town country Sidewalk ploWing cutback attempt beaten by council move by Aid Janice Laking to cut back on sidewalk Slowlilowmg as costcutting measure was defeated by Single yote Monday at city council Aid Laking supported an administrative recommendation which was turneddowr earlier this month by general committee while she was ab sent The recommendation called for plowing sidewalks only on arterial and connector roads in areas of high pedestrian traffic where required for safety and on residential streets where they serve as interconnections to residential streets Voting to retain the current policy of plowing all sidewalks except in the central business area were Mayor Ross Archer and aldermen Fred Ruemper Bill Campbell Ross Stephens Del Cole Nelson Garrett and Alex Arthur Sup porting cutback were aldermen Laking Ed Thompson Ron Lynch Bill Knowles Ernie Rotman and Gord Mills Board chairman says goodbye The Royal Victoria Hospital board said goodbye to two departing members Monday Chairman Jack Forster on the board eight years and DaVid Kaye trustee for six years are not seeking new terms of office leave with no regrets said Forster whom trustee Harry Kelley praised for his leadership during difficult days of pursestring tighten ing Hes leaving us with solid wellestablished board Kelley said JACK FORSTER leaving board Open meeting move still alive proposal to open city councils general committee meetings to the public is still alive following decision by City council to reconsider committee recommendation to keep the meetings closed The issue will go back to general committee for further discussion prior to decision move to open the meetings failed at general committee meeting earlier this month on tie vote with three aldermen absent Council voted 94 Monday to reconsider with aldermen Del Cole Ernie Rotman Bill Campbell and Ed Thompson in op position All council members sit on general committee and most council debate takes place there with committee recommendations usually winning routine approval with little debate at public council meetings Named after Helen Shanahan The Chronic unit at Royal Victoria Hospital has been named the Helen Shanahan Ward in honor of the former RVH director of nursing superintendent and administrator Three receive service pins Receiving 15year service pins at this weeks meeting of the Royal Victoria Hospital board were nursing service technical aide Mrs Eileen Casey nursing supervisor Pat Cole and food supervisor Ruth Hickling Grade 13 student weeks mayor Pat Bolechowsky 17 Grade 13 student at Barrie entral Collegiate is Barries new student mayor of the week She is first vicepresidcnt of students council and is active in spor ts music and other school activities Block Parent meeting at school Constable Gary Logan of the Barrie Police Force will bring the word about the block parent program being in troduced in the city to parents of students at Maple irovc School Thursday from 730 to 830 pm New officers to be chosen The Simcoe County chapter of the Canadian Dressage Owners and Riders Association will meet Monday at pm to choose 1977 officers New members are welcome and con tinuing members should come prepared to pay their dues The meeting is to be held at the Shanty Bay home of Donna Baxter for directions call her at 4872809 IAT illllttilS SCOTTIIASKINS New Examiner reporters Two graduates of the Georgian ollcgc Journalism progranr have joined lhc Examiner as fulltime rcportcrs lat Gucrgis lives in Angus with her husband Davc builder ariil four children Kartn David Tony and Kelly Born in Iicton nt shc moved to Basc Bordcn and attcndcd Banting Memorial hiin school in Alliston and Prince Edward ol lcgiatc in licton Mrs iucrgis will be covering county ncws for The Examiner Ilaskitis l9 and single was born in wcn Sound and Iivcil iii Lions Ilcad small community on the Bruce Icninsula for It ycars before moving to Tara just outside wcn Sound Ilaskins will be covering sports for The Examiner Examiner Photos There is no cure FOR ARTHRITIS or RHEUMATISM but we can help Send for Free Booklet Dominion Therapy Products Co Box 2451 Downsview Ontario Mentalist keeps em in stitches The Incredible Mike Mandel had them in stitches at icorgian ollcgc Monday but hes not comedian Mandel left is incntalist He invited about 20 students tip from the audience to the stage and procccdcd to put tlicin throuin various paccs aftcr conditioning them to respond subconsciously to his dircctivcs Maurccn allahan and Marc linault top photo and their companions on stage did his bidding aiiil laughed uproariously when Mandel 23 snappcd his fingers Manch pcrfornicd many effects as he calls thcm during the free lunchtime pirforinancc spon sorcd by tlic