CW 13 the examiner Tuesday April 12 1977 ataglanoe lts fingerlicking good maybe even fingereating good to judge by the look on the face of Tara Signorclli of Angus Tara was sampling piece of tafty Sunday at the Tiffin ton servatiou Area here maple syrup production it as being demonstrated for the final time this year by employees of the rittawasaga Valley onseriatioii Authority Examiner Photo Trudy Mulder Grade student at St Monicas school was recently presented with plaque for being the safety patroller of the month for leliruary Doug ltenault safety patroller chairman for the Kinsmen club made the presentation tlIxaiiiiiicr Photo Pam ltajiiai of Harrie puts doberman Windrusli eiiteiiiiial through his paces prior to lluronia Kennel luh dog show competition Saturday at the Barrie oiiiitry lub Wiiitlrusli Centennial joined hundreds of other dogs for the twoday competition which assembled some of the classiest canines in the province Examiner Photo The doctor says No weight loss by laxative By GC TllOSTESON MI Dear Dr Thosteson My friend takes laxative every day in order to keep her weight down Ido not knowthe name of her laxative Nor do know the amount She maintains she can eat all of anything she wishes then avoid the weight gain by taking the laxative do not believe this will work and ain quite sure there must be harm in doing this dont know how to explain the dangers to her Can you helpMrs Tell her shes likely to end up being the fattest gal on the hospital ward dont know how long it will take but be assured this method of weight loss will mean trouble sooner or later wonder sometimes how these ideas get around but they usually follow pattern will hear from one reader about nutty scheme and dismiss it as an isolated asc Then along come other letters describing the same scheme almost word for word It was that way with the vomiting technique where person forces vomiting to get rid of the food enjoyed There is just no way person is going to lose weight by using laxatives and for very basic reason Laxatives act on the lower part of the digestive tract which contains chiefly the residue of food eaten By the time it arrives there most of the nutrients Iiave been ab sorbed into the system There might be some water loss dont think have to remind you tor her that continued use of laxatives is bad news for rcc tal muscles and in the end will probably lead to severe coii stipation dont like to answer letters about what soniebodys friend is doing or not doing But Id like to squelch this idea in the bud and save others from the possible bad con sequences Dear Dr lliosteson have trouble with colored lights over my right eye Once in while they will start in the centre of my eye and move to the comet College try flun Ntllllll 12 ll It In it isi IJASI AJIUIIHJ 5734 9J7 VKQloi ti i17i1 aKiiii SUI lll III 5134 Both lllnlldlllt est orlh llast South lass It lass lis liss tipeiiing litid 7V By Oswald James laeoby South won the spade lead with the king and prickly counted nine sure tricks made up of three spades fotii diamonds and the other two aces He didnt stop to see ex actly how to be sure of these nine and simply led olit the ace and jack of diamonds West took his king and shifted to the jack of hearts Trouble had reared Its ugly head South held off with dum flickering all the time My eye will feel dry and drawn after wards My eye doctor cannot find anything wrong Any sugges tions The attacks come usually about two in the mor ning Mrs EJ Undoubtedly the eye has been checked for eye pressure and glaucoma ruled out With only one eye affected there is possibility it is form of ocular migraine You dont mention headache but it is possible to have this without any headache involved The latenight attacks could be result of day of unusual stress or emotional set Ari other possibility is iseasc of the vitreousmthc jellylike sub stance within the eyeball It can affect the retina and account for sight disturbance which you say accompanies these at tacks Your eye doctor would prob ably have discounted these pos sibilities You might consult an internist or neurologist about the migraine possibility NOTE TO IWlts uti fortunate that your two doctors differ with regard to such an important step as prostate surgery and the need for it iii your But frankly feel you are jumping to conclusions when you say one wants to cut just for thesakeofeulting As unsettling as it can be for the patient an honest dif ference of opinion can be mighty valuable process in medicine lint you dont have to flip mental coin about what to do The answer is simple let thirdopinion Dear Dr Ihostcson am ill and have worn truss for the last two years because of tier iiia Is there much risk in sur gery at my age Would like to get away from the truss RA At 80 surgery of any kind poses certain amount of risk cant comment not knowing your general physical II dilioti If you get along well with the truss see no nerd lol ati opcrat ioii ks iiiys ace but the suit was con tinned