Barries United Appeal Second in series Need far one drive for Barrie idea behind United Appeal the OISBIHIIIIOP Thunday Aprll14 1917 Art and creative writing classes oered senior citizens in city babbling in oil acrylics and She describes the program as and worked with water colors pastels is one step along the cultural enrichment for oils and acrylics This week route to improvmg the quality senior citizen allowing them they began studying pastels By meeting it was decided to the campaign target for that reasons for this inconsistent of me for senior citizens ac to ex lore an lhnu hdifferem ROSS STEPHENS Iawich Barrie United Appeal year performance is difficult to cording to Beatrice Hogan medig 310 ï¬gï¬higï¬gel t8$lglti1nÂ¥lsi2 and and the above citizens were The Nominating Com identify Mrs Hogan and three Participants have Studied Klienberg BETTY SIIIER asked to become trustees on mittee conSisting of three Is it poor organization assistants are halfway through Barrie United Appeal star the board Subsequently members whose job it is to Does the public not ap tedin Barrie because various constitution was drafted by recruit new trustees for the preciate what the Appeal is public bodies and citizens lawyer CharlesSeagram coming year as usually trying to do Do they want felt that thereweretoo many Agencies represented at trustee is appointed for overnnient to assume the individual canvasses for that first meeting were three year term and each inancialneedsofthevarious money It was felt that one Barrie and District Assoc year five trustees agencies Are they unhappy concerted drive for funds for Retarded Children automatically leave the with $018 individual agen eachyearwould betterservc CNIB Canadian Red board cy These questions have the community the Agen Cross Society St John Am DEDICATED PEOPLE been aslted many times by cies and definitely better for bulance Victorian Order of Many many enthusiastic many ch airmen the people doing the actual Nurses YMYWCA and dedicated people have PUIIIIYTIIANK canvassing March of Dimes now known given their time and talents W0 WOUld like to publicly Local Initiatives Project LIP entitled Barrie En richment Project Working with $20400 grant the workers conduct art and creative writing classes visit sent 3r citizens and work in nur singhomes This week Mrs Hogan began the second phase of her experi ment in art at the Parkdale Centre for Senior Citizens She More than home The first meeting of the as Rehabilitation Foundation to the appeal At the risk of thank the many VOlUITiCCIhlIII also conducts programs at the Barrie United Appeal was for the Disabled Cancer missing someone maybe all the agencies for their Sunnidale Community Centre held at Community Houseon SocietySalvation Army singling out the founding many hours of dedicated Jan 28 1960 Community Only seven agencics joined chairman of the board the work for the many many House was located at the cor the Campaign as the Cancer late Robert Jennings would volunteers who worked so ner of Toronto and Dunlop Society and the Salvation Ar bein order hard in the campaigns over Streets now occupied by the my were unable to join as it It was largely through his the years They gave freely Texaco gas station The was their national policy to keen and enthusiastic belief of their spare time to can iE Chamber of Commerce carry on campaigns of their in the appeal that Barrie vass and do the milioii and asked the following citizens mm In later years more United Appeal was one Odd jobs required to run toattend Agencies joined Boy Scouts organized He gave sound campaign and they can Beatrice Ilogan explains some of tIic fiiicr poii ts of working Sandy Cove Acres and Grove with pa itcls to onc of her students at thc Iai view cntrc PJHR HOmC for Senor itizcns With tIic hpr of ii federal Local Iii itiativcs Project grant Mrs Hogan is optrating Barrie Enrichment Project which slic hopcs will improve the qualiv ty of life for senior citizens through art and creative writing courses and visits Examiner IIioto Bill Bell Principal of Multiple SclerosisCanadian leadership in the critical neverbethankedenough Hillcrest School Arthritis and Rheumatism early years The following are the fine Ferguson Ontario Hydro and Big Brothers and The following men also group of men who acted as Bob Hauck Lufkin Rule Raggedy Aim Day Care Cen gave great leadership over campaign chairman over the Roy Hickling farmer Joc ttc theyears as chairman ofthe years Jewell insurance Robert Theboardofdircctorscach boardoftrustees 1960 Earl Little Jennin viceprsident and year appoint chairman 1960 Robert Jennings 1961 Gordon Leighton genera manager Canadian vicechairman secretary 191rrG Thomas 1952 Willard Kanlt General Electric Willard and treasurer They are the 19021963 HalPrim 1958 I953 RUSS Davey Kinzie Lakeview Dairy and governing body and elect AG MCKHY MAG ML 1964 Kcn Walls 196 Jack mayor at that time Harvey chairman to conduct the Kay 1965411155 DIWC 