Gryphons artistic director Recognition follows Follows By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Writer Subscribers to the Gryphon Theatre Companys 1977 summer season can get tickets to five shows for the priccoffour Cost of seat for evening performances of the five shows is $20 lower level 316 lower level or $10 upper level The saving through subscription is equivalent to one free ticket Because of the success of last years matinees the company has decided to add second afternoon show per production this season The On this weekend The Gryphon Theatre Companys summer season is fast approaching and subscriptions are selling at healthy clip Ted Follows the theatres new artistic director was in Barrie this week to meet with members of the Georgian Guild He is with endy Hicks left publicity chairman for the Georgian Foundation for the Performing Arts and Dora Sutherland subscription chairman Examiner Photo Five for price of four matinees are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursday and their subscription rate is 88 all seats forthe five shows For further infonnation call the Georgian Foundation for the Performing Arts box officcat72l+16111 Ted Follows is somebody people know without knowing If the face seems familiar its because Follows has often appeared on television notably as the star of the CBC television series McQueen His voice however is even more distinc tive When he speaks certain cheddar on the other hand those stripes comes immediately to mind Recognition from that commercial folloWs him across the country Follows told full house at Georgian Guild luncheon this week at the Continental liiti With snap of the fingers and the exclamation those stripes people identify him without knowing him Barrie residents are going to know him for different reason this summer Follows is the new artistic director for the Gryphon Theatre Company replacing Sean Mulcahy cheese commercial GOING WELL The luncheon this week served to introduce him to members of the Georgian Guild and to kickoff the companys subscription cam paign for the summer season Subscriptions are running about 50 per cent above last years figure to this point reports subscription chairman Dora Sutherland Follows may be best known from televi sion but his roots are in the theatre Its been my livelihood for 30 years in this coun try he said Hes been director before but never an tisitc director My interest in becoming an artistic direc tor liad sharpened over the last couple of years but didnt want to move that far away he is based in Toronto When Barrie came up it seemed unique opportunity to run theatre and see if like it Follows who got his start in theatre in Muskoka says he also has warm feelings for the whole regin another reason for his decision He will move to Barrie with his wife ac Grecnhalgh and tress Dawn childrcu early in June The Gryphon Theatre summer program will consist of five plays The first Jan dc llartogs The Four presented 11in to at the Georgian College Theatre Then come Athol Fuards People Are Living There week of July 18 Lawrences The DaughterinLaw Aug either Luv by Murray Schisgal or George Bernard Shaws Candida Aug 15 and Alan Ayckbourns How The Other Half Loves Aug 29 CASTING Follows said he hopes to have all the plays cast by the time he arrives Among the actors hes already approached are Eric House Nuala FitzGerald and Joan Orenstein although they are not signed yet Im trying to use actors in two plays if can he said deal He is the third man to hold the position since the start of the Gryphon Theatre in 1970 One of Follows longterm goals is exten sion of the play runs would like to see us run longer than week in the summermaybe open Friday and play two weekends It seems an awful shame to work that hard on play and only have it run week Its terrible waste of talent Follows himself intends to act in two plays and has two roles in mind for his wife He will direct the other three productions The new artistic director says hes entering the job with the expectation of returning if the board likes me and like the board Im not approaching it as oneshot LONGER SEASON One of the things would like to see hap pen perhaps in the future is extending our season into the winterbecoming more than summer theatre Follows describes himself as different kind of director an actor who directs believe in creating an atmosphere in which actors can flourish The hardest part of the work is done in the discussion of scene designing and casting He expects rofessionaiism and en thusiasm from is actors and discipline and organi7ation from the people who work with him behind the scenes their four The 1977 season in his view will be our most adventurous and demanding yet with range of depth and playwriting spanning the globe For me the principal aim of any theatre is to make its audience laugh and to make its audience crywe shall give you season full of laughs and few tears Elmvole booms ot syrup festival time ELMVALF This village of 1200 is bracing for an influx of visitors which could multiply its population tenfold Saturday Who are these stars this scene appeared lll Janc Send your answer to Movie trivia The IIxaminer liox 370 Barrie Ont ltl llti By IAll DELIIAN lXZtllIllltl Staff Writer snowbound piaiit