onc var sity sport each year thcyic iit thccollcgc Louis Lacroix of Midland Iiclaydcn ind rciidii Iacklin of Sarnia rcccivcd lllill lct tcr lhursday Lacroix was also sclcctcd Jl5 the most valuablc player on thc varsity basketball squad tlcorgian participatcd iii thc Simcoc ounty Mens Lcaguc with limited success this season Suc tlziiicy of Rarric won her second straight most aliiziblc player award in volleyball right photo rccciycs thc liccr lioph from Rob tiiccr toiisolatioii and champion ship funds will be playcd Sun day ttlo Ill play llltll first game of thc tourniimcnt tonight if lop in against Lakcshorc StIIIZIHIJ Ioda lli Nowtonbrook vs Scar lxtlotltili ll Iy ttltltlllll Jt Kiiii it cwiiiirkct 1t iictoii liiicwood Hi tttiiltllililiiiiti11 Il Iiltv ll lli Iucrts illl lississgiiiitii ti Si StiiliiigxSiiltllcct ill to lilltlllltliillIItilllttik2 ll Illlllgtlllt littlc Hritiiin noon IilAlItllltlll IItlEtktltttl Ir Ill mitttlcct ts Agincoiiit giiiiics or played until 111 Saturday tlltI rcsiimc Sun day morning with minor midgci consolation chiiiiipioii shipiit ton in Beavers odd win to lead lcri iillix scorcd four goals to liJid slici liiooki licnvcis to ti ictoiy iitl toinwiill Roy il in tgucbcc laoi Iuiiior llockcy ciguc playoff action lhui tltt night Shcibrookc lcziils thc cight point sciiii final scrics In thc othcr sciiii final game lhiirsdiiy night Qucbcc ltcin parts crushcd Moiiticul Juniors tl thicbcc lciuls that sciics Ti Rick uc Illlltl thicoiiic and liii lciisoiircich scored tilit goiil for thc litivcis Hill Smith and Rick latcrsoii had two tllt tor toriiwiill with siiiglw by ltuvc IInrd and oriii loioi hi sciiii liiiiil action tonight thicbcc plays in Montrcal with Slicibiookc play ing host to tor iiwull acccpls the tloiitici up from Robert trawford icoigianollcgtn lliMllIlilltl Iliotos Siskins win right to play for title STAYNER StaffiStayner Siskins are in the Ontario Hockey Association Junior final for the fourth straight year Stayncr earned the right to advance into the allOntario final Thursday by eliminating Tavistock with 75 win in Stayncr The win gave Siskins the bestofseven semifinal in seven games As it turned out the series was real homer affair with all games decided on home ice little more depth and fourgoal spree in the third period boosted Stayner over Tavistock It probably was one of the better games played in Stayner this year noted coach Paul Carruthers Stayncr trailed 21 at the end of the first eriod and 43 heading into final period Four straight goals propelled the Siskins in front to stay John Nixon Rick Hannon Brent Dobson Bill Priddle Jim Haliday Brian Coker and Brian Franklin scored for Stayncr It was fast game lot of good body checks were thrown Carruth ers said Siskins open bestofseven final against Exeter about 40 miles west of London Sunday on the road Second games is in Stayncr Monday beginning at 15 pm Carruthers thought Siskins had the edge in play with their depth Stayner had the habit of outscoring their opposition in the third eriod They fairly balanced hockey club except that we ust had little more depth an they did Siskins have won the all Ontario Junior hockey cham pionship in the last two of the three seasons sports Team Canada wins 32 in brutal contest tiARMIStHIARIIZNKIR lllCN Pi It was brutal said dclcncciiian arol Vad nais dcscribing Tanadas pciialtylillul sixth game of its European exhibition hockey tour Thursday night lcll kill penalties we do scivc for being too aggressive but this is joke said Vadnais lllltl helping thc anadian tcam beat the host West ter inans 3472 litforefront fans It was much like Wed ncsdays game against the West icriiians in which anada won it in Iiiicsscldoif There was plcnty of illegal play on both sidcs although the taiizidians rctziliatcd zi littlc too ottcii tllltl thats when the rctcicc called most of the pcnziltics ihc win raiscd taiiadas iccord to tl on its tour which coiitiiiiics Saturday and Mon do in liaguc with twogamc sciics against thc dcfcnding woild champion ucli oslovgikiiiiis llctcicc llcinrich liliicsbcrgcr of Switwrland thc stimc iifiltlill who hundlcd tcdncsdays game gave iniadii ll iiiiiior pcnaltics Illtlptl ltt iiiintitc misconduct in tiltll Sharplcy and match pciiiilty toJiiiii lroiiovost The West iciiiiaiis received six minors whilc outshooting thc lxlltil 17 New home forExpos NithlRlCAL itli Last ycar about this time workncn wcic busily putting up the ap propriatc banners and decora tions at Iarry Iark tlic north ciid bandbox which was Molt trcal lixpos home field Hut lhursday morning the an bid liiicwcll to tlithHSti sciit facility which served as their homc field since they jointd baseballs National Lciiguc in ltttitt puiudc honoring thc lixpos started at the old park movcd south to downtown shopping phia where all the players were introduced and then went on to thc tilynipic Stadium whcic the Ipros open their 1977 home schedule this afternoon against Philadelphia lhillics cw tears were shed by the playcis as the parade pulled away from lariy Park for the confines of the tllympic facility which will scat about Titrtioo for major league baseball In fact many players sccmcd awcd by their new home dcspitc the fact tlicrc arc sonic iiiifiiiislicd iicas that will not bc coiiiplctcd until later in tlicsczison tlch pliolot wliilc Russ Howard president of RON ELLIS cut by fan IGNORIII INFRACTIONS The referee generally ignored obvious infractions until fights broke out in the third period Eric Vail Sharpley on shorthanded effort and Walt Mcchbnie scored for the anadians who led after the first period and 21 at the end of the second Vladimir Vacatko and Her Eintcrstocker on It ll another was in order rie Arena This year every boy and umpires ing Hunter Safety Course tacting Iack Bonney at Nixon at 7263990 with Tim Gallinger next at slated for Sunday open 21 in Vienna third period ltltt Nlt tIi Montreal Tanadicns who them in the ttlritr57 season ant sports shorts BaseboHleague needs players Barrie Minor Baseball League urgently needs players The league field registration earlier this week and decided Final registration for boys and girls 916 is well as those who turned 17 after Jan lofthis year is Tuesday at the Bar liinc to register is between 79 pm uniform which includes pants socks shirt and cap arl Hanspiker president of the BMBL says theres room for everyone Those who are too old to play can register as Hunter Safety Course is coming ltarrie and District Hunters and Anglers Club is sponsor Thc first course of the season is slated for April 26 osi is $10 for course which includes four classroom ses sions and session on the range The course is spread over twoweek period It isopen to those 15yeais of age and over Anyone wishing to register in advance may do so by con 5825 Jim Roe at 7264722 or John Burke holds high bowling average Rob Burke holds the hiin average of the Wednesday Night Mi xed bowling League as the loop prepares for the playoffs Hurkc has 205 average Mary Iweedle holds 202 score for the women Randy Dobbs holds the high single at 279 ladicsat 651 with Fran Rorinan third at 603 Roadrunners hold lead over His Hers and Christies ttTIythg points Allcycats have 691 points Team Tannery tiz Aggravators 62 Happy Gang 55 Harpers Pharmacy 48 Lucky Strikes All and hitter Snipers 20 Starr Electric plans practice Starr Electric of the Intermediate Division of the Barrie ity Fastball League formerly Rentorswell Construction of the Barrie Mens Recreation Leaguet has practice The practice will take place at 11 ani at Steele Street Public School It is open to all players as all posnions are Czechs defeat United States PRAGUE Reutcr The host zmhoslovakian national team beat the visit iiig US and 71 Thursday in wannu match for the World hockey iainpionships which open April lvaii lllinka led the Czechs with two goals Josef Machac Jaroslav louzar Jaroslav llolik Marian Sastny and Franti sck Kabrle were the others to score against Mike Curran and Dave Reese who each played half the game in the US goal Wiiireii tHutch Williams got the lone US goal late in the Former allstar player is dead Former American Hockey League star Stan Smikc 18 died ofcaiicer Sllllktl an AIIL allstar with Rochester Americans in the 195960 season played nine years in the league His best season 1904435 saw him score 33 goals and 55 tltt points was fifth best in the scoring race League rights called him up to play nine games four of power play scored for the Get mans Coach Johnny Wilson rested seven playersPhil Esposito Greg Smith Dennis Keams Dennis Maruk Bob Murdoch Ralph Klassen and Al MacA dam Tony Esposito made his first start in goal for Canada and turned in strong performance before he was replaced by Gil lies Meloche at 1146 of the sec ond period Meloche allowed both goals one on breakaway Both benches emptied at 1645 of the final period when Vadnais and Rainer Phillip got intoa ight When other players got into the brawl some fans started to interfere which resulted in an other delay Right winger Ron Ellis who was watching one of the German players along the boards suffered threestitch cut over the right eye when fan struck him Pronovost was thrown out of the game when he charged Klaus Auhuber and put him over the boards Thats when Sharpley got his misconduct for what was describied as mo lesting the official although he just cursed at the official Canada has 129 minutes in penalties on the tour compared with 28 minutes for its oppo nents girl will receive complete 263 Mary Twecdle tops the Wednesday assists and his owned his National Hockey five the following year