1966 Wllllll 1966 Wallis Little manager Toronto campaign for funds each WK Walls 19671 Leighton 1967 Ross Stephens Dominion Bank Bill year t968MC Wallis 1968 Les Cooke 1969 Wm Merrick Dangerfield The board consists of the 196977 Ross Stephens lcllcr 197th Ill llowitt Motors Maurice MarLarcn following committees 1970Les Cooke 19717 Don 1971 Frank Murphy accountant Harry Milne Budget and Admissions nis Crossman 1972Iiank 19717 Smith retailer Gordon Roach Committee It isthcirdutyto Murphy 1973Frank Mur 197srcoiood1974 llt mens wear merchant scrutinize each agencys phy 197 Jim Quinn McKiIlican 1973 ico Charles Seagram lawyer budget and carefully go over 1975Gmigc Wood197trl£crt Wood 1976 ico Wood Thomas electrical the amount of moricy Cook As the 1977 campaign supplier Jack Webb requested When all the Over the years Barrie bcconics rcality ii rcncwcd you should let them prepare your income tax return Reason Number Seven mens wear merchant agencies budgets have been United Appeal has had its awarcncssofthc valucofonr Block has offices open all year long at its at iftiiiï¬iiaitfl visit Preparing income tax is the nee CO 1155 gt1 gt VI ii BECAMEIRlSIICIIS mittee make rccom endcavoring to nicct its tliiitcd Appcal to the success busness and that reqUres belng avalable As result of that initial mendation to the board to financial ohjcctivcs lhc ottlicprist t0 he WhaleVer lime Oi year that help is needed You can know that Block will be there H8R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 15 Dunlop St Open run run weekdays 95 Sat Phone 7263822 OPEN TONITE N0 APPOINTMINT NECISSARY our money to solve the cancer puzzle Cancer IS tough and expenswe puzzle to solve Still there are missmg pieces Pieces that only but some of the pieces are coming together research can ill into place And its going to take more money Please give generously when your Cancer Seeier calls rm 50 II Al SEARS GeargiunMaIl DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS ALSO IN CANADA TRUST BY APPOINTMENT 9i OUNlOP ST Now nearly totu of skin cancer IS curable Almost all cases 01 cancer of the cerVix can be cured when diagnosed early Weve proven We know cancer will be beaten cancer IS not contagious or hereditary Whats it worth to you CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Deweys Daredevi ls Deweys Dartdevils group of neighborhood onngstcrs practise swing flips tit Archie Goodall Park ttlllitl this week FIOIII Icft they arc locy Quail indy Itaniszi Ihbliir Quail Stcvc Hans and Kim Hurts The time litn practising every lay says manager urtis Durham and they pill to put on it demonstration Iiitcr in thc spring IHIIIIHI Photo for your Volkswagen Honda Reasonable rates licensed mechanics EGON MOTORS 204 Shanty Bay ltd 7313791 Firestone BSETLErELD RADIAL 500 Three ministers meeting Tuesday to receive briefs and answer questions Buchanan and Mls Boss Milne tPeelDufferinSimcoc cover in city esd Three federal cabinet governmentcloscrtolhcprwiplc ministers and three backbench of Canada Liberal members of Parlia The meeting will be held at pm at the Continental Inn on Dunlop Street west of Highway Participating will be agriculture minister Eugene Whelan consumer affairs minister Tony Abbot public Judd ing much of the area irn mediater southwest of Bill riei Aidecn Nicholson Trinity in Metro Toronto and Bob Daudlin tKentEssext Bud Cullen manpower and immigration minister had opening of the European styling provides the ultimate in handling on all kinds of road surfaces Radial construction insures less tread squirming for easier handling and improved gas mileage Two steel stabilizer belts increase resistance to impact and punctures The two radial plies of polyester provide smooth soft ride ment will attend public works minister been expected but will be unable to attend The cabinet ministers will also attean bcarpit sessions with local high school students and meet with variety of groups and organizations in thr area Upholstery Supply Shop Expert assistance plus great selection of 54 upholstery vinyls by the yard at substantial savings including full vincial agriculturc ministrys range 0f Trims and accessories office in Elmvalc BR78I3 BR78l4 ER78I4 FR78I4 GR78I4 thlan will have bearpit scs sions with students at Barrie Central killcgiate and Elmvalc Secondary School address the iillia Rotary flub and meet with milk producers at the prrr Buchanan will meet with Barrie city council to discuss local concerns preside at thr pm openingof thc new federal Juilding on Mon Street and have hcarpit session at EastvicwSecondary School Abbot will apicar on to am open linc iow on IKItIt radio addrcss the Barrie Lions and Kiwanis clubs meet with Stores nlo St Barrie 7371510 1839 GR78IS NR7815 JR7815 lR78l5 agriculture directors and have bcarpit session at Iiarric No it Collegiate use Organizers say the visit IS 11 no one fifth in series of minr Hwy 26 27 st CREDIT 9mg caucuscs in various corn mUnitics dcsignrd to bring MMum