dominates the cover of the latest Supcrtramp album liven in The Quictest MoiiiciitsA and SI4tt1 Its more than decoration The piano forttells shift in musical emphasis for the band movie trivia We had to reach back little farther than last week to make this one bit more difficult Rtatlcrs are asked to identify both actors and the movie Winner of our second contest is Jill Clark of Steel Street She correctly identified the second weeks movie trivia stars as being Georgi Segal and Jane Fonda iii Fun Willi Dick and She will receive pass for two to the Imperial Theatre tor the annual Elmvale Maple Syrup Festival Bus rides to the sugar bushes main street pedestrian mall Deleon on records Snowbound piano more than deco and its bound to surprise Supertranips multitude of Canadian fans Moments is collection of basically slow meditative songs On its previous albums Crime Of The Century and Crisis What Crisis Super tramp had mixed fast and slow material That formula suc horscandteam rides small parade midway rides and an alllay pancake breakfast will be featured during the cclcbrtr tioii and chairman Doii Thompson says organizers are expecting 1tt0 to 13000 visitors it the weather proves cooperat ivc The festival got underway this past Saturday with thc maple syrup ball and the crowning of Brenda Staiiiiiicrs 17yearold Woodland Beach resident as festival quccii Alita Wognarski 10 of Orr Lake is princess Saturdays activities begin at 111 with pancakes and pure maplc syrup going on sale in the community ball through 01310 111 Cost isSl Mupiccc Bus trips to the sugar bush lcavc the mall area from 10 iii to 334 pm and cost 73 cciits apiece free for youngsters who sit on their parciits laps The price in chides look at bolli old fashioned and modern tech niqiics of creating one gallon of syrup from tt to 40 gallons of water maple sap plus ride by horse and team between two sugar bush areas MANY IIXIIIBIIORS The opcnrair mail will fcaltltt more than five lOlCll cxhibitors of arts crafts and bakcd goods tricks bytthIl dog Thor lOLSllllg contest among local politicians begin ning at pm and per toriiianccs by local school and senior citizen choirs Admission is frcc Simcoe County Warden Allan Glassford will officially open the program at pm and miniparadc will follow Maple syrup inspected by representative of the provincial agriculture ministry to ensure good quality will be on sale for $10 gallon The festival originated in 1060 under the simnsorship of four church groups the villages chaiiibci of commerce and the local Lions Tlub The founding groups pulled out of thc opcia tioii after the 1000 festival and the event has been run by an in dependent committee since then The festival has grown both in scopc and financially from profit of 3484 iii 1000 to $4000 or $3000 annually in more recent years lrocccds have gone toward library building reconstruction of the village irciiti after its destruction by firc and other community pro jccts The festival goes through to to 50 gallons of syrup 30 pounds of butter quarts of milk and more than 500 pounds of pan cakciiiixannually and the arts ploy big part Hy MLRIIIL LICICIIIR Last Monday afternoon and evening was preliminary com petition night for the IIliiivalc Maple Syrup Talent Show com ing up Friday at pin Through the past two years IIlmvale Collegiate auditorium has been filled to overflowing with interested spectators for the big event And so far for all the events the crowds have exceeded last years audiences More than 35 competitors vied for first second or third place in five different categories hoping that they cessful enough to sell 000000 copies of those two records in kinada has been abandoned The change is not only siir prising but disappointing There are no moments of mu sical excitement on this album to match the frantic piano solo on School Crime The Cen tury the infectious guitar of would be chosen to appear in the big talent show Friday evening There were solo artists dancers accordionists guitarists ballet daiiccrs magician and moiiologuist And there were group acts with as many as 10 performers all trying to look iliSllHl and professional as they twirlcd batons did Clll tap routines or modern lance with message The pcrforiiicrs ranged in age lrom years to adtilt and they came from Stroud Allistoii tap Sister Moonshine Crisis or the passionate vocals of The Mcair iiig Crisis Moments is an album devoid if any real highlights Coni poscrs Roger llodgsoii and Richard Davies are in fitie voice and the bands musician ship is of the usual high st an dard all thats lacking is lch supertramp Thomson Benberg Helltwell ltodgson Davies Barrie Orillia Midland as well as Illmvalc The four adjudicators will be icady to choose the top per ond ELMVALE Staffr 1907 steam tractor owned by Barrett Muir of Oro will be par ticipating in the lilmvalc Maple Syrup festival parade hereon Saturday Along with the parade the spark The album ends and youre still waiting for it Perhaps it comes on concert lWo of the songs Lover Boy and Fools Overture seem to be struggling to break loose on the album They could be electrify ing in live performance where Supertramp has proven its worth Rock fans in Western Canada are finding out Supertramp is currently in the midst of nine stop tour of