Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1977, p. 1

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Secret vote seen by striking QPP DRUMMONDVILLE Que CP Quebecs 4200 provincial police officers en tering their seventh day of an illegal strike were meeting with their union resident Oday to discuss the governments Yatest of er Premier Rene Levesque announced in Mon treal Monday that special legislature com mittee could be established to investigate the policemens demandsif the men returned to work linion president Raymond Richard met with governmentappointed negotiator Richard Drouin in Quebec City late Monday and said secret vote will likely be taken on the roposal today striking officers are demanding two man ioundtheclock patrols following the re cent shooting death of fellow constable who Danny Deleil demonstrates with his Father Rejean Sunday in Drummond ville as the Quebec Police Force continues strike against using one officer in patrol car The policemen want two men in the cars at all times Photo was patrolling an area north of Montreal alone Levesque said the governments of fersincluding the implementation of two man patrols between pm and am and in highrisk situationsare better than those en joyed by any other police department in Canada Although Levesque called the strike illegal and unjustifiable he said the adop tion of law ordering an end to the strike has not yet been considered Earlier in the dispute Justice Minister MarcAndre Bedard rejected the unions demand for mediator because he said he felt it would represent capitulation to pressure tactics fThe government is asking policemenwho are responsible for enforcing the lawto respect the law themselves Bedard said union spokesman said talks broke down on Sunday and that no new bargaining sessions have been planned He said both sides just reiterated their positions in negotiations in Quebec City The strikers were praised for their stand by the widows of three officers killed in the last 13 months two of whom were alone on patrol when they died Despite the strike there has been no noticeable rise in crime and there were fewer fatal accidents this Easter weekend than there were last year Five persons died on the unpatrolled highways between Good Friday and midnight Monday night compared with 22 in 1976and 15in 1975 About 200 senior police officers have remained on duty at nine regional stations throughout the province Meanwhile municipal official withdrew an earlier request from the city council for the police to vacate by midnight tonight cultural centre here which they have been using as strike centre The council said in weekend statement that it could not associate itself with an illegal strike by continuing to rent the centre to the union at rate of $1200a day But acting mayor Raymond Luneau said later the uest had no legal basis because the council id not give 48 hours notice before holding special meeting to consider the Silu ation Local merchants who have been making an extra $50000 to $60000 day from the more than 3000 officers protested the councils ac tion Luneau said the policemen have caused no trouble since they began pouring into town last Wednesday Angus club kicks off drive with arena essay contest ANGIJSlie Angus Lions Club will kick off its fundraising campaign for the Angus arena with an eSsay contest for local school children Lee Benharn chairman of the clubs fun draising committee said Tuesday the children will be asked to explain in iooword Jun 80 we limit arms We still have the six million dollar man and bionic woman don we Maple bus tours ELMVALE Staff Bus tours to maple bushes of the area will feature the program for the annual Elmvale syrup festival here on Saturday April 16 The festival program is scheduled to start at am with pancake and syrup breakfasts served in the business section of the village Special entertainment includes farm animal zoo midway rides arts and crafts exhibit and home baking log sawing contest is another program feature along with square dancing local talent show is planned for the eve of the festival on Friday April 13 starting at oclock Stayner Wl programs STAYNER Staff Program plans for the new term will be discussed by members meeting to be held in the public library on Wednesday afternoon starting at 130 oclock Mrs Tasker Grant will preside at the meeting and other recently installed of ficers will be in charge Mrs Connell secretary will read the minutes and Mrs Grant treasurer will present the financial report Mrs Murray is the district director and Mrs Cranslon