ind duiiiiiiy lllltl to win the Hunt liutl Souths lIIilt tricks had litell reduced to eight sillcc llltll was no way to score three Spades and four diamonds but South did give it the old college try lle cashed his ourens of diamonds and spades and led club toward diiiiiiiiys queen lnforliinato ly for South llast held the king and the defense actually made six tricks little early thought would haw saved Souths contract All he had to do was to cash his tiiieen of spades littott leading the second diamond The defense Would still be able to shift to hearts but South would be able to discard his queen of diamonds on the ace oi spades and unblock thi suit JMSJKISHwOWC llawaii reader wants to know if husband and Wllt ever woii the Vanderbilt tiip The answer decided Yes Iii Itlilt the team ol lily llltl Josephine tnllrertsoit lcd Lightner and laldcinai voii ZltllWIlY won An in tensting feature is that lily and lo did not play as partners on that team daily crossword ACROSS 38 Ink writing Instrument Legend 39 Make into law Zest 41 Western hemisphere Breckenridge organization 12 Hawaiian 42 Burdened island 46 Automotive 13 Flowmg blade socrety abbr 14 Fitting return 47 Old expletive 15 Buzz 49 Get by force 16 Greek letter 50 Fish sperm 17 Island of exile SI Shoe 18 Female owne 52 Piece of com 19 Appears 53 Genus of 21 Girls name maples 22 Strengthen 54 Noted levee 55 Artificial col 24 Lynctsts bring 26 Here exrsts 56 Weather contr bureau abbr 28 Prig 29 Raw metal DOWN 3O Humbug 31 Genetic Grass cutter material Hebrew God abbr Steal 32 Possesswe Ben pronoun PIUS 33 Pump Facrlity 35 Ticketends Priggish 01 to Answer to Prevtoiis PitIll Madame abbr Hnllercd 10 Repayment ll Second Presnlent 19 Strictesl 20 Biidded 23 Wears away 44 Meme 25 Race taster mm lltmlj 27 Actor Connery 28 Experts 45 COIlll 33 City on the 48 Lair Vltava 50 Actress West 34 Second selling 36 Grass roots 37 Balance 38 Rhymes 40 Four prefix 43 Paiodied 35 oi on to on Astro raph Bernice Bede Osol For Wednesday Aprll 13 1977 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Its possible you could create some problems today either through wishful thinking or impracticality Keep that sharp logic working TAURUS April 20May 20 If you want to stay in the black you must fight your extravagant tendencies Its difficult for you to grasp the value of money today GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Rather than use your splendid intellect youll rely on fortune and Circumstance to bring you through today They wont suf lice CANCER June 21July 22 Be modest today even though theres something youre bursting to boast about Applause will be more sincere if someone else speaks out LEO July 23Aug 22 Its un wise today for either you or your mate to splurge Analyze everything before you buy to see if you can get along without it VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Dont let others make the decisions to day Even though theyre eager to help its probable theyll gum things up for you LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Be careful in your work today not to become so obsessed with detail that you overlook objectives Try to see the big picture ITS MONEY IN THE DRAWER VICTOR has cash register tailored to your business Inquire about the individual Clerk Responsibility and Complete Profit Control lUGlUIOi at Whitfield WINTHROP MARTIAN HIYA FUDDSY THE vvi2Ai=tooi= to LH WHAT DID lldE SAY TO THE DLENW JUST toms Newiv AFTER eouoiii MY NEW CAR MY NEIGHbQR BOUGHT bloom QNE Cagg OFFICE OUTFITTERS 737020 Ablb WAIT AGES FOR one OME FROM WORK NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 RUM COWN IO THE HARDWARE kAiIE PICK UP SOME M0095 TRAPï¬ omitn hutnu Mr II ra vi4 WHILE YOUVE GOT YOUR COAT 0N WOULD You GET SOMECML IN WHAT FIELD ARE YOU IN SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 Dont bank on anothers lavish promises today You may never receive the gift or service he has gliny mentioned SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 If you want something done right away take care of it yourself When the control leaves your hands so do your chances for success CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 To hustle briskly today you shouldnt lay it on too heavy Theyll be disappointed if youre not sincere AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Stay out of stores with desirable merchandise and high price tags BARRIE PLAZA vfleguSPaiOt ism 5A flayWWr BE IN THE PEA B4TCH today Your whims will get the better of your budget PISCES Feb 20Mareh 20 You tend today to be complacent and to treat serious matters Ilttle too tightly This is NOT wise cowsel April 977 This year opportunities may come to you from people youd least expect Be careful not to let the source cause you to pass up valuable opening BEcflus 5M5 DONT TELL THEM witAT THElRE FOR no ia Ms lt DOESNT 5011492 ME ITS AN DONT GLARE AT ME WOMAN COMPLAIN GETTN ERE DONT iiiltE Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanouf service