Banie OPP Constable Bill Frachette one of three District constables to work with the K55 can freeze the recorded speed an oilcoining car is travelling by pUshing the button Can beat Fuzzbusters OPPs K55 Challenger new threat to Speeders By SLIC OLTLIIFII Examiner Staff Reporter Ontario Provincial Police have new weapon against speeding drivers The KSS Challenger clocks speeds of incoming cars at distances of up to mile and quarter awayein moving police cruiser The KSS computes speeds of both cruiser and oncoming cars to catch speeders And it has movable beam that can trace speeds of cars travelling on highway while patrol car sits beside the road Harrics PP district head quarters has three of the units valued at $2000 each inc is us ed in Bradford the second in tirillia and the third in the Bar riearea Moving radar units arent new says Traffic Sgt Andy Austin Barrie already has two nthe Elli7 and the Speed tiunt But the K35 says Austin is an improvement Some of the interference we had on the other units has been oirected with the K65 he says Iltltl The beam arcs out to catch moving mass and then bounces back to the computer in the unit says Austin which subtracts the difference between the cruiser speed and Ihat of tlic mass it has picked up While inovning the K75 tracks speeds of all cars com lIlLZ in the opposite direction Stationary the unit shows the aigil speeds of cars lll both directions Constable lirank Bondi one of three Iiillttls who use the uiiit says the K63 is reyolu tionary Youve clocked someones speed while youre moving in enough time to be stopped and waiting for them when they reach you he said If the car youve picked is going fast the beam will bounce off the car and back It the screen as fast he added Before taking out the unit Constable llondi says officers must check the unit with run ing fork and do other tests ne facet of the machines is volumecontrol What youre hearing is th speed of the car coming at you said on table lioiidi referring to high clocked on the unit pitched buzz Bllf CS ICI If someone is really moving and we pick them up on the becomes screen the noise piercing scream The rate of speed can be determined by the sound says The higher Constable Bondi the speed the higher the tone Being able to clock speeds without chasing speeders is an added safety plus says fon stable ifillfll If youre after someone go Show Your Best Side Beautify your home with weatherproof aluminum siding ORKSIMCOE Painswick Ont Call 7262017 if busy 7286892 03609 5005 Residential and Commercial Fencing Specialiling in custom fence systems ing 85 mph youve got two cars on highway going if and something could happen to one of those cars he said We dont have to travel the same speed as the person were tracing he said The danger is cut down Another valuable feature of the K35 says Constable llondi is its ability to avoid detection by Iiuxzbustcr All you do is tip the beam up or down so the luzzbuster cant pick it up he said Then at the last minute you point it straight at the car By the time the lUYIitlltl detects our radar heaiii hes beenclocked And drivers who challenge the claim they were going certain speed are in for sur prise The KSS can frmrc the clocked speed and its memory system can produce that speed miriuteslater MOST REFINE lwo of the drivers stopped yesterday came to the cruiser to look at the speed said Constable Bondi always iii vite tlic driver to see proof of the speed he was going but most refuse Use of the K35 in Huntsville has already had marked it feel on traffic says lonstablt iondi The KTifi is just to inches wide eight inches deep and ont he holds here The small console mounted on the dashboard far left is the K55 Examiner Photo and third inches high dif ficult to detect on cruiser dashboard Drivers in Huntsville are slowing down when they see any cruiser because they dont know which car has the K55 said tonstablc Hondi letting drivers to slow down is the purpose of the as well as all other radar units says Sgt Andy Austin Were trying to slow them down he said Its proven fact that if you redure speed you reduce the number of ac cidents and you reduce the seyerity of those accidents that dotitttil He says foo many people dont understand the purpose of radar NUT SllCICI IItAlS Speed trapsl abhor that term he said You shouldiit use the word trap because we dont use it as such Barries district head quarters covers 11 detachments in District all of which are in volved in traffic planning They will come up with the hazardous areas in their area