alternate for the com ing Simcoe West spring meeting at New Lowell on Thursday May 26 Jersey club dance STROUI Staff 77 YorkSimcoe Jersey Cattiemens club will hold its annual spring lance and social in the lower hall of the community centre here this coming Satur day night Members of the committee in charge of arrangements are Royce French Charles Simpson and Len Morison of the Stayner Womens Institute at essay why Essa township needs an arena in Angus The winners will be invited to the Lions Hall Thursday May 10 to receive their prizes and read their essays The object of the contest is publicity publicity and more publicity Benham said We want to educate the public to the fact that the Lions lub has taken over the fun draising for the arena and we want to get it built as soon as possible he said Benham said the public is invited to attend the May 19 meeting and he hopes to release full schedule of fundraising events for the next 12months The committees goal he said is 3150000 Total cost of the arena has been estimated at 5301000 Other sources of money the commit tee is investigating includc grants from the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation and ilic Wintario lottery Benham said the community needs an arena but we have to work for it The committee has received encourag ing signs of support from other organiur tions in Angus he said including the Angus Interest League the Orange Lodge thc Royal Canadian Legion and the True Blue Lodge new Lions Club executive will be install ed this spring Benham said but the member Ship of the arena fundiaising committee will not change Something as important as the arena coni mittee should not change and it Wont change he said Benham added that the committee has sci October 1978 as the deadline to raise$150000 New clerk Newlyappointed clerk of Vespra township Dennis Wilson above of Wasaga Beach succeeds Earl Richardson Mr Wilson said he was pleased with his appointment and will do his best for the township Examiner Photo Oro Conservatives RO STATION Staff New officers will be elected at the annual meeting of the 0m Progressive Conservative Association to be held at the Oro hall on Wednesday evening April 13 Dairy herd awards MINESING Staff Annual awards will be presented to winning dairy cattlemen of West Simcoe at banquet sponsored by the lluronia Dairy Ilerd Improvement Associa tion hereon Friday evening April 15 113thyoarNo 86 Tuesday Aprll 97 16° Per Copy Carder Home Dollvory 85° 36 Page serving barrie and simcoe county Six calls for city firefighters as burning member of the llistoii oliintccr fllt dcpnltiiiciit soaks siiiouldci ing tree stump aftcr grass firc scorched about 10 acres of land flu lhoto miles wcst of Bntcr Fire department officials said the grass fire was Firefighters battle grass fire ALLISION Staff Alliston volunteer firefighters spcnt two hours Monday after noon fighting stubborn grass inc about lit miles west of Baxter Firemen had the binc under control within an hour but they spent an additional hour at the scene soaking iiol spots and trees which continued to flarc up Thick black siiiokc could bc sccn up to fivc miics from ilic sccnc of thc fire which scorv chtl about loacrcs of land just west of oun ty Road 10 According to Allislon dcput firc chicf Am llcydoii thc area had been rcforcstcd last year by the provnicial ministry of natural resources Ilowcvcr few of lhc ncw trots wcrc lost he said ilcydon said the fire was started by spark from picnic fllt started by spark from Mississauga mans picnic fire Examiner Mississauga man who refused to be iden tificd said spark from his picnic fire was responsible for the grass fire The land is owned by his brotherinlaw Firemen had to work quickly when they ar rived at the scene because the blazc had already scorched most of the 10 acres and thrcatcncd to engulf wooded area to the north and west of lhc rcforcstcd land Wants special prosecutor appointed to probe JFK WASIIINHION lAli ltllflltl Spriiglic who rcsigncd as llltl counscl tor llic liousc oi chrcscuttilivcs issnssiiuitions comriiitlcc said Monday lrcsidcnl tiiilcr should appoint special prosecutor to Ill vcsligtitc the killings of iilsidcnt John Kciincdy and civil rights lcudcr Marlin Luthcr King Ir Sprnguc said lic docs not bclicvc llu llouw coiiiiniltcc can gcl the facts in cilhcr zisszissi nation bccausc it is political animal lhcy ttOllllllllltt iiicuibcrsi play to what they belicvc to lit thc public will hc told ncws coiilcicncc They play to what llicy Removed stitches MARION Ala lAli white doctor cuscd of rcuioving