Georgian students council Examiner Photos the oxamlnor ruooday March 29 1077 An operating deficit of $260601 is foreseen at Royal Vic toria Hospital for the 15month period ending March 31 1978 The RVH board Monday approved the hospitals 197778 budget It outlines expenSes of $141 million and revenue of $139 million Salaries and wages account for $106 million of the ex penses Ministry of health funding provides the bulk of the revenue $126 million The bulk of revenue $126 million is to be provided by the ministry of health Administrator Cameron explained that the budget is for 15 months in order to comply with ministry directive that hospitals be on the same fiscal year as the provincial government by March 31 1978 Chairman of the board Jack Forster said the deficit budget provided for the worst situation He noted that the hospital had budgeted for deficit of $298205 in 1976 but through restraint and strict control of finances had actually ended up with surplus of $64685 If we do have deficit at midyear well probably out services he said Forster added that the hospital was living well within its guidelines after the first few months of 1977 Gross operating expense in 1976 was about $103 million Salaries accounted for $78 million Finance committee chairman Harry Kelley said the new budget will be closely monitored with major review to take place after six months The budget now goes to the ministry for approval RVH okayémï¬gr CAMERON complies Bayfield development Dear Ann Dear Ann Landcrs never thought would ever write to you but today feel must lhcsituation is this The other lay my publisher asked me to writc an article on how our readers rated our col umnists in survey we cori ducted about month ago We asked our rcadcrs to tcll us which columnists special features and rcgular cori tributors thcy likcrl Our readers responded well to thc survey and wc lcll it they could take the timc to air swcr tlic questions wi could take the lrmc to tcll them what the survm told us Well Ann you are our nurn her one columnist Hill of thc Itflii pcoplc who ariswcrcd 2116 read your column So tigriri the best way to tcll cvcryonc about our sirrvcy is to tcll you lhcn pcoplc ill rcad rt lcoplc like our idrtorial pagc lmllcrs to Illl cdilor editorials and iditorial carr llilllh came sccoiid third and fourth with ilil 3m and 39o respcctrvcly But after survcyrng llic ills and good lllllllL of our county JllWllHt and country rcadcrs arc concirncd about llicir Breakin seen by motorist Ihc Keyboard on Dunlop Slrcct West was llic scinr of break and cnlcr cally this iiror ning says Sgt Frank Light of tlic iarricrily police Sgt Light says passing motorist alcrlcd police rrcar am today allcr scerng an 0111 takcn from the store llc says police havc no fur ther details at the rnomcnt onstablc Kcn Drcvcr is in vestigating llFIIIt llllltilll LONDON itli job ad vcrtrscmcnl from lhc Evening Standard said Drivers For glass dclivcrics 179 $12640 week can be carried with no journcys our Best Side Beautify your home with weatherproof gluiminum siding ORKSIMCOE Ont Painswick Call 72620I7 if busy 7286892 Residential and Commercial Fencing Specializing in custom fence systems neighbors and their licalllr Our daily people arid places column has 256 readers What Dr llioslcson has to say about cvrrything from licr nias to liangnails is rcad always or occasionally by 233 of tlic Iltlii rcadcrs IKS IIIIIII Bcii Wicks whimsical looks at news around thc world arc brief but wcllrrcad So is our brief look to the past Down Memory Lane lhcy wcrc read by 243 and 243 people respectively Mcinbcrs of larliamcnl and incrnbcrs ol the lcgislalrrrc who write irgular columns for our papcr wcrc lumped into onc grorip lit thc itlll rcspori lciils Ziili pcoplc rcad tliosi Hi all our local columnists lcan IiilllllS iarrlcri Notes tlltV llic largcsl rcadir ship Bill Next arc tlircc syndicated columns Slllililll ryour horoscoer Erma liombcck Ka liglitliiarlid look at lillllll llllr and lollys lointcrs column ofliorisrlrold llllllS lion llllcarns analysis of liappcniiigs at Queens lark was llic lirglicst read of tlic lhoiirson Ncws Scrvicc coluin us Zillioliitltlriadliiscoliiinn Youre number in survey results Canadas Story as told by Bob Bowman drcw readership of 19 HF rcadcrs llllll turned their thoughts to thc morc concrctc and rated Home of thc Weck the next best read feature Then they turned outward again and said iii of titlii rcad loliii llarlirons The World Today look at forcigii at fairs lur city editor Scan Finlay who compiles weekly slate of iiotcs and conriircnls ralcd highest of ncwsroorn coliirn nists liiic llll lllll aird cighly 1tspinitll11ls at his column Ill IIIIlSIIll lll lhcn our rcadcrs lurncd back to our