the Prairies IOUSEIIIIIARI RAND The band name is mouthful but then the music is an carful speak of The Pousettelart Band Bostonbased quartet with topnotch second album Amnesia Capitol SW11608 The group name is the legacy of Jon PousetteDart the lead singer and composer of nine of 10 sons on the album If he sounds like the creative force behind the hand its only because he iswthc one song he didnt write is the weakest on the record Pousettelart Band music is pleasingly lowkey mix of folk pop and country Its lightweight but consciously and carefully so The lyrics are deceptively former in each classificat ion on Friday marking them in order of ability sliowmaiisliip slagc tlplXillttllCt1111l potential po rode lClmvalc festival will feature bus trips to area maplc bushes where maple syrup is made midway rides animal llO loga sawitig contest and otlici tllltl tainmciit It will wind up with square dance simple they can be apprec iated iiioic with every listcii ing The album features both fast and slow numbers all the right length at about three minutes none straying from the bands acoustic style The album is enhanced throughout by subtle use of syn thesizers horns piano banjo and slide guitar Producer Norbert Putnam has obviously done his homework with this band and it may be that louwtteDart will soon be headlining shows instead of opening the bill for acts like Yes and Peter Franip ton The Moody Blues quest for musical sophistication these last 10 years has had mixed results There has been some fine work So Deep Within You Nights in White Satin Lost llorimn and some truly pom pous productions 11iDcai Diary Isnt Love Strange The tendency toward over elaboration and lyric significance made lot of Moody Blues efforts sound pretentious Its high time somebody took little air out of their balloon Barrie Boys Choir in education week concert Barbara McCann director of the Barrie Boys Choir leads the 10 boys from area schools through rehearsals twice week The choir started two years ago will be among several groups participating in concert Sunday at Barrie Central Collegiate The concert will open education week iii Barrie and area and will show the growth of music Best primary choir Oakley Park junior choir and combined In nisfil schools intermediate choir will participate in the program along with high school bands and choirs Examiner Photo to open Angles tor anglersi six weekends of intensive iiistruc tioii in the finer points of fishing in the rich central Ontario heartland is the basis of new educational course oftercd this spring at Georgian lcaks iicar lhornbury Best known as ski resort Georgian Peaks this year broadens its already ambitious summer recreation program with the addition of these spr ing and fall sessions for novice and expert fisherman alike Under the expert guidance of veteran outdoorsmaii and angler Tiny Bciinett the courses from the Georgian Peaks Angling Academy will cover the techniques of both strain and lake fishing in seriesof six weckciid sessions Based at the ski slopcs modern facilities the courses will take students to the ex ccllciit fishing grounds of near by rivcrs and Georgian Bay lll search of Rainbow Spccklctl and Brown Trout for the river fishermen Coho and Chinook Salmon for the deep watcr lolccs Cost of tlic tOlllSt is $00 which includes local guides on tliccxpcdit ions Siiiglotltiy trips availablc for both lake and stream tislicriiicii Course registration will bc this Satiir day at icorgian lcaks Golliord Ensemble concert llic Galliard ICiisciiilli trio ot young aiiaditiii iiitisi ciaiis ll makc stop at tbc Barrie Public Library lucsday as part of si library tour of tlicaicii llrica Goodman Douglas lcriy and Robcrl Hick have toured cxtciisivcly 111 England and across Canada receiving critical acclaim for their pcr foriiiaiiccs lhcir it pm progiaiii iii Barr ric will include coiiiposilioiis lorbiirptltitctiiid iolzi 111ltt liioaiiiltrioiriaiigciiiciits llii coiiccit Is trcc llic library tour has been simiisorcil by the Georgian Bay Regional Library System with tlic assistance of tlic uticacli pro gram of tlic ministry of ciiltiirc iiid iccictit ioii are also ration but you dont expect the hands lead singer guitarist and most identifiable member to do the job ltistiii Hayward has none thclcss done just that with his first solo album Songwriter DcramLoiidonIICS10073 Production on this record is stark in comparison with Moody iiitics efforts The sound is more acoustic the lyrics more direct the songs general ly simpler Its quite tur nabout but Hayward makes it work Thats not to say that Songwriter bears little rc semblance to Moody Blues album The similarity is great even with the humbler prescn tation Hayward may have been just per cent of the group but hes about 80 per cent of its distinctiveness and where he ocs the Moody Blues sound ollows He also recruited Moodies producer Tony Clarke for good measure Doin Time Oiic Lonely Room and the twopart title tune stand out among the albums 10 selections all apparently based on llaywards dreams weekend notebook tonight Spring Walks will be held at the Wye Marsh Highway 12 Midland beginning at 630 pm Free and open to the public Wear warm clothing The Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian legion Barrie