frcsh slitchcs from thi injurcd arm of black youth when thc boy could not pay his $25 lcc was oidcrcd on Monday to pay $5000 Ill damages jury of scvcn wiutcs and live blacks heard about five hours of tcsliniony in the $50000damagc suit and thcn dclilxralcd for an hour and ininutcs lhcy ordcrcd lir Bobby Mcrkic to pay 141 ycziivold Mclvin Armstrong $5000 In the first trial last ycnr nu tlllrWllllt jury awarded Armstrong oi lTniontown ti judgincnl of $20 against Mcrklc also of Uniontown The yoiilh whosc arm had bccn severely cut was treated later by anothcr doctor whosc fee was $20 Mcrklc was ccnsuicd by the Mcdiczil Association of Alabama and put on proba tion for onc ycnr iBIanguages TORONTO Ii lhc anadian Radio television and Iclccommunicat ions Com mission will examine multilingual broad casting in Canada as the result of an ap plication from Toronto company to sci up television station that Would providc pro grams in 18 languages Dan Iannuzzi founder of Multilingual Television Ltd said the proposed Toronto station CFMTTV would broadcast minimum of 70 hours week of multilingual rogramming in rimctimc hours and in 18 anguages inclut ing English New in birth control CHICAGO Router pellet implanted under the skin which provides three years of birth control protection is ready for testing in humans says Dr Gopi Gupta of the Population Council research organization Dr Gupta said the pellet which might be used by both men and women dissolves slowly releasing small amounts of the birlli control hormonc rogcstin iiilo lhc syslcm It is superior to ic pill in that at any time the amount of hormone used is smaller reducing the possibility of side effects he said About the size of grain of ricc the pellet bclicvc will be good prcss and good headlines Spraguc rcsigncd as still director and tllltl couiiscl ot lhccominiltcc two wccksngo whcii it appeared the House would kill thc iii cstigit ion 11 hc icuniincd on lhcjob Spiuguc said tic bclicvcs thc coiiiiiiitlcc was crczitcd bcforc tlii Novcnibcr clcct ions to gct votes from black pcoplc who want the lac is on the King assassination with the idch that it wouldcnd after that Ilc said he bclicvcs nitcr should appoint special prosccutor with an indcpcndcnt staff King assassinations that would report only after the two iii vcsi igai ions wcrc coiiiplct cd Qt TlIS 53 Spraguc tplolctl memo of the Iatc FBI director Edgar Hoover as saying some FBI agcnls doubt that Lee Oswald was the man whose conversations with pcoplc at the Soviet and uban embassies in Mexico ily wcic recorded by the IA bcfoic Kennedys assassination Spiaguc said thc memo stated that FBI ngcnts who knew Oswalds voice and listened to thc TIA recordings said The voice was not Oswalds dead ine is injcctctl undcr the skin of thc forearm with lziigc nccdle It has been tested Slit ccssfully in monkeys and govcrnmcnt apr liOWll will now be sought for tcsliiig in humans in lupin said Atheists convention lllAlO tRcutcri About 230 non bclicvcrs gathered here during ldaslcr for national athcists convention to rcaffirni their lack of faith lhcy selected formcr Black Panther lcadcr Illdridgc lctiver as religious hypocritc of thc ycar designated Aperil 13 as national ithcisl holiday and denounced the federal government for subsidizing organiztxl religion Morin to France QUEBEC TI Quebec Intergovern mental Affairs Minister laudc Morin will pay an official visit to France April 2729 it was announctxl Monday The event will mark the first time that higlrranking Quebec government official has Visited France since the Nov 15 Quebec elcclioii Language support MONTREAL CP group of English speaking Quebecers has come out in support of thc Parti Quebecois white paper on language The Anglophone Committee for United Quebec formed month ago by about 25 teachers unionists and others described the PQ language policy Monday as on balance reasonable and fair document The princiidcs are just and the applica tion is in the great majority of cases quite generous the group said in statement Starts next month ELMVALE Staff Newlyappointed clerk of the township of Flos Mrs Maxine Berry of llorncpayne is to begin her new hit ics next month Mrs Rcrrv will succeed Hill Turner To trial Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was fined $1500 Monday and his wife Leah above was ordered to stand trial in connection with charges stemming from an Anieric an bank account The account was illegal under Israeli law and its disclosure evok ed Robins resignation as leader of Israel AP Photo who has bccn clerk for about ivc years and reviously