lhoinson columr nists Stcwart McLeod our newest columnist and Vincent Egan our liliSllHSS and coir surncrallairsarialyst Book rcvicws placcd 21st Then there arc llircc local columns in row Bill tlirrans county sports Richard Dunslans It Says llcic and Brian Bakcrs in dcptli tialuris on rural Sirncoc lounly llltlll ly tcalrirc riinc criiiircd Flashback is bcing read by NE of the 35m rcadcrs THE ATHENA ELECTRONIC MACHINE Select your stitch Touch button And sew Eleo tronrcollyt Now sewing is easier than you ever dreamed possible Just touch button to switch your stitch Because every stitch you could want IS built into Athenas computerized memory bank Our exclusive builtin Flip Sew 2way sewing surtace lets you go from flat to free dim sewing instantly See the amazing Athena POOOthe machine that creoted whole new era in sewing Regularly 894095complete with carrying case REMEMBER Brand new Singer ZIGZAG sewing machines start as low as GEORGIAN MALL BARRIE 7287960 carrying case or cabinet extra Sports editor Randy Mao Donalds Sports Cornera thricewwkly column on local sports happenings attracted 141 readers from among the 398 rcspondants The Bible Thought and week ly sermon had 136 and 135 readers resixctivcly Muriel Lccpers music rcvicws tied with Ed llarpcrs Sports thcl lrayn or liarlanc Examiner wirc editor who recently decided to dctail few of his past cxr pcrrcnccs is drawing 128 rcadcrs Daily crossword puzzles provide entertainment for 126 who completed the survey ircenwurxl finished next in line laul Dclcans record reviews very new column has alrcady atlraclcd ovcr 10o rcadcrs Bobby rrs hockey tips do not appcal to lot of people and ncithcr docs bridge They arc the poorest read of all our columns So Ann thats what the rcadcrs said They likc you much better than Bobby lrr Slrcila Mcliovcrn lIxaniirichtaff ltcporlcr before planning board longstanding proposal for commercial development on the east sideof Bayfield Street south of Cundles Road will come before Barrie planning board again tonight when the board sists down to its 730 pm meeting Also on the agenda is discussion of the problems created for Travelways Ltd by city zoning restrictions on bus terminals The commercial develop ment proposed by Benmore Construction was approved by the board last year after lengthy discussions but was turned down by city council The proposal involves rezoning to allow milk store on thc 35lilosquarofoot pro perty lhc lravclways problem riscs bccausc the firms provin cial licence for its Orillia BarrieToronto service re quires Barrie terminal within half mile of Highway 400 but no land within that distance is zoned to permit terminals The firm has been using rented Bayfield Street property as terminal in violation of the bylaw and staff recommenda tions that the violation be ig nored by the city have twice been turned down by city coun cil Travelways cannot apply for rezoning because it does not own the property and would be reluctant to do so in any case because its newlygranted licence for the OrilliaBarrie Toronto run is under review by the Ontario Highway Transport Board in connection with allow ing private firms like Tra velways and Greyhound t0 Stroud curling club gets new TV antenna BAltllAY lhc Stioiid urling liib Wcrlncsday night got pcrmission from lnnisfil Township to piil up television anlcnna at the Stroudrlnnislrl ltccrcatiori lcnl re The tower will be built on the north wall of llic rccrcalion ccntrc and must be painch the samc color as the wall Nonc of thc councillors knew what color lhc wall is The club must also agrcc to maintain thc towcr and will be rcsponsrblc for any damages ltStlll rug from the installation lirb mcrnbcrs Allan Martin and William licllions icrpicslcd permission to build the tower last week compete on routes served by the publiclyowned Gray Coach Among other items on tonights agenda is proposal by developer Jack Stollar to put 1storey apartment building on the north side of Edgehill Drive FOR BETTER PRINTING SEE JOHN COCKBURN lIMITED 66 MORROW ROAD BARRIE 728282l Printers Since I960 All than home THGN 227 ON FABULOUS SINGER ELECTRONIC SEWING MACHINE THE DIANA ELECTRONIC MACHINE Enjoy sewing ease at the touch of button With Diono another Singer electronrc wonder machine Single Pushbutton Pattern Selection lets you Choose any stitch just by touching button No cams no discs to add or replace Drona does it all Simply eosrly lts convertible too For flat bed or tree arm sewrng The electronic Didno Regularly $049 05 complete wrth carrying case ONLY SINGER MAKES ELECTRONICS SINGER rivvllii iriitrws iiiirt lltlllli rpiiliiiri Apiimvmt ltriliirs iottt terms rmirlritilc Illllltll irkriliirigriir illirll Alli tlrr criiriy tII illlilililriil ALM