is holding euchre at pm at the Legion Hall 410 St Vincent St Admission is $1 Prizes lunch and bar Everyone is welcome The Oro tH Dairy and Beef Clubs will hold their organizational meeting at 815 pm in the Guthrie Public School bingo will be held by the Knights of Columbus at the Embassy Hall Early bird bingo starts at 730 and regular bingo starts at 8pm frloay The Matchmaker fouract play by Thornton Wilder will be presented by the Barrie District Central Collegiate Drama Club at pm Science Fair for elementary school children will be held at East view Secondary School from 15 to 10 pm There will be dance at the Churchill Community Hall sponsored by the United Church stewards Tickets are $4 each and include buffet The Huroniatitest Simcoe banquet for the Dairy Herd Improvement Association is scheduled for pm in the Minesing Community Hall This is the annual awards banquet There will be special film screened at the Wye Marsh on Highway 12 at Midland The free film will be shown from 730 to 930pm Call 5267809 for further information The Cookstown Senior Citizens Club will hold euclire at it pm Admission is 73 cents Good prizes may be won and refreshments will be served dance will be held in the Churchill Community Hall sponsored by the United Church Stewards lebbs orchestra will provide the music talent show will be held in Elmvale at pm as part of thc IIltiivale Maple Syrup Festival This is the last day for registration in the Royal Life Saving Society inst ructors course being given by the Red Cross at the Midland May and and May 13 and Phone linylc George at 7267470 for more informal ion 0S1 Marys Catholic Womens League will hold rum mage sale from 030 to pm at the church on Amelia St reel seminar on Courtesy the third in series sponsored by the Bahais of Barrie will be held at pm in the Municipal Savings oniiiiuiiity Room 3rd floor Owen St The public is invited saturday field trip sponsored by the Brercton Field Naturalist Club will be held starting at am at Centennial Park in the south parking lot Roz Barden will be the leader Take lunch For more information call Vivian Bell at 7205283 Barrics Alcoholics Anonymous groups will hold spring ltlllllllp at the Continental lnii beginning at am and ending at 11 pm spiritual panel will start at 10 um young peoples panel at 130 pm and an Alaiioii panel at pm banquet and speaker are scheduled for pm The Annual Spring Fling dance sponsored by the Barrie Booiiicraiigs camping club will be held at the Hi View Plaza at pm $950 couple bar buffet and prizes daiicc and dinner will be held by Parents Without Partners at the Holiday lnii Ken Heron social worker with the Childrens Aid will be guest speaker Cocktail hour begins at Spin and dinner at The Ildgar llall Board is ijiiisoring lance iii the Edgar Hall The Barrie North ollcgiatc Band will hold tag day at major shopping areas in Barrie from 030 to pm rumiiizigc sale will be held at Collier Strch United Tiurch ltllSlllp Hall from am to noon Auspiccs UCW An arts and crafts bake sale will beheld at the Womens Institute Ilall above library from 1030 am to pm in Allistoii It is SllISIltl by Adelcc to raise funds for iccicatiioiial activities for the trainees Achievement Day will be held at the Midland Secon dary School for some members of the North Siiiicoc County 4H girls clubs How to Entertain will be the theme of the skits and dctiionstrationsbeginning at 1piii The annual Spring Dance of the YoikSiiiicoc Jersey Club is scheduled for pm in the lower ball of the Stroud Complex The public is welcome ottons are Smart is the theme of the Achievement Day to be held at the Churchill Hall by the 4H Homemaking Club Macrame will be taught in the Annex of the Barrie Public Library by Ayla Dciiiiray and Dianne Augiistsm starting at pm There is no admission fee The lIllDVttlt Maple Syrup Festival will be held from am to 030 pm The day features pancakes and maple syrup at the hall totirs to the sugar bush pcdcstraiti mall midway rides and farm animal Zoo An Open House in honor of the 02nd Wedding An niversary of Mr and Mrs Morrow of Holly will be held from lo pm at 112iatiBlvd Barrie The Barrie District Stamp Club will hold its 1701 annual exhibition and course at St Georges hurcb Hall from 10 2322 oopin Admission is free Hikers interested in going on iiinciiiiit hikc of the Bruce Trail are asked to be at the Duntroon Community Centre at 10 am Take lunch and binoculars Contact lack Portc of olliiigwood at 4450303 for further information Plans for entering ponies iii the HoofBeat at Molsons Park will be discussed at the annual springdiniier of the Tri County Draft Pony Association at pm at the Driftwood Restaurant on Highway 11 The Science Fair for elementary school children at Eastview Secondary School continues today from 10 to noon sunday former Dalston minister will speak at the youth SCI vice at Dalston United Church at 1015 Rev Bob Bell of UlllOlHlllt will be assisted in the service by Mch and Audrey Richardson Court Kempenfelt 1337 of the Independent Order of Foresters will hold its Easter Family Party at the Sunnidale Community Centre from to pm All members are welcome The Angus Lions Club Flea Market will be held fitnii 12 10011 to pm on Highway 90 Angus tho examiner Thursday Aprll 141977 11 TTYTTTrjVTTTTTTT