served as deputy clerk ormcr resident of this area Mrs Berry has been scrving as deputy clerktreasurer for llorncpaync She was acting clerk for the village of Elmvale back in 195859 noon says Stan Bobbelte of the Barrie PUC curred about 430 at the Cundles Road substation the Barrie area but todays sunny skies are Xptétlttl to cloud over Wednesday bringing showers or th understorms Wednesday near 20 season starts Barrie firefighters have answered six calls in the last three days involving burnin leaves or rubbish says Chief Jac McAllister Its problem fire officials encounter every spring and fall he says and its practice he discourages try to discourage burning any leaves as much as possible at this time of year he said today But understand some people in subdivision have problem They cant take their leaves to dump and they cant take them to the lakeshore as fill he said and lot of subdivisions have quite number of trees Burning leaves is against municipal bylaw he says but it is bylaw most people dont know exist Passed in 1957 when Barrie was town and Willard Kinzie was mayor the bylaw divides the area into three fire zones In Zone the downtown core no one can burn any pile of leaves or rubbish Zone restricts burning to an incinerator and Zone restricts fires to 20 feet or more from any building and says fires must be attended by an adult Offenders are subject to $300 fine or less on summary conviction Both Chief McAllister and city clerk Ben Straughan werent sure whether the old municipal bylaw was still in effect or whether responsibility for such fires now comes under the Ontario Ministry of the Environment Andy Weir senior environmental officer for the ministry in Barrie says the municipal bylaw still operates although ministry of ficialshandle most complaints But environmental officers cant forbid fires he says The Environmental Protection Act doesnt actually speak to the burning of waste he said Weir says the ministry had the power to prevent fires about two years ago but the regulation giving it the power was dropped due to problems Then you had to have our permission to burn leaves and wed have thousands of calls asking for permits he said It got rather unwieldy Now the environmental officers can only put out fires after two warnings are given to those burning them If they are causing dense smoke or material damage to neighbors we send men gt out to soothe fire for themselves he said Weir says people are cooperative in put ting out fires once they are ap roached although he said officials called bac for se cond time can order the fire put out The bylaw exists to protect the downtown core of Barrie says Weir Its fire safety bylaw and its there to protect people living in high density areas he said Weir says environmental officials dont have much of problem with people and their fires Protection for consumers LONDON nt CP Consumers who fccl product has not lived up to expectations may soon be able to take complaints to court spokesman for the Ontario ministry of com munity and social services said Monday Ralph Lewis counsel for the ministry told service club that the proposed Consumer Products tarranty Act would require manufacturers and vendors to be responsibile for wanantics on all consumer products valued at more than Wrigley dies at 82 CHICAGO AP Philip Wrigley chewing gum magnate and owner of the hicago ubs baseball team died today at thcagc of 82 Wrigley was stricken at his Lake Geneva Wis home Monday night and died this mor ning at Lakcland Hospital in Elkhom Wis Slttitl ii spokesman for the William Wrigley Power failure Residents in the Ferris Lane Cundles Road and Tall Trees area went without power for about one hour Monday after Bobbcttc said today the power failure oc Buried inside car LOS ANGELES Reuter Adead Texas inillionairess has won the right to be buried in San Antonio graveyard inside her Fer rari Probate Judge Franklin Dana agreed Monday to the strange provison in the will of Sandra West 37 saying The average person has right to dispose of his or her re mains as he or she sees fit if it does not violatelhelaw He called the instruction unusual but not illegal Mrs West who lived the last few years of tier life in Los Angeles left her $285million estate jewelry and mining stocks to her brotherinlaw Sol West 38 of Comfort lex provided he saw to it that she was buried in her 1964 Ferrari and lace nightgown wedding gifts from her late hus band weather Continued warm weather is predicted for Low tonight will be around high

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