and these are the areas we try to concentrate on he said But then theres the other hand where you get complaints from the public about certain places they want radar put This is where we get criticism youre damned if you do and youre damned if you dont hesaid We try to work it the best way we can Despite reports to the con trary the City public works department is NOT par ticipating in spring cleanup program Neil Fox public works superintendent said today The department has run such cleanups in the past but cancelled the program last year due to lack of public cooperation However Fox said the department is picking up leaves this week and next because early snowfall wiped out leaf pickup in the fall Residents may lace leaves on the boulevar for pickup but are cautioned not to in clude branches brush or other material in the leaves The department picks up other items not included in regular garbage collection old refrigerators tires fur niture building materials and the likcLAiby appointment throughout the year Fox said The service applies on No spring cleanup by city this year ly to residential areas and is limited to half dumptruck load per household Once an appointment is made residents may leave the trash on the boulevard at the appointed time Leaving such trash on boulevards without an ap pointment is forbidden by ci ty bylaw Fox said NOT FOR BRANCHES The special pickup service does not apply to tree bran ches or stumps which residents must take to the ci tys sanitary landfill site or dispose of privately Normal twiceweekly gar bage pickup operated by private contractor covers anything which can be fitted into garbage can bag or compact bundle not ex ceeding 60 pounds in weight or three feet in any dimen sion Collection is limited to to such bundles twice week per household Spill being cleaned up following truck crash Officials from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment are cleaning up spilled oil from tractortrailer involved in singlevehicle accident Monday night say Midland ll tiil leaked from 45000 lbs of drums contained in truck driven by Richard Parker of Sault Ste Marie and owned by McKayitt Trucking Co of Thunder Bay il covers part of Highway 69 about six miles north of Waubaushcne where the acci dent occurred Iolicc say Parker was driv ing northbound on Highway 69 near 630 pm Monday when he had blowout The tractor trailer went out of control and crashed into natural rock wall on the side of the road Wall to wall Rugs Furniture 12 CARPET 205 DUNLOP um ruins mic If youre looking for supersavings on the most famous sewing machines in the world cmon along If you re looking for supersavmgs on handy sewing notions and fine fashion fabrics cmon along If youre looking for supersavi Cmon along to SaleA hon For supersavings on everything at Singer THE DIANA ELECTRONIC MACHINE Select your stitch tour ll IUllllrl rind IGCIIUVIICUIIl ll cams on Ijlii flow It Ifilli illzJlil put corriplete selection of lltllll Ill Iig mi stretch straight and Ilenrirrifim Slilflt in NH fingertip Sew Simply errin CMON ALONG IO SALEAIHONI Ulitf Iriiiir rili with Diana Complete With COWHit Urn freq xi12 ri AVE GEORGIAN MALL BARRIE 7287960 on powerpacked vacuum cleaners cmon along SUPERSAVINGS EVERYTHING pirirtir ril THE FASHION MATE ZIGZAG MACHINE sew anything packed for value Straight and rig zag stitching plus needle posrtions let you make buttonholes machine feature sow on buttons 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Rotor Gap Voltage PickupReluctor Gap Heat Riser Valve Manifold Vacuum Exhaust Emissaon System PCV Valve Air El Fuel Filters All Hoses and Belts Additional Parts and Installation Extra Bayfield Mull Hayfield St Hwy 27 Two sought by police These composite drawings by the Barrie OPP are of two men wanted in connection with Fridays early moniing hold up of Barrie cabdriver Alfred Cunning Police say the man on the left is about 24 years old stands five feet eight inches and weighs 140 lbs He has lightcolored hair that reaches below the ears The second man is 27 stands five feet six in ches weighs 160 lbs and has sandycolored wavy hair and foreign accent Both were last seen wearing dark green jackets jeans and blue black socks and shoes Anyone see ing these men should contact police at 7296484 Pension Plans Life Insurance Disability Income Annuities on an Indivrdual or Group basis Rayner McCullough Chartered Life Underwriter Phone 266515 110 Dunlop St Suite 301 IMPERIAL COVOIS ou for life 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